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东南极晚新元古—早古生代构造热事件及其在冈瓦纳超大陆重建中的意义 被引量:7
作者 刘晓春 赵越 +1 位作者 刘小汉 胡健民 《高校地质学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第3期546-560,共15页
在东南极大陆内部及边缘发育3条晚新元古代—早古生代造山带,即东非造山带(南延部分)、普里兹造山带和罗斯造山带。东非造山带的南延部分主要出露于吕措—霍尔姆湾—毛德王后地—沙克尔顿岭地区,其内发育蛇绿岩、榴辉岩相超镁铁岩及逆... 在东南极大陆内部及边缘发育3条晚新元古代—早古生代造山带,即东非造山带(南延部分)、普里兹造山带和罗斯造山带。东非造山带的南延部分主要出露于吕措—霍尔姆湾—毛德王后地—沙克尔顿岭地区,其内发育蛇绿岩、榴辉岩相超镁铁岩及逆冲—推覆构造,因而被解释为东、西冈瓦纳陆块拼合的缝合线。罗斯造山带主要出露于横贯南极山脉地区,其内保存有大陆裂解、洋壳俯冲和地体增生的地质纪录,代表冈瓦纳超大陆的活动大陆边缘。普里兹造山带主要出露于普里兹湾和登曼冰川,因其位于从前假设的统一东冈瓦纳陆块的内部,加之缺少蛇绿混杂岩、岛弧增生杂岩和高压变质岩(如蓝片岩或榴辉岩)等与大洋板块俯冲作用密切相关的岩石,所以当前存在着碰撞造山成因和板内改造成因两种不同的认识。普里兹造山带构造性质的确定不仅决定了冈瓦纳超大陆的汇聚过程和方式,也制约了罗迪尼亚超大陆的形成和演化过程。因此,开展普里兹造山带的研究对于揭示新元古代—早古生代的全球构造演化具有重要的科学意义。 展开更多
关键词 东非造山带 普里兹造山带 罗斯造山带 晚新元古—古生代事件 东南极 冈瓦纳超大陆
元谋干热河谷旱坡地雨养型酸角早果丰产栽培技术 被引量:3
作者 李建增 纪中华 +1 位作者 沙毓沧 龙会英 《中国南方果树》 北大核心 2001年第2期23-25,共3页
关键词 雨养型酸角 果丰产栽培 元谋干河谷坡地 苗木培育 栽植 土肥管理 整形修剪 病虫害防治
《早秋苦热堆案相仍》的重读 被引量:1
作者 黄自鸿 《杜甫研究学刊》 2008年第2期66-71,共6页
《早秋苦热堆案相仍》是杜集中一首相当粗糙的作品。注家如朱瀚、边连宝批评此诗,谓其"赝作"、"粗率"。然而,现代学者却认为这首诗代表杜诗风格多样,其后更成为西方最广为人知的作品之一。本文考察《早秋苦热》从&q... 《早秋苦热堆案相仍》是杜集中一首相当粗糙的作品。注家如朱瀚、边连宝批评此诗,谓其"赝作"、"粗率"。然而,现代学者却认为这首诗代表杜诗风格多样,其后更成为西方最广为人知的作品之一。本文考察《早秋苦热》从"劣等诗"到"代表作"的重读过程,说明较逊色的杜诗有极大可诠释的空间。 展开更多
关键词 杜甫 秋苦堆案相仍》 诗歌 重读
滋阴泻火方治疗女童真性性早熟62例 被引量:3
作者 钱进 张巨明 《辽宁中医杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2009年第12期2128-2129,共2页
儿童性早熟是一种生长发育异常性疾病,表现为青春期特征提前出现。近年来儿童性早熟的发病率逐年上升,女童性早熟的发病率为男童的4~5倍。已成为最常见的小儿内分泌疾病之一,其对儿童成年身高及心理行为的影响已引起广泛的重视,中... 儿童性早熟是一种生长发育异常性疾病,表现为青春期特征提前出现。近年来儿童性早熟的发病率逐年上升,女童性早熟的发病率为男童的4~5倍。已成为最常见的小儿内分泌疾病之一,其对儿童成年身高及心理行为的影响已引起广泛的重视,中医药因其具有不良反应相对少的特有优势,越来越多的患者愿意采用中医治疗。为探讨中医药对女童真性性早熟的治疗效果及作用机理,笔者采用滋阴泻火方治疗女童真性性早熟62例,现报道如下。 展开更多
关键词 早热 女童 性疾病 中药治疗
作者 金问模 吴素芬 +3 位作者 蓝泰源 谭中和 郑家国 牟跃 《西南农业学报》 CSCD 1991年第3期21-26,共6页
1987~1989年对江北县种子公司选育的杂交稻新组合矮优S的生理特性及生产利用进行了研究.结果表明,矮优S具有优良的生理基础,不仅生育期短,且对肥料氮和土壤氮的吸收较少,后期绿色叶面积衰减速度慢,同化叶面积大,光合强度高,干物质向穗... 1987~1989年对江北县种子公司选育的杂交稻新组合矮优S的生理特性及生产利用进行了研究.结果表明,矮优S具有优良的生理基础,不仅生育期短,且对肥料氮和土壤氮的吸收较少,后期绿色叶面积衰减速度慢,同化叶面积大,光合强度高,干物质向穗部转运率高,粒重优势强.在川西两熟地区种植,可采用小麦(油菜)—水稻—秋作(蔬菜或饲料)三熟制,充分利用晚秋生境,提高稻田经济效益;在川东南低海拔、高温伏旱区种植,采用适期播种,露地一段育秧,可在7月20日前安全齐穗,避开开花期高温危害,保证稳产高产;在海拔800m左右山区种植,因生育期短,早期无需采用保温或增温育秧,后期又可避免连绵阴雨对灌浆结实的影响。 展开更多
关键词 水稻 杂交稻 矮优S 早热 高产
作者 李金良 《中国西部科技》 2014年第2期69-69,共1页
关键词 玉米 早热 自交系 边自465
作者 朱亚华 卢华金 《温州农业科技》 1994年第1期31-32,共2页
关键词 甘薯 优质 早热 高效 栽培
当前中国“早教热”的社会学阐释 被引量:3
作者 黄光琳 《前沿》 2013年第22期120-121,共2页
关键词 社会学 阐释
《温病条辨》青蒿鳖甲汤现代药理及临床应用研究进展 被引量:22
作者 王佳雯 翟永松 +3 位作者 王满元 孔爱英 龚慕辛 仇峰 《实用中医内科杂志》 2016年第7期95-98,共4页
青蒿鳖甲汤出自《温病条辨》,系治疗温病后期阴虚邪伏代表性方剂,内清血中伏热、外透阴分伏邪。对原因不明发热及慢性疾病、肿瘤、血液病、术后消耗性发热,疗效显著,无严重不良反应,广泛应用于内、外、妇、儿等各科疾病。随着老龄化社... 青蒿鳖甲汤出自《温病条辨》,系治疗温病后期阴虚邪伏代表性方剂,内清血中伏热、外透阴分伏邪。对原因不明发热及慢性疾病、肿瘤、血液病、术后消耗性发热,疗效显著,无严重不良反应,广泛应用于内、外、妇、儿等各科疾病。随着老龄化社会和疾病谱变化,邪伏阴分发热成为多种疾病共性证候,对"热自阴来"的发热,存在"夜热早凉,热退无汗"等诸证,无论有无阴虚症状或轻重,均可使用,须"审因论治",明确系温热病后期,邪伏阴分兼阴虚,灵活加减,阴虚较重加元参养阴滋液;虚热甚加地骨皮清透伏热。药理研究主要集中在白血病,已经证实青蒿鳖甲汤能阻止白血病细胞增殖进程,促进白血病细胞凋亡,降低s TNFαR含量,提高免疫力;促进DC分泌IL-12,增加抗肿瘤作用,其他方面研究较少。未来应深入研究作用机理和应用范围。 展开更多
