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法学新古典主义:传统法哲学的创造性转化 被引量:4
作者 屠凯 《现代法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第3期45-57,共13页
法学新古典主义是一种对传统法哲学予以创造性转化的方法。它试图赋予古典法思想现代的分析的形式,促使其以新型且系统的表述,为今天的人们提供实践理据。作为对待古代精神的一种态度和对之处理的方法,法学新古典主义区别于历史社会学... 法学新古典主义是一种对传统法哲学予以创造性转化的方法。它试图赋予古典法思想现代的分析的形式,促使其以新型且系统的表述,为今天的人们提供实践理据。作为对待古代精神的一种态度和对之处理的方法,法学新古典主义区别于历史社会学、法律思想史、新经学。相对于历史社会学将中国文化传统视为现代西方"异类"的态度,法学新古典主义力求展示文化、学术传统的内部多元性;相对于法律思想史将古典法思想视为博物馆珍品的态度,及其将思想还原于历史、社会、文化背景的方法,法学新古典主义重视古代作者思想的个体自洽性,以及其可能为当代人提供的实践理据;相对于新经学视文化学术经典为当然权威的态度,及其原旨主义的文本解释方法,法学新古典主义承认经典具有代表性和影响力,但是古代的经典作者并不能凭借原有的制度或意识形态身份直接凌驾于任何当代对话者之上,他们所创造精神产品的价值仍然有待于根据其表面意思予以重新评价。 展开更多
关键词 创造性转化 传统法哲学 历史社会学 法律思想史 经学
风云际会的晚清新经学转型——张之洞与廖平的师生交往及其学术史意义 被引量:2
作者 吴龙灿 《武汉大学学报(人文科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第6期38-46,共9页
前人有见于张之洞和廖平学术面相之异,而未深究张廖学术实质之同,或以避免"逼贿"、"惧祸"之嫌疑而曲为辩说,反而遮蔽张廖契合之真相。张廖师生爱国尊儒、援西护中,在晚清经学转型过程中,前期殊途同归,后期若合符节... 前人有见于张之洞和廖平学术面相之异,而未深究张廖学术实质之同,或以避免"逼贿"、"惧祸"之嫌疑而曲为辩说,反而遮蔽张廖契合之真相。张廖师生爱国尊儒、援西护中,在晚清经学转型过程中,前期殊途同归,后期若合符节,在回应"古今中西"之争、重建中国文化主体性的共同努力中做出卓越贡献,奠定了新经学基本范式,彰显了中国传统永恒的普适价值和非凡的当代意义。在中国文化百年劫难之后的今天,我们仍然无逃于"古今中西"之争问题意识,因而由张廖奠定的、"中体西用"为特征的新经学范式,也是最可借重和极富启发性的中国文化重建和当代儒学复兴的基础理论。 展开更多
关键词 张之洞 廖平 经学转型 中体西用 “古今中西”之争
论谶纬主体是“去秦承周,复三代之治”的汉儒版新经学 被引量:1
作者 葛志毅 《人文杂志》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第10期85-99,共15页
谶纬主体承载着汉儒"去秦承周,复三代之治"的政治学术理想。为实现此理想,汉儒利用谶讳神化孔子,并利用它以牵合附会的形式附益六经。为神化孔子,《公羊》家提出孔子作《春秋》为汉制法说,此说满足了汉朝统治者论证其政治法... 谶纬主体承载着汉儒"去秦承周,复三代之治"的政治学术理想。为实现此理想,汉儒利用谶讳神化孔子,并利用它以牵合附会的形式附益六经。为神化孔子,《公羊》家提出孔子作《春秋》为汉制法说,此说满足了汉朝统治者论证其政治法统合法性的愿望,但却导致《春秋》学以至全部经学谶纬化的结果,形成谶纬化今文经学体系。历来多指斥谶纬导致此体系诬妄荒诞之弊,却鲜能充分估价其所致形式上的系统性特征。即其以经、纬一体的形式,真正实现由经、纬结合而成的经学体系之系统性特征。此外,往昔多忽略的是,此谶纬化今文经学乃汉学象数学代表,乃汉代学术思维水平的典型标征,由此可看清汉代象数思维方式与魏晋玄学哲理化取向之间,在发展转换关系上的逻辑合理性。谶纬化今文经学之性质实相当于汉儒版新经学,汉儒企望有一部可与六经并列比肩,且可反映皇汉盛美之治的新经书出现,谶纬化今文经学在某种意义上使之得以兑现。 展开更多
关键词 谶纬 孔子为汉制法 《公羊》家 谶纬化今文经学 汉儒版经学
新古典宏观经济学的经济周期理论述评 被引量:5
作者 穆争社 《当代经济科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2001年第3期8-12,18,共6页
二十世纪七十年代初 ,凯恩斯主义经济学在受到经济实践批判的同时 ,新古典宏观经济学也指出了其理论的缺陷 ,并以此为基础构建其宏观经济学的微观基础 ,即经济主体的理性原则、理性预期、市场出清 ,建立了货币经济周期理论和实际经济周... 二十世纪七十年代初 ,凯恩斯主义经济学在受到经济实践批判的同时 ,新古典宏观经济学也指出了其理论的缺陷 ,并以此为基础构建其宏观经济学的微观基础 ,即经济主体的理性原则、理性预期、市场出清 ,建立了货币经济周期理论和实际经济周期理论 ,否定政府政策的有效性 ,反对政府干预 ,力图完成其对凯恩斯主义经济学全面彻底的批判。 展开更多
关键词 货币经济周期理论 实际经济周期理论 评价 古典宏观经学 经济周期
作者 唐陈鹏 《湖南大学学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2024年第3期33-42,共10页
近八十年来,“侯外庐学派”的经学研究经历了批判总结、积极探索与全面发展三个阶段,并在长期的耕耘中产生了《中国经学思想史》《中国经学史》等在当代经学研究领域具有里程碑意义的精品力作。“侯外庐学派”经学研究的方法论体系主要... 近八十年来,“侯外庐学派”的经学研究经历了批判总结、积极探索与全面发展三个阶段,并在长期的耕耘中产生了《中国经学思想史》《中国经学史》等在当代经学研究领域具有里程碑意义的精品力作。“侯外庐学派”经学研究的方法论体系主要包括以下几项内容:第一,思想史研究与社会史研究相结合、“横通”与“纵通”并重;第二,讲求“实事求是”、重视考证辨伪;第三,追求“独立自得”、注重阐微决疑。 展开更多
