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鬼神、祭礼与文道观念——以韩愈《潮州祭城隍神文》等祭神文为中心 被引量:5
作者 冯志弘 《河北师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2016年第4期73-81,共9页
分析韩愈《潮州祭城隍神文》等祭神文的措辞、礼数规格及思想观念,以之与唐代其他祭神文,《大唐开元礼》《大唐郊祀录》等进行比较,析论韩愈儒家思想与其祭神文的关系,结论认为:1.韩愈祭神文明显有意征引唐代祭神文罕见的先秦儒家祭物名... 分析韩愈《潮州祭城隍神文》等祭神文的措辞、礼数规格及思想观念,以之与唐代其他祭神文,《大唐开元礼》《大唐郊祀录》等进行比较,析论韩愈儒家思想与其祭神文的关系,结论认为:1.韩愈祭神文明显有意征引唐代祭神文罕见的先秦儒家祭物名称;2.通过礼法仪式,韩愈把城隍神等地方神明纳入儒家体系;3.韩愈屡次申述儒家鬼神观念,说"天地神祇,昭布森列,非可诬也",并强调其祭祀依准古法。韩愈今存大部分祭神文均写于他谏迎佛骨之后不久,他正是通过这些祭神文章,再次申明并且实践了他文以载道和严夷夏之防的立场。 展开更多
关键词 韩愈 鬼神 城隍神 祭文 文道观念
作者 姜鸥迅 《嘉兴学院学报》 2024年第2期77-83,共7页
《御选古文渊鉴》在编选上秉持“经世致用”的选文标准,与“帝王之道”紧密联系,以“鼓吹六经”为总纲,以“质文互用”为具体原则,深刻反映康熙选文背后的文道观念;在评点时,康熙对韩愈散文多持褒扬态度,认为其文在文法与文道观念方面... 《御选古文渊鉴》在编选上秉持“经世致用”的选文标准,与“帝王之道”紧密联系,以“鼓吹六经”为总纲,以“质文互用”为具体原则,深刻反映康熙选文背后的文道观念;在评点时,康熙对韩愈散文多持褒扬态度,认为其文在文法与文道观念方面多有可取之处,肯定了韩愈醇雅古峻的文风,也对其尊儒重道、崇尚孔孟的观念加以认同。《御选古文渊鉴》经世致用的文章观念与崇尚古雅的审美倾向是清廷“崇儒重道”政策的具体反映,对清代中后期的古文创作与古文选本的编纂产生了较大影响。 展开更多
关键词 《御选古文渊鉴》 韩愈 御制文献 文道观念
吴汝纶的文道观念与桐城古文的现代转型 被引量:1
作者 孙之梅 范丹凝 《山东社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第8期97-103,共7页
吴汝纶探求历代古文家重视的文道观念,发挥古文的“经世”之用,提出“道因文存”和“以文求道”两个观点。一方面强调古文作为一种语言艺术形式在传载和表现某一思想观念方面的重要价值;另一方面发掘古文对于社会现实的作用,尤其是其在... 吴汝纶探求历代古文家重视的文道观念,发挥古文的“经世”之用,提出“道因文存”和“以文求道”两个观点。一方面强调古文作为一种语言艺术形式在传载和表现某一思想观念方面的重要价值;另一方面发掘古文对于社会现实的作用,尤其是其在新学传播、教育改革方面的积极作用。以此为基础,他综合了桐城派经典的古文理论和独特的文章特色,从内容和形式两方面规范古文,使得桐城古文在晚清新事物不断涌现的社会环境下能够适应晚清近代的文体革新,推动了桐城古文的现代转型。 展开更多
关键词 吴汝纶 文道观念 桐城古文 现代转型
作者 廖可斌 《中国语言文学研究》 2022年第2期88-93,共6页
宋明理学、诗学会通研究,因其涵涉中西文明中共同存在的“哲学-诗”会通、“自然界-道德界”统一等重大理论问题而具有重要意义。宋明理学、诗学会通研究,具有典型的学科交叉研究特质。而学科交叉研究具有旺盛的生命力,借此可以拓展研... 宋明理学、诗学会通研究,因其涵涉中西文明中共同存在的“哲学-诗”会通、“自然界-道德界”统一等重大理论问题而具有重要意义。宋明理学、诗学会通研究,具有典型的学科交叉研究特质。而学科交叉研究具有旺盛的生命力,借此可以拓展研究视野,开辟崭新研究领域,生成新的知识理论体系。宋明理学、诗学,因其兼备理学和诗学的实践主体身份,以及实践主体的文道观念、诗学实践等而具备了“会通”研究的学理客观基础。 展开更多
关键词 学科交叉研究 诗学实践 主体身份 文道观念 中西文明 传统文化特征 实践主体 宋明理学
作者 侯本塔 《巢湖学院学报》 2014年第4期72-75,共4页
韩愈和欧阳修分别是唐宋两次古文运动的领袖。从时代背景、古文观念、文章作法等方面对韩愈、欧阳修进行全方位的比较,可以发现,唐代古文运动是一次偏重文学性的运动,韩愈在其中扮演的是一个集大成者的角色;北宋的古文运动则是一次儒学... 韩愈和欧阳修分别是唐宋两次古文运动的领袖。从时代背景、古文观念、文章作法等方面对韩愈、欧阳修进行全方位的比较,可以发现,唐代古文运动是一次偏重文学性的运动,韩愈在其中扮演的是一个集大成者的角色;北宋的古文运动则是一次儒学性的运动,欧阳修占据了不可或缺的枢纽性地位。 展开更多
关键词 古文运动 文道观念 文统观 佛教
Human Dignity and Human Rights: A Universal Language for Bioethics
作者 Benedict Faneye 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2014年第1期11-19,共9页
One of the aims of the Universal Declaration on B ioethics and Human Rights (UNESCO) is to "promote respect for human dignity and protect human rights",l Here are two overarching principles at work, ensuring that ... One of the aims of the Universal Declaration on B ioethics and Human Rights (UNESCO) is to "promote respect for human dignity and protect human rights",l Here are two overarching principles at work, ensuring that the biomedical sciences fulfill their task within an ethical framework. The principle of respect for human dignity is a universal moral concept, meant to be applied in human encounters. Protecting human rights underscores the legal principle of not only affirming the fundamental equality of all human beings, but equally