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作者 杨应武 《研究生法学》 2023年第4期70-81,共12页
敏感个人信息具有高风险特性,用之不当极易造成“数据泄露”“大数据杀熟”等问题,进而损害个人人身、财产权益,故需法律予以特别保护。然当下“自上而下”立法所提供的特别保护存在知情同意规则失灵、行权维权不畅之问题。数据信托理... 敏感个人信息具有高风险特性,用之不当极易造成“数据泄露”“大数据杀熟”等问题,进而损害个人人身、财产权益,故需法律予以特别保护。然当下“自上而下”立法所提供的特别保护存在知情同意规则失灵、行权维权不畅之问题。数据信托理论倡导构建独立受托人机构,内嵌数字信任与公众参与机制,具有“集体行动”与“特别救济”特征,形成“自下而上”的第三方规制格局,契合敏感信息的特别规制逻辑。在敏感个人信息特别保护语境下,信息主体、信息处理者具有委托人资格、信托公司具有受托人资格,进而明确信息收集要求、数据信托设立形式及受托人责任。通过限定信托财产为个人信息财产权,厘清受托人的权利范围。受托人负担敏感信息保护的忠诚义务与谨慎义务,是构建“回应型”敏感个人信息治理结构的核心要素。 展开更多
关键词 数据信托 敏感个人信息 第三方规 信息信义义务
“第三方规制”:现在与未来 被引量:15
作者 刘亚平 游海疆 《宏观质量研究》 CSSCI 2017年第4期109-120,共12页
第三方规制作为私人治理的一种形式,正在发挥着日益重要的作用。本文尝试厘清什么是第三方规制及其相对于其他规制形式的优势。基于文献梳理,本文认为,第三方规制是相对于自由市场中买方与卖方之外的第三方,即独立于被规制企业(第一方)... 第三方规制作为私人治理的一种形式,正在发挥着日益重要的作用。本文尝试厘清什么是第三方规制及其相对于其他规制形式的优势。基于文献梳理,本文认为,第三方规制是相对于自由市场中买方与卖方之外的第三方,即独立于被规制企业(第一方)和顾客(第二方)的私人主体对企业行为的约束。第三方规制在资源、专业、信息和多样化方面具有优势,但在规制独立性、规制能力、责任性及规制成本方面则具有明显的不足。由于不再以公私治理为基本结构,第三方规制有潜力基于技术和价值引导而非公私主体固有的权限认识和职责分配,创造出一个新型的治理模式,这必然会使政府面临新的挑战。 展开更多
关键词 第三方规 公共治理 私人治理
当代西方规范伦理学的勃兴与承诺 被引量:3
作者 万俊人 《求索》 CSSCI 北大核心 1993年第1期33-39,共7页
本世纪60年代初以来,西方伦理学的发展出现了一个引人注目的理论转折:由英国著名伦理学家G·E·摩尔所发起的元伦理学之世纪性理论运动——以摩尔1903年发表的《伦理学原理》为标志——已开始走下坡路,而由美国当代伦理学巨擘约... 本世纪60年代初以来,西方伦理学的发展出现了一个引人注目的理论转折:由英国著名伦理学家G·E·摩尔所发起的元伦理学之世纪性理论运动——以摩尔1903年发表的《伦理学原理》为标志——已开始走下坡路,而由美国当代伦理学巨擘约翰·罗尔斯所领导的新规范伦理学运动——以其1970年发表的《正义论》鸿著为标志——则如日东升,这即是所谓传统规范伦理学的现代复归。对于这一重大理论现象,中外伦理学史家们给予了相应的关注和各种各样的解释。本文所要阐述的问题是,这一理论具体演进的过程特点、类型变化和现实承诺是什么?作为一股世纪末的伦理思潮,现代西方规范伦理学的发展前景又当如何?而作为中国伦理学学者,我们该如何对待和评价这一理论现象?抑或更确切地说,我们从中能够获得一些怎样的启示,以援补我国社会主义现代化伦理学的理论建设? 展开更多
关键词 规范伦理学 西方伦理学 当代西方 元伦理学 正义论 罗尔斯 传统规范 诺齐克 方规 价值规范
发挥国有商业银行作用 促进地方规模经济腾飞
作者 周和平 周业明 《金融纵横》 1996年第10期20-22,共3页
国有商业银行作为国民经济的重要调节点,推进国有企业的改革,应当抓住大中型企业这个重心,促进企业的战略性改组,支持企业规模化、集团化发展,培植发展规模经济。近几年来,扬州市的经济取得了长足的发展,初步形成了规模经济的格局,经济... 国有商业银行作为国民经济的重要调节点,推进国有企业的改革,应当抓住大中型企业这个重心,促进企业的战略性改组,支持企业规模化、集团化发展,培植发展规模经济。近几年来,扬州市的经济取得了长足的发展,初步形成了规模经济的格局,经济效益综合指数名列全省前茅。工商银行扬州分行作为服务于地方经济发展的主力军,在“八五”期间形成了支持扬州市工业规模经济的体系。 展开更多
关键词 方规 大中型企业 扬州市 国有商业银行 经济腾飞 规模经济 技改资金 发展规模 规模企业 货款
数据安全认证:个人信息保护的第三方规制 被引量:38
作者 刘权 《法学评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第1期118-130,共13页
契合"放管服"改革理念的数据安全认证,在数字时代整个规制法体系中必将占据日益重要的地位。数据安全认证通过声誉评价机制,可以引导、激励互联网企业守法合规经营,可以增强用户对中小微互联网企业和新兴数字产业的信任感,可... 契合"放管服"改革理念的数据安全认证,在数字时代整个规制法体系中必将占据日益重要的地位。数据安全认证通过声誉评价机制,可以引导、激励互联网企业守法合规经营,可以增强用户对中小微互联网企业和新兴数字产业的信任感,可以避免"一刀切"的政府规制,可以满足社会公众多元的数据安全需求。数据安全认证机构应具有高度的独立性与专业性,防止其被互联网企业"俘获"或成为政府的"附庸"。宜实行自愿为主、强制为辅的数据安全认证模式。认证程序应强调公正透明性,认证标准应注重评价企业数据合规的制度建设。根据过错责任原则,分别设置数据安全认证机构"相应的赔偿责任"或"连带责任",并加大对数据安全认证违法行为的公法责任追究。科学构建法治化的数据安全认证体制机制,不仅是保障数据安全的现实需要,而且是弥补数字时代政府规制缺陷的迫切需求。 展开更多
关键词 数据安全认证 个人信息保护 第三方规 “放管服”改革
作者 刘世勇 《法学杂志》 CSSCI 1999年第2期24-24,共1页
以《行政处罚法》为标准,地方规章设定除警告或者一定数量罚款以外的行政处罚,即为越权设定行政处罚。《行政处罚法》的这一规定,是治理乱处罚的重大举措。但这一规定,并没有触及地方规章越权设定行政处罚的问题。地方规章越权设定... 以《行政处罚法》为标准,地方规章设定除警告或者一定数量罚款以外的行政处罚,即为越权设定行政处罚。《行政处罚法》的这一规定,是治理乱处罚的重大举措。但这一规定,并没有触及地方规章越权设定行政处罚的问题。地方规章越权设定行政处罚主要有三种情况:第一,一些... 展开更多
关键词 行政处罚法 上位法 行政法规 立法法 行政法律责任 方规 禁止性规范 法律规范 实施性 下位法
Homo-urbanicus and Human-centered Planning
作者 Hok-Lin Leung 《国际大都市发展研究(中英文)》 2024年第1期43-52,共10页
Homo-urbanicus is a planning concept which treats a human being as a rational animal with distinct material,social and intellectual characteristics,and a human settlement as a space in which human beings seek and offe... Homo-urbanicus is a planning concept which treats a human being as a rational animal with distinct material,social and intellectual characteristics,and a human settlement as a space in which human beings seek and offer opportunities for connection.Human-centered planning is the application of classical Natural Law(balance between self-preservation and mutual preservation)to the matching of human needs and human settlements. 展开更多
