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胸主动脉腔内修复术后支架源性新破口——从支架力学损伤角度的思考 被引量:26
作者 董智慧 符伟国 +8 位作者 王玉琦 郭大乔 徐欣 陈斌 蒋俊豪 杨珏 史振宇 竺挺 石赟 《中国普外基础与临床杂志》 CAS 2011年第10期1031-1038,共8页
目的着重从力学损伤的角度分析胸主动脉腔内修复(TEVAR)术后并发人工血管内支架(简称支架)源性新破口(SINE)的原因及其防治措施。方法本研究中SINE定义为:排除了腔内操作导致的医源性损伤和自然病程进展,由支架本身引起的、发生在支架... 目的着重从力学损伤的角度分析胸主动脉腔内修复(TEVAR)术后并发人工血管内支架(简称支架)源性新破口(SINE)的原因及其防治措施。方法本研究中SINE定义为:排除了腔内操作导致的医源性损伤和自然病程进展,由支架本身引起的、发生在支架两端的新破口,出现在支架近端和远端者分别称为近端SINE和远端SINE。回顾性收集2000年8月至2008年6月期间在我院接受TEVAR治疗的650例Stanford B型主动脉夹层中22例并发SINE患者的临床资料,另有1例Stanford B型主动脉夹层在外院完成初次TEVAR后14个月并发远端SINE来我院治疗。分析SINE发生的时间、临床表现、治疗、随访效果及其原因。结果本组有23例SINE共24处破口,其中近端SINE 15例(16处),远端SINE 7例(8处),1例患者先后在支架近、远端出现破口。我院SINE总体发生率为3.4%(22/650),死亡6例,死亡率为26.1%(6/23)。16处近端SINE均位于主动脉弓大弯侧,导致逆行性A型夹层。8处远端SINE均出现在撕裂的内膜片一侧,其中5例引起夹层动脉瘤持续增大,3例随访稳定。23例患者初次TEVAR治疗中支架均跨主动脉弓降部释放。结论 TEVAR术后并发SINE并不罕见,死亡率高。支架导致的力学损伤是SINE形成的重要潜在因素,支架设计和围手术期评估时重视该因素的评估具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 主动脉夹层 人工血管内支架源性新破 血管腔内手术
作者 梁家素 陈成富 +3 位作者 苏广和 罗华初 苏磊静 冯应春 《现代预防医学》 CAS 北大核心 2008年第2期333-334,共2页
[目的]通过对1999~2005年北海市新生儿破伤风(简称新破)发病状况及控制措施的分析,探讨新破发病率高的可能原因及控制措施的效果。[方法]利用1999~2005年北海市新破调查情况及转变农村接生员职能,实行住院分娩的控制措施的资料进行描... [目的]通过对1999~2005年北海市新生儿破伤风(简称新破)发病状况及控制措施的分析,探讨新破发病率高的可能原因及控制措施的效果。[方法]利用1999~2005年北海市新破调查情况及转变农村接生员职能,实行住院分娩的控制措施的资料进行描述性分析。[结果]随着住院分娩率的提高,新破发病率显著下降,由1992年的8.67‰下降至2005年的0.83‰;新破病例家中出生的占91.3%。[结论]转变农村接生员职能,提高住院分娩率,是降低新破的重要措施。 展开更多
关键词 新破 监测 农村接生员职能转变 产妇住院分娩
γ射线辐照结合球磨处理灵芝孢子粉破壁新工艺研究 被引量:3
作者 齐慧 陈亮 +3 位作者 武小芬 张勇 邓明 王克勤 《辐射研究与辐射工艺学报》 CAS CSCD 2020年第5期50-59,共10页
采用γ射线辐照与球磨技术相结合处理灵芝孢子粉,期望提高其破壁率和多糖含量,以吸收剂量、球磨时间为试验因子进行双因素试验,并结合扫描电子显微镜、傅里叶红外光谱对不同处理条件下灵芝孢子的外观形态及分子结构进行表征。试验结果显... 采用γ射线辐照与球磨技术相结合处理灵芝孢子粉,期望提高其破壁率和多糖含量,以吸收剂量、球磨时间为试验因子进行双因素试验,并结合扫描电子显微镜、傅里叶红外光谱对不同处理条件下灵芝孢子的外观形态及分子结构进行表征。试验结果显示:吸收剂量大于4.892 kGy或球磨时间大于1 min时,两者均会对灵芝孢子粉破壁率和灵芝多糖含量产生显著影响,其中球磨预处理的影响程度更大;另外,辐照与球磨两种处理方式间存在交互作用,且交互作用对灵芝孢子粉的破壁率和多糖含量的影响具有显著性。试验最优工艺条件为吸收剂量15.231 kGy,结合球磨处理5 min,此时灵芝孢子粉破壁率达到97.18%,多糖含量达13.230 mg/g;灵芝孢子的完整结构几乎完全消失,破碎十分彻底。在1456 cm−1出现小尖峰,1652 cm−1处出现双峰,完全区别于未破壁孢子。 展开更多
关键词 γ 射线辐照 球磨 灵芝孢子粉 工艺
作者 严高武 贺一伟 +4 位作者 范小萍 刘建平 杨国庆 李勇 赵林伟 《中华介入放射学电子杂志》 2021年第1期112-115,共4页
支架源性新破口(stent graft induced new entry,SINE)是指主动脉腔内修复术(thoracic endovascular aortic repair,TEVAR)后,在排除了TEVAR腔内操作导致的医源性损伤和自然病程进展,由支架本身引起的、发生于支架两端(近端和远端)的新... 支架源性新破口(stent graft induced new entry,SINE)是指主动脉腔内修复术(thoracic endovascular aortic repair,TEVAR)后,在排除了TEVAR腔内操作导致的医源性损伤和自然病程进展,由支架本身引起的、发生于支架两端(近端和远端)的新破口[1-2]。当前文献报道的SINE绝大多数位于支架的近端和远端,并分别被称为近端SINE(proximal SINE,pSINE)和远端SINE(distal SINE,dSINE)[3-6],而无其他类型SINE被报道。我院在临床工作中成功诊治1例位于两段未重叠覆膜支架间的SINE患者,这在当前文献中尚未见报道,现复习相关文献并报道如下。 展开更多
关键词 主动脉夹层 胸主动脉腔内修复 支架源性新破
加强地质工作 尽快实现鄂东南地区找矿新突破 被引量:1
作者 熊继传 胡清禾 《资源环境与工程》 2007年第S1期156-159,共4页
鄂东南地区列入中国"十一五"地质勘查规划16个重点金属成矿区带之一的长江中下游成矿带内的铜铁找矿远景区。这无疑给鄂东南地区实现找矿新实破带来了机遇。本文论述了实现鄂东南地区找矿新突破的关键因素是科技和人才;找矿... 鄂东南地区列入中国"十一五"地质勘查规划16个重点金属成矿区带之一的长江中下游成矿带内的铜铁找矿远景区。这无疑给鄂东南地区实现找矿新实破带来了机遇。本文论述了实现鄂东南地区找矿新突破的关键因素是科技和人才;找矿新突破主攻方向是大中型矿床深部及外围、经综合研究筛选的重点成矿远景区(段),主攻矿种铜铁、兼顾金和多金属;具体工作中必须抓好多学科及多技术方法的地质找矿综合研究、加强地质资料和老年科技人员的"二次"开发、加大投入及加强验证等环节。 展开更多
关键词 鄂东南地区 找矿 关键因素 主攻方向 重要环节
中国利用外资要有新的突破 被引量:2
作者 肖文兴 《衡阳师范学院学报》 2006年第1期83-86,共4页
