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当今新平面设计的特征及发展趋势 被引量:2
作者 吴晓莉 刘军 《包装工程》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第6期450-454,共5页
目的对当今中国新平面设计的特征及发展趋势进行分析,更好地服务于平面设计领域。方法对当今中国新平面设计中的“中国风”视觉元素、艺术动线的视觉符号、充满生机与活力的图案、三维立体空间的视觉表现、图文蒙版的设计手法、单色处... 目的对当今中国新平面设计的特征及发展趋势进行分析,更好地服务于平面设计领域。方法对当今中国新平面设计中的“中国风”视觉元素、艺术动线的视觉符号、充满生机与活力的图案、三维立体空间的视觉表现、图文蒙版的设计手法、单色处理的设计风格、金属质感的设计风格、字体与版式的设计风格、孟菲斯风格的设计、未来主义这10种不同热潮的视觉元素及设计风格进行了简要阐述,梳理了不同设计风格的特点和应用方法。结果传统的平面设计已经无法满足当今人们视觉审美的需求。平面设计的领域发生了本质的变化,已经从传统的平面设计迈入了新平面设计的领域,视觉传达与时代背景息息相关,因而形成了各个阶段多元化的设计风格,探寻不同热潮的视觉元素及设计风格已成为了必然。结论设计师不仅要熟悉和掌握新平面设计发展的脉搏,还要大胆地探寻新平面设计的未知领域。 展开更多
关键词 新平面设计 视觉元素 设计风格
新平面设计与新装置艺术的结合发展 被引量:1
作者 徐大江 《包装工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第8期91-93,共3页
介绍了新平面设计与新装置艺术的历史渊源及现实状态,并从艺术自律性规律、艺术家创作主体、艺术形式之间的动态关系、新装置艺术发展的创作特征方面,论证新平面设计与新装置艺术之间存在的艺术兼容性和相互促进性,在此基础上提出了2者... 介绍了新平面设计与新装置艺术的历史渊源及现实状态,并从艺术自律性规律、艺术家创作主体、艺术形式之间的动态关系、新装置艺术发展的创作特征方面,论证新平面设计与新装置艺术之间存在的艺术兼容性和相互促进性,在此基础上提出了2者创新结合的5种参考方法。 展开更多
关键词 新平面设计 装置艺术 兼容性 结合 发展
构建互联网运营商IP骨干网的高速新平面 被引量:1
作者 唐利莉 张宁 《电信工程技术与标准化》 2018年第10期29-34,共6页
计算机和互联网技术的普及催生了大视频、云计算、物联网等各种新兴业务,使得互联网流量极速上涨,传统IP网络架构面临多重挑战。本文提出一种构建运营商IP骨干网的高速新平面的新思路,使得网络具备良好的可扩展性和持续性,并能够有效地... 计算机和互联网技术的普及催生了大视频、云计算、物联网等各种新兴业务,使得互联网流量极速上涨,传统IP网络架构面临多重挑战。本文提出一种构建运营商IP骨干网的高速新平面的新思路,使得网络具备良好的可扩展性和持续性,并能够有效地保护既有投资,可以有效地应对业务的飞速发展。 展开更多
关键词 互联网 IP骨干网 高速新平面 对称 非对称 路由策略
创意产业语境与新平面设计 被引量:2
作者 钱磊 《装饰》 北大核心 2006年第10期47-47,共1页
本文从当今创意产业的大语境出发,强调必须重视发掘平面设计所具有的潜在优势。作为“信息设计”和“视觉传达”的平面设计,可充分通过创造信息的传达价值与体验,在创意产业中发挥重要的作用,并辐射影响其它设计形态;很多设计实例业已... 本文从当今创意产业的大语境出发,强调必须重视发掘平面设计所具有的潜在优势。作为“信息设计”和“视觉传达”的平面设计,可充分通过创造信息的传达价值与体验,在创意产业中发挥重要的作用,并辐射影响其它设计形态;很多设计实例业已展现出平面设计所蕴藏的创意能量。在这样的背景下,基于这样的任务,更需要反思包豪斯旧观念对“装饰”和对平面设计的束缚。 展开更多
关键词 创意产业 语境 新平面设计 装饰
浅析新媒体时代的平面设计教育 被引量:3
作者 雷蕾 《美术教育研究》 2013年第18期98-98,共1页
信息化时代的到来使"媒体"的概念得到了前所未有的拓展,新媒体的出现不仅改变了过去的信息生产机制,同时也引起了视觉传达教育的变革。新媒体时代的视觉传达设计应更加注重交互体验与多种传达方式的整合设计,平面设计教育显... 信息化时代的到来使"媒体"的概念得到了前所未有的拓展,新媒体的出现不仅改变了过去的信息生产机制,同时也引起了视觉传达教育的变革。新媒体时代的视觉传达设计应更加注重交互体验与多种传达方式的整合设计,平面设计教育显然需要快速面对并适应这一变化,尽快找到发展的新路径。 展开更多
关键词 媒体平面设计设计教育传播
现代平面媒体版面设计的新趋势--突出个性 注重定位
作者 王鑫 《卫星电视与宽带多媒体》 2022年第9期176-177,180,共3页
平面媒体自很长时间之前开始就属于我国主要的娱乐方式之一了,由于当时的娱乐行业并不发达,平面媒体这种简单的信息传播渠道也能够给人们带来足够的快乐。现如今,我国的科技变得越发发达,国内经济社会逐渐更加复杂化,人们的生活压力也... 平面媒体自很长时间之前开始就属于我国主要的娱乐方式之一了,由于当时的娱乐行业并不发达,平面媒体这种简单的信息传播渠道也能够给人们带来足够的快乐。现如今,我国的科技变得越发发达,国内经济社会逐渐更加复杂化,人们的生活压力也变得越来越大了。在这样的环境下,想要维持平面媒体的职能为人们带来良好的娱乐体验,就应当重视对平面媒体自身的改革工作。对于平面媒体而言,具备赏心悦目的版面是吸引读者的重要基础,尤其是在新时代的发展中,更是需要重视对于平面媒体版面的设计工作,确保其能够在符合我国新时代要求的前提下实现稳定创新。 展开更多
关键词 时代平面媒体 版面设计 趋势
作者 高东 《中文科技期刊数据库(引文版)工程技术》 2023年第11期189-192,共4页
2020年发生新冠疫情以来,国际与国内经济形势下行,我国房地产业从高速发展转向平缓慢行,新开发项目减少,改扩建项目应势而生。文章以中共三大会址纪念馆改扩建项目设计与建设的经历,从方案设计、施工图设计、施工、验收多个环节,探索了... 2020年发生新冠疫情以来,国际与国内经济形势下行,我国房地产业从高速发展转向平缓慢行,新开发项目减少,改扩建项目应势而生。文章以中共三大会址纪念馆改扩建项目设计与建设的经历,从方案设计、施工图设计、施工、验收多个环节,探索了改扩建项目的设计特点。主要述及地下室方案的确定、新旧馆在平立面设计上的融合衔接、室外新旧管线的设计、改扩建设计中新旧规范的适用性等内容。 展开更多
关键词 旧馆地下室的连接 平面的融合 旧立面的衔接 室外管线迁移 现状图与拆除图 旧规范的适用范围
Coral Reef and High Sea Level at Luhuitou, Hainan Island during the Holocene 被引量:2
作者 黄德银 施祺 张叶春 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2007年第2期61-70,共10页
According to the field survey and ^14C dating at Luhuitou, southern Hainan Island, a subsiding area, the authors conclude the high sea level history recorded by coral reef in the Holocene. At least 4 sea level high-st... According to the field survey and ^14C dating at Luhuitou, southern Hainan Island, a subsiding area, the authors conclude the high sea level history recorded by coral reef in the Holocene. At least 4 sea level high-stands can be identified from the distribution of coral reef ages: 7300 - 6000 cal.aBP, 4800 - 4700 cal.aBP, 4300 - 4200 cal.aBP and 3100 - 2900 cal.aBP. The highest sea level occurred around 7300 - 6700 cal.aBP, and biological-morphological zones took their shape during the stage. The later coral reefs developed in ponds, depressions, and developed outwards on both sides of Luhuitou peninsula. The modern coral reefs are developing in out reef flat and reef-front slope. Moreover, the time of high sea levels in the northern South China Sea recorded by coral reefs in the Luhuitou peninsula can link up with that in other parts of South China Sea. That means the high sea levels in the South China Sea during the Holocene, which are relative to the warming climate, have the global background. 展开更多
