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Towel 形域到方形域的全局同胚网格生成法 被引量:1
作者 王如云 方国洪 《河海大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 1997年第6期15-19,共5页
关键词 Towel形 全局同胚 数值网格 方形域 流体力学
基于方形域内标准正交矢量多项式的波前重建 被引量:4
作者 李萌阳 李大海 +2 位作者 赵霁文 章辰 王琼华 《光学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第7期136-142,共7页
获得了一组方形域内标准正交的矢量多项式集,可以用于方形域内图像畸变映射及波前梯度等矢量数据的拟合。这组矢量多项式是用Gram-Schmidt方法将泽尼克梯度多项式标准正交化后得到的。由该矢量函数拟合被测波前斜率,拟合系数经过简单的... 获得了一组方形域内标准正交的矢量多项式集,可以用于方形域内图像畸变映射及波前梯度等矢量数据的拟合。这组矢量多项式是用Gram-Schmidt方法将泽尼克梯度多项式标准正交化后得到的。由该矢量函数拟合被测波前斜率,拟合系数经过简单的线性变换就可以直接得到用泽尼克多项式描述的波前,获得被测波前的相位信息。实验结果表明,该矢量集可以对夏克哈特曼传感器测得的方形孔径内的斜率进行很好的拟合。这种矢量拟合重构方法能获得很好的被测波前,具有与Southwell区域法相同的精度。 展开更多
关键词 测量 波前重建 方形域 矢量多项式 泽尼克多项式 夏克哈特曼波前传感器
方形喷洒域变量施水精确灌溉喷头实现理论研究 被引量:15
作者 韩文霆 吴普特 +1 位作者 冯浩 杨青 《干旱地区农业研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2003年第2期105-107,共3页
在总结国内外变量施水精确灌溉喷头实现方法的基础上,对方形喷洒域变量施水精确灌溉喷头的实现条件进行了研究。通过理论分析,给出方形喷洒域变量施水精确灌溉喷头的射程、流量和转速应服从的变化规律和计算公式。指出这种喷头在组合喷... 在总结国内外变量施水精确灌溉喷头实现方法的基础上,对方形喷洒域变量施水精确灌溉喷头的实现条件进行了研究。通过理论分析,给出方形喷洒域变量施水精确灌溉喷头的射程、流量和转速应服从的变化规律和计算公式。指出这种喷头在组合喷洒时,为保证组合喷灌均匀性达到喷灌的技术要求,需要首先提高单喷头喷灌均匀系数。通过比较分析,得出了这种喷头的最优水量分布曲线应为类矩形的结论。研究结果为方形喷洒域变量施水精确灌溉喷头实现方法的研究提供了理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 方形喷洒 变量施水 精确灌溉 喷头 喷灌技术 射程 流量 转速 变化规律 计算公式
方形喷洒域摇臂式喷头流道优化及内部流场数值仿真研究 被引量:7
作者 王正中 翟超 +2 位作者 王文娥 范兴科 吴普特 《农业工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第2期71-79,共9页
针对圆形喷洒域摇臂式喷头喷洒重叠多和超喷漏喷普遍,现行方形喷洒域摇臂式喷头机构复杂、旋转能耗大、局部水头损失大、喷洒形状与标准正方形偏差大等问题,该文通过对流量调节器喉口断面菱形化和流道流线化,对方形喷洒域摇臂式喷头流... 针对圆形喷洒域摇臂式喷头喷洒重叠多和超喷漏喷普遍,现行方形喷洒域摇臂式喷头机构复杂、旋转能耗大、局部水头损失大、喷洒形状与标准正方形偏差大等问题,该文通过对流量调节器喉口断面菱形化和流道流线化,对方形喷洒域摇臂式喷头流量调节器的形体进行优化,减少了不利的水头损失,实现了精准方形喷洒的目标。根据水动力学的能量方程及动量方程推出了流量调节器局部水头损失的计算公式;并运用三维软件Pro/E建立流量调节器及喷头的三维内流道几何模型,利用CFD软件建立其流体力学RNG k-ε湍流数值模型,对流量调节器及喷头的内流场进行数值模拟,获得了压强、流速的动态分布规律,进而求得优化前后方形喷洒域喷头不同旋转姿态时的水头损失及流量,结合同型号喷头的出口流量与射程关系计算出优化前后的射程,进而对优化前后方形喷洒域喷头不同旋转姿态时的水头损失、流量、射程及喷洒形状等性能进行全面评价,验证方形喷洒域摇臂式喷头流道优化成果的可靠性。结果表明:优化后的方形喷洒域摇臂式喷头结构简单、水力自控、节能耐久、喷洒形状标准、水头损失小;在额定工作压力范围内优化后的摇臂式喷头水头损失降低25.8%,流量增大12.87%,喷洒形状系数提高15.6个百分点,为方形喷洒域摇臂式喷头的设计制造及应用推广提供理论参考。 展开更多
关键词 喷头 流量 数值模拟 摇臂式喷头 方形喷洒 流道优化
基于STM32单片机的方形喷洒域装置的设计与试验 被引量:3
作者 刘佳 邓健 +1 位作者 杨启良 秦伟 《湖南农业大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第1期81-88,共8页
针对已有方形喷洒域喷头存在喷灌均匀系数低、方形程度差、转动过程精度不高等问题,设计了一种适用于方形喷洒的新型喷灌装置。该装置主要由控制模块、工作模块和喷头组成;通过滚子与空间凸轮的接触,调节喷头仰角,改变射程,实现方形区... 针对已有方形喷洒域喷头存在喷灌均匀系数低、方形程度差、转动过程精度不高等问题,设计了一种适用于方形喷洒的新型喷灌装置。该装置主要由控制模块、工作模块和喷头组成;通过滚子与空间凸轮的接触,调节喷头仰角,改变射程,实现方形区域的喷洒;采用单片机控制装置的旋转速度,以提高喷灌均匀度。在工作压力0.20 MPa、流量1.30 m^3/h条件下进行性能测试,结果装置喷洒19 m×19 m区域的方形系数可达94.55%,组合喷灌均匀系数为86.70%,方形区域上的实际未喷洒区域仅占方形总面积的7.88%。 展开更多
关键词 单片机 空间凸轮 方形喷洒 喷灌均匀系数
IMLS方形影响域法 被引量:1
作者 张延军 王恩志 《工程力学》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2006年第6期60-64,84,共6页
展示了一些最新无网格法的研究进展,给出了一种新型无网格法-IMLS方形域无网格法。该法中未知变量的近似采用IMLS技术,局部影响域形状采用方形几何形态。这些技术的具体实施展现了节点布置和数值积分的无网格特点,并自然满足Dirichlet... 展示了一些最新无网格法的研究进展,给出了一种新型无网格法-IMLS方形域无网格法。该法中未知变量的近似采用IMLS技术,局部影响域形状采用方形几何形态。这些技术的具体实施展现了节点布置和数值积分的无网格特点,并自然满足Dirichlet边界条件。该方法可以容易推广到求解非线性问题以及非均匀介质的力学问题。此外,还计算了两个弹性力学平面问题的例子,所得计算结果证明:该方法是一种具有收敛快、精度高、简便有效的通用方法,在工程中具有广阔的应用前景。 展开更多
关键词 固体力学 无网格法 IMLS 方形影响 数值积分
作者 王如云 方国洪 +2 位作者 张东生 张长宽 张君伦 《计算物理》 CSCD 北大核心 2001年第5期439-442,共4页