关键词 青蒿鳖甲汤 吴鞠通 温病条辨 阴虚邪伏 邪伏阴分 自阴来 退无汗 抗肿瘤 白血病 细胞增殖 s TNFαR DC IL-12 中医药治疗
关于编制《烧结粉煤灰砖》国家标准,促进粉煤灰综合利用的建议 被引量:1
作者 李庆繁 《粉煤灰》 2006年第6期36-40,共5页
粉煤灰具有优异的成孔性能,可实现烧结砖的高孔隙率,即使实心砖(孔洞率小于25%)亦可具有高保温性能,为促进粉煤灰的综合利用、贯彻落实国家《墙体材料革新“十五”规划》,时烧结砖应具有“高保温性能”的要求,发展具有“高保温性能”... 粉煤灰具有优异的成孔性能,可实现烧结砖的高孔隙率,即使实心砖(孔洞率小于25%)亦可具有高保温性能,为促进粉煤灰的综合利用、贯彻落实国家《墙体材料革新“十五”规划》,时烧结砖应具有“高保温性能”的要求,发展具有“高保温性能”的烧结粉煤灰砖,建议编制“烧结粉煤灰砖”国家标准。 展开更多
关键词 粉煤灰 孔隙率 体积密度 轻质 早热系数 高保温性能
青蒿鳖甲汤现代药理及临床应用研究进展 被引量:4
作者 胡佳骅 张艳 《实用中医内科杂志》 2016年第7期1-2,共2页
青蒿鳖甲汤出自《温病条辨》,系治疗温病后期阴虚邪伏代表性方剂,内清血中伏热、外透阴分伏邪。对原因不明发热及慢性疾病、肿瘤、血液病、术后消耗性发热,疗效显著,无严重不良反应,广泛应用于内、外、妇、儿等各科疾病。随着老龄化社... 青蒿鳖甲汤出自《温病条辨》,系治疗温病后期阴虚邪伏代表性方剂,内清血中伏热、外透阴分伏邪。对原因不明发热及慢性疾病、肿瘤、血液病、术后消耗性发热,疗效显著,无严重不良反应,广泛应用于内、外、妇、儿等各科疾病。随着老龄化社会和疾病谱变化,邪伏阴分发热成为多种疾病共性证候,对“热自阴来”的发热,存在“夜热早凉,热退无汗”等诸证,无论有无阴虚症状或轻重,均可使用,须“审因论治”,明确系温热病后期,邪伏阴分兼阴虚,灵活加减,阴虚较重加元参养阴滋液;虚热甚加地骨皮清透伏热。药理研究主要集中在白血病,已经证实青蒿鳖甲汤能阻止白血病细胞增殖进程,促进白血病细胞凋亡,降低s TNFαR含量,提高免疫力;促进DC分泌IL-12,增加抗肿瘤作用,其他方面研究较少。未来应深入研究作用机理和应用范围。 展开更多
关键词 青蒿鳖甲汤 吴鞠通 温病条辨 阴虚邪伏 邪伏阴分 自阴来 退无汗 抗肿瘤 白血病 细胞增殖 s TNFαR DC IL-12 中医药治疗
An introduction of the experience in treating Ventricular premature beat with stasis heat
作者 Xiao-Ming Jin Qian Cui +2 位作者 Yu-Hui Ma Jing Gao Yuan Li 《TMR Modern Herbal Medicine》 2019年第1期19-24,共6页
Ventricular premature beat,a kind of arrhythmia,is one of common diseases which not only decreases the quality of life but also has the danger of death.The pathogenesis in Traditional Chinese Medicine is that the inju... Ventricular premature beat,a kind of arrhythmia,is one of common diseases which not only decreases the quality of life but also has the danger of death.The pathogenesis in Traditional Chinese Medicine is that the injury of heart and kidney is the essence and the block of solid evil such as phlegm and blood stasis is the manifestation.The teacher,Li Yuan,has worked in clinic for decades and considered that the important pathogenesis of the VP beat is“heat transformed from Yang”,which cannot be ignored as it is on the influence of diverse factors and can be observed in different symptoms and different treatment states of the disease. 展开更多
关键词 Traditional Chinese Medicine Ventricular premature Beat Stagnated Heat The introduce of experience
The impacts of the East Asian subtropical westerly jet on weather extremes over China in early and late summer
作者 Ying Zhou Jiacan Yuan +4 位作者 Zhiping Wen Sihua Huang Xiaodan Chen Yuanyuan Guo Qiyan Lin 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2022年第5期28-35,共8页
