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中国粮食生产化肥施用效率分析——基于随机前沿生产函数 被引量:21
作者 刘德伟 李强 宋孝航 《资源开发与市场》 CAS CSSCI 2017年第4期401-407,共7页
我国约有13.8亿人口,确保粮食安全已成为我国重要的政策之一。化肥施用对增加粮食产量发挥了不可替代的作用,但却造成了严重的面源污染。2015年农业部提出《化肥零增长行动方案》,该政策是否会影响中国的粮食安全?采用CD随机前沿生产函... 我国约有13.8亿人口,确保粮食安全已成为我国重要的政策之一。化肥施用对增加粮食产量发挥了不可替代的作用,但却造成了严重的面源污染。2015年农业部提出《化肥零增长行动方案》,该政策是否会影响中国的粮食安全?采用CD随机前沿生产函数(SFA),对农业生产效率和化肥投入的单一要素技术效率进行估计。结果表明:我国农业生产中存在无效率,平均生产效率为0.894,化肥投入的技术效率低于生产效率,只有0.603,说明我国在化肥施用方面还存在很大的节约空间。通过合理施用化肥、提高化肥施用技术,可在保障粮食安全的前提下达到减少化肥用量的目的,实现粮食生产的可持续发展。探求合理利用化肥施用技术和方法将是下一步研究的重点问题。 展开更多
关键词 粮食安全 化肥施用效率 随机生产前沿
农业化肥施用效率及其提升效应与路径:以江苏稻谷种植为例 被引量:3
作者 王善高 毛瑜炜 +1 位作者 刘余 雷昊 《贵州农业科学》 CAS 2018年第10期150-155,共6页
为国家农业化肥"减量化"政策的制定提供参考,以江苏稻谷种植为例,基于随机前沿生产函数测算2004-2016年江苏稻谷生产的化肥施用效率,并探讨化肥施用效率与种植规模之间的关系,在此基础上考察农业化肥施用效率的提升效应与提... 为国家农业化肥"减量化"政策的制定提供参考,以江苏稻谷种植为例,基于随机前沿生产函数测算2004-2016年江苏稻谷生产的化肥施用效率,并探讨化肥施用效率与种植规模之间的关系,在此基础上考察农业化肥施用效率的提升效应与提升路径。结果表明:1)江苏稻谷生产的化肥施用效率为0.77,苏南、苏中和苏北稻谷生产的化肥施用效率差异较小,随着时间变化,苏南地区的化肥施用效率呈递减趋势,苏中和苏北地区呈略微增加趋势。2)稻谷生产的化肥施用效率和规模之间呈"倒U形"关系,且种植规模在3.33~6.67hm^2时化肥施用效率最高。3)如果能够有效消除化肥施用效率损失,在保持稻谷产出和其他要素投入不变的情况下,稻谷生产化肥施用折纯量平均可以减少7.54kg/667m^2。其中,徐州、扬州、淮安、宿迁和连云港等稻谷产量较多的地区化肥潜在削减量较大。4)稻谷种植规模、家庭农业决策者年龄、化肥价格、稻谷生产补贴等对化肥施用效率均有显著正向影响。 展开更多
关键词 化肥施用效率 提升效应 提升路径 随机前沿分析
我国农业生产中化肥施用效率的时空变化与提升途径研究 被引量:7
作者 王善高 刘余 +1 位作者 田旭 严斌剑 《环境经济研究》 2017年第3期101-114,共14页
本文采用随机前沿生产函数,测算了我国农业化肥施用效率,并从时间和空间两个维度计算了在产出和其他投入不变时,农业化肥的削减潜能。在此基础上,采用Tobit模型考察了提高农业化肥施用效率的途径。主要结论有:当前我国农业化肥施用效率... 本文采用随机前沿生产函数,测算了我国农业化肥施用效率,并从时间和空间两个维度计算了在产出和其他投入不变时,农业化肥的削减潜能。在此基础上,采用Tobit模型考察了提高农业化肥施用效率的途径。主要结论有:当前我国农业化肥施用效率仍有较大的提升空间;农业化肥施用效率地区间差异明显,呈现出东北、中部、西部、东部依次递减的格局,而且各地区的农业化肥施用效率均呈现出递减趋势;如果能够消除化肥施用效率损失,在保持产出与其他投入不变的情况下,我国化肥施用潜在削减量较大,其中,山东、河南、安徽、江苏和广西等粮食主产省的潜在削减总量最大。根据本文的研究结果,实现化肥减量化目标可以采取以下措施:适当提高化肥价格,促进化肥品质提升;进一步深化规模化种植,以获取更多的农业收益;加强农业基础设施建设,以能更好的实现化肥的肥效,减少肥力流失。 展开更多
关键词 化肥施用效率 化肥削减潜能 随机前沿分析
设施蔬菜种植户的化肥施用效率及其影响因素研究 被引量:4
作者 花文元 李宁辉 罗良国 《中国农学通报》 2021年第23期144-150,共7页
农户化肥施用量的快速增加不仅降低了化肥施用效率,同时造成了一系列的环境问题。通过明晰农户化肥施用效率和其影响因素,为今后政府制定相关政策引导农民合理施肥,减轻日益突出的农业面源污染借鉴与参考。基于辽宁、山东两省的113份设... 农户化肥施用量的快速增加不仅降低了化肥施用效率,同时造成了一系列的环境问题。通过明晰农户化肥施用效率和其影响因素,为今后政府制定相关政策引导农民合理施肥,减轻日益突出的农业面源污染借鉴与参考。基于辽宁、山东两省的113份设施蔬菜种植户调研数据,运用随机前沿分析模型,测度了调研地区设施蔬菜种植户的生产技术效率及化肥施用效率,并分析了农户化肥施用效率的影响因素。结果表明:调研地区大部分农户蔬菜种植技术效率介于60%和70%之间,而其化肥施用效率值介于10%和30%之间;农户是否参与技术培训与化肥施用效率间存在显著的正向关系,农户参与技术培训能够使其化肥施用效率提高8.6%,此外,农户受教育水平、是否具有正确的环保认知也与其化肥施用效率存在显著的正向关系。要进一步加强提高施肥效果的适用方法与技术的研究和实践推广,对种植户进行技术培训及有效的农业知识信息传递。 展开更多
关键词 化肥施用效率 生产技术效率 影响因素 随机前沿分析
作者 冯探 王朋朋 《贵州农业科学》 CAS 2016年第3期76-82,共7页
为提高农产品质量安全水平,利用2002-2012年我国省际面板数据,采用随机前沿生产函数分析技术,研究我国各地区农药施用效率,并进行区域比较与影响因素分析。结果表明:1)东、中、西部地区农药施用效率整体上呈上升趋势,东部明显高于中部... 为提高农产品质量安全水平,利用2002-2012年我国省际面板数据,采用随机前沿生产函数分析技术,研究我国各地区农药施用效率,并进行区域比较与影响因素分析。结果表明:1)东、中、西部地区农药施用效率整体上呈上升趋势,东部明显高于中部和西部,2002-2006年中、西部差别较小,而2007-2012年西部明显高于中部并形成差距;东部各地区间农药施用效率差距随着时间的推移逐渐减小,而西部各地区间差距以2007年为临界年呈先扩大再缩小的变化趋势,中部各地区间差距总体较小。2)农村居民知识文化水平、参与技术培训比例、农产品商品率及农产品价格对农药施用效率的正向作用显著,农村居民家庭收入结构却抑制农药施用效率的提高,药械覆盖率的作用尚未显现。提出了加大农民技术培训力度和积极推进农业产业化、规模化生产等针对性的政策建议。 展开更多
