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论莫高窟第285窟日天图像的粟特艺术源流 被引量:15
作者 张元林 《敦煌学辑刊》 CSSCI 2007年第3期161-168,共8页
关键词 莫高窟 日天 粟特 源流
作者 张聪 《美与时代(美术学刊)(中)》 2018年第5期130-131,共2页
关键词 日天 印度教
作者 刘璐 孙明瑜 《中国民间疗法》 2024年第19期29-31,共3页
阳气在人体生命活动中起着推动和主宰的关键作用,是人体生理活动的重要基础。在《黄帝内经》中,阳气被比作太阳,充分强调其在人体生命活动中的核心地位,此乃《黄帝内经》重阳思想的精妙之处,其中尤以心肾阳气至关重要。肾阳为人体阳气... 阳气在人体生命活动中起着推动和主宰的关键作用,是人体生理活动的重要基础。在《黄帝内经》中,阳气被比作太阳,充分强调其在人体生命活动中的核心地位,此乃《黄帝内经》重阳思想的精妙之处,其中尤以心肾阳气至关重要。肾阳为人体阳气之根本,心阳是推动气血运行的动力。阳气虚衰会致心主血脉的功能失常,进而引发瘀血、痰浊内生,闭阻心脉,此乃胸痹发生的基本病机。古今医家多强调心肾阳气在胸痹治疗中的关键作用,通过宣、通、补等多种方法,使君火旺、真火盛,从而使疾病得以痊愈。 展开更多
关键词 胸痹 阳气 《黄帝内经》 运当以光明 温阳法
莫高窟第285窟西壁日天与月天图考源 被引量:5
作者 李银广 《装饰》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第3期105-107,共3页
在莫高窟第285窟西壁上的左右两端,分别绘制了佛教的日天与月天的图像。曾有学界前贤认为这两个图像来源于祆教,布局结构受到了中国道教的影响。然而,从图像学的角度对这两个图像进行分析,却可以发现其来源可追溯到印度的原始信仰,而后... 在莫高窟第285窟西壁上的左右两端,分别绘制了佛教的日天与月天的图像。曾有学界前贤认为这两个图像来源于祆教,布局结构受到了中国道教的影响。然而,从图像学的角度对这两个图像进行分析,却可以发现其来源可追溯到印度的原始信仰,而后经西域传入中国,并在中国不同地区衍生出各种不同的造型。 展开更多
关键词 莫高窟 第285窟 日天 源流
作者 谭景春 《辞书研究》 2021年第5期15-21,48,I0001,共9页
文章讨论《现代汉语词典》对“当时、当日、当天”的修订。指出词典的一个个词条只是词典编修的结果,其背后往往需要做大量的研究工作。文章详细说明了“当时、当日、当天”修订的过程和理由,把词典编修的“幕后工作”加以呈现,旨在总... 文章讨论《现代汉语词典》对“当时、当日、当天”的修订。指出词典的一个个词条只是词典编修的结果,其背后往往需要做大量的研究工作。文章详细说明了“当时、当日、当天”修订的过程和理由,把词典编修的“幕后工作”加以呈现,旨在总结经验,提高理论水平,找出不足,避免再走弯路。 展开更多
关键词 《现代汉语词典》 修订 当时
贵州“天无三日晴”地理环境与罂粟种植关系研究 被引量:1
作者 邱丙亮 苏亚 《湖南大众传媒职业技术学院学报》 2017年第3期88-89,105,共3页
近代贵州是烟毒重灾区之一,不仅是鸦片售运、吸食的泛滥区,而且还是全国有名的产烟区。烟毒的泛滥成灾自然和当时的政治、经济、文化等因素有关,但也不应忽视该地自然地理环境在罂粟生长过程中的关键作用。"天无三日晴"的自... 近代贵州是烟毒重灾区之一,不仅是鸦片售运、吸食的泛滥区,而且还是全国有名的产烟区。烟毒的泛滥成灾自然和当时的政治、经济、文化等因素有关,但也不应忽视该地自然地理环境在罂粟生长过程中的关键作用。"天无三日晴"的自然地理环境所引发的气候潮湿、多大雾天气以及沙质土壤广布的自然地理环境迎合了罂粟生长的需要,为罂粟在该区的生长提供了适宜的温床。 展开更多
关键词 贵州 无三 罂粟种植
作者 尚津伊 《中国卫生人才》 2016年第5期92-93,共2页
关键词 《5月1这一 杂文 当代
《乡村科技》 2012年第8期6-6,共1页
审定编号 豫审麦2011016 选育单位 河南省漯河天翼生物工程有限公司 品种来源 郑麦9023×(Ike×河南白火麦) 特征特性属弱春性早熟糯质型小麦品种,平均全生育期231.7天,比对照品种“漯珍1号”早熟1.1天;幼苗直立,长势... 审定编号 豫审麦2011016 选育单位 河南省漯河天翼生物工程有限公司 品种来源 郑麦9023×(Ike×河南白火麦) 特征特性属弱春性早熟糯质型小麦品种,平均全生育期231.7天,比对照品种“漯珍1号”早熟1.1天;幼苗直立,长势旺,叶色深绿,冬季有冻害;拔节抽穗早,分蘖成穗率高;株高85厘米,株型偏紧凑,抗倒伏能力一般。 展开更多
关键词 糯质小麦 糯15 小麦品种 生育期
作者 丹野 久 平山 裕治 河野元信(译) 《粮油食品科技》 CAS 2022年第5期66-74,共9页
调查了北海道6个地区4个年度生产的糯米捣制年糕的硬化性和糊化特性。这些特性的最小值与最大值之差及变异系数都是年度间比地区间要大。根据年度间与地区间的比值及特性之间的相关系数,按照比值小的顺序可以分为第Ⅰ组的最高粘度和崩解... 调查了北海道6个地区4个年度生产的糯米捣制年糕的硬化性和糊化特性。这些特性的最小值与最大值之差及变异系数都是年度间比地区间要大。根据年度间与地区间的比值及特性之间的相关系数,按照比值小的顺序可以分为第Ⅰ组的最高粘度和崩解值,第Ⅱ组的最低粘度、最终粘度以及粘稠度,第Ⅲ组的糊化开始温度、最高粘度到达温度、最高粘度到达时间以及硬化性。在年度间,这三组糊化特性中的第Ⅱ组和第Ⅲ组与硬化性有正相关关系,第Ⅲ组最为明确。抽穗后40天之间的日平均累计气温(灌浆气温)越高,第Ⅱ组和第Ⅲ组的糊化特性以及硬化性就越高,这种关系为第Ⅲ组和硬化性最明确。而在地区间,这些关系都不是很明确。大米蛋白质含量越高,第Ⅰ组和第Ⅱ组在年度间和地区间,第Ⅲ组只在年度间,这些特性值就越低。关于米饭的物理特性,灌浆气温的正常年份产与高温年份产相比,正常年份产的米饭要软、粘性弱、食味差,5℃下储藏24h后不容易变硬,柔软程度无变化。而高温年份产的米饭粘性强,5℃下储藏24h后变硬,粘性也稍微下降。越是高蛋白质,两种年份产的都呈现粘性变弱食味下降的趋势。因此,为了生产优良食味的糯米低蛋白质米的生产技术很重要。 展开更多
关键词 捣制年糕的硬化性 糊化特性 米饭的物理特性 年度间地区间差异 抽穗后40之间的平均累计气温 稻作极限地带
西安碑林博物馆收藏“释迦降伏外道造像”新解 被引量:4
作者 冉万里 《文博》 2012年第5期37-42,共6页
西安碑林博物馆收藏"释迦降伏外道造像"是一尊有名的唐代造像,但对其中释迦牟尼佛右手上方和左手下方所浮雕的圆形图案的性质,在以往被认为是所谓的"外道"。经过笔者观察和考证,认为是拟人化的日天和月天,并与古印... 西安碑林博物馆收藏"释迦降伏外道造像"是一尊有名的唐代造像,但对其中释迦牟尼佛右手上方和左手下方所浮雕的圆形图案的性质,在以往被认为是所谓的"外道"。经过笔者观察和考证,认为是拟人化的日天和月天,并与古印度、新疆龟兹地区以及敦煌莫高窟等雕刻、壁画、绢画中的同类形象存在渊源关系。 展开更多
