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基于SWOT理论的第三方博客营销评价 被引量:1
作者 孙济庆 应璇 《科技管理研究》 北大核心 2011年第14期161-164,共4页
关键词 SWOT分析法 第三方博 企业 营销
对乒乓球运动员方博在53届苏州世乒赛中发球轮的技战术分析 被引量:1
作者 朱超 《体育风尚》 2018年第4期49-49,共1页
通过分析与研究发现,方博在这三场比赛中充分发挥了'黑马'本色,发球轮也是他主要得分手段。为探明方博在第53届世乒赛男单自八强后的比赛中的技战术运用特征,为各乒乓球队的日后训练和比赛提供参考依据。通过录像观察法、数理... 通过分析与研究发现,方博在这三场比赛中充分发挥了'黑马'本色,发球轮也是他主要得分手段。为探明方博在第53届世乒赛男单自八强后的比赛中的技战术运用特征,为各乒乓球队的日后训练和比赛提供参考依据。通过录像观察法、数理统计法,对第53届世乒赛男单4∕1决赛方博对许昕,半决赛对张继科,决赛对马龙的三场比赛的发球环节进行系统分析和研究,找出其优势和不足。 展开更多
关键词 方博 发球轮 技战术 统计和分析
第53届苏州世乒赛男子单打决赛中方博前3板的技战术特征分析 被引量:1
作者 成浩 《运动》 2015年第23期10-11,共2页
本文运用文献资料法、录像观察法、三段统计法、数理统计法,对第53届苏州世乒赛男子单打决赛方博对阵马龙决赛中方博的前3板技战术特征进行统计分析,找出方博在比赛中前3板的优势和不足,为方博进一步提高和改善自己的技战术提供数据上... 本文运用文献资料法、录像观察法、三段统计法、数理统计法,对第53届苏州世乒赛男子单打决赛方博对阵马龙决赛中方博的前3板技战术特征进行统计分析,找出方博在比赛中前3板的优势和不足,为方博进一步提高和改善自己的技战术提供数据上的理论参考。 展开更多
关键词 乒乓球 技战术 方博
作者 贾佳 《当代体育科技》 2016年第20期135-137,139,共4页
该文采用了文献资料查看法、三段统计法、录像观察法和逻辑分析法,对方博和张继科在比赛时的各种特点如技术、战术和心理等方面进行分析,对该比赛结果的影响因素进行总结。通过研究发现:方博在该场比赛发抢段表现极其优异,具有强烈的抢... 该文采用了文献资料查看法、三段统计法、录像观察法和逻辑分析法,对方博和张继科在比赛时的各种特点如技术、战术和心理等方面进行分析,对该比赛结果的影响因素进行总结。通过研究发现:方博在该场比赛发抢段表现极其优异,具有强烈的抢攻意识,相持段积极主动性非常强,回球路线多变,因此,技战术特点能够处于主动位置将其充分发挥出来;而张继科比赛中被方博压着打,回球方面受影响,失误较多,也因多场比赛体力不佳,旧伤复发,缺少主动积极性,没有及时对该比赛中的技战术和心理方面做出分析和调整,导致在比赛全程中都没有调整好状态而处于被动劣势位置。 展开更多
关键词 方博 张继科 技术分析
作者 聂子琛 《当代体育科技》 2017年第24期188-189,共2页
中国优秀青年运动员方博,右手横板两面反胶,是中国队中唯一在世青赛中独揽四金的选手,是中国新生代优秀乒乓球运动员的代表之一,他强势的正手进攻与出色的跑动能力为传统的技战术风格提供了新的思路。本文运用文献资料法、录像观察法、... 中国优秀青年运动员方博,右手横板两面反胶,是中国队中唯一在世青赛中独揽四金的选手,是中国新生代优秀乒乓球运动员的代表之一,他强势的正手进攻与出色的跑动能力为传统的技战术风格提供了新的思路。本文运用文献资料法、录像观察法、三段统计法等方法对方博在2015年苏州世界乒乓球锦标赛单打决赛阶段中部分重要场次比赛的技战术进行统计与技战术分析,分析其优势所在,加以强化。找出其优势与不足,旨在为其在今后的技战术训练和比赛提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 方博 技战术分析 正手前冲 反手拧拉
2015年乒乓球世界杯中国男团选拔赛决赛方博对崔庆磊的技战术分析 被引量:1
作者 张倩 唐东阳 《安徽体育科技》 2015年第5期40-44,共5页
运用文献资料法、录像观察法,3段指标评估法,对方博和崔庆磊在2015年乒乓球世界杯男团第5人选拔赛决赛中各项技战术进行统计,分析他们在发抢段、接抢段和相持段的技战术运用特点,为方博今后的训练和比赛提供建议。研究表明:方博发抢段... 运用文献资料法、录像观察法,3段指标评估法,对方博和崔庆磊在2015年乒乓球世界杯男团第5人选拔赛决赛中各项技战术进行统计,分析他们在发抢段、接抢段和相持段的技战术运用特点,为方博今后的训练和比赛提供建议。研究表明:方博发抢段进攻非常积极,但还不够稳定;方博在接抢段和相持段得分率都达到了优秀水平,但使用率较低(21.4%);方博反手拧拉斜线、正手拉斜线和侧身位正手拉斜线是其强项,而相持段的正手位与反手位防守是他的弱项。建议方博进一步提高发抢段的稳定性和威胁性,并加强其相持阶段的防守能力。 展开更多
关键词 竞技体育 乒乓球 技战术 方博 崔庆磊
作者 陈偲婧 《乒乓世界》 2021年第12期48-51,共4页
在2006年从中国乒乓球队公寓开往训练馆的班车上,有个发车前10分钟就老老实实坐在上面等出发的身影。14岁的方博还没有练就卡点班车关门前一秒一脚登上车的“本领”,“胆子特别小,每天睡不踏实,尤其特别害怕迟到”,后来的“迟到大王”... 在2006年从中国乒乓球队公寓开往训练馆的班车上,有个发车前10分钟就老老实实坐在上面等出发的身影。14岁的方博还没有练就卡点班车关门前一秒一脚登上车的“本领”,“胆子特别小,每天睡不踏实,尤其特别害怕迟到”,后来的“迟到大王”这样评价自己(闫安爆料说迟到最多的人就是他俩,而方博比他次数更多)。方博这并不是天生胆小,而是被国家队满是强者的感觉震慑住了。 展开更多
关键词 中国乒乓球队 方博 国家队 训练馆 班车 迟到
《乒乓世界》 2022年第5期80-80,共1页
4月6日,在世界乒乓日当天,去年10月宣布从国家队退役的运动员方博和闫安完成转型,他们合作创办的全世爆乒乓球俱乐部正式在北京开业。“开倶乐部只是一个开始,我们在传递乒乓正能量、宣传乒乓文化、公益乒乓等方面都会非常重视、都会去... 4月6日,在世界乒乓日当天,去年10月宣布从国家队退役的运动员方博和闫安完成转型,他们合作创办的全世爆乒乓球俱乐部正式在北京开业。“开倶乐部只是一个开始,我们在传递乒乓正能量、宣传乒乓文化、公益乒乓等方面都会非常重视、都会去做。希望大家可以持续关注,未来这里会成为一家智能体育项目场馆。”耶卩起创建俱乐部的初心,方博侃侃而谈。 展开更多
关键词 乒乓球俱乐部 方博 持续关注 国家队 运动员 乒乓文化
方博 反手顶撕斜线大角
作者 闫筱珊 吕海波(图) 《乒乓世界》 2020年第5期114-115,共2页
