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浙江宁波市下王渡遗址方桥发掘区2017年发掘简报 被引量:4
作者 刘翀(整理) 李永宁 +5 位作者 王爱梅(整理) 刘汉兴 常璐 汪海伦(整理) 吴景军 刘科 《考古》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第9期3-16,2,共14页
下王渡遗址位于浙江省宁波市奉化区北端下王渡村。遗址区北为炎I江,东为东江,东北方向约1公里处为奉化江、剣江和东江的三江交汇处,地势平坦,海拔约2米(图一)。2016年底,为配合宁波市“宁波宁南贸易物流区”的建设,宁波市文物考古研究... 下王渡遗址位于浙江省宁波市奉化区北端下王渡村。遗址区北为炎I江,东为东江,东北方向约1公里处为奉化江、剣江和东江的三江交汇处,地势平坦,海拔约2米(图一)。2016年底,为配合宁波市“宁波宁南贸易物流区”的建设,宁波市文物考古研究所在下王渡村以东区域进行了考古勘探,发现了丰富的史前文化遗存堆积,并将其命名为下王渡遗址。 展开更多
关键词 浙江宁波市 下王渡遗址 方桥发掘区 河姆渡文化 良渚文化
浙江宁波奉化方桥上王遗址2018年发掘简报 被引量:1
作者 丁风雅 李永宁 +1 位作者 于柏川 王结华 《南方文物》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第1期36-45,共10页
上王遗址位于浙江省宁波市奉化区方桥街道上王村西南约500米处,海拔2米。西距四明山余脉甬山4.5千米,南距名山后遗址(1)5.3千米。这里处于低山丘陵与平原交汇地带,地势平坦,水系发达。源出大公岙的县江流经遗址东南,在遗址东部1.6千米... 上王遗址位于浙江省宁波市奉化区方桥街道上王村西南约500米处,海拔2米。西距四明山余脉甬山4.5千米,南距名山后遗址(1)5.3千米。这里处于低山丘陵与平原交汇地带,地势平坦,水系发达。源出大公岙的县江流经遗址东南,在遗址东部1.6千米处与东江交汇,再向北经方桥街道与剡江汇入奉化江(图一)。 展开更多
关键词 四明山 西距 奉化江 发掘简报 交汇地带 低山丘陵 方桥 浙江省宁波市
作者 方其军 谢向杰 《宁波通讯》 2016年第14期60-63,共4页
我要从辞典的字里行间出发,向我的嘴申请一个假期。——格巴尼《情诗》【注】一能把一件事做到极致的人,不是天赋异禀,就是万分刻苦,或者,就是既天赋异禀又万分刻苦。活跃于清末民初的竹编大师刘通山(1874—1933),是方桥竹篮匠人里的... 我要从辞典的字里行间出发,向我的嘴申请一个假期。——格巴尼《情诗》【注】一能把一件事做到极致的人,不是天赋异禀,就是万分刻苦,或者,就是既天赋异禀又万分刻苦。活跃于清末民初的竹编大师刘通山(1874—1933),是方桥竹篮匠人里的执牛耳者。据说,他出品的一只普通竹篮售价五六个银圆。 展开更多
关键词 方桥 执牛耳者 格巴尼 遗韵 考篮 东晋诗人 美器 浙东 民间收藏 裔孙
鲁迅与绍兴碑刻及镜铭文 被引量:1
作者 张能耿 《渭南师范学院学报》 1986年第2期16-21,15,共7页
鲁迅到北京后,曾对绍兴的碑刻进行过深入的研究,并写出了《会稽禹庙窆石考》和《南齐“吕超墓志”跋》等文章。成为鲁迅考古著作中的重要部分之一。 古城绍兴历史悠久,从越王勾践七年(公元前490年)在会稽山麓沼泽平原上,利用八个孤立小... 鲁迅到北京后,曾对绍兴的碑刻进行过深入的研究,并写出了《会稽禹庙窆石考》和《南齐“吕超墓志”跋》等文章。成为鲁迅考古著作中的重要部分之一。 古城绍兴历史悠久,从越王勾践七年(公元前490年)在会稽山麓沼泽平原上,利用八个孤立小丘建立山阴小城算起,也已有了二千四百多年历史。由于其历史的悠久,绍兴古代碑刻不少,当时较集中的有三处:绍兴府孔庙碑林、兰亭和禹陵。此外,还有下方桥石佛寺和柯岩的石刻造像,以及卧龙山、望仙桥、跳山等处的摩崖石刻。 展开更多
关键词 窆石 会稽 镜铭 望仙桥 龙瑞宫记 石刻造像 禹陵 摩崖石刻 方桥 柯岩
作者 饶会林 《城市》 1993年第1期45-45,共1页
关键词 登长城 天成寺 崖口 杯觥交错 悬阳 天涯共此时 长寿山 寿岩 方桥 一线天
作者 汪广生 《山东交通科技》 1989年第2期21-27,共7页
前言本州四国连络桥的尾道·今治线,由广岛县尾道市2号国道辅道起与至爱媛县今治市与196号国道辅道相连结。经过位于濑户内海上的广岛县内的向岛、因岛、生口岛,爱媛县内的大三岛、们方岛、大岛、马岛等大小岛屿及风光明媚的濑户,... 前言本州四国连络桥的尾道·今治线,由广岛县尾道市2号国道辅道起与至爱媛县今治市与196号国道辅道相连结。经过位于濑户内海上的广岛县内的向岛、因岛、生口岛,爱媛县内的大三岛、们方岛、大岛、马岛等大小岛屿及风光明媚的濑户,总长约60公里(图—1)。伯方大岛大桥是由伯方岛经过无人的小岛见近岛到大岛全长1230米的桥梁,如图—2所示。 展开更多
关键词 大桥施工 箱形梁 钢桥面板 今治 广岛县 爱媛 道辅 方桥 马岛 向岛
作者 张玉虎 《当代农机》 2017年第4期60-60,共1页
石碾(见图1)是用于碾脱谷壳、面粉及精米的加工农具,它由碾台、碾槽、碾磙、碾架等构成。石碾出现较晚,明代《物原》说:“鲁般(班)作砻磨碾子。”但目前未发现魏晋以前的考古实物,最早的实物是河南省安阳市安阳桥隋墓出土的陶碾。... 石碾(见图1)是用于碾脱谷壳、面粉及精米的加工农具,它由碾台、碾槽、碾磙、碾架等构成。石碾出现较晚,明代《物原》说:“鲁般(班)作砻磨碾子。”但目前未发现魏晋以前的考古实物,最早的实物是河南省安阳市安阳桥隋墓出土的陶碾。不过《魏书·崔亮传》中曾提到: 展开更多
关键词 石碾 安阳桥 方桥 崔亮 鲁般 谷水 碾磨 河南省安阳市 粮食加工 景明寺
个性品牌 名店风采——中冀斯巴鲁(北京)汽车销售有限公司
《汽车时代》 2005年第Z1期126-127,共2页
在北京城区东部、朝阳区五方桥和京沈高速公路交汇处,座落着一座颇具特色的汽车4S经销店,它就是中冀斯巴鲁(北京)汽车销售有限公司。该公司专营日本富士重工生产的世界著名品牌--巴鲁(SUBARU)汽车,并在去年6月建成了全国首家具备试车场... 在北京城区东部、朝阳区五方桥和京沈高速公路交汇处,座落着一座颇具特色的汽车4S经销店,它就是中冀斯巴鲁(北京)汽车销售有限公司。该公司专营日本富士重工生产的世界著名品牌--巴鲁(SUBARU)汽车,并在去年6月建成了全国首家具备试车场功能的"四位一体"旗舰店,该店占地30亩,建筑面积6000平米,这家集整车销售、维修。 展开更多
关键词 斯巴鲁 经销店 整车销售 配件供应 北京城区 方桥 日本富士 京沈高速公路 建筑设计 试车场
作者 邹伟宏 《小雪花(初中高分作文)》 2015年第5期35-37,共3页
[华章溢彩]桥之美(节选)吴冠中茅盾故乡乌镇的小河两岸都是密密的芦苇,真是密不透风,每当其间显现一座石桥时,仿佛发闷的苇丛做了一次深呼吸,透了一口舒畅的气。那拱桥的强劲的大弧线,或方桥的单纯的直线,都恰好与芦苇丛构成鲜明的对照... [华章溢彩]桥之美(节选)吴冠中茅盾故乡乌镇的小河两岸都是密密的芦苇,真是密不透风,每当其间显现一座石桥时,仿佛发闷的苇丛做了一次深呼吸,透了一口舒畅的气。那拱桥的强劲的大弧线,或方桥的单纯的直线,都恰好与芦苇丛构成鲜明的对照。早春天气,江南乡间石桥头细柳飘丝,那纤细的游丝拂着桥身坚硬的石块,即使碰不见晓风残月,也令画家销魂!湖水苍茫,水天一色。 展开更多
