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作者 薛峰 《上海大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第6期59-68,共10页
李欧梵曾以"社会写实主义"或"批判的写实主义"来归纳现代中国电影传统,这在一定程度上遮蔽着中国电影史的另一条动脉:"通俗文化演义"。社会言情电影是通俗文化演义传统中的主脉,它不时占据着中国影坛的... 李欧梵曾以"社会写实主义"或"批判的写实主义"来归纳现代中国电影传统,这在一定程度上遮蔽着中国电影史的另一条动脉:"通俗文化演义"。社会言情电影是通俗文化演义传统中的主脉,它不时占据着中国影坛的主流。谢晋将文艺遗产融入电影,遵循"改良现实主义"的社会言情电影创作传统,这恰与"批判的写实主义"形成对照。在20世纪下半叶的中国思想文化史中,谢晋电影扮演着"公民启蒙"的桥梁角色。80年代至今,中国影坛能够出现《芙蓉镇》、《霸王别姬》、《活着》、《色|戒》、《一九四二》等比较成熟的佳作,既表明了"情感体验"与"改良现实主义"的生命力,也显示着"文艺遗产"与"公民启蒙"的当代活力。 展开更多
关键词 中国电影 文艺遗产 情感体验 改良现实主义 公民启蒙
作者 马仲兵 陈秀华 《技术与市场》 2014年第5期359-359,共1页
武陵山地区的民间文艺遗产是繁衍在湘西张家界市与湘西自治州、渝东南地区的秀山、酉阳等以少数民族为特色的多民族地域文化的传承。从武陵山民间文艺遗产现状、民间文艺遗产对社会和谐的意义、民间文艺遗产文化现实作用等几个方面进行... 武陵山地区的民间文艺遗产是繁衍在湘西张家界市与湘西自治州、渝东南地区的秀山、酉阳等以少数民族为特色的多民族地域文化的传承。从武陵山民间文艺遗产现状、民间文艺遗产对社会和谐的意义、民间文艺遗产文化现实作用等几个方面进行了详细的论述,旨在揭示民间文艺遗产对当代社会发展的积极作用。 展开更多
关键词 武陵山 民间文艺遗产 文化现实作用
作者 陈广录 《教学与科研(钦州)》 1993年第2期12-15,40,共5页
关键词 毛泽东 文艺遗产理论 民族传统教育 审美习惯 民族利益
作者 彭兆荣 崔旭 《中外文化与文论》 2021年第4期195-204,共10页
关键词 文化 艺术 遗产 人类学 文艺遗产形态学
对文艺类文化遗产“传统—现代”转型的新古典结构—功能分析 被引量:1
作者 刘丽珺 张继焦 《创新》 2021年第2期73-83,共11页
文化遗产既是传统文化遗留下来的经验与智慧,也可以成为现代社会生活中的重要组成部分。运用新古典结构—功能分析方法,剖析文艺类文化遗产在传统与现代的转型中呈现出来的多种结构转变和功能变化。在现代社会语境中,文艺类文化遗产的... 文化遗产既是传统文化遗留下来的经验与智慧,也可以成为现代社会生活中的重要组成部分。运用新古典结构—功能分析方法,剖析文艺类文化遗产在传统与现代的转型中呈现出来的多种结构转变和功能变化。在现代社会语境中,文艺类文化遗产的传承形式多元化,如在城市复兴、特色小镇、文旅演艺、节庆庙会等不同场景或经济社会结构中均有存在,并以原生型、关联型、碎片型等不同的“结构—功能”形式,传承和发展着文艺类文化遗产的多元化价值。 展开更多
关键词 新古典结构—功能分析 文艺类文化遗产 “传统—现代”转型
作者 陆联星 《淮北师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1982年第1期5-14,共10页
《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》(以下简称《讲话》)发表四十年了。毛主席在《讲话》中对继承古代文学艺术遗产问题曾做了这样的指示: 对于中国和外国过去时代所遗留下来的丰富的文学艺术遗产和优良的文学艺术传统,我们是要继承的,但是目... 《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》(以下简称《讲话》)发表四十年了。毛主席在《讲话》中对继承古代文学艺术遗产问题曾做了这样的指示: 对于中国和外国过去时代所遗留下来的丰富的文学艺术遗产和优良的文学艺术传统,我们是要继承的,但是目的仍然是为了人民大众。 展开更多
关键词 列夫·托尔斯泰 糟粕 进步意义 毛主席 文学艺术遗产 文艺遗产 《红楼梦》 章回小说 《水浒传》 文学史 古代文学 批判地
济文字之穷——鲁迅的美术出版历程及思想探究 被引量:4
作者 卢军 《社会科学辑刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期180-187,共8页
鲁迅的美术工作定位在绍介翻印出版工作。他在搜集古今中外版画书刊、名作原拓的基础上,自费编印十余种画册,印行近万册,以供美术工作者参考再造。鲁迅是民族传统艺术的传承者、西方版画艺术的绍介者,也是中国新兴木刻运动的倡导者。鲁... 鲁迅的美术工作定位在绍介翻印出版工作。他在搜集古今中外版画书刊、名作原拓的基础上,自费编印十余种画册,印行近万册,以供美术工作者参考再造。鲁迅是民族传统艺术的传承者、西方版画艺术的绍介者,也是中国新兴木刻运动的倡导者。鲁迅美术出版活动的价值取向与其文学启蒙理念是一致的,是为了用文艺来唤起民众的觉醒,改变国人的精神现状,并培育艺术新人。在鲁迅看来,无论是绍介欧美的新作,还是复印中国的古刻,都是"中国的新木刻的羽翼",希望青年美术工作者们能将文艺遗产和外国先进艺术有机融合,创作出别开生面的新作。鲁迅撰写的书刊广告生动凝练、扣人心弦,是其出版实践活动的重要组成部分。鲁迅的前瞻眼光、牺牲精神和不遗余力的努力,推动了版画艺术在中国的发展,践行了他在"五四"时期就倡导的文艺大众化的主张,鲁迅在中国美术出版史上的地位和作用是不容置疑的。 展开更多