本期名将赏析的主题是“借力发力”。借力是乒乓球运动中的一种处理球技巧,在对方猛烈进攻时,借力是一种很明智的选择,但随着乒乓球技术的发展,单纯借力已经不能满足高水平运动员之间的对抗,所以“借力完再发力”就成了攻防转换的首选... 本期名将赏析的主题是“借力发力”。借力是乒乓球运动中的一种处理球技巧,在对方猛烈进攻时,借力是一种很明智的选择,但随着乒乓球技术的发展,单纯借力已经不能满足高水平运动员之间的对抗,所以“借力完再发力”就成了攻防转换的首选技巧。本组是方博面对许昕高质量的接发球抢攻时,使用反手顶撕借力发力打回头的图解,他通过击球质量_举穿透了对方的防线。 展开更多
关键词 乒乓球技术 乒乓球运动 攻防转换 高水平运动员 方博 借力发力 许昕 接发球抢攻
作者 郑英姿 《大学科普》 2023年第1期82-82,共1页
2022年11月12日上午,在温州举行的2022世界青年科学家峰会开幕式上,第十七届中国青年科技奖揭晓并举行了颁奖仪式。北京大学北京国际数学研究中心长聘副教授方博汉、地球与空间科学学院教授田晖、物理学院研究员冯旭、材料科学与工程学... 2022年11月12日上午,在温州举行的2022世界青年科学家峰会开幕式上,第十七届中国青年科技奖揭晓并举行了颁奖仪式。北京大学北京国际数学研究中心长聘副教授方博汉、地球与空间科学学院教授田晖、物理学院研究员冯旭、材料科学与工程学院教授周欢萍等4位青年科学家入选,其中田晖教授和冯旭研究员是由北京大学科协技术协会提名推荐入选。中国科协组织人事部中国青年科技奖领导工作委员会办公室,专门给北京大学科学技术协发来感谢信:“祝贺您单位推荐的候选人获得了中国青年科技奖。特别感谢您单位长期关注、支持科技事业、科协发展以及中国青年科技奖!” 展开更多
关键词 中国青年科技奖 青年科学家 中国科协 提名推荐 北京大学 材料科学与工程学院 科技事业 方博
第53届世乒赛男单决赛技战术分析 被引量:2
作者 赵海波 《运动》 2015年第13期17-18,34,共3页
刚刚结束第53届世乒赛,吸引了很多人的关注,马龙已经连续3届被挡在世乒赛男单决赛之外,整整等了10年,这是他获得世乒赛男单冠军最好的机会。方博是这届世乒赛最大的"黑马",先后战胜许昕(目前世界排名第3)、张继科(目前世界排... 刚刚结束第53届世乒赛,吸引了很多人的关注,马龙已经连续3届被挡在世乒赛男单决赛之外,整整等了10年,这是他获得世乒赛男单冠军最好的机会。方博是这届世乒赛最大的"黑马",先后战胜许昕(目前世界排名第3)、张继科(目前世界排名第2),因此他和马龙的对决有着很多不可预判性。本文通过观看第53世乒赛男单决赛视频,分析他们的技战术特点,为他们在今后训练提供理论支撑。 展开更多
关键词 第53届世乒赛 马龙 方博
《发明与创新(大科技)》 2021年第10期34-36,共3页
这些场景似乎很熟悉——奥运期间,你刷到一条中国乒协主席刘国梁花式吐槽方博的短视频,"连方博这样(的人),要成绩没成绩,要长相没长相,你们也能喜欢……"此时,你忍不住好奇"方博"是谁?继而开始搜索,从海量有关方博... 这些场景似乎很熟悉——奥运期间,你刷到一条中国乒协主席刘国梁花式吐槽方博的短视频,"连方博这样(的人),要成绩没成绩,要长相没长相,你们也能喜欢……"此时,你忍不住好奇"方博"是谁?继而开始搜索,从海量有关方博的短视频中储备他的"知识点"。此外,通过短视频平台搜索如何打领带、穿汉服、挑虾线等,也正成为一种习惯。 展开更多
关键词 短视频 刘国梁 方博 视频平台 视频搜索 知识点
Evolution trend analysis of urban residents’ low-carbon travel development based on multidimensional game theory 被引量:6
作者 WU Xiao-hui HE Mei-ling +1 位作者 CAO Shu-chao SHI Yu-ji 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第12期3388-3396,共9页
In the travel process of urban residents,travelers will take a series of activities such as imitation and exclusion by observing other people’s travel modes,which affects their following trips.This process can be see... In the travel process of urban residents,travelers will take a series of activities such as imitation and exclusion by observing other people’s travel modes,which affects their following trips.This process can be seen as a repeated game between members of the travelers.Based on the analysis of this game and its evolution trend,a multi-dimensional game model of low-carbon travel for residents is established.The two dimensional game strategies include whether to accept the low-carbon concept and whether to choose low-carbon travel.Combined with evolutionary game theory,the low-carbon travel choices of residents in different cities are simulated,and the evolutionary stability strategies are obtained.Finally,the influences of the main parameters of the model on the evolution process and stability strategies are discussed.The results show that travelers would develop towards two trends.Cities with more developed public traffic system have a higher proportion of receiving low-carbon concept and choosing low-carbon travel.Cities with underdeveloped public transport system could increase this proportion by some measures such as encouraging residents to choose slow transport and increasing the propaganda of low-carbon travel,but the positive effects of the measures like propaganda have a limited impact on the proportion. 展开更多
