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《巴俞》题意旧解辨正——土家族古代音乐史系列研究之三[1] 被引量:2
作者 石峥嵘 《吉首大学学报(社会科学版)》 1999年第1期102-104,共3页
关键词 土家族 《巴俞》 古代音乐 系列研究 旧解 题意 音乐舞蹈 中国大百科全书 《巴渝舞》 历史悠久
作者 张沛林 《南京师范大学文学院学报》 CSSCI 2016年第2期161-166,共6页
关键词 杨士勋 《春秋穀梁传疏》 旧解
《秋浦歌·炉火照天地》“旧解” 被引量:1
作者 杨玉忠 《西华师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1997年第1期28-30,共3页
关键词 李白 《秋浦歌·炉火照天地》 赧郎 旧解
作者 何晓静 《数学学习与研究》 2015年第17期108-108,共1页
关键词 新题旧解 题新 转化 联系
作者 周之朗 《北京师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 1991年第6期83-86,112,共5页
关键词 “相” 互指 旧解 《左传》 孔疏 偏指用法 演进 相字 用例 书经
作者 吕友仁 《中国经学》 2009年第2期191-204,共14页
《禮記》“刑不上大夫”,傳統解釋是以“上”字爲切入點,由於切入點選錯了,所以兩千年來一直不得其解。本文則把切入點放在“刑”字上,論證了“刑”是刑辱之義,“刑不上大夫”的本義是大夫犯了罪,該殺就殺,該剮就剮,而由種種刑訊手段給... 《禮記》“刑不上大夫”,傳統解釋是以“上”字爲切入點,由於切入點選錯了,所以兩千年來一直不得其解。本文則把切入點放在“刑”字上,論證了“刑”是刑辱之義,“刑不上大夫”的本義是大夫犯了罪,該殺就殺,該剮就剮,而由種種刑訊手段給當事人帶來的羞辱則不能施之于大夫。本文論證了“刑不上大夫”産生的精神基礎是“士可殺而不可辱”,論證了《郭店楚墓竹簡·尊德義》篇的“坓不隸于君子”是“刑不上大夫”的不同表述形式,論證了傳統舊解的形成過程。通過以上四個方面的論證,這一持續兩千年的歷史公案庶幾有望得以澄清。 展开更多
关键词 《禮記》 刑不上大夫 士可殺而不可辱 傳統舊
作者 原野 《中国行政管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 1994年第2期45-45,共1页
“调研”旧解与新论原野笔者曾在机关专搞调查研究工作。一次,一位同事的同学从乡下来,注视着我们办公室门前“调研科”的标牌,大惑不解地问:“你们几位都才三四十岁,怎么就退居二线了?”显然,这是误会。对此固然可付之一笑,但... “调研”旧解与新论原野笔者曾在机关专搞调查研究工作。一次,一位同事的同学从乡下来,注视着我们办公室门前“调研科”的标牌,大惑不解地问:“你们几位都才三四十岁,怎么就退居二线了?”显然,这是误会。对此固然可付之一笑,但倘认真思索一番,却非“一笑”可以“... 展开更多
关键词 “调研 旧解 领导干部 调研员 股份制化 内心独白 毛泽东 调研报告 调查研究工作 领导人
作者 沈岚 《苏州大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第1期135-138,192,共4页
关键词 钱锺书 《管锥编》 旧解 以诗《诗》 多诗合观
作者 骆宾基 《河南大学学报(社会科学版)》 1985年第2期42-44,共3页
一、属于错误的旧解 原诗三章。一为:“何彼(衣农)矣! 唐棣之华。 曷不肃雍, 王姬之车。 近代注释者吴闓生解为:“止是王姬下嫁之诗,而气象雍和可见。”这一句话里,包括两个注释者的观点,这两个观点又都是遵循毛传而来的,是从汉代解释... 一、属于错误的旧解 原诗三章。一为:“何彼(衣农)矣! 唐棣之华。 曷不肃雍, 王姬之车。 近代注释者吴闓生解为:“止是王姬下嫁之诗,而气象雍和可见。”这一句话里,包括两个注释者的观点,这两个观点又都是遵循毛传而来的,是从汉代解释人所下的“ 展开更多
关键词 古诗 周文王 旧解 注释者 文姜 周平王 王孙 母系制 外孙女 诗义
网络流行语的语义变异探析 被引量:12
作者 马利 涂靖 《宜宾学院学报》 2007年第10期94-96,共3页
网络流行语(Popular Internet Language)是一种特殊的语言变体,正受到语言学界越来越多的关注。变异性是PIL的标志性语言特征,该特征却是研究者们迄今较少关注的一个层面。笔者从语义层面通过典型实例对PIL的语言变异进行探讨,将其归纳... 网络流行语(Popular Internet Language)是一种特殊的语言变体,正受到语言学界越来越多的关注。变异性是PIL的标志性语言特征,该特征却是研究者们迄今较少关注的一个层面。笔者从语义层面通过典型实例对PIL的语言变异进行探讨,将其归纳为旧词别解、旧词新义、表意数字、语形解构、其它新解五类,并进一步从历时语言学角度讨论了PIL的发展变革规律及其规范化建设问题。 展开更多
关键词 网络流行语 词别 词新义 表意数字 语形
作者 方有国 《古汉语研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 1989年第3期55-56,21,共3页
“沦胥”一词最早三见于《诗经》:“若此无罪,沦胥以铺。”(《小雅·雨无正》)“如彼泉流,无沦胥以败。”(《小雅·小曼》)“如彼泉流,无沦胥以亡。”(《大雅·抑》)这个词自汉代以来解说纷纭,莫衷一是。何金松先生撰《释... “沦胥”一词最早三见于《诗经》:“若此无罪,沦胥以铺。”(《小雅·雨无正》)“如彼泉流,无沦胥以败。”(《小雅·小曼》)“如彼泉流,无沦胥以亡。”(《大雅·抑》)这个词自汉代以来解说纷纭,莫衷一是。何金松先生撰《释“沦胥”》一文,对旧解加以分析甄别,重新解释了“沦胥”。认为毛传、郑笺训“率相”(《雨无正》、《小旻》),朱熹训“陷相”(《诗集传》),马瑞辰训“陷溺”(《毛诗传笺通释》),以及高亨训“淹没”(《诗经今注》)都不合原义,当以传笺的“率皆”(《抑》)之解为是。“沦”训“率”或“类”,义为“皆”,“‘沦胥’乃是两个同义词连用”,并举出《尔雅》、 展开更多
关键词 传笺 《雨无正》 引申义 小雅 旧解 本义 郑笺 腐刑 韩诗 汉书
作者 赵纪贞 《烟台大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1993年第1期82-89,共8页
谈到中国诗歌中的近体诗,六朝无疑是我们最需要注意的时期。因为,六朝诗不但上承汉魏的古体诗,同时下启唐代的近体诗。就中国诗歌的发展史而言,六朝,尤其南朝是格律诗的发端。齐、梁以后的诗跟近体诗的形式很相似,到了永明(482~493)时... 谈到中国诗歌中的近体诗,六朝无疑是我们最需要注意的时期。因为,六朝诗不但上承汉魏的古体诗,同时下启唐代的近体诗。就中国诗歌的发展史而言,六朝,尤其南朝是格律诗的发端。齐、梁以后的诗跟近体诗的形式很相似,到了永明(482~493)时期,四声论已相当流行,当时的文人讲究声律的调和,就产生了永明体。 以前的文论家亦主张声律的调和,但他们讲求自然的声律。那么齐、梁时期为什么盛行讲究声律的风潮?主要原因:(1)东汉以后,佛经的翻译和梵音的输入,音韵研究颇发达。这成为声律运动的推动因素。(2)乐府衰亡以后,新转入有词而无调的时期。诗既离调,诗的音乐要显现出诗的文字。 展开更多
关键词 声律论 上尾 旧解 四病 近体诗 沈约 每联 影响关系 八病
