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作者 杨燕 《哈尔滨师范大学社会科学学报》 2023年第5期156-160,共5页
我国当代文学理论话语体系是否完善直接影响文学理论教学、文学批评、文学创作等领域的良性发展。立足于当前国家提倡的文化自信理念,可以看到文学理论话语体系中存在严重的自信不足,这种“失语症”现象阻碍了高校文学理论的教学与科研... 我国当代文学理论话语体系是否完善直接影响文学理论教学、文学批评、文学创作等领域的良性发展。立足于当前国家提倡的文化自信理念,可以看到文学理论话语体系中存在严重的自信不足,这种“失语症”现象阻碍了高校文学理论的教学与科研发展进程。因而要在坚定文化自信的基础上积极引导文学理论话语体系的合理建构,一方面在传统教学与科研活动中进一步完善现有的理念与路径;另一方面也应积极响应国家倡导的课程思政新理念,探索多维路径促进教学与科研的长远发展,进而推动中国当代文论话语体系的建构。 展开更多
关键词 “失语症” 文化自信 文论教学改革
中国古代文论教学存在的问题透视 被引量:4
作者 司宁达 《南阳师范学院学报》 CAS 2010年第2期119-120,124,共3页
中国古代文论课程自身的特殊性增大了其教学难度,教学中对于文论元典的重视不够,教学中"史"、"论"脱节,教学手段和方法陈旧而缺乏特色等三方面是当前我国高校在中国古代文论教学中存在着的突出问题,为解决教学中存... 中国古代文论课程自身的特殊性增大了其教学难度,教学中对于文论元典的重视不够,教学中"史"、"论"脱节,教学手段和方法陈旧而缺乏特色等三方面是当前我国高校在中国古代文论教学中存在着的突出问题,为解决教学中存在的问题,需要注意采取重视文论元典著作在教学中的作用等对策。 展开更多
关键词 中国古代文论教学 存在问题 文论元典
困境与突围:关于微媒体时代文论教学的思考 被引量:2
作者 江守义 《安徽师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第2期208-214,共7页
微媒体时代,文论教学在多方面陷入困境,包括文学定位与理论建构的困境、大众文化带来的困境、读图时代带来的困境,为摆脱这些困境,文论课教师要利用微媒体带来的变化,进行文论教学,具体措施有:依托教材而不拘泥于教材、对比阅读文学经... 微媒体时代,文论教学在多方面陷入困境,包括文学定位与理论建构的困境、大众文化带来的困境、读图时代带来的困境,为摆脱这些困境,文论课教师要利用微媒体带来的变化,进行文论教学,具体措施有:依托教材而不拘泥于教材、对比阅读文学经典、结合通俗文学或图像文化来进行理论讲解、通过作业来引导学生利用微媒体。 展开更多
关键词 微媒体 文论教学 困境 图像
选本与中国古代文论教学——从古代文论读本编撰谈起 被引量:1
作者 党圣元 《人文杂志》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第11期66-73,共8页
古代文论教学承担着传承弘扬中华优秀传统文化与中华文脉和中华文学经典精神的重要使命,我国历史悠久、形态多样的文论名篇,为这门课程提供了丰厚的资源。了解传统诗文评如何转化为"文学批评史",以及百年来中国古代文论研究... 古代文论教学承担着传承弘扬中华优秀传统文化与中华文脉和中华文学经典精神的重要使命,我国历史悠久、形态多样的文论名篇,为这门课程提供了丰厚的资源。了解传统诗文评如何转化为"文学批评史",以及百年来中国古代文论研究与教学的历史和当下古代文论教学中所存在的一些需要改进的问题,对于古代文论研习,对于中华传统文艺思想、美学精神的传承创新,均不无益处。 展开更多
关键词 选本 读本 批评史 古代文论教学 中华文脉
高校马列文论教学浅议 被引量:1
作者 赵凯 《理论建设》 2009年第3期55-57,共3页
关键词 马列文论教学 原典 思维方式 知识结构 文艺实践
作者 左其福 《教育探索》 北大核心 2012年第11期53-55,共3页
20世纪90年代以来,受西方后现代主义思潮和文化研究的影响,国内高校的文论教学面临着"教什么"和"怎么教"的现实问题,而要解决这一问题,首先要正确处理文论教学与文艺学研究之间的关系。从学科的立场而言,文艺学研... 20世纪90年代以来,受西方后现代主义思潮和文化研究的影响,国内高校的文论教学面临着"教什么"和"怎么教"的现实问题,而要解决这一问题,首先要正确处理文论教学与文艺学研究之间的关系。从学科的立场而言,文艺学研究有必要对传统的知识体系和理论话语进行反思和批判。而从大学课程的设置目标和知识的传授角度而言,文论教学应当回归常识,贴近接受主体当下的文学经验,回应接受主体对文学本质的追问,并且重视对文学知识的完整呈现。 展开更多
关键词 文论教学 困境 出路
作者 项念东 《河北工程大学学报(社会科学版)》 2008年第4期48-50,62,共4页
近年以来,国内文论界围绕"中国文论"的学科发展现状及走向等问题多有研讨。反观其议题所指,有两个问题堪称近年国内中国文论界最主要的思虑方向:第一,有关中国文论研究的价值追问;第二,有关中国文论研究思想资源的反思。当下... 近年以来,国内文论界围绕"中国文论"的学科发展现状及走向等问题多有研讨。反观其议题所指,有两个问题堪称近年国内中国文论界最主要的思虑方向:第一,有关中国文论研究的价值追问;第二,有关中国文论研究思想资源的反思。当下的"中国文论"教学,应对这两个思虑方向予以充分注意。 展开更多
关键词 中国文论 价值追问 思想资源 文论教学
作者 杨再喜 《文教资料》 2011年第25期54-56,共3页
当前的古代文论教学存在许多问题。要解决这些问题,教师应该具有一种强烈的当代意识:适时地把当前的文艺作品植入到对古代文论的阐释中,把古代文论的作用植入到现实生活中,把古代文论的阐释与当代文论相对接,通过这些改革使学生感受到... 当前的古代文论教学存在许多问题。要解决这些问题,教师应该具有一种强烈的当代意识:适时地把当前的文艺作品植入到对古代文论的阐释中,把古代文论的作用植入到现实生活中,把古代文论的阐释与当代文论相对接,通过这些改革使学生感受到这一古老课程所具有的艺术魅力和现实活力,从而激发他们的学习兴趣。 展开更多
关键词 古代文论教学 当代意识 激发学习兴趣
互补与衍伸:文论教学与多元写作 被引量:1
作者 毛伟东 《鸡西大学学报(综合版)》 2016年第6期26-30,共5页
写作学科在高等教育阶段,以文科性质的专业教学与文学写作得以初步建构。作为实用科学的有机组成部分,不断培育与完善的应用写作逐渐成为写作教学领域内新的维度。文学写作与应用写作的互补性教学,提升了写作教学的质量与水准,共同促成... 写作学科在高等教育阶段,以文科性质的专业教学与文学写作得以初步建构。作为实用科学的有机组成部分,不断培育与完善的应用写作逐渐成为写作教学领域内新的维度。文学写作与应用写作的互补性教学,提升了写作教学的质量与水准,共同促成了写作教学的转型。文论教学方式的创新性运用,使得传统中文教育的内容在写作教学环节再次得以衍伸,写作过程与写作景观因此呈现出多元化的面貌。文论教学的交融,促进了写作学科的自身发展。 展开更多
关键词 互补 衍伸 转型 文论教学 写作多元
一种西方文论教学分类尝试 被引量:2
作者 赵志军 《湛江师范学院学报》 1998年第2期103-105,共3页
针对以往《西方文史论》教材中以自然的时间顺序罗列介绍不同时代文论流派,造成西方文论历史演进逻辑被掩盖这一毛病,本文以作品意义的来源这一标准对西方文论进行分类,将西方文论划分为摹仿再现理论、表现理论\文本理论和读者理论... 针对以往《西方文史论》教材中以自然的时间顺序罗列介绍不同时代文论流派,造成西方文论历史演进逻辑被掩盖这一毛病,本文以作品意义的来源这一标准对西方文论进行分类,将西方文论划分为摹仿再现理论、表现理论\文本理论和读者理论四大类型,力图凸现隐含在这四大文论类型中的内在逻辑关系。 展开更多
关键词 西方文论教学分类 摹仿再现理论 表现理论 文本理论 读者理论
人文关怀:文学理论教学的应有品质——从“文学是人学”论文学理论的教学 被引量:3
作者 邓伟龙 《桂林师范高等专科学校学报》 2012年第1期63-67,共5页
