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文献信息的最佳控制——兼论文摘学 被引量:1
作者 王国荣 《社会科学》 1986年第4期62-64,共3页
科学家早已注意到自然界的生态平衡,其实,人们改造自然、改造社会和改造人身的智力成果,也有类似的“生态平衡”问题。人们在宣告近二十年科技成就远远超过人类以往漫长历史科技成果总和时,面临着被称作“知识爆炸”、“情报雪崩”的困... 科学家早已注意到自然界的生态平衡,其实,人们改造自然、改造社会和改造人身的智力成果,也有类似的“生态平衡”问题。人们在宣告近二十年科技成就远远超过人类以往漫长历史科技成果总和时,面临着被称作“知识爆炸”、“情报雪崩”的困扰。人们有限的接受信息的能力,正受似乎是无限膨胀的、愈加混乱的信息流的挑战。 展开更多
关键词 文摘结构 文献信息量 文献主题 文摘工作 文献情报 文摘学 最佳模式 科技成果 知识爆炸 接受信息
作者 何怡 陆平舟 《大学图书馆通讯》 1986年第5期63-63,共1页
在图书馆学教育中,加强对文摘学的研究,总结以往文摘工作的得失,探索系统而有条理的文摘学理论,将有助于图书情报部门直接向读者提供文摘形式的信息情报,发展我国的信息产业.随着信息产业的发展,出版社、书店、图书馆等各个信息部门必... 在图书馆学教育中,加强对文摘学的研究,总结以往文摘工作的得失,探索系统而有条理的文摘学理论,将有助于图书情报部门直接向读者提供文摘形式的信息情报,发展我国的信息产业.随着信息产业的发展,出版社、书店、图书馆等各个信息部门必将形成国內的信息处理系统.图书馆学教育培养的人才,还应该有一定的编审能力.不仅具有识别信息价值,进行信息开发,自觉协调社会经济、科技研究的需求与出版计划的关系,还能承担编辑工作,从事以二次文献为主的信息生产. 展开更多
关键词 图书馆教育 文摘学 信息产业 文摘工作 信息处理系统 信息开发 培养的 理论 图书情报部门 信息情报
作者 方玲 《上海师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1985年第1期134-141,共8页
一文摘始于何时?作为对原始文献的一种加工形式,有人说可追溯到孔子整理六经,为《诗》《书》作序。我不同意此说。何谓文摘?人们普遍接受的定义是:对原始文献所做的简略、准确的摘要,是在原文基础上加工浓缩而成的二次文献。而《诗》《... 一文摘始于何时?作为对原始文献的一种加工形式,有人说可追溯到孔子整理六经,为《诗》《书》作序。我不同意此说。何谓文摘?人们普遍接受的定义是:对原始文献所做的简略、准确的摘要,是在原文基础上加工浓缩而成的二次文献。而《诗》《书》二序,“ 展开更多
关键词 文摘工作 文摘学 原始文献 文摘刊物 二次文献 情报信息 文摘杂志 社会科 高校教师 新技术革命
作者 官国雄 《新闻界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2000年第3期33-34,共2页
关键词 综合文摘 报纸 文摘学研究
作者 王钜春 《青海师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 1993年第1期94-97,共4页
不论承认与否,我们已进入了信息的时代。全世界的各种文献量大得惊人,并以惊人的速度继续增长。有关统计数字表明,近年全世界出版的各种文献年均达1.2亿件(册)以上,平均每天达30多万件。在我国,目前仅公开发行的报纸就有500多种,期刊3,... 不论承认与否,我们已进入了信息的时代。全世界的各种文献量大得惊人,并以惊人的速度继续增长。有关统计数字表明,近年全世界出版的各种文献年均达1.2亿件(册)以上,平均每天达30多万件。在我国,目前仅公开发行的报纸就有500多种,期刊3,000多种,每年出版的有书达70,000多种。称当今世界是“文献爆炸”一点儿也不过分。面对铺天盖地的文献、汹涌而至的强大信息流,文摘成为现代人用有限的时间和精力去吸收、消化尽量多的文献信息的有效方式之一。 展开更多
关键词 文摘 写作要求 社会科 文献 科技文摘 文摘学 文摘 篇幅 报道性文摘 论题
浅淡文摘报编辑的素质 被引量:1
作者 甘茂因 《新闻界》 CSSCI 北大核心 1995年第5期39-40,共2页
浅淡文摘报编辑的素质甘茂因目前颇受青睐的文摘类报纸,是在改革开放大潮中发展起来的。1980年,《报刊文摘》、《文摘周报》相继在上海和四川正式创刊。之后,全国各类文摘报纸如雨后春笋般地出现,短短十几年,已发展到数十家。... 浅淡文摘报编辑的素质甘茂因目前颇受青睐的文摘类报纸,是在改革开放大潮中发展起来的。1980年,《报刊文摘》、《文摘周报》相继在上海和四川正式创刊。之后,全国各类文摘报纸如雨后春笋般地出现,短短十几年,已发展到数十家。现在,几乎所有中央及省、市的机关报... 展开更多
关键词 文摘 文献信息 知识面 编辑的素质 新事物 伪科 文摘学 编辑意识 社会科 文摘类报纸
作者 王钜春 《南昌大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 1993年第3期87-92,共6页
当原始文献多得令人无法读完的时候,出现了文摘。当文摘也多得令人难以读完的时候,应该有一种比文摘更为精萃、信息密度更大、更能节约人们时间精力的新的文献摘要形式。这就是在文摘的基础上再压缩,使之达到原始文献的1/100,甚至更少,... 当原始文献多得令人无法读完的时候,出现了文摘。当文摘也多得令人难以读完的时候,应该有一种比文摘更为精萃、信息密度更大、更能节约人们时间精力的新的文献摘要形式。这就是在文摘的基础上再压缩,使之达到原始文献的1/100,甚至更少,我们将这种新型文献摘要形式姑且称之为“扼要文摘”。这里,笔者先对它产生的必然性和涵义及特点等作出探讨。 展开更多
关键词 文摘学 原始文献 一次文献 信息密度 文献信息 普及性 信息量 技术 信息时代 信息利用率
简论马尔库塞关于当代西方社会革命力量的观点 被引量:2
作者 柏元海 《暨南学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第5期24-28,共5页
马尔库塞通过对西方发达工业社会的工人阶级、青年学生、知识分子和一些亚阶级的分析,认为工人阶级由于被资本主义社会同化不再是当代资本主义社会革命的主力,而把革命的希望寄托在青年学生、知识分子和一些亚阶级身上。马尔库塞对当代... 马尔库塞通过对西方发达工业社会的工人阶级、青年学生、知识分子和一些亚阶级的分析,认为工人阶级由于被资本主义社会同化不再是当代资本主义社会革命的主力,而把革命的希望寄托在青年学生、知识分子和一些亚阶级身上。马尔库塞对当代资本主义社会的矛盾和革命力量的分析有失于偏颇和片面,但他的观点在一定程度上反映了发达工业社会革命的现实境况,有助于我们对现代社会革命的全面和深入认识。 展开更多
关键词 革命力量 工人阶级 青年 同化 亚阶级
Multi-scaled simulation of latticed frames considering bending collapse of pipes 被引量:7
作者 刘海锋 LOU Rong +1 位作者 LUO Yao-zhi DANG Hui-xue 《Journal of Chongqing University》 CAS 2012年第4期167-176,共10页
To consider the bending collapse of the pipes in the latticed frames, based on the multi-scale simulation, the collapsed parts of the pipe are meshed by the shell elements as micro-scaled models, and the other parts a... To consider the bending collapse of the pipes in the latticed frames, based on the multi-scale simulation, the collapsed parts of the pipe are meshed by the shell elements as micro-scaled models, and the other parts are meshed by beam elements macro-models. The incremental displacement constraint equations for the nodes on the section between the two models are established based on the plane section premise of classical beam theory. The method to introduce the constraint equations is derived based on the Updated Largrangian method. The location of the micro-model is predicted by the stress field of the beam element, and the length of the collapsed part is adjusted by the plastic energy in the micro model. Several examples are included to illustrate the efficiency and accuracy of this method. 展开更多
