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断索对大跨斜拉桥加劲梁内力的影响分析 被引量:5
作者 张建 杨德灿 舒鹏 《交通科学与工程》 2019年第4期47-51,62,共6页
针对斜拉桥的斜拉索在运营期间受到环境和荷载因素的影响会断裂这一极端情况,建立斜拉桥的有限元模型,并对索力进行了优化。根据主桥结构总体布局和构造特点,模拟5种断索工况,对每种工况建立相应的时程函数并进行了动力分析,得到5种工... 针对斜拉桥的斜拉索在运营期间受到环境和荷载因素的影响会断裂这一极端情况,建立斜拉桥的有限元模型,并对索力进行了优化。根据主桥结构总体布局和构造特点,模拟5种断索工况,对每种工况建立相应的时程函数并进行了动力分析,得到5种工况下结构的动力响应结果。研究结果表明:断索对断裂斜拉索锚固点附近加劲梁的影响比较大,而对于远离断索位置的影响相对较小;断索对跨中加劲梁位移的影响最为显著,而对于靠近辅助墩位置的影响很小;靠近跨中合龙段斜拉索断裂加劲梁弯矩的影响最为显著,而靠近桥塔位置的斜拉索失效对加劲梁弯矩的影响最小。 展开更多
关键词 断索 斜拉桥 弯矩变化 时程函数 动力分析
瘟疫防控过程分析 被引量:2
作者 孙中才 《数学建模及其应用》 2020年第1期9-14,共6页
瘟疫的大规模爆发,其规模变化遵从正态分布,相应的时间变化也遵从正态分布,两个正态分布函数之间存在着特征值可以变换的关系.据此,本文运用有关实验室和有关经验数据,构造了一个瘟疫对应时程函数.从这个函数出发,估计了瘟疫的发展中关... 瘟疫的大规模爆发,其规模变化遵从正态分布,相应的时间变化也遵从正态分布,两个正态分布函数之间存在着特征值可以变换的关系.据此,本文运用有关实验室和有关经验数据,构造了一个瘟疫对应时程函数.从这个函数出发,估计了瘟疫的发展中关键时间点,并以这些点划分出来的发展阶段,根据有关的科学研究结果,对不同阶段的防控重点作了阐述.分析结果可以作为实际工作的参考. 展开更多
关键词 正态分布 特征值 时程函数
水平向基岩强地面运动参数衰减关系研究 被引量:4
作者 肖亮 《国际地震动态》 2012年第1期37-39,共3页
本文建立了我国新的水平向基岩分区地震动参数衰减关系(加速度、速度峰值,反应谱平台高度值,5%阻尼比加速度反应谱,时程强度包络函数),适用震级范围为MS5.0~8.0,距离0~200km,周期T=0.04~6s。强震资料方面,主要使用了美国NGA强震数据... 本文建立了我国新的水平向基岩分区地震动参数衰减关系(加速度、速度峰值,反应谱平台高度值,5%阻尼比加速度反应谱,时程强度包络函数),适用震级范围为MS5.0~8.0,距离0~200km,周期T=0.04~6s。强震资料方面,主要使用了美国NGA强震数据库提供的美国西部地区水平向基岩场地的数字化强震记录及相关参数,在国内使用了包含汶川地震资料在内的部分未丢头的基岩强震记录;烈度资料部分,主要使用的是中国各分区的烈度等震线资料,包含1991年之后新搜集整理的资料与中国地震动参数区划图(1990)使用的烈度资料。在参数选择上,采用了适合于我国工程应用的面波震级作为震级参数,选用震中距与断层投影距两套距离参数,分别建立了相应的衰减关系。在模型选择上,提出了如下式所示的新的模型:当M<6.5时lgY(M,R)=A1+B1M-Clg(R+Dexp(E*M))+ε当M≥6.5时lgY(M,R)=A2+B2M-Clg(R+Dexp(E*M))+ε新模型采用分段线性函数与近场饱和因子相结合的方式对大震近场饱和效应进行反映。同时,在回归时对截尾效应的系统性影响进行了修正。将美国西部地区作为参考地区,选用NGA数据库中美国西部地区(地震活跃地区浅层地震)的数据,共计304条水平向记录,应用新的分步回归法建立了美国西部水平向基岩地震动参数衰减关系(加速度、速度峰值,反应谱平台高度值,5%阻尼比加速度反应谱,时程强度包络函数)。使用中线映射原则的转换方法对其进行修正,将我国部分基岩强震资料作为补充一同回归,建立了我国分区地震动参数衰减关系。在本文工作中,得到了以下主要成果与认识:(1)提出一种新的分步回归法应用于衰减关系回归,对震级-距离耦合效应进行解耦,降低回归参数不确定性;进行距离衰减项系数回归时,采用统计平均的方法,降低数据分布离散性、不均一性对整体结果的影响;使用截止距离对截尾效应引发的距离衰减率与近场地震动外推结果的系统性影响进行了修正。(2)基于美国NGA强震数据库的资料,回归建立了美国西部水平向基岩地震动参数(加速度、速度峰值,反应谱平台高度值,5%阻尼比加速度反应谱)衰减关系。新的衰减关系包含震中距与断层投影距两套距离参数模型,适用震级范围为MS5.0~8.0,距离0~200km,反应谱周期为T=0.04~6s。采用目前国内普遍使用的强度包络函数模型,通过统计回归建立了美国西部水平向基岩场地包络函数衰减关系。(3)综合考虑我国不同地区的分区特征,从烈度衰减关系的角度,对我国地震动衰减关系的分区进行了划分,建立了新的分区地震烈度衰减关系,提供转换方法使用。(4)提出一种新的中线映射法则,用于避免近场转换构造地震动数据点的偏离。选择美国西部作为参考区,用转换方法一同回归,得到我国分区地震动参数衰减关系(加速度、速度峰值,反应谱平台高度值,5%阻尼比加速度反应谱),适用震级范围为MS5.0~8.0,距离为0~200km,反应谱周期为T=0.04~6s。使用转换方法时,还加入了部分国内强震数据一同回归,使转换结果更加合理。(5)平台挑选法得到的平台高度值与峰值加速度PGA相近,离散性小,随震级、距离变化较为平稳。本文提出的新模型,采用分段线性函数作为震级项,采用包含随震级指数增长的近场饱和因子的距离衰减项,可以较好地考虑大震近场震级、距离饱和效应,在高震级部分无需通过饱和震级进行约束。与传统的二次项形式模型相比,新模型不易引发过饱和效应。(6)与以往采用宏观地质描述进行场地划分的方法不同,本文在美国西部地区采用地表30m内折算剪切波速VS30作为场地划分标准,物理意义更加明确。 展开更多
