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作者 张坤吉 《现代教育科学(中学教师)》 2015年第5期124-124,共1页
校园里书声琅琅是我们的自豪和骄傲,试问没有琅琅书声的阅读课,我们的语文课还会是真正意义上的语文课了吗?事实证明,当今的语文课鸦雀无声,安静异常。频繁的课件演示、资料交流、不适当的合作学习代替了学生读书,朗读成了新"鸡肋&... 校园里书声琅琅是我们的自豪和骄傲,试问没有琅琅书声的阅读课,我们的语文课还会是真正意义上的语文课了吗?事实证明,当今的语文课鸦雀无声,安静异常。频繁的课件演示、资料交流、不适当的合作学习代替了学生读书,朗读成了新"鸡肋",学生不愿意读课文的现象日趋严重。由此可见,朗读在语言教学中的严重缺失。因此,我们语文教师要重视朗读训练,使语文课堂不再"鸦雀无声",而是"朗朗书声",加强课文朗教学,让学生在读中感悟,在感悟中理解。 展开更多
关键词 初中语文 朗读教学 文朗 书声琅琅 语言教学 资料交流 课件演示 中获 朗读水平 朗读技巧
作者 钱娟娣 俞学桂 《江西教育(管理版)(A)》 北大核心 1993年第9期34-34,共1页
《再见了,亲人》这篇抒情散文,写了第一批回国的志愿军战士在车站上同朝鲜人民话别的情景,着重写了朝鲜人民对志愿军的深厚感情,语言亲切,感情真挚强烈,读来十分感人。指导有感情朗读这一课,通过读来理解课文内容,体会文章的思想感情是... 《再见了,亲人》这篇抒情散文,写了第一批回国的志愿军战士在车站上同朝鲜人民话别的情景,着重写了朝鲜人民对志愿军的深厚感情,语言亲切,感情真挚强烈,读来十分感人。指导有感情朗读这一课,通过读来理解课文内容,体会文章的思想感情是本文教学的重要环节。教师指导学生表情朗读时应注意抓住四个要点: 一、把握课文内容,确立语气基调。 关键是把握典型事例,只有把典型事例理解透彻了,才能正确地抒发感情。如第一段要抓住大娘为志愿军送打糕而昏倒和救护伤员失去唯一的亲人的典型事例来抒发感情。第二段应抓住小金花为救志愿军侦察员老王而失去妈妈。第三段应抓住大嫂为志愿军挖野菜而失去双腿来抒发感情,这些是课文朗读语气的基础。 展开更多
关键词 朝鲜人民 文朗 课文内容 抒情散文 二段 反问句 小金 设问句 小妹妹 中朝
作者 程贵良 《江西教育(教学版)(B)》 2007年第1期33-33,共1页
《看雪》(义务教育六年制小学《语文》第三册)全文叙述了一位原籍北京的教师带着她的学生去看用棉花做成的雪景后孩子们的心理变化:由好奇、惊讶、渴望到惊喜。在教学中我以文中孩子们向教师提问的四个关键句子为训练点,指导学生朗读,... 《看雪》(义务教育六年制小学《语文》第三册)全文叙述了一位原籍北京的教师带着她的学生去看用棉花做成的雪景后孩子们的心理变化:由好奇、惊讶、渴望到惊喜。在教学中我以文中孩子们向教师提问的四个关键句子为训练点,指导学生朗读,引导学生在读中体察孩子们的心情。 展开更多
关键词 训练点 《语文》 文朗 二字 文中 语言情境 太远 人能 气不足 语言传达
作者 袁杰 《赤峰学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2006年第1期40-41,共2页
关键词 统一战线 政治文朗 三个代表
作者 孙德让 《菏泽学院学报》 1988年第4期14-16,共3页
教师是以传授知识技能、为社会培养人才为主要任务的脑力劳动者,他们在长期的教育实践活动中逐步形成了独特的职业道德--教师道德。自古以来,教师以“传道、授业、解惑”(韩愈《师说》)为职守,以“学而不厌”、“诲人不倦”(孔子《论语... 教师是以传授知识技能、为社会培养人才为主要任务的脑力劳动者,他们在长期的教育实践活动中逐步形成了独特的职业道德--教师道德。自古以来,教师以“传道、授业、解惑”(韩愈《师说》)为职守,以“学而不厌”、“诲人不倦”(孔子《论语》)为美德。社会主义的人民教师负有培养无产阶级接班人和建设社会主义精神文朗的神圣职责,因此,必须具有自己独特的行为准则和道德品质。 展开更多
关键词 道德修养 教师道德 道德品质 人民教师 传授知识技能 《师说》 教育实践 文朗 道德风貌 自我教育
作者 宇普 《语文建设》 1983年第3期23-,共1页
安徽师范大学广播站积极主动地开展推广普通话工作,为各系培训学生“推普”骨干。这个广播站,针对本校学生方言纷杂,乡语难懂的现状,主动提出开展“推普”工作,培训学生“推普”骨干的设想。这一设想得到了有关领导的支持。本学期开学以... 安徽师范大学广播站积极主动地开展推广普通话工作,为各系培训学生“推普”骨干。这个广播站,针对本校学生方言纷杂,乡语难懂的现状,主动提出开展“推普”工作,培训学生“推普”骨干的设想。这一设想得到了有关领导的支持。本学期开学以来,他们聘请了义务教师,利用两周的业余时间举办了第一期普通话培训班,为全校五个系培训了13名学生推普骨干。这期培训班,除开设“汉语语音基础知识”外,还结合实际需要开了“汉语口语表达”和“ 展开更多
关键词 推广普通话 安徽师范大学 汉语口语 汉语语音 文朗 乡语 全校师生员工 选播 师范院校
作者 耒阳市蔡子池“乐园教育”课题组 李小兰 《湖南教育(上旬)(A)》 1993年第10期21-21,共1页
[乐学点一]公鸡以外貌美自骄[乐教乐学方式建议]一、方式方法:猜谜识图,听读显意。二、实施时机:引入课文学习及猜读课文(旨在乐中训练观察和想象力)三、实施程序:(一)猜谜激趣:头戴红帽子,身穿红袍子;走路摆架子,唱歌伸脖子。(公鸡)(二... [乐学点一]公鸡以外貌美自骄[乐教乐学方式建议]一、方式方法:猜谜识图,听读显意。二、实施时机:引入课文学习及猜读课文(旨在乐中训练观察和想象力)三、实施程序:(一)猜谜激趣:头戴红帽子,身穿红袍子;走路摆架子,唱歌伸脖子。(公鸡)(二)看图猜文:1.引导学生看彩图①。 展开更多
关键词 乐学 戴红帽子 激趣 实施程序 文朗 二段 比用 三洲 翘尾 三人
作者 徐红梅 《小学教学研究(理论版)》 2016年第6期90-91,共2页
课堂上,教师对学生说":请带着痛苦的感情读,请带着内疚的感情读,请带着自豪的感情读,读得再激动些,读得再兴奋些。"虽然学生按照教师的要求去读书,但读得不尽如人意,其中一个主要原因是学生没有感情的酝酿。在朗读中没有任何... 课堂上,教师对学生说":请带着痛苦的感情读,请带着内疚的感情读,请带着自豪的感情读,读得再激动些,读得再兴奋些。"虽然学生按照教师的要求去读书,但读得不尽如人意,其中一个主要原因是学生没有感情的酝酿。在朗读中没有任何提示和铺垫等,学生自主走进教材,直接朗读教材,有人称之为"裸读"。"裸读"单调、机械、生硬。 展开更多
关键词 思乡之情 琵琶语 乐朗 就这样 形象感知 纳兰性德 复品 琵琶声 文朗 狼牙山五壮士
作者 吴晓星 《小学教学研究》 1991年第4期7-7,共1页
关键词 小白兔 思维训练 课文内容 直觉思维 在路上 童话故事 学文 创造思维 热爱劳动 文朗
作者 陈慕筠 《今日中国》 1992年第5期68-69,共2页
我是一九八六年七月到美國的,一直居住在西雅圖市,到現在已經五年多了。我的三個兒女都已成家,都有自己的事業。一九八五年四月,我從廣州一家中專學校退休,满可以安度晚年了。但來美國以後,却又不得不面對經濟、文化、個人婚姻等問題,... 我是一九八六年七月到美國的,一直居住在西雅圖市,到現在已經五年多了。我的三個兒女都已成家,都有自己的事業。一九八五年四月,我從廣州一家中專學校退休,满可以安度晚年了。但來美國以後,却又不得不面對經濟、文化、個人婚姻等問題,生活並不十分順利,使我嘗够了新移民的甜酸苦辣。在美國,六十五歲才是退休年齡。只有到了這個年齡,还必须在當地住滿三年,才能享受老人的各種福利待遇。 展开更多
关键词 福利待遇 一九 廣州 退休年龄 人社 大隆 乒乓球赛 文朗 带薪休假 涌口
作者 王邦道 《秘书之友》 1989年第5期11-12,共2页
