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3D建模在西藏文物遗产保护中的功用探析 被引量:3
作者 赵青 李欣亮 《遗产与保护研究》 2017年第2期100-102,共3页
关键词 3D建模 三维软件 西藏 文物遗产保护
虚拟现实技术在文物遗产保护和博物馆教育中的应用研究 被引量:6
作者 张彬 《计算机产品与流通》 2019年第4期185-185,共1页
随着社会科技技术的不断发展,虚拟现实技术成为当下的热门应用技术。我国是历史大国,在文化遗产方面有着丰富的积累。将文物保护教育工作和虚拟现实技术相结合是博物馆发展的重要方向。虚拟现实技术在文物的保护和历史教育方面能够发挥... 随着社会科技技术的不断发展,虚拟现实技术成为当下的热门应用技术。我国是历史大国,在文化遗产方面有着丰富的积累。将文物保护教育工作和虚拟现实技术相结合是博物馆发展的重要方向。虚拟现实技术在文物的保护和历史教育方面能够发挥巨大的价值和作用,本文将会对虚拟现实在博物馆中的应用现状进行分析研究,以期促进我国文物遗产保护教育的发展。 展开更多
关键词 虚拟现实技术 文物遗产保护 博物馆教育 应用研究
浅析中学生文物遗产保护意识缺失的原因——以陕南地区为例 被引量:1
作者 乔丹 《新智慧》 2019年第23期102-103,共2页
文物遗产是人类历史的实物见证,是增强民族凝聚力、自信心、自豪感的重要素材。文物遗产具有唯一性、不可再生性。保护文物遗产不仅是全社会的共同责任。更是中学生的责任,中学生作为国家和民族继承者,是文物遗产保护的中流砥柱。中学... 文物遗产是人类历史的实物见证,是增强民族凝聚力、自信心、自豪感的重要素材。文物遗产具有唯一性、不可再生性。保护文物遗产不仅是全社会的共同责任。更是中学生的责任,中学生作为国家和民族继承者,是文物遗产保护的中流砥柱。中学生的文物保护意识体现着对中国传统文化的认同,以及对中华民族的自豪和骄傲。但是,近年来中学生文物遗产保护意识淡薄,破坏文物古迹的实例屡见不鲜。因此,笔者以陕南地区为例,通过问卷调查的方式,对中学生文物遗产保护意识缺失的原因出分析。 展开更多
关键词 文物遗产保护 意识缺失 中学生
新媒体技术在文化遗产保护的应用研究 被引量:1
作者 张帆 《艺术科技》 2015年第11期94-,共1页
我国文化遗产蕴含着中华民族特有的民族智慧,对文化遗产传承的保护使得我们的传统文化得以延续。如今各种新媒体交互方式伴随着科技的发展不断涌现,其中增强虚拟现实技术的应用在很多领域中并且起到了重要的作用,且其作为新媒体技术中... 我国文化遗产蕴含着中华民族特有的民族智慧,对文化遗产传承的保护使得我们的传统文化得以延续。如今各种新媒体交互方式伴随着科技的发展不断涌现,其中增强虚拟现实技术的应用在很多领域中并且起到了重要的作用,且其作为新媒体技术中的一种在文化遗产保护中也带来了新鲜的血液。本文结合实例,阐述了新媒体技术手段对文化遗产保护的优势,利用新媒体技术的力量,可以极大地拓展和加强文博展馆文物的展览展示范围,并具有更好地传播力与影响力,为我国的文化遗产保护事业扩大影响力。 展开更多
关键词 文物遗产保护 新媒体技术 增强虚拟现实
单霁翔:文化遗产保护要讲好故事 被引量:1
作者 单霁翔 陈琳 《中国民族博览》 2021年第20期33-36,共4页
“北京中轴线是世界古城里最长的一条中轴线,但它的特色不在于长短,也不在于历史悠久,而是最丰富多彩、文化最具多样性的一条轴线。”9月26日,在孔庙和国子监博物馆彝伦堂,一场围绕北京中轴线历史文化与文物遗产保护的名家讲座面向全网... “北京中轴线是世界古城里最长的一条中轴线,但它的特色不在于长短,也不在于历史悠久,而是最丰富多彩、文化最具多样性的一条轴线。”9月26日,在孔庙和国子监博物馆彝伦堂,一场围绕北京中轴线历史文化与文物遗产保护的名家讲座面向全网观众实时直播。 展开更多
关键词 北京中轴线 文物遗产保护 文化遗产保护 国子监 孔庙 博物馆 彝伦堂 讲好故事
法国古建筑保护概况 被引量:8
作者 赵琳 《古建园林技术》 2002年第1期57-57,38,共2页
关键词 法国 古建筑 文物遗产保护 概况
作者 江利利 张磊 《现代营销(下)》 2017年第6期272-272,共1页
