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萧萐父的“早期启蒙说”与“新人学”的哲学观申论 被引量:1
作者 吴根友 Chi Zhen(译) 《孔学堂》 2023年第4期23-32,126-136,共21页
萧萐父的“早期启蒙说”在思想来源处继承了侯外庐的思想,但其“早期启蒙说”中蕴涵着对启蒙理性与现代性所衍生的弊端的反思,则可以说是超越侯先生“早期启蒙说”的新意之所在。萧萐父晚年试图以自己所建构的“诗化哲学”形式来超越西... 萧萐父的“早期启蒙说”在思想来源处继承了侯外庐的思想,但其“早期启蒙说”中蕴涵着对启蒙理性与现代性所衍生的弊端的反思,则可以说是超越侯先生“早期启蒙说”的新意之所在。萧萐父晚年试图以自己所建构的“诗化哲学”形式来超越西方哲学在中世纪所具有的宗教迷狂和现代实证主义的狭隘,凸显中国哲学的主体性,其“早期启蒙说”所蕴涵的对人的全面性的追求,以及其所提出的“哲学即人学”的哲学观,对于当代中国的现代化和中国哲学主体性之追求,均具有思想的启迪意义。 展开更多
关键词 萧萐父 早期启蒙说 启蒙反思 诗化哲学 新人学
关注现实 著书立人──读张立文先生的《新人学导论》
作者 刘京菊 《中国出版》 CSSCI 北大核心 2002年第4期61-61,共1页
关键词 张立文 新人学导论》 图书评介 人学发展
关注现实 著书立人──读张立文先生《新人学导论》
作者 刘京菊 《孔子研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2002年第3期122-123,共2页
关键词 书评 张立文 新人学导论》
习近平新时代人学重要论述探析 被引量:1
作者 孙福胜 《桂海论丛》 2019年第3期20-27,共8页
习近平新时代人学重要论述根植中国大地,汲取古今中外人学思想之精华,富有鲜明的中国特色,拥有深厚的中国自信。习近平新时代人学重要论述的基本内涵包括实现“中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦”的目标观、坚持“以人民为中心的发展思想”的... 习近平新时代人学重要论述根植中国大地,汲取古今中外人学思想之精华,富有鲜明的中国特色,拥有深厚的中国自信。习近平新时代人学重要论述的基本内涵包括实现“中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦”的目标观、坚持“以人民为中心的发展思想”的立场观和构建“人类命运共同体”的动力观。习近平新时代人学重要论述继承、创新和发展了马克思主义人学理论,为推进新时代中国特色社会主义伟大实践提供了强大的精神动力,在世界上形成了独具中国特色的话语体系,为促进人类和平发展贡献了中国方案和中国智慧。 展开更多
关键词 习近平 时代人学 重要论述 探析
21世纪伊托邦时代的文学新符码 被引量:1
作者 凌逾 《符号与传媒》 2015年第1期26-38,共13页
在网络科技高度发展的伊托邦时代,港台作家善于化用新奇的虚拟赛博网络空间元素,再现伊托邦、乌托邦、恶托邦交织的E时代想象,创造新时代文学新符码。新生代及中生代作家们的创作印着强烈的代际符号,他们发明了杂唛时代的新人学,为21世... 在网络科技高度发展的伊托邦时代,港台作家善于化用新奇的虚拟赛博网络空间元素,再现伊托邦、乌托邦、恶托邦交织的E时代想象,创造新时代文学新符码。新生代及中生代作家们的创作印着强烈的代际符号,他们发明了杂唛时代的新人学,为21世纪文学开创了一条新的想象之路。 展开更多
关键词 伊托邦 恶托邦 赛博空间 符码 新人学
作者 李光福 《广东社会科学》 CSSCI 1997年第5期129-132,共4页
中国哲学的自觉———读张立文教授新著《和合学概论》李光福张立文教授笔耕不辍,自80年代以来,相继推出了《周易思想研究》、《朱熹思想研究》、《宋明理学研究》、《中国哲学逻辑结构论》、《中国哲学范畴发展史(天道篇、人道篇... 中国哲学的自觉———读张立文教授新著《和合学概论》李光福张立文教授笔耕不辍,自80年代以来,相继推出了《周易思想研究》、《朱熹思想研究》、《宋明理学研究》、《中国哲学逻辑结构论》、《中国哲学范畴发展史(天道篇、人道篇)》、《传统学引论》、《新人学导论... 展开更多
关键词 和合学 中国哲学 中国文化现代化 张立文 和合思想 新人学导论》 现代转换 当代中国 人文精神 西方文化
新知识、新德性、新趣味、新启蒙———国民环境素质教育刍议 被引量:2
作者 薛富兴 《学习与探索》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第12期160-166,共7页
面向社会公众的国民环境教育包括环境科学、环境审美与环境伦理三个方面。环境科学教育指向社会公众传播环境科学基本知识以及生态学之有机自然观;环境审美教育之重心当是自觉反思传统自然审美趣味,客观、深入地欣赏自然对象与环境自身... 面向社会公众的国民环境教育包括环境科学、环境审美与环境伦理三个方面。环境科学教育指向社会公众传播环境科学基本知识以及生态学之有机自然观;环境审美教育之重心当是自觉反思传统自然审美趣味,客观、深入地欣赏自然对象与环境自身的内在特性与功能,全范围地欣赏天地自然之美;环境伦理指培育社会公众尊重自然、关爱自然与敬畏、感恩自然之环境美德。 展开更多
关键词 国民环境教育 环境科学 环境审美 环境伦理 有机自然观 人学
作者 张志强 Luo Yan(译) 《孔学堂》 2023年第4期33-41,137-145,共18页
萧萐父先生的心学观,主要展开为三部分:其一,将马克思主义的人学理论、真理观、认识论等有选择地、有甄别地与陆九渊、黄宗羲等传统心学作了深度的有效融合;其二,将阳明心学及其后学判定为明清启蒙学说的逻辑起点,提出了具有近代性质的... 萧萐父先生的心学观,主要展开为三部分:其一,将马克思主义的人学理论、真理观、认识论等有选择地、有甄别地与陆九渊、黄宗羲等传统心学作了深度的有效融合;其二,将阳明心学及其后学判定为明清启蒙学说的逻辑起点,提出了具有近代性质的新情理观、新价值观、新伦理观,但这个“新”不是相对宋明理学的“新”,而是相对于整个古典传统伦理观念的“新”,它的背景是明清之际的中国进入了“世界历史”,因此更加强调古今之变而非中西之别;其三,萧萐父认为,现当代新儒学的心学思想中蕴含着丰富的人文精神,具体表现为他对熊十力从阳明心学中吸取的“吾即是吾”主动精神的赞赏,以及对唐君毅“君毅之学,人学也”的界定,同时也对徐复观中国人性论史、中国艺术精神中所蕴含的主体人格自由极为肯定。在萧萐父的心学观中,现当代新儒学与明清启蒙学术有着一致的问题意识,均从心学中吸取资源,作为传统文化现代转化的历史“接合点”。 展开更多
