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作者 徐卫东 《中国设备管理》 1999年第10期17-18,共2页
代表当今世界高线设备最高水平的MORGAN第六代高速线材轧机以其高速、高自动化、高效而闻名于世,如何在设备引进后用好、管好,并使之产生良好效益是摆在人们面前的一大难题。本文阐述在实践中如何成功地深化应用日修、周修制,通过抓设... 代表当今世界高线设备最高水平的MORGAN第六代高速线材轧机以其高速、高自动化、高效而闻名于世,如何在设备引进后用好、管好,并使之产生良好效益是摆在人们面前的一大难题。本文阐述在实践中如何成功地深化应用日修、周修制,通过抓设备管理工作,促进生产,力争达到“零故障”目标并产生明显经济效益。 展开更多
关键词 日修 高线轧机 设备管理 效益 轧机
作者 孙锋 《中国国家博物馆馆刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第10期125-136,共12页
1875年9月,日本明治政府授意本国驻华公使向清廷总理衙门提出修约请求,意图调整两国于1871年所订约章内容,践行其蓄谋已久的大陆政策。受成例、能力、个人经历影响,时任津海关道黎兆棠被任命为这次修约的中方代表之一。在具体交涉中,黎... 1875年9月,日本明治政府授意本国驻华公使向清廷总理衙门提出修约请求,意图调整两国于1871年所订约章内容,践行其蓄谋已久的大陆政策。受成例、能力、个人经历影响,时任津海关道黎兆棠被任命为这次修约的中方代表之一。在具体交涉中,黎兆棠逐条辨明日方提案,并依循对等原则分别准驳,竭力维护本国权益。其向总理衙门呈送的议改内容,基本融入双方最终议案。梳理光绪初元中日修约之缘起、经过与结果,不仅可以了解晚清外交权力结构的二元化特征及清廷设官分职多轨铺政的架构,揭示日本谋划修约的政治动机和中日双方争论的焦点;更能窥探黎兆棠在当中扮演的角色和所起作用,藉此呈现津海关道既有职权在晚清社会剧变下的弹性。 展开更多
关键词 黎兆棠 日修 总理衙门 北洋大臣 津海关道
作者 陈可畏 《浙江师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2021年第6期36-47,共12页
应宝时是近代早期中日关系史上值得关注的人物。早在1864年至1868年间,他便以上海道台的身份与日本幕末政府有过两次交涉。正是这两次交涉,初步奠定了中日早期商贸往来的基础。1871年,应宝时受李鸿章奏请参加中日天津修约,他以办理上海... 应宝时是近代早期中日关系史上值得关注的人物。早在1864年至1868年间,他便以上海道台的身份与日本幕末政府有过两次交涉。正是这两次交涉,初步奠定了中日早期商贸往来的基础。1871年,应宝时受李鸿章奏请参加中日天津修约,他以办理上海洋务十余年的经验,在修约过程中筹划周详,力持大体,为中日《修好条规》和《通商章程》修定作出了重要的贡献。1874年,日本发动侵台战争,他毅然上书江苏巡抚,提出发兵讨伐日本以阻侵台行径,该建议虽不被当局采纳,但上书中所展示的他对日本这个国家的认识,却远超时人。而他机缘巧合为日本学者安井衡所著《管子纂诂》作序,则开启了近代中国与日本学术文化交流的先声。 展开更多
关键词 应宝时 幕末政府 日修 本侵台 《〈管子纂诂〉序》
作者 徐嘉庆 冯昱龙 +3 位作者 董泰郎 刘宇明 王志浩 崔玉红 《航天器环境工程》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第4期387-391,共5页
微流星体和空间碎片的撞击会导致航天设备的材料发生微裂纹和/或穿孔等破坏,所造成的潜在危险是载人航天面临的巨大挑战之一。对此,空间环境下的材料自修复技术可能是一种有效的解决手段。文章开展柔性和刚性材料自修复技术的在轨试验设... 微流星体和空间碎片的撞击会导致航天设备的材料发生微裂纹和/或穿孔等破坏,所造成的潜在危险是载人航天面临的巨大挑战之一。对此,空间环境下的材料自修复技术可能是一种有效的解决手段。文章开展柔性和刚性材料自修复技术的在轨试验设计,以针刺模拟自修复材料被击穿,用相机记录试件内部液体流出后受紫外光辐照迅速固化以修复损伤的自愈合过程及修复时间,测试材料修复后的物性指标等。本研究可推动柔性和刚性材料自修复技术在载人航天领域的发展与应用。 展开更多
关键词 空间环境 撞击损伤 材料自 在轨试验设计
中日商约谈判与清末度量衡改革 被引量:2
作者 杨泽嵩 关增建 《学习与探索》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第4期170-176,共7页
在1902—1903年的中日续修商约谈判中,日本政府出于维护在华利益的迫切需要,提出了度量衡改革议题。度量衡改革谈判分为两个阶段:第一阶段是从和货币改革共同构成一个条款,到“暂不入约,奏明办理”;第二阶段是在张之洞、袁世凯的主导下... 在1902—1903年的中日续修商约谈判中,日本政府出于维护在华利益的迫切需要,提出了度量衡改革议题。度量衡改革谈判分为两个阶段:第一阶段是从和货币改革共同构成一个条款,到“暂不入约,奏明办理”;第二阶段是在张之洞、袁世凯的主导下,作为独立条款重返商约。谈判引发了清政府关于度量衡改革的严重分歧。最终,以沈瑜庆奏折获批准为标志,清政府终于达成共识,形成了以统一为核心目标、营造尺库平制为度量衡标准、渐进式改革为总体思路的度量衡改革方案,近代度量衡改革由此启动。 展开更多
关键词 商约谈判 近代度量衡改革 清末新政 张之洞
基于Monte-Carlo模拟的进场排序不确定性研究 被引量:11
作者 周雨凡 胡明华 +1 位作者 张颖 高梦宇 《交通信息与安全》 2016年第4期22-28,共7页
为了提升终端区航班排序抵御不确定因素扰动风险的能力,保证航班运行效率及降低延误损失,综合考虑终端区运行的多种约束限制。基于不确定性因素对进场航班影响分析,以航班总延误和管制干预最小为目标,建立进场航班排序的多目标随机期望... 为了提升终端区航班排序抵御不确定因素扰动风险的能力,保证航班运行效率及降低延误损失,综合考虑终端区运行的多种约束限制。基于不确定性因素对进场航班影响分析,以航班总延误和管制干预最小为目标,建立进场航班排序的多目标随机期望值模型。应用Monte-Carlo模拟方法刻画航班运行状态随机变量的统计特征,将模型所求目标函数值表征为随机模拟的数学期望,设计了带精英策略的非支配排序遗传算法(NSGA-II)寻求模型的Pareto最优解集,绘制不同阈值的缓冲间隔下得出Pareto前沿拟合曲线。采用广州终端区典型时段进场航班数据进行仿真验证,结果表明模型中不同阈值范围的缓冲间隔设置,可提供权衡航班延误和管制干预之间的合理化建议,且最高可降低32.4%的航班延误。所提方法能有效缓解繁忙机场航班延误,提升航空运输服务能力。 展开更多
关键词 空中交通流量管理 进场排序 管制干预 MONTE-CARLO模拟 NSGA-II算法
Finite element analysis of spatial curved beam in large deformation 被引量:2
作者 曾森 陈少峰 +1 位作者 王焕定 曲婷 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2010年第4期591-596,共6页
