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作者 温卫民 《农村科学实验》 2024年第18期145-147,共3页
随着城市化进程加快,乔灌木造景已经无法满足人们的视觉需求。而且,乔灌木更换成本较高,难以做到四季有景色。近年来,时花的种植需求逐渐增加。时花具有季节性强、移植便利的优点。种植时花能丰富城市景观,打造优质园林景观。为充分发... 随着城市化进程加快,乔灌木造景已经无法满足人们的视觉需求。而且,乔灌木更换成本较高,难以做到四季有景色。近年来,时花的种植需求逐渐增加。时花具有季节性强、移植便利的优点。种植时花能丰富城市景观,打造优质园林景观。为充分发挥时花种植在园林绿化、城市造景中的作用,该文分析了时花品种的选择要点,并对时花种植及养护技术进行了分析,以供参考。 展开更多
关键词 时花 种植技术 养护技术
作者 徐春桃 《花卉》 2023年第20期70-72,共3页
城市道路绿化景观的建设是城市美化工程、净化工程的重要内容,为了保证城市道路绿化景观的完整性和连续性,提升环境效益。在原有植物的基础上,可以应用现代化生物技术培训新优品种时花,提升时花对环境的适应度,打破传统时花景观设计格局... 城市道路绿化景观的建设是城市美化工程、净化工程的重要内容,为了保证城市道路绿化景观的完整性和连续性,提升环境效益。在原有植物的基础上,可以应用现代化生物技术培训新优品种时花,提升时花对环境的适应度,打破传统时花景观设计格局,保证景观设计的新颖性,杜绝同质化问题。主要对新优品种时花的特点、设计原则等进行分析,并探究新优品种时花的应用途径,为城市道路绿化景观设计提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 新优品种时花 城市道路 绿化景观
浅谈时花花坛艺术的发展 被引量:2
作者 邓华 《现代园艺》 2011年第04X期49-50,共2页
关键词 花坛种类 城市花坛作用 时花种类 花坛布置 时花要求
华南滨海地区时花设计、种植与养护技术——以深圳前海前湾片区双提升工程为例 被引量:6
作者 吴剑 《绿色科技》 2019年第11期95-97,共3页
随着经济水平提升,人们精神、视觉上享受需求也在提高,在园林绿化设计中,因乔、灌木层更换成本高、难以做到一年四季时时有景,因此时花种植在园林景观中需求与日俱增。然无论是在品种选择还是时花设计与种植上,该技术都欠缺完善。以深... 随着经济水平提升,人们精神、视觉上享受需求也在提高,在园林绿化设计中,因乔、灌木层更换成本高、难以做到一年四季时时有景,因此时花种植在园林景观中需求与日俱增。然无论是在品种选择还是时花设计与种植上,该技术都欠缺完善。以深圳前海前湾片区双提升绿化工程为例,对时花种植的场地土壤改良、时花植物选择、地形营造、时花种植、种植后养护等方面进行了详细探讨,以期为华南滨海区时花种植工程提供部分参考。 展开更多
关键词 园林绿化 施工 时花设计
新优品种时花在城市道路绿化景观中的应用 被引量:2
作者 谭菲 《南方农业》 2018年第12期64-66,共3页
关键词 新优品种时花 城市道路 搭配 布置形式
华南地区城市公共绿地时花推广应用 被引量:1
作者 欧海丽 《低碳世界》 2017年第14期255-256,共2页
关键词 华南 城市公共绿地 时花 推广 应用
深圳前海与佛山高明时花花境配置设计剖析 被引量:1
作者 刘绮雯 《现代园艺》 2022年第14期72-74,共3页
以深圳前海2018-2020年全年时花更换项目(下文简称“前海项目”)和佛山高明荷富大道2020年全年时花设计项目(下文简称“高明项目”)为案例,从项目全年方案构思到具体每次施工图设计,再到现场指导种植,把控落地效果,从多角度分析时花花... 以深圳前海2018-2020年全年时花更换项目(下文简称“前海项目”)和佛山高明荷富大道2020年全年时花设计项目(下文简称“高明项目”)为案例,从项目全年方案构思到具体每次施工图设计,再到现场指导种植,把控落地效果,从多角度分析时花花境在这两个项目中不同时期需要营造的格调与色彩搭配的关系。同时结合项目情况,分析由于施工管养方面因素对时花品种选择的限制,总结经验和教训,确保时花花境的施工落地效果。 展开更多
关键词 时花 花境 格调 色彩搭配
作者 高孝胜 张绍河 胡菊芳 《风景园林》 2017年第A01期54-64,共11页
时花,即当季的时令花卉,在园林景观绿化及节日庆典中具有非常重要的美化环境及观赏作用.以宿迁三台山国家森林公园项目为背景,以时花种植实践为基础,结合不同地域的时花生长特性系统阐述土壤改良、时花播种、时花成品苗培育栽培、养护... 时花,即当季的时令花卉,在园林景观绿化及节日庆典中具有非常重要的美化环境及观赏作用.以宿迁三台山国家森林公园项目为背景,以时花种植实践为基础,结合不同地域的时花生长特性系统阐述土壤改良、时花播种、时花成品苗培育栽培、养护管理等环节的时花种植技术经验. 展开更多
关键词 时花种植 养护管理
作者 胡菊芳 《科技创新与应用》 2017年第17期147-147,共1页
关键词 时花种植 栽培技术 养护管理
作者 王贵东 《花卉》 2020年第18期44-46,共3页
时花,是指当季时令花卉,其色彩比较丰富,品种繁多。景观效果通过花卉形状、高矮、颜色等方面的搭配,表现出高低错落的层次、靓丽多姿的形态、丰富的色彩,有美化环境、营造节日喜庆气氛、赏心悦目等功能。因此,时花在大中小城市的环境工... 时花,是指当季时令花卉,其色彩比较丰富,品种繁多。景观效果通过花卉形状、高矮、颜色等方面的搭配,表现出高低错落的层次、靓丽多姿的形态、丰富的色彩,有美化环境、营造节日喜庆气氛、赏心悦目等功能。因此,时花在大中小城市的环境工作受到青睐,甚至上班族的案头、家庭院落都有种养。花卉的种植、管养等方面技术值得相关工作人员分析试验推广。 展开更多
关键词 时花 种植栽培 养护技术
作者 林小雁 《花卉》 2020年第8期6-7,共2页
关键词 时花种植 栽培技术 养护管理
作者 赵志成 《花卉》 2019年第4期149-149,共1页
关键词 时花 城市园林 植物造景色带
作者 吴郁璇 《花卉》 2023年第20期85-87,共3页
以2021年黄埔区绿化零星工程(三)(标段三)为例,通过对项目所在地——广州市黄埔区科学城片区的现状调查与分析,提出项目改造的必要性,并根据工程内容制定具体施工方案,以期补充并提升黄埔区科学城片区的项目面貌,为提升广州市黄埔区的... 以2021年黄埔区绿化零星工程(三)(标段三)为例,通过对项目所在地——广州市黄埔区科学城片区的现状调查与分析,提出项目改造的必要性,并根据工程内容制定具体施工方案,以期补充并提升黄埔区科学城片区的项目面貌,为提升广州市黄埔区的人居绿色价值和生态空间质量提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 绿化迁移 时花种植 病虫害防治
6个水稻三系不育系异交特性研究 被引量:2
