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作者 付荩毅 张菀桐 +2 位作者 王旭杰 李睿 翁维良 《天津中医药》 CAS 2024年第8期957-962,共6页
冠状动脉支架置入术后再狭窄(ISR)是目前临床的一大难题。文章通过长时医案可视化分析,探讨国医大师翁维良治疗ISR的学术思想,为ISR提供中医药诊疗思路。翁教授强调治未病,认为ISR的核心病机为气虚血瘀,治疗以益气活血为核心。擅长运用... 冠状动脉支架置入术后再狭窄(ISR)是目前临床的一大难题。文章通过长时医案可视化分析,探讨国医大师翁维良治疗ISR的学术思想,为ISR提供中医药诊疗思路。翁教授强调治未病,认为ISR的核心病机为气虚血瘀,治疗以益气活血为核心。擅长运用多种活血药,包括理气活血的延胡索、郁金,凉血活血的赤芍、丹参,补血活血的鸡血藤和破血行气的三棱、莪术等。灵活运用多种参类药益气扶正,如红参、人参、太子参、党参等;同时注意调和阴阳,常用高良姜温阳和沙参养阴。 展开更多
关键词 冠心病 再狭窄 临证经验 翁维良
从“新华富时”案看证交所行情信息权益的保护 被引量:5
作者 王升义 《证券市场导报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第12期64-70,共7页
新华富时"案是一起证券信息许可使用合同纠纷案件,以新华富时指数公司败诉结案。案件争议的焦点主要是证券交易所对行情信息的权利、证券信息许可使用合同限制性条款的效力等。本文认为,行情信息权利可归为现行法上的汇编作品著作... 新华富时"案是一起证券信息许可使用合同纠纷案件,以新华富时指数公司败诉结案。案件争议的焦点主要是证券交易所对行情信息的权利、证券信息许可使用合同限制性条款的效力等。本文认为,行情信息权利可归为现行法上的汇编作品著作权,将来可规定为数据库权利;应综合运用法律、合同和技术等手段对行情信息权利加以保护;应本着公平、有偿和成本原则,在交易所行情信息权利保护与其履行公共职责之间实现平衡。 展开更多
关键词 “新华富 证券信息 权益保护
案例一 证券交易信息产权花落谁家?——从新华富时案说开去
作者 李诗鸿 《公司法律评论》 2007年第1期327-338,共12页
随着市场经济的发展和经济体制改革的深化,金融期货的渐行,国内市场也在积极投身于股票指数期货的备战,2006年9月8日中国金融期货交易所正式挂牌,9月25日沪深300股票指数期货仿真交易也如火如荼地展开。然而,就在我国股指期货鸣锣在即之... 随着市场经济的发展和经济体制改革的深化,金融期货的渐行,国内市场也在积极投身于股票指数期货的备战,2006年9月8日中国金融期货交易所正式挂牌,9月25日沪深300股票指数期货仿真交易也如火如荼地展开。然而,就在我国股指期货鸣锣在即之时,上海证交所信息公司诉新华富时一案却触动了金融市场的神经. 展开更多
关键词 金融 时案 股票指数 期货 信息 神经
翁维良教授益气温阳活血方治疗心肌梗死反复发作5次长时医案分析 被引量:5
作者 钱真真 李岩 +2 位作者 张菀桐 翁维良 高蕊 《天津中医药》 CAS 2019年第8期730-735,共6页
冠心病反复发作心肌梗死危害性极大,对患者生命安全构成威胁,冠状动脉介入治疗(PCI)效果显著,但对于无法行PCI者,治疗面临很大困境。总结翁维良教授应用中医治疗心肌梗死反复发作5次、胸痛频发的长时疑难病案,探讨诊病思路、用药经验,... 冠心病反复发作心肌梗死危害性极大,对患者生命安全构成威胁,冠状动脉介入治疗(PCI)效果显著,但对于无法行PCI者,治疗面临很大困境。总结翁维良教授应用中医治疗心肌梗死反复发作5次、胸痛频发的长时疑难病案,探讨诊病思路、用药经验,通过复杂网络分析挖掘核心处方。在传统经典医案总结的基础上,对反复心肌梗死长时医案的分析进行了尝试,探索名老中医经验总结方法:图文结合,精细分析,使复杂病情清晰,可视客观,有利于更好地传承名老中医经验。 展开更多
关键词 反复心肌梗死 再发性心肌梗死 分析 翁维良
张昱教授运用补益脾肾法治疗痛风性肾病的长时医案分析 被引量:9
作者 常美莹 赵明明 +3 位作者 余怡 王如梦 马思佳 张昱 《中国医药导报》 CAS 2022年第3期123-126,130,共5页
