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作者 黎慧 夏星宇 +1 位作者 刘佳慧 赵阳 《石家庄学院学报》 CAS 2024年第3期53-61,共9页
“国字号”旅游区是我国旅游产品体系的重要支撑.以63个国家级旅游度假区、168个国家级全域旅游示范区、318个5A级风景区和5个国家公园为研究对象,运用GIS空间分析技术和数理统计方法定量分析“国字号”旅游区空间分布格局及其影响因素... “国字号”旅游区是我国旅游产品体系的重要支撑.以63个国家级旅游度假区、168个国家级全域旅游示范区、318个5A级风景区和5个国家公园为研究对象,运用GIS空间分析技术和数理统计方法定量分析“国字号”旅游区空间分布格局及其影响因素.结果表明:“国字号”旅游区呈不均衡集聚分布态势,中、东部地区较密集,西部地区较稀疏,形成以江浙沪在内的高密度核心区;从我国七大区来看,各个区的旅游区数量差异较大,其中华东地区数量最多;“国字号”旅游区分布呈现出典型的离散型、均匀型、集聚型特征.通过探究其空间分布影响因素,发现“国字号”旅游区分布主要受自然地理环境、旅游资源开发程度、交通条件以及国家和地方旅游政策影响. 展开更多
关键词 字号”旅游 空间分布 影响因素
日本出国旅游需求与人均GDP关系实证研究——兼议对我国出境旅游发展的启示 被引量:18
作者 张凌云 房蕊 《旅游科学》 CSSCI 2011年第3期24-34,共11页
首先,基于日本1964年~2008年出国旅游相关数据,得到日本出国旅游量的收入弹性,发现日本在人均GDP(按当年价格计算)达到2000~4000美元时,出国旅游呈现爆发性增长。其次,与我国的出境旅游进行对比研究,发现我国在现价人均GDP达到3000美... 首先,基于日本1964年~2008年出国旅游相关数据,得到日本出国旅游量的收入弹性,发现日本在人均GDP(按当年价格计算)达到2000~4000美元时,出国旅游呈现爆发性增长。其次,与我国的出境旅游进行对比研究,发现我国在现价人均GDP达到3000美元时,并未出现出境旅游爆发性增长的迹象。同时,研究发现,在北京和上海人均GDP达到3000美元以上时,出境旅游呈现爆发性增长,而广州人均GDP高达8000美元以上时,出境旅游才呈现爆发性增长。 展开更多
关键词 人均GDP 出境()旅游需求 日本
渤海国遗址文化旅游产品开发研究 被引量:1
作者 于洪雁 周波 +1 位作者 孟庆娇 张博 《产业与科技论坛》 2013年第20期55-56,共2页
渤海国遗址具有较为丰富的文化旅游资源,在国内以及东北亚旅游市场开发中具有很高的价值。但这一独具特色的历史文化资源并没有得到充分利用,限制了其发展。开发渤海国遗址文化旅游有利于推动景区的建设进程,有利于推动文化旅游产业的形... 渤海国遗址具有较为丰富的文化旅游资源,在国内以及东北亚旅游市场开发中具有很高的价值。但这一独具特色的历史文化资源并没有得到充分利用,限制了其发展。开发渤海国遗址文化旅游有利于推动景区的建设进程,有利于推动文化旅游产业的形成,更有利于弘扬优秀的历史文化。因此,本文对牡丹江地区渤海国遗址文化旅游开发现状及存在问题进行分析,在此基础上提出构建文化旅游产品的开发体系。 展开更多
关键词 渤海A文化旅游A产品开发
大国旅游智库与变革的中国 被引量:2
作者 韩元军 《旅游学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期9-10,共2页
2009年国务院出台《关于加快发展旅游业的意见》(国发〔2009〕4号),提出"到2020年我国旅游产业规模、质量、效益基本达到世界旅游强国水平",世界旅游强国建设正式进入国家战略。此后,国务院又相继出台了旅游业改革发展(国发〔2014... 2009年国务院出台《关于加快发展旅游业的意见》(国发〔2009〕4号),提出"到2020年我国旅游产业规模、质量、效益基本达到世界旅游强国水平",世界旅游强国建设正式进入国家战略。此后,国务院又相继出台了旅游业改革发展(国发〔2014〕31号)、投资消费(国发〔2015〕62号)等领域的专项文件,旅游业在服务国家发展大局中的角色越发重要。 展开更多
关键词 世界旅游 旅游 家战略 新型旅游 旅游资源大 旅游 长三角经济区 投资消费 旅游主管部门 在线旅游
《市场研究》 2008年第5期58-58,共1页
尽管香港、欧洲和东南亚仍然是国人出境游的首选目的地,但随着中美直接旅游目的国(ADS)协议的达成和美元的持续贬值,越来越多的人开始考虑去美国看一看。全球领先的市场研究与资讯公司TNS日前发布其最新研究报告指出,以纽约、洛杉... 尽管香港、欧洲和东南亚仍然是国人出境游的首选目的地,但随着中美直接旅游目的国(ADS)协议的达成和美元的持续贬值,越来越多的人开始考虑去美国看一看。全球领先的市场研究与资讯公司TNS日前发布其最新研究报告指出,以纽约、洛杉矶、拉斯维加斯等城市为代表的美国,很有可能会成为中国出境游市场的又一亮点。 展开更多
关键词 旅游目的 出境游市场 拉斯维加斯 市场研究 目的地 东南亚 洛杉矶
旅游企业竞争力的冷思考 被引量:1
作者 于永海 《集团经济研究》 北大核心 2007年第09X期138-140,共3页
据世界旅游组织预测,到2020年中国将成为世界第一大旅游目的国和第四大旅游客源输出国,接待的国际旅游者将达到1.37亿人次。发达国家发展旅游业的经验表明,在人均GDP达到1000美元以后,旅游的大众化便开始迅猛发展。自2003年我国人... 据世界旅游组织预测,到2020年中国将成为世界第一大旅游目的国和第四大旅游客源输出国,接待的国际旅游者将达到1.37亿人次。发达国家发展旅游业的经验表明,在人均GDP达到1000美元以后,旅游的大众化便开始迅猛发展。自2003年我国人均GDP就已经达到1090美元,有的城市如上海、北京、深圳等已经远远超过这一标准。与此同时,城乡居民的恩格尔系数下降,这说明我国的大众旅游时代很快就要到来。 展开更多
关键词 世界旅游组织 企业竞争力 冷思考 人均GDP 旅游目的 恩格尔系数 旅游客源 家发展
英语在乡村旅游发展中的应用 被引量:1
作者 康春杰 《中国果树》 北大核心 2021年第10期I0017-I0017,共1页
我国是旅游资源大国,在乡村振兴战略下乡村旅游也逐渐走入大众视野。据统计,2018年全国休闲农业和乡村旅游已接待逾30亿人次,2019年全国乡村旅游总收入达1.81万亿元。乡村振兴战略提出要走乡村绿色发展之路,要推动乡村旅游业的发展、加... 我国是旅游资源大国,在乡村振兴战略下乡村旅游也逐渐走入大众视野。据统计,2018年全国休闲农业和乡村旅游已接待逾30亿人次,2019年全国乡村旅游总收入达1.81万亿元。乡村振兴战略提出要走乡村绿色发展之路,要推动乡村旅游业的发展、加快推进农业农村现代化。在全球化背景下,丰富的旅游资源吸引着越来越多的国际游客将我国作为旅游的目的地。 展开更多
关键词 乡村振兴战略 农业农村现代化 旅游总收入 乡村旅游 资源吸引 旅游资源大 旅游业的发展 加快推进
作者 董越 《大理大学学报》 CAS 1988年第1期21-25,共5页
发展旅游业,的确有很多好处;它是无需花费大的投资就可以取得经济效益的“无烟工业”,可以解决很多人的就业问题,可以加强“文化交流”……但是,大理是否具备无需大量投资就可以取得经济效益的“无烟工业”的旅游中心的条件?为了贯彻执... 发展旅游业,的确有很多好处;它是无需花费大的投资就可以取得经济效益的“无烟工业”,可以解决很多人的就业问题,可以加强“文化交流”……但是,大理是否具备无需大量投资就可以取得经济效益的“无烟工业”的旅游中心的条件?为了贯彻执行好艰苦奋斗勤俭建国的方针,需要我们冷静地进行深入的研究和探讨. 展开更多
关键词 旅游中心 大理 旅游服务业 勤俭建 旅游 文化交流 旅游设施 旅游 旅游国 文物保护单位
