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佛教文学文类学初探 被引量:1
作者 侯传文 《东方论坛(青岛大学学报)》 2015年第6期1-7,共7页
关键词 佛教文 文类学 偈颂 譬喻 变文
作者 方汉文 《汉语言文学研究》 2010年第1期77-86,共10页
文章从历史语境的视域对中西小说文类的源流与交融关系进行比较研究,认为中西小说都有各自的代表性形式特征,中国传统的章回体小说与西方的小说叙事结构形成于各自的历史语境之中。中西文明之间的交流对于小说文类学的塑形与结构都有决... 文章从历史语境的视域对中西小说文类的源流与交融关系进行比较研究,认为中西小说都有各自的代表性形式特征,中国传统的章回体小说与西方的小说叙事结构形成于各自的历史语境之中。中西文明之间的交流对于小说文类学的塑形与结构都有决定性影响。但在这种发展中,中国小说的章回体与西方小说叙事模式仍然有各自不可替代的历史价值。作者重点以中国传统小说理论与西方形式主义理论家的"法布拉"和"修热特"观念进行文本比较,指出了现代小说文类学演进过程中比较研究的重心所在。 展开更多
关键词 中西小说 比较文类学 章回体小说 “修热特” “法布拉”
作者 齐少立 《四川外语学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2010年第3期22-23,共2页
文类研究由来已久,是对文学作品的经验性、反思性总结。对文学类型的划分、文类发展史以及文类特点的研究为文学创作和文学理论提供了重要的参考意义。随着比较文学学科的兴起,文类学研究进入比较文学视野,对比较文学学科的发展产生... 文类研究由来已久,是对文学作品的经验性、反思性总结。对文学类型的划分、文类发展史以及文类特点的研究为文学创作和文学理论提供了重要的参考意义。随着比较文学学科的兴起,文类学研究进入比较文学视野,对比较文学学科的发展产生了重要的影响。考察比较文学视野下的文类学研究具有重要的意义。 展开更多
关键词 文类学 比较文 研究
作者 余婉卉 《人文杂志》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第11期26-36,共11页
“中国有无史诗”是文类学经典议题之一。尽管已有多人断言“epic”在中国文类中阙如,但吴宓的《希腊文学史》依然归纳出中国弹词与荷马史诗的12个相似点。此前,已有周作人《欧洲文学史》用弹词比照拜占庭骑士叙事诗《奥卡森和尼科莱特... “中国有无史诗”是文类学经典议题之一。尽管已有多人断言“epic”在中国文类中阙如,但吴宓的《希腊文学史》依然归纳出中国弹词与荷马史诗的12个相似点。此前,已有周作人《欧洲文学史》用弹词比照拜占庭骑士叙事诗《奥卡森和尼科莱特》。而早在19世纪中后期,英国来华传教士艾约瑟在《六合丛谈》发表《希腊为西国文学之祖》,以杨慎《二十一史弹词》阐述荷马、赫西俄德“作诗歌以叙史事”。随着西方文学理念的东渐,弹词日益受学者重视。郑振铎深研弹词后,修改了自己往昔“中国无史诗”的观点。陈寅恪会通文学、历史和宗教,洞察到希腊、印度与中国文学的互动。以上诸人往往悬置了史诗的“内在形式”和中国文体分类传统,却在中外文类之间架起了一座桥梁,为文明交流互鉴提供了一个生动案例。 展开更多
关键词 文类学 史诗 弹词 吴宓 艾约瑟
作者 周波澜 《时代文学(下半月)》 2012年第1期152-153,共2页
文学形式、体裁的发展、变迁离不开它所赖以存在的文化传统。不同国家、不同文明体系的文化传统决定了文学形式和体裁有着不同的发展模式和发展历程。所以,我们在研究文类学的时候,应该把文化的异质性、差异性作为研究的根本出发点,从... 文学形式、体裁的发展、变迁离不开它所赖以存在的文化传统。不同国家、不同文明体系的文化传统决定了文学形式和体裁有着不同的发展模式和发展历程。所以,我们在研究文类学的时候,应该把文化的异质性、差异性作为研究的根本出发点,从以前比较文学文类学研究的求同思维中走出来,从而拓宽文类学的研究视野,使比较文学文类学的研究在广度和深度上更进一步。 展开更多
关键词 比较文 文类学 异质文化 变异
文类学的研究范围、对象和方法初探 被引量:3
作者 谢天振 《外国语》 1988年第4期70-73,共4页
文类学的研究历史悠久。在西方,早在古希腊时期亚里斯多德就提出艺术对生活有三种不同的摹仿方式。根据这三种不同的方式,文学也就相应地被分为三类:史诗、抒情诗(此词是后来产生的)和戏剧。在中国则远在先秦时期我们的祖先就已经把诗... 文类学的研究历史悠久。在西方,早在古希腊时期亚里斯多德就提出艺术对生活有三种不同的摹仿方式。根据这三种不同的方式,文学也就相应地被分为三类:史诗、抒情诗(此词是后来产生的)和戏剧。在中国则远在先秦时期我们的祖先就已经把诗和散文分别编集(《诗经》和《尚书》)。 展开更多
关键词 方法初探 体裁 划分标准 文类学 文体 语言 影响关系 异同 德国 研究范围
《“锻炼锻炼”》与赵树理的小说文类学 被引量:2
作者 朱康 《文学评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第5期183-192,共10页
赵树理的《“锻炼锻炼”》自其产生之日起就常被归于“短篇小说”,但赵树理本人却鲜少赋予其这一来自西方文类学的名称。在写作长篇评书《灵泉洞》的间隙里完成的《“锻炼锻炼”》,呈现的是赵树理“自成特色的文体或体裁”。在赵树理那... 赵树理的《“锻炼锻炼”》自其产生之日起就常被归于“短篇小说”,但赵树理本人却鲜少赋予其这一来自西方文类学的名称。在写作长篇评书《灵泉洞》的间隙里完成的《“锻炼锻炼”》,呈现的是赵树理“自成特色的文体或体裁”。在赵树理那里,《“锻炼锻炼”》是对《李有才板话》的继承与接续,属“散韵结合,有说有唱”的“板话”这一赵树理自创的文类。与《李有才板话》不同的是,《“锻炼锻炼”》不仅说着“作快板的话”,而且用其“话”确定了“快板”的表达限度。 展开更多
关键词 赵树理 《"锻炼锻炼"》 文类学 板话
《初学记》《艺文类聚》比较研究——以“诗文”为中心的考察 被引量:2
作者 刘全波 《西华师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2020年第3期76-83,共8页
《初学记》与《艺文类聚》皆是唐人编纂的经典类书,前辈学者多认为二书是绝无关系的彼此,文章通过比较研究认为《初学记》之“诗文”题名及排列顺序毫无置疑地受到了《艺文类聚》的影响。再者,《初学记》之“诗文”内容对《艺文类聚》... 《初学记》与《艺文类聚》皆是唐人编纂的经典类书,前辈学者多认为二书是绝无关系的彼此,文章通过比较研究认为《初学记》之“诗文”题名及排列顺序毫无置疑地受到了《艺文类聚》的影响。再者,《初学记》之“诗文”内容对《艺文类聚》之“诗文”内容的因袭亦是明显,但此因袭绝不是剿袭,二者之“诗文”部分可谓因袭与变革同在、删并与增补共存。总之,《初学记》与《艺文类聚》是关系紧密的两个文本,二者之间既有继承更有发展。 展开更多
关键词 《初记》 《艺文类聚》 类书 编纂 诗文
魏晋名理学与辨体批评 被引量:2
作者 贾奋然 《甘肃社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第3期11-17,共7页