关键词 Planning theory Homo-urbanicus Natural law East-west cultural comparison
迈向第三方风险规制:安全生产责任保险的功能转型与制度完善 被引量:1
作者 赵艺绚 林鸿潮 《行政管理改革》 北大核心 2023年第11期62-71,共10页
传统强制责任保险偏重事后救济,风险规制功能有限。安全生产责任保险创造性地引入第三方规制模式,实现了从事后救济为主到风险规制为主的功能转变,为强制责任保险的转型提供了新思路。安全生产责任保险在实际运行中,可能面临定位难以把... 传统强制责任保险偏重事后救济,风险规制功能有限。安全生产责任保险创造性地引入第三方规制模式,实现了从事后救济为主到风险规制为主的功能转变,为强制责任保险的转型提供了新思路。安全生产责任保险在实际运行中,可能面临定位难以把握、投保企业消极响应、专业服务机构道德风险升高、责任分担机制不明等问题,导致其对公共风险的第三方规制效果受限。对此,应当完善风险等级评估和费率浮动机制,建立“保险机构—投保企业”双向激励机制,完善专业服务机构选择和监管机制,完善责任分配机制。在此基础上,安全生产责任保险的成功经验有望为其他强制责任保险的转型提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 安全生产责任保险 强制责任保险 风险 第三方规
规律冲突论纲 被引量:1
作者 许玉乾 《青海社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 1991年第6期49-52,共4页
人类自诞生以来,就一直在进行着改造客观世界的物质实践活动。人们要想有效地改造世界,即使自己的实践活动获得成功,就必须使自己的实践遵循客观事物的规律。此即所谓按客观规律办事。如果人们的实践活动违背了事物发展的客观规律,他们... 人类自诞生以来,就一直在进行着改造客观世界的物质实践活动。人们要想有效地改造世界,即使自己的实践活动获得成功,就必须使自己的实践遵循客观事物的规律。此即所谓按客观规律办事。如果人们的实践活动违背了事物发展的客观规律,他们便会受到规律的惩罚,即他们的实践活动将遭致失败。由此,“必须按照客观规律办事” 展开更多
关键词 冲突论 实践活动 客观规律 客体中心 有机体 方规 思维规律 生产的无政府状态 中心论 价值规律
Coherence cube enhancement based on local histogram specification 被引量:6
作者 王季 陆文凯 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第3期249-256,293,共9页
Coherence analysis is a powerful tool in seismic interpretation for imaging geological discontinuities such as faults and fractures. However, subtle faults or fractures of one stratum are difficult to be distinguished... Coherence analysis is a powerful tool in seismic interpretation for imaging geological discontinuities such as faults and fractures. However, subtle faults or fractures of one stratum are difficult to be distinguished on coherence sections (time slices or profiles) due to interferences from adjacent strata, especially these with strong reflectivity. In this paper, we propose a coherence enhancement method which applies local histogram specification (LHS) techniques to enhance subtle faults or fractures in the coherence cubes. Unlike the traditional histogram specification (HS) algorithm, our method processes 3D coherence data without discretization. This method partitions a coherence cube into many sub-blocks and self-adaptively specifies the target distribution in each block based on the whole distribution of the coherence cube. Furthermore, the neighboring blocks are partially overlapped to reduce the edge effect. Applications to real datasets show that the new method enhances the details of subtle faults and fractures noticeably. 展开更多
关键词 coherence cube histogram specification small fault seismic interpretation
作者 沈春林 刘国刚 +1 位作者 吴文海 李丽荣 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2002年第2期118-122,共5页
The principle of direct method used in optimal control problem is introduced. Details of applying this method to flight trajectory generation are presented including calculation of velocity and controls histories. And... The principle of direct method used in optimal control problem is introduced. Details of applying this method to flight trajectory generation are presented including calculation of velocity and controls histories. And capabilities of flight and propulsion systems are considered also. Combined with digital terrain map technique, the direct method is applied to the three dimensional trajectory optimization for low altitude penetration, and simplex algorithm is used to solve the parameters in optimization. For the small number of parameters, the trajectory can be optimized in real time on board. 展开更多