关键词 multi-scaled simulation latticed frames bending collapse plane section premise
Immune response after photodynamic therapy increases anti-cancer and anti-bacterial effects 被引量:16
作者 Eleonora Reginato Peter Wolf Michael R Hamblin 《World Journal of Immunology》 2014年第1期1-11,共11页
Photodynamic therapy(PDT) is a clinically approved procedure for treatment of cancer and infections. PDT involves systemic or topical administration of a photosensitizer(PS), followed by irradiation of the diseased ar... Photodynamic therapy(PDT) is a clinically approved procedure for treatment of cancer and infections. PDT involves systemic or topical administration of a photosensitizer(PS), followed by irradiation of the diseased area with light of a wavelength corresponding to an absorbance band of the PS. In the presence of oxygen, a photochemical reaction is initiated, leading to the generation of reactive oxygen species and cell death. Besides causing direct cytotoxic effects on illuminated tumor cells, PDT is known to cause damage to the tumor vasculature and induce the release of pro-inflammatory molecules. Pre-clinical and clinical studies have demonstrated that PDT is capable of affecting both the innate and adaptive arms of the immune system. Immune stimulatory properties of PDT may increase its beneficial effects giving the therapy wider potential to become more extensively used in clinical practice. Be-sides stimulating tumor-specific cytotoxic T-cells capable to destroy distant untreated tumor cells, PDT leads to development of anti-tumor memory immunity that can potentially prevent the recurrence of cancer. The immunological effects of PDT make the therapy more effective also when used for treatment of bacterial infections, due to an augmented infiltration of neutrophils into the infected regions that seems to potentiate the outcome of the treatment. 展开更多
关键词 Photodynamic therapy Anti-tumor immunity T-cell activation Damage-associated molecular patterns Inflammatory cells
Vestibular evoked myogenic potential 被引量:2
作者 Toshihisa Murofushi 《World Journal of Otorhinolaryngology》 2014年第2期6-11,共6页
Vestibular evoked myogenic potential (VEMP), is an electromyographic response of vestibular origin evoked by sound, vibration or electrical stimulation. VEMP is widely used as a clinical test of the otolith organs. ... Vestibular evoked myogenic potential (VEMP), is an electromyographic response of vestibular origin evoked by sound, vibration or electrical stimulation. VEMP is widely used as a clinical test of the otolith organs. Now-adays, two kinds of VEMP, cervical VEMP (cVEMP) and ocular VEMP (oVEMP) are clinically used. cVEMP is a test of sacculo-collic refex while oVEMP is a test of utri-culo-ocular refex. Absence of responses, large interau-ral asymmetry of amplitudes, prolonged peak latencies, and abnormal thresholds of responses are regarded as abnormal responses. Clinical application to various diseases of the vestibular system was performed. Using VEMP, a new type of vestibular neuritis, inferior ves-tibular neuritis was established. A prominent feature of VEMP in Meniere’s disease is a shift of a preferred fre-quency in cVEMP. The whole aspects of VEMP fndings in patients with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo are not clarifed yet. Sensitivity of cVEMP to vestibular schwannoma was 80.0%, while specifcity was 52.7%. Concerning