在当前政治体制改革中,怎样以开拓精神,不断探索政协秘书处工作的新途径,以适应人民政协发挥“政治协商、民主监督”基本职能作用的需要,这是政协机关秘书处面临的一个急待解决的问题。政协的特殊地位决定了它的秘书工作的特殊性:它是... 在当前政治体制改革中,怎样以开拓精神,不断探索政协秘书处工作的新途径,以适应人民政协发挥“政治协商、民主监督”基本职能作用的需要,这是政协机关秘书处面临的一个急待解决的问题。政协的特殊地位决定了它的秘书工作的特殊性:它是党政四大班子之一,但不如其它党政主管局办那么有钱、有权;它要为充分发挥“政治协商、民主监督”职能作用提供条件,但“协商、监督”随意性都很大,实施工作计划难;它要发挥人才库作用。组织力量为两个文朗建设效劳,但没有人事权,有时化了力气,事倍功半。政协秘书长是选举产生,职位不低;政协秘书处应做的工作也不少,既是政协办事机构,又是领导层的参谋咨询机构。 展开更多
关键词 政治体制改革 政治协商 工作计划 文朗 秘书工作 主管局 咨询机构 自身建设 经济建设中心 统战方针
作者 谭本仲 《新湘评论》 2016年第5期16-17,共2页
石门县适应农村精神文明建设新常态,创新践行社会主义核心价值观新模式,广泛开展“格言治家”活动,不断深化乡风文化建设,取得了以“格言”正家风、以家风正乡风民风的新成效。因势利导,全面推广格言治家。石门县农村自古就有格言治家... 石门县适应农村精神文明建设新常态,创新践行社会主义核心价值观新模式,广泛开展“格言治家”活动,不断深化乡风文化建设,取得了以“格言”正家风、以家风正乡风民风的新成效。因势利导,全面推广格言治家。石门县农村自古就有格言治家的传统,许多通俗易懂的治家格言通过家谱流传、祖辈口授、族贤传唱,流传至今。县文明委尊重地方传统,顺应民心民意,总结基层经验,组织开展了“格言治家”活动。一是办点示范。县文明办在夹山镇办点,引导镇党委、政府组织开展“格言治家”活动,收集到上万条治家格言。 展开更多
关键词 夹山镇 精神文明建设 结婚典礼 基层经验 小善 理事会成员 合村 乡镇党委 文朗 理事会理事长
解决两地分居问题的好办法 被引量:1
作者 郭士珍 《中国劳动》 1980年第1期19-20,共2页
关键词 农副业生产 工农结合 文朗 渤海之滨 矿区建设 一九 城乡结合 九六 六六年 这一天
Modem Iranian Literature: The Historical and Present Development of the Short Story Genre
作者 Oydin Turdiyeva 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2016年第7期775-784,共10页
The following article is about the historical overview of the Persian literature and the emergence and development of the short story as a literary genre and its prominent role in the modem literature of Iran. It disc... The following article is about the historical overview of the Persian literature and the emergence and development of the short story as a literary genre and its prominent role in the modem literature of Iran. It discusses the origin of the short story in general and preconditions for the popularity of the new genre the Iranian literature of the 20th century, and also about the first successful collection of short stories that introduced it to the public. Also the development process of the short story and principle factors in every stage of its emergence as an independent genre of prose, as well as the thematic range are the main aspects among others to be analyzed in the article. It is historically documented that the Islamic state was established in 1979 after the fall of the Shah. And the very event had big impact not only on the social and political life of the country, but also on the cultural and literary life of the Iranians of the time. The significance of the revolution was such that it divided the literature to be known as the "pre-revolution" and "post-revolution" periods. Therefore this article is aimed to observe how this historic event had influenced the short story in particular and the distinct features of the works created during the two periods. The next period which stands out in the development of the short story is during the late 90s and the beginning of the 2000, where the genre experienced aesthetic innovations and experiments with new forms and styles. The distinct feature of the period is mainly in its topics it deals, among other the effects of the globalization and popular culture brought forth, isolated individual, urbanization, climate change and its destructive outcome and the social conflicts resulting from them. Such global issues caused the established writers to look out of their borders and open up to the concerns of the planet, and by doing so establishing new schools of thought and style among the writers of short story in modem Iranian literature. Finally the article will overview the role of the Iranian contemporary female short story writers, children's literature and the works of the immigrant Iranian authors that continue the traditions of the Persian literature outside Irma. 展开更多