For the purpose of carrying out the large deformation finite element analysis of spatial curved beams,the total Lagrangian(TL)and the updated Lagrangian(UL)incremental formulations for arbitrary spatial curved bea... For the purpose of carrying out the large deformation finite element analysis of spatial curved beams,the total Lagrangian(TL)and the updated Lagrangian(UL)incremental formulations for arbitrary spatial curved beam elements are established with displacement vector interpolation,which is improved from component interpolation of the straight beam displacement.A strategy of replacing the actual curve with the isoparametric curve is used to expand the applications of the UL formulation.The examples indicate that the process of establishing the curved beam element is correct,and the accuracy with the curved beam element is obviously higher than that with the straight beam element.Generally,the same level of computational accuracy can be achieved with 1/5 as many curved beam elements as otherwise with straight beam elements. 展开更多
关键词 spatial curved beams total Lagrangian incremental formulation updated Lagrangian incremental formulation geometrical nonlinearity isoparametric curve
电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法测定铈矿中微量的砷、锑 被引量:10
作者 陈景文 曹淑红 杨春生 《分析试验室》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第6期85-86,共2页
采用过氧化钠熔融试样 ,用盐酸调节试液酸度 ,对电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱 (ICP AES)法同时测定铈矿中微量砷和锑进行了研究 ,考察了铈基体及共存元素 。
关键词 测定 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱 铈矿 痕量分析
结构参数对不锈钢板式热沉流动传热性能影响的仿真研究 被引量:1
作者 何鸿辉 龚洁 +2 位作者 周盈 杨雪 金玮安 《航天器环境工程》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第4期374-379,共6页
为研究不锈钢板式热沉的结构参数对其流动传热性能的影响,进一步提升其换热效率,利用ANSYS软件建立了与真实结构较为一致而流道高度、焊点直径及焊点排布方式各不相同的热沉几何模型,并利用Fluent软件进行数值模拟。结果表明:在流速相... 为研究不锈钢板式热沉的结构参数对其流动传热性能的影响,进一步提升其换热效率,利用ANSYS软件建立了与真实结构较为一致而流道高度、焊点直径及焊点排布方式各不相同的热沉几何模型,并利用Fluent软件进行数值模拟。结果表明:在流速相等的条件下,较大的流道高度H和较小的焊点直径D会使热沉的流阻下降,温度均匀性提升,从而改善热沉的传热性能;当供液压力足够时,对于焊点排布方式分别为矩形和菱形的热沉,尽管后者的流阻相对更大,但同时也拥有更高的温度均匀性。以上研究结果可为不锈钢板式热沉结构的设计与优化提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 板式热沉 结构参数 流动传热 焊点排布 数值模拟
Water-saving Technologies,Solar Green House and Ecological Rehabilitation in Minqin Oasis of Gansu Province,China 被引量:1
作者 Tao Weichun Shi Minjun Zhao Xuetao 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 北大核心 2008年第3期73-82,共10页
Land degradation and desertification have become severe environmental problems in arid areas due to excessive use of water resources. It is urgent to reduce agricultural water use for ecological rehabilitation, which ... Land degradation and desertification have become severe environmental problems in arid areas due to excessive use of water resources. It is urgent to reduce agricultural water use for ecological rehabilitation, which may result in a decrease in agricultural production and farmer's welfare. This paper focused on the impacts of some main measures including extensions of watersaving irrigation, expanding solar green house and increasing off-farm employment, which are generally recognized to be important to alleviate water shortage and poverty. A bioconomic model is applied taking Minqin Oasis in Gansu Province as a case study site. Simulation results showed that the effect of expanding solar greenhouse was more positive than other