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构建“新国画”:1932 年方人定人物画的革新探索
作者 金雪莹 《流行色》 2023年第6期120-122,共3页
方人定是岭南画派第二代画家群中的重要代表之一,他主张中国画改革,作为近现代人物画的开拓者,在艺术理论与绘画实践方面皆具有突出的成就。受战事影响,1932年方人定暂居广州,在国难当头之际潜心绘画,创作了一批以妇女、孩童为主的人物... 方人定是岭南画派第二代画家群中的重要代表之一,他主张中国画改革,作为近现代人物画的开拓者,在艺术理论与绘画实践方面皆具有突出的成就。受战事影响,1932年方人定暂居广州,在国难当头之际潜心绘画,创作了一批以妇女、孩童为主的人物画,以“新国画”的方式回应战争,反映了其早期求新求变的探索。文章聚焦到这些画作所呈现出来的图像构建方式和情感取向,运用形式分析法和文献研究法探究画家如何通过题材突破、笔法创新、色彩变革等方法进行革新尝试,并结合时代背景与文化语境分析该时期的绘画语言及创作特点。 展开更多
关键词 方人定 国难 民间关怀 色彩构成
作者 冯菡子 《美术》 北大核心 2023年第12期81-89,共9页
方人定受教于岭南画派创始人高剑父,20世纪30年代曾两次东渡日本游学,后又往欧洲进行艺术考察,深入践行了岭南画派“折中中外,融合古今”的艺术主张。在方人定的艺术生涯中,抗战时期是其艺术风格转变的关键阶段。他以现实主义的创作视角... 方人定受教于岭南画派创始人高剑父,20世纪30年代曾两次东渡日本游学,后又往欧洲进行艺术考察,深入践行了岭南画派“折中中外,融合古今”的艺术主张。在方人定的艺术生涯中,抗战时期是其艺术风格转变的关键阶段。他以现实主义的创作视角,通过绘画题材的转变以及艺术语言的转化,完成现实主义艺术风格的塑造;同时以艺术创作再现战时的苦难历史,谴责日寇侵华的暴行,讴歌中华民族团结一致对抗入侵者的勇气与决心。 展开更多
关键词 方人定 岭南画派 抗战美术 现实主义
彩墨交融 风采独具——方人定画展在京举办
作者 徐沛君 《美术观察》 北大核心 2003年第12期38-38,共1页
由中国美术家协会、中国美术馆、中国画研究院、广东省美术家协会、广东画院联合举办的"方人定画展"于2003年11月5日至11月10日在中国美术馆举办. 方人定(1901-1975),广东中山人,早年随岭南画派创始人高剑父习画,1929年夏赴... 由中国美术家协会、中国美术馆、中国画研究院、广东省美术家协会、广东画院联合举办的"方人定画展"于2003年11月5日至11月10日在中国美术馆举办. 方人定(1901-1975),广东中山人,早年随岭南画派创始人高剑父习画,1929年夏赴日本留学.1931年,"九·一八事变"爆发,他与夫人一起愤然归国.30年代至40年代,他分别在南京、上海、广州、港澳地区和美国举办个展,开始享誉海内外画坛.1949年后,方人定历任广州市立艺术专科学校国画系主作,南中美院、华南人民文学艺术学院教授,广东画院副院长,广州地区国画座谈负责人等,为新中国美术事业鞠躬尽瘁. 展开更多
关键词 方人定画展 北京 岭南画派 人物画 中国画 艺术风格 艺术生涯
作者 彭薇 《美术》 北大核心 2003年第12期108-108,共1页
关键词 方人定画展” 中国美术馆 岭南画派 人物画 民族精神 技法 创作题材
革新与探索:岭南画派方人定艺术思想之嬗变 被引量:1
作者 洪权 林蓝 《美术学报》 北大核心 2014年第6期38-45,共8页
作为岭南画派第二代代表人物之一的方人定在内忧外患的时代对中国绘画发展前途的思考是带有深刻的时代烙印的,在整体艺术革新与探索的语境下,他沿着高剑父的折衷东西道路,以具有时代性、表现现实生活的人物画为题材进行前无古人的中国... 作为岭南画派第二代代表人物之一的方人定在内忧外患的时代对中国绘画发展前途的思考是带有深刻的时代烙印的,在整体艺术革新与探索的语境下,他沿着高剑父的折衷东西道路,以具有时代性、表现现实生活的人物画为题材进行前无古人的中国人物画革新,其从站在西洋画的立场来革新中国画到相对客观地不断修整自己的观念,从否定书画关系到部分认可"书画同源"历史价值,从对其师亦步亦趋跟随到修整其师的折衷理念,从轻视甚至否定笔墨在绘画中的作用到折衷式的调和笔墨与造型、色彩之间的关系,方人定一步步调整自己的关照角席,他所创造的中国人物画风格具有中国画革新意义的历史价值和启示意义,他被誉为为人生而艺术的"时代画家"。 展开更多
关键词 方人定 中国人物画 折衷东西 新国画
关于方人定兄弟抗战时期的信札以及《春睡画院欢迎方苏杨黄归国画展》考论 被引量:1
作者 黎向群 《美术学报》 北大核心 2018年第1期87-94,共8页
关键词 方人定兄弟 信札 《春睡画院欢迎方苏杨黄归国画展》 书法艺术
方人定、黎雄才的留日及其绘画创作相关问题 被引量:1
作者 彭飞 《美术学报》 2017年第2期57-72,共16页
岭南派画家方人定、黎雄才都是高剑父的高徒,他们都对中国画的发展作出了非常重要的贡献。他们既是岭南画派中继"二高一陈"之后重要的代表性画家,也是20世纪中国画坛非常重要的画家。他们都曾留学日本,并且他们的作品都曾受... 岭南派画家方人定、黎雄才都是高剑父的高徒,他们都对中国画的发展作出了非常重要的贡献。他们既是岭南画派中继"二高一陈"之后重要的代表性画家,也是20世纪中国画坛非常重要的画家。他们都曾留学日本,并且他们的作品都曾受到过日本画的影响,但是目前学界对他们的留学经历却有着不同的说法。论文探究了二人留学日本的具体情况,及其绘画创作相关问题。有助于我们对方人定、黎雄才及其岭南画派的深入了解。 展开更多
关键词 方人定 黎雄才 留学日本 绘画创作
作者 吴孟晋 《美术学报》 北大核心 2012年第1期39-48,共10页
岭南画家方人定1935年从日本留学回国,擅长描绘市井小民日常生活人物画。日本外交官须磨弥吉郎收藏的《后园》,则为其描绘大火鸡的花鸟画,须磨一贯对其作品的色彩高度评价,赞誉为画家杰作之一。在《后园》里所使用的厚抹和渗墨的两种技... 岭南画家方人定1935年从日本留学回国,擅长描绘市井小民日常生活人物画。日本外交官须磨弥吉郎收藏的《后园》,则为其描绘大火鸡的花鸟画,须磨一贯对其作品的色彩高度评价,赞誉为画家杰作之一。在《后园》里所使用的厚抹和渗墨的两种技法,强烈反映了从大正到昭和初期的日本画坛主流倾向,尤其是与例如小林古径的《鹤与火鸡》(1928年)等作品类似。以这些日本的作品为对比,方的火鸡可说是西洋的肢体内融合了东洋的精神,表现了岭南派中西融合的理念,培育了一种升华象征性存在的可能性。 展开更多
关键词 方人定 日本留学 须磨弥吉郎 花鸟画 小林古径
作者 单小英 《艺术市场》 2005年第1期22-22,共1页
岭南画派,是20世纪初至40年代崛起于中国画坛而活跃于广州地区的一个重要绘画流派。是地域的原因,还是由于缺乏市场的运作与支持,而导致在目前火爆的中国书画艺术市场中,岭南画派的画家总体价位不高?对此,本刊邀请了有关的专家就岭南画... 岭南画派,是20世纪初至40年代崛起于中国画坛而活跃于广州地区的一个重要绘画流派。是地域的原因,还是由于缺乏市场的运作与支持,而导致在目前火爆的中国书画艺术市场中,岭南画派的画家总体价位不高?对此,本刊邀请了有关的专家就岭南画派的艺术与市场价值问题进行了讨论。 在组稿过程中,广州画院吴瑾先生给予大力支持,在此一并致谢。 展开更多
关键词 岭南画派 人物画 方人定 画家
Empirical Study on the Effect of Abolishing Agricultural Tax on Farmers' Income 被引量:3
作者 蔡金阳 张同龙 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第3期682-685,共4页