关键词 侯外庐学派 经学 价值观 方法论 经学
首尾一贯的孔经哲学体系建构——廖平新经学分期新说论析 被引量:1
作者 吴龙灿 《宜宾学院学报》 2013年第11期6-11,共6页
廖平经学分期历来以"六变"说为准,这与后人所持之廖平早期经学有较高价值而中晚期经学思想古怪不足道这一刻板印象有关。若以廖平一生学术思想发展脉络为背景重新看待其中晚年经学思想可发现:廖平经学是首尾一贯的孔经哲学体... 廖平经学分期历来以"六变"说为准,这与后人所持之廖平早期经学有较高价值而中晚期经学思想古怪不足道这一刻板印象有关。若以廖平一生学术思想发展脉络为背景重新看待其中晚年经学思想可发现:廖平经学是首尾一贯的孔经哲学体系。新经学分期新说基于廖平经学研究态度、首尾一贯的尊孔尊经宗旨和三期层层推进的逻辑联系三方面理据论析分期新说的合理性与必要性,还廖平新经学本来面目,以便同情了解和平情评估其历史价值与当代意义。 展开更多
关键词 廖平 孔经哲学体系 经学六变 经学 分期
作者 吴龙灿 Hou Jian 《孔学堂》 2016年第1期93-99,共7页
熊十力是二十世纪造诣最深、最有威望的儒学思想家,奠基现代新儒学的哲学基础,建构当代新经学,以孤往精神探索儒学如何与中国当代实际的相结合,以再造文化中国为终身使命。熊十力发皇中国文化和中国哲学的基本精神和基本价值,融汇中、... 熊十力是二十世纪造诣最深、最有威望的儒学思想家,奠基现代新儒学的哲学基础,建构当代新经学,以孤往精神探索儒学如何与中国当代实际的相结合,以再造文化中国为终身使命。熊十力发皇中国文化和中国哲学的基本精神和基本价值,融汇中、印、西思想,建构了以'仁心'为本体,以'体用不二''翕辟成变''生生不息'和'冥悟证会'为宗纲,融本体论、宇宙论、人生论、价值论、认识论、方法论于一炉的博大哲学体系,不愧为现代新儒学的开山祖师。 展开更多
关键词 熊十力 现代儒学 体用不二 经学 道统
作者 赵玉龙 《山西广播电视大学学报》 2017年第4期63-69,共7页
王符是东汉时期著名政论散文家,其所处的时代风云巨变,动荡不安,朝政腐败,外戚和宦官交替执政,中央集权被削弱,人民长期遭受吏患和灾荒,苦不堪言。所著《潜夫论》成书于东汉中后期经学新变的时代潮流中。东汉经学较西汉有重要转变,具体... 王符是东汉时期著名政论散文家,其所处的时代风云巨变,动荡不安,朝政腐败,外戚和宦官交替执政,中央集权被削弱,人民长期遭受吏患和灾荒,苦不堪言。所著《潜夫论》成书于东汉中后期经学新变的时代潮流中。东汉经学较西汉有重要转变,具体表现在:经学由"专"向博通发展,儒生不再固守某一家学说;经学走向谶纬化;经学受政治影响减弱,向学术本位回归。东汉经学的新变对王符及其《潜夫论》产生了重要影响。 展开更多
关键词 王符 《潜夫论》 经学 影响
作者 李开 《语文知识》 2009年第2期87-90,共4页
《左传新论》的学术定位是新时代的经学,它通过对先秦“轴心时代”文化史的考问,全面揭示《左传》这一历史文化名著的内涵。它的学术视角是:从有周官学、诸子学、《春秋》逻辑参照看《左传》。它充分运用王国维的“二重证据”法。非... 《左传新论》的学术定位是新时代的经学,它通过对先秦“轴心时代”文化史的考问,全面揭示《左传》这一历史文化名著的内涵。它的学术视角是:从有周官学、诸子学、《春秋》逻辑参照看《左传》。它充分运用王国维的“二重证据”法。非常重视出土文物对《左传》的研究价值;它重视科学的抽象,重在研究对象内部的逻辑机理的揭示,不拘囿于具体故实的演说和词句的考辨,是现代科学研究中的形态学思路。由它的居高的学术成就,可推知它的不凡的社会文化价值。 展开更多
关键词 时代的经学 文化史 “二重证据”法 形态学 社会文化价值
“新子學”對國學的重構——以重新審視經、子、儒性質與關係切入 被引量:3
作者 玄華 《诸子学刊》 2016年第1期293-301,共9页
'新子學'對國學的重構,以重新審視經學、子學、儒學性質與關係為切入。經學是以其特有的精神和體制為核心的學術綜合體,其産生可遠溯五帝時期。此後歷代所奉經典雖有差異,但經學精神與體制一脈相承。子學是在春秋戰國時期發展... '新子學'對國學的重構,以重新審視經學、子學、儒學性質與關係為切入。經學是以其特有的精神和體制為核心的學術綜合體,其産生可遠溯五帝時期。此後歷代所奉經典雖有差異,但經學精神與體制一脈相承。子學是在春秋戰國時期發展出來的經學否定者。儒學在本質上具有子學性,是子學消解經學的重要力量之一,但同時也是經學異化子學的主要對象,具有一定特殊性。'新子學'當自覺此點,將儒學從經學的束縛中解放出來,並最終消解盤旋在傳統文化上空的經學陰魂。 展开更多
关键词 經學 子學 儒學 新經學 子學
朱熹与中国思想的道统论问题 被引量:13
作者 陈赟 《齐鲁学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第2期5-13,共9页
朱熹道统论思想的背景是儒、佛、道三教并立,其道统论一方面意在以新儒学在新的历史条件下承继帝、王、孔子,另一方面则在确立儒教在三教状况下的主导性,后者是其道统思想中的正统论面向。朱熹承接了孔子时代业已具有的道统论的两条线索... 朱熹道统论思想的背景是儒、佛、道三教并立,其道统论一方面意在以新儒学在新的历史条件下承继帝、王、孔子,另一方面则在确立儒教在三教状况下的主导性,后者是其道统思想中的正统论面向。朱熹承接了孔子时代业已具有的道统论的两条线索,即治统上断自尧舜、教统上始自伏羲神农黄帝的两重道统论,并重点突出以教统方式承接道统,其方式有二:一是建立新经学体系,即《四书》,新经学不再是与治统相关的王官学,而是以成人为目标的教化体系;二是建立师道传承的谱系,使包括自己在内的二程一系的学统由作为一家一派的子学或三教之一的儒学而进升至道学,由此与列于《儒林传》的旧经学意义上的儒家区别开来。 展开更多
