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基于数字化软件化平台的全时空探测雷达 被引量:2
作者 江胜利 徐晓靖 《雷达科学与技术》 2011年第3期197-201,206,共6页
全时空探测雷达是近年来提出的一种新体制雷达,具有同时多功能、数据率灵活可调、目标识别能力强等优点。介绍了一种基于数字化软件化平台的全时空探测雷达系统,首先给出了系统构成及其基本工作原理,然后详细阐述多通道射频数字化接收... 全时空探测雷达是近年来提出的一种新体制雷达,具有同时多功能、数据率灵活可调、目标识别能力强等优点。介绍了一种基于数字化软件化平台的全时空探测雷达系统,首先给出了系统构成及其基本工作原理,然后详细阐述多通道射频数字化接收组件一体化设计、软件化通用信号处理机设计以及长时间积累检测等关键技术,最后给出试验结果。结果表明该雷达具有良好的目标检测、跟踪与成像能力,是未来雷达发展的方向之一。 展开更多
关键词 时空探测雷达 数字化雷达 软件化雷达 同时多功能
福建省2008-2017年乙型病毒性肝炎流行病学分析和时空聚集探测 被引量:7
作者 郑月燕 黄文龙 +1 位作者 欧剑鸣 陈光敏 《中国人兽共患病学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第10期895-901,共7页
目的了解福建省历年乙型病毒性肝炎(乙肝)报告发病情况,为乙肝防控提供参考依据。方法将福建省疾病监测信息管理系统中2008—2017年乙肝报告情况表结合国家统计局人口资料建立数据库,描述乙肝报告的基本特征,分析乙肝报告发病的地区分... 目的了解福建省历年乙型病毒性肝炎(乙肝)报告发病情况,为乙肝防控提供参考依据。方法将福建省疾病监测信息管理系统中2008—2017年乙肝报告情况表结合国家统计局人口资料建立数据库,描述乙肝报告的基本特征,分析乙肝报告发病的地区分布。结果福建省2008—2017年乙肝报告发病率呈现逐年下降趋势(Z=50.53,P<0.01)。历年年均报告发病率男性(172.94/10万)高于女性(79.95/10万);25~30岁年龄组年均报告发病率最高为214.12/10万;历年累计报告病例中农民占比最高(37.89%)。历年累计报告发病率呈现东北部(福州地区)高于全省其他地区,东中南部近海地区(厦门、泉州南部地区)低于全省其他地区。随着时间的推移,报告发病率高发的地区从东中部逐渐向北、略向西扩散。结论福建省乙肝病例报告发病率逐年下降,但仍高于全国平均水平;东中部近海地区报告发病率高,东南部近海地区报告发病率低。 展开更多
关键词 乙型病毒性肝炎 流行病学 时空探测
时空异常探测方法研究综述 被引量:12
作者 邓敏 石岩 +1 位作者 龚健雅 杨学习 《地理与地理信息科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第6期43-50,共8页
异常探测是数据挖掘领域的一个重要研究内容,旨在从海量数据中挖掘不符合普适性规律、表现出"与众不同"特性的数据或模式,其在金融欺诈、公共卫生、极端气候事件发现、交通拥堵判别、环境污染监测等领域具有重要应用价值。异... 异常探测是数据挖掘领域的一个重要研究内容,旨在从海量数据中挖掘不符合普适性规律、表现出"与众不同"特性的数据或模式,其在金融欺诈、公共卫生、极端气候事件发现、交通拥堵判别、环境污染监测等领域具有重要应用价值。异常探测最初应用于事务型数据库,后来扩展到空间数据库和时空数据库,出现了一系列有针对性的异常探测算法。为了更好地满足应用需求,发展性能更高、适应性更强的异常探测方法,该文从所使用的数据类型将异常探测粗分为传统异常探测、空间异常探测和时空异常探测,并详细回顾了典型的传统/空间/时空异常探测方法,指出这些方法存在的问题和局限性:1)不适用于高维数据的异常探测;2)自适应能力差;3)缺乏对异常探测结果的有效性评价。最后,展望了异常探测的相关热点研究方向:1)顾及高维专题属性的异常探测;2)顾及领域知识的异常探测;3)耦合度量关系和非度量关系的异常探测;4)异常探测的有效性评价。 展开更多
关键词 异常 传统异常探测 空间异常探测 时空异常探测
时空数据异常探测方法 被引量:9
作者 李光强 郑茂仪 邓敏 《计算机工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第5期35-36,39,共3页
以"k倍标准差"准则为基础,提出一种专题属性双重偏离的时空异常检测方法,在每个要素的空间邻近域里采用"k倍标准差"准则探测各时刻的空间异常数据,在每个空间异常数据的时间邻近域中,再次使用该准则判断该要素是否... 以"k倍标准差"准则为基础,提出一种专题属性双重偏离的时空异常检测方法,在每个要素的空间邻近域里采用"k倍标准差"准则探测各时刻的空间异常数据,在每个空间异常数据的时间邻近域中,再次使用该准则判断该要素是否为时序异常,并将所有空间和时间邻近域上均表现为异常的数据定义为时空异常。实验结果表明,该方法是有效可行的。 展开更多
关键词 时空数据挖掘 时空异常探测 k倍标准差 双重偏离
空间物理过程时空协同探测的覆盖分析方法研究 被引量:1
作者 杨震 李元元 +2 位作者 高辰 牛文龙 孟新 《空间科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第2期237-243,共7页
针对空间物理过程时空协同探测任务的定量化探测覆盖分析需求,在采用时空相关函数方法描述和分析空间物理时空过程的基础上,提出一种基于θ-t_R覆盖图的探测覆盖分析方法.通过分析不同设计方案在一定累计时间周期内的θ-t_R覆盖图,根据... 针对空间物理过程时空协同探测任务的定量化探测覆盖分析需求,在采用时空相关函数方法描述和分析空间物理时空过程的基础上,提出一种基于θ-t_R覆盖图的探测覆盖分析方法.通过分析不同设计方案在一定累计时间周期内的θ-t_R覆盖图,根据其覆盖范围的不同选择所需要的设计方案.采用该方法对两条共轨道面椭圆轨道的时空协同探测过程进行了定量的覆盖分析,验证了该方法的有效性. 展开更多
关键词 空间物理过程 时空协同探测 探测覆盖 θ-t_R覆盖图
全息凝视雷达系统技术与发展应用综述 被引量:5
作者 郭瑞 张月 +4 位作者 田彪 肖钰 胡俊 徐世友 陈曾平 《雷达学报(中英文)》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2023年第2期389-411,共23页
全息凝视雷达是一种同时覆盖全空域、同时多功能的阵列雷达,该文首先明确全息凝视雷达定义,并概述全息凝视雷达特点、性能优势以及处理难点;然后,较为全面地介绍了全息凝视雷达的发展历程,归纳了当前的主要应用方向,并对中山大学在全息... 全息凝视雷达是一种同时覆盖全空域、同时多功能的阵列雷达,该文首先明确全息凝视雷达定义,并概述全息凝视雷达特点、性能优势以及处理难点;然后,较为全面地介绍了全息凝视雷达的发展历程,归纳了当前的主要应用方向,并对中山大学在全息凝视雷达系统研究方面的进展情况进行了介绍,给出了实际场景下目标探测结果,展示了全息凝视雷达在低空目标监视等方面的应用潜力;接着较为全面地介绍了全息凝视雷达相关关键技术的研究进展,包括系统设计、收发波束控制、目标积累检测以及参数估计等方面;最后总结了全息凝视雷达的发展趋势。 展开更多
关键词 数字阵列雷达 全息凝视雷达 时空探测 同时多功能 多普勒分辨率
时空一体化框架下时空异常探测 被引量:8