Summer weather extremes(e.g.,heavy rainfall,heat waves)in China have been linked to anomalies of summer monsoon circulations.The East Asian subtropical westerly jet(EASWJ),an important component of the summer monsoon ... Summer weather extremes(e.g.,heavy rainfall,heat waves)in China have been linked to anomalies of summer monsoon circulations.The East Asian subtropical westerly jet(EASWJ),an important component of the summer monsoon circulations,was investigated to elucidate the dynamical linkages between its intraseasonal variations and local weather extremes.Based on EOF analysis,the dominant mode of the EASWJ in early summer is characterized by anomalous westerlies centered over North China and anomalous easterlies centered over the south of Japan.This mode is conducive to the occurrence of precipitation extremes over Central and North China and humid heat extremes over most areas of China except Northwest and Northeast China.The centers of the dominant mode of the EASWJ in late summer extend more to the west and north than in early summer,and induce anomalous weather extremes in the corresponding areas.The dominant mode of the EASWJ in late summer is characterized by anomalous westerlies centered over the south of Lake Baikal and anomalous easterlies centered over Central China,which is favorable for the occurrence of precipitation extremes over northern and southern China and humid heat extremes over most areas of China except parts of southern China and northern Xinjiang Province.The variability of the EASWJ can influence precipitation and humid heat extremes by driving anomalous vertical motion and water vapor transport over the corresponding areas in early and late summer. 展开更多
关键词 East Asian subtropical westerly jet Early and late summer Precipitation extremes Humid heat extremes
Effect of Silica Fume on Early Performance of Precast Concrete with Early Strength Agents
作者 GENG Fei LIANG Zizhao +3 位作者 YANG Hangli WU Zhongqin ZHU Xiongwei XU Junlun 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI CSCD 2022年第S01期90-97,共8页
The effect of silica fume on the early performance of precast concrete with an early strength agent was investigated.The ternary compounding technique of silica fume,fly ash and early strength agent were used to exami... The effect of silica fume on the early performance of precast concrete with an early strength agent was investigated.The ternary compounding technique of silica fume,fly ash and early strength agent were used to examine the compressive strength,heat of hydration,hydration products,and microstructures of the precast concrete.The experimental results showed that the optimum amount of silica fume in the precast concrete was 9%.Silica fume filled the fine pores between the cement particles.However,the cement hydration was mainly influenced by the waterto-cement ratio and cement particle size.As the hydration reaction continued,silica fume provided more nucleation sites,and the characteristic volcanic ash reaction increased both the hydration degree and hydration rate of the early strength agent doped cementitious materials. 展开更多