关键词 low-carbon travel evolution trend multidimensional game travel modes
Coexistence and Extinction Pattern of Asymmetric Cyclic Game Species in a Square Lattice
作者 董林荣 李永明 杨光参 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第6期1201-1204,共4页
The co-evolutionary dynamics of a cyclic game system is investigated in a two-dimensional square lattice with the asymmetrical rates for three species. Different with the well-mixed system, coexistence and extinction ... The co-evolutionary dynamics of a cyclic game system is investigated in a two-dimensional square lattice with the asymmetrical rates for three species. Different with the well-mixed system, coexistence and extinction emerge alternately in the system, where a "zero-one" behavior is robust for a small population size, whereas, the system is predominated by coexistence for a big population one. We study in detail the influence about the fluctuation to the change of the state, and find that the difference between the maximal amplitude about the fluctuation and the average intensity determines which state the system is ultimately. In addition, we introduce Ports energy to explain the reason of the "zero-one" behavior. It is shown that the average Ports energy per site is the distance to the "zero-one" behavior in the model. 展开更多
关键词 co-evolutionary dynamics "zero-one" behavior asymmetrical rates a square lattice average Ports energy
Stochastic Differential Game Model for Decentralized Power Control with Wisdom Regulation Factor in Wearable Audio-Oriented BodyNets
作者 Chen Yueyun Zhang Long Zhou Xianwei 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第12期117-126,共10页
In this study, aiming at the characteristics of randomness and dynamics in Wearable Audiooriented BodyNets (WA-BodyNets), stochastic differential game theory is applied to the investigation of the problem of transm... In this study, aiming at the characteristics of randomness and dynamics in Wearable Audiooriented BodyNets (WA-BodyNets), stochastic differential game theory is applied to the investigation of the problem of transmitted power control inconsumer electronic devices. First, astochastic differential game model is proposed for non-cooperative decentralized uplink power control with a wisdom regulation factor over WA-BodyNets with a onehop star topology.This model aims to minimize the cost associated with the novel payoff function of a player, for which two cost functions are defined: functions of inherent power radiation and accumulated power radiation darmge. Second, the feedback Nash equilibrium solution of the proposed model and the constraint of the Quality of Service (QoS) requirement of the player based on the SIR threshold are derived by solving the Fleming-Bellman-Isaacs partial differential equations. Furthermore, the Markov property of the optimal feedback strategies in this model is verified.The simulation results show that the proposed game model is effective and feasible for controlling the transmitted power of WA-BodyNets. 展开更多