关键词 农产品质量安全 农药施用效率 区域差异 影响因素 随机前沿
荔枝种植户存在最优生产规模吗?——基于化肥施用技术效率视角 被引量:2
作者 齐文娥 宋凤仙 李胜文 《中国南方果树》 北大核心 2021年第4期189-196,共8页
中国农业发展面临资源约束和生产率不高的问题。基于乡村振兴发展战略,需讨论土地规模与生产效率之间的关系。本文以荔枝主产区广东、广西的392个农户调研数据为样本,以随机前沿函数模型和门槛效应模型来估算化肥施用技术效率和衡量荔... 中国农业发展面临资源约束和生产率不高的问题。基于乡村振兴发展战略,需讨论土地规模与生产效率之间的关系。本文以荔枝主产区广东、广西的392个农户调研数据为样本,以随机前沿函数模型和门槛效应模型来估算化肥施用技术效率和衡量荔枝种植规模与化肥施用技术效率是否存在拐点,用多元函数模型进一步证实荔枝种植规模与化肥施用技术效率之间的关系。结果表明,荔枝种植户化肥施用技术效率为35.78%,荔枝种植户通过相互学习,合理利用现代化科技来提高化肥施用技术效率。门槛模型存在单门槛值,荔枝种植规模与化肥施用技术效率之间呈倒“U”型,荔枝种植户存在最优生产规模,荔枝种植户应该根据自身情况进行规模化生产。 展开更多
关键词 荔枝 化肥施用效率 随机前沿模型 门槛效应模型
耕地细碎化、耕地质量认知与化肥施用效率——基于湖北省水稻种植户的调查数据 被引量:10
作者 蔡啸宇 张俊飚 王璇 《农业现代化研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第5期869-879,共11页
在中国倡导农业农村绿色发展的大背景下,化肥投入的政策导向逐渐由增量增产转变为减量增效,如何提高化肥施用效率成为当前重点关注的问题。本文依据湖北省水稻种植户微观调查数据,运用随机前沿法测算水稻种植户化肥施用效率,并在此基础... 在中国倡导农业农村绿色发展的大背景下,化肥投入的政策导向逐渐由增量增产转变为减量增效,如何提高化肥施用效率成为当前重点关注的问题。本文依据湖北省水稻种植户微观调查数据,运用随机前沿法测算水稻种植户化肥施用效率,并在此基础上运用CLAD模型进一步分析耕地细碎化程度与耕地质量认知对化肥施用效率的影响。结果表明:当前水稻种植户化肥施用效率仅为63.85%,若完全消除效率损失,化肥施用效率仍有36.15%的提升空间;耕地细碎化程度显著降低了化肥施用效率,可能与农户的避险行为有关;耕地质量认知显著促进了化肥施用效率提升,说明农户对耕地质量的科学认识能够改善化肥施用效率。因此,提出加快耕地整合与耕地连片经营法律法规建设,加速耕地细碎化治理经验与创新结合,加强引导农户对化肥施用的正确认知,推行科学种植生产模式以提升化肥施用效率的政策建议。 展开更多
关键词 耕地细碎化 耕地质量 化肥施用效率 随机前沿法 CLAD模型
鲜食葡萄化肥施用技术效率测算及空间特征分析 被引量:1
作者 唐红 冯建英 +2 位作者 张雪洁 竹海文 穆维松 《中国果树》 北大核心 2019年第1期37-41,共5页
为了定量测算我国鲜食葡萄生产中的化肥施用技术效率并探索其空间特征,首先构建了基于随机前沿分析的化肥施用技术效率测算模型和基于空间自相关的化肥施用技术效率空间特征分析方法,通过葡萄种植户的生产记录获得了连续5年的生产数据,... 为了定量测算我国鲜食葡萄生产中的化肥施用技术效率并探索其空间特征,首先构建了基于随机前沿分析的化肥施用技术效率测算模型和基于空间自相关的化肥施用技术效率空间特征分析方法,通过葡萄种植户的生产记录获得了连续5年的生产数据,并对不同栽培模式下葡萄生产的化肥施用技术效率进行了实证测算。研究结果显示:2011—2015年我国鲜食葡萄化肥施用技术效率分别为0.332、0.382、0.349、0.361、0.336,年度间变化幅度不大;露地栽培与设施栽培的5年化肥施用技术平均效率分别为0.390、0.313;新疆、山东、四川、云南、湖北等地的露地葡萄和设施葡萄2种栽培方式的化肥施用技术效率都相对较高;全局空间自相关分析通过了显著性检验且全局Moran’s I指数大于0。总体来看,我国鲜食葡萄生产的化肥施用技术效率不高,且近5年来没有明显提高趋势,露地栽培的化肥施用技术效率略高于设施栽培,各地化肥施用技术效率呈现正的空间相关性且呈现区域聚集特征,这启示我们应结合不同种植区和不同栽培模式的实际情况,优化化肥投入、提高化肥施用技术效率。 展开更多
关键词 鲜食葡萄 化肥施用技术效率 随机前沿分析 空间自相关 空间特征
农药雾滴在作物上的沉积量和其分布规律的研究概述 被引量:17
作者 王穗 彭尔瑞 +4 位作者 吴国星 张天顺 张建生 张川 余杨 《云南农业大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第1期113-117,共5页
农药雾滴的沉积量和其分布规律与农药喷雾的施用效率有着紧密的联系,对农药雾滴的沉积量和其分布规律进行研究,有助于减少农药污染和农作物农药残留量。阐述了农药雾滴的沉积量和其分布规律研究的意义?国内外此项研究的现状以及通常采... 农药雾滴的沉积量和其分布规律与农药喷雾的施用效率有着紧密的联系,对农药雾滴的沉积量和其分布规律进行研究,有助于减少农药污染和农作物农药残留量。阐述了农药雾滴的沉积量和其分布规律研究的意义?国内外此项研究的现状以及通常采用的研究方法,为进一步开展此项研究指明了方向。 展开更多
关键词 农药雾滴沉积量 农药雾液的其分布规律 农药施用效率 农药污染 农药残留量
植物叶面农药雾滴蒸发时间研究在我国的应用 被引量:8
作者 王穗 彭尔瑞 +4 位作者 吴国星 张天顺 时玲 张川 余杨 《广东农业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第11期104-107,共4页
病虫害防治效果的决定因素之一是叶面对药液吸收速度的快慢。作物叶子表面的微观构造不同,对农药药液的吸收速度也不同。而雾滴在叶面上蒸发时间的长短,会改变叶子对药液的吸收量和吸收速度,从而影响农药施用效率。介绍了近期国内外农... 病虫害防治效果的决定因素之一是叶面对药液吸收速度的快慢。作物叶子表面的微观构造不同,对农药药液的吸收速度也不同。而雾滴在叶面上蒸发时间的长短,会改变叶子对药液的吸收量和吸收速度,从而影响农药施用效率。介绍了近期国内外农药雾滴在植物叶面上蒸发时间的研究方法,包括雾滴蒸发过程测试系统的建立﹑试验设计方法和数据图片的处理方法等,为提高农药施用效率指明了方向。 展开更多
