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作者 陶婕 《商业观察》 2024年第16期45-48,共4页
文章通过探讨创业投资对新创业企业成长的影响,对创业投资与新创业企业的概念进行界定,明确了研究对象和范围;同时,构建了创业投资影响新创业企业成长的理论框架,包括资源供给、治理与支持,以及网络与关系三个方面。此外,文章还具体分... 文章通过探讨创业投资对新创业企业成长的影响,对创业投资与新创业企业的概念进行界定,明确了研究对象和范围;同时,构建了创业投资影响新创业企业成长的理论框架,包括资源供给、治理与支持,以及网络与关系三个方面。此外,文章还具体分析了创业投资对新创业企业成长的三个主要影响,即资金注入与企业规模扩张的关系、管理经验和专业知识的传递机制,以及行业网络与市场资源的整合作用,以此深入剖析创业投资是如何推动新创业企业成长的,并探讨了案例的启示与意义。研究表明,创业投资对新创业企业的成长具有显著的正向影响,为新创业企业的快速发展提供了重要的支持。 展开更多
关键词 创业投资 新创业企业 企业成长 资金注入 管理经验
跨越鸿沟:新经济创业企业商业模式闭环的构建机理——价值创造和价值捕获协同演化视角的多案例研究 被引量:9
作者 王烽权 江积海 《南开管理评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第1期195-205,248,I0035,I0036,共14页
价值创造和价值捕获之间存在一道“鸿沟”,能否构建出商业模式闭环以“跨越鸿沟”,成为新经济创业企业成败的关键所在。本文立足中国新经济创业情境,基于动态能力理论,以价值创造和价值捕获协同演化作为研究视角,通过对美团、小米和ofo... 价值创造和价值捕获之间存在一道“鸿沟”,能否构建出商业模式闭环以“跨越鸿沟”,成为新经济创业企业成败的关键所在。本文立足中国新经济创业情境,基于动态能力理论,以价值创造和价值捕获协同演化作为研究视角,通过对美团、小米和ofo的多案例研究,系统探索出新经济创业企业商业模式闭环的构建机理。研究表明:商业模式闭环构建过程包括单点突破、场景延伸和生态协同三个阶段,每一阶段在实现价值创造和价值捕获动态平衡的同时都应形成一个能够自我强化的闭环,它们环环相扣、层层递进,为了获取可持续竞争优势,每一阶段都需要同时对动态能力各维度进行部署。总体而言,环境感知和机会把握能力在所有阶段的重要性程度都很高,而组织重构能力的重要性则伴随阶段演进逐步提高。本文的理论模型能够贡献于现有文献对商业模式闭环构建及价值创造和价值捕获相互关系考量不足的研究缺口,也是对动态能力理论在商业模式创新领域的进一步拓展。 展开更多
关键词 经济创业企业 商业模式闭环 动态能力 价值创造 价值捕获 协同演化
促进民营企业“二次创业”的政策路径研究 被引量:2
作者 刘永泉 李萍 《商业时代》 北大核心 2014年第11期93-95,共3页
近年来民营企业在"二次创业"和转型升级方面取得一定进展,但仍面临不确定的宏观国内外经济环境和融资难、用工难等微观环境。本文通过选取浙江嘉兴样本及民营企业新产品产值作为因变量,进行回归分析,证实民营企业"二次创... 近年来民营企业在"二次创业"和转型升级方面取得一定进展,但仍面临不确定的宏观国内外经济环境和融资难、用工难等微观环境。本文通过选取浙江嘉兴样本及民营企业新产品产值作为因变量,进行回归分析,证实民营企业"二次创业"时,资本制约下转型升级乏力,自身素质制约无心升级。基于分析提出促进民营企业二次创业的政策路径,政府首要任务是创建公平环境,尤其是在行业准入、融资机会公平方面做足工作;另一个重要任务是为企业保持适度压力,引导企业转型升级;最后为企业构建灵活的高层次人才使用机制,提高民营企业人力资源绩效。 展开更多
关键词 民营企业二次创业产品 能力
作者 周方 刘艺璇 邱玉 《云南科技管理》 2022年第1期7-10,共4页
知识搜索作为企业获取新知识的一种途径,能够提高企业自身所拥有知识储量与丰富内部知识的异质性,帮助企业更好地解决问题和应对复杂的环境,促进企业绩效的提高。文章通过对知识搜索、商业模式创新和欠发达地区新创企业绩效三者之间关... 知识搜索作为企业获取新知识的一种途径,能够提高企业自身所拥有知识储量与丰富内部知识的异质性,帮助企业更好地解决问题和应对复杂的环境,促进企业绩效的提高。文章通过对知识搜索、商业模式创新和欠发达地区新创企业绩效三者之间关系进行了文献梳理,深入探讨知识搜索、商业模式创新对欠发达地区新创企业绩效的作用机制,为提高欠发达地区新创企业绩效提供了思路。另外,针对现有研究存在的不足,对未来研究方向进行展望。 展开更多
关键词 知识搜索 商业模式创 欠发达地区新创业企业绩效
手段导向、知识获取与新企业创业能力的实证研究 被引量:25
作者 郭润萍 《管理科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期13-23,共11页
创业能力对于新企业创造和维持竞争优势具有重要意义,相关研究受到创业领域学者们的广泛关注。然而创业能力的实证研究主要集中于创业者个体层面创业能力的前因和结果分析,组织层面的创业能力的实证研究尚处于探索阶段,仍有待运用有效... 创业能力对于新企业创造和维持竞争优势具有重要意义,相关研究受到创业领域学者们的广泛关注。然而创业能力的实证研究主要集中于创业者个体层面创业能力的前因和结果分析,组织层面的创业能力的实证研究尚处于探索阶段,仍有待运用有效的理论揭示新企业如何构建组织层面创业能力的内在机理和路径。作为新兴的创业理论,手段导向理论有助于面临高不确定性的新企业在创业过程中持续进行迭代式学习,而组织学习理论认为,知识获取作为组织学习的核心环节有助于组织创业能力的构建。因此,手段导向可能通过知识获取提升新企业创业能力。然而,少有学者关注此方面研究。运用手段导向理论和组织学习理论,深入剖析手段导向各维度对创业能力的积极影响,检验知识获取在手段导向与创业能力关系间的中介作用。采取大样本问卷调查,收集215家中国新企业数据,并运用多元线性回归分析和因子分析等方法进行实证检验。研究结果表明,手段导向的4个维度均对创业能力具有积极影响,试验、可承受损失和先前承诺3个维度通过知识获取提升新企业创业能力,但是知识获取在柔性与新企业创业能力关系间的中介作用不显著。研究结论对于丰富和拓展组织层面创业能力相关研究和推动手段导向理论的发展具有重要意义,为新企业如何在高不确定性和强资源约束下构建组织创业能力提供必要的理论指导。 展开更多
关键词 手段导向 企业创业能力 知识获取 转型经济
A Discussion on Models of Co-action and Innovation of Government and Enterprises in Agricultural Industrialization——Taking Shandong Fengyu Edible Fungus Co.,Ltd as an Example
作者 丁强 吕蔚 +2 位作者 钟楠 邹积华 徐绍荣 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第8期1974-1977,共4页
The development of agricultural industrialization is an effective way of optimizing rural industrial structure and increasing peasants' income. Taking Shandong Fengyu Edible Fungus Co.,Ltd as an example, the paper di... The development of agricultural industrialization is an effective way of optimizing rural industrial structure and increasing peasants' income. Taking Shandong Fengyu Edible Fungus Co.,Ltd as an example, the paper discusses the development and innovation of edible fungus industry in production models, management system and operational mechanism in Wucheng City. It is expected to be helpful for innovating the development of agricultural industrialization in China. 展开更多