回顾我国引进外资的历程会发现,我国利用外资总量在不断增长的同时,呈现出明显的阶段性变化。每一阶段外资流入规模和结构的变化都与我国利用外资政策、对外开放步伐,以及国内外经济环境密切地联系在一起。随着国际投资方向和结构的变化... 回顾我国引进外资的历程会发现,我国利用外资总量在不断增长的同时,呈现出明显的阶段性变化。每一阶段外资流入规模和结构的变化都与我国利用外资政策、对外开放步伐,以及国内外经济环境密切地联系在一起。随着国际投资方向和结构的变化,以及中国国内经济主要矛盾的变化,利用外资的其他作用和功能将逐步增长,中国经济对利用外资的需求也将逐渐发生变化,这标志着中国利用外资已进入一个新的阶段。中国利用外资总体方向正确,但存在五大问题;所以利用外资要在十个方面有新的突破。 展开更多
关键词 利用外资 阶段 特征
新股“破发”的原因与意义——基于华锐风电的分析 被引量:1
作者 曾文 徐皎 《商业会计》 2012年第4期35-37,共3页
在各国的资本市场中,新股发行均存在明显的低定价现象。我国资本市场尚处于发展期,并不完备,IPO抑价(即一级市场价格低于二级市场价格)程度较之国外更为严重,因此,一级市场往往被认为是"无风险"市场,通过"打新"获... 在各国的资本市场中,新股发行均存在明显的低定价现象。我国资本市场尚处于发展期,并不完备,IPO抑价(即一级市场价格低于二级市场价格)程度较之国外更为严重,因此,一级市场往往被认为是"无风险"市场,通过"打新"获取无风险收益是许多投资者乐此不疲的投资方式。而大量申购新股的资金被冻结,巨额资金在银行与一级市场之间无序流动,导致证券市场配置资源的功能失效。然而,随着IPO定价的市场机制逐步建立,"破发"现象也不断出现,IPO"抑价"变"溢价"。本文以华锐风电为例,对新股"破发"产生的原因及其对证券市场造成的影响和启示进行探讨。 展开更多
关键词 股“发” 华锐风电 案例分析
概率论破舱稳性新规则对汽车滚装船的影响及对策研究 被引量:4
作者 周玮 《船舶》 2009年第1期15-18,共4页
关键词 SOLAS 舱稳性规则 汽车滚装船 要求与对策
作者 欧翠珍 《广州市经济管理干部学院学报》 2002年第4期78-81,共4页
新加坡是一个只有弹丸之地的小国 ,它身处第三世界 ,却在短短三十多年的时间内 ,一跃而成一个富裕、文明、优美且具备良好竞争力的国家 ,令世人刮目相看。李光耀的回忆录让我们看到 ,新加坡政府“不靠讨饭钵”也“不搞施舍”的治国理念... 新加坡是一个只有弹丸之地的小国 ,它身处第三世界 ,却在短短三十多年的时间内 ,一跃而成一个富裕、文明、优美且具备良好竞争力的国家 ,令世人刮目相看。李光耀的回忆录让我们看到 ,新加坡政府“不靠讨饭钵”也“不搞施舍”的治国理念对此有着非常重要的影响。而这 ,也正反映了新加坡的一种国格 :自立自强 ,不卑不亢。 展开更多
关键词 李光耀 回忆录 国格 治国理念
再论我国心理学的分化现象 被引量:2
作者 张建新 《心理技术与应用》 2021年第1期41-51,共11页
我国心理学正处于分化过程之中,其中两个明显的例证就是:基础心理学与应用及人文心理学的分化,以及对心理学研究和服务成果的评价标准摆脱SCI的束缚。这背后深层的原因在于,若以科学哲学认识论的视角,人类的知识大致可分为可靠有用的知... 我国心理学正处于分化过程之中,其中两个明显的例证就是:基础心理学与应用及人文心理学的分化,以及对心理学研究和服务成果的评价标准摆脱SCI的束缚。这背后深层的原因在于,若以科学哲学认识论的视角,人类的知识大致可分为可靠有用的知识和无用虚幻(伪科学)的知识,可靠知识又可进一步分为科学的知识和非科学的知识。心理学从诞生之日起就同时受到哲学和科学双重力量的牵引,促使心理学知识体系发展出了科学心理学和应用及人文心理学。但人们对于引自西方的心理学认识还不充分,忽略了应用及人文心理学的存在价值,一概冠之以“科学”的名分,并以“科学”之名对所有心理学给予SCI标准的评价。分化是一种裂变的开始,是一件好事,会促使我国心理学突破自设的限制,让心理学有一个更大的发展空间,既能探索未知的心理世界,也能为服务于人民群众追求美好生活和社会治理的现实需求提供心理学的知识。 展开更多
关键词 科学与人文 基础心理学 应用及人文心理学 SCI评价 五唯”标准
Retrofitting of RC Slabs Against Explosive Loads 被引量:1
作者 WU Chengqing 0EHLERS Deric John XIA Shaohua 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2006年第B09期88-93,共6页
With the increase of terrorist bomb attacks on buildings, there is a need to develop advanced retrofitting techniques to strengthen structures against blast loads. Currently, several guidelines including an Australian... With the increase of terrorist bomb attacks on buildings, there is a need to develop advanced retrofitting techniques to strengthen structures against blast loads. Currently, several guidelines including an Australian version for retrofitting reinforced concrete (RC) structures are available for the design of retrofitting systems against seismic and monotonic loads using steel or fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) plates that can be either adhesively bonded to the surface or near surface mounted to the concrete cover. However, none of these guidelines provide advice suitable for retrofitting structures subjected to blast loads. In this paper, numerical models are used to simulate the performance of retrofitted RC slabs subjected to blast loads. Airblast pressure distributions on the surface of the slabs estimated in a previous study are used as input in the analysis. A material damage model developed previously for concrete