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作者 孟德腾 黄芙菊 《现代语文》 2019年第5期101-104,共4页
语料检索发现,“旅旅游”是当代汉语中一种高频使用的新兴表达形式,它的出现是类推机制和社会发展共同作用的产物。其中,类推机制是语言内部固有的产生语言变化强有力的推手,社会发展过程中旅游业的兴起则是“旅旅游”大量出现的外在条... 语料检索发现,“旅旅游”是当代汉语中一种高频使用的新兴表达形式,它的出现是类推机制和社会发展共同作用的产物。其中,类推机制是语言内部固有的产生语言变化强有力的推手,社会发展过程中旅游业的兴起则是“旅旅游”大量出现的外在条件和诱发因素。“旅旅游”这一新兴表达反映出汉语中并列式复合词“旅游”内部组成成分的结构关系分立性不断增强,在原来内部结构为并列关系的基础上,“旅游”出现了重新分析为动宾式离合词的新用法。 展开更多
关键词 旅旅游” 类推机制 重新分析 离合词
桂林兴安县红色旅游资源整合开发的思考与对策 被引量:3
作者 梁林 《广西农学报》 2012年第6期79-82,共4页
广西桂林市兴安县红色旅游资源非常丰富,但由于各方面的因素,旅游开发不足,缺乏新意,红色旅游品牌的打造力度不够,红色旅游资源的开发和旅游不能很好的发展。通过对兴安县红色旅游资源和其他旅游资源现状及其问题的调查研究,提出通过红... 广西桂林市兴安县红色旅游资源非常丰富,但由于各方面的因素,旅游开发不足,缺乏新意,红色旅游品牌的打造力度不够,红色旅游资源的开发和旅游不能很好的发展。通过对兴安县红色旅游资源和其他旅游资源现状及其问题的调查研究,提出通过红色旅游资源与历史文化旅游、主题休闲旅游和生态自然旅游资源进行资源配备布局整合,可以有效的提升兴安县旅游。 展开更多
关键词 红色 游开发 资源整合 旅旅线路
词汇化与近义实词的辨析和教学——以“旅行”和“旅游”为例 被引量:4
作者 刘红妮 《云南师范大学学报(对外汉语教学与研究版)》 2008年第2期50-55,共6页
近义实词“旅行”和“旅游”都先后经历了偏正短语的词汇化,自身的演变和受日语等的影响,从及物动词演变为不及物动词。“旅行”在当代的复兴多半是受日语的影响,“旅游”在现代的复兴则和社会背景密切相关。二者共时的使用特点是和... 近义实词“旅行”和“旅游”都先后经历了偏正短语的词汇化,自身的演变和受日语等的影响,从及物动词演变为不及物动词。“旅行”在当代的复兴多半是受日语的影响,“旅游”在现代的复兴则和社会背景密切相关。二者共时的使用特点是和它们的历时发展分不开的,对二者简明实用的辨析内容的确立和教学编排要围绕它们的词汇化演变。对外汉语中近义实词的辨析和教学要注意结合:共时和历时。 展开更多
关键词 行” 游” 词汇化 辨析 对外汉语教学
边境旅游文创产品设计思路研究——以黑瞎子岛为例 被引量:2
作者 彭韵嘉 《农场经济管理》 2021年第10期35-38,共4页
旅游文化创意产品凝聚着特色文化精神,在传播过程中将历史文化创意以物质形态真正地融入现代人日常生活当中,是促进文旅融合的关键,近年来在社会上逐渐形成了一股“文创热”,但目前针对边境地区文化与地理位置特殊性的文创产品研究还较... 旅游文化创意产品凝聚着特色文化精神,在传播过程中将历史文化创意以物质形态真正地融入现代人日常生活当中,是促进文旅融合的关键,近年来在社会上逐渐形成了一股“文创热”,但目前针对边境地区文化与地理位置特殊性的文创产品研究还较稀缺,且目前文创产品市场还普遍存在同质化严重、实用性低、艺术审美性与文化性不足等问题。本文以黑瞎子岛为例,深入剖析了边境旅游文创产品的开发目的与意义,分析了黑瞎子岛旅游产品的现状与问题,并针对边境旅游文创产品提出几点对策建议,为促进少数民族文化的创造性转化与创新性发展提供理论参考。 展开更多
关键词 边境旅旅 文创产品 游经济 民族文化
岭南地域文化特征下的旅游创意明信片设计 被引量:1
作者 刘婷 高华胜 方琳 《艺海》 2018年第6期109-111,共3页
关键词 地域文化 旅旅 创意明信片 设计
以插画方式重生——浅析岭南地域文化特征下旅游创意明信片的设计研究 被引量:1
作者 刘婷 高华胜 方琳 《文化创新比较研究》 2018年第28期61-62,共2页
近年来,旅游行业的壮大,旅游创意明信片的设计有着重要的意义和作用,是文化的继承者、传播者,又是感情、传递文化的载体。地域文化明信片是将地域文化融入设计,深挖当地的地域文化,在设计中注入文化观念,感悟创意本质,以插画的表现手法... 近年来,旅游行业的壮大,旅游创意明信片的设计有着重要的意义和作用,是文化的继承者、传播者,又是感情、传递文化的载体。地域文化明信片是将地域文化融入设计,深挖当地的地域文化,在设计中注入文化观念,感悟创意本质,以插画的表现手法,满足人们对旅游创意明信片的视觉享受。所以本文以岭南风格的旅游创意明信片为例,探索插画与岭南地域文化的结合下创意明信片的设计方法,为旅游创意明信片设计提供理论依据,注入文化活力。 展开更多
关键词 岭南地域文化 旅旅 创意明信片设计
海岛型旅游度假区旅游环境容量研究--以分界洲岛为例 被引量:2
作者 王文 陆斌 《绿色科技》 2020年第6期264-266,269,共4页
指出了海南分界洲岛为典型的海岛型旅游度假区,以分界洲岛为例,探讨了分界洲岛的旅游环境容量情况,主要从该岛的生态环境容量、功能设施环境容量、旅游空间环境容量和旅游社会环境容量4个指标进行了测算和分析。结果表明:除旅游空间环... 指出了海南分界洲岛为典型的海岛型旅游度假区,以分界洲岛为例,探讨了分界洲岛的旅游环境容量情况,主要从该岛的生态环境容量、功能设施环境容量、旅游空间环境容量和旅游社会环境容量4个指标进行了测算和分析。结果表明:除旅游空间环境容量外,其余3项旅游生态环境容量、功能设施环境容量以及旅游社会环境容量均存在不同程度的超载。根据上述研究结果,提出了促进分界洲岛旅游环境容量建设的策略,并为分界洲岛旅游的开发和发展提供了一些措施和建议。 展开更多
关键词 海岛型游度假区 游环境容量 海南分界洲岛
美军二十一世纪部队旅及旅以下作战指挥系统 被引量:2
作者 袁可亮 吴峻 何光涛 《山西电子技术》 2007年第1期90-91,共2页
美军二十一世纪部队旅及旅以下作战指挥系统(Force XXI Battle Command Brigade-and-Below,FBCB2)是一个数字化的作战指挥信息系统,它为战术作战、战斗支援和战斗勤务支援指挥官和士兵提供机动、实时和接近实时的作战指挥信息,它是陆军... 美军二十一世纪部队旅及旅以下作战指挥系统(Force XXI Battle Command Brigade-and-Below,FBCB2)是一个数字化的作战指挥信息系统,它为战术作战、战斗支援和战斗勤务支援指挥官和士兵提供机动、实时和接近实时的作战指挥信息,它是陆军作战指挥系统(Army Battle Command System,ABCS)的关键组成部分。这里主要介绍了FBCB2系统的发展历程、系统组成、功能特点以及在使用中遇到的一些问题。 展开更多
关键词 二十一世纪部队 以下作战指挥 陆军作战指挥系统
中文“旅游”的语义渊源与流变 被引量:2
作者 廖平 《旅游学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第8期144-150,共7页