作者 张远山 《社会科学论坛》 CSSCI 2008年第5期5-32,共28页
本文是"外杂篇精义"系列的第一篇。作者以"内七篇"基本文体结构和基本义理结构为标准,通过结构辨析推断:郭象版《知北游》前六章,属于原《知北游》完整结构;郭象版《知北游》后六章,为郭象裁剪别篇移入,破坏了文体... 本文是"外杂篇精义"系列的第一篇。作者以"内七篇"基本文体结构和基本义理结构为标准,通过结构辨析推断:郭象版《知北游》前六章,属于原《知北游》完整结构;郭象版《知北游》后六章,为郭象裁剪别篇移入,破坏了文体结构和义理结构。郭象的捣鬼旨在让孔子成为篇末的终极论道者,违背了"内七篇"斥孔之旨。而旧庄学据此孤例,极其荒谬地把郭象版《知北游》推崇为整部《庄子》最佳之篇。 展开更多
关键词 文体结构 义理结构 结构辨析 旧解不通
Carbothermic reduction of chromite fluxed with aluminum spent potlining 被引量:5
作者 Dawei YU Dogan PAKTUNC 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第1期200-212,共13页
Aluminum spent potlining (SPL) was employed as both the fluxing agent and a source of carbonaceous reductant for the carbothermic reduction of chromite, aiming to allow effective separation of alloy from the slag comp... Aluminum spent potlining (SPL) was employed as both the fluxing agent and a source of carbonaceous reductant for the carbothermic reduction of chromite, aiming to allow effective separation of alloy from the slag component. The experimental results show that the carbonaceous component of the SPL is more reactive towards chromite reduction compared to graphite. The formation of refractory spinel (MgAl2O4) on chromite particles hinders further reduction and alloy growth. The slag-making components of the SPL (e.g. nepheline and NaF) form molten slags at low temperatures (~1300℃) and partly dissolve the refractory spinel as well as the chromite. Destruction of the spinel layer with enhanced mass transfer greatly improves the alloy growth, which can be further promoted by reduction at a higher temperature (e.g. 1500℃). Ferrochrome alloy particles grow large enough at 1500℃ in the presence of SPL, allowing effective separation from the slag component using elutriation separation. 展开更多
关键词 CHROMITE carbothermic reduction FERROCHROME aluminum spent potlining
Recovery of carbon and cryolite from spent pot lining of aluminium reduction cells by chemical leaching 被引量:26
作者 SHI Zhong-ning LI Wei +3 位作者 HU Xian-wei REN Bi-jun GAO Bing-liang WANG Zhao-wen 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第1期222-227,共6页
A two-step alkaline-acidic leaching process was conducted to separate the cryolite from spent pot lining and to purify the carbon. The influencing factors of temperature, time, and the ratio of liquid to solid in alka... A two-step alkaline-acidic leaching process was conducted to separate the cryolite from spent pot lining and to purify the carbon. The influencing factors of temperature, time, and the ratio of liquid to solid in alkaline and acidic leaching were investigated. The results show that the recovery of soluble compounds of Na3AlF6 and Al2O3 dissolving into the solution during the NaOH leaching is 65.0%,and the purity of carbon reaches 72.7%. During the next step of HCl leaching, the recovery of soluble compounds of CaF2 and NaAl11O17 dissolving into the HCl solution is 96.2%, and the carbon purity increases to 96.4%. By mixing the acidic leaching solution and the alkaline leaching solution, the cryolite precipitates under a suitable conditions of pH value 9 at 70 °C for 2 h. The cryolite precipitating rate is 95.6%, and the purity of Na3AlF6 obtained is 96.4%. 展开更多
关键词 spent pot lining RECOVERY chemical leaching aluminium electrolysis