关键词 新媒体技术 数字化 文物遗产保护
作者 赵玉玲 《炎黄地理》 2024年第10期112-116,共5页
中华优秀传统文化以其博大精深、源远流长的特征,承载着五千年的文明智慧。党和国家一贯高度重视传统文化的传承与弘扬,积极推动文化与旅游的深度融合。近年来,随着人们文化需求的日益增长,文旅融合的程度逐渐加深,在保护和利用文物的... 中华优秀传统文化以其博大精深、源远流长的特征,承载着五千年的文明智慧。党和国家一贯高度重视传统文化的传承与弘扬,积极推动文化与旅游的深度融合。近年来,随着人们文化需求的日益增长,文旅融合的程度逐渐加深,在保护和利用文物的过程中,也涌现出了一系列富有成效的实践方案。为了推动文旅产业的进一步发展,文博单位必须在做好文物遗产保护工作的前提下,探索更具创新性的利用模式,以最大限度地呈现文物的各项价值。基于此,文章将重点分析文旅融合背景下文物保护和利用途径。 展开更多
关键词 文博单位 文物遗产保护 中华优秀传统文化 实践方案 利用模式 保护和利用 深度融合 最大限度
作者 王美鹏 《中国检察官》 2024年第15期27-30,共4页
地方检察机关依法履职,在文物和文化遗产保护领域积极探索开展检察公益诉讼,在推动地方立法、强化多元协作、挖掘地域特色、推动保护与利用协调发展等方面取得较大成效。但与此同时,案件办理效果仍受公益诉讼立法不完善、系统性保护支... 地方检察机关依法履职,在文物和文化遗产保护领域积极探索开展检察公益诉讼,在推动地方立法、强化多元协作、挖掘地域特色、推动保护与利用协调发展等方面取得较大成效。但与此同时,案件办理效果仍受公益诉讼立法不完善、系统性保护支持体系未建立、检察机关专业力量不足等现实掣肘。应加快研究推动相关法律法规制定出台,坚持系统思维、树牢一体化保护意识,借助文物保护部门及专家“外脑”、外力提升检察保护专业化水平,坚持高质效办好每一个涉文物和文化遗产保护检察公益诉讼案件,提升文物和文化遗产传承保护利用水平。 展开更多
关键词 文物和文化遗产保护 检察公益诉讼 系统性保护 多元协作
工业遗产文物保护规划问题探析 被引量:1
作者 李松松 徐苏斌 青木信夫 《文物建筑》 2016年第1期114-121,共8页
在和国际接轨的过程中,全国重点文物保护规划编制成为文物保护的重要环节。近几年,工业遗产文物保护规划陆续编制。本文在回顾文物保护规划发展的历程基础上,以国家文物局网站数据库和工程实践为线索分析现阶段工业遗产文物保护规划所... 在和国际接轨的过程中,全国重点文物保护规划编制成为文物保护的重要环节。近几年,工业遗产文物保护规划陆续编制。本文在回顾文物保护规划发展的历程基础上,以国家文物局网站数据库和工程实践为线索分析现阶段工业遗产文物保护规划所出现的问题。并针对不同层面问题,尝试找到适宜的解决方法。 展开更多
关键词 全国重点文物保护单位 工业遗产文物保护规划 评审意见 立项批复 工艺流程
文物和文化遗产保护检察公益诉讼办案机制初探 被引量:3
作者 李薇菡 龙云 《中国检察官》 2021年第24期57-61,共5页
由于文物的不可再生性和文化遗产的脆弱性,文物和文化遗产保护领域公益诉讼案件通常具有较强的时效性和专业性。检察机关在办理该领域案件时,应当及时发现并办理相关案件线索,密切保持与文物和文化遗产保护单位的沟通协作,教育引导公众... 由于文物的不可再生性和文化遗产的脆弱性,文物和文化遗产保护领域公益诉讼案件通常具有较强的时效性和专业性。检察机关在办理该领域案件时,应当及时发现并办理相关案件线索,密切保持与文物和文化遗产保护单位的沟通协作,教育引导公众增强保护意识、参与保护活动。在司法实践中,建议整合检察力量资源,提高办案效率,构建外部协作机制,强化全程监督,并注重专业知识学习、办案问题处理与宣传效果提升三方面的有机结合、互相促进,切实为文物和文化遗产保护提供优质的检察产品。 展开更多
关键词 检察公益诉讼 文物和文化遗产保护 办案机制
作者 王琼 朱向东 《科技情报开发与经济》 2012年第6期140-143,152,共5页