文章借鉴现象学方法,将众说纷纭的旅游概念争议暂时“悬置”,仅从语义学和语源学的纯粹视角“直观”旅游。结果发现:旅游的“旅”字不应直接解释为“旅行”,“旅”与“庐”同声通用,而应解释为其本义“客居、客处”。“旅游”的“游”... 文章借鉴现象学方法,将众说纷纭的旅游概念争议暂时“悬置”,仅从语义学和语源学的纯粹视角“直观”旅游。结果发现:旅游的“旅”字不应直接解释为“旅行”,“旅”与“庐”同声通用,而应解释为其本义“客居、客处”。“旅游”的“游”字原无三点水,本为“斿”,读líu,本义“流动”;尽管“游”可以与“遊”通用,但毕竟只是一个替代字,走之旁的“遊”比“游”更能体现旅游的本源内涵。现代中文“旅游”概念实际上历经了从“遊”到“旅遊”再到“旅游”的时代流变,并受到了“tourism”一词翻译的强势影响。南朝沈约《悲哉行》中的“旅遊”二字流变而成的“旅遊”概念,与从“旅行和游览”合并简化而来的现代“旅游”概念不同。文章建议,将“旅遊”作为狭义的纯旅游概念,而将目前流行的“旅游”作为广义的大旅游概念,以示区别。“旅游”的多义性已经给旅游学科建设造成一些困境,文章从宽泛的“旅游”概念中萃取出狭义的“旅遊”概念,有助于完善旅游基本概念系统,供学界参考。 展开更多
关键词 语义渊源 语义流变
作者 崔晶 王金伟 《山东开放大学学报》 2022年第3期71-75,共5页
历史名人文化资源融入旅游业,是实现旅游业内涵化发展和优秀传统文化“两创”的重要途径。苏轼曾任职、行经齐鲁,在物质文化、精神文化方面均留下了宝贵遗产,可称作苏轼齐鲁文化资源。当前山东对苏轼文化资源的旅游开发以诸城为代表,但... 历史名人文化资源融入旅游业,是实现旅游业内涵化发展和优秀传统文化“两创”的重要途径。苏轼曾任职、行经齐鲁,在物质文化、精神文化方面均留下了宝贵遗产,可称作苏轼齐鲁文化资源。当前山东对苏轼文化资源的旅游开发以诸城为代表,但整体上仍存在区域联动不足、精神内涵融入有限、知名度不高等问题。下一步的旅游开发可从注重项目多样性、增强文化内涵、提升宣传力度等方面着手。 展开更多
关键词 苏轼齐鲁文化资源 融合 以文塑、以彰文
《醒世姻缘传》方言词补正 被引量:3
作者 雷汉卿 《洛阳师范学院学报》 2006年第6期142-145,共4页
关键词 旅旅遵道 没试没试 乜乜踅踅 抿耳 身命
FBCB2系统的作战应用及未来发展 被引量:4
作者 方秀花 姚瑞芳 《火力与指挥控制》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第3期1-4,共4页
FBCB 2是美国卫星导航、卫星通信、卫星遥感等航天系统与地面及空中通信系统、图像获取系统集成的一体化系统,是天、空、地系统综合应用的典范。介绍了FBCB 2系统的性能特点及其在部队中的配备情况,在作战中的应用情况,就目前美国对FBC... FBCB 2是美国卫星导航、卫星通信、卫星遥感等航天系统与地面及空中通信系统、图像获取系统集成的一体化系统,是天、空、地系统综合应用的典范。介绍了FBCB 2系统的性能特点及其在部队中的配备情况,在作战中的应用情况,就目前美国对FBCB 2系统所进行的完善改进工作进行了分析。 展开更多
关键词 FBCB2 21世纪部队以下战斗指挥 卫星应用
Rural Tourism Format Network Mode Based on Community Participation:A Case Study of Jindatian Village of Zhejiang Province
作者 张琳 邱灿华 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第12期2850-2854,2872,共6页
Because of the existing problems, features and demands in China ’s rural tourism development, sustainability in modern rural tourism necessitates the own ca-pability of rural vil ages and the active participation of ... Because of the existing problems, features and demands in China ’s rural tourism development, sustainability in modern rural tourism necessitates the own ca-pability of rural vil ages and the active participation of community residents. The structure of rural community with the impact of rural tourism is analyzed, and the coupling relation between rural tourism development mode and rural community is discussed. With the integration of rural tourism resource and community capability, network of rural tourism formats is organized starting with the possibility and ways of participation of community&#39;s vil agers, and formats of public resource type, plat-form investment type, smal and micro enterprises type, and general investment type are constructed to realize the positive cycle of rural community factors and tourism development. A case study of Jindatian Vil age demonstrates the feasibility of rural tourism network mode based on community development, which can depend on community's capability to realize the sustainable rural tourism, the protection and heritance of rural culture, and the regeneration of rural economy. 展开更多
关键词 Rural tourism Community participation Rural culture Tourism format
GPS在美军陆军作战指挥系统中应用的启示 被引量:2
作者 马怀武 张之孔 《地理空间信息》 2010年第2期63-64,共2页
关键词 2l世纪以下部队作战指挥系统 GPS 北斗一号
Tropical Leisure Agro-tourism in the Context of Constructing International Tourism Island in Hainan
作者 符国基 揭秋云 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2010年第2期55-59,63,共6页