关键词 the short story pre-revolution period post-revolution literature thematic range female writers immigrant authors subgenre "~z" modernism school children's literature
Validation of the Persian version of the Compassionate Care Assessment Tool
作者 Aliakbar Vaisi-Raygani Asghar Dalvandi +5 位作者 Kian Nourozi Abbas Ebadi Mahdi Rahgozar Rostam Jalali Nader Salari Alireza Abdi 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2021年第1期95-101,I0007,共8页
Objectives:The present study aimed to translate and determine the psychometric properties of the Persian version of the Compassionate Care Assessment Tool(CCAT)■.Methods:The study was carried out to translate and val... Objectives:The present study aimed to translate and determine the psychometric properties of the Persian version of the Compassionate Care Assessment Tool(CCAT)■.Methods:The study was carried out to translate and validate of the CCAT■.After securing permission from the designer of the tool and translating it,the psychometric properties were determined through examining face validity,construct validity,internal consistency,and test/retest reliability.With regard to construct validity,confirmatory factor analysis was used so that 300 patients in internal and surgery wards were selected by a simple random sampling method from three hospitals.Data were analyzed using SPSS(v.24.0)and LISREL statistical software version 8.8.Results:The results of the confirmatory factor analysis supported the validity and reliability of the Persian version of the CCAT■and its four factors.The reliability of the tool and internal consistency were confirmed through test/retest method with two weeks’interval.At the two areas of importance and provision of compassionate care,Cronbach’sαcoefficient equaled to 0.918 and 0.933 and intraclass consistency equaled to 0.848 and 0.907 respectively.Conclusion:The results showed that the Persian version of the CCAT©was adequately valid and reliable for Iranian patients.Given the acceptable psychometric parameters of the tool,using it in future studies to measure importance and provision of compassionate nursing care to Iranian patients at internal and surgery wards is recommended. 展开更多
关键词 Compassionate care Iran Nursing care PSYCHOMETRICS Statistical factor analysis
Exploring Criminology in Literary Texts: Robert Browning --An Example
作者 Afra Saleh Alshiban 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2012年第4期454-463,共10页
The association between literature and criminology is undeniable, and yet, for too long, those studying crime and literature respectively have failed to see the connection between the two, or dismissed it as being irr... The association between literature and criminology is undeniable, and yet, for too long, those studying crime and literature respectively have failed to see the connection between the two, or dismissed it as being irrelevant. This study explores literary pieces, which deal exclusively with murder in order to prove that the two disciplines literature and criminology, are intimately connected and essentially inseparable. Some literary pieces which deal with identifying the thought processes of murderers have been so insightful that crime experts applied them to certain high-profile cases. That so much violent crime is depicted in literature should stimulate further research into the links between criminology and literature. Robert Browning's “The Laboratory: Ancien Regime” (1844) is selected as a case study in order to demonstrate how criminological theories can successfully be applied to literary pieces. Browning's protagonist will prove to be a fictional manifestation of a female sadistic criminal as defined by psychiatrist/criminologist Paul De River in his criminology/sexology textbook for law enforcement personnel The Sexual Criminal(1949) . 展开更多