The panel dataset which covered the socio-economic data of 31 provinces (municipalities and autonomous region) in China from 2000-2007 was used to do empirical analysis on the effect of abolishing agricultural taxes... The panel dataset which covered the socio-economic data of 31 provinces (municipalities and autonomous region) in China from 2000-2007 was used to do empirical analysis on the effect of abolishing agricultural taxes on farmers' income by referring to the fixed effect estimation method. It found that the abolition of agricultural taxes increased farmer's net income per capita by 2%. Combining with the results of empirical analysis, related policy suggestions were put forward to increase farmers' income. 展开更多
关键词 Abolishing of agricultural tax Fixed effect model Net income per capita of farmers
Design of dead reckoning system for mobile robot 被引量:3
作者 于金霞 蔡自兴 +1 位作者 段琢华 邹小兵 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 EI 2006年第5期542-547,共6页
A dead reckoning system for a wheeled mobile robot was designed, and the method for robot’s pose estimation in the 3D environments was presented on the basis of its rigid-body kinematic equations. After analyzing the... A dead reckoning system for a wheeled mobile robot was designed, and the method for robot’s pose estimation in the 3D environments was presented on the basis of its rigid-body kinematic equations. After analyzing the locomotion architecture of mobile robot and the principle of proprioceptive sensors, the kinematics model of mobile robot was built to realize the relative localization. Considering that the research on dead reckoning of mobile robot was confined to the 2 dimensional planes, the locomotion of mobile robot in the 3 coordinate axis direction was thought over in order to estimate its pose on uneven terrain. Because the computing method in a plane is rather mature, the calculation in height direction is emphatically represented as a key issue. With experimental results obtained by simulation program and robot platform, the position of mobile robot can be reliably estimated and the localization precision can be effectively improved, so the effectiveness of this dead reckoning system is demonstrated. 展开更多
关键词 wheeled mobile robot dead reckoning proprioceptive sensor kinematic equations
Error correction method of 6-HTRT parallel mechanics
作者 张秀峰 季林红 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2007年第2期193-196,共4页
The method of error correction is one of key techniques of parallel robot. A new method of end error correction of 6-HTRT parallel robot is presented for engineering and researching on correlative theory of 6-HTRT par... The method of error correction is one of key techniques of parallel robot. A new method of end error correction of 6-HTRT parallel robot is presented for engineering and researching on correlative theory of 6-HTRT parallel robot. The method need calculate many kinematics equations of parallel robot such as position back solution, velocity Jacobin, position forward solution and error Jacobin. New methods presented for solving these questions are simpler and fitter for programming and calculating, because former methods are too complex to use in engineering. These questions may be solved by iterative method of numerical value which has fast velocity of calculating. These new methods may be used in other mechanism of parallel robot too, and so have wider using value. The experimental results demonstrate that the system may satisfy entirely high technical request and fit for engineering in new measures. 展开更多