关键词 吴冠中 晓风残月 方桥 长江万里图 现代绘画 中国美术馆 东西方绘画 林间小道 梵高 美术创作
桥本方治疗桥本甲状腺炎临床观察 被引量:4
作者 陈文信 宋以宁 +5 位作者 王树刚 张超 张金梅 高龙 张霞 李红 《辽宁中医杂志》 CAS 2022年第5期70-74,共5页
目的以西药富希康为对照,评估益气养阴、调节免疫力的自拟方桥本方治疗桥本甲状腺炎的临床疗效。方法选择甲状腺功能[游离三碘甲状腺原氨酸(FT3)、游离甲状腺素(FT4)、促甲状腺激素(TSH)]正常且中医证属气阴两虚的桥本甲状腺炎患者74例... 目的以西药富希康为对照,评估益气养阴、调节免疫力的自拟方桥本方治疗桥本甲状腺炎的临床疗效。方法选择甲状腺功能[游离三碘甲状腺原氨酸(FT3)、游离甲状腺素(FT4)、促甲状腺激素(TSH)]正常且中医证属气阴两虚的桥本甲状腺炎患者74例,年龄18~70岁,随机分为试验组与对照组,每组患者各37例,试验组治疗予中药汤剂桥本方口服,对照组予富希康口服。观察两组治疗前后中医症状改善以及相关实验室指标[FT3、FT4、TSH、甲状腺球蛋白抗体(TGAb)、甲状腺过氧化物酶抗体(TPOAb)、干扰素-γ(IFN-γ)、肿瘤坏死因子(TNF-α)、白细胞介素2(IL-2)、白细胞介素10(IL-10)、白细胞介素6(IL-6)、白细胞介素8(IL-8)]的变化情况。结果(1)试验组治疗总有效率(71.43%,25/35)明显优于对照组(34.29%,12/35)(P<0.01)。(2)试验组可有效改善患者的各项中医证候。(3)试验组和对照组均可有效降低TGAb、TPOAb滴度,其中TGAb试验组优于对照组;TPOAb两组间比较,差异无统计学意义。(4)试验组和对照组均可降低IL-2水平,但两组间比较,差异无统计学意义;试验组可升高IL-8水平,降低IFN-γ、TNF-α水平,而对照组未见此变化,其中IL-8两组间比较差异有统计学意义,其余两组间比较,差异无统计学意义。结论益气养阴法可明显改善气阴两虚型桥本甲状腺炎患者的中医证候,显著降低TGAb、TPOAb滴度,值得临床进一步推广使用。 展开更多
关键词 桥本甲状腺炎 桥本方 气阴两虚 中医治疗
《宁波市人民政府公报》 2014年第15期17-19,共3页
甬政办发[2014]174号各县(市)区人民政府,市直及部省属驻甬各单位:《奉化江综合整治"千日攻坚"行动总体方案》已经市政府同意,现印发给你们,请结合各自职责,认真贯彻执行。奉化江综合整治"千日攻坚"行动总体方案一... 甬政办发[2014]174号各县(市)区人民政府,市直及部省属驻甬各单位:《奉化江综合整治"千日攻坚"行动总体方案》已经市政府同意,现印发给你们,请结合各自职责,认真贯彻执行。奉化江综合整治"千日攻坚"行动总体方案一、重要意义奉化江发源于奉化市溪口镇四明山大湾岗,流域面积2378平方公里,其中从方桥三江口至宁波三江口河道长为27.5公里,流经奉化市、鄞州区、江东区、海曙区等三区一市后汇入甬江,是我市重要的行洪排涝通道。 展开更多
关键词 奉化江 千日 综合整治 三江口 江东区 河道管理 海曙区 方桥 四明山 河长制
Self-expanding metallic stents drainage for acute proximal colon obstruction 被引量:30
作者 Li-Qin Yao Yun-Shi Zhong Mei-Dong Xu Jian-Min Xu Ping-Hong Zhou Xian-Li Cai 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第28期3342-3346,共5页
AIM: To clarify the usefulness of the self-expanding metallic stents (SEMS) in the management of acute proximal colon obstruction due to colon carcinoma before curative surgery.METHODS: Eighty-one colon (proximal to s... AIM: To clarify the usefulness of the self-expanding metallic stents (SEMS) in the management of acute proximal colon obstruction due to colon carcinoma before curative surgery.METHODS: Eighty-one colon (proximal to spleen flex) carcinoma patients (47 males and 34 females,aged 18-94 years,mean = 66.2 years) treated between September 2004 and June 2010 for acute colon obstruction were enrolled to this study,and their clinical and radiological features were reviewed.After a cleaning enema was administered,urgent colonoscopy was performed.Subsequently,endoscopic decompression using SEMS placement was attempted.RESULTS: Endoscopic decompression using SEMS placement was technically successful in 78 (96.3%) of 81 patients.Three patients’ symptoms could not be relieved after SEMS placement and emergent operation was performed 1 d later.The site of obstruction was transverse colon in 18 patients,the hepatic flex in 42,and the ascending colon in 21.Following adequate cleansing of the colon,patients’ abdominal girth was decreased from 88 ± 3 cm before drainage to 72 ± 6 cm 7 d later,and one-stage surgery after 8 ± 1 d (range,7-10 d) was performed.No anastomotic leakage or postoperative stenosis occurred after operation.CONCLUSION: SEMS placement is effective and safe in the management of acute proximal colon obstruction due to colon carcinoma,and is considered as a bridged method before curative surgery. 展开更多