关键词 direct optimization method trajectory optimization low altitude penetration simplex algorithm
*-normal Functions on the Plane 被引量:1
作者 常建明 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 2001年第4期55-60,共6页
We introduce a new class of meromorphic functions on the plane, *_ normal functions say, their properties are very similarly as the normal functions in the unit disk and give three necessary conditions in judging it... We introduce a new class of meromorphic functions on the plane, *_ normal functions say, their properties are very similarly as the normal functions in the unit disk and give three necessary conditions in judging it. Further we prove that each Julia exceptional function is *_normal and that there exists a *_normal function which has Julia aline. 展开更多
关键词 meromorphic function normal function *_normal function
作者 吴先宁 《团结》 1999年第2期12-15,共4页
记者:1999年3月15日,第九届全国人大第二次会议通过了《中华人民共和国宪法修正案》,其中一项重要内容是,把“中华人民共和国实行依法治国,建设社会主义法治国家”庄严地载入国家的根本大法。作为长期从事法学的教学和科研的教授,作为... 记者:1999年3月15日,第九届全国人大第二次会议通过了《中华人民共和国宪法修正案》,其中一项重要内容是,把“中华人民共和国实行依法治国,建设社会主义法治国家”庄严地载入国家的根本大法。作为长期从事法学的教学和科研的教授,作为参加过国家多部法律的起草和讨论的法律专家,您对此有何评论? 展开更多
关键词 “依法治国” 法学 “法” 方规 教授 建设社会主义法治国家 宪法 行政法规 权力机关 法律
《当代护士(中旬刊)》 1996年第6期19-19,共1页
关键词 护理学院 澳大利亚 学士学位 在职护士 南澳 澳洲大学 护理课程 国际承认 方规 招生简章
Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics Subject to the Anomalous Langevin Equation in Liouville Space 被引量:2
作者 邢修三 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 1994年第2期131-143,共13页
Considering that thermodynarmic irreversibility and hydrodynamic equations can not be derived rigorously and unifiedly from the Liouville equations, the anomalous Langevin equation in the Liouville space is proposed a... Considering that thermodynarmic irreversibility and hydrodynamic equations can not be derived rigorously and unifiedly from the Liouville equations, the anomalous Langevin equation in the Liouville space is proposed as a fundamental equation of statistical physics. This equation reflects that the law of motion of particles obeying reversible, deterministic laws in dynamics becomes irreversible and stochastic in thermodynamics. From this the fundamental equations of nonequilibrium thermodynamics, the principle of entropy increase and the theorem of minimum entropy production have been derived. The hydrodynamic equations, such as the generalized Navier-Stokes equation and the mass drift-diffusion equation etc. have been derived rigorously from the kinetic kinetic equation which is reduced from the anomalous Langevin equation in Liouville space. All these are unified and self consistent. But it is difficult to prove that entropy production density σ can never be negative everywhere for all the isolated inhomogeneous systems far from equilibrium. 展开更多
关键词 statistical physics stochastic equation Navier-Stokes equation/anomalous Langevin equation in Liouville space IRREVERSIBILITY stochastic law hydrodynamic equation
Precise Calculation System of Total Mix Ration for Lactating Cow 被引量:1
作者 杨亮 熊本海 +1 位作者 罗清尧 杨琴 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第12期2569-2576,共8页