关键词 农药雾滴 蒸发时间 施用效率 微观构造 吸收速度
长江经济带测土配方施肥技术效果及其改进——基于滇、鄂、苏三省水稻种植的实证分析 被引量:16
作者 张露 梁志会 普雁翔 《华中农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第3期30-42,共13页
基于长江经济带所属云南、湖北和江苏3省的农户调查数据,运用Trans-log形式随机前沿生产函数测算了水稻种植户的化肥施用效率,进而利用Tobit模型估计了农户采用测土配方施肥技术对其水稻化肥施用效率的影响。研究结果显示:在其他条件不... 基于长江经济带所属云南、湖北和江苏3省的农户调查数据,运用Trans-log形式随机前沿生产函数测算了水稻种植户的化肥施用效率,进而利用Tobit模型估计了农户采用测土配方施肥技术对其水稻化肥施用效率的影响。研究结果显示:在其他条件不变的情况下,长江经济带的水稻化肥施用效率仍存在31.5%的改进潜力,长江上游地区(云南)的水稻化肥施用效率低于长江中游地区(湖北)和长江下游地区(江苏);长江经济带的水稻化肥施用效率要低于水稻生产技术效率,说明现阶段减少化肥用量不仅不会导致水稻产量下降,反而有助于提高化肥施用效率;农户采纳测土配方施肥技术显著提高了水稻化肥施用效率,但对于化肥施用效率处于较高水平的农户,测土配方施肥技术对化肥施用效率的提升作用有所减弱。研究结果表明,通过高标准基本农田建设促成土地连片化经营能够提高测土配方施肥技术对化肥施用效率的改进作用。 展开更多
关键词 长江经济带 化肥施用效率 农业要素利用率 测土配方施肥技术 高标准农田建设 农业面源污染 磷污染 绿色发展
Variation of Nitrogen Uptake and Utilization Efficiency of Mid-Season Hybrid Rice at Different Ecological Sites under Different Nitrogen Application Levels 被引量:3
作者 徐富贤 熊洪 +4 位作者 张林 郭晓艺 朱永川 周兴兵 刘茂 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第7期1001-1009,1012,共10页
[Objective] The study aimed at investigating the effects of different geographic sites,soil chemical characteristics and nitrogen application levels on nitrogen accumulation and distribution in different organs and ut... [Objective] The study aimed at investigating the effects of different geographic sites,soil chemical characteristics and nitrogen application levels on nitrogen accumulation and distribution in different organs and utilization efficiency for mid-season hybrid rice.[Method] By using mid-season rice varieties II-you 7 and Yuxiangyou203 as the experimental materials,field experiment was conducted at seven ecological sites in four provinces or cities in Southwestern China in 2009.A total of four nitrogen application levels were set as follows:by using 75 kg/hm2 of P2O5 and 75 kg/hm2 of K2O as the base fertilizer,extra 0,90,150 and 210 kg/hm2 of nitrogen fertilizer(in which,base fertilizer,base-tillering fertilizer and base-earing fertilizer respectively accounted for 60%,20% and 20%.) was applied,respectively.In the split-plot design,fertilizer was considered as the main factor while rice variety was taken as the secondary factor.A total of eight treatments were set with three replications.[Result] Highly significant differences of grain yield were found among seven locations,two varieties,four nitrogen application levels,interactions of site × variety and site × nitrogen application level,but the interaction of variety ×nitrogen application level had no significant influence on rice yield.There were highly significant effects of site,varieties and nitrogen application level on dry matter production,nitrogen content,nitrogen utilization efficiency.Highly significant negative correlations between uptake efficiency and utilization efficiency for nitrogen were found;and multiple stepwise regression analysis showed that nitrogen uptake-utilization efficiency were significantly influenced by different ecological sites,chemical quality of soil and the levels of nitrogen application.