痛风性肾病作为痛风最常见的并发症之一,其发病率在逐渐上升,痛风性肾病在急性发作期严重影响患者的生活质量,目前西医对于本病的治疗仍缺乏特效药,以对症治疗为主要原则。中医药治疗痛风性肾病具有一定的优势。文章系统分析张昱教授运... 痛风性肾病作为痛风最常见的并发症之一,其发病率在逐渐上升,痛风性肾病在急性发作期严重影响患者的生活质量,目前西医对于本病的治疗仍缺乏特效药,以对症治疗为主要原则。中医药治疗痛风性肾病具有一定的优势。文章系统分析张昱教授运用补益脾肾法治疗痛风性肾病长时医案一则,并对其中医辨证思路、临床治疗经验进行分析,总结出张昱教授在补益脾肾的基础上根据疾病不同的发展阶段,结合利湿化浊、活血化瘀治疗痛风性肾病的临证经验。 展开更多
关键词 痛风性肾病 补益脾肾 分析 张昱
翁维良教授治疗冠心病支架术后合并焦虑、抑郁长时医案分析 被引量:5
作者 陈九曦 贾茜麟 +2 位作者 陈旭 曹竟 洪霞 《中西医结合心脑血管病杂志》 2022年第6期1126-1130,共5页
冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病支架术后常并发焦虑、抑郁,严重影响病人的预后与生存质量,部分病人常规西药治疗效果不佳。总结翁维良教授治疗冠心病支架术后合并焦虑、抑郁长时医案1则(26诊次),探讨翁维良教授治疗该疾病的辨证思路、用药特... 冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病支架术后常并发焦虑、抑郁,严重影响病人的预后与生存质量,部分病人常规西药治疗效果不佳。总结翁维良教授治疗冠心病支架术后合并焦虑、抑郁长时医案1则(26诊次),探讨翁维良教授治疗该疾病的辨证思路、用药特点及学术思想,运用IBM SPSS Modeler 18.0及Cytoscape对处方用药进行分析,挖掘核心药物处方。翁维良教授治疗冠心病支架术后合并焦虑抑郁,提倡双心同调,心肝同治,在通心脉和安心神的同时,尤其注重疏肝解郁法的应用,并提出“疏肝少用柴胡”。本案例的核心药物处方为:柴胡、银柴胡、郁金、延胡索、丹参、川芎、赤芍、红花、合欢皮、三棱、莪术、黄芪、太子参、火麻仁。 展开更多
关键词 冠心病 经皮冠状动脉介入治疗 焦虑 抑郁 翁维良
益气活血利水方治疗重度二尖瓣关闭不全长时医案分析 被引量:1
作者 薛晓雪 程旭峰 +6 位作者 姚路红 高树明 徐一兰 李琳 高杉 雒明池 于春泉 《天津中医药》 CAS 2020年第9期1047-1052,共6页
重度二尖瓣关闭不全(MR)危害性严重,极易诱发急性心力衰竭甚至严重影响患者的生存能力,心脏瓣膜术后并发症较多,对于希望保守治疗的患者,中医药治疗显得尤为关键。通过总结于春泉教授应用中药(TCM)治疗重度二尖瓣关闭不全的长时疑难病案... 重度二尖瓣关闭不全(MR)危害性严重,极易诱发急性心力衰竭甚至严重影响患者的生存能力,心脏瓣膜术后并发症较多,对于希望保守治疗的患者,中医药治疗显得尤为关键。通过总结于春泉教授应用中药(TCM)治疗重度二尖瓣关闭不全的长时疑难病案,探讨其中医辨证思路、临床治疗经验,通过复杂网络分析挖掘核心用药。于教授根据心脏瓣膜病(HVD)的病机特点,确定采用益气活血利水法贯穿疾病各个阶段。运用西医影像检查结果判断疗效,客观全面地展示了中医药治疗疑难杂症的独特优势,有效改善了患者的生活质量。 展开更多
关键词 重度二尖瓣关闭不全 心脏瓣膜病 分析 益气活血利水方
基于“双毒学说”治疗类风湿关节炎的长时医案分析 被引量:6
作者 吕柳 陈彦竹 +3 位作者 王奕斌 魏昌林 金玥 应森林(指导) 《风湿病与关节炎》 2020年第8期55-58,共4页
基于应森林教授“双毒学说”对1例类风湿关节炎长时医案的遣方用药进行分析,并对类风湿因子、合并用药等诊疗经过进行总结,发现临床遣方用药思路如下:君药以清热凉血解毒为主,臣药以益气健脾祛湿为主,佐药以温阳通络、利水化痰为主,随... 基于应森林教授“双毒学说”对1例类风湿关节炎长时医案的遣方用药进行分析,并对类风湿因子、合并用药等诊疗经过进行总结,发现临床遣方用药思路如下:君药以清热凉血解毒为主,臣药以益气健脾祛湿为主,佐药以温阳通络、利水化痰为主,随症加减,以“解邪毒、排伏毒”,达外感邪毒与内生伏毒“双解”之功。临床疗效显著,为类风湿关节炎的诊疗提供新的思考和启示。 展开更多
关键词 关节炎 类风湿 双毒学说 分析
作者 康晓敏 王涵 +2 位作者 姬航宇 江林林 连凤梅 《吉林中医药》 2024年第7期797-801,共5页