作者 刘启亮 邓敏 +3 位作者 王佳璆 彭思岭 梅小明 赵玲 《遥感学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2011年第3期457-474,共18页
提出一种时空一体化的时空异常探测方法,首先基于时空统计学与聚类分析构建一体化时空邻近域。进而,发展兼顾时空相关与异质性的时空异常度量方法。最后,采用一种3步骤的策略探测时空异常。应用本文方法探测中国陆地区域33年(1970年—2... 提出一种时空一体化的时空异常探测方法,首先基于时空统计学与聚类分析构建一体化时空邻近域。进而,发展兼顾时空相关与异质性的时空异常度量方法。最后,采用一种3步骤的策略探测时空异常。应用本文方法探测中国陆地区域33年(1970年—2002年)的年平均气温时空数据中的时空异常,探测结果具有较好的可靠性,反映时空数据的时空一体化特征。同时,对时空异常的产生机理与实际意义进行分析和解释。 展开更多
关键词 时空异常探测 时空邻近域 时空统计学 聚类分析
基于时间序列相似性的自动观测数据时空异常探测方法研究 被引量:2
作者 贾远信 郭建文 刘丰 《遥感技术与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第4期700-705,共6页
针对野外无线传感器获取的时空数据的特点,总结常见的时空异常探测方法,提出了一种根据时间序列相似性度量时空邻域的时空异常探测方法,用于准确检测时空数据的异常情况。采用2012年7月15日黑河流域生态水文无线传感器观测网中13个观测... 针对野外无线传感器获取的时空数据的特点,总结常见的时空异常探测方法,提出了一种根据时间序列相似性度量时空邻域的时空异常探测方法,用于准确检测时空数据的异常情况。采用2012年7月15日黑河流域生态水文无线传感器观测网中13个观测节点的数据进行验证,结果表明:该算法能够有效地探测到无线传感器网络时空数据中的异常,并能识别由于灌溉或降雨造成的伪异常,对其他数据处理探索研究有一定指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 时空异常探测 时间序列相似性 时空邻域 无线传感器网络
大气风场探测萨尼亚克干涉仪光程差的计算及探测模式研究 被引量:2
作者 叶剑勇 张淳民 +1 位作者 赵葆常 唐远河 《光学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第7期1145-1150,共6页
提出了基于时空混合调制的大气风场探测模式;应用光线追迹方法推导了一种改型萨尼亚克干涉仪在任意角入射时的光程差;从理论上对该干涉仪的参量作了分析计算;通过对同种、异种材料组合的理论分析,得出了异种材料组合的改型萨尼亚克干涉... 提出了基于时空混合调制的大气风场探测模式;应用光线追迹方法推导了一种改型萨尼亚克干涉仪在任意角入射时的光程差;从理论上对该干涉仪的参量作了分析计算;通过对同种、异种材料组合的理论分析,得出了异种材料组合的改型萨尼亚克干涉仪更加适合高层大气风场探测。该干涉仪具有稳态、大视场、大光程差、时空混合调制探测模式等显著特点。该研究发展了高层大气风场的被动探测理论,对风场探测技术研究、探测模式和工程化都具有十分重大的理论及实践意义。 展开更多
关键词 大气光学 高层大气风场测量 改型萨尼亚克干涉仪 时空混合调制探测模式 光程差
The Spatio-temporal Evolution of Ecological Risk and Its Drivers in the Weihe River Basin Landscape from 1990 to 2020
作者 SUN Linlin XU Delan +2 位作者 MU Zhiqiang ZHAO Xiaowen LIU Baoguo 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2024年第4期1004-1014,共11页
The Weihe River Basin has a significant number of tributaries and a delicate ecological environment.Understanding the spatial and temporal evolution and determinants of landscape ecological risk in the Weihe River Bas... The Weihe River Basin has a significant number of tributaries and a delicate ecological environment.Understanding the spatial and temporal evolution and determinants of landscape ecological risk in the Weihe River Basin(WRB)can improve the scientific protection and development of its watershed ecosystems.This study is based on land use statistics from the WRB for a 30-year period represented by 1990,2000,2010,and 2020.An initial model for the assessment of landscaping ecological hazards was created using the software that was also used to generate the landscape ecological risk index,such as ArcGIS 10.4 and Fragstats 4.2-64.Next,the spatial and temporal evolution of landscape ecological risk in the vicinity of the study area was characterized by the trajectory of the center of gravity migration and the spatial autocorrelation of GeoDa.Finally,Geodetector was used to analyze ecological risk drivers in the landscapes.According to the findings,the high-risk and relatively high-risk regions are steadily expanding,while the low-risk and relatively low-risk areas dominate the ecological risk landscape in the WRB.Within the Weihe River Basin,Xianyang and Xi'an are the areas to which the high-risk centers of gravity are migrating.Positive spatial correlations were found between the landscape ecological hazards in the study area,most prominently in the form of high-high and low-low aggregations.The primary drivers are the interplay between the GDP component,temperature,and elevation as a single factor. 展开更多