关键词 萧萐父 现当代儒学 心学 马克思主义 新人学
《祝福》的存在主义美学阐释 被引量:10
作者 杨矗 《上海师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第4期118-128,共11页
人的存在论视角是阐释和理解鲁迅小说《祝福》的新视角,可惜在国内研究界并未得到理想展开,迄今仍未有标志性的代表成果。《祝福》是一部"存在主义"的象征之作,"阶级论"、"礼教吃人论"、"人性拷问论... 人的存在论视角是阐释和理解鲁迅小说《祝福》的新视角,可惜在国内研究界并未得到理想展开,迄今仍未有标志性的代表成果。《祝福》是一部"存在主义"的象征之作,"阶级论"、"礼教吃人论"、"人性拷问论"等都无法真正窥探到《祝福》的真意。《祝福》的象征是人的整体象征,而其象征的最大"支点"则是祥林嫂。祥林嫂是人的意义困境或存在论悖谬性的"哲学化身",她的遭遇使人的意义的悖谬性被逼出了历史的地表。传统中国文化中的"人学思想谱系"后来被扭曲为与人的存在有悖的"道德人学"和"皇权政治人学",《红楼梦》翻古开新创建了"贵情、尚真"的新人学,而鲁迅文学则是《红楼梦》新人学的真正后继者,《祝福》是这种新人学文学的新篇章、新的重大收获。 展开更多
关键词 鲁迅 《祝福》 存在论阐释 新人学文学 存在主义 生命哲学
论林黛玉是《红楼梦》的轴心人物 被引量:3
作者 杨矗 《太原师范学院学报(社会科学版)》 2012年第1期64-81,共18页
《红楼梦》是我国古典小说的巅峰之作,其巅峰性不仅表现在它在人物、情节、环境、语言和主题意蕴诸方面都达到了中国文学的艺术至境,而且还表现在它的无与伦比的"奇妙性",其最大的"奇妙"处不是别的,而是用一个人物&... 《红楼梦》是我国古典小说的巅峰之作,其巅峰性不仅表现在它在人物、情节、环境、语言和主题意蕴诸方面都达到了中国文学的艺术至境,而且还表现在它的无与伦比的"奇妙性",其最大的"奇妙"处不是别的,而是用一个人物"扛鼎"起红楼梦世界,这个人物就是林黛玉。《红楼梦》的轴心人物不是贾宝玉、薛宝钗、史湘云、王熙凤,而是林黛玉。作者特意赋予林黛玉许多奇特的禀赋,如"草"、"神女"、"玉石"、"花神"、"帝妃"、"玄珠";"报恩"、"情恋"、"乡愁"、"诗性"、"本真"等,使她成为一个全局化的"结构轴心",目的是要在整体上为其"为史作传"的新人学建设提供一个"一而统万"的"阿基米德点"。与之配套的是小说人物的"立体幻影互文结构",它保证了林黛玉"轴心论"的有效实施、贯彻。林黛玉是中国历史上"新人学"范型的一次辉煌而壮丽的日出!她的神奇之光完全可以与西方现代、后现代的"美学人学"共契圆舞,交相辉映!她是中国的维纳斯、海伦和贝亚德丽齐;是中国近世人学拯救的人格化的诺亚方舟。 展开更多
关键词 林黛玉 《红楼梦》轴心 新人学拯救
Knowledge Innovation of Great Tradition of Chinese Literary Anthropology
作者 HU Jian-sheng YUE Jian-feng 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2016年第6期597-602,共6页
It is very innovative significance that Chinese Literary Anthropology invents the Great Tradition in the new century and puts forward series of theoretical propositions and academic points based on it. The new Great T... It is very innovative significance that Chinese Literary Anthropology invents the Great Tradition in the new century and puts forward series of theoretical propositions and academic points based on it. The new Great Tradition transforms the opposition between the Great and Little Tradition of American anthropology, and makes the new concepts gain the legitimacy of the cultural values transferred from the old terms. It dates the second coded significance of the written culture from the material narrative and the image narrative of the oral tradition, and highlights the generative and primary of the symbolic significance. It also questions the authenticity of the written representation, endows the truth and credibility to the material and image representation, and manifests the imaginative and expression of the early human culture. Though its theoretical innovation inverts the binary opposition structure, and it wants to jump out of knowledge limits of dual structure such as structure and destruction, objective and subjective, material and spiritual. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese Literary Anthropology Ye Shuxian Great Tradition Little Tradition theoretical innovation