关键词 道统论 朱熹 经学
作者 郭齐勇 《原道》 2023年第1期339-341,共3页
经筵讲义作为宋代兴起的一种新经学体例,是儒家士大夫诠释经旨义理并对帝王进行教育的讲稿与教材,寄寓了他们成就君德圣治、建构帝王之学、重建社会政治秩序的理想。它既是经筵制度定型与宋代学术转型的产物,又是理学思想向最高层传播... 经筵讲义作为宋代兴起的一种新经学体例,是儒家士大夫诠释经旨义理并对帝王进行教育的讲稿与教材,寄寓了他们成就君德圣治、建构帝王之学、重建社会政治秩序的理想。它既是经筵制度定型与宋代学术转型的产物,又是理学思想向最高层传播的重要载体。宋代主要学派的代表人物王安石、司马光、苏轼、程颐、杨时、胡安国、张栻、朱熹、真德秀等均曾入侍经筵为帝王师,尤其是程朱一系学者为帝王进讲《论语》《孟子》《大学》《中庸》经筵讲义,极大地促进了“四书”新经典体系的形成与理学思潮的兴盛。 展开更多
关键词 《大学》 四书学 理学思想 胡安国 真德秀 经筵 经学 社会政治秩序
梁漱溟和饶宗颐对中国传统文化发展路向的探索 被引量:1
作者 关术勇 《学术交流》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第12期49-56,共8页
梁漱溟和饶宗颐是我国不同时代的“国学大师”,二人学养深厚,对中国传统文化发展路向均有各自的独特理解。家世背景及成长环境的不同,造就了二者文化观上的差异。梁漱溟的文化观深受柏格森生命哲学、唯识学及陆王心学的影响,他提出了“... 梁漱溟和饶宗颐是我国不同时代的“国学大师”,二人学养深厚,对中国传统文化发展路向均有各自的独特理解。家世背景及成长环境的不同,造就了二者文化观上的差异。梁漱溟的文化观深受柏格森生命哲学、唯识学及陆王心学的影响,他提出了“文化三路向说”,认为中国文化属于“早熟”文化,因此应以“刚”的态度作为价值取向,来反抗西方文化中心主义,以期传统文化之复兴。饶宗颐广为涉猎中国传统文化,以汉语言文字为根基,以考据学为方法,提出“新经学”的核心理念,在全球化开放性视野下来重新塑造中国传统的文化价值观和道德价值观,构建中华传统文化的圣经——“华学”,从而实现中华传统文化在新时代背景下的全面复兴。尽管两位学术大家观点各异,但二者对中国传统文化的发展目标是一致的,那就是中华民族文化的伟大复兴。 展开更多
关键词 梁漱溟 文化路向说 饶宗颐 经学 华学
Fuzzy integral based measurement and assessment of medium and small enterprises'product innovation 被引量:1
作者 毕克新 张铁柱 +1 位作者 孙金花 冯英浚 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2003年第3期278-283,共6页
A fuzzy integral based way of measurement assessment has been established by using linguistic varia-bles and combining fuzzy integral with hierarchy analysis for measurement of medium and small enterprises'product... A fuzzy integral based way of measurement assessment has been established by using linguistic varia-bles and combining fuzzy integral with hierarchy analysis for measurement of medium and small enterprises'product innovation. The conclusions drawn from analyses made with 20 medium and small enterprises providebases for governments to formulate applicable policies and for medium and small enterprises to enhance theirproduct innovation. 展开更多
关键词 medium and small enterprises (MSE) product innovation measurement and assessment fuzzy integral
Creative Industries Agglomeration,Regional Innovation and Productivity Growth in China 被引量:20
作者 HONG Jin YU Wentao +1 位作者 GUO Xiumei ZHAO Dingtao 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第2期258-268,共11页