对任意维Towel型物理域 D到方形计算域Dc 的全局同胚映射数值实现方法进行研究 ,给出了任意维等参数正变换的数值迭代求解方法 ,并就迭代求解方法的误差进行分析 ,给出了数值网格点互不重合的一个充分性条件 .最后 ,根据该方法 ,给出了... 对任意维Towel型物理域 D到方形计算域Dc 的全局同胚映射数值实现方法进行研究 ,给出了任意维等参数正变换的数值迭代求解方法 ,并就迭代求解方法的误差进行分析 ,给出了数值网格点互不重合的一个充分性条件 .最后 ,根据该方法 ,给出了钱塘江口的二维不重叠数值网格生成算例 . 展开更多
关键词 等参数正变换 Towel型 方形计算 全局同胚网格 边界论 数值生成法 迭代法 误差分析
方形孔径自由曲面反射式系统装调技术研究 被引量:4
作者 王超 张新 +1 位作者 王灵杰 王钰 《红外与激光工程》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2015年第5期1518-1525,共8页
针对方形孔径自由曲面反射系统,构造方形域上正交多项式用于波前解析,得到方形孔径系统波像差系数。在计算机辅助装调阶段,为确保装调结果准确,用方形域上正交多项式和光学设计软件来建立系统的灵敏度矩阵,结合自准直干涉法得到的多个... 针对方形孔径自由曲面反射系统,构造方形域上正交多项式用于波前解析,得到方形孔径系统波像差系数。在计算机辅助装调阶段,为确保装调结果准确,用方形域上正交多项式和光学设计软件来建立系统的灵敏度矩阵,结合自准直干涉法得到的多个视场得波像差来求解系统失调量;在多次迭代后得到系统平均RMS为0.164 1(632.8 nm)实测系统平均传递函数达到0.453 4的理想结果;证明该装调方法正确性,并适用于其他形状孔径自由曲面离轴反射系统式系统装调。 展开更多
关键词 方形域正交多项式 方形孔径 离轴自由曲面 计算机辅助装调 灵敏度矩阵
变量喷头实现均匀喷灌的研究 被引量:21
作者 韩文霆 吴普特 +1 位作者 冯浩 杨青 《农业工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第10期13-16,共4页
研究了为保证均匀喷灌,变量喷头各水力性能参数之间应具有的理论关系。采用极限理论和二重积分的数学方法推导了描述变量喷头转速、流量和射程之间瞬时变化关系的工作方程。结果表明,变量喷头的流量与射程平方和转速的乘积成正比。以方... 研究了为保证均匀喷灌,变量喷头各水力性能参数之间应具有的理论关系。采用极限理论和二重积分的数学方法推导了描述变量喷头转速、流量和射程之间瞬时变化关系的工作方程。结果表明,变量喷头的流量与射程平方和转速的乘积成正比。以方形喷洒域变量喷头为例,推导了方形喷洒域变量喷头射程随转角变化的理论方程,然后应用变量喷头工作方程推导了方形喷洒域变量喷头理论流量和转速方程。该文的研究结果为变量喷头及方形喷洒域变量喷头的设计提供了理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 变量喷头 精确灌溉 可控喷洒 喷灌均匀性 方形喷洒
Multi-scale seismic full waveform inversion in the frequency-domain with a multi-grid method 被引量:2
作者 宋建勇 郑晓东 +1 位作者 秦臻 苏本玉 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第4期303-310,371,共9页
Although full waveform inversion in the frequency domain can overcome the local minima problem in the time direction, such problem still exists in the space direction because of the media subsurface complexity. Based ... Although full waveform inversion in the frequency domain can overcome the local minima problem in the time direction, such problem still exists in the space direction because of the media subsurface complexity. Based on the optimal steep descent methods, we present an algorithm which combines the preconditioned bi-conjugated gradient stable method and the multi-grid method to compute the wave propagation and the gradient space. The multiple scale prosperity of the waveform inversion and the multi-grid method can overcome the inverse problems local minima defect and accelerate convergence. The local inhomogeneous three-hole model simulated results and the Marmousi model certify the algorithm effectiveness. 展开更多
关键词 Full waveform inversion frequency domain wave equation multi-grid iterative method bi-conjugated gradient stable algorithm
A New (2+1)-Dimensional KdV Equation and Its Localized Structures 被引量:1
作者 彭彦泽 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第11期863-865,共3页
A new (2+1)-dimensional KdV equation is constructed by using Lax pair generating technique. Exact solutions of the new equation are studied by means of the singular manifold method. Bgcklund transformation in terms... A new (2+1)-dimensional KdV equation is constructed by using Lax pair generating technique. Exact solutions of the new equation are studied by means of the singular manifold method. Bgcklund transformation in terms of the singular manifold is obtained. And localized structures are also investigated. 展开更多
