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作者 康建强 《山西农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2008年第2期134-136,144,共4页
柳宗元提出的文趣说是对中唐古文运动文以明道理论的重要补充。"参之《国语》以博其趣",其文趣说源于对《国语》的独特理解,表现在三方面:一、对《国语》极富生活情趣的叙述手法的继承和学习。二、对《国语》人物对话中理趣... 柳宗元提出的文趣说是对中唐古文运动文以明道理论的重要补充。"参之《国语》以博其趣",其文趣说源于对《国语》的独特理解,表现在三方面:一、对《国语》极富生活情趣的叙述手法的继承和学习。二、对《国语》人物对话中理趣的继承发挥。三、对《国语》于巧思立意和文采炳然中蕴涵特殊趣味的继承。但柳宗元的文趣又不局限于此,它又与作者在寻常山水中发现的独得之乐相结合,与文章的奇味相结合。柳宗元的文趣说和韩愈的不平则鸣说一样为古文创作注入了蓬勃的艺术活力。 展开更多
关键词 柳宗元 文趣 《国语》 古文
作者 魏晶 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)教育科学》 2022年第11期21-24,共4页
在小学语文教学中,阅读是一个重要的环节。但在当前的形势下,如何在课堂上掀起“文趣和童趣兼备的阅读”的热潮,以及教师在实践上的探索,仍然有很长的路要走。与单纯的“快乐”或获得某种愉悦的感觉不同,文趣和童趣阅读并不排斥悲哀、... 在小学语文教学中,阅读是一个重要的环节。但在当前的形势下,如何在课堂上掀起“文趣和童趣兼备的阅读”的热潮,以及教师在实践上的探索,仍然有很长的路要走。与单纯的“快乐”或获得某种愉悦的感觉不同,文趣和童趣阅读并不排斥悲哀、忧郁的内容,而是将自己的情绪与情感融合在一起,让自己得到升华,这不仅仅是单纯地读书和读书。本文以二年级部编教材《狐假虎威》为实例,进行了深入探讨,以供参考。 展开更多
关键词 文趣 童趣 小学语文 阅读课堂 教学案例
巧学谜语 文趣兼得
作者 黄雅贤 《课外语文(下)》 2016年第10期31-31,共1页
关键词 谜语 文趣 定位
趣诗进课堂 作文趣味浓
作者 胡剑锋 《湖南教育(上旬)(A)》 2002年第18期52-52,共1页
关键词 进课堂 作文教学 文趣 学生作文 学生修改作文 前后矛盾 写作积极性 激发情趣 活跃课堂 集中注意
《扬州文化研究论丛》 2010年第2期141-141,共1页
《五百罗汉》,佛教人物画册。当代著名休闲画派开派人李宗义先生以娴熟的笔法、写意的线条,勾勒了五百罗汉的神情,画作形神兼备,融合禅意与文趣,充分体现中国传统绘画风格,代表当代全长卷画作一定水平。国家一级美术师刘方明先生逐幅题... 《五百罗汉》,佛教人物画册。当代著名休闲画派开派人李宗义先生以娴熟的笔法、写意的线条,勾勒了五百罗汉的神情,画作形神兼备,融合禅意与文趣,充分体现中国传统绘画风格,代表当代全长卷画作一定水平。国家一级美术师刘方明先生逐幅题字钤印。随图配中、日、英文罗汉简介。 展开更多
关键词 先生 钤印 禅意 代表 风格 画作 文趣
作者 夏俊山 《第二课堂(初中版)》 2005年第Z1期35-36,共2页
学校里有些老师给学生作文所写的批语,让人忍俊不禁。略举数例如下: 某学生在作文中写道:“我们的语文老师头发已花白,是个老子。”批语:“还我‘头’来。”原来,学生漏写了一个“头”字,于是,已是老头子的语文老师模仿起了关云长被杀... 学校里有些老师给学生作文所写的批语,让人忍俊不禁。略举数例如下: 某学生在作文中写道:“我们的语文老师头发已花白,是个老子。”批语:“还我‘头’来。”原来,学生漏写了一个“头”字,于是,已是老头子的语文老师模仿起了关云长被杀后的口吻。 展开更多
关键词 文趣 学生作文 语文 批语 漏写 学校 《我的战友邱少云》 抄袭之作 象声词 电冰箱
得文理 识文趣--关注非文学性文本的教学
作者 韩爱祥 《中学语文教学参考》 2020年第27期58-60,共3页
统编教材中非文学性文本的教学越来越受到重视,其中说明文的教学则显得格外重要。基于初中说明文教学存在程式化、僵硬化的问题,本文通过《大自然的语言》一课的课例研究,从理清事理说明文的思路、分析科学的推理方法、领会严谨求是的... 统编教材中非文学性文本的教学越来越受到重视,其中说明文的教学则显得格外重要。基于初中说明文教学存在程式化、僵硬化的问题,本文通过《大自然的语言》一课的课例研究,从理清事理说明文的思路、分析科学的推理方法、领会严谨求是的科学精神等角度进行了探究,表明“得文理、识文趣”是事理说明文教学的有效策略。 展开更多
关键词 事理说明文 文理 文趣
涉笔成趣:论宋人题跋的文学性 被引量:1
作者 王晓骊 《吉林师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2014年第4期41-46,共6页
宋代是题跋发展的第一个高峰,宋人题跋数量众多,题材丰富,不仅具有很高的学术价值,而且也因其不拘常格、趣味横生的特点,获得了文学审美价值。题跋体现出作者机警爽悟的个性才华,记录了时人旷达真率的生活情趣,蕴含着深潜浑然、耐人寻... 宋代是题跋发展的第一个高峰,宋人题跋数量众多,题材丰富,不仅具有很高的学术价值,而且也因其不拘常格、趣味横生的特点,获得了文学审美价值。题跋体现出作者机警爽悟的个性才华,记录了时人旷达真率的生活情趣,蕴含着深潜浑然、耐人寻味的理趣,同时又以语言和修辞的妙用,形成了生动活跃的文字之趣。通过宋代文人的创作实践,题跋形成了表现性情的文体优势,显示了其作为"真文字"的艺术魅力,对后代散文、尤其是明代小品文的发展有深刻的影响。 展开更多
关键词 宋人题跋 文学性 情趣 理趣 文趣
趣味:作文的个性生存之途 被引量:1
作者 宋锦林 《南通大学学报(教育科学版)》 2009年第1期95-96,共2页
关键词 趣味 理趣 情趣 文趣
作者 姜桂亮 《辽宁广播电视大学学报》 2005年第4期111-113,共3页
关键词 散文鉴赏 情趣 理趣 文趣 语趣
作者 雨生 《出版参考》 1995年第21期4-4,共1页
关键词 阿凡提 文趣 通俗故事 世界语 璞玉浑金 故事诗 读物 文学手法 寓教于乐 大众文学
作者 余映潮 《语文教学通讯》 2021年第42期29-30,共2页
【课文精析】《昆明的雨》是一篇综合表现了汪曾祺散文创作特点的文章,有“真正的文人散文”的味道。汪曾祺中国传统文化修养深厚,写凡人小事、叙民俗风情的文章,有清新的语言、清朗的结构和清俊的画面。《昆明的雨》就是这样的文章。... 【课文精析】《昆明的雨》是一篇综合表现了汪曾祺散文创作特点的文章,有“真正的文人散文”的味道。汪曾祺中国传统文化修养深厚,写凡人小事、叙民俗风情的文章,有清新的语言、清朗的结构和清俊的画面。《昆明的雨》就是这样的文章。汪曾祺有美食家之誉,笔下不少谈吃的文章同样能够让人们感受到文趣和雅趣。《昆明的雨》就是这样的文章。 展开更多
关键词 汪曾祺 文趣 凡人小事 创作特点 雅趣 美食家 清俊 民俗风情
The Importance of Parent's Intervention in Early Years
作者 Nadine Jaafarawi 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2017年第12期1673-1680,共8页
