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从新证据学到证据科学 被引量:4
作者 张南宁 《中南大学学报(社会科学版)》 2009年第4期505-512,共8页
20世纪中叶,证据学研究开始从关注证据规则的领域转向关注证明过程,从而产生"新证据学"。尽管到了20世纪80年代中期,这种新证据学派得到了快速发展,并成为了一项主要的国际运动,它遇到来自各方面的挑战也不断增多。这些挑战... 20世纪中叶,证据学研究开始从关注证据规则的领域转向关注证明过程,从而产生"新证据学"。尽管到了20世纪80年代中期,这种新证据学派得到了快速发展,并成为了一项主要的国际运动,它遇到来自各方面的挑战也不断增多。这些挑战表明更广义的新证据学必然形成。它与狭义的新证据学之间的区别不仅表现在"新"的意义不同,还体现在"学"的含义不同;不仅突出创新,还强调其"科学性"。广义新证据学的出现,表明具有综合集成性质的综合性证据科学的形成。 展开更多
关键词 新证据学 交叉学科 证据科学
作者 桂舒舒 《青年与社会(中)》 2014年第2期106-107,共2页
20世纪80年代中期,以“新证据学”为代表的法学理论成为了一项主要的国际运动,引领英美法系证据理论由证据可采性规则转向证明过程。我国的证据理论一度以证据为中心,但随着以“事实信息理论”等为代表的证据法学理论的提出,我国未... 20世纪80年代中期,以“新证据学”为代表的法学理论成为了一项主要的国际运动,引领英美法系证据理论由证据可采性规则转向证明过程。我国的证据理论一度以证据为中心,但随着以“事实信息理论”等为代表的证据法学理论的提出,我国未来的证据法学研究重心的转移,基本趋势是从“证据法学”走向“证明法学”。 展开更多
关键词 新证据学 事实信息理论 研究趋势
证据科学的两个维度 被引量:13
作者 王进喜 《政法论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第6期150-158,共9页
证据科学与证据学有着不同的含义。证据科学不仅本身具有方法论意义,而且具有独立研究的价值。证据科学之所以能够成为一个跨学科研究的领域,本身在于这是一个多学科所面对的共同问题,甚至可以说是人类获得知识过程中所面对的一个共同... 证据科学与证据学有着不同的含义。证据科学不仅本身具有方法论意义,而且具有独立研究的价值。证据科学之所以能够成为一个跨学科研究的领域,本身在于这是一个多学科所面对的共同问题,甚至可以说是人类获得知识过程中所面对的一个共同问题。它超越了学科文化、学科传统、学科背景。因此应当就此有一个一般的理论模型。与此同时,证据科学意味着对证据法的跨学科研究。证据科学的发展,将对证据法的发展产生积极影响。 展开更多
关键词 证据科学 证据学 新证据学 证据 跨学科
Late Holocene Environmental History of Lake Victoria Basin: Evidence from Geochemical Proxies
作者 Morgan Andama Julius B. Lejju +3 位作者 Casim Umba Tolo Grace Kagoro-Rugunda Immaculate Ssemmanda Janet Ayebare 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2012年第9期1054-1063,共10页
Sedimentary TOC (total organic carbon), TN (total nitrogen) and C/N (carbon/nitrogen) at selected sites of Lake Victoria basin have provided evidence of phytoplankton productivity, input of nitrates and allochth... Sedimentary TOC (total organic carbon), TN (total nitrogen) and C/N (carbon/nitrogen) at selected sites of Lake Victoria basin have provided evidence of phytoplankton productivity, input of nitrates and allochthonous (land) plant materials/catchment destruction in the basin during the late Holocene period (last 4,000 years to present). TOC and TN in the sediment cores were determined using EuroEA3000 Series Elemental Analyser and radiocarbon dating done using AMS (accelerator mass spectrometry) standard method. Results showed that TOC (13.45%-20.78%) and TN (1.07%-1.92%) values were higher at Napoleon Gulf from about 4,186 years before present (ca. 4,186 yr. BP) to present than at inlet of river Kagera (TOC: 3.27%-6.32% and TN: 0.30%-0.59%) from about 190 years before present (ca. 190 yr. BP) to present. Generally TOC and TN had a negative correlation (r = -0.37, p = 0.04, n = 32) at Napoleon Gulf in the last 4,186 years to present signifying that C/N ratios were governed mostly by phytoplankton productivity which markedly increased during some periods in the last 370 years to present possibly as a result of increased input of nitrates. However, the periods from about 4,186 years to 1,684 years before present (ca. 4,186 yr. BP to 1,684 yr. BP) and some periods between the last 370 years to present indicated increased input of allochthonous plant materials/catchment destruction. On overall, there was a positive correlation between C/N and TOC at inlet of river Kagera (r = 0.57, p = 0.01, n = 20) in the last 190 years to present possibly signifying that C/N ratios were governed mainly by input of allochthonous plant materials hence increased catchment destruction. Input of land plant materials (catchment destruction) along Kagera basin declined during some period after 1950 AD. However the most recent years have shown increased input of land plant materials (catchment destruction) in Kagera basin. 展开更多
关键词 ENVIRONMENT geochemical proxies Lake Victoria late Holocene.