[Conclusion] The research will provide theoretical and practical basis for the highly efficient application of nitrogen in mid-season hybrid rice cultivation. 展开更多
关键词 Mid-season hybrid rice Ecological site Soil chemical characteristics Nitrogen application level Nitrogen uptake and utilization efficiency
庄浪县玉米化肥减量增效探究 被引量:1
作者 刘强 《种子科技》 2021年第5期19-20,共2页
玉米作为一种被人们所熟知的农作物,其茁壮生长离不开化肥的施用。近年来,许多地区出现了玉米化肥增量不增效的现象,甚至影响玉米生长的情况,严重地降低了玉米化肥的施用效率,对玉米的生长成熟产生了不利影响。基于此,以庄浪县为例,在... 玉米作为一种被人们所熟知的农作物,其茁壮生长离不开化肥的施用。近年来,许多地区出现了玉米化肥增量不增效的现象,甚至影响玉米生长的情况,严重地降低了玉米化肥的施用效率,对玉米的生长成熟产生了不利影响。基于此,以庄浪县为例,在其他栽培管理措施相同的条件下,通过增施有机肥、减少化肥用量、优化施肥配方,探讨了玉米化肥减量增效技术的效果,并给出了具体的试验数据,以期为相关工作人员提供参考依据。 展开更多
关键词 玉米 化肥减量增效技术 施用效率
Effects of Potassium Fertilizing Rates on Yield, Fiber Quality and Potassium Use Efficiency of Three Hybrid Cotton Cultivars 被引量:1
作者 冯正锐 刘爱玉 +3 位作者 易九红 李瑞莲 王欣悦 邹茜 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第2期200-204,共5页
The effects of potassium (K) application rates on the yield, fiber quality and K fertilizer use efficiency of three hybrid cotton varieties (Jin102, Xiangzamian8, Siyang328) were studied in field experiment. Ferti... The effects of potassium (K) application rates on the yield, fiber quality and K fertilizer use efficiency of three hybrid cotton varieties (Jin102, Xiangzamian8, Siyang328) were studied in field experiment. Fertilizer rates of K2O 135 and 270 kg/hm2, representing 1x and 2x recommended K rates, were applied, no application of k fertilizer as the CK. The results show that the lint yield increased 39.13%-57.48%with potassium application, highly significantly. Al yield components of the three hy-brid cotton varieties increased with the increase of K application amounts. The bol number per plant, single bol weight and lint percentage were increased by 14.24%-40.29%, 3.59%-15.51% and 0.16%-4.89%, respectively, and the fiber length and specific strength also increased with the increasing K application amounts, showing no significant influence on Micronaire. When the K application amounts increased from 135 to 270 kg/hm2, the partial factor productivity (PFPk) reduced by 45.93%-48.01%, and the agronomic efficiency (AEk) reduced by 37.1%-42.9%. The PFPk and KE (K efficiency coefficients) of S328 were the highest among the three varieties, which also showed the strongest resistance to low potassium stress, and with no potassi-um fertilizer application (K0), the lint yield of S328 was 5.54% and 11.19% higher than that of X8 and J102. The AEk of J102 was the highest, and its reward of K fertilizer was the greatest among the three varieties. 展开更多
