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新文科背景下外语专业“文文”融合模式的内涵、学理、路径与向度 被引量:5
作者 许明武 聂炜 《山东外语教学》 北大核心 2023年第2期7-16,共10页
伴随2019年全面推进“新文科”建设元年的开启,中国外语教育进入了立足新时代背景的质量建设发展阶段。近来,围绕“新文科”建设,外语界献计献策,探索出愈渐清晰的多元化路径。其中,以人文社会科学学科内部交叉与融合,实现传统文科自我... 伴随2019年全面推进“新文科”建设元年的开启,中国外语教育进入了立足新时代背景的质量建设发展阶段。近来,围绕“新文科”建设,外语界献计献策,探索出愈渐清晰的多元化路径。其中,以人文社会科学学科内部交叉与融合,实现传统文科自我革新、创新发展、内涵提升的“文文”融合受到关注。本研究立足“新文科”建设目标,顺应国家发展战略与市场需求,予外语专业“文文”融合模式以具体内涵及学理的阐释,藉由对其现阶段发展路径的观测,展望未来可拓展向度,以期对“新文科”建设的外语应答提供借鉴与参考。 展开更多
关键词 新文科 外语专业 文文融合 路径 向度
作者 刘书 《青年记者》 2004年第8期17-20,共4页
关键词 《中国企业家》 杂志 总编辑 文文 人性 商业
“文文相生”:“内互文性”与“外互文性”——一个比较诗学研究 被引量:5
作者 李卫华 《思想与文化》 CSSCI 2017年第1期62-83,共22页
'文文相生'是我国明末清初著名小说戏曲评点家金圣叹提出的理论范畴。以当代西方的'互文性'理论为参照,'文文相生'作为中国古典小说戏曲的文本组织形式,可以从'内互文性'和'外互文性'两方面来... '文文相生'是我国明末清初著名小说戏曲评点家金圣叹提出的理论范畴。以当代西方的'互文性'理论为参照,'文文相生'作为中国古典小说戏曲的文本组织形式,可以从'内互文性'和'外互文性'两方面来加以考察。就'内互文性'而言,'文文相生'呈现为'那辗'与'照应'两种基本形式;就'外互文性'而言,'文文相生'与八股文的程式作法、古典诗词的对偶体式、史蕴诗心的史传文传统以及阴阳对立互补的文化观念,都有着深层的关联。 展开更多
关键词 文文相生 金圣叹 互文性
作者 朱金发 朱汉若 《南都学坛(南阳师范学院人文社会科学学报)》 2024年第4期48-58,共11页
“文”字是先秦儒家理论中的“文”“文学”“文章”等概念的理论核心。殷商甲骨文中以“文”作为美称来赞美先王,西周初年沿袭“文”字的这种用法,并以有礼为“文”,以有“文”为德,大力提倡明德精神,提出“文德”概念。春秋时期,以个... “文”字是先秦儒家理论中的“文”“文学”“文章”等概念的理论核心。殷商甲骨文中以“文”作为美称来赞美先王,西周初年沿袭“文”字的这种用法,并以有礼为“文”,以有“文”为德,大力提倡明德精神,提出“文德”概念。春秋时期,以个人道德操守、个人品行、文化素养与言辞文采为“文”,同时认为《诗》《书》等典籍的学习可以培养这种品性,“文”概念的礼仪与文化的思想观念有了分化趋势,《论语》中提出的“文学”概念是礼的范畴,是孔子授徒课业的主要内容,《论语》中多以“文”指代这种课业中《诗》《书》等典籍学习,以“礼”字指礼仪学习,“文”概念理论内涵分化趋势更明显。战国时代,“礼文”与艺文被区分开来,以“文章”指礼,以“文学”指学子课业的《诗经》《尚书》等典籍,“文学”概念就逐渐脱离了礼学的理论阈限,特别是《荀子》一书中,“文学”直接与《诗》《书》经典相关联,为后代文艺理论的文学概念的提出,开创了理论源头。 展开更多
关键词 先秦儒家 文采 文德 文学
作者 周延松 都湘怡 《现代语文》 2024年第6期90-95,共6页
中文和中医同属于中国文化,也存在显著的专业差异。在国际中文教育的背景下考察中医文化教学,既需要遵循国际中文教育的一般规律,还应考虑中医学的专业属性。国际中文教学中的中医文化具有不同的主题类别和呈现方式。依据《国际中文教... 中文和中医同属于中国文化,也存在显著的专业差异。在国际中文教育的背景下考察中医文化教学,既需要遵循国际中文教育的一般规律,还应考虑中医学的专业属性。国际中文教学中的中医文化具有不同的主题类别和呈现方式。依据《国际中文教育用中国文化和国情教学参考框架》,同时参照非物质文化遗产的类别划分,从中医的专业性和文化的层级性两个向度,对中医文化的知识内容与元素作出合适的定位,并且提出中医文化教学体系的构想。 展开更多
关键词 中医文化 教学体系 《国际中文教育用中国文化和国情教学参考框架》 国际中文教育
A Cognitive Study on Politeness Intention Processing and Its Association with Pragmatic Failure in Cross-Cultural Communication
作者 Rong YAN Tengfei FENG Samad ZARE 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2024年第3期481-497,525,共18页
Although a large number of studies have focused on various aspects of politeness,very little is known about how politeness intention is activated cognitively during verbal communication.The present study aims to explo... Although a large number of studies have focused on various aspects of politeness,very little is known about how politeness intention is activated cognitively during verbal communication.The present study aims to explore the cognitive mechanism of politeness intention processing,and how it is related to pragmatic failure during cross-cultural communication.Using 30 Chinese EFL university students who were instructed to finish a probe word judgment task with 96 virtual scenarios,the results indicate that within both mono-and cross-cultural