Singapore Pie in Global Chinese Education: Inheritance and Innovation in Chinese Literature Education in Singapore
作者 LI Jia QU Jing-yi 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2016年第9期744-753,共10页
Singapore's Chinese literature education has continuously evolved and advanced over the years, forming a unique style in global Chinese education, which can be described as: "Singapore pie". Through its bilingual ... Singapore's Chinese literature education has continuously evolved and advanced over the years, forming a unique style in global Chinese education, which can be described as: "Singapore pie". Through its bilingual policy, the Singapore government has been committed to creating a pool of bicultural talents, by supplementing the teaching of Chinese language with classes on Chinese literature and culture. This thesis seeks to understand the pros and cons of Chinese literature education in Singapore by analysing its development over the years. The teaching of Chinese literature began with the first wave of Chinese migration to Nanyang in the 19th century, and from there, it went through three phases of development: relocation, adjustment, and burgeoning. 展开更多
关键词 teaching Chinese literature in Singapore Chinese literature Nanyang characteristics teaching Chinese as secondary language
Human Rights and Nanotechnologies: Limits and Possibilities Between Technological Innovation and Rights of the Human
作者 Wilson Engelmann 《Sociology Study》 2011年第2期101-114,共14页
Nanotechnology currently represents one of the most fascinating human discoveries. With creativity, nanotechnology looks for increasingly smaller spaces in nature to meet the needs and interests of the individuals and... Nanotechnology currently represents one of the most fascinating human discoveries. With creativity, nanotechnology looks for increasingly smaller spaces in nature to meet the needs and interests of the individuals and of the society. Considering that the researches aim to create techniques to move and combine atoms and molecules, a question arises, how will these atoms and molecules behave in the new arrangement. This is the great challenge and this article attempts to bring some benefits to the subiect. It also intends to bring the human sciences, particularly law, to the scenery of this scientific revolution. The lack of regulatory frameworks does not allow humans to search and produce anything without limits. Thus, human rights should be considered an ethical foundation for nanotechnology discoveries, as they represent the "rights" that, at least, humans should have respected. 展开更多