关键词 Hybrid cotton Amount of Potassium Fertilizer Application YIELD Quality K use efficiency
Effects of Increased Planting Density with ReducedNitrogen Application on Yield Formation and NitrogenUtilization of Autumn Maize 被引量:3
作者 ZHANG Meng PAN Gao-feng +4 位作者 HUANG Yi-qin HE Jun-ou FANG Xue-dong LIU Zhi-hui ZHAN Ming 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2019年第6期1-13,共13页
With the change of cropping system in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River,the planting area of autumn maize is gradually increasing.However,the cultivation techniques are still under improvement for higher yield a... With the change of cropping system in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River,the planting area of autumn maize is gradually increasing.However,the cultivation techniques are still under improvement for higher yield and nitrogen efficiency of autumn maize.Increase in planting density with reduced nitrogen fertilizer application is one of the important paths to achieve high yield and high nitrogen utilization efficiency.Meanwhile,the effect needs to be verified for autumn maize.The semi-compact autumn maize variety Qinyu 58 was planted under different planting densities and nitrogen fertilizer amounts with the split plot design.Different nitrogen application rates were arranged in the main plots,including the conventional nitrogen application(N300,300 kg/hm^2),30%reduction from the conventional treatment(N210,210 kg/hm^2)and no nitrogen application(N0).Different planting densities were arranged in the sub-split plots,including the conventional planting density(D60,60000 plants/hm2),medium density(D78,78000 plants/hm^2)and high density(D93,93000 plants/hm2).The effects of nitrogen fertilizer,planting density and their interaction effects on canopy structure,dry matter accumulation,yield and nitrogen use efficiency of autumn maize were studied.The nitrogen application rate and planting density had obvious interaction effects on the yield formation of autumn maize.Compared with the conventional cultivation(N300D60),increasing the planting density with 30%reduction in nitrogen application(N210)can obviously increase the canopy light interception rate,LAI,dry matter accumulation and yield.However,there was no significant change in canopy light interception rate,LAI,dry matter accumulation,grain weight and yield between D93 and D78.Compared with N300D60,nitrogen translocation efficiency and nitrogen contribution proportion to grain nitrogen did not change significantly in autumn maize grown under N210 and D78 treatments,whereas nitrogen partial productivity,nitrogen agronomic efficiency and recovery and utilization efficiency of nitrogen fertilizer increased significantly.Moreover,high density(D93)planting at N210 plots significantly improved nitrogen transport efficiency and utilization efficiency in autumn maize.Therefore,the suitable planting density of the autumn maize variety Qinyu 58 in Hubei Province is recommended a value of 78000 plants/hm^2,with the nitrogen application rate of 210 kg/hm2,which can achieve the target of higher yield by increasing density and reducing nitrogen. 展开更多
