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把握理论创新的方位方向方法 被引量:1
作者 孙海洋 《理论导报》 2023年第11期10-11,共2页
习近平总书记在主持中央政治局第六次集体学习时指出,开辟马克思主义中国化时代化新境界的重大任务,“是当代中国共产党人的庄严历史责任”,强调我们要“深化对党的理论创新的规律性认识,进一步明确理论创新的方位、方向、方法,在新时... 习近平总书记在主持中央政治局第六次集体学习时指出,开辟马克思主义中国化时代化新境界的重大任务,“是当代中国共产党人的庄严历史责任”,强调我们要“深化对党的理论创新的规律性认识,进一步明确理论创新的方位、方向、方法,在新时代新征程上取得更为丰硕的理论创新成果”。这一重要讲话在科学回答理论创新的基础和前提、内在要求和重要途径等问题的基础上,从源与流、时与势、纲与目、知与行的统一中,深刻揭示了理论创新的方位、方向、方法,为我们在新征程上不断开辟马克思主义中国化时代化新境界提供了根本遵循。 展开更多
关键词 党的理论创新 规律性认识 根本遵循 马克思主义中国化 知与行 方位方向 集体学习 中央政治局
作者 马永强 李赓 《焦作大学学报》 2007年第2期63-64,共2页
文章研究了静态的基于对象方位的方向查询的处理技术,这种技术把方向区域模型转化为开放区域,把对象之间方向关系的计算转化为开放区域和封闭区域之间的拓扑关系运算,不需要计算方向区域的最小边界框以及嵌入数据空间的边界,查询速度有... 文章研究了静态的基于对象方位的方向查询的处理技术,这种技术把方向区域模型转化为开放区域,把对象之间方向关系的计算转化为开放区域和封闭区域之间的拓扑关系运算,不需要计算方向区域的最小边界框以及嵌入数据空间的边界,查询速度有很大提高。 展开更多
关键词 方向 开放区域 基于对象方位方向查询 静态方向查询
作者 马永强 马丽莉 《焦作大学学报》 2006年第2期64-66,共3页
连续方向查询中的结果是包含有效时域的,传统的拓扑运算无法计算出连续方向查询结果的有效时域。连续方向查询的传统处理方法是当结果发生变化时,重复执行方向查询,这种频繁的查询导致系统的消耗的增加。基于这种情况,文章提出了扩展的... 连续方向查询中的结果是包含有效时域的,传统的拓扑运算无法计算出连续方向查询结果的有效时域。连续方向查询的传统处理方法是当结果发生变化时,重复执行方向查询,这种频繁的查询导致系统的消耗的增加。基于这种情况,文章提出了扩展的开放区域和相对坐标系的算法,就是先用扩展的开放区域计算出方向查询的结果,进行平移旋转,转化为相对坐标系内的坐标。 展开更多
关键词 方向 扩展的开放区域 基于对象方位方向查询 连续方向查询
作者 赵智慧 《齐齐哈尔大学学报(自然科学版)》 2010年第4期16-19,共4页
连续的方向查询返回一个拓扑集合,传统的方法无法计算出连续的方向变化,基于这种情况,介绍了一种利用索引结构TPR树来处理基于对象方向方位的连续方向查询算法,通过扩展时间参数化窗口查询技术,提高传送效率来减少I/O和CPU的设备开销。... 连续的方向查询返回一个拓扑集合,传统的方法无法计算出连续的方向变化,基于这种情况,介绍了一种利用索引结构TPR树来处理基于对象方向方位的连续方向查询算法,通过扩展时间参数化窗口查询技术,提高传送效率来减少I/O和CPU的设备开销。最后通过实验数据表明利用OSS策略进行连续的方向关系查询的I/O性能明显优于重复查询方法的性能。 展开更多
关键词 方向方位 连续方向查询 基于对象的方向方位 开放区域.