关键词 Human rights NANOTECHNOLOGY regulatory frameworks RISKS environment
"Spiritual Adult" and Innovation of Ideological and Political Education in Colleges and Universities
作者 Weifeng Chen 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第5期16-18,共3页
Whether college students can grow up to be "spiritual adults'is directly related to their healthy growth. The implementation of "spiritual adult" education in the ideological and political education in colleges an... Whether college students can grow up to be "spiritual adults'is directly related to their healthy growth. The implementation of "spiritual adult" education in the ideological and political education in colleges and universities should give play to university spirits'osmosis in college students' spiritual cultivation, to the impact of classroom teaching on the improvement of college students' humanistic quality, to the impact of social practice on college students' self-development and self-discipline, to the university counselors'role of teaching students how to be mature and useful, and to campus culture's deifying influence on cultivation of the students' virtues. 展开更多
关键词 "Spiritual adult" Ideological and political education INNOVATION
Social Media Use Among Youth and Innovations of Moral Education Work With University Students in China
作者 ZHANG Wei-wei 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2016年第7期521-527,共7页
The new media especially the use of mobile phone for information has a profound impact on contemporary university students' behavior, psychology, and way of thinking. This article will elaborate on the moral educatio... The new media especially the use of mobile phone for information has a profound impact on contemporary university students' behavior, psychology, and way of thinking. This article will elaborate on the moral education work with university students to explore innovative ideas and innovative approaches from the perspective of interpersonal communication, political science, and sociology under the new media environment. Then the article will put forward countermeasures and improvement strategies. 展开更多
关键词 interpersonal communication social media INNOVATION moral education university students
Health Is the Key to Happiness——Profile of Dr.Lixin Shen,President & CEO of Wuxi Howfond Biopharma Co.,Ltd.
