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不同工作压力下穿孔形灌水器内的旋涡作用分析 被引量:6
作者 邢少博 张金珠 +1 位作者 王振华 刘宁宁 《排灌机械工程学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第10期1075-1080,共6页
为探究穿孔形流道内的旋涡对灌水器的抗堵塞与消能性能的影响,基于试验验证的数值模拟方法,对4种工作压力下流道中的流场分布、旋涡区的几何特征、涡旋强度及压力分布进行了分析,同时研究了该灌水器内不同粒径泥沙颗粒的运动情况.结果表... 为探究穿孔形流道内的旋涡对灌水器的抗堵塞与消能性能的影响,基于试验验证的数值模拟方法,对4种工作压力下流道中的流场分布、旋涡区的几何特征、涡旋强度及压力分布进行了分析,同时研究了该灌水器内不同粒径泥沙颗粒的运动情况.结果表明:旋涡区可对流道边壁进行持续冲刷清洗并减缓颗粒在流道内部的聚积,旋涡区可发挥抗堵塞作用;旋涡区内不同流速的流层间、旋涡区与主流区间、旋涡区与流道边壁间的摩擦作用都会消耗能量,旋涡区可发挥消能作用;旋涡区在不同压力下形态稳定.以上分析表明,旋涡区在不同压力下稳定存在,并可提高滴灌灌水器的抗堵塞与消能性能,为灌水器的抗堵塞及水力性能优化提供参考. 展开更多
关键词 旋涡区 穿孔形灌水器 工作压力 堵塞 消能
近失速状态下压气机转子叶尖旋涡流动研究 被引量:14
作者 于宏军 刘宝杰 +1 位作者 刘火星 蒋浩康 《航空学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第1期9-15,共7页
在低速大尺寸单级压气机实验台上,利用SPIV技术测量了近失速状态下压气机转子尖区多个截面的三维瞬态速度场。基于瞬态场测量结果,详细阐述了近失速状态下压气机转子叶尖泄漏涡的演化过程和角区旋涡的形成过程。测量结果表明角区旋涡是... 在低速大尺寸单级压气机实验台上,利用SPIV技术测量了近失速状态下压气机转子尖区多个截面的三维瞬态速度场。基于瞬态场测量结果,详细阐述了近失速状态下压气机转子叶尖泄漏涡的演化过程和角区旋涡的形成过程。测量结果表明角区旋涡是一种总体意义上的旋涡,其涡核是由多个涡团组成的,形成角区旋涡的一个关键机制是压气机的旋转运动对源于近吸力面的正负涡量的涡团具有选择性。 展开更多
关键词 旋涡 叶尖泄漏涡 非定常相互作用 SPIV 压气机
用SPIV技术测量压气机转子尖区复杂流动 被引量:4
作者 于宏军 刘宝杰 +2 位作者 蒋浩康 袁辉靖 徐月亭 《工程热物理学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第4期575-578,共4页
本文将数字式SPIV技术应用到低速大尺寸压气机实验台上,并在设计状态和近失速状态下,对转子槽道内叶尖区域多个截面内的三维瞬态速度场进行了成功测量。测量结果表明SPIV透过机匣视窗及即可直接测量旋涡和二次流的瞬态结构,而且能够解... 本文将数字式SPIV技术应用到低速大尺寸压气机实验台上,并在设计状态和近失速状态下,对转子槽道内叶尖区域多个截面内的三维瞬态速度场进行了成功测量。测量结果表明SPIV透过机匣视窗及即可直接测量旋涡和二次流的瞬态结构,而且能够解决多级压气机内部流场的测量.在压气机SPIV测量中,激光反光的控制和示踪粒子的均匀稳定散播是决定成败的关键因素。 展开更多
关键词 SPIV 压气机 叶尖泄漏流 旋涡 非定常流
湍流模型在压气机转子尖区流动模拟中的对比研究 被引量:13
作者 柳阳威 刘宝杰 《工程热物理学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第3期399-402,共4页
对比研究了六个常用的湍流模型预测压气机转子叶尖复杂旋涡流动的能力,选用的六个湍流模型分别为:混合长度模型,SA模型,标准κ-ε模型,SSTκ-ω模型,(?)2-f模型和雷诺应力模型。通过与压气机转子尖区典型的大尺度旋涡结构—泄漏涡和角... 对比研究了六个常用的湍流模型预测压气机转子叶尖复杂旋涡流动的能力,选用的六个湍流模型分别为:混合长度模型,SA模型,标准κ-ε模型,SSTκ-ω模型,(?)2-f模型和雷诺应力模型。通过与压气机转子尖区典型的大尺度旋涡结构—泄漏涡和角区旋涡的SPIV详细测量结果的对比,分析了六个湍流模型预测转子尖区复杂流动的能力;在结合试验的基础上,根据数值模拟结果对转子尖区流动进行了更为深入的分析. 展开更多
关键词 泄漏涡 旋涡 压气机 湍流模型 数值模拟
作者 曾飞 甘明瑜 +3 位作者 宋玉琴 张伟昊 王宇凡 薛君 《推进技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第10期56-65,共10页
为研究导叶端壁安装间隙泄漏流的影响,本文围绕某双级涡轮开展了数值研究,分析了导叶端壁有无间隙、间隙大小等因素对涡轮流场和性能的影响。结果表明,端壁安装间隙的泄漏流仅在后半段形成,前半段受通道内较大压力的影响形成主流入侵现... 为研究导叶端壁安装间隙泄漏流的影响,本文围绕某双级涡轮开展了数值研究,分析了导叶端壁有无间隙、间隙大小等因素对涡轮流场和性能的影响。结果表明,端壁安装间隙的泄漏流仅在后半段形成,前半段受通道内较大压力的影响形成主流入侵现象,主流入侵范围占间隙出口面积的44%以上;随间隙宽度的增大,主流入侵现象呈增强趋势,这必然使得端壁侧面面临极大的热负荷;泄漏流流出后卷起泄漏涡,并引起端区气流欠转,导致下游动叶负荷降低,且影响了动叶通道端区旋涡演化,其带来的涡轮级效率差异为0.41%~1.12%,总功率差异为0.38%~0.82%。 展开更多
关键词 燃气涡轮 端壁安装间隙 泄漏流动 旋涡结构 气动性能
基于FLUENT的紧密纺大风机系统流场模拟与分析 被引量:9
作者 谢春萍 潘鵾鹏 +1 位作者 苏旭中 黄正科 《纺织学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第10期130-133,138,共5页
在紧密纺大风机系统设计中,车头、车尾各锭的负压差异要保持在允许误差范围之内。针对此问题,通过标准k-ε双方程模型对紧密纺大风机系统模型进行分析,应用三维建模软件Gambit与CFD软件Fluent对系统内部流场进行三维仿真模拟,了解内部... 在紧密纺大风机系统设计中,车头、车尾各锭的负压差异要保持在允许误差范围之内。针对此问题,通过标准k-ε双方程模型对紧密纺大风机系统模型进行分析,应用三维建模软件Gambit与CFD软件Fluent对系统内部流场进行三维仿真模拟,了解内部流场的特性,揭示内部流场的压强分布与变化规律。结果表明:为实现入口气压一致,必须将主风道的气压降保持在较低的范围内,减少支管处能量损耗;利用CFD技术对紧密纺大风机系统内部流场进行模拟计算,得到的流场结果与实际值基本符合,计算结果得到了实测值的验证。 展开更多
关键词 紧密纺 大风机系统 流场 CFD 节点 网格 旋涡区 紊流
井字形格栅对STEYR厢式货车减小气动阻力的实验研究 被引量:1
作者 赵兰水 刘连山 孔祥雷 《实验力学》 CSCD 北大核心 2001年第4期409-413,共5页