关键词 地震动 衰减关系 反应谱 时程强度包络函数
作者 赵志强 钟冉 《河北冶金》 2023年第3期59-64,共6页
随着高功率、高转速氧压机组在冶金生产中的广泛应用,基础动力响应特性的好坏直接影响着机组的正常运行。在满足设备正常运行的前提下,合理的基础构件尺寸既能减小混凝土用量,又能为工艺布置提供更大的使用空间。以框架式氧压机基础为例... 随着高功率、高转速氧压机组在冶金生产中的广泛应用,基础动力响应特性的好坏直接影响着机组的正常运行。在满足设备正常运行的前提下,合理的基础构件尺寸既能减小混凝土用量,又能为工艺布置提供更大的使用空间。以框架式氧压机基础为例,采用通用有限元软件SAP2000求取基础固有频率,对其在扰力荷载作用下的动力响应进行了分析,并使用稳态函数和时程函数对基础从启动到额定运行功率进行了频域响应分析,建议设备基础设计应通过调整结构布置尽量避开振动设备的额定频率,同时基础结构的刚度中心尽量与设备振动荷载的中心重合,避免偏心振动引起的扭转效应,造成基础的速度和线位移超限。 展开更多
关键词 氧压机 框架式基础 稳态函数 时程函数 频域响应 SAP2000
蓄意攻击下城市电力网络毁伤韧性评估 被引量:6
作者 韩林 赵旭东 +2 位作者 陈志龙 龚华栋 侯本伟 《中国安全科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第6期161-169,共9页
为提升蓄意攻击威胁下城市电力网络毁伤韧性评估的有效性,采用性能时程响应函数(PRF)法,结合攻防双方策略博弈模型,建立蓄意攻击下城市电力网络毁伤韧性评估方法及流程;同时,融合电力潮流分析设计新型性能PRF,使韧性评估结果更符合电力... 为提升蓄意攻击威胁下城市电力网络毁伤韧性评估的有效性,采用性能时程响应函数(PRF)法,结合攻防双方策略博弈模型,建立蓄意攻击下城市电力网络毁伤韧性评估方法及流程;同时,融合电力潮流分析设计新型性能PRF,使韧性评估结果更符合电力网络实际功能需求;以我国某市电力网络为例,依托策略博弈模型求解出纳什均衡状态下攻防双方策略,并评估不同恢复条件下该电力网络毁伤韧性。研究结果表明:纳什均衡策略为攻防双方最有可能采取的攻击和防护策略,城市电力网络的毁伤韧性受恢复资源和恢复预算2个条件共同控制,恢复资源决定网络的恢复速度,恢复预算决定网络的恢复程度。 展开更多
关键词 蓄意攻击 城市电力网络 毁伤韧性评估 策略博弈模型 时程响应函数(PRF) 恢复资源
Influence of Auxiliary Equation on Wave Functions for Time-Dependent Pauli Equation in Presence of Aharonov-Bohm Effect 被引量:1
作者 M.Maamache C.Lahoulou Y.Saadi 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第5期803-810,共8页
Invariant operator method for discrete or continuous spectrum eigenvalue and unitary transformation approach are employed to study the two-dimensional time-dependent Pauli equation in presence of the Aharonov-Bohm eff... Invariant operator method for discrete or continuous spectrum eigenvalue and unitary transformation approach are employed to study the two-dimensional time-dependent Pauli equation in presence of the Aharonov-Bohm effect (AB) and external scalar potential. For the spin particles the problem with the magnetic field is that it introduces a singularity into wave equation at the origin. A physical motivation is to replace the zero radius flux tube by one of radius R, with the additional condition that the magnetic field be confined to the surface of the tube, and then taking the limit R → 0 at the end of the computations. We point that the invariant operator must contain the step function θ(r - R). Consequently, the problem becomes more complicated. In order to avoid this dimculty, we