“厕所革命”的推动者——看光大置业如何将脏乱差的旅游公厕改造成生态环保型卫生间 被引量:2
作者 江天晓 《城市开发(物业管理)》 2017年第1期59-61,共3页
说到厕所别以为是多么龌龊的事,因为人有一口气便离不开它。据世界厕所组织统计,每人每天上厕所6~8次,一年约2500次,按这样的统计算来,人的一生大概有3年时间在厕所里。而世界厕所组织发起人杰克先生说:"厕所是人类文明的尺度。"杰... 说到厕所别以为是多么龌龊的事,因为人有一口气便离不开它。据世界厕所组织统计,每人每天上厕所6~8次,一年约2500次,按这样的统计算来,人的一生大概有3年时间在厕所里。而世界厕所组织发起人杰克先生说:"厕所是人类文明的尺度。"杰克先生的观点在我国古典典籍中也能找到相似的记载。 展开更多
关键词 旅游体验 崂山风景区 生态环保型 旅游资源大 城市环境卫生 产品体系 庚桑楚 季全 寝庙 运维成本
作者 崔薇 《旅游行业导刊》 2003年第2期79-79,共1页
关键词 北欧旅游 市场推广 旅游资源 公民 旅游目的
作者 崔薇 《旅游行业导刊》 2003年第4期25-27,共3页
在所有国家旅游局批准操作的24个中国公民出境旅游目的地中,东南亚11国已有10国获批,而随着斯里兰卡的加入,南亚8国中获批国家的数量也上升为4个。至此,距离中国本土最近的出境目的国东南亚及南亚国的数量一下增到了14个,几乎是若... 在所有国家旅游局批准操作的24个中国公民出境旅游目的地中,东南亚11国已有10国获批,而随着斯里兰卡的加入,南亚8国中获批国家的数量也上升为4个。至此,距离中国本土最近的出境目的国东南亚及南亚国的数量一下增到了14个,几乎是若干年前“新马泰”的5倍。但在市场方面,14国的处境却大相径庭,存在着明显的市场份额“一面倒”的现象。 展开更多
关键词 出境旅游 旅游目的 东南亚地区 尼泊尔 ADS
作者 梁俊晓 《神州》 2015年第1期23-23,共1页
2014年10月1日是我国第一部旅游法《中华人民共和国旅游法》颁布施行一周年的纪念日。一年来,在线旅游供应商及平台切分旅游业的蛋糕也在提速;另一方面,旅游市场在保持高速增长的同时,我国境外旅游消费达1550亿美元,旅游逆差进一步扩大... 2014年10月1日是我国第一部旅游法《中华人民共和国旅游法》颁布施行一周年的纪念日。一年来,在线旅游供应商及平台切分旅游业的蛋糕也在提速;另一方面,旅游市场在保持高速增长的同时,我国境外旅游消费达1550亿美元,旅游逆差进一步扩大。今年年初,同程网与携程网在门票预定领域上演"双程大战",分别牵手5000家与8000家景区打造门票高额返现。 展开更多
关键词 旅游服务业 在线旅游 携程网 旅游消费 双程 去哪儿 出境旅游 旅游资源大 亿人 旅游研究
Development of Leisure Agriculture in Hainan
作者 范武波 符惠珍 陈炫 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第11期1977-1980,共4页
Through in-depth analysis, this paper proposed development planning of leisure agriculture in Hainan. The layout included orderly development and overal planning, connection of three expressways and middle area for re... Through in-depth analysis, this paper proposed development planning of leisure agriculture in Hainan. The layout included orderly development and overal planning, connection of three expressways and middle area for recreation and the rest for sightseeing; the site selection should develop depending on central cities, relying on major projects and famous mountains or landscapes; the connotation in-volved exploitation of farming culture, presenting national customs of indigenous people, highlights given to island and coasts and emphasizing tropic agriculture. What's more, the suggestions were proposed to advance leisure agriculture of Hainan, including to formulate scientific planning to lead leisure agriculture develop-ment, to give policy supports and enterprise management, to improve promotion and broadening market and to enhance education and improve industry quality. On basis of lots of data and examples, the research enriched the content of leisure agricul-ture in Hainan, which is conductive to development of Hainan leisure agriculture, and of significance for construction of leisure agriculture sites and supports of the agriculture by government. 展开更多
关键词 Hainan Leisure agriculture International tourism island
Tropical Leisure Agro-tourism in the Context of Constructing International Tourism Island in Hainan
作者 符国基 揭秋云 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2010年第2期55-59,63,共6页
