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环秀山庄与戈裕良再认识——叠山匠师方惠眼中的环秀山庄假山技法 被引量:3
作者 石宏超 周俭 《园林》 2022年第2期27-33,共7页
出自清代叠山家戈裕良之手的环秀山庄假山是中国最好的湖石假山之一,学界有很多研究成果。但扬州叠山匠师方惠认为,学界对环秀山庄和戈裕良的认识有许多似是而非的地方,并提出自己的看法。方惠认为把南面作为观赏环秀山庄的主大面是一... 出自清代叠山家戈裕良之手的环秀山庄假山是中国最好的湖石假山之一,学界有很多研究成果。但扬州叠山匠师方惠认为,学界对环秀山庄和戈裕良的认识有许多似是而非的地方,并提出自己的看法。方惠认为把南面作为观赏环秀山庄的主大面是一个巨大的错误,是对观赏者的误导,真正的主大面是入山的问泉亭至补秋山房一线,从这一线观赏才能体会环秀山庄假山洞壑幽深、断谷层叠、山势雄浑的真山之境。戈裕良的技法并非苏州传统技法,而是受扬州影响又具独创性的"深厚法"。历史上记载的叠山家很多,但只有戈裕良才是除了张南垣之外的又一座高峰。张南垣建立了"山之大",而戈裕良重点突破了"山之深",再加上李渔强调的"山之高",从而组成方惠眼中的叠山三原则。研究以方惠的观点为出发点展开分析,以获得对环秀山庄假山技法的深层思考。 展开更多
关键词 环秀山庄 戈裕良 方惠 假山技法
假山优劣评价之探寻——传统园林叠山匠人方惠访谈录 被引量:2
作者 张青萍 潘犇 +1 位作者 魏天恒 董芊里 《园林》 2022年第2期4-9,共6页
假山优劣之评判多依据古今书籍观点及现存假山遗迹,缺少对当代叠山匠人实践及观点的参考,故对叠山匠人、江苏省非物质文化遗产传承人方惠进行特约访谈。访谈中,方惠以其亲身经验就石与山的区别、假山的功能、计成与张南垣的叠山特点、... 假山优劣之评判多依据古今书籍观点及现存假山遗迹,缺少对当代叠山匠人实践及观点的参考,故对叠山匠人、江苏省非物质文化遗产传承人方惠进行特约访谈。访谈中,方惠以其亲身经验就石与山的区别、假山的功能、计成与张南垣的叠山特点、土石山的优势、绘画与叠山的关系、能主之人等若干问题发表看法,阐释其自创叠山方法"取阴",并提出了辨别假山好坏当首看叠山技法之基础——"拼整"的观点。其观点按学术评价标准评判兴许尚存瑕疵,但仍可作为未来假山优劣判别之考据。正如朱光亚先生评价所言:"方惠老师的理论源于反复实践,于困难中打磨提炼,虽尚存片面性,但真知灼见,传递的是最朴素的真理。" 展开更多
关键词 传统园林 假山 优劣评价 匠师 方惠
传承与开拓:当代匠师方惠的传统造园叠山技艺及理论探究 被引量:17
作者 顾凯 查婉滢 《风景园林》 2019年第3期19-24,共6页
对传统叠山匠师技艺进行考察研究,既是当代的传统风格造园实践的迫切需要,也是学术界对工匠文化研究及非物质文化遗产传承的必然要求。选择以当代匠师方惠的造园叠山技艺为研究对象,在调查访谈的基础上,从他的事业历程、创作理论和营造... 对传统叠山匠师技艺进行考察研究,既是当代的传统风格造园实践的迫切需要,也是学术界对工匠文化研究及非物质文化遗产传承的必然要求。选择以当代匠师方惠的造园叠山技艺为研究对象,在调查访谈的基础上,从他的事业历程、创作理论和营造原则3个方面,认识其叠山技艺及其理论的核心要点,并探讨他对传统技艺的传承与开拓。 展开更多
关键词 中国传统造园 技艺及理论 叠山 匠师 方惠
作者 姚盛元 张其成 《中医药文化》 2024年第5期493-502,共10页
当前学界对北宋时期援易入医现象的研究较为忽视,是医易会通研究的不足所在。通过整理北宋时期医学文献中与援易入医有关的条文,围绕易象、易数、易理、易占4个方面进行归纳总结。总体来说,北宋时期援易入医承继隋唐时期的“以易释医”... 当前学界对北宋时期援易入医现象的研究较为忽视,是医易会通研究的不足所在。通过整理北宋时期医学文献中与援易入医有关的条文,围绕易象、易数、易理、易占4个方面进行归纳总结。总体来说,北宋时期援易入医承继隋唐时期的“以易释医”特征,其发展趋势主要体现在主动意识的增强、解释深度的加深、释医方法的成熟、固定命题的形成4个方面。北宋时期的援易入医,不仅丰富了医学的内涵,也提升了易学的应用价值。同时也应理性看待援易入医现象,既要肯定其在医学发展中的积极作用,也要避免过度强调或滥用易学知识而引发的负面效应。 展开更多
关键词 医易会通 援易入医 中医哲学 北宋时期 圣济总录 太平圣惠方 周易
作者 韩毅 《中医药文化》 2023年第5期403-417,共15页
《太平圣惠方》作为宋王朝官修的第一部医学方书,也是我国现存最早的官修医学方书,代表了宋代前期医学理论、临床医学诸科和方剂学知识发展的最高成就。该书曾在东亚地区得到积极的传播,先后由使者、僧人、商人等传入朝鲜半岛、日本地区... 《太平圣惠方》作为宋王朝官修的第一部医学方书,也是我国现存最早的官修医学方书,代表了宋代前期医学理论、临床医学诸科和方剂学知识发展的最高成就。该书曾在东亚地区得到积极的传播,先后由使者、僧人、商人等传入朝鲜半岛、日本地区,受到朝鲜高丽王朝、李朝和日本平安、镰仓、江户时代医学家的高度重视。《太平圣惠方》传入朝鲜半岛后有刊本出现,但未能流传下来,其内容大多被抄入《御修医方类聚》之中;传入日本后不仅有宋刊本传世,而且还出现了天明五年和刻本、钞本、节选本和影印本等。朝鲜、日本学者撰写的目录学著作中收载了《太平圣惠方》的作者、目录、卷数和版本信息;医家撰写的著作中也大量引用了《太平圣惠方》中内、外、妇、儿、五官诸科病证及其诊断学、方剂学、针灸学、养生学等方面的知识,广泛应用于疾病治疗、药品生产和医学教育等。晚清及民国以来,《太平圣惠方》的日钞本又回流至中国,弥补了国内《太平圣惠方》文本中缺失的内容,在东亚医学文献交流史上发挥了重要作用。 展开更多
关键词 宋朝 《太平圣惠方》 官修医学方书 朝鲜半岛 日本 书籍史
《太平惠民和剂局方》治疗脾胃病的用药组方规律 被引量:2
作者 姚帅君 杨继红 +1 位作者 李佩芳 闫敬来 《Digital Chinese Medicine》 CAS CSCD 2023年第2期234-244,共11页
目的挖掘《太平惠民和剂局方》治疗脾胃病的相关方剂,探索其用药组方规律。方法筛选《太平惠民和剂局方》治疗脾胃病的方剂,利用WPS Excel 2019录入方剂、规范药物名称并建立数据集,借助Python 3.6.8编程语言和Gephi 0.9.2可视化软件,... 目的挖掘《太平惠民和剂局方》治疗脾胃病的相关方剂,探索其用药组方规律。方法筛选《太平惠民和剂局方》治疗脾胃病的方剂,利用WPS Excel 2019录入方剂、规范药物名称并建立数据集,借助Python 3.6.8编程语言和Gephi 0.9.2可视化软件,进行中药频次统计、功效归类、性味归经、关联规则、聚类分析、因子分析和复杂网络分析。结果经筛选后共纳入方剂239首,剂型以丸剂和散剂为主,共涉及200味中药,频数≥12的中药共40味,出现频次最高的药物是干姜。药性方面以温性药为主,辛味药最多,归脾经和胃经的药物最多,药物类别以补虚药为主。关联规则分析得到二阶关联规则26条,排名第一的药物组合是人参→茯苓,三阶关联规则16条,排名第一的药物组合是茯苓+白术→人参。聚类分析将频数排名前30的中药分为6个药物组合,聚类的中药功效以温中、行气、燥湿为主。因子分析提取得到13个公共因子,贡献率最高的公共因子是人参、茯苓、白术。复杂网络分析得到21味中药的核心处方,加权度较高的药物为干姜、人参、甘草、陈皮。结论《太平惠民和剂局方》治疗脾胃病以温热药为主,用药规律可以概括为三个方面:(1)多用温补之法以温中散寒,(2)运用芳香行气之法以悦脾开胃,(3)注重调畅气血以安和五脏。 展开更多