包括人文关怀在内的人文素质教育是时代的要求,而现实教育中存在的严重缺失最终会影响人文素质教育理念的无法实现。文学理论因其研究对象即作为人类的心灵家园与人生终极关怀的文学的特殊性,决定了其根本属性必然为人文性或人文关怀,... 包括人文关怀在内的人文素质教育是时代的要求,而现实教育中存在的严重缺失最终会影响人文素质教育理念的无法实现。文学理论因其研究对象即作为人类的心灵家园与人生终极关怀的文学的特殊性,决定了其根本属性必然为人文性或人文关怀,故在所有学科中文学理论是最能体现也最需要人文关怀的学科之一,人文关怀是文学理论及其教学的应有品质,而文学理论难教难学的最根本的原因就是人文关怀的缺失。 展开更多
关键词 人文教育 人文关怀 文论教学
作者 乔金果 《重庆科技学院学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第10期222-224,共3页
关键词 文论教学 《魔法灰姑娘》 影音案例
The necessary humanistic embodiment in the philosophy, theory and mode of College English teaching
作者 彭元峰 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2009年第12期1-4,共4页
Along with development of China's popular education, the embodiment of humanistic education is the natural and inevitable requirement of higher education after its transition from elite to popular education to ensure... Along with development of China's popular education, the embodiment of humanistic education is the natural and inevitable requirement of higher education after its transition from elite to popular education to ensure a good quality and a higher level. English teaching is indispensable due to the uniqueness of Chinese language and culture, and our open policy. College English teaching has become an extremely important platform, different from most other countries, to train talents. And to train talents is not only to train for the English language speakers or to be just certain technicians. This article will, from aspects of teaching philosophy, theory and mode, give a preliminary probe into the reasons why humanistic education should show itself up in all segments of college English teaching and how to show up. And it is expected to use the little to get the big. 展开更多
关键词 humanistic embodiment teaching philosophy MODE design assessment
English Forum on Medical Humanities of SMMU:An interdisciplinary innovative teaching practice 被引量:2
作者 GONG Shanshan ZHANG Yan HU Jiyue 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 2013年第1期4-10,共7页
To conform to the college English teaching reform from English for General Purposes (EGP) to English for Academic Purposes (EAP) in the vital transfer era, the Foreign Language Department of Second Military Medical Un... To conform to the college English teaching reform from English for General Purposes (EGP) to English for Academic Purposes (EAP) in the vital transfer era, the Foreign Language Department of Second Military Medical University (SMMU) launched an English for Medical Academic Purpose (EMAP) curriculum with English Forum on Medical Humanities (EFMH), a project-based teaching practice. Based on Rogers' learner-centered humanistic teaching approach which emphasizes students' involvement and experiences in learning, EFMH puts students and their practice in a central place. After four-year exploration and operation, the Forum has developed from a small-scaled embryo into an internationalized, standardized and professionalized event, having produced fruitful outcomes. It is expected that the success of EFMH will provide inspiring experiences and enlightenments for higher medical education in terms of academic English teaching and teachers' responsibilities to foster high-quality medical students. 展开更多
关键词 Humanistic teaching approach Medical humanity education Interdisciplinary cooperation Teaching innovation English Forum on Medical Humanity English teaching reform
Perceptions regarding ELT at the tertiary level in mainland, China
作者 CHEN Pei 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2009年第2期19-23,共5页