关键词 Silica fume CONCRETE premature strength heat hydration pore structure
Event Scenario Analysis for the Design of Rockslide Countermeasures
作者 GIGLI Giovanni INTRIERI Emanuele +5 位作者 LOMBARDI Luca NOCENTINI Massimiliano FRODELLA William BALDUCCI Marco VENANTI Luca Domenico CASAGLI Nicola 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第6期1521-1530,共10页
The Torgiovannetto quarry(Assisi municipality,central Italy) is an example of a site where the natural equilibrium was altered by human activity,causing current slope instability phenomena which threaten two roadways ... The Torgiovannetto quarry(Assisi municipality,central Italy) is an example of a site where the natural equilibrium was altered by human activity,causing current slope instability phenomena which threaten two roadways important for the local transportation.The quarry front,having a height of about 140 m,is affected by a 182,000 m3 rockslide developed in intensely fractured limestone and is too large to be stabilized.In 2003 some tension cracks were detected in the vegetated area above the quarry upper sector.From then on,several monitoring campaigns were carried out by means of different instrumentations(topographic total station,extensometers,inclinometers,ground-based interferometric radar,laser scanner and infrared thermal camera),allowing researchers to accurately define the landslide area and volume.The latter's major displacements are localized in the eastern sector.The deformational field appears to be related to the seasonal rainfall.The landslide hazard associated with the worst case scenario was evaluated in terms of magnitude,intensity and triggering mechanism.For the definition of the possible runout process the DAN 3D code was employed.The simulation results were used in order to design and construct a retaining embankment.Furthermore,in order to preserve both the safety of the personnelinvolved in its realization and of the roadways users,an early warning system was implemented.The early warning system is based on daily-averaged displacement velocity thresholds.The alarm level is reached if the prediction based on the methods of Saito(1969) and Fukuzono(1985) forecasts an imminent rupture. 展开更多
关键词 Risk scenarios Risk management LANDSLIDES MONITORING Rock avalanche
刘景源教授辨治外感发热经验汇要(四) 被引量:4
作者 刘宁 高士双 +1 位作者 李洪洲 赵兰波 《现代中医临床》 2019年第5期38-41,共4页