作者 高敬坤 汪志龙 +3 位作者 程家胜 丛琳 范炜康 胡振龙 《测绘学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2022年第12期2470-2480,共11页
对星载SAR天线方向图进行在轨测量,是进行星载SAR定标、性能调优以及指标测试必不可少的环节。实际测试中通常将SAR天线方向图分为距离向和方位向分别测量。天绘二号卫星组由两颗卫星构成,在轨测试初期,两颗卫星采用一前一后间隔约40 k... 对星载SAR天线方向图进行在轨测量,是进行星载SAR定标、性能调优以及指标测试必不可少的环节。实际测试中通常将SAR天线方向图分为距离向和方位向分别测量。天绘二号卫星组由两颗卫星构成,在轨测试初期,两颗卫星采用一前一后间隔约40 km的跟飞模式,并各自工作于SAR模式以便于分别进行单颗卫星的定标、调优与测试。在进行方位向SAR天线方向图测试时,出现了地面接收机中两星信号交叠在一起的情况,导致现有的针对单颗SAR卫星设计的方位向天线方向图测试方法难以直接使用。针对这一问题,本文提出了一种高效的全自动的双星方位向天线方向图信号分离方法。在对地面接收机信号进行建模与分析的基础上,提出了基于关键脉冲上升沿提取、脉冲位置估计、脉冲幅度估计3个主要部分的信号分离方法,实现了地面接收机中两星信号的分离。在实现信号分离的基础上,后续方向图测量可按照传统单星的测量方法进行,试验结果表明本文方法的有效性。该方法保证了天绘二号卫星在轨测试的顺利进行,并使得测试效率相比于每颗星单独测试得以翻倍。该方法可用于未来相似型号卫星的在轨测试中。 展开更多
关键词 天线方向 方位向天线方向 信号分离 InSAR卫星 在轨测试
作者 申娜 王艳娟 《城市勘测》 2009年第2期96-99,共4页
连续方向查询中的结果是包含有效时域的,传统的拓扑运算无法计算出连续方向查询结果的有效时域。连续方向查询的传统处理方法是当结果发生变化时,重复执行方向查询,这种频繁的查询导致系统的消耗的增加。基于这种情况,本文提出了扩展的... 连续方向查询中的结果是包含有效时域的,传统的拓扑运算无法计算出连续方向查询结果的有效时域。连续方向查询的传统处理方法是当结果发生变化时,重复执行方向查询,这种频繁的查询导致系统的消耗的增加。基于这种情况,本文提出了扩展的开放区域和相对坐标系的算法,就是先用扩展的开放区域计算出方向查询的结果,进行平移旋转,转化为相对坐标系内的坐标。这样可以迅速的计算出连续方向查询结果的有效时域。最后,在实验中比较了重复方向查询算法和扩展的开放区域算法的相对性能,实验结果表明扩展的开放区域算法的性能优于重复方向查询算法的性能。 展开更多
关键词 方向 扩展的开放区域 基于对象方位方向查询 连续方向查询
作者 常颖 煜辰 《电影评介》 北大核心 1996年第5期38-38,共1页
若干世纪后的某天,南北极冰川融化,洪水吞没了整个陆地。活下来的人们又适应了新的水世界,人类文明已不复存在。 海上,一群幸存者,建造了一座环型浮岛,人们不分种族、肤色,在此群居为生。海上,还生活着一个耳后有腮、脚趾有蹼的两栖人,... 若干世纪后的某天,南北极冰川融化,洪水吞没了整个陆地。活下来的人们又适应了新的水世界,人类文明已不复存在。 海上,一群幸存者,建造了一座环型浮岛,人们不分种族、肤色,在此群居为生。海上,还生活着一个耳后有腮、脚趾有蹼的两栖人,他无名无姓,人们习惯称他为海行者,他借助一艘奇特的双体三桅船四处漂泊,以贸易为生。 这天,海行者按某游民的指点。 展开更多
关键词 三桅船 海伦 人类文明 南北极 陆地 提前点火 环岛 方位方向 幸存者 图案
作者 《云南农业》 2022年第11期8-8,共1页
自2018年设立“中国农民丰收节”以来,习近平总书记连续5年向全国广大农民和工作在“三农”战线上的同志们祝贺节日、表示慰问,充分体现了以习近平同志为核心的党中央对“三农”工作的高度重视,对农民群众的关心关切。今年的贺信,习近... 自2018年设立“中国农民丰收节”以来,习近平总书记连续5年向全国广大农民和工作在“三农”战线上的同志们祝贺节日、表示慰问,充分体现了以习近平同志为核心的党中央对“三农”工作的高度重视,对农民群众的关心关切。今年的贺信,习近平总书记用亲切的话语道出了对粮食安全、农民群众和“三农”干部的关怀牵挂,从全局的高度肯定了今年粮食和农业生产的成效贡献,以宏阔的视野指明了扎实推进乡村振兴的方位方向。 展开更多
关键词 乡村振兴 粮食安全 方位方向 三农 丰收节 习近平总书记 习近平同志 粮食和农业
作者 李新林 刘生春 《现代电子技术》 2008年第1期21-22,24,共3页
介绍了小尺度衰落无线信道多径成型因子理论的概念及其简洁的信道描述,同时给出经典无线信道建模的缺陷,即假设信道的多径波在各方向上均匀分布,并由此提出利用成型因子的定义基础——多径波的角度分布来建模,在此基础上利用多径成型因... 介绍了小尺度衰落无线信道多径成型因子理论的概念及其简洁的信道描述,同时给出经典无线信道建模的缺陷,即假设信道的多径波在各方向上均匀分布,并由此提出利用成型因子的定义基础——多径波的角度分布来建模,在此基础上利用多径成型因子来衡量所建模型的特性,并给出示例,分析发现其具有简洁且涵盖经典模型的优点,为无线信道的建模提供了一种方法。 展开更多
关键词 多径成型因子 无线信道建模 功率的角度分布 无线信道模型 角扩展 角收缩 最大衰落方位方向
Solution of the Dirac Equation for Ring-Shaped Modified Kratzer Potential 被引量:3
作者 CHENG Yan-Fu DAI Tong-Qing 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第3X期431-434,共4页
We propose a new exactly solvable potential which is Formed by modified Kratzer potential plus a new ring-shaped potential η cot^2 θ/r^2 The solutions of the Dirac equation with equal scalar and vector ring-shaped m... We propose a new exactly solvable potential which is Formed by modified Kratzer potential plus a new ring-shaped potential η cot^2 θ/r^2 The solutions of the Dirac equation with equal scalar and vector ring-shaped modified Kratzer potential are found by using the Nikiforov-Uvarov method. The nonrelativistic limit of the energy spectrum has been discussed. 展开更多
关键词 Dirac equation SOLUTION ring-shaped modified Kratzer potential
Efficient finite-volume simulation of the LWD orthogonal azimuth electromagnetic response in a three-dimensional anisotropic formation using potentials on cylindrical meshes 被引量:6
作者 Wang Hao-Sen Wang Hong-Nian +1 位作者 Yang Shou-Wen Yin Chang-Chun 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2020年第2期192-207,314,315,共18页