关键词 coral reef high sea level Luihuitou HOLOCENE
面向业务集中化发展的专用IP承载网网络架构演进分析 被引量:1
作者 杨旭 刘佳 刘玮 《电信工程技术与标准化》 2018年第11期38-43,共6页
随着云资源池的大规模建设,业务系统集中化部署成为发展趋势,跨省流量的激增对专用IP承载网骨干网带来挑战。本文分析了现有和未来的业务特点,创造性地提出了构建骨干网新平面的网络架构演进思路,新平面可根据业务需求调整网络设计指标... 随着云资源池的大规模建设,业务系统集中化部署成为发展趋势,跨省流量的激增对专用IP承载网骨干网带来挑战。本文分析了现有和未来的业务特点,创造性地提出了构建骨干网新平面的网络架构演进思路,新平面可根据业务需求调整网络设计指标和保护策略。演进架构可以为不同类型的业务提供差异化服务,同时最大限度地降低网络建设成本。 展开更多
关键词 专用IP承载网 新平面 差异化服务 建设成本
The Anti-globalization Movement in the “Eyes” of Journalism: “Global Justice” or “Mind Framing”? 被引量:1
《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2013年第4期240-253,共14页
This research examines how the anti-globalization movementI (AGM) is portrayed in the mainstream print media. The study focuses on anti-globalization protest events over a period of seven years following the 1999 Se... This research examines how the anti-globalization movementI (AGM) is portrayed in the mainstream print media. The study focuses on anti-globalization protest events over a period of seven years following the 1999 Seattle protest, and covers all major protests until the end of 2006. Framing is used to explore how bias is instituted in media texts and whether this pattern is consistent across the corpus. Results of this study reveal that the framing strategies of journalists regarding AGM protests all revolve around two forms of memory-based framing tools: explicit and implicit. Explicit memory-based framing strategies refer to the coverage of previous events whereas implicit strategies involve the use of repeated connotations and metaphors applied consistently over the years, recalling previous insinuations made by a biased media system. 展开更多
关键词 global protest MEDIA FRAMING joumalism
Middle Holocene warm period and sea level high in coastal areas,North China 被引量:1
作者 孟广兰 韩有松 王少青 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第2期252-258,共7页
Relevant geological, geographical, archaeological data were collected to study the characteristics of middle Holocene warm period and sea level high on North China coast. Middle Holocene climate and sea level change o... Relevant geological, geographical, archaeological data were collected to study the characteristics of middle Holocene warm period and sea level high on North China coast. Middle Holocene climate and sea level change on North China coast were correlated to warm marine environment events in about 8–3 ka B.P. The sea level in about 8 ka B.P. was higher than present mean sea level, then fluctuated for 5 000 years and after that it became even in 3 ka B.P. The highest sea level occurred in about 6–5 ka B.P.; the maximum was about 2–3 m and minimum was about 1–2 m. 展开更多
关键词 warm period sea level high middle Holocene North China coast
Study on the Innovative Design of Graphic Design
作者 Lin Peng 《International English Education Research》 2014年第3期51-53,共3页
With the advent of the informatian age, people are working to build a new knowledge network, knowledge of the past gradually pieced together again. The new knowledge network includes not only advanced science and tech... With the advent of the informatian age, people are working to build a new knowledge network, knowledge of the past gradually pieced together again. The new knowledge network includes not only advanced science and technology, but also includes the historical and cultural value, emotion and sense of innovation. Graphic design is a spiritual and material reality and artistic, aesthetic and practical disciplines integrated with each other. Always take the old approach to their creative confined in a narrow space, and this will inevitably lead to failure. Graphic design must rely on the sense of innovation, combined with the image of abstract thinking; ideas can really create unique designs. Therefore, to enhance training in graphic design innovative design capabilities, innovation and the development of graphic design is an important issue. In this paper, graphic design requirements and the role of innovation capacity will be explared, and the method of application of proposed innovative thinking in graphic design process will be provided. 展开更多