关键词 high-precision robot Hooker joint error correction position forward solution Jacobin
A Precise Localization Method for a High Speed Mobile Robot Using iGS and Dual Compass
作者 Seo-young HWANG Yo-sub HWANG Jang-myung LEE 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS 2011年第3期276-282,共7页
This paper proposes a precise localization algorithm for a quickly moving mobile robot.In order to localize a mobile robot with active beacon sensors,a relatively long time is needed,since the distance to the beacon i... This paper proposes a precise localization algorithm for a quickly moving mobile robot.In order to localize a mobile robot with active beacon sensors,a relatively long time is needed,since the distance to the beacon is measured by transmitting time of the ultrasonic signal.The measurement time does not cause a high error rate when the mobile robot moves slowly.However,with an increase of the mobile robot’s speed,the localization error becomes too high to use for accurate mobile robot navigation.Therefore,in this research into high speed mobile robot operations,instead of using two active beacons for localization,an active beacon and dual compass are utilized to localize the mobile robot.This new approach resolves the high localization error caused by the speed of the mobile robot.The performance of the precise localization algorithm is verified by comparing it to the conventional method through real-world experiments. 展开更多
关键词 IGS dual compass mobile robot LOCALIZATION
A Quantitative Approach to Analyse Rural Population and Development in Some African and Southern-Central American Countries over 10 Years
作者 Nicola Galluzzo 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2013年第3期189-198,共10页
In developing countries, the emigration from rural territories to urban areas has brought about some negative impacts strictly associated to a lack of services a drop of ecological sustainability and environment prote... In developing countries, the emigration from rural territories to urban areas has brought about some negative impacts strictly associated to a lack of services a drop of ecological sustainability and environment protection with the consequence to worsen the marginalization of these territories. In the world, more than 50% of poverty is located in rural areas and the most incidence of it is in Sub-Saharan African countries; in Latin American nations, instead, the most percentage of poverty is located in urban areas. The aim of this research was to estimate, by a multiple regression model, in 46 countries of Africa and in 23 nations of Souther-Central America, which socio-economic variables were able to play a fundamental role on the rural population and on the development of rural areas in 2000 and 2010 using some statistical data published in the FAO Statistic book. In analysed African countries there has been an increase of people living in the rural space and a growth by 21% of agricultural Gross Domestic Product (GDP). In Southern and Central American nations, there has been a meaningful emigration from rural territories due to an expansion of commercial flows and per capita income in rich areas, thus people have decided to move from the rural territories to the urban territories, worsening the poverty and living conditions in the countryside. 展开更多
关键词 Rural areas developing countries emigration social capital multiple regression model agricultural gross domesticproduct.