山西忻州地区自古就有"晋北锁钥"的称号,滹沱河不仅为该地区主要河流之一,同时也是海河流域的分支,而滹沱河的流域特征又对忻州地区的宋金建筑产生了潜移默化的影响。基于忻州地区宋金建筑的分布情况,对滹沱河流域的自然人文... 山西忻州地区自古就有"晋北锁钥"的称号,滹沱河不仅为该地区主要河流之一,同时也是海河流域的分支,而滹沱河的流域特征又对忻州地区的宋金建筑产生了潜移默化的影响。基于忻州地区宋金建筑的分布情况,对滹沱河流域的自然人文特征进行了分析与研究,探讨了该区域宋金建筑与滹沱河流域的共生问题,对下一步开展该区域的文物遗产保护工作具有重大的意义。 展开更多
关键词 宋金建筑 滹沱河流域 自然人文特征 文物遗产保护 忻州地区
Tourism as an Industry in Heritage Site-A Case Study on World Heritage Site of Fujian Tulou 被引量:1
作者 Xiaomei Zhao 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2014年第4期499-508,共10页
Cultural heritage is seen as a cultural capital. The heritage tourism increases the local employment and income, however, brings some problems at the same time, changing the traditional living way and industrial struc... Cultural heritage is seen as a cultural capital. The heritage tourism increases the local employment and income, however, brings some problems at the same time, changing the traditional living way and industrial structure. The sustainability of economic development by tourism is also questioned. Fujian Tulou is a world heritage site in China, inscribed in 2008. The nomination has brought great changes to the sites, especially the flourishing tourism industries by the local communities as well as the tourism companies. The latter also take part in the management of the heritage site and get most of the income. The data in economic areas is analyzed in this study and explains the cultural tourism as a positive drive for the local economy, which contributes little to the life of locals. With the analysis of the changes and benefits from the tourism, we have found that tourism, as a dominant industry, might be a potential negative element for heritage conservation. According to the different situations of sites in Fujian Tulou, a proper planning of management is in need to integrate the tourism, conservation and development. 展开更多
关键词 TOURISM INDUSTRY cultural heritage conservation Fujian Tulou.
