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粘时变流体在砂砾层中的渗透扩散机理研究 被引量:4
作者 胡焕校 唐良智 +1 位作者 周立祥 李振钢 《水资源与水工程学报》 2010年第4期60-64,69,共6页
关键词 砂砾层 注浆 渗透系数 时变流体 压力 流量 扩散半径
基于特征提取与跟踪的时变流体可视化系统的实现 被引量:2
作者 梅健强 张军 +1 位作者 贾凡 王巨鹏 《天津职业技术师范大学学报》 2015年第2期1-6,18,共7页
针对流体数据存在特征多样化、定义复杂的问题,提出并实现了一种基于特征提取与跟踪的时变流体可视化系统。该系统采用体绘制技术对流体数据进行可视化,并基于预测和校准的方法对用户指定的流体特征进行提取和跟踪。对于已提取出的时变... 针对流体数据存在特征多样化、定义复杂的问题,提出并实现了一种基于特征提取与跟踪的时变流体可视化系统。该系统采用体绘制技术对流体数据进行可视化,并基于预测和校准的方法对用户指定的流体特征进行提取和跟踪。对于已提取出的时变特征,系统应用淡入效果对其在连续时间内的运动轨迹进行重建,并利用骨骼化算法对其形状的变化进行分析。实验表明,系统在有效节省空间和时间的基础上,可以达到辅助用户深入理解时变流体内部变化规律的目的。 展开更多
关键词 可视化系统 时变流体 特征提取与跟踪
基于时变流体温度的锂离子电池组传热分析 被引量:3
作者 林耀南 黄延禄 +1 位作者 欧阳剑 李菁 《电池》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第4期317-321,共5页
针对板式液体热管理系统,以软包装三元正极材料锂离子单体电池及电池模组为研究对象,建立单体和整包电池的传热计算模型。基于整包电池模型,分析恒定和时变流体温度对电池模组传热特性的影响。电池包中心或边缘处模组换热条件的差异,对... 针对板式液体热管理系统,以软包装三元正极材料锂离子单体电池及电池模组为研究对象,建立单体和整包电池的传热计算模型。基于整包电池模型,分析恒定和时变流体温度对电池模组传热特性的影响。电池包中心或边缘处模组换热条件的差异,对冷却的最高温度和加热的最低温度影响甚微,对最大温差影响不明显。流体恒温的假设在传热计算时会高估系统对模组温度最值的影响;在散热计算时会低估对模组最大温差的影响。在25℃下以1 C放电,线性、指数型流体温升模型最高温度分别比恒温模型高3.34℃和2.54℃;在-10℃下以25℃的流体对电池进行加热,线性、指数型流体温升模型最低温度分别比恒温模型低4.06℃和4.36℃。 展开更多
关键词 单体电池 数值模拟 整包电池模型 时变流体温度 传热 板式液体热管理系统
时变流体中悬臂梁的振动特性分析 被引量:2
作者 邵明玉 李涛 +2 位作者 马驰骋 张忠伟 邵素娟 《重庆理工大学学报(自然科学)》 CAS 北大核心 2022年第3期280-288,共9页
基于N-S方程的近似解和欧拉-伯努利梁理论,建立了时变流固耦合系统的运动方程,对悬臂梁振动的频率和阻尼特性进行了分析,并通过纽马克-β法求解了悬臂梁的瞬态响应。结果表明:流体的运动会引发附加质量、附加阻尼和附加刚度,改变系统的... 基于N-S方程的近似解和欧拉-伯努利梁理论,建立了时变流固耦合系统的运动方程,对悬臂梁振动的频率和阻尼特性进行了分析,并通过纽马克-β法求解了悬臂梁的瞬态响应。结果表明:流体的运动会引发附加质量、附加阻尼和附加刚度,改变系统的频率和阻尼;其对悬臂梁振动特性的影响随流体流动速度、动力黏度、浸没深度和梁宽度的增加而增大;流体下降时会导致负阻尼,对结构产生不利影响。 展开更多
关键词 流固耦合 时变流体 悬臂梁 负阻尼
作者 侯俊锋 肖楚怀 +2 位作者 李江 郅彬 李金华 《地下空间与工程学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第3期767-776,共10页
顶管法应用广泛,为更准确控制顶进过程的顶力,假定注浆浆液为粘时变流体,将注浆过程分为初注和满注2个阶段,初注时采用柱形渗透扩散模型,满注时采用管土部分接触模型,提出了基于浆液扩散面积和渗流速度的浆液状态判断准则,建立了考虑管... 顶管法应用广泛,为更准确控制顶进过程的顶力,假定注浆浆液为粘时变流体,将注浆过程分为初注和满注2个阶段,初注时采用柱形渗透扩散模型,满注时采用管土部分接触模型,提出了基于浆液扩散面积和渗流速度的浆液状态判断准则,建立了考虑管土浆相互作用的管段全过程力学模型。浆液满注时,基于粘性流体力学和管土部分接触模型,得到了管段不同接触面剪应力大小。在此基础上将浆液产生的浮力与管段自身重力比较,来确定管土浆共同工作模式下管段形态,得到不同形态下管段所处状态的力学模型。进一步的计算实例证明,其他参数已知的条件下,可以通过本文提出的管段全过程力学模型计算出管段的顶进阻力。与实测及其他文献计算结果对比可知,提出的计算模型能够实时准确反应管段所处工作状态且计算结果更为精确。 展开更多
关键词 顶管 时变流体 注浆 管土浆相互作用 施工过程力学模型
倾斜裂隙水平孔注浆浆液扩散规律 被引量:12
作者 柳昭星 董书宁 王皓 《煤炭学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第S01期135-151,共17页
华北型煤田下组煤资源受奥陶系中统厚层灰岩或太原组薄层灰岩等承压含水层突水威胁严重,现阶段利用水平定向钻对含水层进行超前区域注浆改造是消除底板突水威胁、解放煤炭资源的重要手段。但由于底板岩溶裂隙含水层水平注浆孔浆液扩散... 华北型煤田下组煤资源受奥陶系中统厚层灰岩或太原组薄层灰岩等承压含水层突水威胁严重,现阶段利用水平定向钻对含水层进行超前区域注浆改造是消除底板突水威胁、解放煤炭资源的重要手段。但由于底板岩溶裂隙含水层水平注浆孔浆液扩散规律不清,注浆设计和工程实践中的关键注浆参数确定缺少理论依据,无法有效把控注浆过程、保证注浆效果,因此综合采用室内试验、理论推导、数值分析、对比验证和数值模拟等手段研究构建了倾斜裂隙水平注浆孔牛顿流体和黏时变性流体浆液扩散模型,通过模型试验和数值模拟计算进行了对比验证,计算分析了不同因素下倾斜裂隙浆液扩散迹线和扩散距离变化规律。研究结果:理论计算得到的浆液扩散形态和倾角的影响特征与倾斜裂隙浆液扩散物理模型试验结果和数值模拟计算结果具有一致性;岩溶含水层单裂隙中不同注浆压力、裂隙倾角(不包括0°)、裂隙开度和浆液水灰比下中浆液扩散形态为沿中心垂线对称的近似椭圆形态,上方裂隙中部迹线呈现微凹特征分布,浆液扩散距离最大值和最小值分别出现在方位角180°和0°位置。下方裂隙浆液扩散迹线范围的增加幅度大于上方裂隙;浆液扩散迹线范围在下方裂隙和上方裂隙中随裂隙倾角增加分别增大和减小;相同条件下,水平注浆孔上方裂隙中的浆液扩散距离大于下方裂隙中的,且在宽张裂隙尺度下差距呈现倍数增加特征。 展开更多
关键词 岩溶裂隙承压含水层 水平注浆孔 倾斜裂隙 浆液扩散规律 牛顿流体 时变流体
Thick Domain Walls in Lyra Geometry with Bulk Viscosity
作者 Anirudh Pradhan 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第2期378-384,共7页
