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中小流域时空变源混合产流模型及参数区域化方法研究 被引量:24
作者 刘昌军 周剑 +4 位作者 文磊 马强 郭良 丁留谦 孙东亚 《中国水利水电科学研究院学报》 北大核心 2021年第1期99-114,共16页
针对山丘区中小流域洪水预报面临的产流机制混合多变和模型参数难以获取的问题,提出了适用于缺资料地区的中小流域时空变源混合产流模型和基于机器学习CART的参数区域化方法。在小流域地貌水文响应单元划分基础上,利用GARTO非饱和下渗... 针对山丘区中小流域洪水预报面临的产流机制混合多变和模型参数难以获取的问题,提出了适用于缺资料地区的中小流域时空变源混合产流模型和基于机器学习CART的参数区域化方法。在小流域地貌水文响应单元划分基础上,利用GARTO非饱和下渗计算模型,从超渗/蓄满机制的平面混合、垂向混合和时段混合三个方面构建时空变源混合产流模型,并采用机器学习CART方法进行模型参数区域化研究。选取不同地貌类型区的15个流域和河南省19个小流域实测降雨径流资料分别对模型适用性和参数区域化方法进行了验证。结果表明,通过与国内外8个水文模型的对比验证,时空变源混合产流模型模拟平均纳什系数为0.78,比其他模型提高约20%;利用本模型和CART参数区域化方法在河南省19个流域计算的平均纳什系数为0.70,比参数随机移植结果提高了35%,本模型和参数区域化方法在山丘区中小流域洪水模拟中应用效果较好。 展开更多
关键词 缺资料小流域 时空变源混合产流模型 参数区域化 机器学习方法
时空变源混合产流模型及其在小流域洪水模拟中的应用——以四川省、甘肃省的4个小流域为例 被引量:5
作者 张相芝 周剑 文磊 《水资源与水工程学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第3期80-90,共11页
近年来山洪灾害造成的人员伤亡和财产损失不断增加,基于GIS和遥感数据的水文模型为山洪预报提供了新的思路。利用DEM和遥感数据提取小流域基础属性并划分地貌水文响应单元,利用垂向混合产流计算产流量,采用包气带非饱和土壤计算下渗,建... 近年来山洪灾害造成的人员伤亡和财产损失不断增加,基于GIS和遥感数据的水文模型为山洪预报提供了新的思路。利用DEM和遥感数据提取小流域基础属性并划分地貌水文响应单元,利用垂向混合产流计算产流量,采用包气带非饱和土壤计算下渗,建立垂向上的时空变源混合产流模型。利用时空变源混合产流模型,模拟四川省和甘肃省4个流域多场次洪水过程,通过SCE算法进行参数率定和产流分析。结果表明:模型模拟与实测数据基本吻合,纳什效率系数均超过0.8;四川和甘肃两省小流域受到下垫面信息影响,主导产流成分不同。模型能够提供较为精确的山丘区流域洪水预报。 展开更多
关键词 山洪模拟 时空变源混合产流模型 主导产流成份 敏感性参数 下垫面信息
作者 马强 王莹 +4 位作者 魏琳 史朝旭 王浩雯 张晓祥 刘昌军 《水科学进展》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第5期726-737,共12页
为加深对极端暴雨条件下流域洪水形成机理的理解与认识,以“23·7”海河流域大清河特大洪水为例,提出一种基于分布式模型的流域洪水时空特征分析方法。采用时空变源分布式水文模拟方法,分别构建覆盖大清河南、北两支的分布式水文模... 为加深对极端暴雨条件下流域洪水形成机理的理解与认识,以“23·7”海河流域大清河特大洪水为例,提出一种基于分布式模型的流域洪水时空特征分析方法。采用时空变源分布式水文模拟方法,分别构建覆盖大清河南、北两支的分布式水文模型,开展分组并行模拟。结果表明:14个站点模拟洪峰误差平均值小于5%,纳什效率系数平均值为0.7,模拟结果较好。“23·7”特大洪水大清河北支平均径流系数为0.55,远高于南支流域(0.27),致灾洪量主要来自北支。北支流域在洪水过程中呈现超渗、蓄满混合产流模式,当该区域累计雨量超过107 mm时,流域出现蓄满地表产流,当小时雨量超过15.3 mm/h时,则可能出现超渗地表产流;对比大清河系南支,北支流域缺少大型控制性水利工程也是导致本次大清河特大洪水灾害发生的另一主要原因。 展开更多
关键词 暴雨洪水 分布式模型 产流模式 时空变源 "23·7"特大洪水 大清河
小流域暴雨山洪水文模型与水动力学方法计算比较分析 被引量:33
作者 刘昌军 文磊 +3 位作者 周剑 赵悬涛 郭良 魏永强 《中国水利水电科学研究院学报》 北大核心 2019年第4期262-270,278,共10页
针对小流域暴雨山洪精细模拟问题,提出了小流域时空变源混合产流模型,以小流域为单元构建了暴雨山洪分布式模拟模型,开发了可视化时空变源分布式水文模型软件FFMS和水动力学计算软件FHMS。以宝盖寺小流域场次暴雨洪水计算为例,分别采用... 针对小流域暴雨山洪精细模拟问题,提出了小流域时空变源混合产流模型,以小流域为单元构建了暴雨山洪分布式模拟模型,开发了可视化时空变源分布式水文模型软件FFMS和水动力学计算软件FHMS。以宝盖寺小流域场次暴雨洪水计算为例,分别采用水文学和水动力学方法计算了小流域暴雨山洪过程,并分析了两种方法的计算精度、效率、实用性等。案例研究结果表明:(1)水文与水动力学方法均可实现小流域暴雨山洪的模拟,模拟结果与实测基本一致;(2)对于无资料小流域暴雨洪水计算,水文学建模速度快,计算效率更高,水动力学方法建模和计算效率更低;(3)在复杂地形条件下暴雨洪水形成机理、演进过程模拟方面,水动力学计算结果更加精细和准确;在山区中小流域洪水预报预警方面,水文学方法更加实用。 展开更多
关键词 暴雨山洪 时空变源混合产流模型 模块化分布式水文模型 水动力方法 山洪模拟
河南“21·7”暴雨洪水风险模拟及对比分析 被引量:32
作者 刘昌军 吕娟 +4 位作者 翟晓燕 李青 刘荣华 孙朝兴 赵彦增 《水利水电快报》 2021年第9期8-14,共7页
2021年7月河南省遭遇极端强降雨,引发严重城市内涝和流域局部洪水,造成重大社会影响和生命财产损失。重点分析了“21·7”暴雨情况及主要河段的洪水过程,并与河南“75·8”特大暴雨洪水进行对比;基于时空变源混合产流模型,建立... 2021年7月河南省遭遇极端强降雨,引发严重城市内涝和流域局部洪水,造成重大社会影响和生命财产损失。重点分析了“21·7”暴雨情况及主要河段的洪水过程,并与河南“75·8”特大暴雨洪水进行对比;基于时空变源混合产流模型,建立了覆盖河南省山区小流域的分布式水文模型,利用国家山洪灾害风险预报预警平台,计算得到了“21·7”特大暴雨洪水河段、沿河村落的危险等级;并基于下垫面现状条件,对“75·8”暴雨洪水进行了复盘,探讨了“75·8”降雨条件下,河段和沿河村落成灾情况,进而对比了“21·7”和“75·8”暴雨洪水和河段、沿河村落危险情况。研究成果可为后续灾害调查、推演复盘、总结评估等提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 暴雨洪水模拟 洪水风险分析 时空变源混合产流模型 河南“21·7”暴雨 河南“75·8”暴雨 河南省
