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流转的音乐 成都方所方庭书店 被引量:1
《室内设计与装修》 2020年第12期96-99,共4页
方庭书店,位于成都市金牛区华侨城欢乐里商业街,是原华侨城艺术中心建筑的翻新项目。在外立面改造中,设计师被允许在不改变玻璃外立面的前提下对其翻新,室内部分则需要重新设计,以满足新书店的使用。整个建筑中面临的问题,除了外立面的... 方庭书店,位于成都市金牛区华侨城欢乐里商业街,是原华侨城艺术中心建筑的翻新项目。在外立面改造中,设计师被允许在不改变玻璃外立面的前提下对其翻新,室内部分则需要重新设计,以满足新书店的使用。整个建筑中面临的问题,除了外立面的局限以外,还有室内部分众多的柱网结构,同时对于建筑内部私密性的考量也是这个项目的重点所在。 展开更多
关键词 外立面 私密性 柱网 商业街 成都市金牛区 翻新 华侨城 方庭
为有源头活水来 记庐江县自来水厂厂长方庭长
作者 朱维生 《当代建设》 2001年第2期24-25,共2页
关键词 自来水厂 庐江县 方庭 扩建工程 管道安装 巢湖地区 有限责任公司 县级自来水厂 工程建设 管道开孔机
作者 李田 《人民之声》 1995年第8期10-12,共3页
"台山市人大常委会依法行使职权,像个地方国家权力机关的样子,作为市人大代表我们也感到自豪。"台山市许多人大代表都这样说。而台山市人大常委会主任黄健舟却说:"近几年来,台山市人大常委会工作之所以有进展,主要是有... "台山市人大常委会依法行使职权,像个地方国家权力机关的样子,作为市人大代表我们也感到自豪。"台山市许多人大代表都这样说。而台山市人大常委会主任黄健舟却说:"近几年来,台山市人大常委会工作之所以有进展,主要是有市委的领导和支持,特别是有一位重视人大工作、支持人大常委会依法行使职权的开明书记。"的确。 展开更多
关键词 人大常委会 台山市 监督 方庭 述职评议 书记
作者 苏琪 《明日风尚》 2015年第17期124-125,共2页
当你老了,头发白了,睡意昏沉,坐在一方庭院中的摇椅上,手中的书本掉落在落满花瓣的地上,在花香之中小小打盹,回忆着懵懂的青春。一个角落,是都市人灵魂的避风港。一方庭院,则是每一个人的养老梦。如果,我们还来不及老去,那就现在出发,... 当你老了,头发白了,睡意昏沉,坐在一方庭院中的摇椅上,手中的书本掉落在落满花瓣的地上,在花香之中小小打盹,回忆着懵懂的青春。一个角落,是都市人灵魂的避风港。一方庭院,则是每一个人的养老梦。如果,我们还来不及老去,那就现在出发,去寻找一个静谧的庭院小憩吧。 展开更多
关键词 方庭
共享单车混战 被引量:7
作者 罗东 黄嘉维 《21世纪商业评论》 2016年第11期97-97,共1页
10月底,ofo的团队从北京中关村的立方庭搬到互联网金融中心五层,虽然相隔不过几个街道,但办公环境和面积不能同日而语。过去几个月,ofo的团队扩张得实在太快,以至于记者去采访时,找了半天都找不到空余的会议室和工位。同样有了充足资本... 10月底,ofo的团队从北京中关村的立方庭搬到互联网金融中心五层,虽然相隔不过几个街道,但办公环境和面积不能同日而语。过去几个月,ofo的团队扩张得实在太快,以至于记者去采访时,找了半天都找不到空余的会议室和工位。同样有了充足资本支持的摩拜也寻思着摩拳擦掌大干一番。 展开更多
关键词 汽车租赁 方庭 杨洋 二十一世纪 红黄 提供商 一体成型 技术方案 腾讯 全铝
Influences of Family Ranches Management Mode on Plant Community Characteristic in Hulunber Meadow Steppe 被引量:1
作者 闫瑞瑞 卫智军 +5 位作者 杨桂霞 韩国栋 辛晓平 卢志红 斯琴毕力格 吴宏军 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第11期1664-1669,共6页
[Objective] The aim was to explore the management mode on optimal re-sources al ocation of family ranch in meadow steppe. [Method] Three double repre-sentative family ranches were selected in meadow steppe of Hulunber... [Objective] The aim was to explore the management mode on optimal re-sources al ocation of family ranch in meadow steppe. [Method] Three double repre-sentative family ranches were selected in meadow steppe of Hulunber Old Barag Banner, and the study was carried out with the baseline survey. Three family ranches were selected as the demonstrative households for the corporation study, while other three family ranches with the similar conditions were looked as the non-demonstrative households for the comparison. Demonstrative households of the fami-ly ranches reduced the stocking rate, optimized the flock structure and took a winter feeding and other means to explore the different management models on plant com-munity characteristic of family ranch. [Result] The seasonal dynamic of community characteristic in family ranches showed the single-peaks curves. The seasonal dy-namics of community coverage, height and biomass in the demonstrative households showed higher compared with the non-demonstrative households, and community density in the experiment households was lower than that of the control experiment households. Community coverage, height and biomass of degraded grassland in family ranch have a great improve after optimization of management. Community coverage, height , density and biomass were increasing in fencing plot, but decreas-ing in free grazing area. Enclosure improved grassland coverage, vegetation height, density and forage yield. Leymus chinensis played an important role in plant com-munity. The important values of Leymus chinensis, Stipa baicalensis, Cleistogenes squarrosa, and Carex duriuscula were high. Leymus chinensis important value in the demonstrative households of optimal management was higher than that in the non-demonstrative households, and Carex duriuscula important value of the non-demon-strative households was significantly higher than that of the demonstrative house-holds. The indexes of Margalef richnes,Shannon-Wiener diversity, Simpson diversity and Pielou uniformity showed that the demonstrative households were higher than the non-demonstrative households. [Conclusion] The research provides theoretical ref-erences for sustainable development of pastures dominated by family ranch. 展开更多