The purpose of this article is to highlight the importance of parent involvement and intervention in early childhood education. What formulates the lock and key theory in early childhood programs is parental participa... The purpose of this article is to highlight the importance of parent involvement and intervention in early childhood education. What formulates the lock and key theory in early childhood programs is parental participation versus educational achievement. Upon the parents' vital involvement, it is perceived that social and cognitive development, aided by educators, will be significantly achieved. Furthermore, parent's early intervention is an added value to classrooms and schools, for it creates a dimension of involvement in the decisions which shape the children's education as a whole. Moreover, and due to parent/teacher cooperation in the classroom and at home, the child's interest in learning will be triggered, yielding other positive outcomes. Therefore, people must emphasize the parent's role in order to aid children's complex and evolving multi-cultural and global nature. 展开更多
关键词 PARENTS education children INVOLVEMENT INTERVENTION home environment CHILD
Text Analysis and Developing Students' English Thinking Ability
作者 Yuanpeng Huang 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2004年第6期64-68,共5页
Different from other studies, the paper makes some attempts to combine text analysis with developing students' English thinking ability. Based on the view that English thinking ability is connected with improving ove... Different from other studies, the paper makes some attempts to combine text analysis with developing students' English thinking ability. Based on the view that English thinking ability is connected with improving overall language abilities such as listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating, the paper proposes approaches to develop English thinking ability as well as syntactic fluency. The paper presents a hypothesis: The development of a text is the author's train of thought. If one wants to acquire the thinking way used by author, the indirect but efficient approach is to analyze the texts written by the authors. If we want to develop students' thinking ability, the way is to analyze the various texts rather than to give the list of text developing principles. Therefore, the key to the problem is how to analyze text so as to improve students' thinking ability? Michael Stubbs in his Discourse Analysis wrote, "Predict ability may be the single most important feature of human communication, precisely since it is central not only to all level of language; but also central to meaning and to thinking in general. Predictions are possible because language is structured. Such intuitive predictions are in turn a crucial part of our data in setting up language structures." According to the view given by Michael Stubbs, the paper offers three approaches to analyzing texts. 展开更多
关键词 text analysis thinking ability approach
English Vocabulary Memorizing Strategies by Chinese University Students 被引量:2
作者 Wenying Zhang Yanhong Gao Weiping Dai 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2004年第6期69-76,共8页