白河上游流域洪水模拟及参数敏感性分析 被引量:6
作者 胡昊 李磊 王文川 《华北水利水电大学学报(自然科学版)》 北大核心 2021年第6期28-34,共7页
水文模型作为防御山洪灾害重要的非工程手段之一,近年来被广泛应用。以白河上游为研究区域,利用时空变源混合产流模型模拟了2012—2018年间的22场洪水,并使用GLUE法和Sobol法分析了参数敏感性,判断了流域的主要产流方式。结果表明:时空... 水文模型作为防御山洪灾害重要的非工程手段之一,近年来被广泛应用。以白河上游为研究区域,利用时空变源混合产流模型模拟了2012—2018年间的22场洪水,并使用GLUE法和Sobol法分析了参数敏感性,判断了流域的主要产流方式。结果表明:时空变源混合产流模型在白河上游具有较好的适用性,模型的敏感参数主要为蓄满产流相关参数,白河上游流域的产流方式以蓄满产流为主。此研究成果可为类似流域洪水预报提供一种借鉴,为敏感参数选择提供一种参考,并可提升参数率定的工作效率。 展开更多
关键词 时空变源混合产流模型 GLUE法 Sobol法 参数敏感性分析
不同植被覆盖流域对不同设计暴雨雨型的响应 被引量:4
作者 官明虹 王根绪 李尤 《南水北调与水利科技(中英文)》 CAS 北大核心 2022年第1期141-151,共11页
为揭示山区不同植被覆盖流域对不同设计暴雨雨型的响应规律,更合理地分析山区暴雨洪水,以四川省大邑、关口、汉王场流域为研究区域,应用时空变源混合产流模型,对在不同重现期设计暴雨雨型条件下的降水在不同植被覆盖的流域上形成的水文... 为揭示山区不同植被覆盖流域对不同设计暴雨雨型的响应规律,更合理地分析山区暴雨洪水,以四川省大邑、关口、汉王场流域为研究区域,应用时空变源混合产流模型,对在不同重现期设计暴雨雨型条件下的降水在不同植被覆盖的流域上形成的水文过程进行分析。研究结果表明:时空变源混合产流模型在四川省3个流域均具有较好的适用性;四川省大邑、关口、汉王场流域林草植被覆盖率为汉王场>关口>大邑流域,径流系数、平均径流系数、洪峰模数、平均洪峰模数均为大邑>关口>汉王场流域;在不同重现期条件下,径流系数随着暴雨雨型雨峰位置后移而逐渐减小,洪峰模数则不断增大;在不同设计暴雨雨型条件下,随着重现期的不断增大径流系数先增大后逐渐减小而后趋于稳定状态,而洪峰模数则是不断增大。 展开更多
关键词 洪水模型 设计暴雨雨型 时空变源混合产流模型 关口流域 汉王场流域
设计暴雨雨型对高植被覆盖流域径流形成影响的数值模拟 被引量:2
作者 官明虹 王根绪 《中国农村水利水电》 北大核心 2023年第10期104-113,共10页
为分析设计暴雨雨型对山区小流域山洪灾害的影响,应用时空变源混合产流模型,以四川省关口、汉王场为研究区域,分析高植被覆盖流域对不同重现期以及不同设计暴雨雨型条件下降水的响应规律,并对不同雨型及重现期条件下流域的洪峰流量、峰... 为分析设计暴雨雨型对山区小流域山洪灾害的影响,应用时空变源混合产流模型,以四川省关口、汉王场为研究区域,分析高植被覆盖流域对不同重现期以及不同设计暴雨雨型条件下降水的响应规律,并对不同雨型及重现期条件下流域的洪峰流量、峰现时间、洪峰滞后时间等量值进行对比分析。结果表明:时空变源混合产流模型在高植被覆盖流域洪水模拟应用过程中能够取得较好的模拟精度,具有一定的适用性;关口、汉王场流域同一重现期条件下偏后型雨型相对于偏前和居中型条件下形成的洪峰流量更多,但偏前型雨型相对于居中型和偏后型雨型而言形成的洪水总量更大;在不同雨型条件下,随着重现期的增加,关口、汉王场流域的洪峰流量均是呈现增加的趋势;林草植被覆盖率为汉王场>关口流域,关口流域在不同重现期设计暴雨雨型条件下的峰现时间均是提前于汉王场流域,林草植被覆盖对于洪水的径流过程具有一定的调节作用;关口流域和汉王场流域洪峰出现时间相较于暴雨雨峰出现时间的滞后时间均为偏前型>居中型>偏后型;揭示西南山区高植被覆盖流域对于不同重现期设计暴雨雨型条件下的量化规律,在分析西南山区高植被覆盖流域暴雨洪水的形成过程、提高流域洪水预报精度与防洪减灾能力方面具有指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 设计暴雨雨型 高植被覆盖流域 时空变源混合产流模型 重现期
Spatio-temporal Characteristics of Disturbance of Land Use Change on Major Ecosystem Function Zones in China 被引量:8
作者 NING Jia LIU Jiyuan ZHAO Guosong 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第5期523-536,共14页
In recent years, because of increasing human activities, ecosystems have been substantially disturbed and their service functions have been greatly compromised. Based on the effect of land use changes on the major eco... In recent years, because of increasing human activities, ecosystems have been substantially disturbed and their service functions have been greatly compromised. Based on the effect of land use changes on the major ecosystem services, we estimated the ecosystem comprehensive anthropogenic disturbance index(ECADI) and analyzed the spatio-temporal characteristics of changes in the ECADI in China from 1990 to 2010. The average ECADI of the major ecosystem function zones in China in 2010 is approximately 0.382. The ECADI of Northeast China and North China is slightly higher than that of Northwest China and Southwest China. Most zones have slight changes in the ECADI. The average increases of ECADI in the major ecosystem function zones