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《辽宁省人民政府公报》 2011年第6期22-26,共5页
关键词 国家战略性 业发展环境 国务院文件 直辖市人民政府 企业所得税 中小软件企业 国务院各部委 新兴产
经济“新常态”下的区域发展动力源于创新 被引量:13
作者 方竹兰 《区域经济评论》 2014年第6期30-32,共3页
习近平总书记2014年5月在河南考察时指出,我国发展仍处于重要战略机遇期,要增强信心,从当前我国经济发展的阶段性特征出发,适应新常态,保持战略上的平常心态,这也是习近平总书记首次以"新常态"来描述中国经济发展的阶段性转... 习近平总书记2014年5月在河南考察时指出,我国发展仍处于重要战略机遇期,要增强信心,从当前我国经济发展的阶段性特征出发,适应新常态,保持战略上的平常心态,这也是习近平总书记首次以"新常态"来描述中国经济发展的阶段性转换和新特征。"新常态"的提出,表明党和政府对我国经济发展的形势和趋势做出了新判断,成为今后较长一段时期推动经济持续健康发展的出发点。如何理解我国经济发展的"新常态",经济发展"新常态"下区域经济发展的新趋势是什么,未来决定区域经济发展新政策的着力点和改革的新导向是什么,等等,都需要我们进行深入研究。本刊特别邀请6位专家就上述问题进言献策,以期对区域经济发展提供新的理论支撑。 展开更多
关键词 区域发展 经济发展 区域经济 决定区域 直觉式 进言献策 原始型 区域业结构 全面深化改革 新兴产
抓好教育实践活动 推动新城又好又快发展
作者 曹文明 《学习月刊》 2015年第4期88-89,共2页
无锡市商务区在教育实践活动中围绕"为民、务实、清廉"三项主要内容,抓好"六个着力点",推动新城经济又好又快发展。在"招商引资"、"产业培植"、"项目建设"、"经济监测"等... 无锡市商务区在教育实践活动中围绕"为民、务实、清廉"三项主要内容,抓好"六个着力点",推动新城经济又好又快发展。在"招商引资"、"产业培植"、"项目建设"、"经济监测"等4个着力点上,加强"务实"理念,在"群众关心的实际问题"这一着力点上,深化"为民"意识;在"干部职工清廉作风"这一着力点上,强化"清廉"品格。一。 展开更多
关键词 教育实践 城市综合体 土地出让收入 业研究 实施路径 恒大 拓展计划 城市广场 经营性用地 新兴产
作者 本刊编辑部 《现代国企研究》 2014年第3期24-25,共2页
这是一个变革的时代:经济全球化日益深入、移动互联网浪潮汹涌、新兴产业形态和组织形态不断涌现……如何在变革中实现转型与升级,是企业迫切需要研究和解决的课题,也是HR必须面对的重大挑战。人力资源的新名词叫人力资源管理无边界。2... 这是一个变革的时代:经济全球化日益深入、移动互联网浪潮汹涌、新兴产业形态和组织形态不断涌现……如何在变革中实现转型与升级,是企业迫切需要研究和解决的课题,也是HR必须面对的重大挑战。人力资源的新名词叫人力资源管理无边界。2013年是大数据元年,对人力资源管理的组织模式、人力资源管理的评价体系、员工管理的方式都发生巨大变化,中国企业人力资源效率正在从点效率、线效率进入网效率时代,被称作人力资源价值网时代。这意味着进入一个"新四化" 展开更多
关键词 人力资源管理 员工管理 人力资源价值 互联网浪潮 HR 数据元 归核化 组织形态 经济全球化 新兴产
作者 林峰 《中国房地产》 2015年第6Z期46-48,共3页
从某种角度来说,艺术聚集区展示了一个城市的生活方式、生活理念以及城市文化,从而成为了标榜个性、创意生活、聚焦人气的城市吸引核和活力中心。然而现在的艺术聚集区发展遇到了投资商与政府介入而产生的种种问题,据不完全统计,过去5... 从某种角度来说,艺术聚集区展示了一个城市的生活方式、生活理念以及城市文化,从而成为了标榜个性、创意生活、聚焦人气的城市吸引核和活力中心。然而现在的艺术聚集区发展遇到了投资商与政府介入而产生的种种问题,据不完全统计,过去5年之中,北京有多达20多处艺术聚集区被迫拆迁。面对房租上涨、开发同质化等阻碍其进一步发展的瓶颈,该如何突破? 展开更多
关键词 生活理念 创意生活 旅游吸引力 旅游 园区 旅游综合体 上海居民 交流机会 市场风险 新兴产
《中国经济报告》 2014年第2期12-12,共1页
国务院发展研究中心:地区低碳发展的行动指标体系地区低碳发展行动指标体系在操作思路上从"衡量评价各个地区的低碳状况"转变为"衡量评价各个地区在促进低碳发展上的努力程度",用"规划管理"、"能源... 国务院发展研究中心:地区低碳发展的行动指标体系地区低碳发展行动指标体系在操作思路上从"衡量评价各个地区的低碳状况"转变为"衡量评价各个地区在促进低碳发展上的努力程度",用"规划管理"、"能源结构"、"工业"、"建筑"、"交通"、"农业、林业和土地利用"、"技术"和"政策"八个方面的综合指标来对不同地区在推动低碳发展上的努力程度加以考察。宣晓伟:《我国地区低碳发展中的问题和建议》英国经济学人智库:核材料安全评估在过去的两年里,7个国家(奥地利、捷克、匈牙利、墨西哥、瑞典、乌克兰和越南) 展开更多
关键词 低碳发展 指标体系 能源结构 土地利用 综合指标 经济学人 操作思路 国家统计局 新丝绸之路 新兴产
《江苏省人民政府公报》 2013年第20期29-43,共15页
关键词 出口加工区 业关联 国际竞争 海关特殊监管区 经济发展方式 综合保税区 加工贸易 利用外资 新兴产
作者 本刊编辑部 《宁波市人民政府公报》 2010年第8期1-1,共1页
关键词 国际大都市 国际航运 架构模式 仁毛 杭州湾新区 经济发展转型 辐射理论 制度构架 大处着眼 新兴产
《吉林政报》 2011年第3期2-42,41,共3页
2010年是金融危机后我省经济全面复苏、加快经济发展方式转变的关键一年,也是"十一五"规划的收官年。面对错综复杂的经济形势、历史罕见的自然灾害和艰巨的工作任务,全省工信系统在省委、省政府的正确领导下,认真贯彻落实科... 2010年是金融危机后我省经济全面复苏、加快经济发展方式转变的关键一年,也是"十一五"规划的收官年。面对错综复杂的经济形势、历史罕见的自然灾害和艰巨的工作任务,全省工信系统在省委、省政府的正确领导下,认真贯彻落实科学发展观,紧紧围绕运行保障、重点项目建设、重大新产品规模化生产、百强企业培育、产业集群打造、中小企业发展等各项工作任务,开拓进取,奋勇拼搏。 展开更多
关键词 官年 业集群 经济发展方式 重点项目 百强 金融危机 电子政务网络 系统安全保障 地区生 新兴产
《辽宁省人民政府公报》 2015年第17期14-17,共4页
辽政发[2015]15号各市人民政府,省政府各厅委、各直属机构:6月11日至15日,国务院第八督查组对我省2014年下半年以来,国务院重大政策措施落实情况进行了督查。6月15日,督查组向我省反馈了督查意见。6月15日下午,省政府召开常务会议,迅速... 辽政发[2015]15号各市人民政府,省政府各厅委、各直属机构:6月11日至15日,国务院第八督查组对我省2014年下半年以来,国务院重大政策措施落实情况进行了督查。6月15日,督查组向我省反馈了督查意见。6月15日下午,省政府召开常务会议,迅速部署督查反馈意见的整改落实工作。现将经省政府常务会议审议通过的《国务院第八督查组向辽宁省反馈意见的整改落实责任分工方案》印发给你们,请结合实际,认真抓好贯彻落实。 展开更多
关键词 措施落实情况 常务会议 直属机构 业结构问题 能源原材料 经济繁荣发展 日至 省政府各部门 新兴产
Expansion of Technical Innovation and Demand Determines Production Organization Pattern in Strategic Emerging Industries——Taking Example of TFT-LCD Industry 被引量:2