关键词 ENDOSCOPE Proximal colon cancer OBSTRUCTION Self-expanding metallic stents Drainage
Simulation of Wave Impact on a Horizontal Deck Based on SPH Method 被引量:3
作者 孙家文 梁书秀 +1 位作者 孙昭晨 赵西增 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2010年第4期372-378,共7页
A numerical model was established for simulating wave impact on a horizontal deck by an improved incompressible smoothed particle hydrodynamics (ISPH). As a grid-less particle method, the ISPH method has been widely u... A numerical model was established for simulating wave impact on a horizontal deck by an improved incompressible smoothed particle hydrodynamics (ISPH). As a grid-less particle method, the ISPH method has been widely used in the free-surface hydrodynamic flows with good accuracy. The improvement includes the employment of a corrective function for enhancement of angular momentum conservation in a particle-based calculation and a new estimation method to predict the pressure on the horizontal deck. The simulation results show a good agreement with the experiment. The present numerical model can be used to study wave impact load on the horizontal deck. 展开更多
关键词 incompressible smoothed particle hydrodynamics (ISPH) wave impact kernel gradient correction
Design considerations for the improved current-doubler-rectifier ZVS PWM full-bridge converter
作者 王建冈 阮新波 陈乾宏 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2003年第3期256-263,共8页
The improved current-doubler-rectifier zero-voltage-switching PWM full-bridge converter (CDR ZVS PWM FB converter) achieves ZVS for the switches in a wide load range with the use of the energy stored in the output fil... The improved current-doubler-rectifier zero-voltage-switching PWM full-bridge converter (CDR ZVS PWM FB converter) achieves ZVS for the switches in a wide load range with the use of the energy stored in the output filter inductances, and the rectifier diodes commute naturally, therefore no oscillation and voltage spike occurs. The transformer needs no special manufacture method to limit the leakage inductance. The ZVS achievement and the design considerations for the output filter inductances and the blocking capacitor are discussed for the improved CDR ZVS PWM FB converter. A 540 W prototype converter is built in the lab to verify the operational principle and design considerations for the improved converter, the experimental results are also included. 展开更多
关键词 full-bridge converter ZERO-VOLTAGE-SWITCHING pulse-width-modulation current-doubler-rectifier
Prediction of bridge temperature field and its effect on behavior of bridge deflection based on ANN method 被引量:3
作者 WEN Jiwei CHEN Chen 《Global Geology》 2011年第4期249-253,共5页
In recent years, the bridge safety monitoring has been paid more attention in engineering field. How- ever, the financial and material resources as well as human resources were costly for the traditional monitoring me... In recent years, the bridge safety monitoring has been paid more attention in engineering field. How- ever, the financial and material resources as well as human resources were costly for the traditional monitoring means. Besides, the traditional means of monitoring were low in accuracy. From an engineering example, based on neural network method and historical data of the bridge monitoring to construct the BP neural network model with dual hidden layer strueture, the bridge temperature field and its effect on the behavior of bridge deflection are forecasted. The fact indicates that the predicted biggest error is 3.06% of the bridge temperature field and the bridge deflection behavior under temperature field affected is 2. 