中国古代辨析文体名理、关注创作主体个性与文体关联性的做法与魏晋综核名实、考辩才性的名理学思潮有着一脉相承的内在关系。古代辨体批评经历了从识人向识文的转化,沿着辨文体名理和辨才性风格两个方向纵深发展,大体遵循着从“辨实”... 中国古代辨析文体名理、关注创作主体个性与文体关联性的做法与魏晋综核名实、考辩才性的名理学思潮有着一脉相承的内在关系。古代辨体批评经历了从识人向识文的转化,沿着辨文体名理和辨才性风格两个方向纵深发展,大体遵循着从“辨实”到“辨名”,“辨名”到“辨理”的思维路径,且延伸发展了辨析文体风格、辨析才性与文类的关系等独特批评方式。一方面,魏晋“辩名析理”的名辩之学极大地刺激了文体类型学的产生和发展;另一方面,名理学中的“才性之辩”则有利地促进了创作主体的自觉和文学风格学的形成。探究魏晋名理学与辨体批评的渗透流衍关系有利于我们阐释古代辨体批评生成演化的内在机制,从而更深入地把握古代文体思想的精神气质与民族特色。 展开更多
关键词 名理 辩名析理 考辩才性 文类学 风格
从“表达思想”到“表现个性”——中国现代文体观演变与现代文学的阶段性诉求 被引量:2
作者 姚爱斌 《北京师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第4期70-88,共19页
原指“文章整体存在”的古代汉语“文体”概念,在日本17世纪至近代的文化语境中,先后发生了两次由表示文章本体(“体”)到表示语言形式符号(“用”)的语义转化。19世纪末至20世纪初,以“语言形式”为实质内涵的日本近代文体观被引入中国... 原指“文章整体存在”的古代汉语“文体”概念,在日本17世纪至近代的文化语境中,先后发生了两次由表示文章本体(“体”)到表示语言形式符号(“用”)的语义转化。19世纪末至20世纪初,以“语言形式”为实质内涵的日本近代文体观被引入中国,契合了同样以语言变革为主要目标的中国现代文学改良运动的整体文化情势。受日本近代文体观与西方文类学(Genology)、语体学(Stylistics)的双重影响,中国现代学界一方面将传统文类之“体”理解为文学作品的一般形式,同时又继续以“文体”译Style,表示文章中与思想情感相对的具体语言形式。就对应于西方Style的“文体”概念(具有不同特征的语言形式)而言,其内涵的分阶段呈现集中反映了中国现代文学不同发展阶段的诉求。在白话文学草创阶段,人们更关心文体表达思想情感的基本功能,因此突出其“语言形式”这层内涵。当现代文学渐臻成熟,便进而要求文体在表情达意的基础上还应表现作家的个性特征,因此“文体”概念的另一层内涵,即通过“语言形式”所表现的“作者个性特征”,得到作家和批评家的自觉关注。认识中国现代文体观的这一内在转变,可为中国现代文学史研究开启新的思路。 展开更多
关键词 中国古代文体观 日本近代文体观 中国现代文体观 西方文类学 语体 语言形式 个性特征 梁启超
陈寅恪先生的比较文学研究 被引量:2
作者 孙彩霞 《贵州大学学报(社会科学版)》 2008年第1期51-57,共7页
陈寅恪先生专治史学,兼及语言、宗教、文学等多种学科,在比较文学的学科理论方面并无特别系统的论述,偶尔强调影响研究的学理性,并与文化研究相联。但寥寥数语,却极为睿智与深入。在具体研究实践中,陈先生擅长佛教对中国文学影响关系的... 陈寅恪先生专治史学,兼及语言、宗教、文学等多种学科,在比较文学的学科理论方面并无特别系统的论述,偶尔强调影响研究的学理性,并与文化研究相联。但寥寥数语,却极为睿智与深入。在具体研究实践中,陈先生擅长佛教对中国文学影响关系的研究,并与历史、语言学等互相发明,探幽烛微、多所新见。 展开更多
关键词 陈寅恪 比较文理论 影响研究 译介 文类学
作者 王澍 《中华文化论坛》 北大核心 2017年第2期142-147,共6页
关键词 中国知类文化 文体分类 文类学
新加坡华人的华文读写能力——过去、现在与将来 被引量:1
作者 鲍雪侣 熊越 《华侨华人历史研究》 CSSCI 1991年第4期42-46,共5页
当华文类学校的招生人数减少的情况公布之后,一些人产生了这样的印象:华文教育的最佳时期是20世纪50年代,50年代中期以后,各类华文学校的招生人数持续下降。因此,受过华文教育的新加坡人现在只占劳力的一小部分,华文文字“行将消亡”。... 当华文类学校的招生人数减少的情况公布之后,一些人产生了这样的印象:华文教育的最佳时期是20世纪50年代,50年代中期以后,各类华文学校的招生人数持续下降。因此,受过华文教育的新加坡人现在只占劳力的一小部分,华文文字“行将消亡”。但如下的历史事实却表明,情况并不是这样。 展开更多
关键词 读写能力 华文教育 文类学 华文 新加坡华人 招生 新加坡人 语言政策 双语 两种语言
马克思主义的文类社会学 被引量:2
作者 陈昭瑛 《马克思主义美学研究》 1998年第1期173-196,共24页
可以这么说,中古以前的中国文类学(genology)是针对一切书写的文献,以《诗》、《书》、《礼》、《易》、《春秋》五经为分类的基本骨架所建构起来的;而西方的文类学从古希腊时期到19世纪一直是以史诗(epic)、抒情诗(lyric)和戏剧(drama... 可以这么说,中古以前的中国文类学(genology)是针对一切书写的文献,以《诗》、《书》、《礼》、《易》、《春秋》五经为分类的基本骨架所建构起来的;而西方的文类学从古希腊时期到19世纪一直是以史诗(epic)、抒情诗(lyric)和戏剧(drama)的三分法为主,19世纪以后由于小说的大量写作,小说打破了原来鼎足而三的局面, 展开更多
关键词 抒情诗 西方马克思主义 文类学 社会 黑格尔 小说理论 卢卡契 史诗 阿多诺 个人主义
An Overview of Literature on Primates in China 被引量:3
作者 李健立 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第3期332-336,共5页
This paper deals with an overview of primatological literature in China. The total number of publications was 2 052 from 1870-2001. Two peaks in the number of publications occurred during 1950-1965 and 1978-2001, resp... This paper deals with an overview of primatological literature in China. The total number of publications was 2 052 from 1870-2001. Two peaks in the number of publications occurred during 1950-1965 and 1978-2001, respectively. In 2 052 publications, most of them were published by the science-research sector, accounting for 54.2% of total publications. The percentage of publications from the science-research sector has been increasing over