关键词 Family ranches Management mode Hulunber meadow steppe Community characteristic
作者 黄华青 《世界建筑》 2017年第8期72-81,共10页
米尔斯坦楼是康奈尔大学拥有逾100年历史的建筑艺术与规划学院的第一栋新校舍,位于纽约州伊萨卡。新建筑处在康奈尔大学艺术四方庭和落水溪峡谷之间,重新定义了校园的北入口。此前,建筑艺术与规划学院处于4座相互独立的建筑中,它们的建... 米尔斯坦楼是康奈尔大学拥有逾100年历史的建筑艺术与规划学院的第一栋新校舍,位于纽约州伊萨卡。新建筑处在康奈尔大学艺术四方庭和落水溪峡谷之间,重新定义了校园的北入口。此前,建筑艺术与规划学院处于4座相互独立的建筑中,它们的建筑风格和功能迥异,却属于相似的建筑类型。米尔斯坦楼并不是一座独立的新楼,而是对现存教学楼的加建,以创造一座拥有室内外连通的延续空间的综合体。米尔斯坦楼为建筑艺术与规划学院增添了4366m^2(47000ft^2)使用而积,包括急需的专教、展览、评图空间,以及一个253座的礼堂。 展开更多
关键词 米尔斯坦 康奈尔大学 建筑艺术 建筑风格 方庭 纽约州 CUSTOM STUDIO 学院建筑 ARCHITECTURAL
作者 李兆俊 罗杰贤 《现代特殊教育》 1994年第6期12-12,共1页
一九九四年八月二十八日。城郊鹅岭山麓,彩旗招展,锣鼓喧天,欢声雷动。"台山市特殊教育中心",终于以1200多万元的份量,以千千万万份爱心,庄重地奠下了基石!基石上刻着:台山市特殊教育中心奠基。在这平凡的字里行间,蕴含着几... 一九九四年八月二十八日。城郊鹅岭山麓,彩旗招展,锣鼓喧天,欢声雷动。"台山市特殊教育中心",终于以1200多万元的份量,以千千万万份爱心,庄重地奠下了基石!基石上刻着:台山市特殊教育中心奠基。在这平凡的字里行间,蕴含着几许筹建者的劳碌艰辛,凝聚着多少对残疾人的呵护和关心!前奏据调查,台山市七至十五周岁的盲、聋、哑、弱智儿童532人,现已入学的57人,入学率仅为10.7%。残疾儿童读书难的矛盾日渐突出。为了使众多的残疾儿童能有读书的机会,市委。 展开更多
关键词 弱智儿童 残疾儿童 鹅岭 台城镇 常委扩大会议 大江镇 马兰芳 电视现场直播 方庭 教育局长
作者 杨之辉 何太彪 《绿色中国》 2009年第Z2期72-73,共2页
关键词 猪街 林权纠纷 方庭 集体林地 乐秋乡 集体山林 林地承包 基层林业站 林业经营 山林纠纷
作者 梁宾宾 《国际人才交流》 2014年第7期48-49,共2页
牛车涉水之地人们只要提到英国,就要谈到英国的学术重镇——牛津大学和剑桥大学,也一定要去目睹她们的风采,不仅是因为她们的名气太大,也因为她们太漂亮了。坐落在泰晤士河上游支流、柴威尔河之间丘陵地的牛津(Oxford),被河水环绕。... 牛车涉水之地人们只要提到英国,就要谈到英国的学术重镇——牛津大学和剑桥大学,也一定要去目睹她们的风采,不仅是因为她们的名气太大,也因为她们太漂亮了。坐落在泰晤士河上游支流、柴威尔河之间丘陵地的牛津(Oxford),被河水环绕。早期以农业为生的当地人,要赶着牛车涉水才能去牛津进行交易,因而公牛涉水的标志就成了牛津市的市徽。 展开更多
关键词 威尔 国际学生 亨利二世 学习成绩 英文系 学术实力 撒切尔夫人 就这样 上楼梯 方庭
作者 黄鑫宇 《首席财务官》 2014年第11X期32-40,6,共10页
2014年11月19日,历书上写着"吉日,宜动土、搬家、入宅",九一金融信息服务(北京)有限公司(以下简称为"91金融")选择这一天搬入了其创业以来第五个办公地点。从堪称斗室的北京中关村立方庭3-721室的86平方米,到目前... 2014年11月19日,历书上写着"吉日,宜动土、搬家、入宅",九一金融信息服务(北京)有限公司(以下简称为"91金融")选择这一天搬入了其创业以来第五个办公地点。从堪称斗室的北京中关村立方庭3-721室的86平方米,到目前普天德胜园A座3层的1000多平方米;从十几个人到150人的团队;从单纯在线金融产品导购和销售平台到中国最大的互联网金融服务提供商的全新定位,站在互联网金融行业风口的91金融仅仅用了3年就跃升为龙头级的行业新锐。 展开更多
关键词 产品导购 方庭 这一天 普天 提供商 销售平台 交易效率 最后一公里 借款人 海通
作者 钱毅 《殷都学刊》 2005年第4期107-108,共2页
在先秦典籍中,《庄子》一书中蕴含着丰富的语汇资料,也为后人解读此书带来了不少困难。长期以来,人们对其中的“逍遥”、“大方”、“迳庭”等词语的理解一直存在着偏差,需要进一步澄清。《庄子》中“逍遥”、“大方”、“迳庭”三个词... 在先秦典籍中,《庄子》一书中蕴含着丰富的语汇资料,也为后人解读此书带来了不少困难。长期以来,人们对其中的“逍遥”、“大方”、“迳庭”等词语的理解一直存在着偏差,需要进一步澄清。《庄子》中“逍遥”、“大方”、“迳庭”三个词语分别应作“无事”、“大国”、“偏激”来理解。 展开更多
关键词 庄子 逍遥 大方 迳庭
Family care and subjective well-being of coronary heart disease patients after percutaneous coronary intervention:Mediating effects of coping strategies 被引量:5
作者 Li-Xia Liang Yu Liu +5 位作者 Ya-Jie Shi Tong-Tong Jiang Hong-Ru Zhang Bing-Han Liu Peng-Zhu Xu Tie-Ying Shi 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2022年第1期79-85,I0005,共8页
Objectives To analyze the correlations between family care,coping strategies and the subject well-being(SWB)of patients with coronary heart disease(CHD)after percutaneous coronary intervention(PCI).Methods From Novemb... Objectives To analyze the correlations between family care,coping strategies and the subject well-being(SWB)of patients with coronary heart disease(CHD)after percutaneous coronary intervention(PCI).Methods From November 2019 to October 2020,264 CHD patients who had undergone PCI were enrolled in this questionnaire survey.The research tools applied included General Information Questionnaire,the Adaptation,Partnership,Growth,Affection and Resolve,Medical Coping Modes Questionnaire,and the General Well-being Schedule.SPSS 24.0 and Amos 23.0 software packages were used for statistical analysis.Results The mean scores for family care,confrontation,avoidance,acceptance-resignation and SWB,were 7.59±2.24,20.03±3.78,16.49±2.70,10.42±2.01,and 73.31±11.63,respectively.Subgroup analysis showed that the path coefficient between family care and subjective well-being was higher in males than females.Family care was directly related to coping strategies.The coping strategies were directly related to SWB,while family care showed an indirect association with SWB via coping strategies.Conclusions Family care can improve CHD patients’SWB post-PCI,and coping strategies are important for the link between family care and SWB.Also,men received more family care than women.Based on a patient's characteristics,healthcare providers can promote patients’positive coping strategies,increase their perceived family care,and improve the patient's SWB. 展开更多