关键词 脾胃病 《太平惠民和剂局方》 数据挖掘 用药组方规律 关联规则 温里药
传承与发展:昆山璞园山水营造 被引量:3
作者 顾凯 应天慧 《园林》 2022年第2期19-26,共8页
以匠师主导为特征的传统山水造园是当代园林文化传承的重要方面,但尚未得到深入认识。匠师方惠主持的昆山璞园营造可作为此类典型案例加以研究。该园在总体境界上追求"园在山中",以确定主山、安排山势、布置水境等方式应对场... 以匠师主导为特征的传统山水造园是当代园林文化传承的重要方面,但尚未得到深入认识。匠师方惠主持的昆山璞园营造可作为此类典型案例加以研究。该园在总体境界上追求"园在山中",以确定主山、安排山势、布置水境等方式应对场地条件而进行布局。在具体山水景致营造上,重点以近景山洞、中景山峰、远景山峦及综贯水景等方式形成艺术效果与体验构成。在过程营造技艺上,在选石与用石、拼叠与造型、层次与呼应等方面呈现了高超的水准,并且因当代技术条件而加以发展。该园山水营造体现出对传统造园的真正传承且又有开拓,为当代设计施工分离问题的应对提供了有益借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 传统造园 山水 匠师 方惠 昆山璞园
上海鲜花港大型黄石叠山技艺探析 被引量:3
作者 邵健 《园林》 2022年第2期10-18,共9页
同样是叠石造山,今天的城市公共环境相较于中国传统园林更具挑战性,用地周围环境有城市高层建筑,也有一览无余的新区开阔地,尺度与体量常常是传统园林的数倍,同时还面临着现代工程技术的进步,如大型人工水瀑布运用使叠石造山更易达到真... 同样是叠石造山,今天的城市公共环境相较于中国传统园林更具挑战性,用地周围环境有城市高层建筑,也有一览无余的新区开阔地,尺度与体量常常是传统园林的数倍,同时还面临着现代工程技术的进步,如大型人工水瀑布运用使叠石造山更易达到真实山林的效果等,这些都给叠石造山理念与技艺提出了新的要求,使其面临当下现实的回应,面临着传承与开拓的使命。从上海鲜花港大型黄石叠山的尺度分析入手,以远观与近游两种方式,分析当代匠师方惠在追求高度、深度、厚度的“三度”目标指导下所获得的“截溪断谷”山林真境的成因,尝试通过现场感知与测绘,解析其围绕“三度”取向进行叠山实践的文人思考与境界追求,学习与解析其相石、拼叠及山体造型的技法。这也是对方惠叠石造山理论与技艺的一次印证,期望这门集中国传统艺术大成的叠山技艺能得以传承与发扬,进而对当代造园有所启发与推动。 展开更多
关键词 当代 大型黄石叠山 匠师方惠 三度 技艺传承
中小尺度山水造园中自然式塘池的匠艺研究 被引量:2
作者 沈实现 《园林》 2022年第2期34-39,共6页
塘池是中国古典园林重要的组成元素,自然式塘池又是中小尺度山水造园中最普遍的水系形态。以当代叠山大师方惠的造园作品为例,系统讨论中小尺度造园中自然式塘池与假山的关系。方惠认为中小尺度的园林可以把园看作是"山中之园&quo... 塘池是中国古典园林重要的组成元素,自然式塘池又是中小尺度山水造园中最普遍的水系形态。以当代叠山大师方惠的造园作品为例,系统讨论中小尺度造园中自然式塘池与假山的关系。方惠认为中小尺度的园林可以把园看作是"山中之园",而塘池则可视作"山中之水"。在此前提下,文章提出塘池理水在"以山定水""以池承山""山水互成""山之余脉""水之余音"5个层面的构思和工艺。"以山定水"是由山的姿态和尺度决定水的形态和大小;"以池承山"是施工过程中先做旱池再叠假山;"山水互成"是以水体现山的深厚和高远;"山之余脉"是把塘池的驳岸视作山的余脉来营造;"水之余音"是把园林水系与音乐相联系,把塘池看作整个乐章的余音来处理。 展开更多
关键词 塘池 假山 园林 中小尺度 方惠
作者 赵怀舟 袁开惠 《中医药文化》 2019年第6期91-99,共9页
"告车瓶子"一语在《太平圣惠方》中不仅一见,今人较难理解,前人又未给出相关训释。参阅相关文献,"告"通"膏","告车"即"膏车"。并从此例词语用字出发,对《太平圣惠方》中的音借字现... "告车瓶子"一语在《太平圣惠方》中不仅一见,今人较难理解,前人又未给出相关训释。参阅相关文献,"告"通"膏","告车"即"膏车"。并从此例词语用字出发,对《太平圣惠方》中的音借字现象略作提示。 展开更多
关键词 告车瓶子 膏车 《太平圣惠方》 音借字
Network Pharmacology-based Analysis on the Molecular Biological Mechanisms of Xin Hui Tong Formula in Coronary Heart Disease Treatment 被引量:4
作者 WU Hua-Ying ZHANG Chen +5 位作者 WANG Zhao-Hua ZHANG Shi-Ying LI Jing LI Feng HUANG Hui-Yong LI Liang 《Digital Chinese Medicine》 2019年第2期86-96,共11页
Objective To investigate the potential molecular mechanism of Xin Hui Tong Formula (XHTF) in the treatment of coronary heart disease (CHD) by using network pharmacology and bioinformatics. Methods The targets network ... Objective To investigate the potential molecular mechanism of Xin Hui Tong Formula (XHTF) in the treatment of coronary heart disease (CHD) by using network pharmacology and bioinformatics. Methods The targets network of CHD was constructed through Therapeutic Targets Database (TTD) and Drugbank database;The XHTF pharmacodynamic molecule-targets network and the XHTF pharmacodynamic molecule-CHD targets network were explored by the traditional Chinese medicine systems pharmacology database and analysis platform (TCMSP). And the multi-targets mechanism and molecular regulation network of XHTF in the treatment of CHD were explored from multiple perspectives by Gene Ontology (GO) analysis and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) database pathway enrichment analysis. Results A total of 88 CHD targets were screened out through the Therapeutic Targets and the Drugbank database. 