本文介绍了用被动控制边界层的方法 ,即在厢式货车厢体的迎风面上安装井字形格栅 ,井字形格栅的导流作用 ,减小了厢体迎风面的压力 ,由于格栅改善了绕流特性 ,使气流再附点前移 ,减小了上表面的旋涡区 ,从而减小了厢式货车的压差阻力 .... 本文介绍了用被动控制边界层的方法 ,即在厢式货车厢体的迎风面上安装井字形格栅 ,井字形格栅的导流作用 ,减小了厢体迎风面的压力 ,由于格栅改善了绕流特性 ,使气流再附点前移 ,减小了上表面的旋涡区 ,从而减小了厢式货车的压差阻力 .该研究拓宽了汽车减阻节能的途径 .不仅具有较高的理论价值 ,而且有重大的社会经济效益 .由于井字形格栅制作简单 ,造价低廉 ,安装方便 。 展开更多
关键词 风洞 井字形格栅 气动阻力 厢式 被动控制边界层 迎风面 旋涡区 节能 压差阻力 厢式货车
用三维PIV技术研究压气机转子尖部的非定常复杂流动 被引量:3
作者 刘宝杰 于宏军 蒋浩康 《科学技术与工程》 2003年第2期175-178,共4页
在大型低速压气机实验台上,基于现有粒子图象测速(PIV)系统,发展适用于多级叶轮机械转子内非定常流场测量的三维PIV技术,对转子尖部的非定常复杂流动瞬态速度场进行细测量,研究其各种旋涡结构、生成演化机制、相互作用、湍流的形成机制... 在大型低速压气机实验台上,基于现有粒子图象测速(PIV)系统,发展适用于多级叶轮机械转子内非定常流场测量的三维PIV技术,对转子尖部的非定常复杂流动瞬态速度场进行细测量,研究其各种旋涡结构、生成演化机制、相互作用、湍流的形成机制、对损失的贡献及对失速的影响。为内流研究提供先进实验手段,并为数值模拟和湍流模型提供新的基本实验数据。 展开更多
关键词 三维粒子图象测速技术 泄漏涡 旋涡 非定常流
作者 薛海 潘从辉 +1 位作者 池映华 刘培 《南水北调与水利科技(中英文)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第5期1021-1029,共9页
保水堰是一种新型溢流堰结构形式,为提升保水堰在大型调水工程中的输水能力,利用实测数据进行模型验证,在确保模拟保水堰堰内水流流态规律准确性的前提下,探究工程中保水堰体型参数对输水系统过流能力的影响。研究揭示了堰井段环状旋涡... 保水堰是一种新型溢流堰结构形式,为提升保水堰在大型调水工程中的输水能力,利用实测数据进行模型验证,在确保模拟保水堰堰内水流流态规律准确性的前提下,探究工程中保水堰体型参数对输水系统过流能力的影响。研究揭示了堰井段环状旋涡区的产生与发展机理,并对11种降低堰高方案进行数值计算,分析堰井段流速矢量分布和环状旋涡区范围及能量耗散的变化,发现使输水系统过流能力增加的最佳堰高区间为[1.0 P_(1)≥P≥0.7P_(1)](P为保水堰堰高;P_(1)为堰前堰高)。当堰高在此区间内,通过降低P使堰前流速矢量仰角和堰后环状旋涡区变小,能量耗散显著降低,降低0.1P_(1),流量平均增加2.1%。考虑到工程改造成本和过流能力提升效果,故在本研究提出最佳堰高区间内修改保水堰的结构,为输水系统过流能力提升提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 保水堰 数值模拟 过流能力提升 环状旋涡区
高超声速进气道/隔离段内流特性研究进展 被引量:20
作者 黄河峡 谭慧俊 +2 位作者 庄逸 盛发家 孙姝 《推进技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第10期2252-2273,共22页
作为超燃冲压发动机的增压部件,高超声速进气道/隔离段内部存在一系列的复杂流动现象,本文概述了该领域的相关研究进展。高超声速进气道/隔离段内存在多种激波/边界层干扰现象,并受到膨胀波系等的干扰,使其特性偏离了传统基于简化模型... 作为超燃冲压发动机的增压部件,高超声速进气道/隔离段内部存在一系列的复杂流动现象,本文概述了该领域的相关研究进展。高超声速进气道/隔离段内存在多种激波/边界层干扰现象,并受到膨胀波系等的干扰,使其特性偏离了传统基于简化模型的研究结果,具有显著的三维干扰特征、多波组合干扰特征,并在通道内诱导出了显著的二次流,特别是角区旋涡流动。隔离段内存在复杂的激波和膨胀波结构,这些背景波系在隔离段内不断反射,形成显著的流向和横向参数间断。当出口流道发生几何或热力壅塞时,隔离段内会出现更为复杂的激波串现象。激波串和上游背景波系、角涡相干,呈现出明显的偏向性,并在前移过程中可能会出现两种特殊的动态前移过程。尽管最近对高超声速进气道/隔离段内流特性的认识得到了极大地提高,但仍然有较多的基础问题亟待解决。 展开更多
关键词 高超声速进气道/隔离段 激波/边界层干扰 背景波系 旋涡 激波串
Automatic detection of oceanic mesoscale eddies in the South China Sea 被引量:1
作者 夏琼 申辉 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第5期1334-1348,共15页
This study focuses on the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of mesoscale eddies in the South China Sea(SCS). An automatic eddy detection method,based on the geometry of velocity vectors,was adopted to ... This study focuses on the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of mesoscale eddies in the South China Sea(SCS). An automatic eddy detection method,based on the geometry of velocity vectors,was adopted to obtain an eddy dataset from 21 years of satellite altimeter data. Analysis revealed that the number of anticyclonic eddies was nearly equal to cyclonic eddies; in the SCS,cyclonic eddies are generally stronger than anticyclonic eddies and anticyclonic eddies are larger and longer-lived than cyclonic eddies. Anticyclonic eddies tend to survive longer in the spring and summer,while cyclonic eddies have longer lifetimes in the autumn and winter. The characteristics and seasonal variations of eddies in the SCS are strongly related to variations in general ocean circulation,in the homogeneity of surface wind stress,and in the unevenness of bottom topography in the SCS. The spatial and temporal variation of mesoscale eddies in the SCS could,therefore,be an important index for understanding local hydrodynamics and regional climate change. 展开更多