关键词 Coping strategies Coronary disease Family care Percutaneous coronary intervention Subjective well-being
An Investigation of Samoan Student Experiences in Two Homework Study Groups in Melbourne
作者 Vaoiva Ponton 《Sociology Study》 2017年第7期349-363,共15页
This research examines Samoan student experiences in two Homework Study Groups (HSGs) in Melbourne using a researcher-practitioner approach. It highlights that school teachers need to acknowledge students' preferre... This research examines Samoan student experiences in two Homework Study Groups (HSGs) in Melbourne using a researcher-practitioner approach. It highlights that school teachers need to acknowledge students' preferred learning methods, especially those of minority backgrounds like the Samoan participants in this investigation. A detailed exploration of the experiences of students in two HSGs finds that while students and their families place a high priority on learning, their cultural practices are not compatible with standard Western learning approaches. The HSGs provided a social space in which students could ask the teacher questions without fear of appearing foolish, in which they could apply themselves to study. It provided a physical study space away from the demands some Samoan families place on their young people, and it provided a cultural space in which the students could learn according to fa'aSamoa (traditional values and beliefs). This research makes a contribution to an understanding of the motivations of Melbourne-based Samoan students to learn, of what concerns them, and of impediments to their educational success. It also offers insight into the benefits that set up a specific space for students offers, when its specific intent is influencing the merging of Samoan and Western ideas to further learning. 展开更多
关键词 Samoan student learning experiences homework study groups Pacific community engagement
Incoherently Coupled Anti-dark Soliton Families in Cubic-quintic Nonlinear Media
作者 WANG Hong-cheng XU Yong-zhao LING Dong-xiong 《Semiconductor Photonics and Technology》 CAS 2009年第2期124-129,共6页
A theory is presented to predict that a novel type of incoherently coupled spatial soliton families, named anti-dark soliton families, can exist in cubic-quintie nonlinear media. The intensity profiles, associated pha... A theory is presented to predict that a novel type of incoherently coupled spatial soliton families, named anti-dark soliton families, can exist in cubic-quintie nonlinear media. The intensity profiles, associated phase distribution and propagation properties are discussed in detail. 展开更多
关键词 optical soliton anti-dark soliton incoherently coupled soliton family
The more love, the more hurt: Analysis of parents and children's relationship in Sons and lovers
作者 LI Xiao-chun 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2008年第10期55-59,共5页
The novel Sons and lovers, written by D. H. Lawrence, describes the state that the relationship between husband and wife loses balance. That is to say, power of the wife in the family is so strong that the wife, Mrs. ... The novel Sons and lovers, written by D. H. Lawrence, describes the state that the relationship between husband and wife loses balance. That is to say, power of the wife in the family is so strong that the wife, Mrs. Morel controls the whole family but not Mr. Morel. It also informs readers the process of how she comes to change her pure maternity to the passion between man and woman after she can't reform her husband and can't find the ideal lover image in her husband. This thesis tries to analyze the formation of imbalanced relationship between husband and wife, its expression, its influence on the children and significance on family education. Meanwhile, it also warns us of the importance of family atmosphere and family education to the healthy growth of children. 展开更多