393 compounds and corresponding 205 drug targets of XHTF were retrieved from TCMSP. A total of 13 known targets directly related to the development of CHD were retrieved from the disease-related databases: TP53, MAPK14, NFKB1, HSPA5, PLG, PTGS2, ADRB1, NOS2, CYP3A4, GRIA2, CYP2A6, GRIA1, PTGS1. XHTF also contained 118 drug targets that directly interact with CHD targets. GO enrichment analysis showed that the biological processes of 13 direct targets proteins were found to be mainly enriched in response to drug, cellular response to biotic stimulus, long-chain fatty acid metabolic process, fatty acid metabolic process and regulation of blood pressure. KEGG pathway enrichment analysis found that XHTF participated in the CHD pathological process mainly through retrograde endocannabinoid signaling, regulation of lipolysis in adipocytes, cAMP signaling pathway, chemical carcinogenesis and other pathways. Conclusions XHTF plays a role in the treatment of CHD through multiple targets and multiple pathways, and provides a scientific basis for the theory of "virtual standard" in the treatment of CHD. 展开更多
关键词 Xin Hui Tong Formula (XHTF) Coronary heart disease Network pharmacology Network analysis BIOINFORMATICS
A method for gravity anomaly separation based on preferential continuation and its application 被引量:31
作者 Meng Xiaohong Guo Lianghui +2 位作者 Chen Zhaox Li Shuling Shi Lei 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2009年第3期217-225,299,共10页
Based on the preferential continuation method proposed by Pawlowski (1995), we propose a method and procedure for gravity anomaly separation with the preferential upward continuation operator in the case that the va... Based on the preferential continuation method proposed by Pawlowski (1995), we propose a method and procedure for gravity anomaly separation with the preferential upward continuation operator in the case that the various sources are uncorrelated with one another and the continuation height is enough large. We also present a method for estimating optimum upward-continuation height, based on analyzing the characteristics of the preferential upward continuation operators of a synthesized gravity anomaly varying with different continuation heights. The method is tested on the raw Bouguer gravity data over an iron deposit. The result shows that the method separates the data into regional anomaly and residual anomaly efficiently and clearly. 展开更多
关键词 Preferential continuation GRAVITY anomaly separation continuation height
Experimental and Analytical Study of Torsional Vibration under Multiaxial Loading in Time Domain
