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方石英的析晶与无定形化 被引量:26
作者 徐常明 王士维 +2 位作者 黄校先 郭景坤 周国红 《无机材料学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第4期577-582,共6页
石英是一种重要的结构和功能材料,在航天飞行器、半导体、电子通讯和光学器件等领域得到重要应用,但是高温下方石英的析晶限制了它的进一步应用.本文综述了不同研究人员对不同形态石英与石英基复合材料析晶行为及其差异的研究成果和所... 石英是一种重要的结构和功能材料,在航天飞行器、半导体、电子通讯和光学器件等领域得到重要应用,但是高温下方石英的析晶限制了它的进一步应用.本文综述了不同研究人员对不同形态石英与石英基复合材料析晶行为及其差异的研究成果和所持的不同观点,再从"表面析晶"的角度分别对不同形态石英析品行为的差异性与不同工艺因素对石英基复合材料的影响机制进行了系统阐述.最后,结合作者的工作,进一步介绍了方石英无定形化方面的最新研究成果. 展开更多
关键词 不同形态石英 石英基复合材料 方石英 析晶 无定形化
高岭石无定形化的动力学研究 被引量:1
作者 曹秀华 王炼石 周奕雨 《无机化学学报》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第11期1237-1240,共4页
Amorphous kaolinite derivatives were prepared through mixing kaolinite with HCOOK and KOH solution. Kinetics of kaolinite being turned into amorphous derivatvies was investigated by XRD. It showed that the transformat... Amorphous kaolinite derivatives were prepared through mixing kaolinite with HCOOK and KOH solution. Kinetics of kaolinite being turned into amorphous derivatvies was investigated by XRD. It showed that the transformation included dynamic and diffuse controlling stages. And the active energy E1=26.8kJ· mol- 1; E2=12.2 kJ· mol- 1. TEM and SEM images showed that particle size of the amorphous derivatives was about 50nm. And the amorphous derivatives seemed like alumnsilicate gel, accompanied by some aggregates. 展开更多
关键词 高岭石衍生物 无定形化 动力学 甲酸钾
磺酸化无定形碳催化剂的制备及其应用 被引量:2
作者 王佳 牛棱渊 +5 位作者 洪伟 陈丽娜 赵磊 贾娜 马恒昌 杨志旺 《精细化工》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第3期266-271,275,共7页
采用加热回流法制备了磺酸化无定形碳固体酸催化剂。通过电感耦合等离子体发射光谱(ICP-AES)、酸碱电位滴定、傅里叶变换红外光谱(FTIR)、X射线粉末衍射(XRD)、扫描电镜(SEM)和热重分析(TGA)等方法对催化剂进行了表征。结果表明,催化剂... 采用加热回流法制备了磺酸化无定形碳固体酸催化剂。通过电感耦合等离子体发射光谱(ICP-AES)、酸碱电位滴定、傅里叶变换红外光谱(FTIR)、X射线粉末衍射(XRD)、扫描电镜(SEM)和热重分析(TGA)等方法对催化剂进行了表征。结果表明,催化剂结构中—SO3H负载量为2.03 mmol/g,与其他固体酸类催化剂相比,磺酸化无定形碳在催化环酮类化合物的Baeyer-Villiger氧化反应以及苯甲醚和苄醇的傅-克烷基化反应中均显示了良好的催化活性。所得催化剂热稳定性好,制备过程简单。 展开更多
关键词 磺酸无定形 Baeyer-Villiger氧反应 傅-克烷基反应 固体酸催 技术
羧基化聚酰胺—胺/无定形磷酸钙改善牙本质粘接的实验研究 被引量:3
作者 黄婧娴 杨婧 +2 位作者 谢红宇 严凯琦 谢方方 《广西医科大学学报》 CAS 2022年第3期394-399,共6页
目的:探讨粘接剂负载羧基化聚酰胺-胺/无定形磷酸钙(PAMAM—COOH/ACP)纳米复合体对树脂-牙本质粘接性能的影响。方法:收集新鲜拔除的无龋无白斑人前磨牙或第三磨牙80个并制成统一牙本质粘接试样,将80个试样随机分为4组(A组、B组、C组、D... 目的:探讨粘接剂负载羧基化聚酰胺-胺/无定形磷酸钙(PAMAM—COOH/ACP)纳米复合体对树脂-牙本质粘接性能的影响。方法:收集新鲜拔除的无龋无白斑人前磨牙或第三磨牙80个并制成统一牙本质粘接试样,将80个试样随机分为4组(A组、B组、C组、D组)。A组采用自酸蚀粘接剂进行树脂粘接,B组、C组、D组分别采用含0.3wt%ACP、0.3wt%PAMAM—COOH和0.3wt%PAMAM—COOH/ACP的自酸蚀粘接剂进行树脂粘接。对各组粘接试样行剪切强度测试,并对测试结果行单因素方差分析。采用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)观察各组牙本质粘接界面断端,并在超景深三维显微系统(50倍)下统计断裂类型。结果:A组、B组、C组、D组剪切强度分别为(8.67±4.78)MPa、(10.11±3.53)MPa、(11.94±4.78)MPa、(12.01±2.91)MPa。C组和D组的剪切强度均高于A组(P<0.05),B组、C组、D组组间比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。SEM下观察断端,A组只可见树脂残留,B组可见少量疏松矿化产物生成,C组可见矿化产物深入牙本质内,D组形成致密的矿化产物且牙本质小管管径缩小。各组的断裂模式均以黏附破坏为主,除A组外,其余各组均发生少量内聚破坏或混合破坏。结论:PAMAM—COOH/ACP纳米复合体加入自酸蚀粘接剂中可提高其树脂-牙本质粘接强度。 展开更多
关键词 羧基聚酰胺—胺/无定形磷酸钙 仿生矿 牙本质粘接 粘接强度
羧基化的聚酰胺—胺/无定形磷酸钙诱导Ⅰ型胶原纤维矿化的研究 被引量:2
作者 谢红宇 黄晓熳 +1 位作者 黄婧娴 谢方方 《广西医科大学学报》 CAS 2023年第4期575-579,共5页