17% by the method of the BP neural net-work, which fully meet the precision requirements of the construction with practical value. 展开更多
关键词 neural network bridge temperature field deflection behavior PREDICTION
Damage Identification in Simply Supported Bridge Based on Rotational-Angle Influence Lines Method 被引量:11
作者 Yu Zhou Shengkui Di +2 位作者 Changsheng Xiang Wanrun Li Lixian Wang 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2018年第6期587-601,共15页
To locate and quantify local damage in a simply supported bridge, in this study, we derived a rotational-angle influence line equation of a simply supported beam model with local damage. Using the diagram multiplicati... To locate and quantify local damage in a simply supported bridge, in this study, we derived a rotational-angle influence line equation of a simply supported beam model with local damage. Using the diagram multiplication method, we introduce an analytical formula for a novel damage-identification indicator, namely the diff erence of rotational-angle influence linescurvature(DRAIL-C). If the initial stiff ness of the simply supported beam is known, the analytical formula can be effectively used to determine the extent of damage under certain circumstances. We determined the effectiveness and anti-noise performance of this new damage-identification method using numerical examples of a simply supported beam, a simply supported hollow-slab bridge, and a simply supported truss bridge. The results show that the DRAIL-C is directly proportional to the moving concentrated load and inversely proportional to the distance between the bridge support and the concentrated load and the distance between the damaged truss girder and the angle measuring points. The DRAIL-C indicator is more sensitive to the damage in a steel-truss-bridge bottom chord than it is to the other elements. 展开更多
关键词 Rotational-angle influence lines Damage identification Simply supported bridge Curvature. Moving load Anti-noise property
Spatiotemporal distribution characteristics of bridge deck runoff
作者 Geng Yanfen Ke Xing Zheng Xin 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2018年第4期517-523,共7页
The spatiotemporal characteristics of bridge deck runoff under a natural rainfall event are explored. The Taizhou Bridge is taken as a study case,and a hydrodynamic model based on the two-dimensional shallow water equ... The spatiotemporal characteristics of bridge deck runoff under a natural rainfall event are explored. The Taizhou Bridge is taken as a study case,and a hydrodynamic model based on the two-dimensional shallow water equations is used to analyze the runoff characteristics. The results indicate that the runoff velocity rate and depth are positively related to rainfall intensity,yet they have different response