关键词 Co-action of government and enterprises INNOVATE Agricultural industrialization
Innovation in Chinese Agribusinesses: Internal Resources and External Networks
作者 Danhong Chen David Abler +1 位作者 Xia Gao Qijie Gao 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2013年第9期635-647,共13页
The existing literature on innovation concentrates mostly on large industrial firms and high-technology industries, whereas, little attention has been given to agribusiness. Empirical evidence regarding the driving fo... The existing literature on innovation concentrates mostly on large industrial firms and high-technology industries, whereas, little attention has been given to agribusiness. Empirical evidence regarding the driving forces behind innovation in agribusinesses in developing countries, China in particular is scarce. This paper helps fill that void. It develops a framework in which innovation results from synergies between internal resources and external networks. This paper applies and tests the framework using 2003-2005 data from a panel survey of 32 leading agribusiness firms in Shandong Province, China. The empirical results indicate the importance of internal resources, external networks and the synergies between them. We find that R&D expenditures and the number of technical employees are internal resources that are both important to product innovation. Surprisingly, management quality is negatively related to the possession of a unique technology and new products as a proportion of all products. It is possible that management quality is associated with more formalization and rigidity in decision-making, hindering creativity and lengthening the new product development cycle. In order to develop innovative products, our results suggest that investing in R&D and hiring more technical staff may be more effective approaches than spending on managerial talent. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese agribusiness external networks internal resources product innovation synergies.
Process and risk analysis about enterprises technological innovation
作者 JIANG Xue-gen WANG Li-xin 《Chinese Business Review》 2007年第3期49-54,共6页
Successful innovation is so important that enterprise scientifically manages the process and risk of technological innovation. Firstly, the process of innovation is generalized to seven stages including formation of i... Successful innovation is so important that enterprise scientifically manages the process and risk of technological innovation. Firstly, the process of innovation is generalized to seven stages including formation of innovation idea, investigation and evaluation, research and development, middle test, mass production, marketing and selling, after service and feedback. Secondly, the origin of risk in the process of innovation is analyzed. The purpose is to help enterprise identify risk and take countermeasure to minimize the potential loss and maximize the potential income. 展开更多
关键词 technological innovation innovation process innovation risk
Analysis of Managing Creativity for Entrepreneurs
作者 Ati Cahayani 《Chinese Business Review》 2013年第1期62-69,共8页
