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环保法庭为何无案可审?——法律经济学的分析和解释 被引量:9
作者 由然 《东岳论丛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第2期176-184,共9页
环保法庭大规模设立却普遍无案可审。探求环境司法需求薄弱的原因是对症(制度无效率现状)下药的前提。运用经济分析的方法,基于制度运行成本、信息优势以及激励效果的比较效率研究发现,与环境行政规制相比,基于政策设计并受制于各类客... 环保法庭大规模设立却普遍无案可审。探求环境司法需求薄弱的原因是对症(制度无效率现状)下药的前提。运用经济分析的方法,基于制度运行成本、信息优势以及激励效果的比较效率研究发现,与环境行政规制相比,基于政策设计并受制于各类客观障碍,环境侵权法的制度运行成本较高,但激励效果不足,存在明显的效率局限性。环保法庭的制度化发展欠缺正当性基础。在司法改革朝向更加精细和纵深方向发展之际,对前述问题的清醒认识是避免司法能动变盲动的重要理念性前提。 展开更多
关键词 环保法庭 无案可审 环境规制 环境侵权 经济分析
作者 盛巽昌 《江西社会科学》 1988年第2期144-151,143,共9页
太平天国建国十四年,封了数以千计的王爵;现今存知者也还有二百余位。这些授王爵者多系太平天国的栋梁和骨干人物,与天国兴衰关系极大。可是由于太平天国后期体制盘根错节、机构架床迭铺,加之原始文献档案的缺乏和不足,早自太平天国时... 太平天国建国十四年,封了数以千计的王爵;现今存知者也还有二百余位。这些授王爵者多系太平天国的栋梁和骨干人物,与天国兴衰关系极大。可是由于太平天国后期体制盘根错节、机构架床迭铺,加之原始文献档案的缺乏和不足,早自太平天国时期和沦亡未久,有关记述就极为混乱;诸王除少数显要者的封期,有确切文字可查核证实,其为数颇多的王爵封期,却因鲜于记实,无案可查,这与今天治史者带来诸多不便,以至鲁鱼亥豕误植颇多。本文就诸王封爵日期,试作粗浅的考释,以求正于前辈和读者。 展开更多
关键词 太平天国 封爵 诸王 文献档 无案可查 文字 洪秀全 李秀成 石达开 洪仁
作者 郝新海 《小学教学参考》 2019年第17期90-91,共2页
有些教师总是尽可能地去展现新的教学理念,但在实际的教学中,由于理解上的偏颇,往往会出现许多问题。例如,让学生进行课堂练习,却总是规定学生要按照既定的程序进行;让学生探究,却又担心学生会偏离教师设定的轨道;让学生合作学习,却总... 有些教师总是尽可能地去展现新的教学理念,但在实际的教学中,由于理解上的偏颇,往往会出现许多问题。例如,让学生进行课堂练习,却总是规定学生要按照既定的程序进行;让学生探究,却又担心学生会偏离教师设定的轨道;让学生合作学习,却总是不遗余力地向学生提供结论。要想使数学课堂充满活力,就要在课堂教学中巧用“无”字艺术。 展开更多
关键词 无言 无知 无案
作者 卢泽全 《广西农村金融研究》 1992年第1期54-55,共2页
当前,全国金融系统正在全面、认真地贯彻李鹏总理的重要批示和六行一司关于整顿、建设金融队伍的文件精神,扎实、深入地开展教育、清理、整顿金融队伍活动.从我区农村金融系统的情况看,目前大部分行都已完成了整建活动的第一阶段即学习... 当前,全国金融系统正在全面、认真地贯彻李鹏总理的重要批示和六行一司关于整顿、建设金融队伍的文件精神,扎实、深入地开展教育、清理、整顿金融队伍活动.从我区农村金融系统的情况看,目前大部分行都已完成了整建活动的第一阶段即学习动员和教育阶段,并逐步转入第二阶段的自查清理工作.笔者最近参加区分行整建活动检查组到柳州地区几个县支行进行检查,总的印象是:各级行领导对整建活动是重视的,制定的整建措施是地实可行的,绝大多数干部职工对整建活动的重要性和必要性有了充分的认识,整建活动的第一阶段已初见成效.但从一些行反映的情况看,仍有少数同志对整建活动认识不足,甚至有个别同志存在着种种不正确的思想和看法,以致影响整建活动的顺利开展.所以,切实加强在整建活动中的思想政治工作,解决好干部职工存在的各种思想问题,引导广大干部职工正确认识整建活动的重要性和必要性,已成为当前各级行亟待解决的一个突出问题.一、整建活动中亟需解决的几种思想问题.(一)无所谓思想.一些长期没有发生案件的单位领导,认为本单位无案可查,搞不搞清理、整顿无所谓.把整建活动简单理解为清查案件,忽视了整建活动目的在于加强教育,提高广大干部职工的思想政治素质,牢固树立全心全意为人民服务的思想。 展开更多
关键词 干部职工 思想政治工作 切实加强 思想问题 县支行 金融队伍 活动检查 无案可查 思想包袱 柳江县
《探索与求是》 1996年第3期45-45,共1页
土地私有在中国不可行英国学者保罗·鲍尔斯认为:所有权的完全分散化和农业用地的大规模私有化将会对农业生产造成不利的影响。这是因为:第一,土地私有化将造成土地和人力资源的浪费。因为即使在发达的资本主义国家,土地销售市... 土地私有在中国不可行英国学者保罗·鲍尔斯认为:所有权的完全分散化和农业用地的大规模私有化将会对农业生产造成不利的影响。这是因为:第一,土地私有化将造成土地和人力资源的浪费。因为即使在发达的资本主义国家,土地销售市场在促进生产效率高的土地流通方面也是低... 展开更多
关键词 土地私有化 公共产品 收入差距 发达的资本主义国家 非农业部门 农业投资 土地流通 农业剩余 信贷市场 无案可查
Dynamic System Level Frequency Spectrum Allocation Scheme Based on Cognitive Radio Technology 被引量:2
作者 WEI Zaixue YANG Dacheng SANG Lin 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第7期84-91,共8页
Cognitive radio is being widely discussed,and resource allocation scheme is drawing a lot of attention.Although the existed resource allocation strategies have successfully enhanced spectrum efficiency,some critical c... Cognitive radio is being widely discussed,and resource allocation scheme is drawing a lot of attention.Although the existed resource allocation strategies have successfully enhanced spectrum efficiency,some critical challenges still remain unanswered such as the jointly consideration of the efficiency and fairness,the rational description of the spectrum resources,and the execution mode of the spectrum allocation.This paper presents a system level dynamic frequency spectrum allocation scheme based on a central heterogeneous network architecture,evaluates the matching degree of the spectrum demand and the available spectrum resources with corresponding matrices,jointly considers the efficiency and fairness of different cognitive radio systems.Simulation results and the application scenario are also presented and analyzed. 展开更多
关键词 frequency spectrum allocationscheme heterogeneous network cognitiveradio spectrum resource manage center
On Channel Assignment for Multicast in Multi-Radio Multi-Channel Wireless Mesh Networks:A Survey 被引量:6
作者 WANG Jihong SHI Wenxiao JIN Feng 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第1期122-135,共14页