This paper falls into the broad area of economic geography and economics of creativity,and it presents an alternative approach to explain why total factor productivity(TFP)growth is different across China′s regions.I... This paper falls into the broad area of economic geography and economics of creativity,and it presents an alternative approach to explain why total factor productivity(TFP)growth is different across China′s regions.It establishes an empirical model to estimate the spatial agglomeration effects of creative industries on regional TFP growth,using China′s provincial panel data during the period of 2003 to 2010.We found that the creative industries agglomeration(CIA)has significant and positive impact on regional TFP growth.The result also implies that the CIA can facilitate regional TFP growth through promoting regional innovation instead of improving regional efficiency.Therefore,we argue that policy makers should take some measures to retain and establish more creative zones. 展开更多
关键词 creative industries spatial externality creativity industries agglomeration(CIA) total factor productivity(TFP) economic growth
Technology in New Institutional Economics --Comparison of Transaction Costs in Schumpeter's Capitalist Development Ideology
作者 Ilkben Akansel 《Chinese Business Review》 2016年第2期64-93,共30页
In mainstream economics (the neoclassical economics), it is accepted that every company that competes under the perfect competition market has the same technological equipment. So, technology is approached as a simp... In mainstream economics (the neoclassical economics), it is accepted that every company that competes under the perfect competition market has the same technological equipment. So, technology is approached as a simple efficiency increase whose source is unknown. In terms of established economics view, technology is like a "black box" that cannot be predicted. As the creator of the concept of"creative destruction", Joseph Schumpeter (1883-1950) caused significant changes in terms of the view of neoclassical economics about technology. On one hand, Schumpeter created a new point of view about the concept of"innovation" by using key concepts, such as "invention", "imitation", and "business cycles". Schumpeter's "creative destruction" concept carries out the role of a new map for the new institutional economics trend which accepts "technology" as an institution. On the other hand, if one is to understand why the ideology differs between neoclassical economics and new institutional economics, "transaction costs" should be analyzed. Since, transaction costs and creative destruction have a relationship between each other; Schumpeter and Coase's ideas are resembling each other. While doing this, this paper will try to discuss the question of how to accept the technology as "external" instead