The construction of Hainan International Tourism Island creates a promising prospect for the development of its tropical leisure agro-tourism, and the latter will contribute a lot to the former in the fields of econom... The construction of Hainan International Tourism Island creates a promising prospect for the development of its tropical leisure agro-tourism, and the latter will contribute a lot to the former in the fields of economy, ecology and culture. The present situation and development prospects of tropical leisure agro-tourism in the context of constructing International Tourism Island in Hainan are introduced in this study, SWOT analysis of tropical leisure agro-tourism in Hainan is conducted, causes of imperfect tropical leisure agro-tourism in Hainan Island are elaborated such as insufficient understanding and investment, fragile infrastructure and lack of overall tourism planning despite its abundant tropical agricultural resources, marine resources, forest resources and ecological resources as well as convenient transportation. Combining with the opportunities and challenges in developing tourism industry, targeted strategies are proposed for promoting the tropical leisure agro-tourism, that is, enhancing understanding about leisure agro-tourism; determining the target and orientation of tourism planning through basic classification, properly defining functional divisions and spatial layout; improving relevant laws and regulations about tourism industry; attaching more importance in attracting alien investment; fully developing the tropical, marine, green and ecological features of tropical leisure agro-tourism in Hainan Island; cultivating resources, scenic spots and products of different types respectively in tourism development, especially culturing typical products; protecting ecological environment, implementing sustainable development of tourism industry; making innovations in marketing, accurately subdividing tourism market. 展开更多
关键词 Hainan International Tourism Island Tropical leisure agro-tourism SWOT analysis Development strategies
抓住发展机遇 开家农家旅社
作者 易水寒 《湖南农业》 2003年第20期19-19,共1页
据世界旅游组织预测,再过10多年,我国将成为世界上最大的旅游国之一。届时,每年接待游客人数将占世界市场份额的8%以上,这无疑将给旅游业带来相当大的经济效益;同时也会给相关行业带来很多致富门路和就业机会。据统计,欧洲每年旅游总... 据世界旅游组织预测,再过10多年,我国将成为世界上最大的旅游国之一。届时,每年接待游客人数将占世界市场份额的8%以上,这无疑将给旅游业带来相当大的经济效益;同时也会给相关行业带来很多致富门路和就业机会。据统计,欧洲每年旅游总收入中农业旅游收入占5%~10%。西班牙重视乡村旅游,36%的西班牙人季节休假是在各个乡村旅游点中的农舍里度过的,我国将来的发展趋势也不例外。因此,在农村风景区开办农家旅社不失为一条很好的致富之路。 展开更多
关键词 旅游国 世界市场份额 农业旅游 旅游组织 西班牙人 田园风光 发展趋势
《中国招标》 2016年第7期46-47,共2页
1724宗2016年1月28日审计署网站公布,2015年,审计署抽查了6省区1724宗有效探矿权、采矿权,至2015年底,6省区组织开展矿产资源领域专项整治行动,整改违法违规问题金额共计8.47亿元。194万户2016年1月28日举行的"深圳全光网城市示范小区... 1724宗2016年1月28日审计署网站公布,2015年,审计署抽查了6省区1724宗有效探矿权、采矿权,至2015年底,6省区组织开展矿产资源领域专项整治行动,整改违法违规问题金额共计8.47亿元。194万户2016年1月28日举行的"深圳全光网城市示范小区授牌仪式"上,深圳市公布, 展开更多
关键词 全光网 采矿权 矿产资源 示范小区 万户 核电发展 旅游国 中美贸易额 融资租赁业 对外直接投资
Shift-share Analysis on International Tourism Competitiveness——A Case of Jiangsu Province 被引量:9
作者 SHI Chunyun ZHANG Jie +1 位作者 YANG Yang ZHOU Zhang 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2007年第2期173-178,共6页
Shift-share analysis has been confirmed a useful approach in the study of regional economics and many kinds of extended shift-share models have been advanced and put into practice in economic studies, but few have hit... Shift-share analysis has been confirmed a useful approach in the study of regional economics and many kinds of extended shift-share models have been advanced and put into practice in economic studies, but few have hitherto been introduced and applied to the tourism research in China. Moreover understanding the spatially competitive relationship is of paramount importance for marketers, developers, and planners involved in tourism strategy development. Based on international tourism receipts from 