作者 李鹏飞 吕铁 《China Economist》 2014年第1期86-97,共12页
Taking the evolution process of TFT-LCD industry as an example,this paper applied history-friendly model to analyze the effect of technology innovation and learning,and market demand growth and fluctuation on the evol... Taking the evolution process of TFT-LCD industry as an example,this paper applied history-friendly model to analyze the effect of technology innovation and learning,and market demand growth and fluctuation on the evolution of production organization pattern in strategic emerging industries.Our research indicates that:(1) when market demand maintains linear growth,continuous technology innovation capabilities of vertically integrated enterprises in leading position of an industry are the key factor in deciding whether dominant production organization pattern will shift from vertical integration to specialization;(2) when market demand is in cyclical fluctuation,the technology learning capabilities of specialized enterprises in catch-up position are the key factor in deciding whether dominant production organization pattern will shift from vertical integration to specialization;(3) when market demand growth is under cyclical fluctuation,if the relative gap between technology innovation capabilities of vertically integrated enterprises and technology learning capabilities of specialized enterprises remains constant,the phase when industry cycle moves from trough to plateau is the best time window for specialized enterprises to catch up with and overtake vertically integrated enterprises.Hence,policy design supporting the development of strategic emerging industries should give full consideration to factors like market demand environment and technology innovation and learning capabilities of domestic enterprises. 展开更多
关键词 strategic emerging industries technology innovation production organizationpattern history-friendly model
Industrial Ecosystem and the Development of Strategic Emerging Industries 被引量:1
作者 LiXiaohua Liu Feng 《China Economist》 2013年第6期48-57,共10页
Based on the theories of business ecosystem and national innovation system, this paper proposes a concept of industrial ecosystem. Differ from ecologists and environmentalists who regard industrial ecosystem as the na... Based on the theories of business ecosystem and national innovation system, this paper proposes a concept of industrial ecosystem. Differ from ecologists and environmentalists who regard industrial ecosystem as the natural ecosystems in which material, energy and information circulates, this paper defines industrial ecosystem as a set of factors that are vital to the development of a certain industry and their interrelationship. The industrial ecosystem consists of three sub-systems that are innovation ecosystem, production ecosystem, and application ecosystem, and subsidiary factors that include factor supply, infrastructure, socio-cultural environment, international environment and policy system. The industrial ecosystem is characterized by interdependencies, complex interactions, self-recovery and co-evolution. The development of an industry is' the result of the reaction of the whole industrial ecosystem; therefore, the competition in strategic emerging industries among countries is in essence the competition in industrial ecosystems. Those countries which are able to take the lead in setting up complete industrial ecosystem will occupy advantage in developing strategic emerging industries. Cultivating and developing strategic emerging industries requires promoting the development and coordination of the whole ecosystem. 展开更多