目的:利用羧基化的聚酰胺—胺稳定矿化物前驱相无定形磷酸钙,合成并表征同时具有有机和无机材料特性的仿生矿化复合物(ACP/CPAMAM),并观察其诱导胶原纤维仿生矿化的效果。方法:制备ACP/CPAMAM纳米复合物,并通过透射电子显微镜、选区电... 目的:利用羧基化的聚酰胺—胺稳定矿化物前驱相无定形磷酸钙,合成并表征同时具有有机和无机材料特性的仿生矿化复合物(ACP/CPAMAM),并观察其诱导胶原纤维仿生矿化的效果。方法:制备ACP/CPAMAM纳米复合物,并通过透射电子显微镜、选区电子衍射、粒径分析、电位分析等对其表征和验证。最终体外实验应用牛跟腱胶原纤维,借助透射电镜—能谱分析观察胶原纤维内部及周围晶体形成情况。结果:ACP/CPAMAM纳米复合物成功合成并且为无定形相,平均粒径为25.13 nm。透射电子显微镜及选区电子衍射显示,ACP的表面出现10 nm厚的低衬度包裹层,证实了ACP/CPAMAM的成功合成且其结构为非晶相。透射电镜—能谱分析显示,应用ACP/CPAMAM矿化肌腱Ⅰ型胶原纤维后可见高密度晶体,胶原纤维周围可见致密、连续的晶体形成,证实该纳米复合物可连续诱导胶原纤维矿化。结论:ACP/CPAMAM作为一种新型的纳米复合生物材料具有良好的生物活性和仿生矿化特性,能够诱导胶原纤维形成矿化产物,提示ACP/CPAMAM可能成为一种新型诱导胶原纤维仿生再矿化的纳米材料。 展开更多
关键词 胶原纤维 羧基的聚酰胺—胺/无定形磷酸钙 仿生矿
羧基化聚酰胺——胺/无定形磷酸钙镁诱导胶原纤维再矿化的研究 被引量:1
作者 严凯琦 黄晓熳 +1 位作者 黄婧娴 谢方方 《广西医科大学学报》 CAS 2023年第2期221-227,共7页
目的:制备并表征羧基化聚酰胺—胺稳定的无定形磷酸钙镁纳米复合体(PAMAM-COOH/ACMP),并初步验证其诱导人牙本质胶原纤维再矿化的能力。方法:在水溶液中制备PAMAM-COOH/ACMP并分别使用傅里叶变换红外光谱(FTIR)、透射电子显微镜(TEM),... 目的:制备并表征羧基化聚酰胺—胺稳定的无定形磷酸钙镁纳米复合体(PAMAM-COOH/ACMP),并初步验证其诱导人牙本质胶原纤维再矿化的能力。方法:在水溶液中制备PAMAM-COOH/ACMP并分别使用傅里叶变换红外光谱(FTIR)、透射电子显微镜(TEM),选区电子衍射(SAED),能谱面扫描(EDX-Mapping)进行表征,依次获得化学结构、形貌、物相及元素分布信息。在仿生条件下,利用PAMAM-COOH/ACMP诱导完全脱矿的人牙本质胶原纤维模型再矿化,对牙本质进行FTIR、X射线衍射(XRD)及扫描电子显微镜(SEM)检测以评价再矿化效果。结果:FTIR检测结果提示,PAMAM-COOH/ACMP中存在磷酸根基团,碳氮键和酰胺键。TEM、EDX-Mapping及SEAD结果显示,PAMAM-COOH/ACMP为直径60~90 nm的近似圆形纳米非晶相颗粒,钙磷镁元素集中分布于颗粒中。SEM结果显示,牙本质表面未见大块沉积矿物,但高倍镜下可见5 mg/mL和10 mg/mL PAMAM-COOH/ACMP处理组的胶原纤维被连续矿物包裹并使纤维间隙减小。根据XRD与FTIR的检测结果,发现这些新生成的矿物为磷酸钙沉积。结论:成功制备了新型纳米材料PAMAM-COOH/ACMP纳米复合体,该纳米复合体在室温条件下尺寸稳定性佳,具有精确诱导人牙本质胶原纤维再矿化的能力。 展开更多
关键词 羧基聚酰胺—胺/无定形磷酸钙镁 仿生矿 胶原纤维 牙本质 再矿
High Performance 70nm CMOS Devices
作者 徐秋霞 钱鹤 +5 位作者 殷华湘 贾林 季红浩 陈宝钦 朱亚江 刘明 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第2期134-139,共6页
A high performance 70nm CMOS device has been demonstrated for the first time in the continent, China. Some innovations in techniques are applied to restrain the short channel effect and improve the driving ability, ... A high performance 70nm CMOS device has been demonstrated for the first time in the continent, China. Some innovations in techniques are applied to restrain the short channel effect and improve the driving ability, such as 3nm nitrided oxide, dual poly Si gate electrode, novel super steep retrograde channel doping by heavy ion implantation, ultra shallow S/D extension formed by Ge PAI(Pre Amorphism Implantation) plus LEI(Low Energy Implantation), thin and low resistance Ti SALICIDE by Ge PAI and special cleaning, etc. The shortest channel length of the CMOS device is 70nm. The threshold voltages, G m and off current are 0 28V,490mS·mm -1 and 0 08nA/μm for NMOS and -0 3V,340mS·mm -1 and 0 2nA/μm for PMOS, respectively. Delays of 23 5ps/stage at 1 5V, 17 5ps/stage at 2 0V and 12 5ps/stage at 3V are achieved in the 57 stage unloaded 100nm CMOS ring oscillator circuits. 展开更多
关键词 high performance 70nm CMOS device S/D extension nitrided gate oxide Ge PAI SALICIDE
Preparation and Characterization of Amorphous Silicon Oxide Nanowires 被引量:4
作者 NI Zi-feng YING Peng-zhan +1 位作者 LUO Yong LI Zhuo-su 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 EI 2007年第4期587-589,共3页