Ink Applied Research of Element Graphic Design Teaching in Intangible Cultural Context
作者 Songqi YAO Xiao CHEN 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第12期66-68,共3页
With spreading and deepening of intangible cultural heritage protection movement in this century, Chinese ink art is among the Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity. Institutions of higher educa... With spreading and deepening of intangible cultural heritage protection movement in this century, Chinese ink art is among the Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity. Institutions of higher education is an academic heritage, culture, communication, personnel training platform and carrier, we assume an important role in the protection of heritage and ink art. Modem design teaching is in order to better local cultural heritage, but also to change their design education, more and more traditional elements are used in the classroom student design works. This paper aims to cultural connotations of traditional Chinese ink painting itself carrying elements and aesthetic charm of the excavation, analysis and sorting, which will be teaching in their designs into modem art. The contemporary art and design are to make cultural connotation and aesthetic meaning, making a good combination of tradition and art. 展开更多
关键词 INK Graphic Design RESEARCH
Study on Hankou Digital Building Repair Technology
作者 Xiaoqian Yang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2017年第1期7-9,共3页
In this context, traditional building crafts craftsman in artistic conception is under the control, use the appropriate tools or equipment, according to the ages, follow the way from raw material acquisition, manufact... In this context, traditional building crafts craftsman in artistic conception is under the control, use the appropriate tools or equipment, according to the ages, follow the way from raw material acquisition, manufacture components to install molding, to complete a post-renovation process technology ; endangered intangible cultural heritage in urgent need of rescue and system protection. In this paper, the current status of our architectural heritage protection process, analyzes the signi? cance of the protection framework and ideas, discuss their research methods to analyze the feasibility of building process aimed at promoting heritage protection process, to resolve the current architectural Heritage Protection the “lost technology” and “craftsman team fault,” the urgent problem for protection policies provide reference formulation. On the building process is about building sophisticated cognitive system theory and principles and methods of generation, including the principle of building technology, building technology system structure, and evolution of construction technology paradigm, Chinese modern architecture and sophisticated analysis of the problem 4 to improve its strategy part of a chain, the development of theory and practice in the field of architecture will have far-reaching significance. There is a neglect of traditional building technology issues in the protection of architectural heritage, traditional construction technology plays an important role in the building heritage protection system. Our architectural heritage protection from the perspective of the role of traditional Chinese architecture technology and explore effective ways to protect and respect their heritage. 展开更多
关键词 raditional construction technology architectural heritage protected mode FRAMEWORK BUILDING
Site Rehabilitation Examples of the City Izmir as the Local Identity Searches
作者 M.T. Zeren 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2011年第7期915-919,共5页
Architectural artefacts form the identity of the cities, especially when these artifacts dated to historical times, it becomes more valuable. The importance of preserving the architectural heritage is more meaningful ... Architectural artefacts form the identity of the cities, especially when these artifacts dated to historical times, it becomes more valuable. The importance of preserving the architectural heritage is more meaningful when the building is preserved with its whole environment, with the other historical buildings around as a site protection. Preservation of historical monuments not only individually but also with their environments help the city regain its identity that it has lost. The Conservation Approach to Cultural Assets in Turkey has reached to its peek starting from 1985's through introducing the effects of the recent amendment on cultural heritage law and the impact of the EU integration process. The municipalities started to use this recent amendment on cultural heritage laws as a method of recovering their cities for the local identity searches. This paper will deal with the current challenges for conservation practice in Turkey, through introducing the effects of the recent amendment on cultural heritage law and the impact of the EU integration process, and examine some major promising conservation and renovation, rehabilitation projects continuing in Izmir the third biggest city of Turkey for which local solutions are being devised for problems of global context in the meaning of local identity searches for the city. 展开更多
关键词 REHABILITATION PRESERVATION site rehabilitation architectural heritage.
The protection, development, research and use of intangible cultural heritage in Hebei province
作者 Lin liu Rongju Li Zhiyong Chi 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第12期48-50,共3页
Hebei has a long history, rich cultural heritage, which not only has a lot of tangible cultural heritage, but also has many valuable cultural heritages. This non- material cultural heritage not only is a spiritual wea... Hebei has a long history, rich cultural heritage, which not only has a lot of tangible cultural heritage, but also has many valuable cultural heritages. This non- material cultural heritage not only is a spiritual wealth and a precious wisdom of Hebei children, but also a treasure of Chinese civilization. Protection of intangible cultural heritage, maintaining national cultural heritage, is an important cultural foundation of enhancing the bond of national emotional, promoting and safeguarding national unity and social stability, and is also a necessary requirement to building an advanced socialist culture, promoting a cultural province construction, building a "harmonious Hebei ", and achieving better and faster development of Hebei. Conscientiously implement the approach of "protection and rescue first, rational use, inheritance and development ", and do a really good job of intangible cultural heritage protection, management and rational use. 展开更多
关键词 Hebei intangible cultural heritage protection.