作者 张雪 张城 +3 位作者 王彦荣 陈亚军 李春凯 田书军 《辽宁农业科学》 2021年第2期34-36,共3页
为探明粳稻三系不育系品种间异交结实特性的差异,明确不育系育种目标,对6个粳稻不育系的天然异交率及开花动态、柱头外露率等开花习性进行了初步研究。结果表明:粳65A和辽180A异交结实较为突出,天然异交率分别为59.6%和44.6%;粳65A和180... 为探明粳稻三系不育系品种间异交结实特性的差异,明确不育系育种目标,对6个粳稻不育系的天然异交率及开花动态、柱头外露率等开花习性进行了初步研究。结果表明:粳65A和辽180A异交结实较为突出,天然异交率分别为59.6%和44.6%;粳65A和180A的花时早,11:00开花率高,分别为72.6%和49.1%;粳65A柱头外露率最高为65.1%;辽180A开颖时间最长为121 min;不育系的天然异交率与11:00花率和柱头外露率呈显著正相关,提早花时、提高柱头外露率有利于增加不育系的异交结实率;不育系的柱头外露率与11:00花率呈显著正相关,在不育系选育过程中早花时与高柱头外露率可以同时改良。 展开更多
关键词 粳稻 不育系 开花习性 11时花 柱头外露率
Temporal-spatial Distribution Model of Cold Chain Logistics for Vegetables
作者 陈绍慧 张鹏 +1 位作者 鲁晓翔 李江阔 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第5期1115-1118,共4页
[Objective] The aim was to study on temporal-spatial distribution model of cold chain logistics for vegetables. [Method] Broccoli was taken as an example. Detailedly, time-space distribution model of cold chain logist... [Objective] The aim was to study on temporal-spatial distribution model of cold chain logistics for vegetables. [Method] Broccoli was taken as an example. Detailedly, time-space distribution model of cold chain logistics for broccoli was proposed from standpoints of costs and benefits based on changes of time and space, and a comprehensive evaluation was made on timeliness, efficiency, risks, added- value of products and satisfaction of information in cold-chain logistics. [Result] The efficiency of cold chain logistics for vegetable can be greatly improved by temporal- spatial distribution model of cold chain logistics. [Conclusion] Costs and benefits of vegetables in temporal-apstial distribution could be evaluated by the model. 展开更多
关键词 VEGETABLE Cold-chain logistics Temporal-spatial distribution BROCCOLI
Impact of light intensity on flowering time and plant quality of Antirrhinum majus L. cultivar Chimes White 被引量:2
作者 MUNIRMuhammad JAMILMuhammad BALOCHJalal-ud-din KHATTAKKhalidRehman 《Journal of Zhejiang University Science》 CSCD 2004年第4期400-405,共6页
Shades of different light intensities (29%, 43%, 54%,60% or 68%) along with control (no shade) were studied to observe their effects on the flowering time and plant quality. A hyperbolic relationship was observed betw... Shades of different light intensities (29%, 43%, 54%,60% or 68%) along with control (no shade) were studied to observe their effects on the flowering time and plant quality. A hyperbolic relationship was observed between different light intensities under shade,and time to flowering.The total number of flower buds showed a curvilinear relationship with light intensities. Growth parameters related to the plant characteristics such as plant height,leaf area and plant fresh weight were improved under shading treatments at the expense of flowering time and number of flower buds.However,both linear and polynomial models applied assumed that cultivar Chimes White was equally sensitive to light intensity throughout development. 展开更多
关键词 Antirrhinum majus L. SNAPDRAGON Growth and development FLOWERING Light intensity.