Large-scale amorphous silicon nanowires (SiNWs) with a diameter about 100 nm and a length of dozens of micrometers on silicon wafers were synthesized by thermal evaporation of silicon monoxide (SiO). Scanning electron... Large-scale amorphous silicon nanowires (SiNWs) with a diameter about 100 nm and a length of dozens of micrometers on silicon wafers were synthesized by thermal evaporation of silicon monoxide (SiO). Scanning electron microscope (SEM) and transmission electron microscope (TEM) observations show that the silicon nanowires are smooth. Selected area electron diffraction (SAED) shows that the silicon nanowires are amorphous and en-ergy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) indicates that the nanowires have the composition of Si and O elements in an atomic ratio of 1:2,their composition approximates that of SiO2. SiO is considered to be used as a Si sources to produce SiNWs. We conclude that the growth mechanism is closely related to the defect structure and silicon monoxide followed by growth through an oxide-assisted vapor-solid reaction. 展开更多
关键词 silicon nanowires AMORPHOUS ONE-DIMENSIONAL
Fe-Si-Mn-Oxyhydroxide Encrustations on Basalts at East Pacific Rise near 13°N:An SEM-EDS Study 被引量:5
作者 WANG Xiaoyuan ZENG Zhigang +3 位作者 QI Haiyan CHEN Shuai YIN Xuebo YANG Baoju 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2014年第6期917-925,共9页
Fe-Si-Mn-oxyhydroxide encrustations at the East Pacific Rise (EPR) near 13°N were analyzed using the scanning electron microscope (SEM) with an energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS). These encrustations are ... Fe-Si-Mn-oxyhydroxide encrustations at the East Pacific Rise (EPR) near 13°N were analyzed using the scanning electron microscope (SEM) with an energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS). These encrustations are mainly composed of amorphous Fe- Si-Mn-oxyhydroxides forming laminated, spherical, porous aggregates with some biodetritus, anhydrite, nontronite, and feldspar particles. Anhydrite particles and nontronite crystals in the Fe-Si-Mn-oxyhydroxide encrustations imply that the Fe-Si-Mn-oxyhy- droxide may have formed under relatively low- to high-temperature hydrothermal conditions. The Fe-Si-Mn-oxyhydroxide encrusta- tions on pillow basalts are 1-2mm thick. The growth rate of ferromanganese crusts in the survey area suggests that these encrusta- tions are an unlikely result of hydrogenic deposition alone having a hydrothermal and (Fe/Mn ratio up to 7.7 and Fe/(Fe+Mn+A1) ratio exceeding 0.78) hydrogenic origin (0.22 Fe/Mn ratio close to the mean value of 0.7 for open-ocean seamount crusts). The varying Fe/Mn ratios indicate that the Fe-Si-Mn-oxyhydroxide encrustations have formed through several stages of seafloor hydrother- malism. It is suggested that, at the initial formation stage, dense Fe-Si-oxyhydroxides with low Mn content deposit from a relatively reducing hydrothermal fluid, and then the loose Fe-Si-Mn-oxyhydroxides deposit on the Fe-Si-oxyhydroxides. As the oxidation degree of hydrothermal fluid increases and Si-oxide is inhibited, Mn-oxide will precipitate with Fe-oxyhydroxides. 展开更多