关键词 鲁迅 美术出版 启蒙 文艺遗产 外国版画 新兴木刻
从《讲话》的修改看马克思主义经典理论的与时俱进 被引量:1
作者 高浦棠 《毛泽东思想研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第5期111-114,共4页
1942年 5月 ,毛泽东在延安文艺座谈会上发表了口头演讲 ,1 943年 1 0月 1 9日该演讲以《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》为题在《解放日报》公开发表 ,1 95 3年 2月《讲话》经毛泽东亲自修改后再版。在整个出版、再版过程中 ,毛泽东对《讲... 1942年 5月 ,毛泽东在延安文艺座谈会上发表了口头演讲 ,1 943年 1 0月 1 9日该演讲以《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》为题在《解放日报》公开发表 ,1 95 3年 2月《讲话》经毛泽东亲自修改后再版。在整个出版、再版过程中 ,毛泽东对《讲话》底本作了大量修改 ,特别从有关内容方面的修改中可以看出 ,毛泽东对待马克思主义基本原理的态度是与时俱进的 ,对待自己的已被全党公认为马克思主义经典理论的态度也是与时俱进的。 展开更多
关键词 马克思主义 经典理论 与时俱进 《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》 版本 文艺遗产
毛泽东“古为今用,洋为中用”批示的来龙去脉 被引量:3
作者 孙国林 《党史博采(下)》 2010年第11期42-43,共2页
关键词 毛泽东 师生 陆定一 文艺遗产 文学艺术遗产 音乐学院
Influence of Air Pollution on the Deterioration of Monuments and Museum Collections
作者 Raed Alghazawi 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2015年第7期329-335,共7页
The time has come to recognize the extreme importance of the archaeological sites in Jordan. They provide a wealth evidence and precise information regarding ancient civilizations and cultures. The safeguarding of thi... The time has come to recognize the extreme importance of the archaeological sites in Jordan. They provide a wealth evidence and precise information regarding ancient civilizations and cultures. The safeguarding of this cultural heritage is one of the most urgent priorities, that involve the proper conservation and preservation methods of all artifacts and buildings that have an important artistic and historic value. Conservation is a whole field in regarding the care and treatment of valuable artifacts, both movable and immovable. It has two aspects: (1) the control of the environment--to minimize the decay of artifacts and materials and (2) the treatment of these--in order to stop or slow down any deterioration and to stabilize them where possible against further dilapidation. The museum environment is a limited space dedicated not only to exhibition but also to the appropriate conservation of works of art. This article presents an overview of the types of damage and deterioration that air pollution causes to indoor cultural heritage materials and monuments. It identifies the main damaging air pollutants from outdoor sources to be sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, ozone and sulphide gases. 展开更多
关键词 Air pollution cultural heritage DETERIORATION museum.