In this paper, we evaluate the general solutions for plane-symmetric thick domain walls in Lyra geometry in presence of bulk viscous fluid. Expressions for the energy density and pressure of domain walls are derived i... In this paper, we evaluate the general solutions for plane-symmetric thick domain walls in Lyra geometry in presence of bulk viscous fluid. Expressions for the energy density and pressure of domain walls are derived in both cases of uniform and time varying displacement field β. Some physical consequences of the models are also given. Finally, the geodesic equations and acceleration of the test particle are discussed. 展开更多
关键词 COSMOLOGY plane symmetric domain walls bulk viscous model Lyra geometry
Spatial and Temporal Variations of Daily Ranges of the Geomagnetic Vertical Component in the Chinese Mainland
作者 Li Junhui Li Qi +3 位作者 Wang Xingzhou He Kang Tao Yuechao Chen Jun 《Earthquake Research in China》 2013年第1期91-100,共10页
In this paper, we use the daily ranges of the vertical magnetic intensity of approximately 76 geomagnetic stations from January 1, 2008 to December 31, 2010 to analyze the spatial and temporal characteristics of Z ran... In this paper, we use the daily ranges of the vertical magnetic intensity of approximately 76 geomagnetic stations from January 1, 2008 to December 31, 2010 to analyze the spatial and temporal characteristics of Z ranges. The results are summarized as follows: (1) Temporally, we use regressive analysis and FFT analysis to analyze the data. The results show that the Z component daily ranges of all stations have an obvious cyclical variation, the computed Fourier spectra of all data sets have clearly resolved the required periodicities in the data, in the form of distinct peaks at days 365, 183, 22, and 73, and the power spectra of day 365 is the highest in all periods. (2) In terms of spatial variation, the daily ranges show nonlinear variation with latitude in China. The results show the existence of a point of inflexion (maximal value point) nearby at about 25°N, the daily ranges of Z rise from 15°~25°N and have a good linear decrease variation along with 25°~50°N. (3) Compared with the spatial and temporal variations of Z daily ranges with the Sq current inversion, we found that the spatial and temporal characteristics of Z ranges are decided mainly by the spatio-temporal evolution of the Sq current system. (4) If the latitudes of the maximum amplitudes of variation of the vertical component in the geomagnetic quiet days are roughly taken as the latitudes corresponding to the foci of Sq overhead current system, we can see that these latitudes of foci become higher in summer, are lowest in winter and highest during Equinoxes, displaying conspicuous monthly and daily variations. For two successive geomagnetic quiet days, the latitudes of foci may vary ten degrees. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese mainland GEOMAGNETIC Daily ranges of Z component Spatial and temporal variations
Utilization of Different Variables for the Visualization of Fluid Flows: Application to Instantaneous Channel Flows 被引量:1
作者 Gerard J. Poitras New Brunswick Cornmunity College, Edmundston (NB), Canada L.-Emmanuel Brizzi Laboratoire d’etudes aerodynamiaues, Universite de Poitiers, 86960 Futuroscope, France Yves Gagnon Faculte des studes superieures et de la recherche, Universite 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2001年第2期116-122,共7页