作者 Dionisio Jose Rodrigues da Costa Ladario da Silv +1 位作者 Jorge Rodrigues Duran Jose Flavio Feiteira 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2016年第3期148-157,共10页
The torsional vibration of power transmission shaft is a phenomenon whose analytical modeling can be represented by a differential equation of motion proposed by technical literature. The solutions of these equations ... The torsional vibration of power transmission shaft is a phenomenon whose analytical modeling can be represented by a differential equation of motion proposed by technical literature. The solutions of these equations need coefficients and parameters that, usually, must be experimentally estimated. This work uses a resistive electric SG (strain gage) to dynamically determine strains produced in the shaft due to harmonic oscillatory motion under multiaxial loading. This movement is simulated on a prototype specially developed for this purpose. It comprises a pulley attached to the end of a stepped cantilevered shaft, which is clamped at the opposite end. In this configuration, a cam generates a torque to the system, springs regulate the stiffness and the damping coefficient of the assembly, as well as they can be suitably adjusted to produce an underdamped condition. The main advantage, highlighted in this study, refers to a major simplification. Although the system under study shows multiple degrees of freedom (torsion and bending), the shape and the positioning of linking SGs with the resistor bridge (Wheatstone Bridge), allow "to evaluate the loading effects independently, as if only one degree of freedom of the system exists at a time domain. Strains graphs for two forms of cyclic torsional oscillation, analytical and experimental, were successfully generated. 展开更多
关键词 Underdamped system free and forced response torsional vibration strain gauges.
Provenance of the lower Es2 in the Shanghe area of the Huimin sag
作者 GAO Lihua HAN Zuozhen +3 位作者 DANG Guangyao FAN Aiping YANG Renchao XU Xuebei 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2010年第3期453-459,477,共8页
The provenance of the lower Es2 in the Shanghe area was determined from an approach incorporating analysis, elemental ratios,paleocurrent direction,the typomorphic characteristics of detritus and the distribution of c... The provenance of the lower Es2 in the Shanghe area was determined from an approach incorporating analysis, elemental ratios,paleocurrent direction,the typomorphic characteristics of detritus and the distribution of conglomerate and gritstone in the peripheral basin.Typical elemental ratios characteristic of the sedimentary area were compared with those from the source areas as abstracted from sediments of the Huimin sag using cluster analysis.The results show that the distribution pattern focuses on Mg/Mn,Fe/K,Al/Na,Ba/Mn and Al/Mg.Mg/Mn is the highest ratio,from 25 to 45.This is similar to the pattern from the Precambrian.Furthermore,paleocurrent direction was used to determine provenance by examining the distribution of gritstone and the seismic progradational reflections.The research results indicate that the provenance is to the northwest in the Precambrian strata where the sand grain size is rough.To the east there is siltstone,fine sandstone and mudstone.This is significant for the exploration of oil and gas within the study area. 展开更多