关键词 Mrs. Morel relationship between the parents relationship between parents and children
The Rehabilitation of the Orphans in the Deep South of Thailand
作者 Kanlaya Daraha 《Sociology Study》 2013年第8期616-623,共8页
The purposes of the research aim to: (1) investigate the rehabilitation of the orphans affected by the violence in the Deep South of Thailand; and (2) provide the guideline for the government and institutions to ... The purposes of the research aim to: (1) investigate the rehabilitation of the orphans affected by the violence in the Deep South of Thailand; and (2) provide the guideline for the government and institutions to find ways to rehabilitate the orphans affected by the violence in the Deep South of Thailand. The number of the orphans is drastically increasing because of the violence crisis for a long time since 2004. The government has the policy to rehabilitate the orphans affected by the violence and takes the scholarships for relief their mind related injury Surveillance. The orphans trust the civil society more than the public government. Some opinions suggest the education, the activities, i.e., sports, music to empower the orphans, and the roles of the family and family members are the most important to take care and rehabilitate the orphans by using the religion for conducting "the social well-being". 展开更多
关键词 Orphans the rehabilitation the Deep South
Family Lifestyle and Housing Preferences during the Process of Globalization: The Case of Turkey
作者 Betel Gurel Hulya Oztop 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2014年第12期787-793,共7页
Although the fundamental physical role of housing is safety and sheltering for individuals, it is in fact the collection of places that hold the family together. Due to globalization and changes in the world, housing ... Although the fundamental physical role of housing is safety and sheltering for individuals, it is in fact the collection of places that hold the family together. Due to globalization and changes in the world, housing is no longer only a structure that provides sheltering but is also a factor that provides mutual interaction in formation of life style and quality. The elements such as the increase in the effect of consumption preferences and life style on selections, the changes in family structure, and urban structures also influence the residences used and housing preferences. The purpose of this study is to determine the general situation of housing preferences while taking into account the family life style in Turkey and at the same time to make an evaluation based on international publications. 展开更多
关键词 family life styles housing preference GLOBALIZATION
Partnerships for Success: An Evaluation of Head to Toe, a Family Centered Childhood Obesity Intervention that Partners with an Obesity Clinic
作者 Melody Schaeffer Claire Cioni +3 位作者 Jill Schnurbusch Nicole Kozma Sarah Reinhold Nila Garba 《Journal of Food Science and Engineering》 2018年第3期103-111,共9页