关键词 (2+1)-dimensional KdV equation Lax pair generating technique singular manifold method
Time-domain wavefield reconstruction inversion 被引量:2
作者 Li Zhen-Chun Lin Yu-Zhao +2 位作者 Zhang Kai Li Yuan-Yuan Yu Zhen-Nan 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第4期523-528,621,共7页
Wave field reconstruction inversion (WRI) is an improved full waveform inversion theory that has been proposed in recent years. WRI method expands the searching space by introducing the wave equation into the object... Wave field reconstruction inversion (WRI) is an improved full waveform inversion theory that has been proposed in recent years. WRI method expands the searching space by introducing the wave equation into the objective function and reconstructing the wavefield to update model parameters, thereby improving the computing efficiency and mitigating the influence of the local minimum. However, frequency-domain WRI is difficult to apply to real seismic data because of the high computational memory demand and requirement of time-frequency transformation with additional computational costs. In this paper, wavefield reconstruction inversion theory is extended into the time domain, the augmented wave equation of WRI is derived in the time domain, and the model gradient is modified according to the numerical test with anomalies. The examples of synthetic data illustrate the accuracy of time-domain WRI and the low dependency of WRI on low-frequency information. 展开更多
关键词 Wavefield reconstruction waveform inversion augmented wave equation time- domain inversion
PML and CFS-PML boundary conditions for a mesh-free finite difference solution of the elastic wave equation 被引量:4
作者 Sun Cheng-Yu Li Shi-Zhong Xu Ning 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2019年第4期438-454,560,共18页
Mesh-free finite difference(FD)methods can improve the geometric flexibility of modeling without the need for lattice mapping or complex meshing process.Radial-basisfunction-generated FD is among the most commonly use... Mesh-free finite difference(FD)methods can improve the geometric flexibility of modeling without the need for lattice mapping or complex meshing process.Radial-basisfunction-generated FD is among the most commonly used mesh-free FD methods and can accurately simulate seismic wave propagation in the non-rectangular computational domain.In this paper,we propose a perfectly matched layer(PML)boundary condition for a meshfree FD solution of the elastic wave equation,which can be applied to the boundaries of the non-rectangular velocity model.The performance of the PML is,however,severely reduced for near-grazing incident waves and low-frequency waves.We thus also propose the complexfrequency-shifted PML(CFS-PML)boundary condition for a mesh-free FD solution of the elastic wave equation.For two PML boundary conditions,we derive unsplit time-domain expressions by constructing auxiliary differential equations,both of which require less memory and are easy for programming.Numerical experiments demonstrate that these two PML boundary conditions effectively eliminate artificial boundary reflections in mesh-free FD simulations.When compared with the PML boundary condition,the CFS-PML boundary condition results in better absorption for near-grazing incident waves and evanescent waves. 展开更多