In this study,the cylindrical finite-volume method(FVM)is advanced for the efficient and high-precision simulation of the logging while drilling(LWD)orthogonal azimuth electromagnetic tool(OAEMT)response in a three-di... In this study,the cylindrical finite-volume method(FVM)is advanced for the efficient and high-precision simulation of the logging while drilling(LWD)orthogonal azimuth electromagnetic tool(OAEMT)response in a three-dimensional(3 D)anisotropic formation.To overcome the ill-condition and convergence problems arising from the low induction number,Maxwell’s equations are reformulated into a mixed Helmholtz equation for the coupled potentials in a cylindrical coordinate system.The electrical fi eld continuation method is applied to approximate the perfectly electrical conducting(PEC)boundary condition,to improve the discretization accuracy of the Helmholtz equation on the surface of metal mandrels.On the base,the 3 D FVM on Lebedev’s staggered grids in the cylindrical coordinates is employed to discretize the mixed equations to ensure good conformity with typical well-logging tool geometries.The equivalent conductivity in a non-uniform element is determined by a standardization technique.The direct solver,PARDISO,is applied to efficiently solve the sparse linear equation systems for the multi-transmitter problem.To reduce the number of calls to PARDISO,the whole computational domain is divided into small windows that contain multiple measuring points.The electromagnetic(EM)solutions produced by all the transmitters per window are simultaneously solved because the discrete matrix,relevant to all the transmitters in the same window,is changed.Finally,the 3 D FVM is validated against the numerical mode matching method(NMM),and the characteristics of both the coaxial and coplanar responses of the EM field tool are investigated using the numerical results. 展开更多
关键词 finite-volume method orthogonal azimuth electromagnetic measurement Maxwell’s equation anisotropic formation logging while drilling(LWD)
Application of Digital Image Correlation and Geodetic Displacement Measuring Methods to Monitor Water Dam Behavior under Dynamic Load
作者 Janina Zaczek-Peplinska Maria Elzbieta Kowalska +1 位作者 Krzysztof Malowany MarcinMalesa 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2015年第12期1496-1505,共10页
This paper presents experiment results of the measurement conducted at the Roznew Dam power plant. For a course of starting and operating of turbo-plants, downstream face of the dam was monitored in relation to its ev... This paper presents experiment results of the measurement conducted at the Roznew Dam power plant. For a course of starting and operating of turbo-plants, downstream face of the dam was monitored in relation to its eventual displacements on direction parallel to the construction axis. For the purpose of the experiment, geodetic measurement techniques and 2D DIC (digital image correlation) method (utilizing photographs of the object recorded with digital camera) were compared with regard to credibility, efficiency and accuracy. The vertical and horizontal displacements were monitored by tachometers measurements. The deformations in x-axis and y-axis on the wall surface was monitored by 2D DIC. It has been noticed that 2D DIC method is a surface method, continuous--not discreet. It allows for continuous observations of surface deformations, which is not possible in case of tachemetric measurements. Despite many advantages, the 2D DIC method lacks unambiguous evaluation of precision and relevance of designated displacements, which is rather significant for possibilities of utilization in technical control of large engineered objects. It should be also marked that the tachometric method is more reliable but is more laborious. Research of this type might comprise additional element for the assessment of the influence of dynamic loads, such as activating turbine water flow, onto the overall condition of the surveyed structure. 展开更多