司法证明机理:一个亟待开拓的研究领域 被引量:51
作者 封利强 《法学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第2期143-162,共20页
司法证明机理是指由多方证明主体共同参与进行证据推理活动的内在规律和原理。没有对证明机理的深入把握,就难以通过"证据群"获得可靠的事实认定结论。近年来,英美学者致力于对证明机理的探索,开辟了一个全新的交叉学科领域... 司法证明机理是指由多方证明主体共同参与进行证据推理活动的内在规律和原理。没有对证明机理的深入把握,就难以通过"证据群"获得可靠的事实认定结论。近年来,英美学者致力于对证明机理的探索,开辟了一个全新的交叉学科领域。证明机理的研究对于摆脱司法证明的现实困境具有重要意义。我们应当批判地吸收和借鉴英美"新证据学"的研究成果,综合运用系统论、逻辑学、心理学、语言学、行为科学等多种研究方法进行系统化研究,以期实现司法证明的科学化。 展开更多
关键词 司法证明 证明机理 证明科学 新证据学
作者 徐庭祥 《环球法律评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第6期164-180,共17页
辅助证明政策规则集中体现了英美证据法的特殊性,其选择将有一定证明价值的不可靠证据予以排除,而不是允许不可靠证据进入庭审后由裁判者确定其证明力。英美证据法学自边沁以降,一直存在自由证明原则与辅助证明政策规则的角力——鉴于... 辅助证明政策规则集中体现了英美证据法的特殊性,其选择将有一定证明价值的不可靠证据予以排除,而不是允许不可靠证据进入庭审后由裁判者确定其证明力。英美证据法学自边沁以降,一直存在自由证明原则与辅助证明政策规则的角力——鉴于自由证明原则的巨大影响,必须为作为例外的辅助证明政策规则提供充分的正当性理由,才能证立其对自由证明原则的违背。由于传统通说的陪审团控制理论存在缺陷,英美证据法学不断尝试提出新的正当性理论。最佳证据理论、最差证据理论等新理论揭示了辅助证明政策规则在整个诉讼过程中能发挥促进更充分获取信息、协调多元主体行动、保障更准确认定事实的多元功能。我国行政诉讼不能将不可靠证据排除规则正当性的多维研究坍缩为个别不可靠证据证明价值大小的研究,而是要从整体诉讼过程的视野中去考量行政诉讼不可靠证据排除规则的正当性。 展开更多
关键词 辅助证明政策规则 不可靠证据排除规则 陪审团控制理论 最佳证据理论 新证据学
Human activity during the late Pleistocene in the Lop Nur region, northwest China: Evidence from a buried stone artifact 被引量:1
作者 Kangkang LI Xiaoguang QIN +11 位作者 Xiaoyan YANG Bing XU Lei ZHANG Guijin MU Dong WEI Chunxue WANG Yong WU Xiaohong TIAN Yongchong LIN Wen LI Jiaqi LIU Yinxin JIAO 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第11期1659-1668,共10页
The Lop Nur region, in the east part of Tarim Basin, was an important transportation junction between west and east,north and south Eurasia. However, previous studies on prehistoric human activity have concentrated mo... The Lop Nur region, in the east part of Tarim Basin, was an important transportation junction between west and east,north and south Eurasia. However, previous studies on prehistoric human activity have concentrated mostly on the Bronze Age,whereas that during the Stone Age remains largely unresearched. Here, we present a new direct evidence of human activity in the late Pleistocene, recorded on a grinding stone buried in a lacustrine sediment section of the Lop Nur region. The grain size distribution of the sediment section indicates that the site was probably in the center of a lake with weak hydrodynamic environment. Therefore, the stone artifact can only be carried to here by people instead of river and it was never move as soon as left here. Results of radiocarbon dating, the evident stratigraphic relations between the stone artifact and the sedimentary formation, indicate that the human activity could extend to approximately 13 ka BP. Furthermore, the results of starch-grain and use-wear analyses suggest that ancient humans gathered seeds of Triticeae, roots, and tubers and used the grinding stone to simply process selected plant as plant foodstuffs during this period. It implies that the environmental conditions in the river delta of the Lop Nur were inhabitable during the late Pleistocene. 展开更多
关键词 Lop Nur Late Pleistocene Stone artefact Human activity Paleo-enviroument
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