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作者 陈洁 《艺术市场》 2005年第3期66-66,共1页
乙酉新年,金鸡报晓,我们特意在“古玩”栏目中辟出“藏友絮语”这片小天地,这个子栏目融合了我们过去的“清赏阁”、“读者来信摘选”等几个深受读者喜爱的窗口,更增加了阅读时的节奏感与跳跃性,每期浓缩几篇各地藏家的收藏鉴赏心得,以... 乙酉新年,金鸡报晓,我们特意在“古玩”栏目中辟出“藏友絮语”这片小天地,这个子栏目融合了我们过去的“清赏阁”、“读者来信摘选”等几个深受读者喜爱的窗口,更增加了阅读时的节奏感与跳跃性,每期浓缩几篇各地藏家的收藏鉴赏心得,以此达到交流识别真赝经验这一目的,也欢迎您的踊跃投稿! 展开更多
关键词 清朝 釉瓷 镂雕器物 文镇
作者 秦海鹏 徐超 《中国防汛抗旱》 2014年第6期80-80,共1页
我国地域广阔,地形复杂,是自然灾害频发的国家,灾害中有很大一部分是山洪泥石流灾害。2010年7月13日云南昭通巧家县发生泥石流灾害,造成巨大的财产损失,同时造成小河镇17人死亡,26人失踪[1]。2013年8月16-17日,辽宁鞍山市接文镇强降雨... 我国地域广阔,地形复杂,是自然灾害频发的国家,灾害中有很大一部分是山洪泥石流灾害。2010年7月13日云南昭通巧家县发生泥石流灾害,造成巨大的财产损失,同时造成小河镇17人死亡,26人失踪[1]。2013年8月16-17日,辽宁鞍山市接文镇强降雨导致山洪爆发,山洪沿河下泄的过程中,河道、道路、桥梁都发生了不同程度的损坏,损失巨大,据统计,直接经济损失达15 943万元[2]。 展开更多
关键词 泥石流灾害 应急广播 直接经济损失 巧家县 辽宁鞍山 文镇 云南昭通 小河镇 信息发布平台 风光互补系统
作者 王长勇 《政党与当代世界》 北大核心 1994年第6期18-20,共3页
关键词 文镇 北部地区 安龙 林镇 拉那 乔森潘 西哈努克 洪森 谢辛 政治解决
《特区经济》 北大核心 1989年第6期57-58,共2页
谈判时,最怕碰到以下5种人: 1、凶悍派他们最常用语言或肢体暴力威胁对方,譬如说:“这是什么话!”或“我现在就要……”或者说:“如果你不……我就……”2、逃避派根本避不见面或采取拖延战。他们会说:“明天再说吧。”或“我没时间。... 谈判时,最怕碰到以下5种人: 1、凶悍派他们最常用语言或肢体暴力威胁对方,譬如说:“这是什么话!”或“我现在就要……”或者说:“如果你不……我就……”2、逃避派根本避不见面或采取拖延战。他们会说:“明天再说吧。”或“我没时间。”或“这不归我管。”3、龟缩派他们通常采取逃避策略,于是你会听他们说:“我不懂”或“这不通”或“我不知道”。4、高姿态派他们通常用极端的要求想吓倒对方:“我只等到5点”或“ 展开更多
关键词 企业顾问 暴力威胁 大型电子计算机 高速增长期 文镇 斯通 布里奇斯 美国橡胶 研究费用 副总裁
《文教资料》 2004年第5期50-52,共3页
关键词 赛音 文镇 海洋鱼类 马略 头声 咳嗽声 语言风格 优美动听 鸟叫 敲击声
作者 张晟南 董欣 《国土资源》 2015年第6期20-21,共2页
目前,辽宁省已进入汛期,辽宁省国土资源厅在全省开展了汛期地质灾害隐患排查工作。辽宁厅共成立了四个巡查组,分别由厅领导带队深入14个市的重点地质灾害隐患点检查汛前应对、应急措施和群策群防工作。在鞍山海城市,巡查组来到接文镇三... 目前,辽宁省已进入汛期,辽宁省国土资源厅在全省开展了汛期地质灾害隐患排查工作。辽宁厅共成立了四个巡查组,分别由厅领导带队深入14个市的重点地质灾害隐患点检查汛前应对、应急措施和群策群防工作。在鞍山海城市,巡查组来到接文镇三家堡村戏台沟和宋堡村袼褙沟的泥石流隐患治理项目,该项目为辽宁省财政资金项目,治理工作包含谷底疏浚、护岸砌筑、拦石坝建设以及道、桥和植被恢复, 展开更多
关键词 地质灾害 文镇 植被恢复 应急措施 群测群防 地灾防治 灾害防治 配备人员 预警预报 工程设施
《环境》 2015年第8期48-49,共2页
东莞市大朗镇沙步土地坑村村民投诉称,位于该村含口二街的东莞市宏惠五金有限公司,每天24小时持续非法排放废气。村民反映,该公司烟囱排放废气时,黑烟非常大,味道特别呛,严重影响周边群众生活。村民曾就此向东莞市环保局投诉,环保局到... 东莞市大朗镇沙步土地坑村村民投诉称,位于该村含口二街的东莞市宏惠五金有限公司,每天24小时持续非法排放废气。村民反映,该公司烟囱排放废气时,黑烟非常大,味道特别呛,严重影响周边群众生活。村民曾就此向东莞市环保局投诉,环保局到现场检查后,要求企业加强废气处理设施管理,降低对群众的影响。然而企业排污行为没有改善,依旧我行我素。 展开更多
关键词 曝光台 烟囱排放 排污行为 废气处理 大朗镇 现场检查 设施管理 文镇 吴川市 排水渠
《绿色中国》 2008年第S1期66-66,共1页
关键词 森林公园 风景资源 浙江省磐安县 森林景观 中亚热带气候 文镇 人文景观 游览观光 生态休闲 文溪
《今日中国》 1989年第4期50-50,共1页
侨乡珠海自从成为经济特区后,侨务工作日趋活跃。珠海具有侨乡、口岸的特点,每年从珠海拱北口岸进出境者达两千万人次,他们大多为外籍华人、华侨、港澳台同胞以及各国工商业者、友好人士等。对此,珠海侨务部门一方面对回来的乡亲,热诚接... 侨乡珠海自从成为经济特区后,侨务工作日趋活跃。珠海具有侨乡、口岸的特点,每年从珠海拱北口岸进出境者达两千万人次,他们大多为外籍华人、华侨、港澳台同胞以及各国工商业者、友好人士等。对此,珠海侨务部门一方面对回来的乡亲,热诚接待,并协助解决其困难;另一方面通过各方配合, 展开更多
关键词 侨务工作 工商业者 港澳台同胞 飘草 封回 文镇 旅居海外 千人
作者 李小平 黄朝发 《畜牧市场》 1993年第6期475-476,共2页
地处赤水河畔的古蔺县观文镇,信息闭塞、交通不便,干旱连年,人民贫困。在这个方圆317平方公里的大山区,活跃着一支100多人从事中药材、农副土特产品的收购队伍,深受群众欢迎。农民们一谈起这支队伍中的王大春,都会情不自禁的伸出大拇指... 地处赤水河畔的古蔺县观文镇,信息闭塞、交通不便,干旱连年,人民贫困。在这个方圆317平方公里的大山区,活跃着一支100多人从事中药材、农副土特产品的收购队伍,深受群众欢迎。农民们一谈起这支队伍中的王大春,都会情不自禁的伸出大拇指称赞说:“大春有魄力!有能耐!” 展开更多