慢性肝炎是指由不同病因引起的,病程至少持续6个月以上的肝脏坏死和炎症。慢性肝炎病程呈波动性或持续进行性,部分患者可进展为肝硬化,甚至肝癌。茵陈具有清利湿热,利胆退黄的功效,是治疗肝系疾病的要药。现代研究显示茵陈具有保肝利胆... 慢性肝炎是指由不同病因引起的,病程至少持续6个月以上的肝脏坏死和炎症。慢性肝炎病程呈波动性或持续进行性,部分患者可进展为肝硬化,甚至肝癌。茵陈具有清利湿热,利胆退黄的功效,是治疗肝系疾病的要药。现代研究显示茵陈具有保肝利胆、抗炎抑菌、抗氧化、抗病毒等多种药理作用。仝小林院士常用茵陈治疗肝功能异常、脂肪肝、病毒性肝炎等慢性肝病。通过介绍一则记录详实的长时医案,客观全面地展现仝小林院士运用茵陈治疗慢性肝炎的随证施量策略,根据辅助检查结果等指征变化,调整药物剂量,在保证安全性的前提下,提高临床疗效。 展开更多
关键词 随证施量 茵陈 慢性肝炎 肝功能异常
作者 李春丽 《电脑乐园》 2021年第5期0215-0215,共1页
学生是学习的主人,中职语文教师需要在教学的过程中让学生有着主动的学习态度,他们所采取的教学模式就需要做到这一点。学案导学模式就是在此基础上产生的,其以导学案作为承载知识的载体,学生在导学案的引导下就能够有着明确的学习方向... 学生是学习的主人,中职语文教师需要在教学的过程中让学生有着主动的学习态度,他们所采取的教学模式就需要做到这一点。学案导学模式就是在此基础上产生的,其以导学案作为承载知识的载体,学生在导学案的引导下就能够有着明确的学习方向,并因此展开语文知识的主动学习和探索。基于此,学案导学模式的应用是很有必要的,中职语文教师需要努力对其展开研究,期望能够在教学的过程中充分发挥学案导学模式的作用。 展开更多
关键词 在制作导学遵循因材施教原则 在呈现导学有效利用信息技术
Proactive traffic responsive control based on state-space neural network and extended Kalman filter 被引量:3
作者 过秀成 李岩 杨洁 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2010年第3期466-470,共5页
The state-space neural network and extended Kalman filter model is used to directly predict the optimal timing plan that corresponds to futuristic traffic conditions in real time with the purposes of avoiding the lagg... The state-space neural network and extended Kalman filter model is used to directly predict the optimal timing plan that corresponds to futuristic traffic conditions in real time with the purposes of avoiding the lagging of the signal timing plans to traffic conditions. Utilizing the traffic conditions in current and former intervals, the network topology of the state-space neural network (SSNN), which is derived from the geometry of urban arterial routes, is used to predict the optimal timing plan corresponding to the traffic conditions in the next time interval. In order to improve the effectiveness of the SSNN, the extended Kalman filter (EKF) is proposed to train the SSNN instead of conventional approaches. Raw traffic data of the Guangzhou Road, Nanjing and the optimal signal timing plan generated by a multi-objective optimization genetic algorithm are applied to test the performance of the proposed model. The results indicate that compared with the SSNN and the BP neural network, the proposed model can closely match the optimal timing plans in futuristic states with higher efficiency. 展开更多