time, however, the contribution from the foreign sector has produced a contrary trend. Over 9% of total publications were indexed by SCI. The highest percentage of publications indexed by SCI took place during 1966-1977. In all publications indexed by SCI, those from the science-research sector dominated other sectors (59.1% of total publications). However, the foreign sector led with 30.1% of its own publications being in SCI. Studies of primatology were divided into nine areas. The percentage and change in percentage of publications in areas of primatology were counted. During 1978-2001 ecology and behaviour, neurobiology, reproduction and captive feeding were rapidly developing;fossil primates, morphology and anatomy decreasing;and taxonomy and distribution, cellular and molecular evolution became relatively poor. Increasing attention was paid to conservation biology. Prevention and control of diseases was fairly well studied in periods Ⅱ (1950-1965) and Ⅳ (1978-2001). The number of authors was highest during period Ⅳ, however, the mean number of publications per author in period Ⅳ was not as high as in period Ⅰ (1870-1949). Generally speaking, Chinese authors dominated the authors included in SCI. However in period Ⅰ, the sole author indexed by SCI was a foreign scholar, and foreign scholars comprised 60% of indexed authors in period Ⅲ (1966-1977). 展开更多
Responses of soil moisture to vegetation restoration type and slope length on the loess hillslope 被引量:7
作者 MEI Xue-mei MA Lan +3 位作者 ZHU Qing-ke WANG Shu ZHANG Dong WANG Yu 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第3期548-562,共15页
Soil moisture, a critical variable in the hydrologic cycle, is highly influenced by vegetation restoration type. However, the relationship between spatial variation of soil moisture, vegetation restoration type and sl... Soil moisture, a critical variable in the hydrologic cycle, is highly influenced by vegetation restoration type. However, the relationship between spatial variation of soil moisture, vegetation restoration type and slope length is controversial. Therefore, soil moisture across soil layers(0-400 cm depth) was measured before and after the rainy season in severe drought(2015) and normal hydrological year(2016) in three vegetation restoration areas(artificial forestland, natural forestland and grassland), on the hillslopes of the Caijiachuan Catchment in the Loess area, China. The results showed that artificial forestland had the lowest soil moisture and most severe water deficit in 100-200 cm soil layers. Water depletion was higher in artificial and natural forestlands than in natural grassland. Moreover, soil moisture in the shallow soil layers(0-100 cm) under the three vegetation restoration types did not significantly vary with slope length, but a significant increase with slope length was observed in deep soil layers(below 100 cm). In2015, a severe drought hydrological year, higher water depletion was observed at lower slope positions under three vegetation restoration types due to higher transpiration and evapotranspiration and unlikely recharge from upslope runoff. However, in 2016, a normal hydrological year, there was