In Indonesia, open unemployment until August 2011 was 7,700,086. Although this number has decreased compared with the number of unemployed in February 2011, which is 8,117,631, but the decline is not very significant.... In Indonesia, open unemployment until August 2011 was 7,700,086. Although this number has decreased compared with the number of unemployed in February 2011, which is 8,117,631, but the decline is not very significant. Unemployment occurs because labor forces are not absorbed into employment. One way to reduce unemployment is to open their own employment or become entrepreneurs. In fact, the government of Indonesia has made some efforts to the growth of new entrepreneurs, for example, by providing funding for student entrepreneurship program to a number of universities in Indonesia. However, efforts by the government are useless if there is no intention in the individual itself, and there are five factors driving intention in entrepreneurship, which invest, creativity, market opportunity, autonomy, status. Meanwhile, some researchers have conducted research about factor which driving the entrepreneurial intention. The result of that research shows that the most encouraging factor is the creativity. However, creativity must be managed properly in order to give optimal results This article wants to analyze the management of creativity among entrepreneurs in order to give optimal results. The research was conducted among young entrepreneurs, which are still a college student or had graduated from college. The total informants for this research are five informants from three private universities/colleges. This research used interview to collect data. This study attempted to process qualitative data obtained from interviews with young entrepreneurs. The result of this research is all of the respondents use some techniques to maintain and enhance creativity, such as "allow you to creative", "think out of the box", and "be persistent". From the findings of this study, it also can be seen that the young entrepreneurs are able to overcome the barriers to creativity, "believing that I am not creative' 展开更多
关键词 managing and enhancing creativity ENTREPRENEURS barriers to creativity
Economic management and innovation strategies of enterprises under market economy conditions
作者 Qing LI 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第3期19-21,共3页
Under the highly competitive market economy management system, economic management of Chinese enterprises tends to be diversity. With the continuous development of market economy, enterprises need choose the appropria... Under the highly competitive market economy management system, economic management of Chinese enterprises tends to be diversity. With the continuous development of market economy, enterprises need choose the appropriate management methods according to the actual situation, which is to help enterprises to survive in the highly competitive environment. However, due to a variety of external factors, economic management situation is not optimistic. And it increases their sense of crisis. This article will make a systematic analysis of management strategies as the point of the enterprise management mode and innovation strategy under market economy. 展开更多
关键词 market economy enterprise economy management strategy
The discussed of China private enterprise technology innovation
作者 Min Huang 《International English Education Research》 2014年第5期38-40,共3页
Innovation is the source of modem enterprise profit, is also the fundamental driving force for enterprise development. With the rapid development of knowledge economy, the private economy is more and more important in... Innovation is the source of modem enterprise profit, is also the fundamental driving force for enterprise development. With the rapid development of knowledge economy, the private economy is more and more important in our national economy. Private enterprises become the main body of the market economy, at the same time, private enterprises in stabling economic growth, promoting international trade, promoting technological progress, reducing unemployment plays a positive role which cannot be substituted. However, private enterprises are existence problems such as lack of innovation resources, and inadequate innovation ability. Therefore, the private enterprise has important practical significance to studying the technological innovation project. 展开更多