关键词 state-space neural network extended Kalman filter traffic responsive control timing plan traffic state prediction
Cell transmission model based traffic signal timing in oversaturated conditions 被引量:1
作者 王屏 L. S. Jones +1 位作者 杨群 S. Gurupackiam 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第4期1129-1136,共8页
In order to investigate enhancements to cell transmission model (CTM) as a tool for traffic signal timing in oversaturated conditions, randomly distributed saturation flow rates and arrival rates were used instead of ... In order to investigate enhancements to cell transmission model (CTM) as a tool for traffic signal timing in oversaturated conditions, randomly distributed saturation flow rates and arrival rates were used instead of constant values to simulate traffic flow movement, estimate the average delay of the network and search for an optimal traffic signal timing plan. A case study was given to demonstrate that the proposed methodology can capture unique phenomena in oversaturated conditions such as forward wave, spillback and lane entrance blockage. The results show that CTM underestimates travel time by 25% when compared to Simtraffic, while the enhanced CTM underestimates by only 3%. A second case study shows that a dynamic signal timing plan is superior to a fixed signal timing plan in the term of average delay. 展开更多
关键词 oversaturated flow conditional cell transmission model traffic signal timing spillback BLOCKAGE
Existence of Periodic Solution for a Kind of Functional Differential Equation 被引量:1
作者 LIN Jin-quan LIN Wen-xian 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 2011年第2期256-259,共4页
In this paper,a kind of high order functional differential equation is considered.By using the theory of concidence degree,a sufficient condition of existence of at least one 2π-period solution is obtained.