关键词 Autumn maize Planting density Nitrogen application rate YIELD Nitrogen fertilizer utilization efficiency
Effect of Nitrogen Fertilization on Growth and Photosynthetic Nitrogen use Efficiency in Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) 被引量:1
作者 Chaoqiang Jiang Chaolong Zu Huoyan Wang 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2015年第8期373-380,共8页
Soil pot experiments were conducted in a greenhouse to examine the effects of different nitrogen (N) supply (low, 0.15 g N/kg; middle, 0.3 g N/kg; and high, 0.6 g N/kg dry soil) on the growth, photosynthetic chara... Soil pot experiments were conducted in a greenhouse to examine the effects of different nitrogen (N) supply (low, 0.15 g N/kg; middle, 0.3 g N/kg; and high, 0.6 g N/kg dry soil) on the growth, photosynthetic characteristics and photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency (PNUE) of tobacco seedlings (Nicotiana tabacum L. Yunyan 87). The results showed middle and high N significantly enhanced seedling growth including plant stem and leaf dry weight comparing with low N. High N supply could lead to a dramatic increase in the photosynthetic capacity of tobacco seedlings under low N conditions. There were significant differences in leaf N content between nitrogen treatments. About a 76% increase in leafN content in plants fed by high N resulted in about 43% increase in Rubisco content and 27% in net photosynthetic rate. The non-corresponding increases in photosynthetic rate in tobacco seedlings fed by high N relative to low N resulted from Rubisco activity and/or carboxylation efficiency (CE). These results indicated that tobacco seedlings under high N application can maintain high net photosynthetic rate (Pn) but lower PNUE, will finally result in a decline in N use efficiency. 展开更多
关键词 NITROGEN Photosynthesis Photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency Rubisco activity Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.)
Balanced Fertilization and the Effect of Fertilization on Water Use Efficiency of Upland Winter Wheat in Western Henan, China
作者 LI GUIBAO LIU CHUNMING +4 位作者 SUN KEGANG BAO DEJUN ZHANG GUILAN LEI QUANKUI YAO YUQING and BU LIJIE (Soil and Fertilizer Institute, Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Zhengzhou 450002 China)(Luoyang Institute of Agricultural Sciencea, Luoyang 471022 Ch 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1998年第4期361-366,共6页