The construction of Hainan International Tourism Island creates a promising prospect for the development of its tropical leisure agro-tourism, and the latter will contribute a lot to the former in the fields of econom... The construction of Hainan International Tourism Island creates a promising prospect for the development of its tropical leisure agro-tourism, and the latter will contribute a lot to the former in the fields of economy, ecology and culture. The present situation and development prospects of tropical leisure agro-tourism in the context of constructing International Tourism Island in Hainan are introduced in this study, SWOT analysis of tropical leisure agro-tourism in Hainan is conducted, causes of imperfect tropical leisure agro-tourism in Hainan Island are elaborated such as insufficient understanding and investment, fragile infrastructure and lack of overall tourism planning despite its abundant tropical agricultural resources, marine resources, forest resources and ecological resources as well as convenient transportation. Combining with the opportunities and challenges in developing tourism industry, targeted strategies are proposed for promoting the tropical leisure agro-tourism, that is, enhancing understanding about leisure agro-tourism; determining the target and orientation of tourism planning through basic classification, properly defining functional divisions and spatial layout; improving relevant laws and regulations about tourism industry; attaching more importance in attracting alien investment; fully developing the tropical, marine, green and ecological features of tropical leisure agro-tourism in Hainan Island; cultivating resources, scenic spots and products of different types respectively in tourism development, especially culturing typical products; protecting ecological environment, implementing sustainable development of tourism industry; making innovations in marketing, accurately subdividing tourism market. 展开更多
关键词 Hainan International Tourism Island Tropical leisure agro-tourism SWOT analysis Development strategies
作者 MAO Duan-qian ZHANG Jie BAO Hao-sheng 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2005年第3期275-280,共6页
This paper delineates the images of Jiangxi Province as tourist destination perceived by about 2000 sample visitors at Lushan Mountain and other 3 famous resorts (Jinggangshan Mountains, Longhushan Mountain, and Sanqi... This paper delineates the images of Jiangxi Province as tourist destination perceived by about 2000 sample visitors at Lushan Mountain and other 3 famous resorts (Jinggangshan Mountains, Longhushan Mountain, and Sanqingshan Mountain), with a result that the most common image is the famous scenic mountain image with partial attribute of image of religious culture destination. In order to reveal the similarities and dissimilarities of images among the four destinations, a correspondence analysis on 16 image attributes was employed. The results indicate that the tourists’ images on Longhushan Mountain, Sanqingshan Mountain and Lushan Mountain are very similar: having a lot of good tourist sites, famous mountain scenery, being close to nature and having good guide service, and others, but religious culture and good shopping facilities having not made deep impression on tourist, while Jinggangshan Mountains is famous for its red culture. The correspondence analysis visualizes the strengths and weaknesses of the destinations, which is useful for market positioning among the competitive places. Finally, some marketing suggestions for the four destinations were provided. 展开更多
关键词 tourist destination IMAGE cognitive attribute evaluative attribute correspondence analysis