The findings of the study indicate that students prefer to engage in the vocabulary learning strategies that would be most appealing to them and that would entail less manipulation of the language. Of the four vocabul... The findings of the study indicate that students prefer to engage in the vocabulary learning strategies that would be most appealing to them and that would entail less manipulation of the language. Of the four vocabulary memorizing strategies cited in the study (rote repetition, structural associations, semantic strategies, and mnemonic keyword techniques), students apparently tended to favor the second and the third ones, though rote repetition remains appealing to some of them. Mnemonic devices such as keyword method were rather unpopular to most of the students because they would involve the learners in more active performance of the target language. 展开更多
关键词 vocabulary memorizing strategies Chinese university students
On Cultivation of Cross-Cultural Consciousness in College English Teaching
作者 Wang Chengdong 《International English Education Research》 2014年第7期34-36,共3页
With the continuous development of the times, cultivating students' cross-cultural consciousness is becoming increasingly urgent. The development of new situation requires that college English teachers should also st... With the continuous development of the times, cultivating students' cross-cultural consciousness is becoming increasingly urgent. The development of new situation requires that college English teachers should also strengthen students' cultural content education and cultivate students' cross-cultural consciousness, in order to stimulate students' learning interest, optimize students' knowledge structure and improve students' social cultural ability while introducing language knowledge and conducting listening, speaking, reading and writing training for students. Then, how to cultivate students' cross-cultural consciousness in college English teaching? This paper takes it as the theme for analysis, hoping to improve college English teaching quality. 展开更多
关键词 college English teaching cross-cultural consciousness CULTIVATION
Influence Of English Movies On College English Listening Teaching
作者 Xing Yichen 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第5期47-48,共2页
Early in the 20th century, Lin Yutang proposed learning English by watching movies, and made a lot of reasons to do so.Contemporary college students are in contact with the flood of information and cultural exchanges ... Early in the 20th century, Lin Yutang proposed learning English by watching movies, and made a lot of reasons to do so.Contemporary college students are in contact with the flood of information and cultural exchanges have become increasingly frequent.On campus, it also surges wave of watching English movies, movies not only entertainment, but also can train and inspire students' interest and enthusiasm for learning English.Videos spoken dialogue is authentic, students can exercise listening, imitating wonderful dialogue to enhance their listening level, reduce hearing misunderstood.There is no doubt that English is the world' s most widely used language, learning English is the mission of every student.Only understand English, we can communicate with the world in English.In this paper, combined with the development status in college English listening teaching, and then explore the role of fihn in college English listening teaching. 展开更多