The prevalence of childhood obesity is a growing epidemic in the United States and as of 2014 its prevalence among children ages two to 19 was 17.0%. Without intervention, obese children are at risk for negative healt... The prevalence of childhood obesity is a growing epidemic in the United States and as of 2014 its prevalence among children ages two to 19 was 17.0%. Without intervention, obese children are at risk for negative health consequences and for the increased likelihood of staying obese through adulthood. St. Louis Children's Hospital provides HTT (Head to Toe), an interactive 12-session fimess, nutrition, and social well-being class focuses on adopting healthier lifestyles through daily exercise, and proper nutrition. One program referral method is through a partnership with the hospital's HSC (Healthy Start Clinic), a multi-disciplinary obesity clinic. Pretest and posttest assessments are used to measure changes in body metrics, health behaviors, knowledge, readiness to change, and self-concept. Between August 2011 and May 2016, 485 children and at least one parent or guardian with them were enrolled in the program, and up to 235 children completed at least one pretest- or post-assessment. Analysis determined multiple statistically significant improvements in body metrics, health behaviors, knowledge, including questions related to nutrition and food guidelines, readiness to change assessment, and self-concept. Total knowledge increased by 22%; questions related to nutrition increased by 28.2%, social emotional by 18.9% and physical activity by 17.8%. Findings suggest that the Head to Toe program is effective in improving nutrition, physical activity, social emotional knowledge and behaviors among participants. Childhood obesity is a growing epidemic and creating a relationship with a pediatric obesity clinic can increase the total number of children and teens that are introduced to weight management programs. 展开更多
关键词 Childhood obesity exercise NUTRITION weight WELLNESS mental health
Modeling Farm Management Modernization: Case Study of Japanese Rice Farming Corporations
作者 Yukio Kinoshita Nobuo Kimura 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2016年第5期307-320,共14页
While conventional family-owned and family-operated farms remain the most common structure, the number of Japanese agricultural corporations has increased in recent years as a result of changing policies. Some of them... While conventional family-owned and family-operated farms remain the most common structure, the number of Japanese agricultural corporations has increased in recent years as a result of changing policies. Some of them are possibly starting to adopt modem corporate management practices to remain viable in a more competitive environment. However, changes in the business structure have not always been accompanied by changes in farm management practices. This study represents a theoretical and empirical investigation into farm modernization practices to provide perspective and recommendations to enhance farm business. Various aspects of farm modernization were considered, including temporal, economic and functional modernization. Critical elements of farm modernization were examined using a structural equation model of surveys, wherein questionnaires were delivered to 2,260 agricultural corporations across Japan in 2014 and 2016, generating 669 usable responses from rice farming corporations. Overall, these corporations demonstrated moderate degrees of modernization, indicating that they have not yet completely transitioned from conventional management styles to modem corporate management and that the farm-household complex system still exists for many of them. It was also found that farm modernization is significantly affected by both production and business management systems, although it was unclear whether a farmer's managerial capabilities were critical for farm modernization. The findings of this study indicate that current farming corporations may benefit from incorporating additional modernization practices. The analytical framework and results will help farmers to better understand their management practices and can be used to provide ideas for policy development to promote competitive farm businesses. 展开更多
关键词 Farm business farming corporations modernization of management structural equation model.
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