degrees to it. The inlet’s effect degree on lane water film has a positive relationship with rainfall intensity. A natural logarithm function( R^2= 0.706) can illustrate this relationship. However,the inlet’s effect degree on ponding at the curb shows a negative relationship with the rainfall intensity. A negative exponential function( R^2= 0.824) can reveal this relationship. With the decrease in the longitudinal slope SL,the ponding depth at the curb increases significantly at the bridge approach slab,whereas the lane water film thickness( WFT) is almost unchanged,but the lane WFT increases greatly at the location with the minimum longitudinal slope. It is concluded that the characteristics of the bridge deck runoff present apparent spatiotemporal differences,the inlet ’s effects on bridge deck runoff are quantitatively correlated with rainfall intensity, and the effective drainage measures are necessary for the bridge approach slab. 展开更多
关键词 two-dimensional shallow water equations bridge deck runoff spatiotemporal characteristics ponding depth water film thickness
Dynamic Deformation Monitoring for Long-Span Bridges under Construction and EMD De-noising Method
作者 Shengxiang Huang Chao Kang Wen Zhang 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2016年第7期853-859,共7页
Construction progress of long-span bridge is complicated and the quality control is strict. Any disadvantage during construction may potentially affect the internal forces and deck alignments after it is open to traff... Construction progress of long-span bridge is complicated and the quality control is strict. Any disadvantage during construction may potentially affect the internal forces and deck alignments after it is open to traffic. To exactly evaluate the periodic alignments, internal forces and safety, geometrical and physical monitoring are needed during construction. This study aims at the requirement of dynamic geometric monitoring during Sutong Bridge construction, and introduces the realization and observing schemes of the self-developed GPS real-time dynamic geometrical deformation monitoring system. Affected by wind load and construction circumstance, GPS (global positioning system) monitoring signal contains a variety of noise. And the useful signal can be extracted from the signal after de-noising the noises. A de-noising method based on EMD (empirical mode decomposition) model is introduced here to process the bridge dynamic monitoring data, and with the wavelet threshold de-noising method are compared. The result shows that the EMD method has good adaptability, is free from the choice of wavelet bases and the number of decomposition layer. The method is an effective de-noising method for dynamic deformation monitoring to large-span bridges. 展开更多
关键词 Long-span bridge construction period dynamic deformation monitoring empirical mode decomposition de-noising.
Response of train-bridge system under intensive seismic excitation by random vibration method 被引量:2
作者 WU Zhao-zhi ZHANG Nan 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第8期2467-2484,共18页