ones so it drew more attention. On the view of the different effects between each irrigation zone, mixed policy patterns suitable for them are suggested. In Baqu, expanding solar greenhouse should be the most important, auxiliary with encouraging pipe irrigation. Inversely, with regard to Quanshan, the major attention should be paid to subsidy for pipe irrigation and it would be better to supply the off-farm employment opportunities to the households in Huqu, where the expanding of solar greenhouse should also be summoned. Finally, it should be noted that farmer's income would only resume to 90% of the current level in the short run by putting more effort into local policies. Thus, the ecological compensation is needed to ensure farmer's welfare. 展开更多
关键词 water-saving technologies solar green house Minqin Oasis ecological rehabilitation
Assessment of nitrogen maintenance requirement in juvenile Black Porgy Acanthopagrus schlegeli
作者 朱秋华 钱国英 +1 位作者 高有领 汪财生 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第1期63-68,共6页
Nitrogen balance method and nitrogen-free diet were used in this study to determine nitrogen maintenance requirement (NM) and nitrogen maintenance requirement per unit metabolism body weight (NM’) of black porgy Acan... Nitrogen balance method and nitrogen-free diet were used in this study to determine nitrogen maintenance requirement (NM) and nitrogen maintenance requirement per unit metabolism body weight (NM’) of black porgy Acanthopagrus schlegeli. Fish with body weight (BW) of 50, 80, 120, 160 and 200 g were fed by the diets containing three graded levels of crude protein (380, 420 and 460 g/kg). The results from nitrogen balance experiment showed that the amount of nitrogen deposition varied from 0.15 to 0.31 mg/g BW per day, accounting for 12.2% to 21.1% of nitrogen intake. The amount of fecal nitrogen excretion varied from 0.21 to 0.32 mg/g BW per day, accounting for 16.3% to 21.6% of nitrogen intake. The endogenous nitrogen excretion, a main part of nitrogen consumption varied from 0.79 to 0.97 mg/g BW per day, accounting for 63.3 % to 68.0% of nitrogen intake. Positive correlation was found between NM and body weight, while a negative correlation was found between NM of unit body weight and the growth duration. No significant differences (p>0.05) were found in NM’ among different growth stages. The average of NM’ was 0.485 7mg/g per day. The results from nitrogen-free diet experiment showed that a negative correlation between NM and feed intake of nitrogen-free diet. NM increased with the decrease of feed intake of fish. The average of NM was 0.482 9 mg/g BW per day that was close to 0.483 8 mg/g BW obtained from fish with 120 g BW in nitrogen balance experiment. The nitrogen balance method is recommended to be a better method for determining NM in consideration of fish stress and result stability. This study also provides a calculated result of the protein content in diets, which is necessary for maintaining fish body protein at different growth stages. The calculation was based on the amount of nitrogen required for maintaining body protein per kg BW. 展开更多
关键词 Acanthopagrus schlegeli nitrogen balance nitrogen-free diet nitrogen maintenancerequirement protein contain levels
