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作者 黄琴 《中国校外教育(上旬)》 2013年第8期43-43,共1页
曖昧表現は日本人の普通の心理の反応であり、日本文化の典型であり、日本人のコミュニケ一ション方式の代表である。中国の日本語教科書における曖昧表現を例として日本人のコミュニケ一ション観の分析を行う。この二つの例の分析を通... 曖昧表現は日本人の普通の心理の反応であり、日本文化の典型であり、日本人のコミュニケ一ション方式の代表である。中国の日本語教科書における曖昧表現を例として日本人のコミュニケ一ション観の分析を行う。この二つの例の分析を通じて、日本人日本文化の特徴が明らかにする。 展开更多
关键词 日本文 コミュニケーションスキル 暧昧表現
文体 材料 趣味 个性──以周作人为代表的中国现代小品文与日本写生文比较观 被引量:10
作者 王向远 《鲁迅研究月刊》 CSSCI 1996年第4期55-60,共6页
文体 材料 趣味 个性──以周作人为代表的中国现代小品文与日本写生文比较观王向远小品文和写生文分别是中国和日本现代散文中的两种重要的文体。要全面准确地阐明中国现代小品文的起源、形成及其特点,就必须搞清它与日本写生文的... 文体 材料 趣味 个性──以周作人为代表的中国现代小品文与日本写生文比较观王向远小品文和写生文分别是中国和日本现代散文中的两种重要的文体。要全面准确地阐明中国现代小品文的起源、形成及其特点,就必须搞清它与日本写生文的关系。但长期以来,人们重视欧洲(主... 展开更多
关键词 日本写生 周作人 现代小品 “美 体概念 《杜鹃》 夏目漱石 平和冲淡 体特征 现代散
日本上代金石文与汉语俗字 被引量:1
作者 金烨 《安庆师范学院学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第4期12-15,共4页
关键词 日本上代金石 汉语俗字 继承 俗字类型 现代日本用字
作者 杜立晖 《西夏研究》 2023年第4期68-74,共7页
《日本藏西夏文文献》中所收《汉文借绢马文书》,系日本天理图书馆所藏《西夏回鹘文书断简》中的一件。此前学界将此件认定为西夏时期的契约类文献,然此件实则是一件元代文献,其性质亦非契约,而是元代站赤整点文书。作为难得一见的元代... 《日本藏西夏文文献》中所收《汉文借绢马文书》,系日本天理图书馆所藏《西夏回鹘文书断简》中的一件。此前学界将此件认定为西夏时期的契约类文献,然此件实则是一件元代文献,其性质亦非契约,而是元代站赤整点文书。作为难得一见的元代站赤整点文书原件,此件文书展现了元代站赤整点的实际运作情况。由此可以发现,元代站赤马匹整点涉及的事项较之此前所认识的内容更为丰富,而元代站赤整点中涉及的复核问题,则为此前所未知。 展开更多
关键词 日本藏西夏 借绢马 元代 站赤
作者 崔玉谦 刘丽君 《西夏学》 CSSCI 2018年第1期206-214,共9页
《日本藏西夏文文献》中收录有一则汉文刻本医方残片,经考证为《太平惠民合剂局方》附《指南总论》卷上《论合和法》卷首部分,所属年代上限应是在南宋高宗绍兴二十一年之后;由于南宋与西夏并不接壤,《太平惠民合剂局方》没有直接途径从... 《日本藏西夏文文献》中收录有一则汉文刻本医方残片,经考证为《太平惠民合剂局方》附《指南总论》卷上《论合和法》卷首部分,所属年代上限应是在南宋高宗绍兴二十一年之后;由于南宋与西夏并不接壤,《太平惠民合剂局方》没有直接途径从南宋流传到西夏境内,鉴于南宋对于宋金之间榷场贸易的管理极为严格,《太平惠民合剂局方》通过中继金国流通到西夏也不具备条件;结合版本分析汉文《太平惠民合剂局方》刻本残片应是元代刻本,故南宋与西夏之间并无《太平惠民合剂局方》传播的发生。 展开更多
关键词 南宋 日本藏西夏献》 《太平惠民合剂局方》 书籍传播
作者 苏明 《沈阳师范学院学报(社会科学版)》 2002年第3期37-41,共5页
中国 2 0世纪 3 0年代小品文的兴盛是汲取了古今中外小品文滋养后的必然结果。现代小品文对晚明小品顺势承传的同时 ,也接受了来自异域散文的影响。英国随笔的注重个性、幽默味以及闲话风格调 ,对 3 0年代小品文具有直接的借鉴意义 ,而... 中国 2 0世纪 3 0年代小品文的兴盛是汲取了古今中外小品文滋养后的必然结果。现代小品文对晚明小品顺势承传的同时 ,也接受了来自异域散文的影响。英国随笔的注重个性、幽默味以及闲话风格调 ,对 3 0年代小品文具有直接的借鉴意义 ,而共同的文学渊源又给日本写生文对中国现代小品文发生渗透提供了文化前提。 2 0年代小品文理论倡导的深入、出版物的盛行、报业的发达 。 展开更多
关键词 顺势承传 英国随笔 日本写生 中国 20世纪30年代 小品
Chromosome Preparation and Preliminary Observation of Two Amphioxus Species in Xiamen 被引量:5
作者 张秋金 李光 +1 位作者 孙毅 王义权 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第2期131-136,共6页
Amphioxus has an important evolutionary position as a result of their phylogenetic position relative to vertebrates. Understanding their chromosomes would provide key points in the study of evolutionary biology and co... Amphioxus has an important evolutionary position as a result of their phylogenetic position relative to vertebrates. Understanding their chromosomes would provide key points in the study of evolutionary biology and comparative genomics. The difficulty in preparing amphioxus chromosomes currently provides a significant hurdle in this research. In the current study, we describe an improved method for metaphase preparation from amphioxus embryos and methodology for preparing metaphase spreads from regenerative somatic cells. Chromosomes of two amphioxus species from Xiamen waters in China are also observed. The diploid chromosome number was found to be 40 in Branchiostoma belcheri, while B. japonicum has 36, confirming the two are distinct species from cytotaxonomic viewpoint. 展开更多
关键词 Amphioxus (lancelet) Branchiostoma belcheri B. japonicum CHROMOSOME Regenerative cell
歌唱的处女——川端康成《雪国》人物“叶子”的寓意 被引量:1
作者 沈俊 《中国城市经济》 2011年第2期218-218,共1页
基耶斯洛夫斯基是战后"道德焦虑电影"的代表人物,也是极具精神哲理内涵的"作家式导演"。他曾经说过宁可看书而不去电影院。文学是他创作的重要源泉,陀斯妥耶夫斯基、卡夫卡、加缪是他的最爱。哲学家刘小枫称之为&qu... 基耶斯洛夫斯基是战后"道德焦虑电影"的代表人物,也是极具精神哲理内涵的"作家式导演"。他曾经说过宁可看书而不去电影院。文学是他创作的重要源泉,陀斯妥耶夫斯基、卡夫卡、加缪是他的最爱。哲学家刘小枫称之为"紫色的叙事思想家"。与川端康成的小说相似,他的影片是用一种女性的触角来探索人性、思考人生,执著地盼望着真善美的救恕。 展开更多
关键词 川端康成 《雪国》 陀斯妥耶夫斯基 加缪 卡夫卡 哲理内涵 《源氏物语》 我在美丽的日本 日本古典
作者 胡乐乐 《基础教育论坛》 2012年第10Z期4-5,共2页
据9月14日媒体报道,人民教育出版社相关负责人日前表示,初中地理八年级(上、下册)教材将于今年启动新一轮修订,新修订的教材中将包含介绍"钓鱼岛是我国领土"等内容。不管是否细化教材内容,钓鱼岛内容在初中地理教材中已经存在... 据9月14日媒体报道,人民教育出版社相关负责人日前表示,初中地理八年级(上、下册)教材将于今年启动新一轮修订,新修订的教材中将包含介绍"钓鱼岛是我国领土"等内容。不管是否细化教材内容,钓鱼岛内容在初中地理教材中已经存在快20年时间了。该负责人表示,目前该教材正在修订过程中,年底将送教育部进行审查,明年秋季开学将进入中小学课堂。准确的国土知识和成熟的国土意识是爱国教育的基础。 展开更多
关键词 学校教育 初中地理 学校教材 中小学课堂 爱国教育 海洋法公约 修订过程 上海大学生 公民课 日本文
作者 林家骊 何玛丽 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第1期161-172,共12页