对外感发热中的身热不扬、发热夜甚、夜热早凉、低热4种发热类型的病因、病机与治疗进行辨析。身热不扬常见于湿热病,其病机是热蕴湿中,湿遏热伏,治法为清宣湿热。发热夜甚是温热病热入营阴证的发热特点,病机为热盛营伤,治宜透热转气、... 对外感发热中的身热不扬、发热夜甚、夜热早凉、低热4种发热类型的病因、病机与治疗进行辨析。身热不扬常见于湿热病,其病机是热蕴湿中,湿遏热伏,治法为清宣湿热。发热夜甚是温热病热入营阴证的发热特点,病机为热盛营伤,治宜透热转气、清营养阴。夜热早凉常见于温热病后期,热邪深伏阴分,病机为热伏血络,治法为养阴透络。低热为温热病后期邪热耗伤真阴所致,病机为热邪深入下焦,导致真阴耗损、虚热内生,治法为滋阴清热。 展开更多
关键词 不扬 夜甚 邪少虚多
Pan-African and early Paleozoic tectonothermal events in the Nyainrong microcontinent:Constraints from geochronology and geochemistry 被引量:12
作者 XIE ChaoMing LI Cai +2 位作者 SU Li WU YanWang XIE YaoWu 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第12期2066-2079,共14页
To better understand the Pan-African-early Paleozoic tectonothermal events of the Nyainrong microcontinent and the con- straints on its tectonic evolution, here we report the results of zircon LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating an... To better understand the Pan-African-early Paleozoic tectonothermal events of the Nyainrong microcontinent and the con- straints on its tectonic evolution, here we report the results of zircon LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating and geochemical features of Amdo gneiss in the Nyainrong microcontinent. The outcrops of Amdo gneiss is about 30 km south of Amdo County in north- ern Tibet. The field occurrence, mineral composition, textural characteristics, and whole-rock geochemical features of the four gneiss samples indicate the protolith of the gneisses is intermediate-acid intrusive rock. Gneiss zircon trace element tracing and genetic analysis shows that zircon has typical characteristics of magmatic zircon. The 2~6pbF38U concordant age of zircon is 505-517 Ma, corresponding to the Middle-Late Cambrian, which is the formation age of the protolith. The samples have char- acteristics of high silicon, alkali-rich, alkalic rate AR =1.73-3.7, the differentiation index DI = 70.78-90.28; rock aluminum saturation index ranges from 1.02 to 1.05, FeO / MgO ranges from 2.63 to 4.50, 10000 x Ga/AI ranges from 2.12 to 2.41, and P205 and A1203 content decreased with SiO2 increasing. Th and Y contents have a good positive correlation with Rb content; the genetic type of protolith of the gneiss is the differentiation of subalkaline over aluminum I-type granite. Combined with re- gional data, the tectonic setting of the Amdo gneiss protolith is closely related to the collision orogenic process. The prelimi- nary view is that the Middle-Late Cambrian magmatic events developed on the microcontinent could be the result of Andean- type orogeny along the Gondwana super-continental margin after the end of the Pan-African orogeny. 展开更多
关键词 Amdo gneiss zircon U-Pb dating GEOCHEMICAL Nyainrong microcontinent Tibetan Plateau