关键词 South China Sea mesoscale eddies eddy detection ALTIMETER STATISTICS
作者 姚秀萍 吴国雄 刘还珠 《Journal of Tropical Meteorology》 SCIE 2008年第1期85-88,共4页
By employing the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data sets (1000-10hPa, 2.5°× 2.5°), the characteristics have been analyzed of the structure and evolution of an easterly vortex over the tropical upper troposphere ... By employing the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data sets (1000-10hPa, 2.5°× 2.5°), the characteristics have been analyzed of the structure and evolution of an easterly vortex over the tropical upper troposphere relating to the east-west direction shift of the subtropical anticyclone over the Western Pacific Ocean. It is shown that there exists a westward shift simultaneously between the anticyclone and the vortex locating south of it. The anticyclone retreats eastward abnormally while the easterly encounters with the westerly around the same longitudes as they move from the opposite directions. The former is an upper weather system, extending from mid-troposphere to the height of 50 hPa with the center locating on 200 hPa. The vertical thermal distribution illustrates the characteristics of being"warm in the upper layer but cold in the lower layer". The divergence effect and the vertical motion change largely within the east and west sides of the easterly vortex and ascending branch transforms to descending branch near its center. 展开更多
关键词 easterly vortex structural characteristics east-west shift of subtropical anticyclone over the Western Pacific Ocean
轴流压气机转子尖部三维复杂流动Ⅰ——实验和理论研究 被引量:13
作者 于贤君 刘宝杰 蒋浩康 《航空学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第1期48-57,共10页
在低速大尺寸压气机实验台上,利用体视图像粒子测速(SPIV)技术测量了设计状态和近失速状态转子尖部的三维复杂流动,对典型二次流流动结构的特性及其产生、发展和演化机制做了研究。实验测量覆盖整个转子通道,从测量得到的各阶物理量中... 在低速大尺寸压气机实验台上,利用体视图像粒子测速(SPIV)技术测量了设计状态和近失速状态转子尖部的三维复杂流动,对典型二次流流动结构的特性及其产生、发展和演化机制做了研究。实验测量覆盖整个转子通道,从测量得到的各阶物理量中可以识别出叶尖泄漏涡、角区旋涡、通道涡和进口导叶尾迹等多种二次流流动结构。通过分析各种二次流流动结构造成的流动堵塞和损失发现:在设计状态,叶尖泄漏涡是流动堵塞和损失的主要来源,在转子出口处造成的流动堵塞约为总流量的0.35%;在近失速状态,角区旋涡对流动堵塞和损失的分布起了决定性作用,造成的流动堵塞可以达到总流量的8.5%。最后,借鉴二次流理论对角区旋涡的产生、发展和演化机制做了理论分析,结果表明角区旋涡的发展过程主要由流向速度的展向分布规律决定。 展开更多
关键词 叶尖泄漏涡 旋涡 二次流 体视激光粒子测速 压气机
轴流压气机转子尖部三维复杂流动Ⅱ——数值模拟研究 被引量:6
作者 于贤君 刘宝杰 蒋浩康 《航空学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第1期58-69,共12页
在实验研究和理论分析的基础上,对亚声速压气机转子尖部复杂流动做了数值模拟研究,旨在进一步深入研究叶尖间隙和进口总压分布对转子叶尖复杂流动的影响。首先通过对与实验条件相同的转子尖部复杂流动的数值模拟研究,校验了数值模拟结果... 在实验研究和理论分析的基础上,对亚声速压气机转子尖部复杂流动做了数值模拟研究,旨在进一步深入研究叶尖间隙和进口总压分布对转子叶尖复杂流动的影响。首先通过对与实验条件相同的转子尖部复杂流动的数值模拟研究,校验了数值模拟结果,并分析了转子尖部复杂流动速度场、压力场和涡量场分布特性。然后通过改变叶尖间隙尺度和进口总压分布,研究了二者对近叶尖复杂流动的影响。研究结果表明:当叶尖间隙小于1%叶片弦长时角区旋涡的发展是导致转子失速的关键;而当叶尖间隙大于2%叶片弦长时叶尖泄漏涡的发展是导致转子失速的关键;改变进口总压分布可以合理地组织转子尖部流动并扩大转子工作裕度。此外,通过观测近叶片吸力面二维涡线的发展趋势可以判断叶尖复杂流动的发展状态。 展开更多