日本《影弘仁本〈文馆词林〉》收录北朝文章49篇,其文献史料价值主要有三:其一,补严氏《全上古三代秦汉三国六朝文》所未辑;其二,补足严氏所收残章断句之篇;其三,与严氏所辑之文互为校勘。日本《影弘仁本〈文馆词林〉》所存高允《南巡... 日本《影弘仁本〈文馆词林〉》收录北朝文章49篇,其文献史料价值主要有三:其一,补严氏《全上古三代秦汉三国六朝文》所未辑;其二,补足严氏所收残章断句之篇;其三,与严氏所辑之文互为校勘。日本《影弘仁本〈文馆词林〉》所存高允《南巡颂》、魏收《兖州都督胡延碑铭》(并序)与《征南将军和安碑铭》(并序)等"颂""碑"之文,更是北朝重要文人的散佚作品,可填补北朝文学研究的资料空白。其完整的文本形态与丰富的文学表现是进一步探讨北朝文体演进与文学态势的基础。而大量的北朝公文资料不仅有助于明确北朝诸历史事实,还可推进并还原北朝公牍文的发展脉络,值得深入研究。 展开更多
关键词 日本《影弘仁本<馆词林>》 北朝 献价值
Challenge to Restore the Heritage Buildings Damaged by the 2011 Tsunami Attacks, Kesennuma, Japan
作者 Hideo Izumida 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2015年第8期999-1011,共13页
A large number of towns along the Sanriku coastal line were swept away by tsunami attacks on March 11,2011. Although some heritage buildings survived, the damage condition was too severe to carry on repair and restore... A large number of towns along the Sanriku coastal line were swept away by tsunami attacks on March 11,2011. Although some heritage buildings survived, the damage condition was too severe to carry on repair and restore them to the owners. As the municipal cultural heritage division and local cultural society in Kesennuma City were looking for possibility to save these damaged heritage buildings, the author gave them full assistance. To apply for fund for the repair and restoration work to related foundations, the author made an investigation of the damage conditions, prepared measured drawings, fundamental restoration plans and cost estimates. Domestic and international foundations granted funds to our projects for three years in May 2012, and we formed a restoration body to take responsibility of repair and restoration work. But soon, we were faced with several difficulties. The first is that we had to wait for a long time until the authority fixed the town redevelopment plan, meeting the National Guideline of Tsunami-Free Redevelopment. The second is that the building cost continued to increase during rapid-development periods. Although the author expected to complete the whole work within three years, the progress is really slow, and has not amounted to a quarter. 展开更多
关键词 Heritage building repair restoration TSUNAMI DISASTER JAPAN timber structure.
The Income Security System in Japanese Traditional Performing Arts: A Strategy for Utilizing the Nation's Traditional Arts Resources
作者 Tadashi Yagi Chisako Takashima Yoshinori Usui 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2013年第5期697-710,共14页
The objective of this paper is to examine an effective strategy for maintaining and utilizing the traditional arts resources of Japan. The authors explore two pillars of the strategy. One is to improve the quality of ... The objective of this paper is to examine an effective strategy for maintaining and utilizing the traditional arts resources of Japan. The authors explore two pillars of the strategy. One is to improve the quality of Japanese traditional performing arts by securing incomes for artists. The other is to utilize the traditional arts as a medium to expand Japanese cultural influence in foreign countries and to improve Japan's branding as a nation. First, the authors focus on the income security system practiced in traditional Japanese music and describe the discrepancy between short- and long-run optimality. The authors prove that the reputation of this art form affects its popularity and that it is optimal for the Iemoto (the head of the music school) to restrict the number of pupils in onstage performances in order to maintain stage quality. Second, the authors provide evidence that effective methods for a country to expand its cultural influence across the world differ among nations. The authors conduct willingness-to-pay (WTP) experiments and find that while German audiences largely prefer traditional Japanese music, those in the USA are slightly partial to its mixed fusion form. Therefore, the effective ways to expand Japanese cultural influence in foreign countries differ from one country to another. 展开更多
关键词 traditional performing arts the Iemoto system income security system stage quality cultural influence national branding