Comparative observation of the effect of electroacupuncture combined with heat-sensitive moxibustion and western medicine for premature ovarian failure 被引量:11
作者 XU Meng-bo TIAN Hai-yan 《World Journal of Acupuncture-Moxibustion》 CSCD 2017年第3期9-14,共6页
Objective To compare the clinical efficacy between electroacupuncture combined with heat-sensitive moxibustion and western medicine for treatment of premature ovarian failure. Methods Eighty patients were randomly div... Objective To compare the clinical efficacy between electroacupuncture combined with heat-sensitive moxibustion and western medicine for treatment of premature ovarian failure. Methods Eighty patients were randomly divided into an electroacupuncture combined with heat-sensitive moxibustion group(group A, n=40) and a western medicine group(group B, n=40). Zǐgōng(子宫 EX-CA 1), Xuèhǎi(血海 SP 10), Gānshū(肝俞 BL 18) and Shènshū(肾俞 BL 23) were selected in group A, and acupuncture combined with heat-sensitive moxibustion were carried out. Climen was taken orally in group B. The score changes of menstrual cycle, tidal fever and sweatiness, emotional excitement, soreness and weakness of waist and knees, dizziness and tinnitus, as well as the cured and markedly effective rate of the patients in the two groups before and after two courses of treatment were compared. Results The cured and markedly effective rate of group A was 72.5%(29/40), which was superior to that of group B(37.5%, 15/40)( P〈0.05). The symptom scores were improved significantly in the two groups after treatment(all P〈0.05), and the improvement in group A was superior to that in group B(all P〈0.05). Conclusion The efficacy of electroacupuncture combined with heat-sensitive moxibustion is superior to that of conventional western medicine in treatment of premature ovarian failure. 展开更多
关键词 premature ovarian failure (kidney deficiency and liver constraint) ELECTROACUPUNCTURE heat-sensitive moxibustion randomized controlled trial(RCT)
作者 胡献国 《中南药学(用药与健康)》 2016年第3期57-,共1页
《诗经·鹿鸣》载:'呦呦鹿鸣,食野之苹。……呦呦鹿鸣,食野之蒿',这里的苹、蒿,皆为蒿类植物。蒿,通常指花小、叶子羽状分裂、有特殊气味的草本植物,包括青蒿、皤藁等。青蒿,又名嫩青蒿、青蒿梗等,为菊科植物青蒿和黄花青... 《诗经·鹿鸣》载:'呦呦鹿鸣,食野之苹。……呦呦鹿鸣,食野之蒿',这里的苹、蒿,皆为蒿类植物。蒿,通常指花小、叶子羽状分裂、有特殊气味的草本植物,包括青蒿、皤藁等。青蒿,又名嫩青蒿、青蒿梗等,为菊科植物青蒿和黄花青蒿的全草。中医认为,本品性味苦、辛、寒,入肝、肾、胆经,有凉血退虚热、清解暑热、截疟之功。适用于阴虚内热所致的骨蒸潮热,盗汗,温病后期热伏阴分所致的夜热早凉,低热不退。 展开更多
关键词 青蒿素 阴虚内 骨蒸潮 退虚 羽状分裂 特殊气味 清解暑 伏阴 截疟
作者 杨璞 《医食参考》 2020年第4期51-51,共1页
随着清明节气的到来,气温逐渐上升,春满人间,不少时令野菜也陆续上市。青蒿、荠菜、秧草就是三种极适合清明时节食用的野菜,一定要品尝一下,莫辜负这一年一度大自然的馈赠。1.青蒿蹄花汤——清热润燥清明前后的青蒿正是娇嫩美味的时候... 随着清明节气的到来,气温逐渐上升,春满人间,不少时令野菜也陆续上市。青蒿、荠菜、秧草就是三种极适合清明时节食用的野菜,一定要品尝一下,莫辜负这一年一度大自然的馈赠。1.青蒿蹄花汤——清热润燥清明前后的青蒿正是娇嫩美味的时候。青蒿之名古已有之,是一味传统中药,具有清热解暑、除蒸、截症的作用,常用于治疗暑邪发热、阴虚发热、夜热早凉、骨蒸劳热、疟疾寒热、湿热黄疽等。 展开更多
关键词 清明时节 阴虚发 润燥 黄疽 骨蒸劳 暑邪 清明前后
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