关键词 land use landscape ecological risk GIS spatio-temporal analysis geodetector Weihe River Basin
The Characteristics and Driving Factors of the Spatio-temporal Dynamic Evolution of Tourism Ecological Security in the Silk Road Economic Belt
作者 WANG Shu LIU Fenglian +1 位作者 YANG Lei CAI Wei 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2024年第4期1054-1067,共14页
The exploration of ecological safety in tourism sites can provide a concrete path for sustainable tourism development in a region.Based on the“Driver-Pressure-State-Impact-Response”(DPSIR)model,we constructed an ind... The exploration of ecological safety in tourism sites can provide a concrete path for sustainable tourism development in a region.Based on the“Driver-Pressure-State-Impact-Response”(DPSIR)model,we constructed an index system for the evaluation of tourism ecological security(TES)in the Silk Road Economic Belt(SREB)from 2005 to 2020.This index system was used to explore the characteristics of spatial and temporal dynamic evolution with the help of entropy weight TOPSIS method,dynamic index of TES and Markov probability transfer matrix,and a standard deviational ellipse(SDE)model and GM(1,1)model were constructed for spatial pattern analysis and prediction.The results indicate four key aspects of this system.(1)In terms of spatiotemporal evolution,the tourism ecological safety index(TESI)of the SREB increased,the TES levels of the northwestern and southwestern provinces and cities differed significantly,and the quality conditions of TES in the southwestern provinces and cities were better than in the northwest.(2)In terms of dynamic evolutionary characteristics,the speed of change at each level of the SREB was slow,but the level of TES has improved.The TES level has not shifted by leaps and bounds,and the shifts in the level type show“path dependence”and“self-locking”effects.(3)In terms of spatial and temporal distribution patterns,the spatial pattern of TES in the SREB is a“northwest-southeast”movement trend,and the spatial distribution appeared as“aggregation”from 2005 to 2020.The prediction results show that the center of gravity of TES in the SREB will shift to the southeast from 2025 to 2035,and the spatial spillover effect will be reduced.(4)In terms of driving factors,the number of star-rated hotels,and the amounts of industrial wastewater emissions,tourism foreign exchange earnings,forest coverage,and other parameters are the key factors affecting TES,and the booming tourism industry requires the interconnection and interpenetration of various factors.The results of this study can provide a reference for tourism development and ecological environmental protection in the Silk Road Economic Belt. 展开更多
关键词 tourism ecological security spatial-temporal evolution DRIVERS Geo-detector the Silk Road Economic Belt
Comparative Analysis of the Spatial-temporal Distribution and Influencing Factors of the Tourism Industry in Three Cities along Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal in China