Cultural Connotation and Contemporary Value of Japanese Garden
作者 Wei LIU 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第10期1929-1931,1934,共4页
Culture is the soul of a nation, and also the basis of landscape design, the basis of historical inheritance and innovation. Japanese garden was born out of Chinese garden, but because of the difference of geographica... Culture is the soul of a nation, and also the basis of landscape design, the basis of historical inheritance and innovation. Japanese garden was born out of Chinese garden, but because of the difference of geographical environment and national culture, Japanese gardens combine Chinese culture with local national characteristics, forming a unique garden culture in Japan. Based on the research on Japanese gardens like pond garden, rock garden and tea garden, this study analyzed the cultural connotation in Japanese garden landscape design, made in-depth understanding of Japanese landscape development, explored the value existing in the contemporary garden design of Japanese gardens, with the aim to make use of the excellent experience to the garden landscape design in the future. 展开更多
关键词 Japanese garden Cultural connotation Contemporary value National characteristics
Japanese Media Strategy: The Recognition of Economic Value Chains
作者 Seiko Yasumoto 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2012年第10期998-1011,共14页
This paper examines, as a case study, Japanese media production, remaking, and transferences of media content derived from the manga Janguru Taitei (Jungle Emperor) and contemporary Japanese government strategies to... This paper examines, as a case study, Japanese media production, remaking, and transferences of media content derived from the manga Janguru Taitei (Jungle Emperor) and contemporary Japanese government strategies to protect and promote Japanese cultural and economic value within the content business. The study utilizes methodological triangulation inclusive of textual, document, and value chain analysis. The Japanese government has progressively appreciated the intrinsic value of the media content from both a commercial and cultural context and the loss of value in unregulated segments of the regional market. In 2003, they established an Intellectual Property Strategy Group to support and promote the Japanese media content business. There has been a continuum of policy development since then to protect and amplify the financial value of Japanese media products. All of the developments in media industry are fuelled not only by government regulations, the imagination of talented artists and writers, and the growing regionalization and internationalization of the industry but also the "bottom line" emerging from the value chain. The recognition of the need for sustaining profit growth to continue the viability of original and remade content in Japan is paramount for Japan. 展开更多
关键词 Japanese media strategy economic value chains ADAPTATION
Japanese Mythology From Ethnological Perspectives
作者 Hitoshi Yamada 《History Research》 2013年第5期309-316,共8页
Comparative studies of Japanese mythology have developed since the 1920s above all through eftbrts of Japanese ethnologists. They have paid attention to the possible ethno-cultural complexes that brought mythological ... Comparative studies of Japanese mythology have developed since the 1920s above all through eftbrts of Japanese ethnologists. They have paid attention to the possible ethno-cultural complexes that brought mythological motifs into the archipelago. In the present paper the theories set forth by Nobuhiro Matsumoto, Akihide Mishina, and Masao Oka are examined in terms of retrospect. The result shows that they shared the view that at least three different complexes, based in ancient Yamato, Izumo, and Kyushu respectively, contributed to the formation of Japanese mythology compiled in the 8th century CE (Common Era). Their assumptions were synthesized by Taryo Obayashi in 1961, the hypothesis which has survived until today. In future we should cooperate with other disciplines and address the formation process of Japanese mythology. 展开更多