关键词 East Pacific Rise Fe-Si-Mn encrustations origin pillow basalt
Preparation and characteristics of biosilica derived from marine diatom biomass of Nitzschia closterium and Thalassiosira 被引量:1
作者 漆亚 王欣 成家杨 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第3期668-680,共13页
In this study, biosilica of high purity was successfully prepared from marine diatom (Nitzschia closterium and Thalassiosira) biomass using an optimized novel method with acid washing treatment followed by thermal t... In this study, biosilica of high purity was successfully prepared from marine diatom (Nitzschia closterium and Thalassiosira) biomass using an optimized novel method with acid washing treatment followed by thermal treatment of the biomass. The optimal condition of the method was 2% diluted HCl washing and baking at 600℃. The SiO2 contents of N. closterium biosilica and Thalassiosira biosilica were 92.23% and 91.52%, respectively, which were both higher than that of diatomite biosilica. The SiO2 morphologies of both biosilica are typical amorphous silica. Besides, IV. closterium biosilica possessed micropores and fibers with a surface area of 59.81 m^2/g. And Thalassiosira biosilica possessed a mesoporous hierarchical skeleton with a surface area of 9.91 m^2/g. The results suggest that the biosilica samples obtained in this study present highly porous structures. The prepared porous biosilica material possesses great potential to be used as drug delivery carrier, biosensor, biocatalyst as well as adsorbent in the future. 展开更多
Intermolecular Transalkylation of Isopropylnaphthalene and Its Application in the Production of 2,6-Diisopropylnaphthalene 被引量:2
作者 田正华 王沛 赵桂利 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2007年第4期606-610,共5页
Isopropylation of naphthalene with propene resulted in a variety of isomers having different alkylation levels.The most important isomer is 2,6-DIPN,which is the precursor of important monomer 2,6-naphthalene di- carb... Isopropylation of naphthalene with propene resulted in a variety of isomers having different alkylation levels.The most important isomer is 2,6-DIPN,which is the precursor of important monomer 2,6-naphthalene di- carboxylic acid used for making liquid crystal polymers.In order to increase the yield of 2,6-DIPN,the intermo- lecular transalkylation with naphthalene was applied to the mixture of other DIPNs and PIPN to obtain MIPN en- riched product,which underwent isopropylation with propene to produce 2,6-DIPN in a higher yield.The experi- mental study showed that the preferable conditions for transalkylation were reaction temperature of 325℃,the mo- lar ratio of isopropyl group to naphthyl group(IP/N)of 0.8︰1—0.9︰1,reaction time of 4h and 5%of amorphous silica-alumina by mass.The conversions of DIPN and PIPN in its mixture were 62%—69%and 87%—88%respec- tively and the yield of MIPN was greater than 40%.The mixture of MIPN enriched product and recovered MIPN from rectification was subject to isopropylation with propene at 275℃over a shape-selective catalyst to produce 2,6-DIPN in a yield up to 38%.A recycled process of recovered components was established,through one cycle the yield of 2,6-DIPN based on naphthalene may be 2.8 times higher than before,and the utilization ratio of raw naph- thalene was increased by 46%. 展开更多