关键词 Hydrotechnical structure structure dynamic load engineering object displacement geodetic displacement measurements.digital image correlation.
地球临边紫外环形成像仪几何定标技术研究 被引量:1
作者 杨小虎 王淑荣 黄煜 《中国激光》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第9期259-264,共6页
针对地球临边紫外环形成像仪的结构特点及高精度几何定标的需要,提出了一种基于紫外平行光管、高精度经纬仪及六维转台等设备进行的几何定标新方法。通过构建相应的几何定标新装置,实现了地球临边紫外环形成像仪超大临边视场的几何定标... 针对地球临边紫外环形成像仪的结构特点及高精度几何定标的需要,提出了一种基于紫外平行光管、高精度经纬仪及六维转台等设备进行的几何定标新方法。通过构建相应的几何定标新装置,实现了地球临边紫外环形成像仪超大临边视场的几何定标。几何定标结果显示,仪器在临边高度方向与理论设计符合程度在2pixel以内,而在临边方位方向与理想情况偏差最大为25pixel。不确定度分析表明,仪器在临边高度和方位方向上的几何定标不确定度分别为0.488pixel和0.612pixel,均达到亚像素级精度。几何定标新方法及装置对后续同类型仪器的前期光机装调及检测提供了重要参考和实现平台。 展开更多
关键词 几何光学 紫外环形成像仪 几何定标 临边高度方向 临边方位方向 不确定度
Analytic solution to the magnetotelluric response over anisotropic medium and its discussion 被引量:3
作者 QIN LinJiang YANG ChangFu CHEN Kun 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第9期1607-1615,共9页
In the present paper,from the second order partial differential equations for solving the magnetotelluric(MT) fields of general anisotropic medium,we first obtained the second order partial differential equations for ... In the present paper,from the second order partial differential equations for solving the magnetotelluric(MT) fields of general anisotropic medium,we first obtained the second order partial differential equations for some anisotropic media with special conductivity(e.g.diagonal anisotropy,transverse anisotropy,azimuthal anisotropy,etc.) by simplifying the electrical conductivity tensor of anisotropic medium.And then we obtained the analytic solutions to MT fields for the case of transverse and azimuthal anisotropy through converting the conductivity parameter based on that of diagonal anisotropy.We further discussed the influence of the selection of integral limit and step length on precision in solving the analytic solutions for MT fields of isotropic medium.Finally,we presented the MT responses of two transverse and azimuthal anisotropic media as well as some applications of the analytic solutions to MT fields of anisotropic medium. 展开更多
关键词 Analytic solution to the magnetotelluric response over anisotropic medium and its discussion
An experimental study on the effects of relative rotation direction on the wake interferences among tandem wind turbines 被引量:5
作者 YUAN Wei TIAN Wei +1 位作者 OZBAY Ahmet HU Hui 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第5期935-949,共15页
An experimental study was conducted to investigate the effects of relative rotation direction on the wake interferences among two tandemwind turbines models.While the oncoming flow conditions were kept in constant dur... An experimental study was conducted to investigate the effects of relative rotation direction on the wake interferences among two tandemwind turbines models.While the oncoming flow conditions were kept in constant during the experiments,turbine power outputs,wind loads acting on the turbines,and wake characteristics behind the turbines were compared quantitatively with turbine models in either co-rotating or counter-rotating configuration.The measurement results reveal that the turbines in counter-rotating would harvest more wind energy from the same oncoming wind,compared with the co-rotating case.While the recovery of the streamwise velocity deficits in the wake flows was found to be almost identical with the turbines operated in either