关键词 provenance analysis typical element ratio Shanghe area palaeocurrent distribution of gritstone
《太平惠民和剂局方》中煮散剂的使用特点 被引量:21
作者 范佳佳 刘阳 +1 位作者 刘旎 傅延龄 《中医杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第4期291-294,共4页
目的探讨《太平惠民和剂局方》(简称《局方》)中煮散剂的使用特点,为现代中药煮散剂的应用提供参考。方法收集《局方》中所有煮散剂,提取其中符合标准的煮散剂的颗粒大小、每服量、加水量、剩余水量、服药时间、服药温度、日服次数、是... 目的探讨《太平惠民和剂局方》(简称《局方》)中煮散剂的使用特点,为现代中药煮散剂的应用提供参考。方法收集《局方》中所有煮散剂,提取其中符合标准的煮散剂的颗粒大小、每服量、加水量、剩余水量、服药时间、服药温度、日服次数、是否去滓等逐一录入,建立《局方》煮散剂小儿组、成人组数据库,对所纳入数据进行统计分析。结果《局方》煮散剂主要以粗末和细末为主;小儿每服量约4 g,每克药加水约50 ml,小火煎至100 ml左右;成人每服量约8~12 g,每克药加水约25 ml,小火煎至150 ml左右;去滓,温服。结论煮散剂具有煎服方法简单、服用方便等优势,成人与小儿煎服法不同。 展开更多
关键词 太平惠民和剂局方 煮散剂 使用特点
Pollination interactions reveal direct costs and indirect benefits of plant-plant facilitation for ecosystem engineers
作者 Gianalberto Losapio Christian Schöb 《Journal of Plant Ecology》 SCIE CSCD 2020年第1期107-113,共7页
Aims Ecosystem engineers substantially modify the environment via their impact on abiotic conditions and the biota,resulting in facilitation of associated species that would not otherwise grow.Yet,reciprocal effects a... Aims Ecosystem engineers substantially modify the environment via their impact on abiotic conditions and the biota,resulting in facilitation of associated species that would not otherwise grow.Yet,reciprocal effects are poorly understood as studies of plant–plant interactions usually estimate only benefits for associated species,while how another trophic level may mediate direct and indirect feedback effects for ecosystem engineers is hardly considered.Methods We ran a field experiment with two ecosystem engineers(Arenaria tetraquetra and Hormathophylla spinosa)blooming either alone or with associated plants to decompose net effects and to test the hypothesis that pollinator-mediated interactions provide benefits that balance costs of facilitation by ecosystem engineers.Important Findings We found that net costs of facilitation are accompanied by pollinator-mediated benefits.Despite ecosystem engineers producing fewer flowers per plant,they were visited by more and more diverse pollinators per flower when blooming with associated plants than when blooming alone.Although seed production per plant was higher when ecosystem engineers bloomed alone,fruit set and seed set varied between species.In one case(A.tetraquetra),fruit and seed sets were negatively affected by the presence of associated plants,whereas,in another case(H.spinosa),fruit set and seed set were higher and unaffected when ecosystem engineers bloomed with associated plants,respectively.Our findings suggest that besides experiencing direct costs,ecosystem engineers can also benefit from facilitating other species via increasing their own visibility to pollinators.Thus,we highlight that pollination interactions can compensate for costs of facilitation depending on ecosystem engineer species.This study illuminates how the outcome of direct plant–plant interactions might be mediated by indirect interactions including third players. 展开更多