diagnosis of superior canal dehiscence syn-drome (SCDS), oVEMP to air-conducted sound is the most helpful. Augmentation of oVEMP responses is a prominent feature in SCDS. I also presented “idiopathic otolithic vertigo”, which I proposed as a new clinical en-tity based on VEMP fndings. Some patients complained of lateral tilting sensation in the roll plane, or tilting or translational sensation in the pitch plane without rota-tory vertigo. Majority of patients with these symptoms had absent or decreased responses of oVEMP and/or cVEMP. I proposed that these patients could be diag-nosed as having “idiopathic otolithic vertigo”. 展开更多
关键词 Vestibular evoked myogenic potential Oto-lith SACCULE UTRICLE Otolithic vertigo
Role of myeloid-derived suppressor cells in autoimmune disease 被引量:10
作者 Kristen R Crook Peng Liu 《World Journal of Immunology》 2014年第1期26-33,共8页
Myeloid-derived suppressor cells(MDSCs) represent an important class of immunoregulatory cells that can be activated to suppress T cell functions. These MDSCs can inhibit T cell functions through cell surface interact... Myeloid-derived suppressor cells(MDSCs) represent an important class of immunoregulatory cells that can be activated to suppress T cell functions. These MDSCs can inhibit T cell functions through cell surface interactions and the release of soluble mediators. MDSCs accumulate in the inflamed tissues and lymphoid organs of patients with autoimmune diseases. Much of our knowledge of MDSC function has come from studies involving cancer models, however many recent studies have helped to characterize MDSC involvement in autoimmune diseases. MDSCs are a heterogeneous group of immature myeloid cells with a number of different functions for the suppression of T cell responses. However, we have yet to fully understand their contributions to the development and regulation of autoimmune diseases. A number of studies have described beneficial functions of MDSCs during autoimmune diseases, and thus there appears to be a potential role for MDSCs in the treatment of these diseases. Nevertheless, many questions remain as to the activation, differentiation, and inhibitory functions of MDSCs. This review aims to summarize our current knowledge of MDSC subsets and suppressive functions in tissue-specific autoimmune disorders. We also describe the potential of MDSC-basedcell therapy for the treatment of autoimmune diseases and note some of hurdles facing the implementation of this therapy. 展开更多
关键词 Myeloid-derived suppressor cells Autoimmune disease AUTOIMMUNITY T cells Chronic inflammation Immune regulation
Noise-induced hearing loss in the 21^(st) century: A research and translational update 被引量:2
作者 Ann Chi Yan Wong Kristina E Froud Yves Shang-Yi Hsieh 《World Journal of Otorhinolaryngology》 2013年第3期58-70,共13页
Millions of people worldwide are exposed to harmful levels of noise daily in their work and leisure environment. This makes noise-induced hearing loss(NIHL) a major occupational health risk globally. NIHL is the secon... Millions of people worldwide are exposed to harmful levels of noise daily in their work and leisure environment. This makes noise-induced hearing loss(NIHL) a major occupational health risk globally. NIHL is the second most common form of acquired hearing loss after agerelated hearing loss and is itself a major contributing factor to presbycusis. Temporary threshold shifts, once thought to be relatively harmless and recoverable, are now known to cause permanent cochlear injury leading to permanent loss of hearing sensitivity. This article reviews the current understanding of the cellular and molecular pathophysiology of NIHL with latest findings from animal models. Therapeutic approaches to protect against or to mitigate NIHL are discussed based on their proposed action