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《北京市人民政府公报》 2004年第18期20-21,共2页
各区、县人民政府,市政府各委、办、局,各市属机构:为贯彻落实科学发展观和《国务院办公厅关于开展资源节约活动的通知》(国办发[2004]30号)精神,实行最严格的耕地保护制度,减少环境污染,实现绿色奥运,依据《北京市建筑节能管理规定》(... 各区、县人民政府,市政府各委、办、局,各市属机构:为贯彻落实科学发展观和《国务院办公厅关于开展资源节约活动的通知》(国办发[2004]30号)精神,实行最严格的耕地保护制度,减少环境污染,实现绿色奥运,依据《北京市建筑节能管理规定》(市政府令第80号)有关规定,市政府决定在本市行政区域内全面禁止生产粘土或部分以粘土为原料的实心砖、多孔砖、空心砖以及粘土瓦(以下简称粘土制品)。经市政府同意,现就有关事项通知如下: 展开更多
关键词 粘土瓦 实心砖 建筑节能管理 耕地保护制度 国务院办公厅 市建委 资源节约 质量技术监督 新型建筑材
Novel Technique of Radar Interferometry in Dynamic Control of Tall Slender Structures
作者 Tomasz Owerko Lukasz Ortyl Rafal Kocierz Przemyslaw Kuras 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2012年第8期1007-1013,共7页
Structures of slender shape, like guyed masts, chimneys or TV towers, are exposed to the excitation of dynamic movements. The most common cause of vibration is the wind that reduces generation of vortices. Another imp... Structures of slender shape, like guyed masts, chimneys or TV towers, are exposed to the excitation of dynamic movements. The most common cause of vibration is the wind that reduces generation of vortices. Another important reason is a sudden strike from seismic or para-seismic forces. Structure exposed to wind impact is subjected to harmonically various force, perpendicular to the air stream, which is an effect of vortices, shedding on alternate sides of slructure. Because of the possibility of vibration the damping of a structure has to be designed. Measuring of decay in the oscillation allows to find the logarithmic decrement of the real structure and compare it with the designed value. Apart from damping, the proper designing of tall slender structures has to preserve the significant difference between vortex shedding frequencies and the natural frequencies of the structure shape modes. In the case of guyed masts it is important to analyse the response of a real structure to the exceptional dynamic load, such as a sudden break of guy or fall off a load from a structure, e.g., icing or antennas. The dynamic analysis of a real slructure requires the accurate values describing the dynamic behavior of tall structures (e.g., amplitudes). The accuracy of 0.1 mm is provided by ground-based interferometric radar. This device is a part of the IBIS-S (image by interferometric survey) system, which calculates the displacement values on the basis of the difference between phases of waves received in consecutive samples. Typically, the measurements of tall structures are performed with several sensors (strain gauges, accelerometers). Instead, the IBIS-S system allows the quasi-continuous (not limited to points) observation of the entire structure without installation of any sensors or reflectors. The real resolution (along the structure), which means the minimum distance between two observed points, amounts up to about 0.7 m, 展开更多
关键词 VIBRATION radar intefferometry frequency of vibration CHIMNEYS masts.
《中国建材资讯》 2013年第3期49-50,共2页
"绿色建材是绿色建筑的重要基础,绿色建筑必将围绕绿色建材的使用而全面展开,新型绿色建材的出现势必引发整个建筑工业的革命。"4月2日,在"绿色建筑、绿色建材及室内环境优化论坛"上,中城科绿色建材研究院副院长李... "绿色建材是绿色建筑的重要基础,绿色建筑必将围绕绿色建材的使用而全面展开,新型绿色建材的出现势必引发整个建筑工业的革命。"4月2日,在"绿色建筑、绿色建材及室内环境优化论坛"上,中城科绿色建材研究院副院长李建功如是说。 展开更多
关键词 绿色建 工业 行业热点 “绿色革命” 绿色建筑 设计研究院 新型 中国建 新型建筑材
商业街的艺术气息 扭曲的房子
作者 破军 《甲壳虫》 2009年第10期122-123,共2页
波兰的建筑大多融入了巴洛克式浓郁的欧洲古典风格,这主要归功于奥地利哈布斯堡王朝的宫廷建筑师们。但如果你去过北部的波罗地海岸城市索波特,就一定会改变这种通常的看法,那里有一座弯曲房子,当地人都为拥有这样一座堪称现代艺术品的... 波兰的建筑大多融入了巴洛克式浓郁的欧洲古典风格,这主要归功于奥地利哈布斯堡王朝的宫廷建筑师们。但如果你去过北部的波罗地海岸城市索波特,就一定会改变这种通常的看法,那里有一座弯曲房子,当地人都为拥有这样一座堪称现代艺术品的建筑感到骄傲。 展开更多
关键词 哈布斯堡王朝 古典风格 蒙特卡西诺 巴洛克式 艺术气息 超现实主义 波罗 格但斯克 高迪 新型建筑材
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