and an elastoplastic model for steel bars are employed in this research for modelling reinforced concrete behaviour due to explosive loads. The material models and blast loading are coded into a finite element computer program LS-DYNA3D to do the analysis. With the numerical model, parametric studies are conducted to investigate RC slabs retrofitted by either externally bonded or near-surface mounted plates or GFRP sheets subjected to blast loads. Discussion is made on the effectiveness of the retrofitting system for RC slabs against blast loads. 展开更多
关键词 RETROFIT explosion fibre reinforced polymer SLAB
作者 杨千紫 徐菲(图) 《花火(B版)》 2010年第4期58-63,共6页
一、{并刀如水,吴盐胜雪,纤手破新橙} 春风再一次拂绿了这座江南小镇,凤凰花在枝头开得正艳,一年又一年,香飘数里。
关键词 小说 文学作品 现代文学 《伤如雪·纤手橙》
Influence of Surrounding Large Earthquakes on Moderate Earthquake Activity within Xinjiang
作者 Wang Qiong Wang Haitao 《Earthquake Research in China》 2010年第1期31-47,共17页
Based on the statistical results of the relationship between the large earthquakes surrounding Xinjiang and moderate earthquakes within Xinjiang since 1950,this article calculates the Coulomb failure stress change pro... Based on the statistical results of the relationship between the large earthquakes surrounding Xinjiang and moderate earthquakes within Xinjiang since 1950,this article calculates the Coulomb failure stress change produced by the three groups of large earthquakes surrounding Xinjiang during the large earthquake active period outside Xinjiang and the quiet period inside Xinjiang from 1976 to 2007,and analyzes Xinjiang's moderate earthquake activity features in the three years after the large earthquakes surrounding Xinjiang. It then discusses the influence of large earthquake activity surrounding Xinjiang on seismic activity within Xinjiang. The research results show that the large earthquake activity surrounding Xinjiang may to a certain extent slow down the preparation process of moderate earthquakes in Xinjiang. 展开更多
关键词 Peripheral large earthquakes Coulomb failure stress change Moderate earthauake activity Earthauake relief
Disruptive Innovation in the Nordic Countries' Healthcare Systems
作者 Henning Sejer Jakobsen Ivar Moltke Jacob Brix 《Chinese Business Review》 2014年第3期179-191,共13页
The Nordic healtheare model is recognized to be one of the most innovative in the world. Here billions of USD are annually invested in developing new treatments, drugs, robots etc. to diagnose and cure diseases. Never... The Nordic healtheare model is recognized to be one of the most innovative in the world. Here billions of USD are annually invested in developing new treatments, drugs, robots etc. to diagnose and cure diseases. Nevertheless, this study establishes that there is a fundamental shortcoming in the system that supports healthcare innovation: It is strongly biased towards micro-level innovation projects focusing on new products, alternative processes, and new financial solutions. The problem with this approach to support new projects is that the results are created as inventions within the system thus lacking holistic perspectives. This has consequently contributed with increasing costs that are out