against these known mechanisms of cochlear injury. Successes in identifying genes that predispose individuals to NIHL by candidate gene association studies are discussed with matched gene knockout animal models. This links to exciting developments in experimental gene therapy to replace and regenerate lost hair cells and post-noise otoprotective therapies currently being investigated in clinical trials. The aim is to provide new insights into current and projected future strategies to manage NIHL; bench to bedside treatment is foreseeable in the next 5 to 10 years. 展开更多
关键词 Noise-induced hearing loss Otoprotective strategies Genetic susceptibility COCHLEA ANTIOXIDANTS
Extended pectoralis major myocutaneous flap in head and neck reconstruction 被引量:1
作者 Muthuswamy Dhiwakar GI Nambi 《World Journal of Otorhinolaryngology》 2013年第3期108-113,共6页
Although the pectoralis major myocutaneous flap is often used in head and neck reconstruction, the extension of the skin paddle beyond the inferior limits of the muscle has not been well described. We aim to clarify t... Although the pectoralis major myocutaneous flap is often used in head and neck reconstruction, the extension of the skin paddle beyond the inferior limits of the muscle has not been well described. We aim to clarify the design and application of this extended flap in head and neck reconstruction. In this retrospective study, consecutive cases of extended pectoralis major myocutaneous flap reconstruction of post-ablative head and neck defects at a single tertiary referral center were included for analysis. In 7 cases an extended pectoralis major flap was utilized, in which the skin paddle was extended beyond the inferior border of the pectoralis major to include the rectus sheath. Skin and soft tissue as well as composite defects of the oral cavity, parotid/temporal region and neck were reconstructed. All flaps healed satisfactorily with no loss of skin viability. The extended pectoralis major myocutaneous flap is robust and has versatile applications for reconstruction of large, high and three dimensionally complex defects in the head and neck region. 展开更多
关键词 Head and neck cancer Surgical flaps Pedi-cle flap Pectoralis major Extended flap
Noise-induced cochlear inflammation 被引量:1
作者 Winston JT Tan Peter R Thorne Srdjan M Vlajkovic 《World Journal of Otorhinolaryngology》 2013年第3期89-99,共11页
Hearing loss is the most common sensory disability with considerable social and economic implications. According to recent World Health Organization estimates,360 million people worldwide suffer from moderate to profo... Hearing loss is the most common sensory disability with considerable social and economic implications. According to recent World Health Organization estimates,360 million people worldwide suffer from moderate to profound hearing loss. Exposure to excessive noise is one of the major causes of sensorineural hearing loss,secondary only to age-related hearing loss(presbyacusis). Since cochlear tissues have limited abilities of repair and regeneration, this damage can be irreversible, leading to cochlear dysfunction and permanent hearing loss. Recent studies have shown that cochlear inflammation can be induced by noise exposure and contribute to the overall pathogenesis of cochlear injury and hearing loss. The cochlea is separated from the systemic circulation by the blood-labyrinth barrier,which is physiologically similar to the blood-brain barrier of the central nervous system. Because of this feature, the cochlea was originally considered an immunologically privileged organ. However, this postulate has been challenged by the evidence of an inflammatory response in the cochlea in the presence of bacterial or viral pathogens or antigens that can cause labyrinthitis. Although the main purpose of