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Case study on the communicative competence of Chinese students
作者 YING Sheng 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第7期67-74,共8页
This study investigates the communicative competence of Chinese students in a British university, and the main purposes of the study are to find out more about Chinese students' difficulties in communication and to e... This study investigates the communicative competence of Chinese students in a British university, and the main purposes of the study are to find out more about Chinese students' difficulties in communication and to explore learning strategies of developing communicative competence. The research results show that Chinese students had both linguistic and socio-cultural problems in communication. Two case studies are presented of good and less good communicators to show up different patterns of communicative performance and learning strategies. In conclusion, a range of findings support the statement that attitudes, motivation and immersion were important in the development of communicative competence. 展开更多
关键词 communicative competence academic study everyday life ATTITUDE MOTIVATION
沟通心灵 激发动力 锻造毅力——我做班主任工作的“三部曲”
作者 石福红 《才智》 2010年第25期141-142,共2页
上学期来到新成立的学校,面对完全陌生的学生,我发现班级管理难度超忽了自己的想象:课上学生不听讲,光手里搞小动作的不下十几个,作业书写一塌糊涂,站队半天站不成,去餐厅总是最晚,眼操竟然有二十多个人不会做,晚自习说话声不断,每天教... 上学期来到新成立的学校,面对完全陌生的学生,我发现班级管理难度超忽了自己的想象:课上学生不听讲,光手里搞小动作的不下十几个,作业书写一塌糊涂,站队半天站不成,去餐厅总是最晚,眼操竟然有二十多个人不会做,晚自习说话声不断,每天教室地上脏乱不堪……面对千头万绪的事务,我不断思考:一个孩子的教育尽管过程曲折、方法不一,但先让其尊从师教、再要有上进心,进而形成好习惯是基本策略,于是我按照"沟通心灵——激发动力——锻造毅力"的三步方法去做班主任工作,取得了还算满意的教育效果。 展开更多
关键词 “三部曲” 教育效果 男同学 培养自信心 集体教育 意志品质 是非观念 写作指导 班会课 日常学习生
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