关键词 古蔺县 土特产品 文镇 荷花池 野生中药材 人平纯收入 市场信息 购销合同 农村商品流通 中药材生产
Exploration in Beautiful Village Construction from the Perspective of Cultural Inheritance——A Case Study of Xuwan Town 被引量:1
作者 杨珮 张银霞 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第5期943-945,共3页
Culture is an integral of historical deposits and considered cradle of eco- civilization. Culture is China's spiritual handholds. In building beautiful villages, envi- ronment, public service facilities and infrastru... Culture is an integral of historical deposits and considered cradle of eco- civilization. Culture is China's spiritual handholds. In building beautiful villages, envi- ronment, public service facilities and infrastructure are so important. But the re- search stressed cultural inheritance ad spiritual civilization to make sure village beauty outside and inside. The aim is to explore cultural inheritance models in ec- onomy, living and eco-tourism, with a case study of Xuwan town. 展开更多
关键词 Cultural inheritance Beautiful village Xuwan town Historical and cultural town
Planning and Designing of Small Towns in Underdeveloped Areas from Perspective of Ecocivilization——A Case Study of Shuinan Town,Jishui County,Jiangxi Province
作者 李小云 罗怡 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第7期1684-1686,共3页
Small towns are important carriers of rural economy development, and center promoting rural advancement in a specific region. However, many environ- mental problems are emerging with rapid urbanization and expansion o... Small towns are important carriers of rural economy development, and center promoting rural advancement in a specific region. However, many environ- mental problems are emerging with rapid urbanization and expansion of small town scale. The research analyzed existing problems of small town planning and con- struction domestically in the context of the 18th Party Congress and proposed coun- termeasures in terms of scale prediction, intensive use of lands, "pastoral" land- scape pattern, protection and up-gradation of human ecology with a case study of Shuinan Town, Jishui County, Jiangxi Province. 展开更多
关键词 Eco-civilization Underdeveloped areas Small town planning Shuinan Town
Analysis of the status and countermeasures of the sports and fitness consumption of China's urban residents
作者 Dong Jianming Xin Jiazhong Li Shaocong 《International English Education Research》 2014年第4期37-41,共5页