关键词 cross-disciplinary approach LITERATURE CRIMINOLOGY interchangeable CORRELATED DISCIPLINES fictional manifestation
Comparative Study on Mongolian Version of Alexander Romance and Folktales About Alexander in Persian Language
作者 Baohua Oyun-Chimeg 《Sociology Study》 2014年第12期993-1000,共8页
The origin of Mongolian version of Alexander Romance has long been a confused issue. Nicholas Poppe, Francis Cleaves, and T. Namjil wrote articles about this, and assumed the Mongolian version of Alexander Romance was... The origin of Mongolian version of Alexander Romance has long been a confused issue. Nicholas Poppe, Francis Cleaves, and T. Namjil wrote articles about this, and assumed the Mongolian version of Alexander Romance was translated from Central Asian countries, more likely, Persian or Arabic, did not come up with determinate conclusion, though. In this paper, the authors aim at: (1) comparing the Mongolian version of Alexander Romance with the folktales about Alexander the Great in Persian language, which two are supposed to be the nearest; (2) analyzing the story structure (quest for immortality-denying the desire; belief of living forever-the truth of one must die); and (3) explaining the background of Mongolian version of Alexander Romance, and as a result, arguing that the Mongolian version of Alexander Romance might not be a translated work; instead, it was edited and recreated in Buddhist thinking using the prevailing motif of Alexander's quest for immortality. 展开更多
Guilt, Love, and Forgiveness in David Hare's The Reader and Bernhard Schlink's Der Vorleser
作者 Naglaa Hassan Abou-Agag 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2014年第3期174-179,共6页
The paper proposes to investigate feelings of guilt, love, and forgiveness as Hare's The Reader (2009). It will focus on Hare's selection of detail in his they manifest themselves in David screenplay The Reader; a... The paper proposes to investigate feelings of guilt, love, and forgiveness as Hare's The Reader (2009). It will focus on Hare's selection of detail in his they manifest themselves in David screenplay The Reader; a dramatic adaptation of Bernhard Schlink's novel of 1995. This will involve comparing the novel to the dramatic text for the purpose of showing the movement from narrative to dramatic rendering. The paper aspires to reach the conclusion that Hare's screenplay, The Reader creates a world of signification where the interplay of guilt, love, and forgiveness shape the textual and stage space. Read in light of Shoshana Felman's The Juridical Unconscious (2002), the play investigates the traumatic history of Nazi Germany with scope for analysis of guilt and forgiveness and the possibility of atonement through love and literature. The focus of the paper will be on the ideological and formal structure of the play and its impact on meanings and interpretations. 展开更多
关键词 GUILT David Hare Shoshana Felman Nazi Germany juridical unconscious
Translation and Dan Brown's Novel The Lost Symbol