The major challenge faced by wireless mesh networks is the capacity reduction caused by interference,and interference can be reduced or even eliminated through appropriate channel assignment.This article presents a co... The major challenge faced by wireless mesh networks is the capacity reduction caused by interference,and interference can be reduced or even eliminated through appropriate channel assignment.This article presents a comprehensive survey of channel assignment schemes for multicast in multi-radio multi-channel wireless mesh networks.We analyze the state-of-the-art channel assignment schemes for multicast and provide comprehensive taxonomy of the latest work.In general,we classify the channel assignment schemes for multicast into two types,that is,sequential multicast routing and channel assignment(SMRCA)and joint multicast routing and channel assignment(JMRCA).Detailed review of channel assignment schemes in each category is provided.Possible future research directions and corresponding solutions are also explored to motivate research interests in the field of channel assignment for multicast in wireless mesh networks. 展开更多
关键词 MULTICAST channel assignment INTERFERENCE partially overlapped channels
Rate Allocation Scheme for Machine-to-Machine Service Based on 3GPP in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks 被引量:1
作者 黄铫 田辉 +1 位作者 张杰 秦城 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第9期65-71,共7页
In this study,an explicit adaptive traffic allocation scheme for Machine-to-Machine(M2M)service is proposed to achieve optimum distribution in heterogeneous networks.Based on the characteristics of M2M services,the pr... In this study,an explicit adaptive traffic allocation scheme for Machine-to-Machine(M2M)service is proposed to achieve optimum distribution in heterogeneous networks.Based on the characteristics of M2M services,the presented scheme is formulated as a convex optimization problem that maximises the utility of the M2M service,and then determines how to allocate the total rate among the multiple access networks.The analysis and numerical simulations indicate that the proposed scheme makes a significant improvement in performance compared with the traditional schemes. 展开更多
关键词 M2M service heterogeneous wir- eless networks UTILITY rate allocation
Radio Soccer Commentary as Reconstruction and Performance of Political and Social-cultural Reality: The Case of Kenya in the 1980s
作者 Solomon Waliaula 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2012年第8期864-874,共11页
This paper has developed the argument that live radio soccer commentary (LRSC) is a representation of soccer match events at one level but a performance of dominant socio-cultural and political trends of the societi... This paper has developed the argument that live radio soccer commentary (LRSC) is a representation of soccer match events at one level but a performance of dominant socio-cultural and political trends of the societies at another level that produce and consume them. This echoes Reaser's (2003) and Ryan's (1993) perceptions of sports announcer's talk as a complex performance form based on but not limited to the "verbal imitation" of live sport events. We have understood the performativity of the LRSCs in the light of Schechner's (2006) emphasis of what he termed "restored behaviour" in understanding performance. In our context, we have treated the interpenetration of Kenyan soccer, politics, and society as the "restored behaviour" upon which the script of the LRSCs are based. The methodological apparatus of this paper is largely qualitative, consisting in the critical analysis of audio-recordings of Kenyan LRSCs. Focus is made on the Kenyan society of the 1980s, an era perceived to have been characterized by a close interaction between soccer, society, and politics. The analysis is informed by Fabian's (1997) inter-textual approach to the "reading" and interpretation of performance texts. This approach seems to echo a wider discourse of the social nature of media-text interpretation that has been proposed by Burn and Parker (1985). Conclusions drawn from the analysis reveal what Muponde and Zegeye (2011) had described as a soccer "ecosystem" involving soccer as a sport, and the socio-cultural realities of its immediate context. This paper has argued thatLRSC is one of the channels through which this ecosystem is expressed. 展开更多
关键词 live radio soccer commentary (LRSC) oral performance NATIONALISM