in China from 1990 to 2000 and from 2000 to 2010 are 0.0024 and 0.0002, respectively. The increase is mainly due to reclamation and urbanization, whereas the decrease is due to the implementation of ecosystem protection policies. During the last 20 years, the ECADI of water resources conservation zones increased first, and then stopped. The ECADI of soil conservation zones increased first, and then declined. The ECADI of sandstorm prevention zones, biodiversity conservation zones and flooding mitigation zones increased continuously. Our results may provide proposals to the government regarding land use planning and ecosystem protection plans in the major ecosystem zones. The major ecosystem function zones in the western part of China have been protected effectively. However, the major ecosystem function zones in the eastern part of China require more protection in the future. 展开更多
关键词 land use change major ecosystems services DISTURBANCE spatiotemporal patterns China
Spatial and temporal change patterns of freeze-thaw erosion in the three-river source region under the stress of climate warming 被引量:5
作者 GUO Bing LUO Wei +1 位作者 WANG Dong-liang JIANG Lin 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第6期1086-1099,共14页
The three-river source region(TRSR), located in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in China, suffers from serious freeze-thaw(FT) erosion in China. Considering the unique eco-environment and the driving factors of the FT proce... The three-river source region(TRSR), located in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in China, suffers from serious freeze-thaw(FT) erosion in China. Considering the unique eco-environment and the driving factors of the FT process in the TRSR, we introduce the driving force factors of FT erosion(rainfall erosivity and wind field intensity during FT period) and precipitation during the FT period(indicating the phase-changed water content). The objective was to establish an improved evaluation method of FT erosion in the TRSR. The method has good applicability in the study region with an overall precision of 92%. The spatial and temporal changes of FT erosion from 2000 to 2015 are analyzed. Results show that FT erosion is widely distributed in the TRSR, with slight and mild erosion being the most widely distributed, followed by moderate erosion. Among the three sub-regions, the source region of the Yellow River has the slightest erosion intensity, whereas the erosion intensity of the source region of Yangtze River is the most severe. A slight improvement can be observed in the condition of FTerosion over the whole study region from 2000 to 2015. Vegetation coverage is the dominant factor affecting the intensity of FT erosion in the zones with sparse vegetation or bare land, whereas the climate factors play an important role in high vegetation coverage area. Slopes>28° also have a significant effect on the intensity of FT erosion in the zones. The results can provide a scientific basis for the prevention and management of the soil FT erosion in the TRSR. 展开更多