of proportion with existing budgets. Therefore this study seeks to analyze the current understanding of the Nordic healthcare system from a business model perspective. Here other aspects of the healthcare system are explored to determine if they could be redesigned to promote new types of innovation projects. The purpose of undertaking this task is to challenge the established patterns of the current healthcare innovation support practices. Here the vertical innovation process (VIP) framework, which is a systematic radical innovation model that seeks macro-level outcomes based on standalone inventions (see more below), is applied to analyze the current state-of-the-art in Nordic healthcare innovation projects. The results determine that very little attention is given to rethink and redesign the healthcare system at a macro-level, and it is discussed that stand-alone inventions ought to be rethought into the entire healthcare system to create a larger impact. Finally, it is argued that existing performance measures are inappropriate to foster projects that innovate the existing system: New measuring points should be developed to promote macro-level projects and to avoid the current rapid increase of costs in the Nordic healthcare system. 展开更多
关键词 disruptive innovation radical innovation healthcare innovation business model innovation
Promotion and Application Prospects of Disruptive Technology in Future Development of Space Industry
作者 SUN Zongtan LI Hui +1 位作者 JIA Ping YAO Baoyin 《Aerospace China》 2016年第1期52-58,共7页
Space is a high-tech field integrating materials, electronic information, manufacture, energy, medicine ana other disciplines. A number of disruptive technologies in various fields will have an important influence in ... Space is a high-tech field integrating materials, electronic information, manufacture, energy, medicine ana other disciplines. A number of disruptive technologies in various fields will have an important influence in areas such as space industry, scientific research on space and even military space. This article focuses on disruptive technologies exerting enormous influence in the space field based on the qualitative and quantitative research of disruptive technolo- gies. The research and application for disruptive space technology is expected to greatly improve the emciency of space system, significantly reducing research cost, and to promote a great improvement of space technology level, 展开更多
关键词 Disruptive technology Disruptive technology index system Index weight
PDC钻头研究现状与发展趋势 被引量:2
作者 刘维 高德利 《前瞻科技》 2023年第2期168-178,共11页
经过50多年的高速发展,聚晶金刚石复合片(Polycrystalline Diamond Compact,PDC)钻头的设计制造技术日臻成熟,现已成为全球油气钻探工程不可或缺的核心破岩工具。当前,中国油气勘探开发正加快向纵深发展,岩石致密难钻已成为深层超深层... 经过50多年的高速发展,聚晶金刚石复合片(Polycrystalline Diamond Compact,PDC)钻头的设计制造技术日臻成熟,现已成为全球油气钻探工程不可或缺的核心破岩工具。当前,中国油气勘探开发正加快向纵深发展,岩石致密难钻已成为深层超深层钻井工程面临的最大挑战之一,对长寿命高效破岩PDC钻头的依赖程度日益上升。但是,国内外PDC钻头技术的发展速度已经趋缓,似乎进入了“瓶颈”阶段,尚未出现颠覆性技术创新。国内外现有钻头产品还无法满足万米深地的钻进需求,亟需研发高效破岩新材料新技术。文章重点梳理了PDC钻头设计制造关键技术的研究现状,归纳了国产钻头存在的短板问题,分析了未来发展趋势,并提出了相应建议。 展开更多
关键词 PDC钻头 聚晶金刚石复合片 异形齿 钻头复合构型设计 一代超硬岩材料
Stanford B主动脉夹层患者腔内修复术的疗效观察 被引量:9