关键词 intermolecular transalkylation DIISOPROPYLNAPHTHALENE polyisopropylnaphthalene monoisopropylnaphthalene 2 6-diisopropylnaphthalene amorphous silica-alumina
A hydrated amorphous iron oxide nanoparticle as active water oxidation catalyst 被引量:2
作者 Zheng Chen Qinge Huang +2 位作者 Baokun Huang Fuxiang Zhang Can Li 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第1期38-42,共5页
Developing efficient water oxidation catalysts(WOCs)with earth‐abundant elements still remains a challenging task for artificial photosynthesis.Iron‐based WOC is a promising candidate because it is economically chea... Developing efficient water oxidation catalysts(WOCs)with earth‐abundant elements still remains a challenging task for artificial photosynthesis.Iron‐based WOC is a promising candidate because it is economically cheap,little toxic and environmentally friendly.In this study,we found that the catalytic water oxidation activity on amorphous iron‐based oxide/hydroxide(FeOx)can be decreased by an order of magnitude after the dehydration process at room temperature.Thermogravimetric analysis,XRD and Raman results indicated that the dehydration process of FeOx at room temperature causes the almost completely loss of water molecule with no bulk structural changes.Based on this finding,we prepared hydrated ultrasmall(ca.2.2 nm)FeOx nanoparticles of amorphous feature,which turns out to be extremely active as WOC with turnover frequency(TOF)up to 9.3 s^-1 in the photocatalytic Ru(bpy)3^2+‐Na2S2O8 system.Our findings suggest that future design of active iron‐based oxides as WOCs requires the consideration of their hydration status. 展开更多
关键词 Artificial photosynthesis Water oxidation Iron oxide HYDRATION AMORPHOUS
Magnetic Nano-Amorphous-Iron-Oxide-Based Drug Delivery System with Dual Therapeutic Mechanisms
作者 Shan Lei Li-an Wang +3 位作者 Fu-xing Lin Kun Zeng Mo-zhen Wang Xue-wu Ge 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2020年第3期376-384,I0003,共10页
Smart nanoparticles that respond to pathophysiological parameters,such as p H,GSH,and H2O2,have been developed with the huge and urgent demand for the high-efficient drug delivery systems(DDS)for cancer therapy.Herein... Smart nanoparticles that respond to pathophysiological parameters,such as p H,GSH,and H2O2,have been developed with the huge and urgent demand for the high-efficient drug delivery systems(DDS)for cancer therapy.Herein,cubic poly(ethylene glycol)(PEG)-modified mesoporous amorphous iron oxide(AFe)nanoparticles(AFe-PEG)have been successfully prepared as p H-stimulated drug carriers,which can combine doxorubicin(DOX)with a high loading capacity of 948 mg/g,forming a novel multifunctional AFe-PEG/DOX nanoparticulate DDS.In an acidic microenvironment,the AFe-PEG/DOX nanoparticles will not only release DOX