关键词 西安碑林博物馆 释迦降伏外道造像 日天
Leaf Volatiles from Host Tree Acer negundo : Diurnal Rhythm and Behavior Responses of Anoplophora glabripennis to Volatiles in Field 被引量:8
作者 李建光 金幼菊 +2 位作者 骆有庆 许志春 陈华君 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2003年第2期177-182,共6页
The volatile compounds from ash-leaf maple (Acer negundo L.) were examined by adsorption-thermodesorption and GC-MS. Thirty-two compounds, including alcohols, ketones, aldehydes, esters, terpenoids, carboxylic acids, ... The volatile compounds from ash-leaf maple (Acer negundo L.) were examined by adsorption-thermodesorption and GC-MS. Thirty-two compounds, including alcohols, ketones, aldehydes, esters, terpenoids, carboxylic acids, etc. were identified. The analysis revealed that the diurnal rhythm of release of volatile compounds from maple differed in July and in August. In July, the releasing of most volatile compounds reached the peak at 14 o'clock, when in August, the emission of volatile compounds reached the peak at 10 o'clock. Besides diurnal rhythm, there also existed other differences in the releasing of volatiles and their relative contents in July and in August. A possible explanation for this phenomenon is the maturation of leaves, since the sampling conditions were the same both in July and August. At the same time, the response of Anoplophora glabrpennis Motschulsky to volatiles was examined with field bioassay with traps. cis-3-hexen-1-ol was found to be more effective to attract A. glabrpennis than other volatiles released by ash-leaf maple tree in field trapping test. A mixture of 1-butanol, 1-pentanol and 2-pentanol was tested to be the most attractive to A. glabripennis among all tested volatiles. More field trapping tests should be conducted. 展开更多
关键词 Acer negundo Anoplophora glabtipennis VOLATILE diurnal rhythm behavioral response
Surface diurnal warming in the East China Sea derived from satellite remote sensing 被引量:1
作者 SONG Dan DUAN Zhigang +1 位作者 ZHAI Fangguo HE Qiqi 《Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第3期620-629,共10页
Process of sea surface diurnal warming has drawn a lot of attention in recent years, but that occurs in shelf seas was rarely addressed. In the present work, surface diurnal warming strength in the East China Sea was ... Process of sea surface diurnal warming has drawn a lot of attention in recent years, but that occurs in shelf seas was rarely addressed. In the present work, surface diurnal warming strength in the East China Sea was calculated by the sea surface temperature(SST) data derived from the MODIS sensors carried by the satellites Aqua and Terra. Due to transit time difference, both the number of valid data and the surface diurnal warming strength computed by the MODIS-Aqua data are relatively larger than Terra. Therefore, the 10-year MODIS-Aqua data from 2005 to 2014 were used to analyze the monthly variability of the surface diurnal warming. Generally, the surface diurnal warming in the East China sea is stronger in summer and autumn but weaker in winter and