The eighteenth CPC National Congress points out that we should take the urbanization as the driving force of the economic development in China in the new period, vigorously develop the undertakings of the physical cul... The eighteenth CPC National Congress points out that we should take the urbanization as the driving force of the economic development in China in the new period, vigorously develop the undertakings of the physical culture and sports, enhance the sports con- sciousness of the urban residents in our country, guide our urban residents scientifically and effectively carry out sports and fitness, im- prove their levels of the fitness consumption, enhance the national physique and the comprehensive qualities, construct a beauty China, which are of great significance. Therefore, we must take present situation of the sports and fitness consumption of the urban residents in China as the basis, analyze the reasons, and conduct the targeted guidance and support, to ensure that China's urban residents have better working environments, and living conditions, and the better fitness habits, to continue to enhance our people's happiness indexes, and real- ize the beautiful Chinese Dream. 展开更多
关键词 Urban residents sports and fitness consumption current situation COUNTERMEASURES
Analysis of Urban Morphology in Core Towns' Neighborhoods of Mexico: Santa Barbara's Neighborhood as a Case Study
作者 Alaide Retana-Olvera Cesar Angel Pena-Salmon Luz Maria Ortega-Villa 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2014年第12期1575-1584,共10页
Cities' urban morphology is the result of historic, cultural, political and social processes. The historical cores in Mexican cities have high cultural diversity, which also intermingle pre-Hispanic cultures with col... Cities' urban morphology is the result of historic, cultural, political and social processes. The historical cores in Mexican cities have high cultural diversity, which also intermingle pre-Hispanic cultures with colonial forms, as well with modernity and post-modernity irruption. The case study is Santa Barbara's neighborhood in Toluca City, which was founded in 1524, and the case study was the first neighborhood in Toluca's historical core. At present time, this neighborhood is considered as one of the most dangerous places in the city's historical core, therefore, it has been abandoned. This paper will display the changes in urban morphology of the neighborhood through the years from 1877 to 2010. For site evaluation, the methodologies of Ashihara (1982) and Lynch's (1961) were used in order to analyze positive and negative spaces, as well as main street visual features, street and avenue directions, street circulation and street circulation path configuration. The results show that the focal nodes are a key factor for economic and social reactivation, with which, through urban activation of vacant lots and the traditional use of the streets as public space, is possible to generate centripetal development to restructure the neighborhood. 展开更多
关键词 Mexican neighborhood urban morphology urban process SUBURBANIZATION dangerous spaces.