Link Maintenance Scheme for OFDM-Based Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Networks 被引量:1
作者 LI Jingye LUO Tao +1 位作者 LIU Xuelian YUE Guangxin 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第10期42-51,共10页
Transmission among the cognitive users(CUs)' is always interrupted by the primary users(PUs)' reclaim of the spectrum and the fading effect of wireless channels.To maintain reliable continuous communication am... Transmission among the cognitive users(CUs)' is always interrupted by the primary users(PUs)' reclaim of the spectrum and the fading effect of wireless channels.To maintain reliable continuous communication among CUs,an efficient scheme for link maintenance in OFDM-based cognitive radio Ad Hoc networks is proposed in this paper.In the scheme,redundant sub-channels(RSC) are employed by CUs to tackle the outage problem caused by the PUs' reclaim of the spectrum and wireless fading effect in the transmission.Meanwhile,backup sub-channels(BSC) are arranged to help select sub-channels with better channel quality.Additionally,to lower the overhead and improve the accuracy of the spectrum sensing,a partial sensing module is designed to enable the CUs to inherit and update the original idle spectrum list until it expires.Simulation results show that the proposed scheme can realize higher throughput and lower sensing overhead with slight reduction of the forced termination probability(FTP) performance compared to the existing approaches. 展开更多
关键词 cognitive radio link maintenance sensing overhead
Measuring IP Performance Metrics on Mobile Network with Heterogeneous Wireless Technologies
作者 Pyung-soo KIM Jeong-hun CHOI 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS 2010年第3期289-292,共4页
The new measurement scheme of IP performance metrics is for the mobile network in heterogeneous wireless network environment. In the proposed scheme, when Mobile Nodes (MNs) inside the mobile network needs to under... The new measurement scheme of IP performance metrics is for the mobile network in heterogeneous wireless network environment. In the proposed scheme, when Mobile Nodes (MNs) inside the mobile network needs to understand the condition of multiple comrmunicatinn paths outside the mobile netwtrk, they can get IP performance metrics, such as delay, jitter, bandwidth, packet loss, etc., irrespective of the preserre or absence of measurement functionality. At the same time, the proposed scheme dees not require the MN to he involved in measuring IP performance metrice. The Multihomed Mobile Router (MMR) with heterogeneons wireless interfaces measures IP performance metrics on behalf of the MNs inside the mobile network. Then, MNs can get measured IP perfonmnce metries from the MMR using L3 messages. The proposed scheme can reduce burden and power consumption of MNs with limited resource and batty power since MNs don' t measure IP performance metrics directly. In addition, it can reduce considerably traffic overhead over wireless links on multiple measurement paths since signaling messages and injeeted testing traffic are reduced. 展开更多
关键词 performance metrics network mobility HETEROGENEOUS
Interference Alignment and Cancellation Based Concurrent Transmission and Scheduling Scheme for Multiuser CR-MIMO System 被引量:1
作者 李钊 申彪 李建东 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第8期36-43,共8页
In this paper,an Interference Alignment and Cancellation(IAC)based transmission and scheduling scheme is proposed for an infrastructured Cognitive Radio(CR)Multiple-Input Multiple-Output(MIMO)system with multiple seco... In this paper,an Interference Alignment and Cancellation(IAC)based transmission and scheduling scheme is proposed for an infrastructured Cognitive Radio(CR)Multiple-Input Multiple-Output(MIMO)system with multiple secondary users.With the cooperation of Primary Base Station(PBS)and Secondary Base Station(SBS),a signal processing procedure is designed to guarantee the priority of the primary transmission.As a reward for offering help to the PBS,the SBS is granted communication opportunity.The transmission difference of various spatial channels is exploited in Secondary User(SU)scheduling.With the proposed scheme,interferencefree concurrent transmission of both PBS and SBS is implemented.Spatial channel resources can be effectively utilised compared with a traditional Interference Alignment(IA)based strategy.Simulation results show that the achievable data for primary transmission is enhanced by cooperative signal processing at the SBS.With respect to the SBS,its data rate grows with an increasing number of SUs by exploiting the multiuser diversity gain. 展开更多