spring, while it shows different peaks in different regions. Large events with ΔT≥5 K have also been discussed. They were found mainly in coastal area, especially near the Changjiang(Yangtze) River estuary. And there exists a high-incidence period from April to July. Furthermore, the relationship between surface diurnal warming and wind speed was discussed. Larger diurnal warming mainly lies in areas with low wind speed. And its possibility decreases with the increase of wind speed. Events with ΔT ≥2.5 K rarely occur when wind speed is over 12 m/s. Study on surface diurnal warming in the East China Sea may help to understand the daily scale air-sea interaction in the shelf seas. A potential application might be in the marine weather forecasts by numerical models. Its impact on the coastal eco-system and the activities of marine organisms can also be pursued. 展开更多
关键词 Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) sea surface temperature (SST) diurnal warming East China Sea
Influence of Weather and Climate on Malaria Occurrence Based on Human-Biometeorological Methods in Ondo State, Nigeria 被引量:1
作者 A.G. Omonijo A. Matzarakis +1 位作者 O. Oguntoke C.O. Adeofun 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2011年第9期1215-1228,共14页
This study focuses on the influence of weather and climate on malaria occurrence based on human-biometeorological methods was carried out in Ondo State, Nigeria using meteorological and malaria dataset in the state fo... This study focuses on the influence of weather and climate on malaria occurrence based on human-biometeorological methods was carried out in Ondo State, Nigeria using meteorological and malaria dataset in the state for the period from 1998 to 2008. In addition, sea surface temperatures (SSTs) over equatorial Pacific Ocean were integrated in the analysis. The association between each of the meteorological-biometeorological parameters and clinical-reported malaria cases was examined by using Poisson distribution and log as link function between the two categories of dataset. The next step was the building of a model by using Poisson multiple regression models (GLMs) in order to know the weather variables that lead to statistically changes in clinical-reported malaria cases. The study revealed that an increase of I m.s1 of wind speed can lead to an increase of about 164% and 171% in the monthly occurrence of malaria at 95% confidence interval in derived savanna and humid forest zone respectively. Also, an increase of I ℃ in air temperature and sea surface temperature is associated with 53.4% and 29% increase in monthly malaria occurrence (CI: 95%) in derived savanna while an increase of 1 ℃ in air temperature and sea surface temperature is associated with 56.4% and 15.4% increase in monthly malaria occurrence at 95% confidence interval in humid forest zone of Ondo State 展开更多
关键词 Weather parameters GLMs MALARIA early warning system Ondo State Nigeria.
From Sunset Winter to Caetano's Spring: The Importance of a Song Contest in the Portuguese Music Scene of the 1960's and 1970's