关键词 private enterprise technological innovation PROBLEMS
Corporate innovation behavior and internal governance mechanism
作者 WANG Xue 《Chinese Business Review》 2010年第7期58-62,共5页
Innovation is a process results in new products, methods of production and forms of business organization. Innovation can vastly improve the welfare of consumers, investors, firms and the economy. However, there is re... Innovation is a process results in new products, methods of production and forms of business organization. Innovation can vastly improve the welfare of consumers, investors, firms and the economy. However, there is relatively limited evidence of how corporate governance affects corporate innovation. In this study, the author theoretically demonstrates how internal governance mechanisms interact to affect innovation, such as internal control, monitoring and compensation contracts. Governance mechanisms are determined by firm characteristics. The "best" governance structures that can be adopted universally do not exist. However, innovative firms often share similar characteristics, and they adopt similar governance mechanisms to facilitate innovation. The ultimate purpose of such internal governance mechanism that facilitates innovation is to prevent managers' myopia, and this paper concludes 5 different roles in internal governance mechanism that facilitate corporate innovation behavior. 展开更多
关键词 corporate innovation behavior corporate governance financial endowments
Innovation in the Manufacturing Sector: The Case of Serbia
作者 Ljiljana Kontic 《Chinese Business Review》 2011年第10期879-888,共10页
The paper presents the results of research on innovation activities of manufacturing firms in Serbia. In order to answer the question how innovation takes place in one transition country, key influencing factors were ... The paper presents the results of research on innovation activities of manufacturing firms in Serbia. In order to answer the question how innovation takes place in one transition country, key influencing factors were identify (i.e., firm's size, age, ownership, industry sector, personnel qualifications and experience). Based on the analysis of a sample comprising 73 firms, the study tried to highlight certain innovation barriers, which may have a negative impact on the total efficiency of economic performance, and growth and development of manufacturing firms in Serbia. Comparing overall innovation activities of Serbian firms to the other transition countries, it can be concluded that majority of the fhnns had innovation performances below the level EU-27. This study draws out the potential contributions to existing literature of managing innovation in Serbia. 展开更多
关键词 innovation factors innovation networks manufacturing sector STRATEGY Serbia
The Mode of Innovation and Entrepreneurship of Maker Space Based on "Intemet +"——Take 36 Kr as an Example
作者 SANG Xinxin 《International English Education Research》 2016年第12期65-67,共3页