关键词 Freeze-thaw erosion Vegetation Precipitation Three-river source region Global warming
Spatial and Temporal Variability of Water Availability in the Yellow River Basin
作者 LI Ming-Xing MA Zhu-Guo 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2013年第4期191-196,共6页
The changes in hydrological processes in the Yellow River basin were simulated by using the Community Land Model(CLM,version 3.5),driven by historical climate data observed from 1951 to 2008.A comparison of modeled so... The changes in hydrological processes in the Yellow River basin were simulated by using the Community Land Model(CLM,version 3.5),driven by historical climate data observed from 1951 to 2008.A comparison of modeled soil moisture and runoff with limited observations in the basin suggests a general drying trend in simulated soil moisture,runoff,and precipitation-evaporation balance(P-E) in most areas of the Yellow River basin during the observation period.Furthermore,annual soil moisture,runoff,and P-E averaged over the entire basin have declined by 3.3%,82.2%,and 32.1%,respectively.Significant drying trends in soil moisture appear in the upper and middle reaches of the basin,whereas a significant trend in declining surface runoff and P-E occurred in the middle reaches and the southeastern part of the upper reaches.The overall decreasing water availability is characterized by large spatial and temporal variability. 展开更多
关键词 water availability VARIABILITY the Yellow River basin
Response of vegetation phenology to climate factors in the source region of the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers 被引量:1
作者 Qingqing Jiang Zhe Yuan +4 位作者 Jun Yin Mingze Yao Tianling Qin Xizhi Lü Guangdong Wu 《Journal of Plant Ecology》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第5期141-156,共16页
Exploring the impact of climate factors on vegetation phenology is crucial to understanding climate–vegetation interactions as well as carbon and water cycles in ecosystems in the context of climate change.In this ar... Exploring the impact of climate factors on vegetation phenology is crucial to understanding climate–vegetation interactions as well as carbon and water cycles in ecosystems in the context of climate change.In this article,we extracted the vegetation phenology data from 2002 to 2021 based on the dynamic threshold method in the source region of the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers.Trend and correlation analyses were used to investigate the relationship between vegetation phenology and temperature,precipitation and their spatial evolution characteristics.The results showed that:(i)From 2002 to 2021,the multi-year average start of growing season(SOS),end of growing season(EOS)and length of growing season(LOS)for plants were concentrated in May,October and 4–6 months,with a trend of 4.9 days(earlier),1.5 days(later),6.3 days/10 a(longer),respectively.(ii)For every 100 m increase in elevation,SOS,EOS and LOS were correspondingly delayed by 1.8 days,advanced by 0.8 days and shortened by 2.6 days,respectively.