作者 Sofia Isabel Fonseca Vieira Lopes 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第6期461-470,共10页
I propose to introduce a few lines of analysis for the RTP Song Contest (Portuguese Radio and Television Song Contest--Festival RTP da Cancāo). I intend to raise a few questions that will help us to understand the ... I propose to introduce a few lines of analysis for the RTP Song Contest (Portuguese Radio and Television Song Contest--Festival RTP da Cancāo). I intend to raise a few questions that will help us to understand the role of this competition in the Portuguese musical and cultural scene of the 1960s. RTP Song Contest is the longest television song contest in Portugal. This competition went through several crucial moments in the recent history of Portugal, witnessing the change from dictatorship to democracy. In late 1960s, still under the authoritarian regime, several social changes took place and music played an important role in these changes, as several studies have documented. In 1969, Portugal bet on Simone de Oliveira to bring us the prize, but the result was not the expected. This event brought us many questions about the importance of the Portuguese participation in the Eurovision Song Contest and the faimess of the European evaluation. This paper intends to reflect the implications of this particular event and the importance of the Contest for the Portuguese music scene at the end of the critical 1960's. With this paper, I intend to introduce some lines of analysis of the first ten years of the Portuguese Radio and Television Song Contest (Festival RTP da Cang6o--RTP Song Contest). I intend to raise a few questions that will help us to understand the role of this competition in the Portuguese musical and cultural scene of the late 1960s and 1970s, based on the study of the daily press. RTP Song Contest is the most long-life television contest in Portugal. For this reason, it is important to make a short historical overview of this period and the history of television in Portugal. At the same time, the analysis of statistical data of audiences enables us to understand the television phenomenon in the late 1960s. 展开更多
关键词 music and television Festival RTP da Cangcāo Eurovision Song Contest ETHNOMUSICOLOGY
莫道“天无三日晴” 被引量:1
作者 史继忠 《文史天地》 2001年第3期1-1,共1页
关键词 贵州 地理特征 气状况 无三晴” 喀斯特地貌 生物资源 地方志
作者 牧斯 《小学生之友(阅读写作版)(下旬)》 2010年第6期1-1,共1页
关键词 《六月一这一 诗歌 牧斯 文学
作者 孙宏伟 《金融队伍建设》 2008年第8期60-61,共2页
关键词 散文 《山城三三重 文学作品 孙宏伟
作者 王淼 《社区》 2011年第33期60-61,共2页
小时候,生活在渝东的乡下,每逢农历年前,家家户户都会蒸糍粑,用来拜神祭祖。那香甜的气味总在空气中弥漫着好久,嘴馋的我们总喜欢吃那甜甜黏黏的糍粑,尤其是裹着面粉经过高温油炸过的糍粑,香味更加浓郁。但长辈总要我们省着吃,... 小时候,生活在渝东的乡下,每逢农历年前,家家户户都会蒸糍粑,用来拜神祭祖。那香甜的气味总在空气中弥漫着好久,嘴馋的我们总喜欢吃那甜甜黏黏的糍粑,尤其是裹着面粉经过高温油炸过的糍粑,香味更加浓郁。但长辈总要我们省着吃,抑或知道孩子嘴馋是止不住的,总是藏了一些糍粑,说是留一些到“天穿日”这一天用的。 展开更多
关键词 《乡下的"穿"是否还在》 随笔 杂文 杂谈
Contribution to the Bio-ecological Study of Date Palm Entomofauna in the Region of Saoura (South Algeria)
作者 Ali Boulanouar Mohammed Anouar Khelil +1 位作者 Ahmed Makhloufi Larbi Benlarbi 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2014年第6期496-503,共8页