[Objective] The paper was to precisely predict nutrient requirements and optimize ration formula, and explore the inherent feature of ration optimization of dairy cow. [Method] Based on cornell net carbohydrate and pr... [Objective] The paper was to precisely predict nutrient requirements and optimize ration formula, and explore the inherent feature of ration optimization of dairy cow. [Method] Based on cornell net carbohydrate and protein system (CNCPS) with integrating dynamic prediction models on main nutrient requirements of dairy cattle recommended by NRC (2001) and the CNCPS parameter database accumu- lated by Chinese feed database, the ration nutrient requirement dynamic calculation and total mixed ration (TMR) formula optimizing system for Holstein dairy cow was developed using FOXPRO database system and parametric linear programming algo- rithm. [Result] By optimizing a specific cow ration and analyzing its completed nutri- ents, the results showed that this system could entirely consider a lots of nutrient balances, such as concentrate fraction and forage fraction balance, rumen degrad- able protein and rumen undergradable protein balance, crude protein and lactation net energy balance, fibrous substances (ADF, NDF) and non-fiber carbohydrates (NFC) balance, calcium and phosphate balance, electrolytes balance and trace ele- ment balance etc., and could also calculate intestinal amino acid flow in terms of different models. [Conclusion] By using dynamic mathematical equations and comput- erized program, it can be realized for the ration formula design of lactating cow with all-round interoperable but mutual-constraining each other among ration nutrients. 展开更多
关键词 Holstein dairy cattle Total mixed diet Formula model Metabolic protein Linear programming
Identification of abnormal movement state and avoidance strategy for mobile robots 被引量:2
作者 蔡自兴 段琢华 +1 位作者 章慧团 于金霞 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 EI 2006年第6期683-688,共6页
Abnormal movement states for a mobile robot were identified by four multi-layer perceptron. In the presence ot abnormality, avoidance strategies were designed to guarantee the safety of the robot. Firstly, the kinemat... Abnormal movement states for a mobile robot were identified by four multi-layer perceptron. In the presence ot abnormality, avoidance strategies were designed to guarantee the safety of the robot. Firstly, the kinematics of the normal and abnormal movement states were exploited, 8 kinds of features were extracted. Secondly, 4 multi-layer pereeptrons were employed to classify the features for four 4-driving wheels into 4 kinds of states, i.e. normal, blocked, deadly blocked, and slipping. Finally, avoidance strategies were designed based on this. Experiment results show that the methods can identify most abnormal movement states and avoid the abnormality correctly and timely. 展开更多
关键词 mobile robot abnormal movement state avoidance strategy
RANSE Simulation of High-speed Planning Craft in Regular Waves 被引量:13
作者 Shuo Wang Yumin Su +1 位作者 Xi Zhang Jinglei Yang 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2012年第4期447-452,共6页