the inflammatory reaction is to protect against invading pathogens, the inflammatory response can also cause significant bystander injury to the delicate structures of the cochlea. The cochlear inflammatory response is characterised by the generation of proinflammatory mediators(cytokines, chemokines and adhesion molecules), and the recruitment of inflammatory cells(leukocytes). Here, we present an overview of the current research on cochlear inflammation, with particular emphasis on noise-induced cochlear inflammation. We also discuss treatment strategies aimed at the suppression of inflammation, which may potentially lead to mitigation of hearing loss. 展开更多
Apoptotic signaling through reactive oxygen species in cancer cells 被引量:2
作者 Daejin Kim Ga Bin Park Dae Young Hur 《World Journal of Immunology》 2014年第3期158-173,共16页
Reactive oxygen species(ROS) take part in diverse biological processes like cell growth,programmed cell death,cell senescence,and maintenance of the transformed state through regulation of signal transduction. Cancer ... Reactive oxygen species(ROS) take part in diverse biological processes like cell growth,programmed cell death,cell senescence,and maintenance of the transformed state through regulation of signal transduction. Cancer cells adapt to new higher ROS circumstance. Sometimes,ROS induce cancer cell proliferation. Meanwhile,elevated ROS render cancer cells vulnerable to oxidative stress-induced cell death. However,this prominent character of cancer cells allows acquiring a resistance to oxidative stress conditions relative to normal cells. Activated signaling pathways that increase the level of intracellular ROS in cancer cells not only render up-regulation of several genes involved in cellular proliferation and evasion of apoptosis but also cause cancer cells and cancer stem cells to develop a high metabolic rate. In over the past several decades,many studies have indicated that ROS play a critical role as the secondary messenger of tumorigenesis and metastasis in cancer from both in vitro and in vivo. Here we summarize the role of ROS and anti-oxidants in contributing to or preventing cancer. In addition,we review the activated signaling pathways that make cancer cells susceptible to death. 展开更多
关键词 Oxidative stress Reactive oxygen species CARCINOGENESIS Apoptosis Signal transduction Antioxi-dants
Eotaxin-2 blockade ameliorates experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis 被引量:1
作者 Karin Mausner-Fainberg Arnon Karni +2 位作者 Jacob George Michal Entin-Meer Arnon Afek 《World Journal of Immunology》 2013年第1期7-14,共8页
AIM: To study the effect of blocking the eo-2 pathwaon the development and severity of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). METHODS: We produced mAb directed against eo-2named D8. MOG35-55 induced-EAE ... AIM: To study the effect of blocking the eo-2 pathwaon the development and severity of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). METHODS: We produced mAb directed against eo-2named D8. MOG35-55 induced-EAE mice were dailintravenously injected with either 25 μg or 100 μg D8or with vehicle control alone [phosphate-buffered saline(PBS)], starting from day 0 post immunization and weremonitored for EAE clinical score (n = 10 in each group)Mice were sacrifced on day 58 and their sera were assessed for the presence of anti-myelin oligodendrocyteglycoprotein (anti-MOG) antibodies autoantibodies, awell as for the profle of pro-infammatory cytokines andchemokines. Histological analysis of brain sections waperformed by hematoxylin and eosin staining.RESULTS: Daily treatment of EAE induced mice with D8 signifcantly decreased the severity of EAE symp-toms. Treatment with both concentrations of D8 ame-liorated EAE symptoms compared to PBS treated mice, starting from day 42 post