efficiently,but also release Fe ions to catalyze the transformation of H2O2 to·OH,acting as fenton reagents.In vitro experimental results proved that the AFe-PEG/DOX nanoparticles can achieve combination of chemotherapeutic(CTT)and chemodynamic therapeutic(CDT)effects on Hela tumor cells.Furthermore,the intrinsic magnetism of AFePEG/DOX makes its cellular internalization efficiency be improved under an external magnetic field.Therefore,this work develops a new and promising magnetically targeted delivery and dual CTT/CDT therapeutic nano-medicine platform based on amorphous iron oxide. 展开更多
关键词 Cubic amorphous iron oxide nanoparticles p H-responsive CHEMOTHERAPY Chemodynamic therapy Magnetically targeted delivery
Quantum Chemistry Study on Local Structure and Properties of Amorphous Fe80P20 Alloy 被引量:1
作者 Zhi-gang Fang Hong-zhi Hu +1 位作者 Jing-xue Guo Qiu-ju Li 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第1期59-64,共6页
According to the structure features of Fe80P20, A series of clusters Fe4P were designed and focused on studying the stability of local structure, charge distribution and chemical bond, Using the DFT method, energy and... According to the structure features of Fe80P20, A series of clusters Fe4P were designed and focused on studying the stability of local structure, charge distribution and chemical bond, Using the DFT method, energy and structure of Fe4P clusters were optimized and analyzed. The computational results showed that the energy of cluster 1(2) has the lowest energy, and the possibility of its existence in the Fe80P20 is high. Analyzing the transition states among the clusters, it was found that the clusters in the doublet state are more stable than those in the quartet state. The numbers of the Fe-P bond in the clusters play important roles in the cluster stability and electrons transfer properties, The more numbers of Fe-P bonds in the clusters, the higher the cluster stability, and the weaker the ability of P atom to get electron, The number of Fe atoms, which has bonding interactions with the P atom, is direct proportional to the average 3d orbit population of Fe atom. Basing on the orbital population, average magnetic moments of each Fe atom in the Fe4P clusters were calculated, and they are all smaller than that of single metal Fe atom. This suggests that all Fe4P clusters have soft magnetic property and they are expected to be perfect material for preparing soft magnetic apparatus. 展开更多
关键词 Amorphous Fe80P20 alloy Local structure DFT CLUSTER
Amorphous Silicon Films Prepared by Catalytic Chemical Vapor Deposition Method
作者 ZHONGBoqiang HUANGCixiang 《Semiconductor Photonics and Technology》 CAS 1998年第1期31-35,共5页
Amorphous silicon films are prepared at lower temperature of 350 ℃ by new catalytic chemical vapor deposition method.In the method,material gases (SiH 4 and H 2) are decomposed by catalytic reaction at given temper... Amorphous silicon films are prepared at lower temperature of 350 ℃ by new catalytic chemical vapor deposition method.In the method,material gases (SiH 4 and H 2) are decomposed by catalytic reaction at given temperature,so a-Si films are deposited on substrates.It is found that a-Si films with high quality can be obtain,such as high photosensitivity of 10 6,low spin density of 2.5×10 16 cm -3 . 展开更多