The lnternet age has penetrated deeply into people's life. Some existing Intemet patterrrs can not meet the needs of consumers.With the development of "Internet +", the innovation and entrepreneurship of Internet ... The lnternet age has penetrated deeply into people's life. Some existing Intemet patterrrs can not meet the needs of consumers.With the development of "Internet +", the innovation and entrepreneurship of Internet are emerging. New electric business, incubator, maker space are becoming popular innovative modes and develop rapidly. In this paper, we will discuss the change of innovation and entrepreneurship under the" lnternet +" era by taking maker space 3 6 Kr as an example. 展开更多
关键词 Traditional Industries Internet Innovation ENTREPRENEURSHIP PIONEER MAKER Maker space 36 Kr O2O
Measuring the Degree of Innovation in Retail and Services Micro and Small Enterprises
作者 Cicero Eduardo Walter Claudia Miranda Veloso +1 位作者 Paula Odete Femandes Humberto Ribeiro 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2017年第9期401-411,共11页
Micro and small enterprises (MSEs) are considered the most dynamic and flexible arrangement of activity. In the economy, the foundation and development of these features is important for the creation of the so-call... Micro and small enterprises (MSEs) are considered the most dynamic and flexible arrangement of activity. In the economy, the foundation and development of these features is important for the creation of the so-called "normal" economic environment. The main objective of this research is to present a research model of innovation in MSEs to analyse: first, the degree of innovation of MSEs, and second, how the innovation is handled by existing MSEs as a result of its business environment. The research made is based on a sample of 550 MSEs distributed over six cities across the Brazilian State of Piaui. The data were collected using the Innovation Radar application, which is owned by the SEBRAE Local Innovation Agents program. Statistical techniques of descriptive, exploratory, and inferential nature were used for corresponding data treatment and results validation. The results obtained suggest that MSEs have innovation capacity between the "Little Innovative" and "Occasional Innovative" range, and also that the average and the distribution of innovation levels are similar amongst MSEs analyzed. 展开更多
关键词 RETAIL SERVICES micro and small enterprises (MSEs) innovation management COMPETITIVENESS
The Impact of Corporate Cultural Innovation on theEnterprise Management Innovation
作者 Fenghua LI 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第6期60-62,共3页
Enterprise Management Innovation has been a topic of concern to the business community and holds the same opinions to adhere to corporate management for innovation, but how to make companies management innovation beco... Enterprise Management Innovation has been a topic of concern to the business community and holds the same opinions to adhere to corporate management for innovation, but how to make companies management innovation becomes the business people must face. I believe that: enterprise management innovation is the innovation of the modem enterprise system, enterprise management innovation is necessary not only to establish modem corporate governance institutions, but also to establish a sound management system. Based on this idea, the purpose of this paper is to explore the enterprise management innovation, a true reflection of the necessity and creative approach to business management innovation. Through analysis, the enterprise management innovation is the scientific concept of development of specific applications in the field of enterprise management. Enterprise management innovation is the development of internal demand point of view, hoping to be helpful for Chinese enterprises to occupy a place in the fierce competition in the international market. 展开更多
关键词 business management INNOVATION CULTURE IMPACT
Could Innovation be Driven by Globalization?