Introduction of a Japan Concrete Institute Guideline: Practical Guideline for Investigation, Repair and Strengthening of Cracked Concrete Structures 被引量:1
作者 Nobuaki Otsuki Akiyuki Shimizu Toshiro Kamada 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2015年第2期213-224,共12页
There are many cracked concrete structures worldwide. Although there have been numerous efforts to eliminate cracks, some cracks are very harmful and should be repaired as soon as possible. On the other hand, some cra... There are many cracked concrete structures worldwide. Although there have been numerous efforts to eliminate cracks, some cracks are very harmful and should be repaired as soon as possible. On the other hand, some cracks are almost harmless. So, a good guideline regarding how to deal with cracks in concrete structures is needed. In this guideline, the practical investigation, repair and strengthening method of cracked concrete structures is discussed. And the detecting subjects are cracks generated immediately after casting and during the service time. This guideline targets on the owners (including managers) of concrete structure and the engineers working for the maintenance of concrete structure. JCI (Japan Concrete Institute) published first version of "Practical Guideline for Investigation and Repair of Cracked Concrete Structures" in 1980, and then the fourth version titled "Practical Guideline for Investigation, Repair and Strengthening of Cracked Concrete Structures--2009" was published. This guideline is very practical when cracks are observed in existing concrete structures, in any other countries as well as in Japan. These three authors led the establishment of this guideline. 展开更多
关键词 CRACK concrete structure INVESTIGATION REPAIR strengthening.
Problems Accentuating Effective Sports Development among Youths in the Niger-Delta Region of Nigeria
作者 Moses Ejukwa Edim Femedein Timipre Okou Edmond Asu Odok Pauline Ekun Ekuri 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2013年第6期658-662,共5页
This study assessed some problems affecting sports development among youths in the Niger-Delta region of Nigeria. Survey design was utilized for this study: The population comprised of youths in the Niger-Delta regio... This study assessed some problems affecting sports development among youths in the Niger-Delta region of Nigeria. Survey design was utilized for this study: The population comprised of youths in the Niger-Delta region. Samples of 200 youths were studied. Four hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. Data were collated using a structured validated and reliability certified questionnaire. Data generated revealed that poor funding, mode of organization, poor incentives and parental approach have significant influence with sports development among youths in the Niger-Delta region of Nigeria. Some recommendations made include: the need for the government to increase the budgetary allocations for sports in the region, provision of adequate sports facilities and equipment and of course making physical education and sports as a compulsory subject in the school curriculum for primary and secondary schools in the region. 展开更多
关键词 Accentuating sports development YOUTHS Niger Delta region.