(iii)The impacts of temperature and precipitation on vegetation phenology varied at different stages of vegetation growth.Influencing factors of spring phenology experienced a shift from temperature to precipitation,while autumn phenology experienced precipitation followed by temperature.(iv)The climate factors in the previous period significantly affected the vegetation phenology in the study area and the spatial variability was obvious.Specifically,the temperature in April significantly affected the spring phenology and precipitation in August widely affected the autumn phenology. 展开更多
关键词 vegetation phenology climate factor spatiotemporal evolution TERRAIN the source region of the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers
Spatio-temporal changes in biomass carbon sinks in China's forests from 1977 to 2008 被引量:58
作者 GUO ZhaoDi HU HuiFeng +2 位作者 LI Pin LI NuYun FANG JingYun 《Science China(Life Sciences)》 SCIE CAS 2013年第7期661-671,1,共11页
Forests play a leading role in regional and global carbon (C) cycles. Detailed assessment of the temporal and spatial changes in C sinks/sources of China's forests is critical to the estimation of the national C b... Forests play a leading role in regional and global carbon (C) cycles. Detailed assessment of the temporal and spatial changes in C sinks/sources of China's forests is critical to the estimation of the national C budget and can help to constitute sustainable forest management policies for climate change. In this study, we explored the spatio-temporal changes in forest biomass C stocks in China between 1977 and 2008, using six periods of the national forest inventory data. According to the definition of the forest inventory, China's forest was categorized into three groups: forest stand, economic forest, and bamboo forest. We estimated forest biomass C stocks for each inventory period by using continuous biomass expansion factor (BEF) method for forest stands, and the mean biomass density method for economic and bamboo forests. As a result, China's forests have accumulated biomass C (i.e., biomass C sink) of 1896 Tg (1Tg=1012g) during the study period, with 1710, 108 and 78 Tg C in forest stands, and economic and bamboo forests, respectively. Annual forest biomass C sink was 70.2 Tg Ca-1 , offsetting 7.8% of the contemporary fossil CO2 emissions in the country. The results also showed that planted forests have functioned as a persistent C sink, sequestrating 818 Tg C and accounting for 47.8% of total C sink in forest stands, and that the old-, mid- and young-aged forests have sequestrated 930, 391 and 388 Tg C from 1977 to 2008. Our results suggest that China's forests have a big potential as biomass C sink in the future because of its large area of planted forests with young-aged growth and low C density. 展开更多
关键词 bamboo forests biomass carbon stock carbon sink forest inventory economic forests natural forests planted forests
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