of "internal" limit neoclassical economics. In this process, it will primarily base the dimension on the concept of"technology" developed by Schumpeter. The second station is an inquiry between Schumpeter's and Coase's ideas about technology. Although new institutional economics (NIE) and neoclassical economics can be confused, they can be seperated from each other by the way they look at technology. Because, technology is accepted as an external theme by neoclassical economics, on the contrary, NIE acceptes technology as an internal fact. One of the most important reasons why technology is internal in terms of NIE can be evaluated by "transaction costs". As a result, the author will give effort to create a critical presentation in order to readdress the viewpoint of mainstream economics about "technology". 展开更多
关键词 CAPITALISM COMPETITION free market economic imperialism political economic political economy
Leadership, Control Mechanisms and Networks for Sustainable Fishing
作者 Ana Harumi Hayashida Jose Eduardo Rolon 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2015年第8期549-560,共12页
The purpose of this article was to analyse how fisheries governance can be improved when there is low enforcement capacity by state's institutions. Based on the theoretical arguments from the neo-institutionalism and... The purpose of this article was to analyse how fisheries governance can be improved when there is low enforcement capacity by state's institutions. Based on the theoretical arguments from the neo-institutionalism and the social capital approaches, the findings of this research point to the role of fishing cooperatives' structural organization on the attitude of individuals to comply with regulations. Using a most similar comparative method, it was found that fishers with higher scores of compliance belong to cooperatives that have an outstanding leader, control mechanisms, as well as multi-actor external networks which connect the organization with other networks and thus facilitate the access to knowledge, technology and activities related to conservation and sustainable fishing. The findings of the research coincide with other studies about the importance of leadership that enable good fishing management. This may help in the design of different strategies to address situations with low state capacity to ensure compliance and contribute to solve problems of commons, such as the one in marine fisheries. 展开更多
关键词 OSTROM WILLIAMSON COMMONS fisheries governance regulatory compliance leadership and networks.