关键词 Amorphous Silicon Films Catalytic Chemical Vapor Depositon Growth Rate
Amorphous ferric oxide as a hole-extraction and transfer layer on nanoporous bismuth vanadate photoanode for water oxidation
作者 Ling Qian Pengfei Liu +5 位作者 Le Zhang Chongwu Wang Shuang Yang Lirong Zheng Aiping Chen Huagui Yang 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2017年第6期1045-1051,共7页
An amorphous ferric oxide layer was prepared on a bismuth vanadate photoanode.This resulted in improved charge carrier separation and surface catalytic performance compared with the photoanode without the oxide layer.... An amorphous ferric oxide layer was prepared on a bismuth vanadate photoanode.This resulted in improved charge carrier separation and surface catalytic performance compared with the photoanode without the oxide layer.The photocurrent of the oxide‐layer‐containing photoanode was2.52mA/cm2at1.23V versus the reversible hydrogen electrode,in potassium phosphate buffer,(0.5mol/L,pH=7.0).The amorphous ferric oxide layer on the photoanode contained low‐valence‐state iron species(FeII),which enabled efficient hole extraction and transfer. 展开更多
关键词 Ferric oxide layer AMORPHOUS Bismuth vanadate PHOTOANODE Oxygen evolution
Evaluation of Porous Structure of Cement Pastes Made with Residual Rice Husk Ash
作者 Joao Henrique da Silva Rego Antonio Alberto Nepomucenol +1 位作者 Enio Pazini Figueiredo Nicole Pagan Hasparyk 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2014年第11期1396-1402,共7页
In several countries, the residual RHA (rice husk ash) has been produced in rice processing industries or in thermoelectric plants that use rice husk to generate heat and/or electrical energy, usually without burnin... In several countries, the residual RHA (rice husk ash) has been produced in rice processing industries or in thermoelectric plants that use rice husk to generate heat and/or electrical energy, usually without burning process control. This causes a reduction in the amorphous silica content of residual RHA, which distinguishes them from the RHA produced according to controlled burning process, which is totally amorphous and considered a highly reactive pozzolan. In this paper, the hydration products and the porous structure of binders paste were studied by replacing, in weight of 5%, 10% and 20% of Portland cement OPC (ordinary Portland cement), by residual RHAs named A and B, which have high and low content of amorphous silica, respectively, using microstructure evaluation techniques as XRD (X-ray diffraction), TG (thermogravimetric) tests and MIP (mercury intrusion porosimetry). A reducing the size of the pores of the pastes was observed according to the increase of content replacement of RHA A and RHA B. 展开更多
关键词 Mineral addition residual rice husk ash pozzolanic activity porous structure microstructure.