关键词 Japanese mythology RETROSPECT ETHNOLOGY ethnogenesis DIFFUSION
Comparative epidemiology of gastric cancer between Japan and China 被引量:64
作者 Yingsong Lin Junko Ueda +4 位作者 Shogo Kikuchi Yukari Totsuka Wen-Qiang wei You-Lin Qiao Manami Inoue 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第39期4421-4428,共8页
AIM:To clarify the similarities and differences in gastric cancer epidemiology between Japan and China.METHODS:A comprehensive literature search of the PubMed database was performed.The relevant literature published i... AIM:To clarify the similarities and differences in gastric cancer epidemiology between Japan and China.METHODS:A comprehensive literature search of the PubMed database was performed.The relevant literature published in China was also been cited.Data on incidence and mortality rates in 2008 were obtained from the Cancer Mondial database,published by International Agency for Research on Cancer at http://www-dep.iarc.fr/.RESULTS:Gastric cancer remains a significant publichealth burden in both Japan and China.The prevalence of Helicobacter pylori(H.pylori)colonization is high in the adult populations of both countries.Accumulating evidence from intervention studies in both countries has shown the effectiveness of H.pylori eradication in reduc-ing gastric cancer incidence.There are differences,however,in many aspects of gastric cancer,including patterns of incidence and mortality,trends in the prevalence of H.pylori infection,H.pylori strains,the magnitude of risk of gastric cancer related to H.pylori infection,and associations with dietary habits.Compared with China,Japan has seen a more rapid decline in H.pylori infection among adolescents.While Japanese cohort studies have dominated the literature concerning the associations between gastric cancer and dietary habits,numerous case-control studies in China suggest a positive association between a high intake of preserved fish and vegetables and gastric cancer risk.There is a need for a multidisciplinary research approach to understand the interactions between various strains of H.pylori,host factors,and other lifestyle and environmental factors in gastric carcinogenesis in both countries.CONCLUSION:The shared high incidence of gastric cancer and high prevalence of H.pylori,as well as differences in many aspects of gastric cancer,provide an excellent opportunity to establish Sino-Japanese collaborations. 展开更多
关键词 Gastric cancer Risk factor Helicobacter pylori EPIDEMIOLOGY
Study On the Practical It Personnel Training Model in Japanese Language Based On Internship Training Base
作者 Fang Li Ling'ou Yin 《International English Education Research》 2015年第2期30-31,共2页
In the examination-oriented education system, widespread foreign language major's language proficiency is relatively weak, poor employment, led to the current prevailing social Graduates Employment social phenomenon.... In the examination-oriented education system, widespread foreign language major's language proficiency is relatively weak, poor employment, led to the current prevailing social Graduates Employment social phenomenon. To solve these problems, this study takes constructivist theory as a guide to practice base for the carrier, focusing on the application of practical skills from the Japanese culture, professional quality college students to explore new aspects of Japanese IT personnel training mode, and then realize Japanese IT professionals, so as to achieve the strategic requirements of talent and rejuvenating the country. 展开更多
关键词 Practical Training PRACTICAL IT Personnel Training in Japanese
The Making of Japanese Femininity: Women, Civilization, and War, from 1868 to 1945
作者 Masako Endo 《History Research》 2012年第4期284-303,共20页