Discovery of the Natural Deformation Vestige of Gaixia Remains,Guzhen County,Anhui Province,China and Its Implications
作者 Yao Daquan Shuo Zhi +4 位作者 Tang Jieping Wang Zhi Shen Xiaoqi Chen Anguo Li Linli 《Earthquake Research in China》 2011年第1期92-100,共9页
Recognition of natural deformation during the excavation of ancient remains and tombs is important for tracing or enriching historic and prehistoric deformation records. Recently, the earthquake agencies,in cooperatio... Recognition of natural deformation during the excavation of ancient remains and tombs is important for tracing or enriching historic and prehistoric deformation records. Recently, the earthquake agencies,in cooperation with the cultural relics and archaeological institutions, conducted a special excavation investigation to the Gaixia remains archaeological scene in Guzhen,Anhui Province. Faults and fissures were discovered there, which,as demonstrated by the preliminary study,are the traces of two stratum dislocation events of the same period,at a time approximately corresponding to the late Dawenkou culture stage. This work may improve the recognition of earthquake relics in the cultural stratum of humanity in the East China region. 展开更多
关键词 Gaixia Archaeological Dawenkou culture Seismic deformation
Between Tradition and Modernity: Wuzhen and China's Soft Power in the 21 st Century
作者 LIN Mao 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2017年第11期1457-1477,共21页
In recent years, Wuzhen, a Ming-Qing style water town located south of the Yangtze River, has quickly become one of the most popular tourist destinations in China. The success of Wuzhen was so influential that the te... In recent years, Wuzhen, a Ming-Qing style water town located south of the Yangtze River, has quickly become one of the most popular tourist destinations in China. The success of Wuzhen was so influential that the term "Wuzhen Model" quickly became a buzzword in Chinese economic and cultural discourses. Promoters of Wuzhen have claimed that it embodies both tradition and modernity, therefore representing the best of China. While Wuzhen was first reconstructed as a "living museum" of Chinese cultural tradition to attract tourists, it increasingly started to claim itself as a leading "smart town" for China's future development. Moreover, the so-called Wuzhen Model fits seamlessly into China's overall strategy of projecting its soft power both domestically and abroad. The purpose of this paper is to examine how Wuzhen was culturally constructed and how it helped to project China's soft power. It also examines how Wuzhen was perceived abroad, focusing primarily on major English-speaking countries including the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia, to understand its impact on China's soft power, 展开更多