Factors Influencing the Effectiveness of Bilingual Educational Programs The Prospects of Pilot Programs in Georgia
作者 Shalva Tabatadze 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2015年第2期93-109,共17页
Multilingual Education Programs Regulation was adopted and the implementation of bilingual educational reform started in Georgia in 2010. The paper presents research results on readiness of non-Georgian schools to imp... Multilingual Education Programs Regulation was adopted and the implementation of bilingual educational reform started in Georgia in 2010. The paper presents research results on readiness of non-Georgian schools to implement multilingual educational programs effectively. The research studied the important factors influencing the effectiveness of bilingual educational programs, specifically (1) type of program, (2) human resources of schools and teachers professional development, (3) bilingual education as shared vision for all school stakeholders, and (4) community and parental involvement in designing and implementation of bilingual educational programs. The following research methods were used during the research: (1) quantitative and qualitative content analysis of bilingual educational programs of 26 non-Georgian schools of Kvemo Kartli and Samtskhe-Javakheti regions of Georgia, (2) quantitative survey of non-Georgian school principals through questionnaires, and (3) quantitative survey of non-Georgian schools' teachers of different subjective groups through questionnaire. The study revealed that schools are implementing mostly "weak" bilingual educational programs. The schools implementing bilingual educational programs do not have sufficient human resources, bilingual education is not a shared vision for all school stakeholders and parents and community are not actively involved in designing and implementation of the programs. 展开更多
关键词 Georgia bilingual education ethnic minorities bilingual program effectiveness non-Georgianschools
Exploring Enterprise Performance Indicators Network: A Case Study of China Telecommunication Industry 被引量:1
作者 Shi Wenhua Du Yu Zhang Xiaohang 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第12期153-163,共11页
Perforrmnce indicators play some important roles in enterprise operation. Both researchers and managers have recently pointed out that the identification of correlation between different performmance indicators may le... Perforrmnce indicators play some important roles in enterprise operation. Both researchers and managers have recently pointed out that the identification of correlation between different performmance indicators may lead to a better understanding of business. However, it is becoming more and more difficult to measure and analyze these indicators since the fast growing number of performance indicators and the complex relationships between them The existing categories failed to reflect these changes in an adequate way, and the quantitative analysis methods for identifying the characters of those pefformance indicators are still worthy of investigation. The main objective of this paper is to propose a practical methodology for managing and analyzing performance indicators in enterprises, which focuses on building up a performance indicator system and discovering the characters of those performance indicators by applying complex network methods. The empirical results of a telecommunieation enterprise show that the proposed method can be effective in understanding the correlations between performance indicators. 展开更多
关键词 performance indicator complex networks telecommunication industry
Exploring the presence of accounting amongst petty traders in Ghana
作者 Kingsley Opoku Appiah Luu Yin 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2010年第12期17-26,共10页