关键词 叶尖泄漏涡 旋涡 二次流 数值模拟 压气机
Distribution characteristics of magnetic susceptibility of the surface sediments in the southern Yellow Sea 被引量:8
作者 GE Shulan~(1,2,3), SHI Xuefa~1 & HAN Yibing~1 1. Key Laboratory of Marine Sedimentology and Environmental Geology, First Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration. Qingdao 266061. China 2. Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029. China 3. Graduate School. Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100039. China 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 2003年第B06期37-41,共5页
The characteristic distributions of magnetic susceptibility (MS) are analyzed on the basis of susceptibility of 172 surface sediment samples in the southern Yellow Sea (SYS). The preliminary results are as follows: fi... The characteristic distributions of magnetic susceptibility (MS) are analyzed on the basis of susceptibility of 172 surface sediment samples in the southern Yellow Sea (SYS). The preliminary results are as follows: first, the distributions clearly correspond to different modern sediment assemblages in the continental sea, which indicates different sediment origins. With the 30 μCGS isoline being taken as demarcation line, the study area can then be divided into section H (high MS value area) and section L (low MS value area). Section H is mainly adjacent to land with two main sources of the Changjiang River and the Huanghe River.Section L is mainly an eddy sediment area, where Yellow Sea Cold Water is entrenched all the year round. The distribution pattern of MS could tell apart strong or weak hydrodynamic conditions and has a close relation to the circulation system in this area. At the areas of the SYS Circumfluent and northern East China Sea (NECS) Circumfluent (weak hydrodynamic), the MS has low values, while in the areas of Coastal Current (strong hydrodynamic), the values are high.At the same time, the oxidizing areas tend to take on higher MS, while the reducing areas have lower one. It seems safe to say that the MS in the continental sea reflects more of the sediment origin and sedimentary environment, which is different from that of loess, lake and surface soil as a climate proxy. 展开更多
关键词 中国 黄海 表面沉积物 磁化率 等值线 长江 黄河 旋涡沉积 循环系统
Vortex genesis over the Bay of Bengal in spring and its role in the onset of the Asian Summer Monsoon 被引量:18
作者 WU GuoXiong GUAN Yue +3 位作者 WANG TongMei LIU YiMin YAN JingHui MAO JiangYu 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第1期1-9,共9页
Physical processes associated with onset of the 1998 Asian summer monsoon were examined in detail using multi-source datasets. We demonstrated that strong ocean-atmosphere-land interaction in the northern Indian Ocean... Physical processes associated with onset of the 1998 Asian summer monsoon were examined in detail using multi-source datasets. We demonstrated that strong ocean-atmosphere-land interaction in the northern Indian Ocean and tropical Asian area during spring is a fundamental factor that induces the genesis and development of a monsoon onset