lower water depletion, even infiltration recharge at lower slope positions, indicating receiving a large amount of water from upslope. Vegetation restoration type, precipitation, slope length and soil depth during a rainy season, in descending order of influence, had significant effects on soil moisture. Generally, natural grassland is more beneficial for vegetation restoration than natural and artificial forestlands, and the results can provide useful information for understanding hydrological processes and improving vegetation restoration practices on the Loess Plateau 展开更多
关键词 Spatial variation Soil moisture Infiltration depth HILLSLOPE Vegetation restoration Loess Plateau
Shrinking and Drying up of Baiyangdian Lake Wetland:A Natural or Human Cause? 被引量:11
作者 LIU Chunlan XIE Gaodi HUANG Heqing 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2006年第4期314-319,共6页
The shrinking and drying up of wetlands in arid and semiarid areas of China have been widely observed in the recent years, but there has been no consensus on whether the aggravation is caused by human activities or by... The shrinking and drying up of wetlands in arid and semiarid areas of China have been widely observed in the recent years, but there has been no consensus on whether the aggravation is caused by human activities or by global climate warming. For a better understanding of the cause, this study investigates the dynamic changes of Baiyangdian Lake wetland over the last 40 years. It is shown that since the 1980s, Baiyangdian Lake has suffered from an insufficient water input and shrunk considerably. By using SPSS 11.0, this study urines a detailed Analysis on the signifficance of the effects of the possible driving factors for the degradation. It is identified that the North China Plain has been warrnin~ up significantly in recent years, which causes a significant reduction in the precipitation and inflow to the lake. Although human disturbances such as the irrigation and storage of water in reservoirs do not play a decisive role, they accelerate the degradation and their effects should be minimized. 展开更多
关键词 climate change human activities Baiyangdian Lake wetland hydrologic process North China Plain
Local Colorism American Novels of 19th Century
作者 WenJun Fu 《International English Education Research》 2015年第8期98-99,共2页
Local Colorism can be seen as a new literature type, which sprung up in 1920s. As a literature trend, local novels open a new road for realistically sentimental novels of view literature. Therefore, this paper is aim ... Local Colorism can be seen as a new literature type, which sprung up in 1920s. As a literature trend, local novels open a new road for realistically sentimental novels of view literature. Therefore, this paper is aim to study the Local Colorism American Novels of 19th Century, especially in west and south of American. American southern literature and western literature although established respectively unique sense of place suffer from complex history. And it proves that American literature has been increasingly building it popularity and a new type of literature. 展开更多
关键词 Local Colorism American Novels 19th Century