contexts,the response time in the experimental scenarios was significantly slower than that of the filler scenarios.This suggests that politeness intention was activated while understanding the surface meaning of the conversation;however,the EFL learners could not completely avoid the negative transfer of their native politeness conventions when they were comprehending the conversational intention of the target language.Furthermore,no significant differences in response time were found between the groups with high and low English pragmatic competence,illustrating that transferring the pragmatic rules and principles into cross-cultural communication skills was more cognitively demanding.Overall,this study adds to the literature on politeness research and provides some implications for foreign language pragmatic instructions. 展开更多
关键词 politeness intention cognitive processing pragmatic failure cross-cultural pragmatics cross-cultural communication
中国科幻文学的海外传播——以《三体》在英语世界的译介与接受为例 被引量:1
作者 宋菁 徐惟诚 《语言与文化论坛》 2023年第2期117-126,共10页
刘慈欣的科幻小说《三体》的英译本使他获得了在英语世界的文学声望。本文围绕译介过程、译本形态和海外接受情况剖析异质文化语境中的由刘宇昆翻译的《三体》英译本,探索中国科幻文学如何在新的文化空间被认识与解读。赞助人与译者的... 刘慈欣的科幻小说《三体》的英译本使他获得了在英语世界的文学声望。本文围绕译介过程、译本形态和海外接受情况剖析异质文化语境中的由刘宇昆翻译的《三体》英译本,探索中国科幻文学如何在新的文化空间被认识与解读。赞助人与译者的多方合力是促成《三体》海外传播的重要基石;具有鲜明异国特色的“他者”译本是引导海外读者欣赏中国文学审美的有效翻译策略;馆藏数据、媒体关注及读者评价是探讨中国科幻文学的海外影响力和评判海外读者接受程度的重要指标,这3个层面的分析为中国当代文学的对外译介与海外传播提供了新的启示。 展开更多
关键词 中国科幻文学 英语世界 译介 接受 《三体》
疏文的接受美学:矩矱森然,攒花簇锦——再论中国文学东传的中介“日本临济僧” 被引量:2
作者 石观海 孙旸 《长江学术》 2007年第4期61-73,共13页
日本临济僧留下了许多汉语文章。这些汉语文章除却浸透着浓重禅意的法语之外,有些类型则淡化了禅门的色彩,强化了世俗的情调,从而具备了比较鲜明的文学韵味。其中的疏、榜、启札等,作为"禅四六文"在东瀛的流布,显示了特殊散... 日本临济僧留下了许多汉语文章。这些汉语文章除却浸透着浓重禅意的法语之外,有些类型则淡化了禅门的色彩,强化了世俗的情调,从而具备了比较鲜明的文学韵味。其中的疏、榜、启札等,作为"禅四六文"在东瀛的流布,显示了特殊散文类型——骈体文的醒目特征.显然,疏文是具有中日文化双重色彩的一种特殊的文类。研究疏文的发生机制和文本美质,不仅可以更好地理解中国文学对于日本文学的触媒作用,而且有助于我们更好地把握日本文学的特殊美质。 展开更多
关键词 日本文学 文文 发生机制 比较研究
作者 肖存昕 陈晓强 《汉字汉语研究》 2023年第4期52-63,127,共13页
“孳乳”是章太炎词源学的重要术语。《笔记》用“孳乳”系联的同源词共37组,其中与《文始》完全对应的有15组,部分对应的有12组,不对应的有6组,未见于《文始》的有4组。《文始》“于”族用“孳乳”系联的同源词共35组,其中与《笔记》... “孳乳”是章太炎词源学的重要术语。《笔记》用“孳乳”系联的同源词共37组,其中与《文始》完全对应的有15组,部分对应的有12组,不对应的有6组,未见于《文始》的有4组。《文始》“于”族用“孳乳”系联的同源词共35组,其中与《笔记》论述对应的有8组,未见于《笔记》的有27组。比较《笔记》《文始》中的“孳乳”,可以对“孳乳”的性质有深入认识,加深对《文始》及章太炎词源学思想的理解。 展开更多
关键词 章太炎《说文解字》授课笔记 文始 孳乳
Phylogenetic Relationships of the Genus Meretrix (Mollusca: Veneridae) Based on Mitochondrial COI Gene Sequences 被引量:35
作者 陈爱辉 李朝霞 封功能 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第3期233-239,共7页
Fifteen sequences from the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene (COI) were determined for 4 species of the genus Meretrix, with the homologous sequences ofM. petechialis obtained from the GenBank data l... Fifteen sequences from the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene (COI) were determined for 4 species of the genus Meretrix, with the homologous sequences ofM. petechialis obtained from the GenBank data library The alignment length of the sequences was 574bp after excluding ambiguous