Recycling and depolymerization of waste polyethylene terephthalate bottles by alcohol alkali hydrolysis 被引量:11
作者 SUN Cong-hao CHEN Xiang-ping +1 位作者 ZHUO Qiang ZHOU Tao 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第3期543-549,共7页
In this work,a novel alcohol alkali hydrolysis method was explored for the preparation of terephthalic acid(TPA)from waste polyethylene terephthalate(PET).First,a series of single factor experiments on the depolymeriz... In this work,a novel alcohol alkali hydrolysis method was explored for the preparation of terephthalic acid(TPA)from waste polyethylene terephthalate(PET).First,a series of single factor experiments on the depolymerization rate of waste PET bottles and the yield of TPA were conducted to determine the optimized experimental conditions,in terms of reaction time,reaction temperature,dosage of ethylene glycol and sodium bicarbonate,amount of distilled water and stirring rate.Then IR spectra and elemental analysis were carried out for the characterization of obtained product.Under optimal experimental conditions,over 98%PET can be depolymerized into the target product(TPA)and the purity and yield of TPA are over 97%and 94%,respectively.Both the experimental and analytical results support a feasible process for the preparation of TPA from waste PET.It is expected that this alcohol alkali hydrolysis method can promise an effective way for the sustainable recycling of waste PET. 展开更多
关键词 waste polyethylene terephthalate terephthalic acid alcohol alkali hydrolysis ethylene glycol
Quantifying Environmental Sustainability of Buildings through Its Carbon Foot-Print: An Analytical Approach
作者 Suchandra Bardhan Monideep Chattopadhyay Sugata Hazra 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2010年第1期20-34,共15页
It is known that the building sector consumes about 40% of earth's resources in their process of commissioning, erection and subsequent operation. As a consequence there is significant amount of CO2 emission to the a... It is known that the building sector consumes about 40% of earth's resources in their process of commissioning, erection and subsequent operation. As a consequence there is significant amount of CO2 emission to the atmosphere. Assessment of environmental performances of buildings has assumed immense significance in such backdrop and calls for assessing the "Carbon Footprint" of building systems for estimating their environmental compatibility. The present paper discusses a case specific environmental evaluation exercise by estimating the Carbon Footprint of a conventionally constructed tourist accommodation by tracking its resource consumption pattern during both the execution and operational phases in the hot and humid climatic zone of Indian sea-side. The result of the analysis is compared against the average carrying capacity of Earth to develop a method of measuring and quantifying the building's environmental performance with respect to Earth's reported threshold of tolerance and check the extent of failure or success, as the case may be. This process also leads to a tool named 'Sustainability Quotient'. The method of quantification is simple and can be adopted for environmental assessment of both new and old buildings. 展开更多
关键词 Energy environment water carbon footprint sustainability quotient.