vortex over the Bay of Bengal (BOB), with the vortex in turn triggering onset of the Asian summer monsoon. In spring, strong surface sensible heat- ing over India and the Indochina Peninsula is transferred to the atmosphere, forming prominent in situ cyclonic circulation, with anticyclonic circulations over the Arabian Sea and northern BOB where the ocean receives abundant solar radiation. The corresponding surface winds along the North Indian Ocean coastal areas cause the ocean to produce the in situ offshore cur- rents and upwelling, resulting in sea surface temperature (SST) cooling. With precipitation on the Indochina Peninsula in- creasing from late April to early May, the offshore current disappears in the eastern BOB or develops into an onshore current, leading to SST increasing. A southwest-northeast oriented spring BOB warm pool with SST 〉31℃forms in a band from the southeastern Arabian Sea to the eastern BOB. In early May, the Somali cross-equatorial flow forms due to the meridional SST gradient between the two hemispheres, and surface sensible heat over the African land surface. The Somali flow overlaps in phase with the anticyclone over the northern Arabian Sea in the course of its inertial fluctuation along the equator. The con- vergent cold northerlies on the eastern side of the anticyclone cause the westerly in the inertial trough to increase rapidly, so that enhanced sensible heat is released from the sea surface into the atmosphere. The cyclonic vorticity forced by such sensible heating is superimposed on the inertial trough, leading to its further increase in vorticity strength. Since atmospheric inertial motion is destroyed, the flow deviates from the inertial track in an intensified cyclonic curvature, and then turns northward to- ward the warm pool in the northern BOB. It therefore converges with the easterly flow on the south side of the anticyclone over the northern BOB, forming a cyclonic circulation center east of Sri Lanka. Co-located with the cyclonic circulation is a generation of atmospheric potential energy, due to lower tropospheric heating by the warm ocean. Eventually the BOB mon- soon onset vortex (MOV) is generated east of Sri Lanka. As the MOV migrates northward to the warm pool it develops quickly such that the zonal oriented subtropical high is split over the eastern BOB. Thus, the tropical southwesterly on the southern and eastern sides of the MOV merges into the subtropical westerly in the north, leading to active convection over the eastern BOB and western Indochina Peninsula and onset of the Asian summer monsoon. 展开更多
关键词 air-sea interaction spring BOB warm pool monsoon onset vortex inertial oscillation Asian summer monsoon onset
Impact of eddies on ocean diapycnal mixing in Gulf Stream region 被引量:4
作者 LI Min XIE LingLing +1 位作者 YANG QingXuan TIAN JiWei 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第6期1407-1414,共8页