safeguarding it. These two principles are universally defined, but are ordinarily specified by the particular value system of individual cultures in which they are employed. It is within such particular cultural application that their relevance stands out. The thrust of this paper is that, since principles are general action guides, they actually constitute a universal language for the analysis and evaluation of all human conduct. However, there is also recognition of the fact that moral contexts vary from culture to culture, and that while the scope of the two principles above is not restricted by any particular culture, it is indeed those cultural specifics of each moral context that constitute the framework within which the principles become operational. As general action guides, I will argue that these principles lack moral relevance outside of those particular cultural settings wherein they are contextualized. Without such relevance, these principles become meaningless mantras. I will further show that such principles do not merely uphold values informed by particular cultures, but they are an embodiment of values inherent to human nature in general. Consequently, these principles do not just serve as instruments for addressing issues peculiar to "Western bioethics" or any other particular cultural setting in an exclusive sense, but are also used for moderating bioethics discourse that transcend particular cultural boundaries. I will further explain that such universal discourse is potentially instructive with regards to how cultural universals are viewed in relation to the cultural particulars, and that this discourse essentially becomes a lingua franca for cross-cultural dialogue in bioethics. 展开更多
关键词 DIGNITY human rights ethical discourse bioethics lingua franca EQUALITY cultural values personhood
Discussion on the Modern Moral Education Function of the Traditional "Five Human Relationships"
作者 Guo Yuan 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第7期67-69,共3页
Chinese culture puts much emphasis upon ethics, by which people are bound to pay respect to their superiors, fathers or husbands, hence a realization of social harmony and the utmost of the moral unification of heaven... Chinese culture puts much emphasis upon ethics, by which people are bound to pay respect to their superiors, fathers or husbands, hence a realization of social harmony and the utmost of the moral unification of heavens and human beings. The story as a means of significance in transmission of traditional culture explains vividly the connotation of traditional morals and plays a role of importance in moral education of ancient times as well. This thesis shall analyze the essence of moral ideas in those stories, through which to be aware of and taste the ethical tenderness in traditional moralities, thus a perfection of the application of traditional stories to modern moral education. 展开更多
关键词 Traditional stories Ideas of the five ethics Moral education
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