sites, including 93 parsimony informative sites. In the fragments, the percentages of A, T, C and G were 21.15%, 44.71%, 14.05% and 20.09% respectively. There were 12 haplotypes identified: 4 M. meretrix, 2 M. IamarckiL 3 M. lusoria, 1 M. lyrata and 2 M. petechialis. Furthermore, it was revealed that M.. meretrix, M. petechialis and M. lusoria shared some haplotypes. Phylogeny trees were reconstructed by Maximum-parsimony (MP) and Bayesian method using Qylina sinensis as the outgroup. Our results indicated that M. lusoria, M. petechialis and M. meretrix are closely related species. This is in accordance with the viewpoint that M. petechialis and M. lusoria should be treated as a junior synonym of M. meretrix. 展开更多
关键词 MERETRIX M. meretrix COI gene PHYLOGENY
Influence of Diversity of Prototypical Ethnic Culture in Diversity of Glutinous Rice in Southeast of Guizhou 被引量:12
作者 雷启义 白宏锋 +1 位作者 张文华 周江菊 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2009年第5期184-188,共5页
There were quite abundant prototypical ethnic cultures and plant diversity in Qiandongnan ( Southeast of Guizhou) ,where the primitive natural ecology was also perfectly conserved. It was honored by World Native Cul... There were quite abundant prototypical ethnic cultures and plant diversity in Qiandongnan ( Southeast of Guizhou) ,where the primitive natural ecology was also perfectly conserved. It was honored by World Native Culture Fund as One of the Eighteen Ecological and Cultural Conservations in the World. The prototypical ethnic culture of Southeast of Guizhou, as a stable life-style and economic culture type of the local people, came into being in the process of the local minorities' communicating, blending and struggling against the natural environment in the long course of history. It could be seen from this research that there were our preliminary research that there are quite abundant resources in Southeast of Guizhou in terms of prototypical ethnic cultures and genetic diversity of glutinous rice. A full reflection of the culture of Glutinous Rice could be seen in the local minority people's daily life, production, custom, religious belief, etc. These showed that the formation and great vitality of the genetic diversity of glutinous rice was not only determined by the diversity of local prototypical ethnic cultures but also to its own biotic condition and its adaptation to natural ecology. It was showed that prototypical ethnic cultures had positive impact on the conservation and utilization of Glutinous Rice diversity. 展开更多
关键词 Southeast of Guizhou Original culture Culture diversity Glutinous rice Genetic diversity
Chromosome Preparation and Preliminary Observation of Two Amphioxus Species in Xiamen 被引量:5
作者 张秋金 李光 +1 位作者 孙毅 王义权 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第2期131-136,共6页