作者 Peter M. Daly 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2012年第4期483-489,共7页
The paper sets out to consider only Dan Brown's frequent English word games and etymologies in his last novel, asking in how far these can be translated into related and unrelated languages. Thus translation is the i... The paper sets out to consider only Dan Brown's frequent English word games and etymologies in his last novel, asking in how far these can be translated into related and unrelated languages. Thus translation is the issue here in so far as Brown makes certain ideas, conversations, even events, in the novel relying on English word play, which may not be translatable 展开更多
关键词 TRANSLATION English etymologies English word games Dan Brown
An Ecological Exploration of the Culture of English as an International Language Among Iranian English Language Teachers in Light of Vygotsky's Genotypic Approach 被引量:1
作者 Majid Elahi Shirvan Tahereh Taherian 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2015年第8期608-625,共18页
Language ecology is defined as the study of the interactions between any given language and its environment. It is primarily determined by the people who learn it, who use it, and more important than the previous ones... Language ecology is defined as the study of the interactions between any given language and its environment. It is primarily determined by the people who learn it, who use it, and more important than the previous ones by the people who transmit it to the others; that is, language teachers. English language is used as an additional language almost all over the world and an indispensable part of the ecology of this international language is culture. Thus, an ecological perspective demands a particular view of the practice of the culture of English language as situated and localized. Exploring such practice within the diverse contexts of the use of English language should be based on the genesis underpinning English language teachers' thoughts and practice. Therefore, the purpose of the present study was to explore Iranian English language teachers' attitudes, knowledge, and skills of teaching culture in light of Vygotsky's genotypic approach. To do so, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 35 English language teachers in Iran. Their records were analyzed and discussed in terms of four different and interrelated spans, namely phylogenetic, cultural-historic, ontogenetic, and microgenetic. Phylogenetic span focuses on the development of language teachers as natural species and their physical evolution. The cultural historic span concerns the development of language teachers based on social, cultural, and historic bases. Ontogenetic domain investigates the role of language teachers across their human life span. Microgenetic span is related to a set of roles, activities, and interpersonal relations experienced by the developing person in a given setting. The findings of the study have indicated that there is a sharp contrast between Iranian English language teachers' attitudes towards teaching culture and their practice in the classroom which is due to the divergence between the their ontogenetic development of culture teaching on one hand and the policies of the English language institutes develop within the cultural historic span on the other hand. 展开更多
关键词 English as an additional language language ecology ONTOGENY microgeny
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