关键词 stochastic differential game body area networks power control wisdom regulation factor
Clinical observation of colon carcinoma treated with Boerning capsules plus FOLFOX4 regimen 被引量:1
作者 Ping Liu Jianhui Liu +2 位作者 Daoqi Zhu Jin'an Ma Chunhong Hu 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2007年第4期328-330,共3页
Objective:To evaluate the effects and adverse reactions of Boerning capsules plus FOLFOX4 regimen in clinical treatment for colon carcinoma.Methods:Total patients with colon carcinoma were randomly divided into two gr... Objective:To evaluate the effects and adverse reactions of Boerning capsules plus FOLFOX4 regimen in clinical treatment for colon carcinoma.Methods:Total patients with colon carcinoma were randomly divided into two groups from January 2005 to May 2006:group A(45 patients)were received Boerning capsules plus FOLFOX4 regimen treatment,and group B(49 patients)were received FOLFOX4 regimen treatment only.Results:Boerning capsules could obviously improve the life quality of the colon carcinoma patients.The weight gain in group A was higher than that of group B.No significant existed in the body immune function changes(T cell subgroup).But it could ameliorate the adverse reactions which induced by the chemotherapy.Conclusion:Boerning capsules can improve the life quality of the colon carcinoma patients and ame- liorate the symptoms and sign which induced by the chemotherapy. 展开更多
关键词 Boerning capsules FOLFOX4 regimen colon carcinoma
Meckel's diverticulum masked by a long period of intermittent recurrent subocclusive episodes 被引量:3
作者 Daniela Codrich Andrea Taddio +2 位作者 Jurgen Schleef Alessandro Ventura Federico Marchetti 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第22期2809-2811,共3页
Meckel's diverticulum(MD) is the most frequent congenital abnormality of the small bowel and it is often diff icult to diagnose.It is usually asymptomatic but approximately 4% are symptomatic with complications su... Meckel's diverticulum(MD) is the most frequent congenital abnormality of the small bowel and it is often diff icult to diagnose.It is usually asymptomatic but approximately 4% are symptomatic with complications such as bleeding,intestinal obstruction,and inflammation.The authors report a case of a 7-year-old boy with a one-year history of recurrent periumbilical colicky pain with associated alimentary vomiting,symptoms erroneously related to a cyclic vomiting syndrome but not to MD.The clinical features and the differential diagnostic methods employed for diagnosis of MD are discussed. 展开更多
关键词 Meckel diverticulum Abdominal pain Recurrent subocclusive episodes Diagnostic imaging
Scheme for Implementation of Quantum Game in Cavity QED 被引量:1
作者 CAO Shu-Ai FANG Mao-Fa +2 位作者 ZHENG Xiao-Juan WANG Xin-Wen LI Ze-Hua 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第1期100-102,共3页