Amphioxus has an important evolutionary position as a result of their phylogenetic position relative to vertebrates. Understanding their chromosomes would provide key points in the study of evolutionary biology and co... Amphioxus has an important evolutionary position as a result of their phylogenetic position relative to vertebrates. Understanding their chromosomes would provide key points in the study of evolutionary biology and comparative genomics. The difficulty in preparing amphioxus chromosomes currently provides a significant hurdle in this research. In the current study, we describe an improved method for metaphase preparation from amphioxus embryos and methodology for preparing metaphase spreads from regenerative somatic cells. Chromosomes of two amphioxus species from Xiamen waters in China are also observed. The diploid chromosome number was found to be 40 in Branchiostoma belcheri, while B. japonicum has 36, confirming the two are distinct species from cytotaxonomic viewpoint. 展开更多
关键词 Amphioxus (lancelet) Branchiostoma belcheri B. japonicum CHROMOSOME Regenerative cell
真德秀文学思想论 被引量:5
作者 夏静 《北方论丛》 北大核心 2007年第2期28-31,共4页
关键词 文道 文气 文统
The Spirit of Craftsmanship and Industrial Civilization 被引量:18
作者 李海舰 徐韧 李然 《China Economist》 2016年第4期68-83,共16页
The spirit of craftsmanship applies to every trade. In the context of opportunities arising from the new industrial revolution and China's transition towards high-end manufacturing, Premier Li Keqiang put forward the... The spirit of craftsmanship applies to every trade. In the context of opportunities arising from the new industrial revolution and China's transition towards high-end manufacturing, Premier Li Keqiang put forward the concept of the spirit of craftsmanship. This paper reckons that the spirit of craftsmanship can be defined from six dimensions including dedication, standard, precision, innovation, perfection and human care. In fact, the spirit of craftsmanship abounds in China, as illustrated by the examples of Tongrentang and Haier. In comparing the three manufacturing powers of Germany, Japan and the United States, this paper reveals the differences in the connotations of the spirit of craftsmanship across these countries. According to specific national conditions and development stage, China must achieve structural re-engineering of corporate organizations at the level of firms, products, divisions and modules. In a nutshell, the spirit of craftsmanship is a core component of corporate and industrial civilization and it holds an important historic position in industrial and social civilization. 展开更多
关键词 spirit of craftsmanship industrial civilization social civilization supply-sidestructural reforms
“被发文身”正义 被引量:9
作者 汪少华 《古汉语研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2002年第2期81-82,共2页
关键词 “被发文身” 成语 汉语 词义 词典
On Six Common Strategies of Advertisement Translation 被引量:4
作者 张秀清 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第1期73-78,共6页