This paper presents a study on the numerical simulation of planing crafts sailing in regular waves. This allows an accurate estimate of the seas keeping performance of the high speed craft. The simulation set in six-d... This paper presents a study on the numerical simulation of planing crafts sailing in regular waves. This allows an accurate estimate of the seas keeping performance of the high speed craft. The simulation set in six-degree of freedom motions is based on the Reynolds averaged Navier Stokes equations volume of fluid (RANSE VOF) solver. The trimming mesh technique and integral dynamic mesh method are used to guarantee the good accuracy of the hydrodynamic force and high efficiency of the numerical simulation. Incident head waves, oblique waves and beam waves are generated in the simulation with three different velocities (Fn =1.0, 1.5, 2.0). The motions and sea keeping performance of the planing craft with waves coming from different directions are indicated in the flow solver. The ship designer placed an emphasis on the effects of waves on sailing amplitude and pressure distribution of planing craft in the configuration of building high speed crafts. 展开更多
关键词 planing craft RANSE VOF solver high-speed planning craft hydrodynamic performance regular waves
The Design of Water-reusing Network with a Hybrid Structure Through Mathematical Programming 被引量:4
作者 刘永忠 段海涛 冯霄 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2008年第1期1-10,共10页
A new design method for a water-reusing network, with a hybrid structure, to reduce the complexity of the network and to minimize freshwater consumption, is proposed. The unique feature of the methodology proposed .i... A new design method for a water-reusing network, with a hybrid structure, to reduce the complexity of the network and to minimize freshwater consumption, is proposed. The unique feature of the methodology proposed .in this article is to control the complexity of the water network by regulation of the control number in a water-reusing system. It combines the advantages of a conventional water-reusing network and a water-reusing net work with internal water mains. To illustrate the proposed method, a single contaminant system and a multiple contaminant system serve as examples of the problems. 展开更多
关键词 water-reusing network internal water main hybrid structure OPTIMIZATION
Modified Augmented Lagrange Multiplier Methods for Large-Scale Chemical Process Optimization 被引量:6
作者 梁昔明 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2001年第2期167-172,共6页
Chemical process optimization can be described as large-scale nonlinear constrained minimization. The modified augmented Lagrange multiplier methods (MALMM) for large-scale nonlinear constrained minimization are studi... Chemical process optimization can be described as large-scale nonlinear constrained minimization. The modified augmented Lagrange multiplier methods (MALMM) for large-scale nonlinear constrained minimization are studied in this paper. The Lagrange function contains the penalty terms on equality and inequality constraints and the methods can be applied to solve a series of bound constrained sub-problems instead of a series of unconstrained sub-problems. The steps of the methods are examined in full detail. Numerical experiments are made for a variety of problems, from small to very large-scale, which show the stability and effectiveness of the methods in large-scale problems. 展开更多
关键词 modified augmented Lagrange multiplier methods chemical engineering optimization large-scale non- linear constrained minimization numerical experiment
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