This article traces the development of modem Japanese femininity from the Meiji Restoration (1868) to the end of the Asia Pacific War (1945). It explores how modem Japanese femininity was constructed in relation ... This article traces the development of modem Japanese femininity from the Meiji Restoration (1868) to the end of the Asia Pacific War (1945). It explores how modem Japanese femininity was constructed in relation to "civilization" (bunmei) and war. With the introduction of the Western notion of "civilization", the Meiji state tried to "civilize" its views on women to become on par with the West. As the status of women became a major national issue in the late 19th century, women began to regard themselves as important members of the nation through their involvement in patriotic activities. During the Second Sino-Japanese War and Asia Pacific War, women strengthened their ties to the nation by supporting the wars on the home front as mothers, wives, laborers, and members of women's association. This made patriotism, frugality, and selflessness essential to the definition of the Japanese woman. In addition to these qualities, chastity was central to the idealized image of the Japanese woman. Through the examination of the historical development of Japanese femininity, this article offers insight into the image of "good Japanese woman". 展开更多
Groundwater Management under the Kabu-ido System in Noubi Plain, Japan, 1810s-1860s
作者 Takahiro Endo 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2016年第7期828-838,共11页
The purpose of this paper is to clarify how the Kabu-ido system can be employed to successfully regulate groundwater pumping. This was accomplished by analyzing surviving historical documents, including budgetary note... The purpose of this paper is to clarify how the Kabu-ido system can be employed to successfully regulate groundwater pumping. This was accomplished by analyzing surviving historical documents, including budgetary notes and a diary. The Kabu-ido system was a customary institution for groundwater management in a ring levee area of the Noubi Plain in Japan that consisted of three programs: restriction of groundwater pumping through a permit system, groundwater pricing and economic compensation. The system was created in the 1810s and survived for 100 years. This paper covers the Kabu-ido system from the 1810s to the 1860s, the first half of the 100-year history. Excessive groundwater pumping is not a new environmental problem. Although many case studies have investigated remedial actions, few have investigated how local residents addressed the problem before the 20th century because of a lack of documents. The Kabu-ido system is an exception in which of the procedure was documented in writing. The historical data indicate that it was a pioneering institution for groundwater management. 展开更多
关键词 Kabu-ido system HISTORY groundwater management self-organized restriction and Japan.
Long Work Hours and Work-Life Balance in Korea and Japan
作者 Jik-Soo Kim 《Sociology Study》 2014年第10期844-858,共15页
This study examines long work hours and work-life balance in relation to wage level, workaholism, and consumerism in both Korea and Japan. Findings of this study can be summarized as follows. First, the hypothesis tha... This study examines long work hours and work-life balance in relation to wage level, workaholism, and consumerism in both Korea and Japan. Findings of this study can be summarized as follows. First, the hypothesis that the wages and working hours have positive but differential effects depending on wage level categories are supported. Second, effects of cultural factors, such as workaholism and consumerism, on long work hours, however, are not significant in both countries. Third, for Korean manual workers, the probability of working long hours is high, but the level of time scarcity is low; but the effect of union membership on long work hours is not significant in both Korea and Japan. Fourth, the hypothesis that negative effects of long work hours and time scarcity on satisfaction with work-life balance are supported. These findings suggest that an increase in wage for non-regular workers and a minimum wage are required to reduce working hours. In addition, they also suggest that reducing working hours, overtime work in particular, and wage gap are crucial to raising the level of satisfaction with work-life balance in both Korea and Japan. 展开更多
关键词 Working hours WAGE workaholism CONSUMERISM work-life balance
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