Research on the protection and Inheritance of the intangible cultural heritage -Taking Hebei Province as an example
作者 Zhiyong Chi Jinfang Shang Peishan Chen 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第3期37-39,共3页
Hebei, a traditional culturally grand province, enjoys a profound and varied intangible cultural heritage. However, as the process of social urbanization accelerating, ethnic and cultural intangible cultural heritage ... Hebei, a traditional culturally grand province, enjoys a profound and varied intangible cultural heritage. However, as the process of social urbanization accelerating, ethnic and cultural intangible cultural heritage of the original ecology has changed dramatically, thus many non-material cultural heritages are losing conditions for survival and development, facing extinction or endangered. In this context, the fate of the traditional culture of ethnic minorities in Hebei Province and the issues of ethnic heritage intangible cultural heritage are attracting more and more attention by people. Therefore, we shall get to know and understand the protection of ethnic minorities' Intangible Cultural Heritage in Hebei in urbanization vision. Traditional culture is the sum of the creation of a cultural history of the nation, while the traditional culture heritage handed down is the most essential part, which is the legacy of the history of each nation worth protecting material and spiritual wealth. Traditional culture can be variate, innovate, reconstmcte, but cultural heritage can only be reserved its original form instead of re- creating.In succession on the basis of traditional culture, new culture can be reconstructed ; But after cultural heritage disappear, it is unsustainable. Tangible cultural heritage is in that way, let alone intangible cultural heritage. 展开更多
关键词 Intangible cultural heritage PROTECTION Development
Risk Analysis of Historic Urban Areas: A Case Study of the Salerno City, Italy
作者 Federica Ribera Luigi Petti +2 位作者 Gennaro Miccio Alessandra Landi Alessio Lodato 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2015年第9期1099-1106,共8页
The preservation of historical and cultural heritage from seismic risk is a question of interest in Italy. However, too little has been done to deal with this problem. First of all, the seismic safety of cultural heri... The preservation of historical and cultural heritage from seismic risk is a question of interest in Italy. However, too little has been done to deal with this problem. First of all, the seismic safety of cultural heritage should be a topic of prevention. The research described in the paper presents a multi-approach procedure to address risk assessment of large-scale urban systems with the aim to contribute at the development of risk mitigation policies for historical centers buildings. The observation of the earthquakes effects in Italy clearly highlights the role of the high vulnerability of the existing building on the consequences in terms of casualties and damage, rather than the severity of seismic events, especially in historical contexts. Unlike the new buildings which should be planned and designed to respect seismic safety requirements, existing buildings require a careful safety assessment on the basis of their susceptibility to damage which depends on building techniques, past damage events, maintenance, changes, etc. 展开更多
关键词 Seismic hazard historical centers VULNERABILITY
作者 黄世根 邵娟英 何琛 《中国检察官》 2024年第21期61-64,共4页
近年来,检察机关立足公益诉讼检察职能,在文物和文化遗产保护领域发挥积极作用,积累了有益探索经验。但是,文物和文化遗产保护行政公益诉讼依然面临公益损害情形复杂多样影响准确认定、多重因素交织容易产生“依法履职”争议、公益受损... 近年来,检察机关立足公益诉讼检察职能,在文物和文化遗产保护领域发挥积极作用,积累了有益探索经验。但是,文物和文化遗产保护行政公益诉讼依然面临公益损害情形复杂多样影响准确认定、多重因素交织容易产生“依法履职”争议、公益受损问题整改难制约监督效果等实践难题。对此,可通过完善包括实际损害和严重损害风险在内的公益损害认定规则、构建层次化的行政机关“依法履职”评价体系、以公益诉讼履职助推形成文物和文化遗产共治共享的治理格局等路径,进一步探索以行政公益诉讼高质效办案促进文物和文化遗产高水平保护。 展开更多
关键词 文物和文化遗产保护 行政公益诉讼 “严重损害风险”判断标准 “依法履职”评价体系
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