1995 to 2004, this study aims at probing into the spatial competitiveness of interna- tional tourism in Jiangsu Province in comparison with its neighbors by applying a spatially extended shift-share model and a modified dynamic shift-share model. The empirical results illustrate that exceptional years may exist in the ap- plication of dynamic shift-share models. To solve this issue, modifications to dynamic shift-share model are put forward. The analytical results are not only presented but also explained by the comparison of background conditions of tourism development between Jiangsu and its key competitors. The conclusions can be drawn that the growth of international tourism receipts in Jiangsu mainly attributes to the national component and the competitive component and Zhejiang is the most important rival to Jiangsu during the period of 1995-2004. In order to upgrade the tourism competitiveness, it is indispensable for Jiangsu to take proper positioning, promoting and marketing strategies and to cooperate and integrate with its main rivals. 展开更多
关键词 international tourism competitiveness spatially extended shift-share analysis model comparative static shift-share analysis modified dynamic shift-share analysis Jiangsu Province
Residents′Activity-travel Behavior Variation by Communities in Beijing,China 被引量:15
作者 ZHAO Ying CHAI Yanwei 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第4期492-505,共14页
China's transition from a planned economy to a market economy has resulted in many changes in its urban structure and society and provided an opportunity for a quasi-longitudinal case study on the relationship bet... China's transition from a planned economy to a market economy has resulted in many changes in its urban structure and society and provided an opportunity for a quasi-longitudinal case study on the relationship between the built environment and activity-travel behavior.This paper draws upon data from an activity diary survey conducted in Beijing in 2007.The survey sample comprised 652 residents living in Danwei(work unit),commodity housing,and affordable housing neighborhoods.On the basis of the three-dimensional geo-visualization analysis of the space-time path and statistical multivariate regression models of daily travel and leisure time,it was found that both residential spatial factors and socio-demographics influence residents' daily behaviors.The findings show that Danwei residents have less daily travel time than those who live in commodity housing,but people living in affordable housing endure the longest travel time.Daily leisure time is associated more with individual attributes.We argue that although China's transition is currently gradual,the Danwei system may continue to play significant roles in daily life,and it might provide a valuable model for neighborhood spatial planning. 展开更多
关键词 built environment activity-travel behavior Danwei(work unit) housing reform BEIJING
Regional Disparity and Convergence of China's Inbound Tourism Economy 被引量:40
作者 WANG Shuxin HE Yuanqing +2 位作者 WANG Xueding ZHU Guofeng CAO Weihong 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第6期715-722,共8页