关键词 functional differential equation 2π-period solution concidence degree
A timeslot assignment scheme for cluster-tree based wireless sensor network 被引量:1
作者 张赫男 Feng Dongqin 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2010年第4期395-400,共6页
Many efforts have been made to develop time division multiple access (TDMA) slots allocation in a multi-hop converge-cast wireless sensor network (WSN), however, most of them either use complex algorithm or concer... Many efforts have been made to develop time division multiple access (TDMA) slots allocation in a multi-hop converge-cast wireless sensor network (WSN), however, most of them either use complex algorithm or concern frames only without simultaneous transmission in a single slot. In this paper, we present a timeslot assignment scheme for cluster-tree-based TDMA WSN, co:'ering three frequently used working modes in practical applications. The shortest frame formed can guarantee real-time conununication and is also facilitated for message and slot integration, since timeslots allocated to a single node are continuous. During allocation processes, the algorithms are distributed and light-weighted. The experiment resulted from a WSN prototype system shows that our scheme can achieve a good reliability. 展开更多
关键词 cluster-tree time division multiple access (TDMA) timeslot assignment wireless sensor network (WSN)
Impact of Shipping Distance on Online Retailers' Sales:A Case Study of Maiyang on Tmall 被引量:4
作者 ZHOU Chunshan JIN Wanfu ZHANG Guojun 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第2期261-273,共13页
Many studies have qualitatively explained that information and communication technology(ICT) has loosened the restrictions of distance and space on retailers' sales. Few empirical studies, however, have explored t... Many studies have qualitatively explained that information and communication technology(ICT) has loosened the restrictions of distance and space on retailers' sales. Few empirical studies, however, have explored the impact of shipping distance on online retailers' sales. This study examined the Maiyang(M-Y) store on Tmall in China as a case study to investigate the relationship between shipping distance and sales. The results showed that sales volume in 2014 at the county level did not strictly obey the distance decay law. The shipped distance of high-priced commodities may not be much longer than that of low-priced commodities. Within the scope of investigation, the relationships between income, cost, and net profit curves do not follow central place theory. Goods have neither thresholds nor ranges. The key factor in the spatial discrepancy of sales is the size of market. The impact of shipping distance on sales is not as strong as that of traditional retailers in Information Era. 展开更多
关键词 online retailers shipping distance central place theory
The effects of exercise on self-rated sleep among adults with chronic sleep complaints 被引量:2
作者 Carmen Erlacher Daniel Erlacher Michael Schredl 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2015年第3期289-298,共10页
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether and to what extent the observed effects on self-rated sleep in a previous study using a combined treatment program with physical exercise and sleep education... Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether and to what extent the observed effects on self-rated sleep in a previous study using a combined treatment program with physical exercise and sleep education can be attributed by the physical activity (PA) component. Methods: The present study reports supplementary analysis of an already described and published study. Data were provided by a nonclinical sample of 98 normal-active adults with chronic initiating and the maintaining of sleep complaints. The additional analysis included sleep log, exercise log, and daily pedometer data which were collected during a baseline week and 6-week of a combined intervention. Results: The results indicate that the number of steps (p -- 0.02) and the duration of PA (p = 0.01) is significantly related to the improvement in subjective sleep measures and therefore reveal an independent effect within this combined sleep program. Sleep diary data (recuperation of sleep, number of awakenings after sleep onset, and wake time after sleep onset time) improved significant (all p 〈 0.01) over the intervention program. About 50% of the participants stated that the PA had an effect on their improvement. Conclusion: Improvements on subjective sleep quality after a combined intervention cannot be attributed to the cognitive component alone, but PA has an independent effect. Adults with chronic sleep complaints benefit from exercise. Therefore structured PA should be implemented in any sleep management programs. 展开更多
关键词 ADULTS INSOMNIA Non-pharmacological treatment Physical exercise Sleep problems
Timing of Emplacement Rare Earth Elements of Case Study in the Pleistocene Deposits of Fossil Lake, Oregon 被引量:1
作者 Doreena Patrick 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2013年第2期116-125,共10页