作者 ZHANG Shuying YU Wenting +2 位作者 CUI Jiasheng LIU Jiaming CHAN Chung-shing 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2024年第4期1039-1053,共15页
The temporal-spatial pattern of linear cultural heritage in the context of the tourism industry is closely linked to heritage management.Using the 1800 km long Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal as an example,this study com... The temporal-spatial pattern of linear cultural heritage in the context of the tourism industry is closely linked to heritage management.Using the 1800 km long Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal as an example,this study compared the dynamic evolution of tourism businesses in Beijing,Liaocheng,and Yangzhou at three time points(2010,2015,and 2019)via nearest neighbor analysis,kernel density estimation,and the standard deviational ellipse.Next,a Geo-detector was used to examine the influencing factors.The results reveal significant growth regardless of the quantity or agglomeration degree from 2010 to 2019,and the direction of industrial expansion is consistent with the flow direction of the canal.Moreover,the explanatory powers of factors related to socioeconomic development and canal resources are obviously stronger than those of the natural environment.The findings of this study offer theoretical constructs and policy recommendations for the sustainable development of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal and other linear cultural heritage sites. 展开更多
关键词 tourism industry linear cultural heritage temporal-spatial distribution Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal Geo-detector
作者 陈冬颖 《科学启蒙》 2012年第2期22-25,共4页
关键词 时空探测仪” 时间机器 科学发明 科学学
Spatio-temporal Pattern of Surface Albedo in Beijing and Its Driving Factors based on Geographical Detectors 被引量:3
作者 LIU Qinqin TIAN Yichen +3 位作者 YIN Kai ZHANG Feifei YUAN Chao YANG Guang 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2021年第5期609-619,共11页
Surface albedo directly affects the radiation balance and surface heat budget,and is a crucial variable in local and global climate research.In this study,the spatial and temporal distribution of the surface albedo is... Surface albedo directly affects the radiation balance and surface heat budget,and is a crucial variable in local and global climate research.In this study,the spatial and temporal distribution of the surface albedo is analysed for Beijing in 2015,and the corresponding individual and interactive driving forces of different explanatory factors are quantitatively assessed based on geographical detectors.The results show that surface albedo is high in the southeast and low in the northwest of Beijing,with the greatest change occurring in winter and the smallest change occurring in spring.The minimum and maximum annual surface albedo values occurred in autumn and winter,respectively,and showed significant spatial and temporal heterogeneity.LULC,NDVI,elevation,slope,temperature,and precipitation each had a significant influence on the spatial pattern of albedo,yielding explanatory power values of 0.537,0.625,0.512,0.531,0.515 and 0.190,respectively.Some explanatory factors have significant differences in influencing