关键词 CR MIMO uplink IAC scheduling
A Resource Scheduling Scheme for Spectrum Aggregation in Cognitive Radio Based Heterogeneous Networks 被引量:1
作者 Fu Yunhai Ma Lin Xu Yubin 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第9期100-111,共12页
In spectrum aggregation(SA), two or more component carriers(CCs) of different bandwidths in different bands can be aggregated to support wider transmission bandwidth. The current resource scheduling schemes for spectr... In spectrum aggregation(SA), two or more component carriers(CCs) of different bandwidths in different bands can be aggregated to support wider transmission bandwidth. The current resource scheduling schemes for spectrum aggregation are not optimal or suitable for CR based heterogeneous networks(Het Nets). Consequently, the authors propose a novel resource scheduling scheme for spectrum aggregation in CR based Het Nets, termed as cognitive radio based resource scheduling(CR-RS) scheme. CR-RS has a three-level structure. Under a dynamic traffic model, an equivalent throughput of the CCs based on the knowledge of primary users(PUs) is given. On this basis, the CR users data transmission time of each CC is equal in CR-RS. The simulation results show that CR-RS has the better performance than the current resource scheduling schemes in the CR based Het Nets. Meanwhile, CR-RS is also effective in other spectrum aggregation systems which are not CR based HetNets. 展开更多
关键词 CR-RS spectrum aggregation resource scheduling cognitive radio heterogeneous networks
Network Virtualization Based Seamless Networking Scheme for Fiber-Wireless (FiWi) Networks 被引量:3
作者 DAI Qinglong ZOU Jianfeng SHOU Guochu HU Yihong GUO Zhigang 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第5期1-16,共16页
In order to reduce cost and complexity,fiber-wireless(FiWi) networks emerge,combining the huge amount of available bandwidth of fiber networks and the flexibility,mobility of wireless networks.However,there is still a... In order to reduce cost and complexity,fiber-wireless(FiWi) networks emerge,combining the huge amount of available bandwidth of fiber networks and the flexibility,mobility of wireless networks.However,there is still a long way to go before taking fiber and wireless systems as fully integrated networks.In this paper,we propose a network visualization based seamless networking scheme for FiWi networks,including hierarchical model,service model,service implementation and dynamic bandwidth assignment(DBA).Then,we evaluate the performance changes after network virtualization is introduced.Throughput for nodes,bandwidth for links and overheads leaded by network virtualization are analyzed.The performance of our proposed networking scheme is evaluated by simulation and real implementations,respectively.The results show that,compared to traditional networking scheme,our scheme has a better performance. 展开更多
关键词 fiber-wireless networks network virtualization service future network
作者 Zeng Yumin Wu Zhenyang 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 2007年第6期828-834,共7页
A novel text independent speaker identification system is proposed. In the proposed system, the 12-order perceptual linear predictive cepstrum and their delta coefficients in the span of five frames are extracted from... A novel text independent speaker identification system is proposed. In the proposed system, the 12-order perceptual linear predictive cepstrum and their delta coefficients in the span of five frames are extracted from the segmented speech based on the method of pitch synchronous analysis. The Fisher ratios of the original coefficients then be calculated, and the coefficients whose Fisher ratios are bigger are selected to form the 13-dimensional feature vectors of speaker. The Gaussian mixture model is used to model the speakers. The experimental results show that the identification accuracy of the proposed system is obviously better than that of the systems based on other conventional coefficients like the linear predictive cepstral coefficients and the Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients. 展开更多