replace the radius R by ρ(t)R, where ρ(t) is a positive time-dependent function. Then at the end of calculations we take the limit R →0. The qualitative properties for the invariant operator spectrum are described separately for the different values of the parameter C appearing in the nonlinear auxiliary equation satisfied by p(t), i.e., C 〉 0, C = 0, and C 〈0. Following the C's values the spectrum of quantum states is discrete (C 〉 0) or continuous (C ≤ 0). 展开更多
关键词 time-dependent systems invariant theory Aharonov-Bohm effect Pauli equation
The Temperature Variation of a Solar Cell in Relation to Its Performance 被引量:2
作者 M.K. EI-Adawi I.A. AI-Nuaim 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2010年第8期56-59,共4页
The temperature of a solar cell subjected to the incident global solar radiation as a function of the local day time is determined. A heat balance equation is solved considering the heat losses due to convection and t... The temperature of a solar cell subjected to the incident global solar radiation as a function of the local day time is determined. A heat balance equation is solved considering the heat losses due to convection and thermal radiation. The cell efficiency is estimated as a measure of its performance. The results reveal that the temperature within the cell attains significant values. Nevertheless, the temperature dependence of its efficiency along the day time is not pronouncing. It slightly decreases with temperature. 展开更多
关键词 Solar cell performance diurnal solar cell temperature heat balance equation.
Stability of a Certain Retard Functional Differential Equation
作者 谷淑会 高国柱 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2003年第2期42-44,共3页
The authors obtain some sufficient conditions for the stability of zero solutions to some types of the functional equation. (x)(t)+ p(t)-x(t)+q(t)x(t)+f (t, xt)=0 by transformations and the Liapunov's Second metho... The authors obtain some sufficient conditions for the stability of zero solutions to some types of the functional equation. (x)(t)+ p(t)-x(t)+q(t)x(t)+f (t, xt)=0 by transformations and the Liapunov's Second method. The obtained conclusions generalize some results of Stability of Equation (x)(t)+p(t)(x)(t)+q(t)x(t)=0 and Jack Hale in his paper of Theory of Functional Differential Equations. 展开更多
关键词 functional differential equation uniform stability equiasymptotically stability uniformly asymptotical stability.