immunization (0.89 ± 0.35 in D8 25 μg and D8 100 μg treated groups vs 2.11 ± 0.38 in the PBS treated group, P = 0.03). A signifcant im-provement in EAE clinical score compared to total IgG treated mice was observed with the higher concentra-tion of D8 (0.81 ± 0.38 in D8 100 μg treated group vs 2.11 ± 0.31 in IgG1 treated group, on day 56 post immunization, P = 0.04). D8 treated mice with EAE did not signifcantly exhibit lower sera levels of anti-MOG autoantibodies compared to IgG-treated mice. How-ever, they expressed lower sera levels of the pro-in-fammatory cytokines: tumor necrosis factor (7.8 ± 0.2 pg/mL in D8 100 μg treated mice vs 19.9 ± 3.4 pg/mL in IgG treated mice, P = 0.005) and interferon-gamma (1.4 ± 0.6 pg/mL in D8 100 μg treated mice vs 3.6 ± 0.4 pg/mL in IgG treated mice, P = 0.02), as well as reduced levels of the chemokine macrophage che-moattractant protein-1 (27.2 ± 3.1 pg/mL in D8 100 μg treated mice vs 63.7 ± 12.3 pg/mL in IgG treated mice, P = 0.03). These fndings indicate that blocking the eo-2 pathway in EAE may affect not only eosino-phil infltration into the central nervous system (CNS), but also have an effect on monocytes and T cells, but not humoral, mediated responses. Histological analysis of the brains of D8 treated mice with EAE support that this treatment decreases immune cells infltrates in the CNS.CONCLUSION: Taken together, these fndings suggest a role for eo-2 in EAE pathogenesis and consequen-tially may support a therapeutic potential of anti-eo-2 neutralizing mAb in multiple sclerosis. 展开更多
关键词 Multiple sclerosis Experimental autoim-mune encephalomyelitis Eotaxin-2 Neutralizing mono-Mausner-Fainberg K et al . Eotaxin-2 blockade ameliorates EAE
How to Write English Titles, Abstract and Key Words for Folklore Papers: Practice and Analysis
作者 马建忠 马伟 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2006年第6期68-71,75,共5页
Folklore research entails field trips, serve as secondary role. Writing of title, abstract and while textual study and circumstantial investigation merely keywords for folklore papers differs from that of other types ... Folklore research entails field trips, serve as secondary role. Writing of title, abstract and while textual study and circumstantial investigation merely keywords for folklore papers differs from that of other types of articles. Proceeding from writing strategies and linguistic features, the authors intend to share their experience with fellow researchers. 展开更多
关键词 folklore research papers titles ABSTRACTS key words writing strategies linguistic features
Chitosan DNA nanoparticles for oral gene delivery
作者 Bhavika J Patel Nithin K Vignesh Gonzalo Hortelano 《World Journal of Medical Genetics》 2016年第3期22-33,共12页
Gene therapy is a promising technology with potential applications in the treatment of medical conditions, both congenital and acquired. Despite its label as breakthrough technology for the 21st century, the simple co... Gene therapy is a promising technology with potential applications in the treatment of medical conditions, both congenital and acquired. Despite its label as breakthrough technology for the 21st century, the simple concept of gene therapy - the introduction of a functional copy of desired genes in affected individuals - is proving to be more challenging than expected. Oral gene delivery has shown intriguing results and warrants further exploration. In particular, oral administration of chitosan DNA nano-particles, one the most commonly used formulations of therapeutic DNA, has repeatedly demonstrated successful in vitro and in vivo gene transfection. While oral gene therapy has shown immense promise as treatment options in a variety of diseases, there are still signifcant barriers to overcome before it can be considered for clinical applications. In