EFFECTIVENESS OF REGIONAL TOURISM INTEGRATION—Case of Quadrangle Economic Cooperation Zone in Great Mekong Region 被引量:1
作者 XU Hong-gang BAO Ji-gang ZHOU Chang-chun 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2006年第2期141-147,共7页
The Quadrangle Economic Cooperation Zone in Great Mekong Region, where the Golden Triangle is located, is composed with the border areas of China, Laos, Thailand and Myanmar. The poorest and inaccessible remote Golden... The Quadrangle Economic Cooperation Zone in Great Mekong Region, where the Golden Triangle is located, is composed with the border areas of China, Laos, Thailand and Myanmar. The poorest and inaccessible remote Golden Triangle now faces the opportunity to develop and participate in the global economic system. Not only has the traditional border tourism between two countries in this region been growing rapidly and various tourism products cross the regions also have been developed. The article attempts to explore the multiplier effects of tourism on regional cooperation. These consequences of tourism cooperation take effect through the infrastructure improvement, facilitation of the flee movement, improvement of communication and promotion of the alternative economy. The study also points out the unexpected negative consequences to limit its role as a regional cooperative engine due to the lack of consideration of the dual economic and social structure in tourism development. The special attention should be drawn to consider the limited benefits for the marginalized community, the high transaction of the social costs related with the drug tourism and sex tourism. The paper calls for more rigorous cooperative regional plans and policies to the complexity of tourism development in this region. 展开更多
关键词 Quadrangle Economic Cooperation Zone regional tourism cooperation feedback analysis Mekong River
Study on Tourist Carrying Capacity Based on Matter Element Analysis 被引量:12
作者 LiuYunguo FanTing LiXin ZhouMing WangXianhai 《Ecological Economy》 2005年第2期23-27,共5页
This paper proposes that it is necessary to implement the concept of tourist carrying capacity to facilitate the tourism planning, and presents a method to evaluate the carrying capacity. The method called matter elem... This paper proposes that it is necessary to implement the concept of tourist carrying capacity to facilitate the tourism planning, and presents a method to evaluate the carrying capacity. The method called matter element analysis can solve the uncertain and incompatible problem of the evaluated factors in assessing carrying capacity.The current state of a destination's carrying capacity can be determined by establishing the standard indexes and the matter element model. Through the evaluating of the travel industry zones of the Autonomous Prefecture of Western Hunan, the method is proved to be simple and feasible, and it is improved to be significant for the tourism planning and determination as well as the sustainable development of the regional tourism. 展开更多
关键词 matter element analysis tourist carrying capacity Autonomous Prefecture of Western Hunan.
Shift-share Analysis on International Tourism Competitiveness——A Case of Jiangsu Province 被引量:9
作者 SHI Chunyun ZHANG Jie +1 位作者 YANG Yang ZHOU Zhang 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2007年第2期173-178,共6页