REE (rare earth element) analysis of bioapatite has recently been used to determine fossil provenience, taphonomy, stratigraphic correlation and paleoenvironmental conditions. This research has determined that REE s... REE (rare earth element) analysis of bioapatite has recently been used to determine fossil provenience, taphonomy, stratigraphic correlation and paleoenvironmental conditions. This research has determined that REE signatures are independent of diet, species, phylogeny and osteological material. Therefore, REE signatures are solely dependent on the depositional environment. Timing of emplacement could limit the resolution of REE analysis so it is vital to understand the length of time for REE signatures incorporation into bioapatite. A fossiliferous Pleistocene sites in Fossil Lake, Oregon has the potential to address this variable. A fossilized rabbit was found in its burrow and was contained in the uppermost unit that also is host to a semi-articulated fossilized salmon. The rabbit burrowed into this unit after the lake was subaerially exposed and is not contemporaneous with the salmon. REE signatures were found to be equivalent. The timing of emplacement of the REE signatures has to be less than the difference between the age of the salmon and the rabbit. Since the uppermost units of Fossil Lake are younger than 45,000 BP the remains can be dated with carbon-14. Therefore, this research aids in further quantifying the timing of emplacement of REE signature in bioapatite. 展开更多
Stabilization of Delayed Networks with Different Nodes
作者 徐君群 唐万生 张建雄 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2011年第2期151-156,共6页
In this paper,the control of complex delayed networks with different nodes is proposed.Firstly,the stabilization of coupled networks with time delay is investigated.By constructing a Lyapunov function,a linear feedbac... In this paper,the control of complex delayed networks with different nodes is proposed.Firstly,the stabilization of coupled networks with time delay is investigated.By constructing a Lyapunov function,a linear feedback controller design procedure for the networks is converted to the problem of solving a set of linear matrix inequalities.Then the results are extended to networks with both delayed dynamical nodes and delayed couplings.It is shown that the stabilization of complex networks is determined by the dynamics of each uncoupled node,coupling matrix and feedback gain matrix of networks.Two examples are simulated.In the first example,a network with 10 nodes consisting of Lorenz systems and systems proposed by Zhang in 2009 is given.It is found that the network states are divergent without control,and convergent under designed linear feedback controllers.In the second example,a larger network with 100 nodes consisting of delayed Chen systems and delayed Lorenz systems is given.The proposed method is also effective for large scale networks. 展开更多
关键词 complex network time delay linear feedback linear matrix inequalities
COST:Coding over Spatial-Temporal Diversity for Low-Duty-Cycle WSNs
作者 闫宇博 杨盘隆 +2 位作者 张磊 何源 郭得科 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第1期35-42,共8页
In low-duty-cycle wireless sensor networks,designers have to cope with unreliable links and limited communication capacity.In this work,we propose COST,a coding scheme that leverages spatial-temporal diversity to achi... In low-duty-cycle wireless sensor networks,designers have to cope with unreliable links and limited communication capacity.In this work,we propose COST,a coding scheme that leverages spatial-temporal diversity to achieve higher energy efficiency and lower delay of packet transmissions.We particularly address long sleeping intervals in low-duty-cycle networks by exploiting multi-path diversity.Specifically,we propose to employ an erasure-coding scheme to improve reliability.With respect to energy efficiency and delivery timeliness,we formulate the problem in optimal allocation of coded blocks over multiple paths,which is then proved to be NP-hard.We further propose a near-optimal algorithm to solve the allocation problem.Through extensive simulations,we evaluate the impact of network parameters and demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposal. 展开更多
关键词 low-duty-cycle MULTI-PATH CODING wireless sensor network
What Moved into the Lung?An Unusual Case of Foreign Body Migration
作者 Yan-ting Wang Xiao-dong Yang +1 位作者 Shao-hua Liu Yan-hua Huang 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2013年第4期248-249,共2页
FOREIGN body migration into the lung is a rare complication that can cause various symptoms. In adults, however, foreign body deposited in the luna can be tolerated and remain undetected fora long time. Delayed diagno... FOREIGN body migration into the lung is a rare complication that can cause various symptoms. In adults, however, foreign body deposited in the luna can be tolerated and remain undetected fora long time. Delayed diagnosis and subsequent delayed treatment is usually associated with atypical complications. In this article, we describe a case of foreign body migration into the tracheobronchial tree. After a long time delay diagnosis, the foreign body was ultimately removed by operation. 展开更多
关键词 tracheobronchial foreign body MIGRATION
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