作者 Fawzy Soliman 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2012年第12期1848-1860,共13页
This paper examines the critical role of globalization as a driver for innovation. The introduction of the global strategy quadruple model truly links the three known strategy perspectives (namely, industry competiti... This paper examines the critical role of globalization as a driver for innovation. The introduction of the global strategy quadruple model truly links the three known strategy perspectives (namely, industry competition, resources and institution views) and performance. The model could assist in advancing the cause of sustainable competitive advantages. This study could assist scholars in addressing the three important research questions: (1) Why are some finns more innovative than others? (2) What effects do product, firm, industry, and market innovativeness have on business performance? and (3) Does the link between innovativeness and business performance depend on all or some of the innovativeness factors of product, firm, industry, and market? The presented set of four hypotheses, when tested, will result in a better understanding of the links and relationships among a firm's global strategy, innovativeness, and business performance. The quadruple model presented can be used to examine these relationships in general and in the context of innovation. It is anticipated that this paper will assist researchers, business management, and analysts in developing global innovation strategies. 展开更多
关键词 strategy INNOVATIVENESS product innovativeness firm innovativeness industry innovativeness marketinnovativeness
Innovation in China: Evidence From the Provincial Data
作者 Roberta Arbolino 《Chinese Business Review》 2011年第10期855-867,共13页
China has made remarkable gains in industrialization and development. In the last years, in order to ensure the sustainability of its economic and social development, China gave more importance to the innovativeness o... China has made remarkable gains in industrialization and development. In the last years, in order to ensure the sustainability of its economic and social development, China gave more importance to the innovativeness of business enterprises. In the domestic arena, the sustainability of the growth model that China has followed over the past decades has been criticized because of its excessive reliance on capital and resources as opposed to knowledge and innovation. In 2006, that transformation has been at the centre of the government's "scientific development strategy". Today, in fact, innovation and promotion of entrepreneurship are essential conditions for competitiveness of firms and nations, for the long-term growth and, therefore, for the economy as a whole. This paper investigates the level of potential innovation reached in China in 2008 through a disaggregated analysis, evaluating the production capacity of the Chinese provinces. "Innovation" has been widely studied by economic literature, specially with reference to the output. In this paper, we will refer to the European Innovation Scoreboard (EIS) index, to measure the progress of innovation, which represents the skill to innovate of a territory, but not the achieved innovation. First, we will propose some methodological changes of this method, that allows to obtained a ranking, in order to better understand the results reached by the Chinese provinces; Then we will test a different methodology in order to measure the level of potential innovation overcoming the limits of current practice--from a composite index obtained through a mean of disaggregated indices to multivariate analysis. 展开更多
关键词 DEVELOPMENT INNOVATION multivariate analysis
Specific Financial Constraints of Innovative Companies: Theoretical Approach
作者 Younes Ettahri Abderrahim Laachach 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2016年第11期556-566,共11页
When a small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) decides to invest in an innovative project, it becomes attached to a high level of uncertainty (Hall & Lerner, 2009) and it could meet some financial constraints (K... When a small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) decides to invest in an innovative project, it becomes attached to a high level of uncertainty (Hall & Lerner, 2009) and it could meet some financial constraints (Kerr & Nanda, 2014). This work is trying to apprehend the specific financial problems which SMEs, working on innovative projects, might face in a context characterized by a lack of liquidity, and it aims to improve the understanding of previous theoretical and empirical studies that dealt with the subject of financing these innovative companies. Moreover, it appears that it is important to ask the following question: Are there specific financial constraints to innovative SMEs? In order to answer the preceding question, this paper presents firstly the concept of innovation within companies. Secondly, it describes the specificities bound to the diverse financing approaches: in terms of risk, uncertainty, asymmetric information and profitability of an innovative project, while developing a theoretical approach concerning the possible constraints of financing the innovative companies. 展开更多
关键词 FINANCING innovative company uncertainty CONSTRAINTS LITERATURE
The Impact of Innovation in Small Industrial Operations to Increased Competitiveness: Empirical Evidence
作者 Luis Aguilera Enriquez Martha Gonzalez Adame Octavio Hernandez Castorena 《Chinese Business Review》 2014年第7期466-475,共10页
The present research work in the Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) and industrial sector explains the impact of the relationship among innovation in the SME operations of Aguascalientes to find the most competitive ... The present research work in the Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) and industrial sector explains the impact of the relationship among innovation in the SME operations of Aguascalientes to find the most competitive one; to this end, a questionnaire was intended for managers where the results have been analyzed using the statistical package Structural Equation Modeling Programs (EQS) support which through structural equations has responded to the objective. In this sense, it can be concluded that innovation has a positive relationship with the operations and in turn, this relationship shows a positive impact on the competitiveness of SMEs in Aguascalientes. For this study, a sample of 150 companies has been used. 展开更多
关键词 INNOVATION operations COMPETITIVENESS industrial Small and Medium Enterprise (SME)
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