The Dilemma Between the Heterodox-the Orthodox Economics and Its Ideology
作者 Ilkben Akansel 《Chinese Business Review》 2013年第4期242-257,共16页
Economic movements have close relation with historical transformations. Historical and social transformations have seriously determined economic views, so, economic movements have been the indicators of economic wars ... Economic movements have close relation with historical transformations. Historical and social transformations have seriously determined economic views, so, economic movements have been the indicators of economic wars of social classes. But no concept can describe sharp contrast in economics better than the two opponent concepts in economics: "orthodox" and "heterodox" economics. In this article, the reason why neo-classic economics, also called as orthodox economics, has a serious place in economic literature while the opponent's economic movements, named heterodox economics, do not defend only one "truth" and are not as important as orthodox economics will be examined. While doing this examination, Louis Althusser's "ideology" and Antonio Gramsci's "hegemony" will help us as these two concepts are quite instructive in understanding the irreplaceable significance of orthodox economics. As a result, by discussing alternative point of views about economics, positive emphasis of multivocality in economics literature will be revealed. On the other hand, every heterodox economics cannot criticize orthodox economics in the same way. In this study, institutional economics, which is accepted to be part of heterodox economics, will be discussed thoroughly. Institutional economics had a serious attitude against orthodox economics. In this study, generally the points in orthodox economics that institutional economics opposes will be emphasized, and although both economics approaches' ideological attitude will be attempted to be discussed generally, it will become easy to discuss the reason why heterodox economics developed an opposing ideology against the ideology of orthodox economics. 展开更多
关键词 orthodox economics neo-classical economics heterodox economics institutional economics IDEOLOGY HEGEMONY
Health Is the Key to Happiness——Profile of Dr.Lixin Shen,President & CEO of Wuxi Howfond Biopharma Co.,Ltd.
《China's Foreign Trade》 2008年第11期59-61,共3页
No matter where he is and what he does,Dr. Shen always considers himself as a devoted researcher,and holds tough mind that he will go further along the medicine innovation, heading for the health and happiness of huma... No matter where he is and what he does,Dr. Shen always considers himself as a devoted researcher,and holds tough mind that he will go further along the medicine innovation, heading for the health and happiness of human being. 展开更多
关键词 健康 医疗卫生行业 医生 个人卫生
Engaging College Students in Experiential Learning: Learning Through Serving, Inspiring Through Experience, and Creating Identity Through Bilingual Poetry
作者 Shelli Rottschafer 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第11期1047-1056,共10页
Experiential learning is the opportunity to meld teaching with experience; "to do" the things students learn about in the classroom, yet outside the classroom walls. I am an instructor that embraces experiential lea... Experiential learning is the opportunity to meld teaching with experience; "to do" the things students learn about in the classroom, yet outside the classroom walls. I am an instructor that embraces experiential learning. Every other year, I lead a Chican@ Literature class which, after the semester is finished, culminates with a two-week excursion to New Mexico. While on-campus I highlight specific themes within Chicano narrative and poetry. Discussions focus on several key aspects regarding Chican@ Literature whose purpose is to create a voice for those whom have been marginalized within mainstream American culture. Chican@ Literature emphasizes a concept of origin which is reiterated in New Mexico through a sense of place in nature. A second topic often addressed in Chican@ Literature is the idea of aprendizaje. This is a journey of knowledge. In each episode experienced, the narrative voice gains a broader understanding of identity. This aprendizaje is also shared by my students as they gain a sense of self as defined by their own community in juxtaposition with their New Mexican fieldwork and the bilingual poetry they write. Lastly, Chican@ Literature often reveals an author or poet's personal culture clash or cultural fusion within the creative work itself. Once again, my students write about their own perspectives in a poetry workshop and presented their pieces during a poetry slam. Some of these pieces are included in this manuscript. 展开更多
关键词 service-learning experiential learning bilingual poetry Chican@ Literature
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