co-rotating or counter-rotating,the significant azimuthal velocity generated in the wake flow behind the upstream turbine is believed to be the reason why the counter-rotating turbines would have a better power production performance.Since the azimuthal flow velocity in the wake flow was found to decrease monotonically with the increasing downstream distance,the benefits of the counter-rotating configuration were found to decrease gradually as the spacing between the tandem turbines increases.While the counter-rotating downstream turbine was found to produce up to 20%more power compared with that of co-rotating configuration with the turbine spacing being about 0.7D,the advantage was found to become almost negligible when the turbine spacing becomes greater than 6.5D.It suggests that the counter-rotating configuration design would be more beneficial to turbines in onshore wind farms due to the smaller turbine spacing(i.e.,~3 rotor diameters for onshore wind farms vs.~7 rotor diameters for offshore wind farms in the prevailing wind direction),especially for those turbines sited over complex terrains with the turbine spacing only about 1–2 rotor diameters. 展开更多
关键词 wind energy wind turbine aerodynamics wind turbine wake interference complex vortex flows
Azimuthally pre-stack seismic inversion for orthorhombic anisotropy driven by rock physics 被引量:15
作者 Xinpeng PAN Guangzhi ZHANG Xingyao YIN 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第4期425-440,共16页
Based on the long-wavelength approximation,a set of parallel vertical fractures embedded in periodic thin interbeds can be regarded as an equivalent orthorhombic medium. Rock physics is the basis for constructing the ... Based on the long-wavelength approximation,a set of parallel vertical fractures embedded in periodic thin interbeds can be regarded as an equivalent orthorhombic medium. Rock physics is the basis for constructing the relationship between fracture parameters and seismic response. Seismic scattering is an effective way to inverse anisotropic parameters. In this study,we propose a reliable method for predicting the Thomsen's weak anisotropic parameters and fracture weaknesses in an orthorhombic fractured reservoir using azimuthal pre-stack seismic data. First, considering the influence of fluid substitution in mineral matrix, porosity, fractures and anisotropic rocks, we estimate the orthorhombic anisotropic stiffness coefficients by constructing an equivalent rock physics model for fractured rocks. Further, we predict the logging elastic parameters, Thomsen's weak parameters, and fracture weaknesses to provide the initial model constraints for the seismic inversion. Then, we derive the P-wave reflection coefficient equation for the inversion of Thomsen's weak anisotropic parameters and fracture weaknesses.Cauchy-sparse and smoothing-model constraint regularization taken into account in a Bayesian framework, we finally develop a method of amplitude variation with angles of incidence and azimuth(AVAZ) inversion for Thomsen's weak anisotropic parameters and fracture weaknesses, and the model parameters are estimated by using the nonlinear iteratively reweighted least squares(IRLS) strategy. Both synthetic and real examples show that the method can directly estimate the orthorhombic characteristic parameters from the azimuthally pre-stack seismic data, which provides a reliable seismic inversion method for predicting Thomsen's weak anisotropic parameters and fracture weaknesses. 展开更多
关键词 Orthorhombic anisotropy Fractures Rock physics AVAZ inversion
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