This paper seeks to investigate the presence of accounting among petty traders in Ghana. The methodology applied was the mixed method under the multiple methods choices. Both qualitative and quantitative techniques we... This paper seeks to investigate the presence of accounting among petty traders in Ghana. The methodology applied was the mixed method under the multiple methods choices. Both qualitative and quantitative techniques were used. The findings were that formal education is not a pre-requisite requirement to the operations of a petty trading business. However, the study revealed the presence of accounting in petty trading; thus confirming the assumption that accounting is a universal good and is present in the petty trading business. Findings on the three major factors that influenced the present or absent of accounting among petty traders revealed that: there were no state institutions or pressure groups in Ghana to influence or oblige private entrepreneurs (petty traders) to prepare financial statements; the literacy of the petty trader though was found to be a necessary factor, it was not sufficient to explain the accountancy presence or absence in the traders' businesses. The usefulness of the accounting information to the petty trader influenced the presence of accounting in the traders' business. Finally, the level of trust - social capital in the community, and its influence on the presence of accounting, was relatively insignificant in the context of urban Ghana. No study of this kind has been conducted in the field of accounting presence or absence in Ghana. 展开更多
关键词 ACCOUNTING pretty trades Ghana
Uncertainty Estimation for the Determination of Trace Heavy Metals in Human Hair by Flame and Electrothermal Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
作者 Fariba Tadayon Mohammad Saber-Tehrani Azam Ghorbani 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2010年第8期26-34,共9页
Trace element analysis on hair samples has been widely used to assess wildlife and human exposure to different contaminants present in the environment or at the workplace. Pollutants due to the presence of toxic metal... Trace element analysis on hair samples has been widely used to assess wildlife and human exposure to different contaminants present in the environment or at the workplace. Pollutants due to the presence of toxic metals in environment not only enter the body by breading, water, and foodstuff accumulates in hair, but they could be adsorbed directly on the hair from environment. In order to remove adsorbed elements and thus determine the internally bound elements correctly, hair sample must be washed. In the present work, we propose uncertainty estimation for the analytical results that are obtained from determination of cadmium, lead, copper, iron, manganese and nickel in human hair by flame and electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS and ETAAS). To estimate the uncertainty of analytical result obtained, two types of bias are calculated in the assessment of trueness: a proportional bias and a constant bias. Nested design was applied for calculating proportional bias and Youden method to calculate the constant bias. The results we obtained for proportional bias are calculated from spiked samples. In this case, the concentration found is plotted against the concentration added and the slop of standard addition curve is an estimate of the method recovery. Estimated method of average recovery in human hair is: (1.019 ±0.026), (0.918 ±0.014), (1.073±0.016), (1.0597± 0.017), (1.073± 0.020) and (0.934± 0.117) for Cd, Pb, Mn, Ni, Fe and Cu respectively. 展开更多
关键词 UNCERTAINTY hair analysis trace elements atomic absorption spectrometry.
方黄之争:1927年折衷派与国画研究会论争综考(上) 被引量:3
作者 黄大德 《美术学报》 北大核心 2022年第2期4-18,共15页
20世纪20年代,广东画坛曾发生过折衷派与国画研究会的论争,两派代表人物为方人定与黄般若,因而史称“方黄之争”。论争反映了近现代广东画坛变革力量与传统守成群体双方的冲突与互动,是20世纪中国美术史上一个富有意义的事件。本文旨在... 20世纪20年代,广东画坛曾发生过折衷派与国画研究会的论争,两派代表人物为方人定与黄般若,因而史称“方黄之争”。论争反映了近现代广东画坛变革力量与传统守成群体双方的冲突与互动,是20世纪中国美术史上一个富有意义的事件。本文旨在通过史料挖掘、甄别与释读,在此基础上,透过多重角度,阐述“方黄之争”发生的历史背景、论争双方的辩论视角及其发展演变过程,力求还原“方黄之争”的历史全貌。 展开更多
关键词 折衷派 广东国画研究会 方人定 黄般若 论争 《广州民国日报》
方黄之争:1927年折衷派与国画研究会论争综考(下) 被引量:1
作者 黄大德 《美术学报》 北大核心 2022年第3期4-12,共9页
20世纪20年代,广东画坛曾发生过折衷派与国画研究会的论争,两派代表人物为方人定与黄般若,因而史称“方黄之争”。论争反映了近现代广东画坛变革力量与传统守成群体双方的冲突与互动,是20世纪中国美术史上一个富有意义的事件。本文旨在... 20世纪20年代,广东画坛曾发生过折衷派与国画研究会的论争,两派代表人物为方人定与黄般若,因而史称“方黄之争”。论争反映了近现代广东画坛变革力量与传统守成群体双方的冲突与互动,是20世纪中国美术史上一个富有意义的事件。本文旨在通过史料挖掘、甄别与释读,在此基础上,通过多重角度,阐述“方黄之争”发生的历史背景、论争双方的辩论视角及其发展演变过程,力求还原“方黄之争”的历史全貌。 展开更多
关键词 折衷派 广东国画研究会 方人定 黄般若 论争 《广州民国日报》
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