Based on high-resolution,Array for Real-time Geostrophic Oceanography(Argo)profiles and Sea Level Anomaly(SLA)data,this study statistically analyzes and compares turbulent diapycnal mixing profiles inside and outside ... Based on high-resolution,Array for Real-time Geostrophic Oceanography(Argo)profiles and Sea Level Anomaly(SLA)data,this study statistically analyzes and compares turbulent diapycnal mixing profiles inside and outside mesoscale eddies in the Gulf Stream region.The result indicates that average diapycnal diffusivity at 300–540 m depths in anticyclonic eddies reaches4.0×10-5 m2 s-1.This is significantly higher than the 1.6×10-5 m2 s-1 outside eddies and 0.8×10-5 m2 s-1 in cyclonic eddies.Probabilities of diapycnal diffusivity greater than 10-4 m2 s-1 within anticyclonic and cyclonic eddies and outside eddies are29%,5%and 12%,respectively.However,magnitudes of average diapycnal diffusivity at 540–900 m depths in these three cases are of the same order,10-5 m2 s-1.Twenty-four of a total 38 anticyclonic eddies had enhanced mixing in the ocean interior,and 22 were observed during or shortly after strong winds.The coincidence between enhanced mixing and strong wind stress indicates that more wind-induced,near-inertial wave energy propagates downward in anticyclonic eddies.The deeper part of 12 profiles(below 540 m)in anticyclonic eddies had vertical overturns with Thorpe scale exceeding 5 m,among which three profiles had overturns reaching 20 m.Enhanced mixing may have occurred in deep layers of some profiles,although it was not evident in average conditions. 展开更多
关键词 ARGO EDDIES MIXING Gulf Stream region wind stress overturn
Vortices within the Separation Region in a Decelerating Channel Flow (Effect of Inlet Velocity Gradient)
作者 Yoichi KINOUE Toshiaki SETOGUCHI +2 位作者 Mohammad MAMUN Norimasa SHIOMI Kenji KANEKO 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第4期341-345,共5页
An experimental investigation was made into three-dimensional separated flow and the vortices within the flow separation in a decelerating channel flow generated by the suction from a porous side wall. The flows along... An experimental investigation was made into three-dimensional separated flow and the vortices within the flow separation in a decelerating channel flow generated by the suction from a porous side wall. The flows along the side and bottom walls were visualized by the surface tuft method. The turbulent internal flow was measured by the split-film probe to investigate the turbulent flow including the reverse flow. In the flow visualization for the strong decelerating flow (the suction flow ratio:0.8), two typical flow patterns appear alternatively. One is that the flow near the bottom wall separates more upstream than the flow near the top wall and a clockwise vortex can be seen in the separation region. Another is the reversal flow pattern with a counterclockwise vortex. By the turbulent flow measurement using the split-film probe, two peaks of turbulence level are observed for the strong decelerating flow case. These peaks can be related with two flow patterns mentioned above. 展开更多
关键词 vortices within the separation decelerating channel flow turbulent flow split-film probe
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