As the title of the thesis suggests, the purpose of this research project was to investigate perceptions of English language education for English majors at the tertiary level on China's mainland. The study investiga... As the title of the thesis suggests, the purpose of this research project was to investigate perceptions of English language education for English majors at the tertiary level on China's mainland. The study investigated perceptions held by teachers and students at universities in Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen regarding their preferences for various ELT methods and the effectiveness of methods used. Teachers and students were also asked to evaluate the relative importance of the four skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing). Other areas investigated included teachers and students perceptions of their interaction within classrooms and factors selected by teachers, students and administrators as contributing to effective language learning and teaching in their settings. It is hoped that insights from this research can assist in a more successful transition to communicative, more student-centered and skill-integrated language teaching approaches suitable within university-level language education settings on China's mainland. 展开更多
关键词 ELT methodology TEACHERS students PERCEPTION university China
Under the autobiographical codes: A close reading to Daughter of hunger
作者 LIANG Xun 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2008年第11期37-44,共8页
In the book Daughter of hunger, the author depicted us the lives of city paupers in the 1960s of China, a generation that is born neither quiet nor peaceful, and a generation that is destined to suffer more in their t... In the book Daughter of hunger, the author depicted us the lives of city paupers in the 1960s of China, a generation that is born neither quiet nor peaceful, and a generation that is destined to suffer more in their teenage years. The word "hunger" has multiple implications, during her journey of searching for her father, we will see how Liuliu, the main character of the book, struggled with the infertility in both material and spiritual worlds, how she tried to embrace the erotic love to confirm her rather painfully real self-existence, and how life and destiny eventually lead her out of the ordinaries. 展开更多
关键词 autobiographical Daughter of hunger HONG Ying
Review and critique of the literature on Business English as a branch of ESP
作者 ZHANG Mei-ling 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2009年第8期46-49,57,共5页
Over the last few years, Business English has attracted increasing interest and awareness. At present, the mainstream viewpoint is to see the Business English as a kind of ESP and a comprehensive course which absorbs ... Over the last few years, Business English has attracted increasing interest and awareness. At present, the mainstream viewpoint is to see the Business English as a kind of ESP and a comprehensive course which absorbs the methodologies of other courses based on the linguistics. However, there are also some critiques. Some people criticize that to see Business English as ESP can not uncover the characteristics of Business English. After reviewing relevant studies and theories, this paper provides some viewpoints on Business English as a branch of ESP and its critiques. On basis of the analysis, some findings will be offered in the conclusion part. Hopefully, it can offer some insights into Business English study in the future. 展开更多
关键词 Business English ESP critiques
A Literature Review about Demonstrating Whether China's Stock Market Has Reached Weak-form Efficiency