Earthquake is a kind of sudden and destructive random excitation in nature.It is significant to determine the probability distribution characteristics of the corresponding dynamic indicators to ensure the safety and t... Earthquake is a kind of sudden and destructive random excitation in nature.It is significant to determine the probability distribution characteristics of the corresponding dynamic indicators to ensure the safety and the stability of structures when the intensive seismic excitation,the intensity of which is larger than 7,acts in train-bridge system.Firstly,the motion equations of a two-dimensional train-bridge system under the vertical random excitation of track irregularity and the vertical seismic acceleration are established,where the train subsystem is composed of 8 mutually independent vehicle elements with 48 degrees of freedom,while the single-span simple supported bridge subsystem is composed of 102D beam elements with 20 degrees of freedom on beam and 2 large mass degrees of freedom at the support.Secondly,Monte Carlo method and pseudo excitation method are adopted to analyze the statistical parameters of the system.The power spectrum density of random excitation is used to define a series of non-stationary pseudo excitation in pseudo excitation method and the trigonometric series of random vibration history samples in Monte Carlo method,respectively solved by precise integral method and Newmark-βmethod through the inter-system iterative procedure.Finally,the results are compared with the case under the weak seismic excitation,and show that the samples of vertical acceleration response of bridge and the offload factor of train obeys the normal distribution.In a high probability,the intensive earthquakes pose a greater threat to the safety and stability of bridges and trains than the weak ones. 展开更多
关键词 random vibration method intensive seismic excitation train-bridge system probability distribution inter system iteration precise integral method
Research on the stiffening girder erection sequence of three-tower suspension bridge
作者 Zheng Runqing Luo Xiheng 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2012年第3期16-20,共5页
Compared to the conventional two-tower suspension bridge, the three-tower suspension bridge has obviously different characteristics in structural performance because of the extra middle tower and main span. The constr... Compared to the conventional two-tower suspension bridge, the three-tower suspension bridge has obviously different characteristics in structural performance because of the extra middle tower and main span. The construction sequence for the stiffening girder is significantly different between the three-tower suspension bridge and the two-tower suspension bridge. The tangential angle of the main cable is one of the controlling factors of the stiffening girder erection stage for a suspension bridge. According to 5 feasible cases for the stiffening girder erection scheme in Taizhou Bridge, the research about the tangential angle in each case mentioned above was made, and some factors that should be taken into account for the erection scheme of stiffening girder were pointed out. 展开更多
关键词 tangential angle of cable three-tower suspension bridge stiffening girder sequence of erection
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