Gothic Heritage in Renaissance Mantua
作者 Giulio Girondi 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2013年第10期640-656,共17页
The aim of this paper is to present the less known phenomenon of late-Gothic Mantuan architecture in the second half of the 15th century. Indeed Mantua is famous for its Renaissance monuments. However, some of the Gon... The aim of this paper is to present the less known phenomenon of late-Gothic Mantuan architecture in the second half of the 15th century. Indeed Mantua is famous for its Renaissance monuments. However, some of the Gonzaga palaces show Gothic details, such as towers or battlements. In addition, some patricians, merchants, and priests continued to follow the Gothic tradition until the final decade of the "Quattrocento". This paper will present a first list of these interesting architectures--both public and private, religious and profane--which, in some cases and despite the Gothic language, the archival research has demonstrated a late 15th century executions. 展开更多
关键词 Gothic heritage RENAISSANCE Mantua Gonzaga
Discussion on the Current Situation and Artistic Characteristics of the 4 Intangible Cultural Heritage Relics Worldwide
作者 P.M. Wang G. Liu 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2010年第8期60-65,共6页
Nowadays, with the rapid economic and technological development, people's material and spiritual requirements has got great satisfaction. In the course of historical development, ancestors of human beings created inc... Nowadays, with the rapid economic and technological development, people's material and spiritual requirements has got great satisfaction. In the course of historical development, ancestors of human beings created incomparable cultural heritage relics and spiritual civilization with their diligent hands and the great wisdom left us countless cultural heritage relics, many of them have become the famous wonder of the world. These civilizations and cultural heritage are located in Asia, Europe and America, Africa, for example, the Egyptian Pyramids, Acropolis in Athens. Mayan Civilization in Mexico, Mogao Grottoes of Dun Huang of China, Qin Terra-Cotta Warriors and Horses Figurines, Angkor Wat-Cambodia, Venice-ltaly, the Buddhas of Bamiyan in Afghanistan. The essay will mainly choose the 4 most famous representative cultural heritages worldwide to discuss their artistic characteristics, current situation and damage level and effective protective measures. 展开更多
关键词 Current situation of 4 cultural heritage protective methods~ artistic characteristics.
Realism of Movie Arts and Ecology folk cultural heritage in Southern Shaanxi Province --Taking the real movie "Lang singing folk songs in the door" for example
作者 Jun Su 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第10期22-24,共3页
The real movie "Lang singing folk songs in the door" is the triangle love story among Xiao Yang, Feng Gang and Zhang Xuefeng. the three characters are the main line. folk songs in Nan Kang Ziyang of Shaanxi are the ... The real movie "Lang singing folk songs in the door" is the triangle love story among Xiao Yang, Feng Gang and Zhang Xuefeng. the three characters are the main line. folk songs in Nan Kang Ziyang of Shaanxi are the carrier, full of musical charm and cultural values. Folk songs, and love reveal the tragic loss and suffering in modern youth life-changing period, and reflect the gap between ideal and reality. Movie inspires people, developing and upholding heritage of folk music and cultural needs the whole community' s concern and support, a cavity blood alone and personal ideals are not enough, only rely on social groups and cultural media, can Southern folk ecological culture be in sustainable development, and fly out of the country to the world. 展开更多
关键词 "Lang singing folk songs in the door" artistic expression Southern folk songs cultural heritage
The Igbo Art and Cultural Heritage: Changing Time, Changing Form
作者 Chukwuemeka Vincent Okparaa 《Sociology Study》 2012年第12期897-907,共11页
The Igbo artists of all generations, from the pre-colonial to the post-colonial period, and from her traditional to contemporary art practices, have demonstrated the ability to express the material, as well as spiritu... The Igbo artists of all generations, from the pre-colonial to the post-colonial period, and from her traditional to contemporary art practices, have demonstrated the ability to express the material, as well as spiritual world of the lgbo cultural society. The fear of the unknown, uncertainties of the forest, river, mountain, seas, oceans, lightening, thunder, and the changing weather, brings her artists in constant contact with their spirituality. Over time, these artists have demonstrated their inherent ability to perceive, through their various art practices, the unseen, speak the unspoken, revere and share in the silent salient world of their ancestors, as well as preserve it for posterity. This paper presents an insight into the Igbo cultural society with reference to her indigenous and contemporary art practices. It identifies the trajectories of her art and cultural developments toward contemporary and global acceptance, and in addition attempts to identify her visual creative frontiers. 展开更多