Advertisement is a kind of comprehensive art. Translators of advertisements are expected to have a good command of both English and Chinese so as to Obtain wonderful, accurate, vivid, concise, distinct and appealing a... Advertisement is a kind of comprehensive art. Translators of advertisements are expected to have a good command of both English and Chinese so as to Obtain wonderful, accurate, vivid, concise, distinct and appealing advertisements. This paper probes into six common strategies of advertisement translation for the detail study. 展开更多
关键词 advertisement translation STRATEGIES original text translated text TRANSLATOR
Substantive Characteristics of Water and Soil Conservation and Ecological Civilization Construction in China 被引量:5
作者 蔡艳蓉 冯兴平 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第6期1251-1258,共8页
Water and soil conservation is an important part of eco-civilization con-struction. It is a major part of eco-construction and lifeline of social and economy development. Therefore, water and soil conservation is of g... Water and soil conservation is an important part of eco-civilization con-struction. It is a major part of eco-construction and lifeline of social and economy development. Therefore, water and soil conservation is of great significance in maintaining eco-safety. The research concluded status quo and characters of water and soil losses in China and analyzed water and soil conservation and construction of eco-civilization from the perspectives of water and soil conservation and con-struction of eco-civilization. 展开更多
关键词 Water and soil losses Water and soil conservation Ecological civiliza-tion Ecological civilization construction
汉语“语法”的源流 被引量:3
作者 姜望琪 《华文教学与研究》 CSSCI 2010年第3期64-70,共7页
本文讨论汉语的"语法"概念及术语的起源和流变。从中国的语言研究史看,中国传统的"语法"概念是广义的。它不等于单纯的"词法"加"句法",还包括"章法"和"篇法"。汉语"... 本文讨论汉语的"语法"概念及术语的起源和流变。从中国的语言研究史看,中国传统的"语法"概念是广义的。它不等于单纯的"词法"加"句法",还包括"章法"和"篇法"。汉语"语法"概念的狭义化是受西方影响的结果。 展开更多
关键词 语法 文典 文法 章法
Research on Geographical Indications and Cultural Heritage of Famous Tea in Hubei 被引量:1
作者 孙志国 黄莉敏 +2 位作者 熊晚珍 王树婷 钟学斌 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第3期502-506,536,共6页
In the study, analysis was made on present situation and development measures of geographical indications and cultural heritage protection of famous teas in Hubei Province. In addition, 8 related suggestions were prop... In the study, analysis was made on present situation and development measures of geographical indications and cultural heritage protection of famous teas in Hubei Province. In addition, 8 related suggestions were proposed as well. 展开更多
关键词 TEA Geographical indication Cultural heritage Tangible cultural heritage Intangible cultural heritage Hubei Province
《说文古文考》、《说文古文疏证》与《说文中之古文考》之比较 被引量:1
作者 吴慧 《励耘语言学刊》 CSSCI 2015年第2期136-148,共13页
胡小石《说文古文考》、舒连景《说文古文疏证》和商承祚《说文中之古文考》是20世纪三四十年代全面研究《说文》古文的代表性著作。三书均利用当时所能见到的古文字资料研究《说文》古文,但在古文的判定、数量、体例、内容、考证方法... 胡小石《说文古文考》、舒连景《说文古文疏证》和商承祚《说文中之古文考》是20世纪三四十年代全面研究《说文》古文的代表性著作。三书均利用当时所能见到的古文字资料研究《说文》古文,但在古文的判定、数量、体例、内容、考证方法等方面各有不同。 展开更多
关键词 《说文古文考》 《说文古文疏证》 《说文中之古文考》 比较
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