Pleistocene Birds of Gruta da Furninha (Peniche-Portugal): A Paleontological and Paleoenvironmental Aproach
作者 Silverio Domingues Figueiredo Pedro Proenga Cunha +2 位作者 Femanda Sousa Telmo Pereira Americo Rosa 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2017年第10期502-509,共8页
The cave-site of Gruta da Furninha is a coastal karstic cavity. In the late 19th century, excavation of the sedimentary infill of the cave allowed the identification of two lithostratigraphic units: a Holocene one do... The cave-site of Gruta da Furninha is a coastal karstic cavity. In the late 19th century, excavation of the sedimentary infill of the cave allowed the identification of two lithostratigraphic units: a Holocene one dominated by sands, containing human bones and a Neolithic industry; and a Late Pleistocene one, containing a diverse set of fossils set and Paleolithic artifacts. This study mainly focuses on taphonomic and palaeoenvironmental data concerning the Pleistocene bird bones that were collected from six layers (at 11 m and 6.7 m asl). A main result of this study was the discovery of a left humerus fragment, with osteological features of the Alcidae family; from comparison with upper arms of distinct species of this family, it was concluded that this fossil belongs to Penguin impennis. The Pleistocene birds of the Furninha cave were also compared with the avifauna that currently occurs in the region of Peniche peninsula and a climate and environmental interpretation of the Pleistocene fossiliferous set is provided. 展开更多
关键词 BIRDS PLEISTOCENE marine caves Portugal.
《诗经·斯干》篇新解 被引量:1
作者 骆宾基 《河南师大学报(社会科学版)》 1984年第2期46-54,共9页
一 原诗首章七句: 秩秩斯干,幽幽南山, 如竹苞矣,如松茂矣。 兄及弟矣,式相好矣! 无相犹矣! 旧解: 释题:斯干宣王考室也。汉代毛(亨)注:“秩秩,流行也。干,涧也。幽幽,深远也。”“苞,本也。”
关键词 郑笺 “似” 《说文》 族系 诗经 旧解 宣王 夏禹 段注 守宫
Acupuncture treatment on 31 cases of obsolete lateral malleolus joint sprain 被引量:2
作者 钟峰 孙婧 李晓亮 《World Journal of Acupuncture-Moxibustion》 2013年第1期59-60,共2页
Objective To observe the clinical effect of acupuncture on the obsolete lateral malleolus joint sprain. Methods Thirty-one cases of patients with obsolete lateral malleolus joint sprain were selected. Jiexi (解溪 ST... Objective To observe the clinical effect of acupuncture on the obsolete lateral malleolus joint sprain. Methods Thirty-one cases of patients with obsolete lateral malleolus joint sprain were selected. Jiexi (解溪 ST 41) were penetrated to Shenmei (申脉 BL 61), and Yanglingquan (阳陵泉 GB 34) was applied. The needles were retained for 30 min, and the treatment was performed only once, with follow-up visit after 1 month. Results All the patients were cured after treatment, and without relapse on the follow-up visit after 1 month. Conclusion The clinical effect of acupuncture on the obsolete lateral malleolus joint sprain is remarkable. 展开更多
关键词 obsolete lateral malleolus joint sprain acupuncture treatment acupoint ST 41 (Jiexi) acupoint BL 61 (Shenmai) acupoint GB 34 (Y^nglingqu^n)
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