关键词 English film HEARING ROLE
作者 董兆林 《中国作家(纪实版)》 2024年第6期126-138,共13页
20世纪20年代初,时年26岁的沈雁冰(茅盾)先生受命执掌主编《小说月报》。这份始于宣统二年九月(1910年7月)由上海商务印书馆印行的刊物,一改旧派文学“崇尚文趣”(李喜民《当年《小说月报》的革新》,载《新闻爱好者》2007年第4期上半月... 20世纪20年代初,时年26岁的沈雁冰(茅盾)先生受命执掌主编《小说月报》。这份始于宣统二年九月(1910年7月)由上海商务印书馆印行的刊物,一改旧派文学“崇尚文趣”(李喜民《当年《小说月报》的革新》,载《新闻爱好者》2007年第4期上半月)之风,秉承五四运动的兴起,开始了“为人生”(同前)的新文学航程。只是,茅盾先生没有想到,60后,他还会与另一本《小说月报》又结不解之缘。 展开更多
关键词 《小说月报》 上海商务印书馆 茅盾先生 文趣 宣统二年 沈雁冰 新文学 五四运动
The Literature Criticism Approach Applied in English Teaching
作者 Qian Cheng 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2004年第6期8-13,共6页
Aimed at the negligence of literature side in foreign language teaching, the reduction of literary texts in foreign language teaching for non-foreign language majors, and the minimized proportion of literary criticism... Aimed at the negligence of literature side in foreign language teaching, the reduction of literary texts in foreign language teaching for non-foreign language majors, and the minimized proportion of literary criticism in the related teachers books, this paper stressed the dialectic complementary relationship between foreign language teaching and literature teaching, advances the application of the literature criticism approach with an attached analytic case study and a summary of the advantage of the approach. 展开更多
关键词 the relationship between language and literature the application of the literature criticism approach the advantages of literature criticism approach
Meaning and Form
作者 Wen Su 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2004年第4期77-81,共5页
Through the analysis of the translation of words, phrases, sentences and passages, this paper discusses the problem of whether to put emphasis on the translation of the meaning or on the reservation of the forms of th... Through the analysis of the translation of words, phrases, sentences and passages, this paper discusses the problem of whether to put emphasis on the translation of the meaning or on the reservation of the forms of the original works in translation. This paper puts forward that the translation of the meaning is more important, and the meaning of the original should take the advantage when the forms and the meanings cannot be reserved at the same time. And it also says that in no way should the translator sacrifice the translation of the meaning for the sake of keeping the form, and the translator should avoid translating word for word without thinking of the translation of the meaning. This paper also discusses about the consideration of the style of the original, the target readers and the style of the writer. This paper puts forward that in translation importance should be placed on the translation of the meaning rather than keeping the form. 展开更多
关键词 meaning form faithfulness translation expressiveness
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