the spatial distribution of albedo,and there is significant interaction between them which shows the bivariate enhancement result.Among them,the interaction between LULC and NDVI was the strongest,with a q-statistic of 0.710,while the interaction between temperature and precipitation was the weakest,with a q-statistic of 0.531.The results of this study provide a scientific basis for understanding the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of surface albedo in Beijing and the physical processes of energy modules in regional climate and land surface models. 展开更多
关键词 ALBEDO spatio-temporal distribution explanatory factors geographical detectors
Spatiotemporal patterns of the fish assemblages downstream of the Gezhouba Dam on the Yangtze River 被引量:12
作者 TAO JiangPing GONG YuTian +2 位作者 TAN XiChang YANG Zhi CHANG JianBo 《Science China(Life Sciences)》 SCIE CAS 2012年第7期626-636,共11页
An explicit demonstration of the changes in fish assemblages is required to reveal the influence of damming on fish species.However,information from which to draw general conclusions regarding changes in fish assembla... An explicit demonstration of the changes in fish assemblages is required to reveal the influence of damming on fish species.However,information from which to draw general conclusions regarding changes in fish assemblages is insufficient because of the limitations of available approaches.We used a combination of acoustic surveys,gillnet sampling,and geostatistical simulations to document the spatiotemporal variations in the fish assemblages downstream of the Gezhouba Dam,before and after the third impoundment of Three Gorges Reservoir(TGR).To conduct a hydroacoustic identification of individual species,we matched the size distributions of the fishes captured by gillnet with those of the acoustic surveys.An optimum threshold of target strength of 50 dB re 1 m 2 was defined,and acoustic surveys were purposefully extended to the selected fish assemblages(i.e.,endemic Coreius species) that was acquired by the size and species selectivity of the gillnet sampling.The relative proportion of fish species in acoustic surveys was allocated based on the composition(%) of the harvest in the gillnet surveys.Geostatistical simulations were likewise used to generate spatial patterns of fish distribution,and to determine the absolute abundance of the selected fish assemblages.We observed both the species composition and the spatial distribution of the selected fish assemblages changed significantly after implementation of new flow regulation in the TGR,wherein an immediate sharp population decline in the Coreius occurred.Our results strongly suggested that the new flow regulation in the TGR impoundment adversely affected downstream fish species,particularly the endemic Coreius species.To determine the factors responsible for the decline,we associated the variation in the fish assemblage patterns with changes in the environment and determined that substrate erosion resulting from trapping practices in the TGR likely played a key role. 展开更多
关键词 fisheries acoustics GEOSTATISTICS fish assemblage CPUE impoundment of Three Gorges Reservoir Yangtze River
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