A study on balanced fertilization was conducted by means of long-term field experiments, and a convenient table for balanced fertilization was compiled. The experimental results about the effect of fertilization on wa... A study on balanced fertilization was conducted by means of long-term field experiments, and a convenient table for balanced fertilization was compiled. The experimental results about the effect of fertilization on water use efficiency of upland wheat showed that the input of inorganic fertilizer should be reduced in dry years. 展开更多
关键词 balanced fertilization UPLAND water use efficiency WHEAT
Effects of Nitrogen Fertilization on Growth and Development and Nitrogen Utilization of Japonica Super Rice
作者 Yuefeng CUI Guocai SUN +2 位作者 Tiegang LU Xiaoqiu WU Helin LUAN 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第2期250-255,共6页
With the super japonica rice Shennong 265 as the tested material, the effects of different nitrogen application amounts and basic tiller fertilizer(BTF)-ear granule fertilizer(EGF) ratios on the yield and nitrogen uti... With the super japonica rice Shennong 265 as the tested material, the effects of different nitrogen application amounts and basic tiller fertilizer(BTF)-ear granule fertilizer(EGF) ratios on the yield and nitrogen utilization characteristics of Shennong265 were investigated. The results showed that when the BTF-EGF ratio was 8:2 or 7:3, the yield of Shennong 265 increased with the increased nitrogen application amount; when the BTF-EGF ratio was 6:4, medium nitrogen level was more conducive to improving the yield of Shennong 265; under the condition of same BTF-EGF ratio, with the increased nitrogen application amount, the total nitrogen uptake increased, and the nitrogen physiological efficiency and harvest index decreased. At low and medium nitrogen levels, the higher the proportion of EGF was, the higher the yield, total nitrogen uptake and nitrogen recovery ratio were; at high nitrogen level, the BTF-EGF ratio of 7:3 was more favorable; at the same nitrogen level, the higher the proportion of EGF was, the lower the nitrogen physiological efficiency and harvest index were. Under conditions of nitrogen application level of 255 kg/hm^2 and BTF-EGF ratio of 7:3, the dry matter accumulation in the leaves, stems and spikes of Shennong265 was higher in the late growth period. Higher effective panicle number and grain number per panicle led to higher yield(9581.5 kg/hm^2, 2.4%-20.1% higher than those in the other treatment groups) and higher nitrogen use efficiency. 展开更多
关键词 Nitrogen application RICE YIELD Nitrogen use
农户农药施药效率测算、影响因素及其与农药生产率关系研究——对农药损失控制生产函数的改进 被引量:31
作者 周曙东 张宗毅 《农业技术经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第3期4-14,共11页