Comprehending regional characteristics and influencing factors of China's inbound tourism economy is im- portant to make effective policies that will help inbound tourism develop harmoniously and shrink regional disp... Comprehending regional characteristics and influencing factors of China's inbound tourism economy is im- portant to make effective policies that will help inbound tourism develop harmoniously and shrink regional disparity. This paper studied the regional disparity and convergence of China's inbound tourism economy during 1996-2008 with the methods of a-convergence, club convergence and r-convergence. The results indicate that 1) inbound tourism receipts per capita (ITRPC) of the whole country, the eastern, central and western regions presented the rapid increasing trend; 2) ITRPC of the whole country was characterized by convergence; 3) the eastern region presented club con- vergence, but the central and western regions did not show this trend; 4) the star-hotel levels and investment in fixed assets for the tourism industry per capita had a same trend to growth rates of ITRPC, promoting inbound tourism de- velopment, and there was no difference among the 31 provinces (municipalities) in the mainland of China; 5) but the proportion of employed persons in the tourism industry accounting for total population and the proportion of the terti- ary industry accounting for GDP had a reversal trend to growth rates of ITRPC, shrinking the provincial disparity in inbound tourism economy, and there were differences between the developed provinces and the developing provinces. Based on these analyses, we put forward some suggestions for the developing provinces to speed up inbound tourism economy. 展开更多
关键词 inbound tourism receipts regional disparity a-convergence club convergence fl-convergence China
Measuring Tourist’s Water Footprint in a Mountain Destination of Northwest Yunnan, China 被引量:7
作者 YANG Mingyu Luc HENS +1 位作者 Robert DE WULF OU Xiaokun 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第5期682-693,共12页
Monitoring and minimizing tourist’s water consumption is essential for the sustainable development of mountain destinations in the world. However, available data and a generally accepted protocol on such measurement ... Monitoring and minimizing tourist’s water consumption is essential for the sustainable development of mountain destinations in the world. However, available data and a generally accepted protocol on such measurement are still limited. This study uses water footprint accounting to quantify tourist’s water demand in the Liming valley, a World Heritage site and a rapidly growing tourism destination in Northwest Yunnan, China. Both the water for direct and indirect use is taken into account based on the consumptive behavior of the tourists in the valley. Data were collected through guesthouse monitoring and a tourist survey in the 2005 tourist season. The results indicate that an average tourist leaves behind a footprint of 5.2 m3 on local water resources per day. Food production and waste dilution are the two most important water consumption factors. The results also show tourists consume more water than the local residents on per capita basis. This suggests more commitment is necessary to cope with this stress by individual tourists. Management implications to make water use more sustainable in mountain destinations are derived from this study. 展开更多
关键词 TOURISM Mountain destination Water demand Footprint accounting Sustainable development Northwest Yunnan
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