Investigation of the Drug Stability at the Amorphous State Using Thermal Analysis
作者 Ela Hoti Gentiana Qendro +2 位作者 Roberta Censi Piera Di Martino Ledjan Malaj 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2012年第7期646-650,共5页
Formulation of poorly water-soluble crystalline drugs in their amorphous counterpart is a common approach to enhance their biodisponibility. In this study, the amorphous forms of ketoprofen and flurbiprofen were obtai... Formulation of poorly water-soluble crystalline drugs in their amorphous counterpart is a common approach to enhance their biodisponibility. In this study, the amorphous forms of ketoprofen and flurbiprofen were obtained by supercooling of the melt in a DSC (differential scanning calorimetry) apparatus and then investigated, especially under the stability point of view. The average rate of molecular motions at any given temperature is probably the most important parameter to know for amorphous pharmaceutical materials, and it was used to explain and predict the stability of ketoprofen and flurbiprofen. A quantitative estimate of the product's behaviour upon storage is obtained with additional data, such as the heat capacity of crystalline and amorphous samples and the distribution of molecular relaxation times. Amorphous flurbiprofen demonstrated greater physical stability at any aging temperature tested, when compared to ketoprofen and a different dependence from aging temperature. Both amorphous drugs could he classified as "fragile" ones. 展开更多
关键词 KETOPROFEN FLURBIPROFEN amorphous form molecular mobility annealing experiments.
Boron-doped amorphous iridium oxide with ultrahigh mass activity for acidic oxygen evolution reaction 被引量:3
作者 Zifang Cheng Yecan Pi +1 位作者 Qi Shao Xiaoqing Huang 《Science China Materials》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第12期2958-2966,共9页
Oxygen evolution reaction(OER), as the primary anodic reaction, plays a critical role in many electrochemical energy conversion processes. As the state-of-the-art OER catalysts, iridium-based materials are largely hin... Oxygen evolution reaction(OER), as the primary anodic reaction, plays a critical role in many electrochemical energy conversion processes. As the state-of-the-art OER catalysts, iridium-based materials are largely hindered from practical applications mainly due to the extreme scarcity of iridium. Here we demonstrate the successful fabrication of boron-doped amorphous iridium oxide(IrO_(x)-B) via a facile boric acid-assisted method, which realizes an ultrahigh OER mass activity of 2779 A g^(-1)Irat 300 mV overpotential, representing one of the best acidic OER catalysts reported so far.It is found that boric acid can not only facilitate the exposure of Ir, but also dope the amorphous IrOxwith a form of metaborate, which could further modify the electronic and local ligand structure of Ir for the improved intrinsic activity. Interestingly, the reported strategy is universal that can be applied to improve other metal oxide OER catalysts, highlighting a versatile strategy for creating high-performance electrocatalysts with ultrahigh mass activity for OER and beyond. 展开更多
关键词 AMORPHOUS BORON iridium oxide oxygen evolution reaction mass activity
Enhanced growth of crystalline-amorphous core-shell silicon nanowires by catalytic thermal CVD using in situ generated tin catalyst 被引量:1
作者 CHENG ShiMin REN Tong +4 位作者 YING PinLiang YU Rui ZHANG WenHua ZHANG Jian LI Can 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第12期2573-2579,共7页
In this work,we prepared silicon nanowires(Si NWs) on both fluorine-doped SnO 2(FTO) coated glass substrate and common glass substrate by catalytic thermal chemical vapor deposition(CVD) using indium film as the catal... In this work,we prepared silicon nanowires(Si NWs) on both fluorine-doped SnO 2(FTO) coated glass substrate and common glass substrate by catalytic thermal chemical vapor deposition(CVD) using indium film as the catalyst.It is confirmed that indium can catalyze the growth of Si NWs.More importantly,we found that tin generated in situ from the reduction of SnO 2 by indium can act as catalyst,which greatly enhances the growth of Si NWs on FTO substrate.The obtained Si NWs have a uniform crystalline-amorphous core-shell structure that is formed via vapor-liquid-solid and vapor-solid growth of silicon sequentially.This work provides a strategy to prepare Si NWs in high yield by catalytic thermal CVD using the low melting point metal catalysts. 展开更多
关键词 crystalline-amorphous core-shell silicon nanowires catalytic thermal CVD in situ tin catalyst indium catalyst
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