国内外已有相关文献忽视了农户施用农药效率问题,采取了不恰当的农药损失控制生产函数形式。本研究考虑了农户个体农药施用效率,将农户施用农药效率变量引入农药损失控制生产函数,采用来自江苏省的396个稻农调研数据进行实证研究。研究... 国内外已有相关文献忽视了农户施用农药效率问题,采取了不恰当的农药损失控制生产函数形式。本研究考虑了农户个体农药施用效率,将农户施用农药效率变量引入农药损失控制生产函数,采用来自江苏省的396个稻农调研数据进行实证研究。研究结果表明,考虑施药效率的模型比不考虑施药效率的LZ模型更加显著,同时通过比较发现LZ模型有低估农药边际产品净收益的倾向,从而错误地将部分样本判断为过量施药,这说明农户施药效率是不可忽略的重要变量。另外,劳均水稻种植规模、水稻商品化率、农户受教育程度、农业劳动力老龄化程度等变量对农户施药效率具有重要影响。 展开更多
关键词 农药生产函数 损失控制方程 农户农药施用效率
Impacts of Salinity and Nitrogen on the Photosynthetic Rate and Growth of Sunflowers(Helianthus annuus L.) 被引量:10
作者 ZENG Wen-Zhi XU Chi +3 位作者 WU Jing-Wei HUANG Jie-Sheng ZHAO Qiang WU Mou-Song 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第5期635-644,共10页
Understanding the interactions between salinity and fertilizers is of significant importance for enhancing crop yield and fertilizeruse efficiency. In this study a complete block design experiment was performed in the... Understanding the interactions between salinity and fertilizers is of significant importance for enhancing crop yield and fertilizeruse efficiency. In this study a complete block design experiment was performed in the Hetao Irrigation District of Inner Mongolia,China, to evaluate the effects of interactions between soil salinity and nitrogen(N) application rate on sunflower photosynthesis and growth and to determine the optimum N application rate for sunflower growth in the district. Four levels of soil salinity expressed as electrical conductivity(0.33–0.60, 0.60–1.22, 1.2–2.44, and 2.44–3.95 dS m-1) and three application rates of N fertilization(90, 135,and 180 kg ha-1) were applied to 36 micro-plots. Soil salinity inhibited the photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, transpiration rate, plant height, leaf area, and aboveground dry matter of sunflowers. The intercellular CO2 concentration first decreased and then increased with increasing soil salinity in the seedling stage, and the instantaneous leaf water-use efficiency fluctuated with soil salinity. The stomatal and non-stomatal limitations of sunflowers alternated in the seedling stage; however, in the bud, blooming,and mature stages, the stomatal limitation was prevalent when the salinity level was lower than 2.44 dS m-1, whereas the nonstomatal limitation was predominant above the salinity level. The application of N fertilizer alleviated the adverse effects of salinity on sunflower photosynthesis and growth to some extent. During some key growth periods, such as the seedling and bud stages, a moderate N application rate(135 kg ha-1) resulted in the maximum photosynthetic rate and yielded the maximum dry matter. We suggest a moderate N application rate(135 kg ha-1) for the Hetao Irrigation District and other sunflower-growing areas with similar ecological conditions. 展开更多
关键词 non-stomatal limitation N-use efficiency optimum N application rate soil salinization stomatal limitation
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