The results of different numerical algorithms for the computation of unsteady fluid flows are used to visualize different variables of the flow. In particular, the instantaneous vorticity, velocity and pressure fields... The results of different numerical algorithms for the computation of unsteady fluid flows are used to visualize different variables of the flow. In particular, the instantaneous vorticity, velocity and pressure fields, along with streamline plots, are presented as a function of time inside a visualization window of the computational domain. The different forms of visualization are used to analyze the flow inside a two-dimensional channel incorporating an obstacle, which can represent several interesting flows such as the flow over electronic components, heat transfer devices and buildings. 展开更多
关键词 Vortex methods finite volume method velocity field PRESSURE vorticity.
Variational Formulation of 1-D Unsteady Compressible Flow in a Deforming Tube 被引量:2
作者 Gaolian Liu Yi Tao Yingxue LiuShanghai University, 200072 Shanghai, China 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2003年第2期114-117,共4页
The variational principles for 1-D unsteady compressible flow in a deforming tube derived in a previous paper are improved essentially by reconstructing the initial/final-integral terms according to a new method sugge... The variational principles for 1-D unsteady compressible flow in a deforming tube derived in a previous paper are improved essentially by reconstructing the initial/final-integral terms according to a new method suggested in a recent paper. As a result, the inherent shortcoming of variational principles of being unable to admit physically rational initial/final-value conditions in initial/boundary-value problems is successfully eliminated. Thus, a new theoretical basis for the time-space finite-element analysis is provided. 展开更多
关键词 variational principle time boundary condition 1-D unsteady flow.
An Exotic Phase Change in Dynamic Electrorheological Fluids
作者 唐强果 黄俊樱 +4 位作者 李丛 郑杰 孟现文 黄吉平 周鲁卫 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第1期77-85,共9页
It is well known that constant or time-varying electric fields can induce phase changes in electrorheological(ER) fluids, from a liquid to semi-solid state, provided the field strength is larger than some critical val... It is well known that constant or time-varying electric fields can induce phase changes in electrorheological(ER) fluids, from a liquid to semi-solid state, provided the field strength is larger than some critical value. We describe here an experimental and theoretical study considering yet a different class of phase changes, specifically those for an ER fluid in the presence of both shear flow and a time-varying electric field. We note that as the frequency of the field is decreased, the ER fluid will go from a liquid to an intermediate transition state, and eventually to a shear banding state. Our theoretical analysis further indicates that this phase change originates from competing effects of viscous and electrical forces. Ultimately, we conclude that it is possible to achieve various states and corresponding(desired)macroscopic properties of dynamic colloidal suspensions by adjusting the frequency of the externally applied electric field. 展开更多
关键词 electrorheological (ER) fluids electric field transition state
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