关键词 Graphic Design Innovative Design Teaching Innovation Creative Thinking
WZ Sagittae Space WeathermGIobal Warming
作者 William Sokeland 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2017年第3期154-174,共21页
The planet responds thermally to the impacts of nova WZ Sagittae debris by heating and cooling. The result in the first 19 years of the nova WZ Sagittae cycle is global warming that is hemi-spherically dependent and i... The planet responds thermally to the impacts of nova WZ Sagittae debris by heating and cooling. The result in the first 19 years of the nova WZ Sagittae cycle is global warming that is hemi-spherically dependent and is detectable in South America ice core data and Antarctica surface mass balance data. Planetary thermal data are correlated in the past by calculating the debris impact times from the super outbursts times of nova WZ Sagittae. The shape of the arctic ice cap is dependent on the 220 degree path of the debris and does not exist southward between the western extension and eastern termini of nova WZ Sagittae that define the Arctic heating path. Future global heating from nova WZ Sagittae will begin in 2020-2021. The increase of 6 to 8 magnitude unusual earthquakes in recent years is the results of nova WZ Sagittae and SN 1054 debris impact. Unusual occurrences in the biosphere indicate the starting time of impacting supernova debris streams. The Antarctic sea ice distribution in November of 2016 defines the termini of maximum particle concentration impact from supernova 1006 in the southern hemisphere. The killing heat in India of the northern hemisphere is associated with the western terminus of this supernova. Novas and supernovas times of impact correlate with plague outbreaks in the western USA marking the particles in the debris streams as the cause of the disease. 展开更多
The Basic Issues concerning the Construction of the Rule of Law in China in the New Era
作者 Wang Liming Zhang Meichang 《Social Sciences in China》 2020年第1期21-37,共17页
China has entered a new era in our march toward the rule of law,and the principal contradiction facing Chinese society has changed into one between the people’s evergrowing need for a better life and unbalanced and i... China has entered a new era in our march toward the rule of law,and the principal contradiction facing Chinese society has changed into one between the people’s evergrowing need for a better life and unbalanced and inadequate development.At the rule of law level,the contradiction manifests itself as a gap between the public’s expectations of rule of law construction and its unbalanced and inadequate development in legislation,law enforcement,the judicial system,legal compliance,legal supervision,etc.The Report to the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China points out that law-based governance is an essential requirement and important guarantee for socialism with Chinese characteristics.It outlines an impressive blueprint for building the rule of law in the new era,and further expounds the basic strategy for building the rule of law in China in the future.It provides the guiding ideology and program of action for the comprehensive rule of law and establishes the goal of building the rule of law.Under the guidance of Xi Jinping thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era,rule of law construction in China will embark on a new journey. 展开更多
关键词 principal contradiction facing Chinese society Xi Jinping thought new era comprehensive rule of law
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