关键词 Wuzhen Chinese soft power TOURISM modernity Chinese foreign policy
作者 孙振亮 《外国文学动态》 北大核心 2004年第6期45-45,共1页
11月11日,著名的加拿大文学大奖吉勒奖(Giller Prize)在多伦多颁出,爱丽丝·蒙罗(Alice Munro)以短篇小说集《逃跑》(Runaway)赢得大奖,并获奖金二万五千加元奖金。小说集由八篇小说组成,《逃跑》是第一篇。评委这样评价了她的作品... 11月11日,著名的加拿大文学大奖吉勒奖(Giller Prize)在多伦多颁出,爱丽丝·蒙罗(Alice Munro)以短篇小说集《逃跑》(Runaway)赢得大奖,并获奖金二万五千加元奖金。小说集由八篇小说组成,《逃跑》是第一篇。评委这样评价了她的作品:“故事令人难忘,语言精确而有见地,朴实而优美,读后令人回味无穷。”爱丽丝·蒙罗现年73岁,在加拿大安大略省的温文镇长大,曾就读于西安大略省大学,曾三次获加拿大总督文学奖。 展开更多
关键词 吉勒 短篇小说集 安大略省 文镇 ALICE 爱丽丝 令人 短篇小说家 二万 曾三
Acupuncture analgesia: diversity and analysis 被引量:1
作者 范刚启 钱俐俐 +2 位作者 赵杨 符仲华 ZHOU Dong-sheng 《World Journal of Acupuncture-Moxibustion》 2013年第4期28-35,共8页
The complex and diverse mechanisms of acupuncture analgesia are summarized from the following two aspects: the neural mechanisms (neurophysiology mechanism, neurochemistry mechanism and neuroanatomy mechanism) and ... The complex and diverse mechanisms of acupuncture analgesia are summarized from the following two aspects: the neural mechanisms (neurophysiology mechanism, neurochemistry mechanism and neuroanatomy mechanism) and the non-nerve mechanisms (connective tissue mechanism and local biochemical change mechanism). Initial analysis are also carried out on the individual deficiencies of diverse mechanisms, the contradictions among different diverse mechanisms as well as the causing factors, and suggestions are proposed accordingly. 展开更多
关键词 acupuncture analgesia MECHANISM influencing factor literaturereview
作者 王作洪 《新闻与写作》 北大核心 1993年第8期36-36,共1页
我对标题的写作作过一些尝试和探索: 用“歇后语”的形式拟题造成悬念岔沟水泥厂,一度出现巨额亏损,濒临倒闭边缘。新厂长走马上任半年,把企业从休克状态中救醒了。我借用一句古诗,作为这篇通讯的标题——《山重水复疑无路》。这样拟题... 我对标题的写作作过一些尝试和探索: 用“歇后语”的形式拟题造成悬念岔沟水泥厂,一度出现巨额亏损,濒临倒闭边缘。新厂长走马上任半年,把企业从休克状态中救醒了。我借用一句古诗,作为这篇通讯的标题——《山重水复疑无路》。这样拟题,意在给读者系个扣儿。要解开这个扣儿,就得把文章读完。1992年4月10日,一个拦路抢劫团伙,将海城市交通局渡口管理站会计从银行提出的现款抢劫后,逃之夭夭。他们以为干得绝无痕迹。可是在案发当天子夜,主犯被抓获, 展开更多
关键词 渡口管理 山重水复疑无路 城市交通 休克状态 水上 履带式推土机 三鱼 电动水泵 春园 文镇
作者 郭宝泉 姜敏 《瞭望》 北大核心 1991年第13期31-33,共3页
这是一群知识分子蘸着血汗在黄土地上写成的故事:海城,沈阳农业大学的讲师、教授们不仅将论文写在这里,而且接过时代授予的聘书,发起向80万农民进行农业科学规范化教育的“绿色证书”活动,将科学技术的恩惠撒向人间。 农民见到了“真佛... 这是一群知识分子蘸着血汗在黄土地上写成的故事:海城,沈阳农业大学的讲师、教授们不仅将论文写在这里,而且接过时代授予的聘书,发起向80万农民进行农业科学规范化教育的“绿色证书”活动,将科学技术的恩惠撒向人间。 农民见到了“真佛” 地处海城东部山区的接文镇,8年前还是连条狗都养不起的穷乡僻壤。在连祖宗也叫不出名的前山和后山之间,1700口王家堡人刨着土地要粮,戳着荒山要钱,到了1976年人均收入只有36元。穷则思变。 展开更多
关键词 沈阳农业大学 教学科研人员 王家 真佛 东部山区 要粮 文镇 细绿萍 侯家村 市科技进步奖
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