R^2 Correction and Its Implication of Present Cosmic Accelerating Behavior
作者 LIHui XUJian-Jun 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第1期157-160,共4页
In this work we show an model of the universe in which certain quadratic correction is considered. Our results indicate that the R<SUP>2</SUP> term can act as the present impetus of cosmic acceleration, b... In this work we show an model of the universe in which certain quadratic correction is considered. Our results indicate that the R<SUP>2</SUP> term can act as the present impetus of cosmic acceleration, but there may be a future collapsing universe with this component damped. This model can also tolerate a negative cosmological constant ?, although there seems to be no need for a non-vanishing one. In our simplification, this curvature component has a stationary equation of state, which is similar to radiation. Unlike other dark energy models, this 'missing' energy has a negative density. Some details and effects on cold dark matter and Λ-relevant model have been discussed in the frame of curvature-squared gravity theories. 展开更多
关键词 cosmic acceleration curvature-squared dark energy
Challenge to Restore the Heritage Buildings Damaged by the 2011 Tsunami Attacks, Kesennuma, Japan
作者 Hideo Izumida 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2015年第8期999-1011,共13页
A large number of towns along the Sanriku coastal line were swept away by tsunami attacks on March 11,2011. Although some heritage buildings survived, the damage condition was too severe to carry on repair and restore... A large number of towns along the Sanriku coastal line were swept away by tsunami attacks on March 11,2011. Although some heritage buildings survived, the damage condition was too severe to carry on repair and restore them to the owners. As the municipal cultural heritage division and local cultural society in Kesennuma City were looking for possibility to save these damaged heritage buildings, the author gave them full assistance. To apply for fund for the repair and restoration work to related foundations, the author made an investigation of the damage conditions, prepared measured drawings, fundamental restoration plans and cost estimates. Domestic and international foundations granted funds to our projects for three years in May 2012, and we formed a restoration body to take responsibility of repair and restoration work. But soon, we were faced with several difficulties. The first is that we had to wait for a long time until the authority fixed the town redevelopment plan, meeting the National Guideline of Tsunami-Free Redevelopment. The second is that the building cost continued to increase during rapid-development periods. Although the author expected to complete the whole work within three years, the progress is really slow, and has not amounted to a quarter. 展开更多
关键词 Heritage building repair restoration TSUNAMI DISASTER JAPAN timber structure.
Modified Augmented Lagrange Multiplier Methods for Large-Scale Chemical Process Optimization 被引量:6
作者 梁昔明 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2001年第2期167-172,共6页
Chemical process optimization can be described as large-scale nonlinear constrained minimization. The modified augmented Lagrange multiplier methods (MALMM) for large-scale nonlinear constrained minimization are studi... Chemical process optimization can be described as large-scale nonlinear constrained minimization. The modified augmented Lagrange multiplier methods (MALMM) for large-scale nonlinear constrained minimization are studied in this paper. The Lagrange function contains the penalty terms on equality and inequality constraints and the methods can be applied to solve a series of bound constrained sub-problems instead of a series of unconstrained sub-problems. The steps of the methods are examined in full detail. Numerical experiments are made for a variety of problems, from small to very large-scale, which show the stability and effectiveness of the methods in large-scale problems. 展开更多
关键词 modified augmented Lagrange multiplier methods chemical engineering optimization large-scale non- linear constrained minimization numerical experiment
A customized extended warranty policy with heterogeneous usage rate and purchasing date
作者 Zhang Hongqi Zhao Jiabin Su Chun 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2020年第2期220-226,共7页
To increase customers'satisfaction and promote product's competitiveness,a customized extended warranty(EW)policy is proposed,where the diversities in both the usage rate and purchase date are considered.The m... To increase customers'satisfaction and promote product's competitiveness,a customized extended warranty(EW)policy is proposed,where the diversities in both the usage rate and purchase date are considered.The marginal approach is applied to describe the product's two-dimensional failure in terms of age and usage,respectively.Moreover,minimal repair is adopted to restore the failure,and the virtual age method is applied to depict the effect of preventive maintenance(PM).On this basis,an optimization model is established to minimize the maintenance cost and warranty cost from the manufacturer's view,and multiple factors are taken into account,including the PM's intensity and its period,and EW's interval,etc.A numerical case study is provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.The results show that by considering the product's usage rate and the purchasing date of EW,the number of failures as well as the cost of maintenance and warranty can be reduced effectively. 展开更多
关键词 customization two-dimensional extended warranty preventive maintenance usage rate purchasing date warranty cost
Changes in Citizen Participation in Japanese Civil Society