关键词 mesh-free finite difference elastic wave equation non-rectangular computational domain perfectly matched layer complex-frequency-shifted perfectly matched layer
Digital regionalization of geomorphology in Xinjiang
作者 柴慧霞 周成虎 +1 位作者 陈曦 程维明 《Journal of Geographical Sciences》 SCIE CSCD 2009年第5期600-614,共15页
This paper presents a method of geomorphologic regionalization for Xinjiang, with the use of Srtm-DEM (resolution 90 m) and TM images for 1990 (resolution 30 m). After interpretation and classification of geomorpholog... This paper presents a method of geomorphologic regionalization for Xinjiang, with the use of Srtm-DEM (resolution 90 m) and TM images for 1990 (resolution 30 m). After interpretation and classification of geomorphologic types, the present research focuses on the qualitative and quantitative distribution of different geomorphologic types based on geographical grid analysis. Then, by using system clustering analysis method, geomorphologic types are grouped into divisions. The resulting geomorphologic regionalization hierarchy of Xinjiang includes three levels, i.e., macro-landform divisions, medium-landform divisions, and micro-landform divisions, containing 6, 23 and 200 types, respectively. This method makes it possible to digitally delimit geomorphologic regions. Comparison and verification show that the spatial precision of the boundaries of geomorphologic subareas in Xinjiang is very high. 展开更多
关键词 GEOMORPHOLOGY geomorphologic regionalization geographical grid system clustering
作者 YUANYirang 《Journal of Systems Science & Complexity》 SCIE EI CSCD 2005年第2期233-253,共21页
For coupled system of multilayer dynamics of fluids in porous media, thecharacteristic alternating-direction finite element methods for nonrectangular regions applicable toparallel arithmetic are put forward and two-d... For coupled system of multilayer dynamics of fluids in porous media, thecharacteristic alternating-direction finite element methods for nonrectangular regions applicable toparallel arithmetic are put forward and two-dimensional and three-dimensional schemes are used toform a complete set. Some techniques, such as calculus of variations, isoparametric transformation,patch approximation, operator-splitting, characteristic method, negative norm estimate, energymethod, the theory of prior estimates and techniques are used. For the nonrectangular regions case,optimal order estimates in L^2 norm are derived for the error in the approximation solution. Thusthe well-known theoretical problem has been thoroughly and completely solved. These methods havebeen successfully used in multilayer oil resources migration-accumulation numerical simulation. 展开更多
关键词 nonrectangular regions multilayer dynamics of fluids characteristic finiteelement operator-splitting and parallel arithmetic convergence
作者 YUANYirang 《Journal of Systems Science & Complexity》 SCIE EI CSCD 2004年第4期538-554,共17页