Shift-share analysis has been confirmed a useful approach in the study of regional economics and many kinds of extended shift-share models have been advanced and put into practice in economic studies, but few have hit... Shift-share analysis has been confirmed a useful approach in the study of regional economics and many kinds of extended shift-share models have been advanced and put into practice in economic studies, but few have hitherto been introduced and applied to the tourism research in China. Moreover understanding the spatially competitive relationship is of paramount importance for marketers, developers, and planners involved in tourism strategy development. Based on international tourism receipts from 1995 to 2004, this study aims at probing into the spatial competitiveness of interna- tional tourism in Jiangsu Province in comparison with its neighbors by applying a spatially extended shift-share model and a modified dynamic shift-share model. The empirical results illustrate that exceptional years may exist in the ap- plication of dynamic shift-share models. To solve this issue, modifications to dynamic shift-share model are put forward. The analytical results are not only presented but also explained by the comparison of background conditions of tourism development between Jiangsu and its key competitors. The conclusions can be drawn that the growth of international tourism receipts in Jiangsu mainly attributes to the national component and the competitive component and Zhejiang is the most important rival to Jiangsu during the period of 1995-2004. In order to upgrade the tourism competitiveness, it is indispensable for Jiangsu to take proper positioning, promoting and marketing strategies and to cooperate and integrate with its main rivals. 展开更多
关键词 international tourism competitiveness spatially extended shift-share analysis model comparative static shift-share analysis modified dynamic shift-share analysis Jiangsu Province
Expectation and satisfaction of rural tourism:a case study of Hainan,China 被引量:2
作者 Xie Genzong Qiu Penghua +1 位作者 Chen Yongsheng Song Jiehua 《Ecological Economy》 2007年第4期405-416,共12页
This study uses the rural tourist motivation scale to measure the motivations, expectations, and satisfaction of nearly 200 rural tourists in five areas of Hainan, China by importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) and fa... This study uses the rural tourist motivation scale to measure the motivations, expectations, and satisfaction of nearly 200 rural tourists in five areas of Hainan, China by importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) and factor analysis. The results show that the main motivation for participating in rural tourism is to be close to nature, improve family rela-tionship and relaxation. Tourists are highly satisfied with the landscape and pastoral views as well as the friendliness of the local people and hotels. The results also show that the sample people most care about easy parking and reasonable prices, and they expect ethnic festivals and farm life experiences. Besides the environment, facilities, recreational activities and psychological experience of rural tourism, the overall satisfaction is high. The results of this study can be used by local government leaders as well as the tourism industry to devise ways to promote and improve rural tourism. 展开更多
关键词 Rural tourism EXPECTATION Satisfaction Hainan
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