作者 Yuko Suda 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2017年第10期574-587,共14页
Japan experienced the retrenchment of the welfare state. The purpose of this study was to deepen the understanding of the impact these policy changes had on citizens’ organized activities. It focused on the 2016 revi... Japan experienced the retrenchment of the welfare state. The purpose of this study was to deepen the understanding of the impact these policy changes had on citizens’ organized activities. It focused on the 2016 revision of Long-Term Care Insurance (LTCI) system, which urged citizens to organize activities to support the frail seniors in their communities. Researchers conducted interviews in the Tokyo from February-March 2016. The subjects were six local officers in charge of LTCI implementation and 10 community members who led the voluntary activities organized as a response to the 2016 systemic revision. This study found that those leading voluntary activities were primarily baby boomers, who were born between 1947 and 1949. They were actively involved in “new voluntary activity movements” in the 1980s, as interacting with a wide range of citizens. However, as they reached the age of 65 or older, they became more focused on developing a comfortable space and collaborating with those similar to them: those who were college graduates, middle- to upper-class, and held white-collar jobs. The disparity based on income level seemed to be emphasized also because the way the 2016 revision of LTCI system was designed. 展开更多
关键词 voluntary activities baby boomers welfare state civil society
Lung tissue flap repairs esophagus defection with an inner chitosan tube stent 被引量:6
作者 Gang Chen Wen-Jun Shi 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第12期1512-1517,共6页
AIM: TO repair the partial esophagus defect with a chitosan stent, a new esophageal prosthesis made of pulmonary tissue with vascular pedicie.METHODS: Fifteen Japanese big ear white rabbits were divided into experim... AIM: TO repair the partial esophagus defect with a chitosan stent, a new esophageal prosthesis made of pulmonary tissue with vascular pedicie.METHODS: Fifteen Japanese big ear white rabbits were divided into experimental group (n = 10) and control group (n = 5). Esophagus defect in rabbits of experimental group was repaired using lung tissue flap with a chitosan tube stent, gross and histological appearance was observed at week 2, 4 and 8 after operation, and barium sulphate X-ray screen was performed at week 10 after operation. Esophagus defect of rabbits in control group was repaired using lung tissue flap with no chitosan tube stent, gross and histological appearance was observed at week 2, 4 and 8 after operation, and barium sulphate X-ray screen was performed at week 10 after operation.RESULTS: In the experimental group, 6 rabbits survived for over two weeks, the lung tissue flap healed esophageal defection, and squamous metaplasia occurred on the surface of lung tissue flap. At week 10 after operation, barium sulphate examination found that barium was fluent through the esophagus with no stricture or back stream, the creeping was good. In the control group, 4 rabbits survived for two weeks, the lung tissue flap healed esophageal defection with fibrous tissue hyperplasia, barium sulphate examination found that barium was fluent through the esophagus with a slight stricture or back stream, and the creeping was not good at week 10 after operation.CONCLUSION: Esophagus defect can be repaired using lung tissue flap with an inner chitosan tube stent. 展开更多
关键词 LUNG Tissue flap CHITOSAN STENT Esophagus reconstruction
C4-Napier Grass Cultivation for Cadmium Phytoremediation Activity and Organic Livestock Farming in Kyushu, Japan
作者 Yasuyuki Ishii Kotomi Hamano +4 位作者 Dong Jin Kang Rengsirikul Kannika Sachiko Idota Kiichi Fukuyama Aya Nishiwaki 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2013年第4期321-330,共10页
Napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schumach), a C4 tropical plant, has high dry matter productivity and sustainability without the need for renovating every year due to good overwintering ability and the absence of ... Napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schumach), a C4 tropical plant, has high dry matter productivity and sustainability without the need for renovating every year due to good overwintering ability and the absence of serious pathogens or insects injury. This grass is suitable for multipurpose use, providing forage, bioethanol feedstock and phytoremediation of cadmium (Cd) contaminated soil in Kyushu, Japan. When two cultivars of Napier grass (Wruk wona, WK and Merkeron, ME) were grown in Cd-contaminated soils, dry matter yield and the concentration and uptake of herbage Cd were higher in WK than in ME, and soil Cd concentration was reduced by 14% in a single season of cultivation. A dwarf variety of late-heading type (DL), Napier grass had superior sustainability for more than 5 years in Miyazaki, Japan, and has gradually increased in cultivation areas for both cut-and-carry and grazing herbage production in cooperation with regional communities. Through the extension in several Kyushu areas, DL Napier grass required temperatures above -6.2 ~C for sustainability in winter, based on its threshold response to the lethal minimum temperature. DL Napier grass pasture can be utilized by grazing beef cattle even in early spring with temperate Italian ryegrass inter-sown into its inter-row spaces. Organic digested animal manure or sun-dried leguminous leaves as green manure can replace chemical fertilizers to reduce energy consumption and allow comparable productivity. 展开更多
关键词 CADMIUM Napier grass organic farming PHYTOREMEDIATION
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