关键词 BIODIVERSITY COMMENSALISM ecosystem engineering MUTUALISM niche construction three-way interactions
Numerical Analysis of Electromagnetic Fields in Multiscale Model
作者 马骥 方广有 纪奕才 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第4期505-509,共5页
Modeling technique for electromagnetic fields excited by antennas is an important topic in computational electromagnetics, which is concerned with the numerical solution of Maxwell's equations. In this paper, a no... Modeling technique for electromagnetic fields excited by antennas is an important topic in computational electromagnetics, which is concerned with the numerical solution of Maxwell's equations. In this paper, a novel hybrid technique that combines method of moments(MoM) with finite-difference time-domain(FDTD) method is presented to handle the problem. This approach employed Huygen's principle to realize the hybridization of the two classical numerical algorithms. For wideband electromagnetic data, the interpolation scheme is used in the MoM based on the dyadic Green's function. On the other hand, with the help of equivalence principle, the scattered electric and magnetic fields on the Huygen's surface calculated by MoM are taken as the sources for FDTD. Therefore, the electromagnetic fields in the environment can be obtained by employing finite-difference time-domain method. Finally, numerical results show the validity of the proposed technique by analyzing two canonical samples. 展开更多
关键词 electromagnetic fields method of moments(Mo M) finite-difference time-domain(FDTD) hybrid technique
Global stability for multi-species Lotka-Volterra cooperative systems: One hyper-connected mutualistic-species
作者 Cruz Vargas-De-Leon 《International Journal of Biomathematics》 2015年第3期215-223,共9页
We propose two models of one hyper-connected mutualistic-species described by delay differential equations of Lotka-Volterra type. An hyper-connected model comprises a central species interacting with a number of peri... We propose two models of one hyper-connected mutualistic-species described by delay differential equations of Lotka-Volterra type. An hyper-connected model comprises a central species interacting with a number of peripheral species around it, that is to say, one animal species (pollinators or dispersers) that interacts with several plant species (flowering plants or fruit trees), or several animal species that interact with one plant species. We derive a necessary and sufficient condition for the global asymptotic stability of the unique coexisting steady state of hyper-connected systems by means of novel Lyapunov functionals. 展开更多
关键词 Lotka Volterra cooperative system discrete delays distributed delays Lyapunov functional global stability.
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