作者 XU YiLun ZHAN Chang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第9期5-6,共2页
The efficient Market Hypothesis divided the stock market into three parts: weak-form efficiency, semi-strong-form efficiency, and strong-form efficiency. There are so many scholars have conducted researches on whethe... The efficient Market Hypothesis divided the stock market into three parts: weak-form efficiency, semi-strong-form efficiency, and strong-form efficiency. There are so many scholars have conducted researches on whether China' s stock market has reached weak-form efficiency. The author of this literature review summaries the results of these researches and makes a systematic induction. This article attempts to show the achievements of these researches and ~ive readers new ideas about how to improve China' s stock market efficiency. 展开更多
关键词 market efficiency China' s stock market weak-form efficiency
The Attics of My Life: Joy Within the Melancholic Lyrics of John Keats and The Grateful Dead
作者 Susan Peterson 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2016年第11期1286-1292,共7页
This essay is a culmination of intensive research exploring the commonality between Dr. John Keats' poetry and the lyrics of The Grateful Dead. As this is the 50th anniversary of The Grateful Dead, it is appropriate ... This essay is a culmination of intensive research exploring the commonality between Dr. John Keats' poetry and the lyrics of The Grateful Dead. As this is the 50th anniversary of The Grateful Dead, it is appropriate to celebrate that with a scholarly paper. In teaching my course The GrateJid Dead as Poets I discovered compelling intersections between English Romantic poetry and the lyrics of The Grateful Dead. These findings are useful and important because the work of the Dead spans five decades and endures in ways that assure their place in literary history as well as the music world. The importance of The Grateful Dead cannot be overstated. They bring hope, love, joy and philanthropy to the world, as did the English Romantic poets. There is much yet to explore; this essay is about only a few of the many Grateful Dead lyrics. 展开更多
关键词 John Keats The Grateful Dead MELANCHOLY OPTIMISM succor
Comparison of Generic Organization of the Research Paper in English and Polish: Cross-Cultural Variation and Pedagogical Implications
作者 Ewa Donesch-Jezo 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2011年第3期185-200,共16页
This paper provides a comparative analysis of the rhetorical structure and linguistic features of research papers written in English and Polish languages within the field of medicine. The study was based on a corpus o... This paper provides a comparative analysis of the rhetorical structure and linguistic features of research papers written in English and Polish languages within the field of medicine. The study was based on a corpus of 30 research articles: 15 written by native English speakers and 15 by non-native speakers-Polish researchers. The outcomes of this investigation indicate some discrepancies in rhetorical structure between the research papers. An explanation for the cross-cultural differences which seem to be responsible for these discrepancies, and an enumeration of pedagogical implications for the use of a corpus-based approach to generic analysis in English for Specific Purposes (ESP) classes, are also provided. 展开更多
关键词 research paper rhetorical organization CARS model rhetorical move culture-specific differences
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