this review we provide an over-view of the physiologic challenges facing the use of chitosan DNA nanoparticles for oral gene delivery at both the extracellular and intracellular level. From administration at the oral cavity, chitosan nanoparticles must traverse the gastrointestinal tract and protect its DNA contents from signifcant jumps in pH levels, various intestinal digestive enzymes, thick mucus layers with high turnover, and a proteinaceous glycocalyx meshwork. Once these extracellular barriers are overcome, chitosan DNA nanoparticles must enter intestinal cells, escape endolysosomes, and disassociate from genetic material at the appropriate time allowing transport of genetic material into the nucleus to deliver a therapeutic ef-fect. The properties of chitosan nanoparticles and modified nanoparticles are discussed in this review. An understanding of the barriers to oral gene delivery and how to overcome them would be invaluable for future gene therapy development. 展开更多
关键词 Gene therapy Oral gene delivery Chitosan nanoparticles GLYCOCALYX pH ENZYMES Endolysosomal escape Intracellular transport Nuclear transport MUCUS
Adenosine amine congener ameliorates cisplatin-induced hearing loss
作者 Niliksha Gunewardene Cindy X Guo +2 位作者 Ann CY Wong Peter R Thorne Srdjan M Vlajkovic 《World Journal of Otorhinolaryngology》 2013年第3期100-107,共8页
AIM: To investigate a novel pharmacological intervention to mitigate cisplatin ototoxicity using a selective adenosine A1 receptor agonist adenosine amine congener(ADAC).METHODS: Male Wistar rats(8-10 wk) were exposed... AIM: To investigate a novel pharmacological intervention to mitigate cisplatin ototoxicity using a selective adenosine A1 receptor agonist adenosine amine congener(ADAC).METHODS: Male Wistar rats(8-10 wk) were exposed to a two-cycle cisplatin treatment similar to clinical course of cancer chemotherapy. Each cycle comprised 4 d of intraperitoneal cisplatin injections(1 mg/kg twice daily) separated by 10 d of rest. ADAC(100 μg/kg) or drug vehicle solution(control) was administered intraperitoneally for 5 d at 24 h intervals during the second cisplatin cycle(Regime 1), or upon completion of the cisplatin treatment(Regime 2). Hearing thresholds were measured using auditory brainstem responses(ABR) before cisplatin administration(baseline) and 7 d after the end of cisplatin treatment. Histological analysis of cochlear tissues included hair cell counting and qualitative assessment of apoptosis using terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase mediated d UTP nick end labelling(TUNEL) staining.RESULTS: ABR threshold shifts in cisplatin-treated Wistar rats ranged from 5-29 d B across the frequency range used in the study(4-24 k Hz). Higher frequencies(16-24 k Hz) were mostly affected by cisplatin ototoxicity(mean threshold shift 25-29 d B). ADAC treatment during the second cisplatin cycle reduced cisplatininduced threshold shifts by 12-16 d B(P < 0.01) at higher frequencies compared to control vehicle-treated rats. However, the treatment was ineffective if ADAC administration was delayed until after the completion of the cisplatin regime. Functional recovery was supported by increased survival of hair cells in the cochlea. Qualitative analysis using TUNEL staining demonstrated reduced apoptosis of the outer hair cells and marginal cells in the stria vascularis in animals treated with ADAC during the second cisplatin cycle.CONCLUSION: A1 adenosine receptor agonist ADAC mitigates cisplatin-induced cochlear injury and hearing loss, however its potential interference with antineoplastic effects of cisplatin needs to be established. 展开更多
关键词 CISPLATIN Cochlea OTOTOXICITY Hearing loss Adenosine receptors Adenosine amine congener Otoprotection
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