We propose an experimentally feasible scheme to implement two-player quantum game in cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED). During the process, the cavity is only virtually excited, thus our scheme is insensitive to ... We propose an experimentally feasible scheme to implement two-player quantum game in cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED). During the process, the cavity is only virtually excited, thus our scheme is insensitive to the cavity field states and cavity decay. The scheme can be realized in the range of current cavity QED techniques. 展开更多
关键词 ENTANGLEMENT quantum game cavity QED
The Chinese Contemporary Ar Explosion at the Tate in Britain
作者 LEW BAXTER 《China Today》 2007年第6期56-58,共3页
TEN years ago the notion that Chinese contemporary art could so much as raise a flicker of interest in foreign climes - never mind drive Western cultural pundits into a delirious frenzy - would have been dismissed a... TEN years ago the notion that Chinese contemporary art could so much as raise a flicker of interest in foreign climes - never mind drive Western cultural pundits into a delirious frenzy - would have been dismissed as pure fancy. At that time Chinese art was assumed to be nothing more than classical calligraphy, 展开更多
关键词 Chinese art foreign clime Western cultural pundits Britain Art explosition
Coordination, Compromise, and Change: An Implication of the Repeated Games of "the Battle of the Sexes"
作者 Takashi Sekiyama 《Journal of Mathematics and System Science》 2014年第8期557-568,共12页
The aim of this paper is to reveal the mechanism of compromise and change in coordination where players agree in general but disagree on coordination methods. When players agree on the need to collaborate but are in c... The aim of this paper is to reveal the mechanism of compromise and change in coordination where players agree in general but disagree on coordination methods. When players agree on the need to collaborate but are in conflict regarding the specific method, one player must always compromise. This situation is known as the Battle of the Sexes in game theory. It has ever been believed that if an agreement is reached under such circumstances, the players do not have the incentive to withdraw from the agreement. However, this study shows that this belief is not always true if the players were able to revise the outcome of their negotiations later. The wide-ranging fields use game theories for their analysis frameworks to analyze the success or failure of coordination. However, comparing with the possibility of betrayal illustrated as a well-known Prisoner Dilemma, it has been rare to discuss conflict regarding the specific method of coordination, although such situations are often observed in today's interdependent real world. The repeated Battle of the Sexes games presented in this study would be a useful framework to analyze conflict regarding the specific method of coordination. 展开更多
关键词 COORDINATION COMPROMISE CHANGE the repeated games the Battle of the Sexes
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