Marchenko imaging based on self-adaptive traveltime updating
作者 Chen Xiao-Chun Hu Ye-Zheng +4 位作者 Huang Xu-Ri Zhang Hou-Zhu Cao Wei-Ping Xu Yun-Gui Tang Jing 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2020年第1期81-91,168,169,共13页
Marchenko imaging obtains the subsurface reflectors using one-way Green’s functions,which are retrieved by solving the Marchenko equation.This method generates an image that is free of spurious artifacts due to inter... Marchenko imaging obtains the subsurface reflectors using one-way Green’s functions,which are retrieved by solving the Marchenko equation.This method generates an image that is free of spurious artifacts due to internal multiples.The Marchenko imaging method is a target-oriented technique;thus,it can image a user specified area.In the traditional Marchenko method,an accurate velocity model is critical for estimating direct waves from imaging points to the surface.An error in the velocity model results in the inaccurate estimation of direct waves.In turn,this leads to errors in computation of one-way Green’s functions,which then affects the final Marchenko images.To solve this problem,in this paper,we propose a self-adaptive traveltime updating technique based on the principle of equal traveltime to improve the Marchenko imaging method.The proposed method calculates the time shift of direct waves caused by the error in the velocity model,and corrects the wrong direct wave according to the time shift and reconstructs the correct Green’s functions.The proposed method improves the results of imaging using an inaccurate velocity model.By comparing the results from traditional Marchenko and the new method using synthetic data experiments,we demonstrated that the adaptive traveltime updating Marchenko imaging method could restore the image of geological structures to their true positions. 展开更多
关键词 Marchenko imaging Marchenko equation Green’s function principle of equal traveltime self-adaptive traveltime updating
Exp-Function Method and Fractional Complex Transform for Space-Time Fractional KP-BBM Equation 被引量:10
作者 Ozkan Guner 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第8期149-154,共6页
In the present article, He's fractional derivative, the ansatz method, the ( C / G)-expansion method, and the exp-function method are used to construct the exact solutions of nonlinear space-time fractional Kadomts... In the present article, He's fractional derivative, the ansatz method, the ( C / G)-expansion method, and the exp-function method are used to construct the exact solutions of nonlinear space-time fractional Kadomtsev-Petviashvili- Benjamin-Bona Mahony (KP-BBM). As a result, different types of exact solutions are obtained. Also we have examined the relation between the solutions obtained from the different methods. These methods are an efficient mathematical tool for solving fractional differential equations (FDEs) and it can be applied to other nonlinear FDEs. 展开更多
关键词 ansatz method exp-function method He's fractional derivative (G'/G)-expansion method spacetime fractional KP-BBM equation
Real polynomial iterative roots in the case of nonmonotonicity height ≥ 2 被引量:3
作者 YANG LiLi YANG Lu +1 位作者 YU ZhiHeng ZHANG WeiNian 《Science China Mathematics》 SCIE 2012年第12期2433-2446,共14页
It is known that a strictly piecewise monotone function with nonmonotonicity height ≥ 2 on a compact interval has no iterative roots of order greater than the number of forts. An open question is: Does it have iterat... It is known that a strictly piecewise monotone function with nonmonotonicity height ≥ 2 on a compact interval has no iterative roots of order greater than the number of forts. An open question is: Does it have iterative roots of order less than or equal to the number of forts? An answer was given recently in the case of "equal to". Since many theories of resultant and algebraic varieties can be applied to computation of polynomials, a special class of strictly piecewise monotone functions, in this paper we investigate the question in the case of "less than" for polynomials. For this purpose we extend the question from a compact interval to the whole real line and give a procedure of computation for real polynomial iterative roots. Applying the procedure together with the theory of discriminants, we find all real quartic polynomials of non-monotonicity height 2 which have quadratic polynomial iterative roots of order 2 and answer the question. 展开更多
关键词 iterative root POLYNOMIAL algebraic variety Sylvester resultant ELIMINATION
作者 LICUNHANG WURONG 《Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B》 SCIE CSCD 1997年第2期249-256,共8页
A class of superprocesses which dies out is investigated.Under the condition of norextinction, a new superprocess is constructed,its life time is infinite, and its distribution is determined by the moment function. Se... A class of superprocesses which dies out is investigated.Under the condition of norextinction, a new superprocess is constructed,its life time is infinite, and its distribution is determined by the moment function. Several limit theorems about this superprocess and its occupation time process are obtained. 展开更多
关键词 SUPERPROCESS Extinction time Occupation time process
A New(γ_A,σ_B)-Matrix KP Hierarchy and Its Solutions
作者 黄晔辉 姚玉芹 曾云波 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第4期515-522,共8页
A new(γA,σB)-matrix KP hierarchy with two time series γA and σB,which consists of γA-flow,σB-flow and mixed γA and σB-evolution equations of eigenfunctions,is proposed.The reduction and constrained flows of(... A new(γA,σB)-matrix KP hierarchy with two time series γA and σB,which consists of γA-flow,σB-flow and mixed γA and σB-evolution equations of eigenfunctions,is proposed.The reduction and constrained flows of(γA,σB)matrix KP hierarchy are studied.The dressing method is generalized to the(γA,σB)-matrix KP hierarchy and some solutions are presented. 展开更多
关键词 (γA σB)-matrix KP hierarchy Lax representation generalized dressing method SOLITON
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