关键词 industrial ecosystem business ecosystem national innovation system strategic emerging industries
Significance of Rare Mineral Resources to Strategic Emerging Industries
作者 李鹏飞 杨丹辉 +1 位作者 渠慎宁 张艳芳 《China Economist》 2015年第3期100-113,共14页
As non-renewable natural resources, rare minerals' are extensively used as important raw materials in strategic emerging industries. As global consumption continues to increase over recent years, international compet... As non-renewable natural resources, rare minerals' are extensively used as important raw materials in strategic emerging industries. As global consumption continues to increase over recent years, international competition in the area of rare mineral minerals has been escalating. On the basis' of the identification of 22 rare mineral resources of six categories and analysis of their applications in strategic emerging industries, this paper has adopted a three-factor analytical framework and designed nine indicators from the three dimensions of supply risks, environmental impacts and economic impacts of restricted supply to conduct a quantitative evaluation of the strategic significance of rare mineral resources. The result indicates that the strategic significance of platinum-group metals is the highest and the strategic significance of cesium is the lowest. In order to further increase the reliability of evaluation results, this paper has employed the Monte Carlo simulation for uncertainty analysis'. Simulation result demonstrates that after the impacts" of individual indicators have been taken into account, the results' of this paper's evaluation of 22 rare mineral resources remain valid. Given the growing significance of rare mineral resources to strategic emerging industries, China should formulate a national strategy on rare mineral resources', strive to inerease the supply security of key raw materials for strategic emerging industries and achieve the sustainable development and utilization of rare mineral resources for national security of natural resources. 展开更多
关键词 rare mineral resources strategic significance supply risks environmentalimpacts economic impacts of restricted supply
The Analysis of Existing Problems and Countermeasures about China's Oversea Purchase
作者 Zhenhua YANG 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第1期7-10,共4页
Oversea purchase has got rapid development as a new industry in our country. But its problems are increasingly prominent. This thesis aims at finding the problems and roots which hinder its development by analyzing th... Oversea purchase has got rapid development as a new industry in our country. But its problems are increasingly prominent. This thesis aims at finding the problems and roots which hinder its development by analyzing the development situation of current oversea purchase. In addition, this thesis will look for countermeasures which are beneficial to its healthy development and promote the free development of foreign trade in our country. 展开更多
关键词 Oversea Purchase Cross-border Payment Consumption Rights Protection.