作者 李庆 黄连军 +6 位作者 许尚栋 朱俊明 刘永民 郑斯宏 张宏家 郑军 孙立忠 《中华医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第19期1469-1471,共3页
目的探讨第二代覆膜支架进行Stanford B型主动脉夹层腔内修复术(TEVAR)后患者早期及中期疗效。方法2009年1月至2013年1月间北京安贞医院大血管中心对383例急性和43例亚急性152例慢性Stanford B型主动脉夹层患者行腔内治疗术。术后患... 目的探讨第二代覆膜支架进行Stanford B型主动脉夹层腔内修复术(TEVAR)后患者早期及中期疗效。方法2009年1月至2013年1月间北京安贞医院大血管中心对383例急性和43例亚急性152例慢性Stanford B型主动脉夹层患者行腔内治疗术。术后患者随访平均(27±14)个月,随访率99.6%,所有临床数据采用SPSS17.0统计软件统计分析。结果早期死亡率0.35%(2例),并发症发生率1.2%(6例内漏和3例脑梗死),出院后死亡率:0.35%(2例);严重并发症发生率5.5%(3例支架近端新破口并逆撕成A型夹层,26例支架远端新破口,3例内漏,0例截瘫)。再治疗率:5.2%(转手术治疗6例,再次腔内治疗24例,术后均无死亡和严重并发症)。结论本组Stanford B型主动脉夹层应用第二代覆膜支架腔内治疗后早期和中期死亡率低,无截瘫,内漏发生率较以往报道的早期应用第一代支架的明显减少。主要并发症是覆膜支架导致的远端新破口,支架的设计仍需改进。 展开更多
关键词 主动脉夹层 并发症 腔内修复术 新破
Hemi-arthroplasty performed in a 109-year-old patient with intertrochanteric fracture: A case report 被引量:5
作者 Peng-Fei Yang Hao Chen +4 位作者 xiao-Jun Duan Guang-Xing Chen Lin Guo Hua-Quan Fan Liu Yang 《Chinese Journal of Traumatology》 CAS CSCD 2017年第6期352-354,共3页
The mortality of conservative treatment and the risk resulting from operation for elderly patients with femoral intertrochanteric fractures are high. Safety in the perioperative period and quicker recovery should be p... The mortality of conservative treatment and the risk resulting from operation for elderly patients with femoral intertrochanteric fractures are high. Safety in the perioperative period and quicker recovery should be placed at the top priority for elderly patients with hip fractures. We reported a case of 109- year-old female patient with intertrochanteric fracture who has undergone the hemiarthroplasty in our center recently. With sciatic nerve and lateral cutaneous nerve block anesthesia, she was offered the artificial femoral head replacement in the lumbar plexus block after sufficient preoperative preparation. The surgery went well with minimally invasive cut, and the patient's recovery was satisfactory. 展开更多
关键词 Aged Hip fractures HEMIARTHROPLASTY
Treatment of osteoporotic intertrochanteric fractures by zoledronic acid injection combined with proximal femoral nail anti-rotation 被引量:16
作者 Yong Li Wen-Bo Zhao +4 位作者 De-Li Wang Qing He Qin Li Fu-Xing Pei Lei Liu 《Chinese Journal of Traumatology》 CAS CSCD 2016年第5期259-263,共5页
Objective: To observe the clinical results of proximal femoral nail anti-rotation (PFNA) combined with zoledronic acid injection in the treatment of osteoporotic intertrochanteric fractures in the elderly. Methods... Objective: To observe the clinical results of proximal femoral nail anti-rotation (PFNA) combined with zoledronic acid injection in the treatment of osteoporotic intertrochanteric fractures in the elderly. Methods: 60 elderly patients with osteoporotic intertrochanteric fractures were diagnosed using a dual energy X-ray bone density instrument. Patients were randomly divided into treatment or control groups (30 cases in each group). Patients in both groups were treated by closed/open reduction and internal fixation using PFNA. In the treatment group, patients received one zoledronic phosphonic acid injection of 5 mg/100 ml via intravenous drip, in addition to 600 mg of Cakrate D (qd) and 0.25 μg of alpha ossification alcohol (qd). The control group received 600 mg of Caltrate D (qd) and 0.25 μg of alpha ossification alcohol (qd). The oral drugs were administered for 12 months. Bone pain relief was observed, and changes in the bone mineral density (BMD) of the lumbar and health-side hip were recorded. Clinical results were evaluated using the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), Harris joint function score, and Osteo- porosis Quality of Life Scale (OQOLS). Results: Compared with the control group, bone pain symptoms wene significantly alleviated (p 〈 0.05) in the treatment group. In the treatment and control groups, both between-group and within-group differences in BMD were significantly increased in L1-4, femoral neck and trochanter (p 〈 0.05). No significant differences were found between the two groups in regard to the involved hip or the total rate of improvement at the end of the follow-up period, although cases in the treatment group had higher OQOLS scores than those of the controls (p = 0.04). Cases in the treatment group healed more quickly than those in the control group [(13 ± 3.2) weeks vs (15 ± 4.6) weeks, p = 0.02]. During the follow^up period, cases in the treatment group had no new fractures, whereas 2 new cases of hip fracture and 2 cases of distal radial fractures were observed among the controls. Conclusion: Zoledronic acid injection combined with PFNA is a favorable treatment option for the elderly patients with osteoporotic intertrochanteric fracture. It can effectivelly relieve bone pain, increase bone density, improve quality of life, reduce the occurrence of new fractures and promote fracture healing. 展开更多
关键词 Hip fractures Osteoporosis Internal fixators Aged
Subtrochanteric osteoid osteoma: A misdiagnosed case complicated by a hip fracture 被引量:2
作者 N.K. Sferopoulos 《Chinese Journal of Traumatology》 CAS CSCD 2016年第5期283-285,共3页
A 34-year-old man with a subtrochanteric osteoid osteoma localized to the lateral cortex of the left femur is reported. The patient presented with mild spontaneous pain of the lateral thigh and knee. He refused a radi... A 34-year-old man with a subtrochanteric osteoid osteoma localized to the lateral cortex of the left femur is reported. The patient presented with mild spontaneous pain of the lateral thigh and knee. He refused a radiographic examination and was treated as a greater trochanteric pa in syndrome for 9 months. He was then admitted with a transcervical fracture of the neck of the left femur after a fall from standing height. The fracture was fixed with 3 cannulated screws and healed uneventfully. His symptoms worsened after the first postoperative year. Eighteen months postoperatively the pain was dull, worsening at night, and relieved only with anti-inflammatory drugs, and he had a limp. New radiographs and tomograms were indicative of a lateral subtrochanteric osteoid osteoma with a subperiosteal localization. The lesion was treated successfully with surgical excision of a piece of reactive bone including the nidus. 展开更多
关键词 Osteoma Osteoid Diagnostic errors Complications Hip fractures
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