关键词 Speaker identification Perceptual linear predictive Pitch synchronous analysis Fisher criterion
作者 Yu Genjian Zheng Baoyu 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 2007年第6期798-805,共8页
The transmission capacity of Mobile Ad Hoc Networking (MANET) is constrained by the mutual interference of concurrent transmissions between nodes. First, the transmission capacity of MANET is studied by the view of in... The transmission capacity of Mobile Ad Hoc Networking (MANET) is constrained by the mutual interference of concurrent transmissions between nodes. First, the transmission capacity of MANET is studied by the view of information flow between nodes. At the same time, the problem that the interference between nodes affects the transmission capacity of MANET is also studied by the tool of the event conflict graph. Secondly, the paper presents the method to compute the maximum ex- pectant achievable capacity for the given conflict graph, and concludes and proves an sufficient con- dition that the information flow transmit successfully between nodes. At last, the results are simulated and a fitting equation of transmission capacity between nodes is given. 展开更多
关键词 Mobile Ad Hoc Networking (MANET) Event conflict graph Transmission capacity Expectant achievable capacity
Robust Transmission for Cognitive Relay Networks 被引量:1
作者 Cao Zhigang Wang Jianyu +2 位作者 Liu Juan Wang Xijun Chen Wei 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第1期1-12,共12页
In cognitive relay networks, the transmission of Secondary Users (SUs) suffers from the activity of Primary Users (PUs) and wireless channel fading. Therefore, how to achieve robust transmission for cognitive rela... In cognitive relay networks, the transmission of Secondary Users (SUs) suffers from the activity of Primary Users (PUs) and wireless channel fading. Therefore, how to achieve robust transmission for cognitive relay networks is a challenging task. In this paper, we propose a relaying transmission scheme which exploits robust beamforming at the physical layer and rateless codes at higher layers. We derive the optirml beamforng weight vector and analyze the perforrmnce of the pro- posed scheme when the channel estirmtion is not accurate between two SU nodes. We also study how the anaount of channel information between SU and PU impacts the system perforroance. Sinlation results validate our theoretical analysis and demonstrate that the proposed scheme can signifi- cantly enhance the system throughput. 展开更多
关键词 cognitive radio relaying transmission robust beamforrning rateless codes
Multiple k-hop clusters based routing scheme to preserve source-location privacy in WSNs 被引量:3
作者 任炬 张尧学 刘康 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第8期3155-3168,共14页
Privacy is becoming one of the most notable challenges threatening wireless sensor networks(WSNs).Adversaries may use RF(radio frequency) localization techniques to perform hop-by-hop trace back to the source sensor&#... Privacy is becoming one of the most notable challenges threatening wireless sensor networks(WSNs).Adversaries may use RF(radio frequency) localization techniques to perform hop-by-hop trace back to the source sensor's location.A multiple k-hop clusters based routing strategy(MHCR) is proposed to preserve source-location privacy as well as enhance energy efficiency for WSNs.Owing to the inherent characteristics of intra-cluster data aggregation,each sensor of the interference clusters is able to act as a fake source to confuse the adversary.Moreover,dummy traffic could be filtered efficiently by the cluster heads during the data aggregation,ensuring no energy consumption be burdened in the hotspot of the network.Through careful analysis and calculation on the distribution and the number of interference clusters,energy efficiency is significantly enhanced without reducing the network lifetime.Finally,the security and delay performance of MHCR scheme are theoretically analyzed.Extensive analysis and simulation results demonstrate that MHCR scheme can improve both the location privacy security and energy efficiency markedly,especially in large-scale WSNs. 展开更多