关键词 Igbo art cultural heritage indigenous art form CONTEMPORARY traditional art practice
Discussion on the Understanding and Inheritance of Jingdezhen Traditional Famille Rose Decoration and Color Enamel Craftsmanship
作者 Xuewen GAO 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第6期7-10,共4页
Jingdezhen is a bright star to make ceramic products among all cities of the world. The actual inheritance of the famille rose decoration and color enamel craftsmanship as China's "intangible cultural heritage" is ... Jingdezhen is a bright star to make ceramic products among all cities of the world. The actual inheritance of the famille rose decoration and color enamel craftsmanship as China's "intangible cultural heritage" is restricted not only by historical change and geographical conditions and also by how to inherit the craftsmanship. In this paper, through the literature studies, sociology investigation, market research, and comparative analysis of the traditional pastel industry in Jingdezhen, the making flows of famille rose decoration and color enamel are introduced plus the author's understanding of famille rose decoration and color enamel, and also the understanding and inheritance of Jingdezhen traditional famille rose decoration and color enamel craftsmanship as "intangible cultural heritage" are discussed. Therefore, theoretical basis and practice guidance are provided for famille rose decoration and color enamel craftsmanship to develop toward the cultural industry, and also a reference in theory and practice is available for the inheritance and development of the handmade ceramic products as "intangible cultural heritage". 展开更多
关键词 Famille Rose Decoration Color Enamel Over-Glaze Color Intangible Cultural Heritage INHERITANCE Development Investigation and Research
Ink Applied Research of Element Graphic Design Teaching in Intangible Cultural Context
作者 Songqi YAO Xiao CHEN 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第12期66-68,共3页
With spreading and deepening of intangible cultural heritage protection movement in this century, Chinese ink art is among the Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity. Institutions of higher educa... With spreading and deepening of intangible cultural heritage protection movement in this century, Chinese ink art is among the Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity. Institutions of higher education is an academic heritage, culture, communication, personnel training platform and carrier, we assume an important role in the protection of heritage and ink art. Modem design teaching is in order to better local cultural heritage, but also to change their design education, more and more traditional elements are used in the classroom student design works. This paper aims to cultural connotations of traditional Chinese ink painting itself carrying elements and aesthetic charm of the excavation, analysis and sorting, which will be teaching in their designs into modem art. The contemporary art and design are to make cultural connotation and aesthetic meaning, making a good combination of tradition and art. 展开更多
关键词 INK Graphic Design RESEARCH
作者 肖远新 《广西民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1978年第2期32-35,31,共5页
文艺作品内容和形式的辩证统一关系,这是马克思主义美学的重要问题之一。马克思主义认为,文艺作品的内容先于形式,决定形式。同时,艺术形式一旦产生之后,它获得了相对的独立性,又反转过来影响作品的思想内容。因此,文艺工作者一定要正... 文艺作品内容和形式的辩证统一关系,这是马克思主义美学的重要问题之一。马克思主义认为,文艺作品的内容先于形式,决定形式。同时,艺术形式一旦产生之后,它获得了相对的独立性,又反转过来影响作品的思想内容。因此,文艺工作者一定要正确理解文艺作品内容和形式的辩证统一关系,在努力表现正确的思想内容的同时,努力去创造适合思想内容的完美的艺术形式。 展开更多
关键词 文艺创作 文艺工作者 黄庭坚 苏轼 古人 文学艺术创作 化石人类 诗歌 民歌 辩证法基本范畴 内容和形式 诗人 文艺遗产 文学艺术遗产 形象思维 艺术 毛主席 辩证唯物主义 辩证法
作者 吴雁泽 《人民音乐(评论)》 北大核心 2002年第7期5-6,共2页
在毛泽东<在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话>发表六十周年之际,中共中央文献研究室编辑出版了<毛泽东文艺论集>.作为一名文艺工作者,我对中央文献研究室同志们在这一值得纪念的日子里编辑出版了这一重要文献,表示深切的谢意,同时... 在毛泽东<在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话>发表六十周年之际,中共中央文献研究室编辑出版了<毛泽东文艺论集>.作为一名文艺工作者,我对中央文献研究室同志们在这一值得纪念的日子里编辑出版了这一重要文献,表示深切的谢意,同时也深知这本<毛泽东文艺论集>的出版,是毛泽东同志给我们文艺工作者留下的又一笔宝贵的精神遗产. 展开更多
关键词 《毛泽东文艺论集》 毛泽东 文艺思想 文艺遗产 音乐创作
关于巴赫金研究的采访 被引量:1
作者 夏忠宪 《外国文学动态》 北大核心 2003年第2期25-27,共3页
巴赫金是20世纪最重要的思想家、哲学家、文艺学家、历史文化学家之一。在世界风云变幻中,巴赫金研究仍在继续进行着大筛除,如大浪淘沙,只有勇者继续前行。今天呈现在世人面前的,几乎是一个全新的(继60年代和80年代之后)"第三次发... 巴赫金是20世纪最重要的思想家、哲学家、文艺学家、历史文化学家之一。在世界风云变幻中,巴赫金研究仍在继续进行着大筛除,如大浪淘沙,只有勇者继续前行。今天呈现在世人面前的,几乎是一个全新的(继60年代和80年代之后)"第三次发现"的巴赫金。俄罗斯的巴赫金研究的现状怎样?巴赫金研究的前景如何?作为一个真正的巴赫金研究者应具备哪些品质?……带着诸如此类的问题,笔者在莫斯科采访了俄罗斯的巴赫金研究专家В.Л.马赫林。 展开更多
关键词 巴赫金研究 文学研究 俄罗斯 马赫林 《巴赫金文集) 《当代外国文艺学中的巴赫金遗产
《世界》 2012年第7期I0023-I0024,共2页
关键词 世界遗产文艺复兴 爱琴海 罗马假日 千年吉城 时装之都
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