Relieving a Tropical Vernacular Habitat Typology as a Source for Contemporary Social Housing Designs
作者 Marcelo Adolfo Jiménez Leopoldo Eurico Goncalves Bastos 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2018年第7期493-501,共9页
This work presents an analysis for the rural vernacular dwelling (Culata Yovai), sited in the South America Guarani region, basin of Paraguay and Paraná rivers. Outdoor climate has conducted man to build along ... This work presents an analysis for the rural vernacular dwelling (Culata Yovai), sited in the South America Guarani region, basin of Paraguay and Paraná rivers. Outdoor climate has conducted man to build along the time a habitat climatic responsive. Nowadays, studies in progress try to show how this vernacular typology can support new low-income house designs. The intent is to guarantee for new projects the socio-cultural image that people, coming from countryside to live in city outskirts, are accostumed. Also, to provide material improvements and functional adequation for a quality and healthiness. Natural ventilation is the main bioclimatic strategy during summer for thermal comfort, which influences the house characteristics. This is proven by calculation, and simulation with the CFX-ANSYS software. Thus, the analysis performed shows the real possibity to reconcile bioclimatism with the symbolic-cultural value represented by this vernacular architecture form. It is hopped that this study can be considered as a methodological contributition for new sustainable projects (materials, technics and services) of low-incoming houses in this Latin American region. 展开更多
关键词 Bioclimatic design sustainable architecture vernacular habitat social housing natural ventilation.
Structure Types and Discourse Function of N+N Nominal Sentence in Mandarin Chinese
作者 ZHANG Li-juan 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2018年第9期1392-1399,共8页
N+N nominal sentence is an important structure type of nominal sentences in Mandarin Chinese. Attributive-center, combination, apposition and subject-predicate are its main structure types. In main literary genres, ... N+N nominal sentence is an important structure type of nominal sentences in Mandarin Chinese. Attributive-center, combination, apposition and subject-predicate are its main structure types. In main literary genres, the distribution of N+N nominal sentence shows a certain trend of dominant hierarchy: poem﹥drama﹥novel﹥prose. No matter what kind of literary genres, attributive-center structure is the type with maximum quantity, while appositive structure is the type with minimum quantity. Statistical result indicates that most of N+N nominal sentence is nominal and its use is limited by genres. Function of N+N nominal sentence is textual. When it comes to discourse, it can be used as theme, rheme and dual identity of theme and rheme based on the theory of Theme-Rheme (T-R) structure pattern. It does not only construct the information structure to deliver textual information, but also its a vital means of discourse cohesion and coherence. 展开更多
关键词 N+N nominal sentence DISCOURSE information structure
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