关键词 wireless sensor networks source-location privacy energy efficiency k-hop cluster circular routing
Traffic sensitive spectrum access scheme for cognitive radio networks
作者 陆佃杰 Huang Xiaoxia +1 位作者 Zhang Guijuan Fan Jianping 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2014年第1期22-28,共7页
A traffic sensitive spectrum access scheme is proposed to satisfy the traffic load requirement of secondary users (SUs). In the proposed design, SU only accesses available channels which can meet the traffic demand.... A traffic sensitive spectrum access scheme is proposed to satisfy the traffic load requirement of secondary users (SUs). In the proposed design, SU only accesses available channels which can meet the traffic demand. To achieve this, the expected transmission time (E3W) of the SU is calcu- lated first based on the delivery ratio. Then, the channel idle time is estimated based on the activity of primary users (PUs). Therefore, available channels with estimated idle time longer than ETr could be chosen. With high probability, the SU can finish transmission on these channels without disruption, thereby satisfying the traffic load demand of the SU. Finally, our method is extended to the multi-channel scenario where each SU can access multiple channels simultaneously. Performance analysis shows that our method satisfies the requirement of SUs while effectively improving the throughput. 展开更多
关键词 opportunistic spectrum access expected transmission time cognitive radio net-work
An Anti-Eavesdrop Transmission Scheduling Scheme Based on Maximizing Secrecy Outage Probability in Ad Hoc Networks 被引量:1
作者 WANG Yajun LIAO Tongqing WANG Chuanan 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第1期176-184,共9页
In this paper,we consider a wireless ad hoc network consisting of multiple source nodes transmitting to their respective destinations,where an eavesdropper attempts to intercept their transmissions.We propose an optim... In this paper,we consider a wireless ad hoc network consisting of multiple source nodes transmitting to their respective destinations,where an eavesdropper attempts to intercept their transmissions.We propose an optimal transmission scheduling scheme to defend against the eavesdropper,where a source node having the highest secrecy rate is scheduled to access the wireless medium for transmitting to its destination in an opportunistic manner.To be specific,the secrecy rate between a pair of the source and destination in the presence of an eavesdropper varies temporally due to the wireless fading effect.The proposed optimal transmission scheduling scheme opportunistically selects a source node with the highest secrecy rate to transmit its data for the sake of maximizing the security of the ad hoc network against eavesdropping attacks.For comparison purposes,we also consider the conventional round-robin scheduling as a benchmark,where multiple source nodes take turns in accessing their shared wireless medium for transmitting to their respective destinations.We derive closed-form secrecy outage probability expressions of both the round-robin scheduling and the proposed optimal scheduling schemes over Rayleigh fading environments.Numerical results show that the proposed transmission scheduling scheme outperforms the conventional round-robin method in terms of its secrecy outage probability.Additionally,upon increasing the number of source-destination pairs,the secrecy outage probability of the round-robin scheme keeps unchanged,whereas the secrecy outage performance of the proposed transmission scheduling significantly improves,showing the security benefits of exploiting transmission scheduling for protecting wireless ad hoc networks against eavesdropping. 展开更多
关键词 transmission scheduling eavesdropping secrecy outage probability secrecy rate rayleigh fading
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