Full-length novel Red Moon written by HU Xuewen of Hebei province tells people a story about truth and lies. On the structure of the novel, the arrangement is unique, and intertextuality is applied; unique perspective...Full-length novel Red Moon written by HU Xuewen of Hebei province tells people a story about truth and lies. On the structure of the novel, the arrangement is unique, and intertextuality is applied; unique perspective and voices are used in the narrative skills; Red Moon is not only fascinating in the plot and also sets people thinking deeply on the ideological contents, making readers think about some problems in depth.展开更多
文摘Full-length novel Red Moon written by HU Xuewen of Hebei province tells people a story about truth and lies. On the structure of the novel, the arrangement is unique, and intertextuality is applied; unique perspective and voices are used in the narrative skills; Red Moon is not only fascinating in the plot and also sets people thinking deeply on the ideological contents, making readers think about some problems in depth.