For the transient behavior of a semiconductor device, the modified method of characteristics with alternating-direction finite element procedures for nonrectangular region is put forward. Some techniques, such as calc... For the transient behavior of a semiconductor device, the modified method of characteristics with alternating-direction finite element procedures for nonrectangular region is put forward. Some techniques, such as calculus of variations, isoparametric transformation,patch approximation, operator-splitting, characteristic method, symmetrical reflection,energy method, negative norm estimate and a prior estimates and techniques, are employed. In the nonrectangular region case, optimal order estimates in L^2 norm are derived for the error in the approximation solution. Thus the well-known theoretical problem has been thoroughly and completely solved. 展开更多
关键词 nonrectangular region semiconductor device alternating-direction characteristic finite element L^2 error estimate
The Generic Annular Bucket Histogram for Estimating the Selectivity of Spatial Selection and Spatial Join
作者 Changxiu Cheng Chenghu Zhou Rongguo Chen 《Geo-Spatial Information Science》 2011年第4期262-273,共12页
Selectivity estimation is crucial for query optimizers choosing an optimal spatial execution plan in a spatial database management system.This paper presents an Annular Bucket spatial histogram(AB histogram)that can e... Selectivity estimation is crucial for query optimizers choosing an optimal spatial execution plan in a spatial database management system.This paper presents an Annular Bucket spatial histogram(AB histogram)that can estimate the selectivity in finer spatial selection and spatial join operations even when the spatial query has more operators or more joins.The AB histogram is represented as a set of bucket-range,bucket-count value pairs.The bucket-range often covers an annular region like a sin-gle-cell-sized photo frame.The bucket-count is the number of objects whose Minimum Bounding Rectangles(MBRs)fall between outer rectangle and inner rectangle of the bucket-range.Assuming that all MBRs in each a bucket distribute evenly,for every buck-et,we can obtain serial probabilities that satisfy a certain spatial selection or join conditions from the operations' semantics and the spatial relations between every bucket-range and query ranges.Thus,according to some probability theories,spatial selection or join selectivity can be estimated by the every bucket-count and its probabilities.This paper also shows a way to generate an updated AB histogram from an original AB histogram and those probabilities.Our tests show that the AB histogram not only supports the selectivity estimation of spatial selection or spatial join with "disjoint","intersect","within","contains",and "overlap" operators but also provides an approach to generate a reliable updated histogram whose spatial distribution is close to the distribution of ac-tual query result. 展开更多
关键词 selectivity estimation AB histogram annular bucket spatial selection spatial join
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