《China's Foreign Trade》 2008年第11期59-61,共3页
No matter where he is and what he does,Dr. Shen always considers himself as a devoted researcher,and holds tough mind that he will go further along the medicine innovation, heading for the health and happiness of huma... No matter where he is and what he does,Dr. Shen always considers himself as a devoted researcher,and holds tough mind that he will go further along the medicine innovation, heading for the health and happiness of human being. 展开更多
关键词 健康 医疗卫生行业 医生 个人卫生
Practise of humanistic management, explore service innovation-We take the office work of Nanjing forestry university south academy as an example
作者 WANG Siyu ZHOU Lin +1 位作者 GUO Yanhui ZHOU Xiaojuan 《International English Education Research》 2016年第2期30-32,共3页
Humanistic management means taking humanity as the center. To mobilize workers' positivity and creativity through establishing the dominant position of people in the management process and take human beings as the ma... Humanistic management means taking humanity as the center. To mobilize workers' positivity and creativity through establishing the dominant position of people in the management process and take human beings as the main line. humanistic management emphasizes to go on integrated management by taking people as the main resources in office. So the office work in our institution of higher education should even insist on the principle of people oriented. In this thesis, according to the working characteristics of the third category colleges and we also combined our practical working experience, we have carried on beneficial attempt towards humanistic management through Talents cultivation, staff management, image construction, system specification ect ways, we have also achieved good effects in improving the education environment, improving the office service qualitv ect asnects. 展开更多
关键词 humanistic management The third category (independent) Colleges office service
The theory and practice of Socialist economic
作者 Xianbao Jiang Yongyun Zhang Minggui Shu 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第11期24-26,共3页
The Development of the theory and practice of Chinese socialist economic not only adheres to the some fundamental principles of Marxist economic theory, such as socialism must vigorously develop the productive forces;... The Development of the theory and practice of Chinese socialist economic not only adheres to the some fundamental principles of Marxist economic theory, such as socialism must vigorously develop the productive forces; set the purpose for everyone' s prosperity ;implement public ownership; distribute according to work; reduce and eventually eliminate urban-rural divide, physical brain differences; achieve the freedom and comprehensive development. And from China ' s national conditions, we should combine the Marxism with China ' s economic practice, develop and innovate Marxist economic theory of the founder of scientific socialism, blaze a new road of economic theory and practice of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Economic theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics established through continuous exploration and development on the basis of summing up success and failure in the socialist economic practice at home and abroad. 展开更多
关键词 MARKET ECONOMY socialist.
Reflections on the Dilemma and Solutions of College Students’ Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education under the Background of “Internet Plus”
作者 He Ling-ling 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2016年第11期22-23,共2页
Appropriate innovation and Entrepreneurship Education in the university can effectivelypromote the reform of teaching mode and improve the quality of personnel training. With the emergence of the “InternetPlus”, it ... Appropriate innovation and Entrepreneurship Education in the university can effectivelypromote the reform of teaching mode and improve the quality of personnel training. With the emergence of the “InternetPlus”, it is inevitable to integrate the Internet and innovation educationorganically. In this paper, on the basis of the existing literature and data review as well as the field researches in some universities, the author sorted out the plight of the present situation of College Students’ innovation and Entrepreneurship Education under the background of the “InternetPlus”, expounded the function and significance of innovation and entrepreneurship education, and puttedforward some suggestions to the construction of universities’ innovation and entrepreneurship education system, to promote students’ overall growh and social progress. 展开更多
关键词 Internet Plus college students innovation and Business start-ups
梁启超“新民说”格局中的史学与文学革命 被引量:3
作者 关爱和 《文学遗产》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第5期15-24,共10页
19、20世纪之交,维新思想家梁启超在西风东渐、救亡图存的思想背景下,策动了以"新民救国"为主旨的思想启蒙运动。在梁启超的"新民说"的学术格局中,新人学为核心,新史学、新文学为两翼。"新民说"在考量与... 19、20世纪之交,维新思想家梁启超在西风东渐、救亡图存的思想背景下,策动了以"新民救国"为主旨的思想启蒙运动。在梁启超的"新民说"的学术格局中,新人学为核心,新史学、新文学为两翼。"新民说"在考量与传播20世纪欧西国家民族观、国家观、历史观、文学观的基础上,呼唤中国传统学术的革命性转化、创新性发展,从而成为中国近代促进国民进步、国家富强、民族崛起的思想先导。梁启超致力于构建具有中国精神、中国价值、中国力量的学术框架和体系,推动了近代民族复兴的伟大事业。 展开更多
关键词 梁启超 民说 新人学 史学 文学
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