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作者 宋旸欣 《时代人物》 2024年第27期0145-0148,共4页
新时代学校思政课建设推进会于2024年5月11日在京召开。会上传达了习近平重要指示:党的十八大以来, 党中央始终坚持把学校思政课建设放在教育工作的重要位置,党对思政课建设的领导全面加强,各级各类学校社会主 义办学方向更加鲜明,思政... 新时代学校思政课建设推进会于2024年5月11日在京召开。会上传达了习近平重要指示:党的十八大以来, 党中央始终坚持把学校思政课建设放在教育工作的重要位置,党对思政课建设的领导全面加强,各级各类学校社会主 义办学方向更加鲜明,思政课教师乐教善教、潜心育人的信心底气更足,广大青少年学生“四个自信”明显增强、精神面 貌奋发昂扬,思政课发展环境和整体生态发生全局性、根本性转变。文艺思政课将思政课的内容以文艺的形式表达,成 为思政课程建设中不可或缺的重要组成部分。文章主要从文艺思政课的现有模式入手,分析新时代文艺思政课将要面 对的挑战与机遇,对未来文艺思政课的教学模式和实践路径提出有价值的应对策略。 展开更多
关键词 文艺思政课 教学模式
作者 刘阳 《当代文坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第4期52-53,共2页
在一个物欲横流、价值失范的时代里,还有必要和可能仰望星空吗?钟华教授通过对海德格尔关于文艺的超越性品格之思扎实系统地发掘,别具新意地对此问题给出了有力回答。从研究角度看,《文艺的超越性品格之思》一书体现了相当鲜明和精准的... 在一个物欲横流、价值失范的时代里,还有必要和可能仰望星空吗?钟华教授通过对海德格尔关于文艺的超越性品格之思扎实系统地发掘,别具新意地对此问题给出了有力回答。从研究角度看,《文艺的超越性品格之思》一书体现了相当鲜明和精准的问题意识;从研究深度看,该书基于学理分析所提出的许多见解都极富创新性与启迪;从研究力度看,该书资料翔实可靠,思辨精到透辟,显得严谨而深厚。 展开更多
关键词 文艺的超越性品格之 海德格尔诗学 问题意识 创新 严谨深厚
作者 刘朝碧 《艺术科技》 2020年第14期115-118,共4页
本文选取反映我国改革开放历史事实等的代表性歌曲,以《春天的故事》和《在希望的田野上》为例,将校园文化建设、校园社团活动与思政教育相结合,讲好我国改革开放的故事,提升思政教育的针对性、趣味性、思想性、实效性,培养和树立学生... 本文选取反映我国改革开放历史事实等的代表性歌曲,以《春天的故事》和《在希望的田野上》为例,将校园文化建设、校园社团活动与思政教育相结合,讲好我国改革开放的故事,提升思政教育的针对性、趣味性、思想性、实效性,培养和树立学生正确的世界观、人生观、价值观和高尚情操,增强学生的社会责任感。笔者总结教学及科研的经验,将音乐教育与思政教育相结合,探索高校思政教育的多元新路径,思政教育之路会越走越宽。 展开更多
关键词 校园文化 寓教于乐 文艺政教育 时代歌曲 多元化教学
改革开放30年的中国美术历程 被引量:4
作者 邵大箴 《中国书画》 2008年第12期4-7,共4页
中国美术跟随国家改革开放的步伐,走过了30年不平凡的道路。我们之所以对这30年中国美术的变革成果如此珍惜,因为我们有10年"文革"灾难和"极左"文艺思潮的痛苦回忆,那时美术界"万马齐喑"的悲惨局面,我们... 中国美术跟随国家改革开放的步伐,走过了30年不平凡的道路。我们之所以对这30年中国美术的变革成果如此珍惜,因为我们有10年"文革"灾难和"极左"文艺思潮的痛苦回忆,那时美术界"万马齐喑"的悲惨局面,我们至今历历在目。不过,如果仅以"文革" 展开更多
关键词 中国美术 艺术语言 写实油画 新文人画 外来艺术 痛苦回忆 油画艺术 中国画色彩 美术理论家 文艺思
读《文艺的绿色之思——文艺生态学引论》 被引量:2
作者 刘 艺 《文学评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2002年第2期176-178,共3页
曾永成先生的《文艺的绿色之思——文艺生态学引论》,是他继《感应与生成》、《文艺政治学导论》之后又一本集中研究文艺审美问题的新著。这既是他原有成果的延伸、扩展、深化和总结,也是中国第一部生态论文艺学专著。本书以自己独特... 曾永成先生的《文艺的绿色之思——文艺生态学引论》,是他继《感应与生成》、《文艺政治学导论》之后又一本集中研究文艺审美问题的新著。这既是他原有成果的延伸、扩展、深化和总结,也是中国第一部生态论文艺学专著。本书以自己独特的生态思维的视角审视了美学和文艺学中的重要问题。对每一个问题,都从当代学术的观点探流溯源,认识它在世界演化大系统中的位置,解答其结构与功能。这里仅就笔者感受最深的若干内容加以评述。 展开更多
关键词 文艺的绿色之——文艺生态学引论》 曾永成 文艺审美 生态 节律形式 文艺功能
Quentin Skinner's "Rhetorical Turn" and the Chances for Political Thought
作者 Karl Palonen 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2013年第1期9-22,共14页
Quentin Skinner's work since his turn to rhetoric has not been extensively discussed. My thesis is that with this turn Skinner has invented another novelty in the study of political thought, by including the analysis... Quentin Skinner's work since his turn to rhetoric has not been extensively discussed. My thesis is that with this turn Skinner has invented another novelty in the study of political thought, by including the analysis of the rhetoric of debating pro et contra among political agents as sources of political thought. The exemplary institution for such debates is the Westminster Parliament, and Skinner extends the analysis of the rhetorical culture of English Renaissance to studies on parliamentary debates. Here I am first comparing Skinner's The Foundations of Modern Political Thought and Reason and Rhetoric in the Philosophy of Hobbes in their relationship to rhetoric. Subsequently I discuss Skinner's comments on English parliamentary debates, including his recommendation to read Hobbes's Leviathan "as a speech in Parliament." Reason and Rhetoric has inspired valuable studies on English Renaissance political rhetoric, shortly discussed here. For the understanding of the distinct parliamentary variety of deliberative rhetoric, I refer to the formation of a specific parliamentary procedure and to procedural tracts from sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Westminster, which among others create a parliamentary vocabulary and rules for conducting and regulating parliamentary debates. The parliamentary procedure institutionalizes the principle of in utramque partem disputare, central in Skinner's rhetorical studies. By this manner we can re-activate the link between political thought and parliamentary studies as well as explicate a dissensual alternative to Jiirgen Habermas's views on the political thought studies and parliamentary debates. 展开更多