Saoura region is situated in the south west of dactylifera), where the authors note several oases such as: Algeria characterized by a height density of date palm trees (Phoenix Taghit, lgli, Beni Abbes... Despite t... Saoura region is situated in the south west of dactylifera), where the authors note several oases such as: Algeria characterized by a height density of date palm trees (Phoenix Taghit, lgli, Beni Abbes... Despite this high density, the production of dates is still insufficient even for the local consumption, this is due to: Increasing salinity of water and soil in the old palm groves, the spread of many fungal diseases, where the most serious is the Bayoud (Fusaruim oxysporum), and finally insect pests, three of them remain the most serious: white scale locally named Semm (Parlatoria blanehardi), Boufaroua (Oligonyehus afrasiaticus), and Doud called dates worm (Ectomyelois ceratoniae). By using different trapping techniques, an entomofauna inventory was realized in the region of Saoura, where 3238 individuals are collected, distributed in 13 orders, 72 families and more than 132 species. The inventory will allow us to classify insects according to their economic importance, determine their life cycle and know their adaptation to date palm. The dynamics of these populations will be studied through the spatial-temporal repartitions. In parallel this study aims to identify the natural enemies (auxiliaries and parasitoids) of date palm pests in order to improve the biological control and this in hopes to ameliorate the production. 展开更多
关键词 Phoenix daetylifera L. Saoura region entomofauna inventory white scale AUXILIARIES parasitoids.
Eco-Justice and the Niger Delta Environmental Challenges: Reflections on Matt. 7.12
作者 Sampson M. Nwaomah 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2013年第4期291-299,共9页
Environmental challenges of the Niger Delta region caused by the activities of the oil and gas industry as well as the disregard of the region by both the oil firms and the state of Nigeria have been contentious in th... Environmental challenges of the Niger Delta region caused by the activities of the oil and gas industry as well as the disregard of the region by both the oil firms and the state of Nigeria have been contentious in the discourse of environmental issues in Nigeria. In this dilemma, it appears that the oil communities are powerless in the face of the obnoxious display of might and the right to make and apply policies that affect the general well-being of the Niger Delta people and their environment. The question that might arise in this situation is the ethical perception of some of those who make and execute policies about the ecological problems of the region. Therefore, this paper focuses on discussing eco-justice in the light of Jesus teaching on equity and equality in Matt. 7.12, where he counsels that human actions on the others should be moderated by the actors' desire for his well-being. 展开更多
关键词 eco-justice ENVIRONMENT Niger Delta
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