Open Government and "E-Government" in Russia
作者 N. S. Vinogradova O. A. Moiseeva 《Sociology Study》 2015年第1期29-38,共10页
With the advent and widespread information and communication technologies, pace of human activity has accelerated markedly new industries, new management techniques. And in the world community, now prevalent idea of d... With the advent and widespread information and communication technologies, pace of human activity has accelerated markedly new industries, new management techniques. And in the world community, now prevalent idea of democracy with equal rights and freedoms for all citizens of a democratic state is a risk and a challenge to the integrity of a community. Against this background, it becomes important not only process control, but also a system of communication between society and the state. For effective interaction between society and the state, the government needs a new, streamlined platform for the provision of public services. This site was e-government. Currently, the concept of "open government" is implemented in the administration of the state in all developed countries. This paper deals with modern communication mechanism of the state and society in Russia, for example, "e-government", and the effectiveness of this mechanism in the process of changing demands of society. 展开更多
关键词 Political communication mass communication public relations E-GOVERNMENT open government
Empirical Research on Sticky Cost in Strategic Emerging Industries
作者 Zhangxin Wu Yuewen Li 《International English Education Research》 2015年第3期78-80,共3页
Cost Stickiness theory believe that costs do not linearly change with the volume ofbusiness, when business increased it increases more cost than when business volume decreased by the same amount it reduces. Use sticky... Cost Stickiness theory believe that costs do not linearly change with the volume ofbusiness, when business increased it increases more cost than when business volume decreased by the same amount it reduces. Use sticky cost theory to the process of cost management can improve the efficiency of enterprises' cost plan and cost control. The national twelith five year plan proposed to vigorously develop strategic emerging industries, if the strategic emerging industry also has the cost stickiness, we can apply sticky cost theory to the process its cost management. The author selected 120 listing corporations' financial data in China during 2007-2012 belongs to the emerging industries. Through empirical study, we found that the strategic emerging industry does not exist sticky cost beheavior. This may because China's strategic emerging industrie is still in the initial reason. 展开更多
关键词 strategic emerging industry sticky cost listed cost empirical research
Research on the Action Mechanism of Technology Foresight in Strategic Emerging Industries --Take the Delphi Method and Technology Roadmap for Example
作者 Zhang Yanhong Tian Xiaoqin 《Review of Global Academics》 2014年第6期442-444,共3页
Developing strategic emerging industries is the major strategic initiative to accelerate the transformation of economic development while Technology Foresight is a very effective tool. This essay analyses the roles an... Developing strategic emerging industries is the major strategic initiative to accelerate the transformation of economic development while Technology Foresight is a very effective tool. This essay analyses the roles and limitations of Delphi method and Technology Roadmap in development of strategic emerging industries and offers suggestions on how to strengthen the effectiveness of Technology Foresight in it. 展开更多
关键词 technology foresight strategic emerging industries action mechanism
Mapping the Layout of China's Strategic Emerging Industries
作者 李金华 《China Economist》 2014年第6期74-84,共11页
Currently,technology,human resources,economic development level and resource endowment determine the spatial layout of China's strategic emerging industries,whose development is dominated by large state-owned ente... Currently,technology,human resources,economic development level and resource endowment determine the spatial layout of China's strategic emerging industries,whose development is dominated by large state-owned enterprises and leading firms.Disparities in the layout of strategic emerging industries are limited for economically developed regions in China but significant for less developed regions.In this context,the Chinese government should be alarmed of repetitive development and excessive input of industrial resources;encourage the development of private capital and prevent the monopoly of state-owned enterprises;adopt a strategy of complementary advantages,and promote industrial relocation for the multi-tiered and non-equilibrium development of strategic emerging industries in China. 展开更多
关键词 strategic emerging industries spatial layout
The Policy Evaluating Research on Strategic Emerging Industry in Shanghai
作者 Hu Jun Tengfei Zhang 《International English Education Research》 2015年第5期120-122,共3页
Strategic emerging industry is the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure and transformation of economic development. And it' s also the key to enhance China's independent innovation capability and inte... Strategic emerging industry is the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure and transformation of economic development. And it' s also the key to enhance China's independent innovation capability and international competitiveness. Whether it is from the industrial development of the law or its own development experience of emerging industries, the development of new industries are heavily influenced by national policy, national policy to some extent can be seen as strategic emerging industry development the decisive factor. The article evaluates the effects that the policies to what extent promotes the development of strategic emerging industry in Shanghai. 展开更多
关键词 SHANGHAI strategic emerging industry evaluation
Research on the Action Mechanism of Technology Foresight in Strategic Emerging Industries----Take The Delphi Method And Technology Roadmap For Example
作者 Zhang YanHong Tian XiaoQin 《Review of Global Academics》 2014年第1期95-99,共5页
Developing strategic emerging industries is the major strategic initiative to accelerate the transformation of economic development while Technology Foresight is a very effective tool. This essay analyses the roles an... Developing strategic emerging industries is the major strategic initiative to accelerate the transformation of economic development while Technology Foresight is a very effective tool. This essay analyses the roles and limitations of Delphi method and Technology Roadmap in development of strategic emerging industries and offers suggestions on how to strengthen the effectiveness of Technology Foresight in it. 展开更多
关键词 technology foresight strategic emerging industries action mechanism
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