关键词 Quentin Skinner political thought rhetorical studies English Renaissance rhetoric parliamentary rhetoric parliamentary procedure
Charles Sheeler's Paragone: Literary Influence and the Shaping of a Hierarchy
作者 Heather L. Stark 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2016年第3期226-234,共9页
This study is concerned with the literary and aesthetic influences that led to Charles Sheeler's formation of a paragone in his early 20th century work. This painter, photographer, printmaker, and experimental filmma... This study is concerned with the literary and aesthetic influences that led to Charles Sheeler's formation of a paragone in his early 20th century work. This painter, photographer, printmaker, and experimental filmmaker had very specific ideas concerning the hierarchy of the visual arts. While he is known for embracing a wide range of media and materials, by 1919 his aesthetic thought reveals a desire to elevate the painting over all other media. This formation of a visual paragone was initially influenced by his involvement in the interdisciplinary circles which surrounded both Alfred Stieglitz and Walter and Louise Arensberg in New York City. In particular, his lifelong friendship with the poet and writer William Carlos Williams would shape his aesthetic thought leading to his elevation of painting over all other media. Sheeler's paragone would begin to form during his stays at the rural Doylestown House in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. This rural home, which he first rented with fellow painter Morton Schamberg in 1916, would become an artistic refuge for both artists. While commercial photography was beginning to take up more if his time in Philadelphia, it was the retreats to the Doylestown house that enabled Sheeler to continue experiments in painting and begin to think of the photograph as something other than a document of architectural work. At this early stage in his artistic career, Sheeler was beginning to form his own hierarchy and contribute to the continuing argument of painting versus photography. 展开更多
关键词 AESTHETICS early 20th century American art interdisciplinarity LOCALISM
作者 王晓渝 《现代中国文化与文学》 2011年第1期83-92,共10页
1942年,无论是创作生命还是人生历程,对于艾青而言,都是一个关节点。对于创作,1942年是艾青诗歌风格的第一个转折点。对于人生,艾青1942年初涉人延安整风之初的杂文运动,参与丁玲、王实味等人暴露阴暗面的大合唱,这一事件成为其此后人... 1942年,无论是创作生命还是人生历程,对于艾青而言,都是一个关节点。对于创作,1942年是艾青诗歌风格的第一个转折点。对于人生,艾青1942年初涉人延安整风之初的杂文运动,参与丁玲、王实味等人暴露阴暗面的大合唱,这一事件成为其此后人生难于解脱的符咒,对其人生的轨迹不断施力,笼罩着其此后的整个人生。在1942年杂文运动的参与者中,与王实味最终没有获得转变的机会,丁玲被毛泽东解救逃过一劫,萧军的一度坚持相比。 展开更多
关键词 艾青 王实味事件 延安整风 诗歌风格 文学语境 延安文艺座谈会 萧军 大堰河 写作时间 毛泽东文艺思
The Construction of a Discourse System for Literature Research in Contemporary China
作者 Zhang Fugui Li Cunna 《Social Sciences in China》 2020年第3期52-68,共17页
The construction of the literature research discourse in the seven decades since the foundation of the PRC has shown an upward spiral, from 'state/collective discourse' to 'society/individual discourse'... The construction of the literature research discourse in the seven decades since the foundation of the PRC has shown an upward spiral, from 'state/collective discourse' to 'society/individual discourse' and thence to 'world/human discourse.' These related but different discourses have worked together to facilitate literary writing and literature research. During the last 70 years of literature research, the Marxist theory of literature and art has always played a guiding role. Having close links with Chinese literary practice, Marxist theory has had a fundamental impact on the construction of the Chinese literature research discourse system. The emergence of 'state/collective discourse,' 'society/individual discourse' and 'world/human discourse' is an integral, historical, logical and dynamic process. Chinese literature research discourse should be constantly innovated and developed with a vision that looks to the world and the future, in order to contribute Chinese wisdom to dialogues between different academic discourses in the world and thus demonstrate the unique value of Chinese academic research in the humanities. 展开更多
关键词 literature research discourse construction Chinese literature research Marxist theory of literature and art state/collective discourse society/individual
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