Breeding of New Japonica-indica Hybrid Rice Combination Chunyou 59 被引量:9
作者 WU Ming-guo LIN Jian-rong +1 位作者 SONG Xin-wei RUAN Guan-hai 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第8期1139-1140,1143,共3页
Chunyou 59 is a japonica-indica hybrid rice combination developed from Chunjiang 16A(a late japonica CMS line with dwarfness and early anthesis time)and CH59(an indicaclinous wide compatibility restorer line).It has t... Chunyou 59 is a japonica-indica hybrid rice combination developed from Chunjiang 16A(a late japonica CMS line with dwarfness and early anthesis time)and CH59(an indicaclinous wide compatibility restorer line).It has the characteristics of strong heterosis,strong stem,good lodging resistance,large panicles,good cold tolerance,high yield and wide adaptability.It was registered and released by Jiangxi Provincial Crop Variety Appraisal Committee in March 2009.The breeding procedure,characteristics,major techniques of cultivation and seed production of Chunyou 59 were introduced in the paper. 展开更多
关键词 Japonica-indica hybrid rice Chunyou 59 Lodging resistance BREEDING
Heat Resistance of Rice Landrace D43 at Anthesis
作者 LI Xiao-xiang YAO Yi +6 位作者 PAN Xiao-wu LI Yong-chao LIU Wen-qiang LIU Li-cheng SHENG Xin-nian KANG Xu-mei DUAN Yong-hong 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2018年第1期1-10,共10页
Rice is extremely sensitive to high temperature, especially at the fowering stage. Identifying new germplasm and breeding heat-resistant rice varieties are therefore essential. After multi-year evaluations, a heat-res... Rice is extremely sensitive to high temperature, especially at the fowering stage. Identifying new germplasm and breeding heat-resistant rice varieties are therefore essential. After multi-year evaluations, a heat-resistant rice landrace D43 was identifed in our previous research. In this study, the relationship between heat resistance and flower opening time (FOT) was analyzed both in the field and in phytotron. The results showed that high temperature could accelerate fower opening of a range of rice varieties. The D43 showed early morning fowering (EMF) habit in different conditions, and the FOT of which was mainly concentrated in the period of 8:30~10:00 AM under high temperature. The spikelet fertility of D43 was relatively low after exposure to invariably high temperature during fower opening. However, the EMF habit of D43 was conducive to avoiding mid-day high temperature, and therefore increased the spikelet fertility under rising high temperature conditions in the feld and in phytotron. In addition, morphological traits including the anther dehiscence rate, the total number and germinated number of pollens on the stigma were signifcantly correlated with the spikelet fertility, and therefore they could be used to evaluate rice heat resistance at anthesis. 展开更多
关键词 RICE Heat resistance Flower opening time
Identification of Quantitative Trait Loci (QTLs) Determining Flowering in the Robusta Coffee (Coffea canephora Pierre)
作者 Priyono Dwi Nugroho 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2013年第4期296-305,共10页
The quantitative trait loci (QTLs) analysis for flower traits were performed based on three crossing of Coffea canephora in Indonesia. This study successfully identified 19 QTLs related to flowering. These QTLs cons... The quantitative trait loci (QTLs) analysis for flower traits were performed based on three crossing of Coffea canephora in Indonesia. This study successfully identified 19 QTLs related to flowering. These QTLs consisted of 1) three QTLs associated with green candle flowering time located at linkage groups of A and D; 2) one QTL associated to white candle flowering time located at linkage groups of B; 3) two QTLs associated to blossom flowering time located at linkage groups of B; 4) two QTLs associated to number of flowers located at linkage groups of G and H; 5) five QTLs associated to score of flowers quality located at linkage groups of A, C and D; 6) five QTLs associated to number of star flowers located at linkage groups of D, E, F and G. Due to some QTLs are overlapping on the same linkage group, thus, these 19 QTLs for flower traits might be considered as 15 different ones which distributed on 14 regions of the eight linkage groups. Although pleiotropic genes might be the most likely explanation for the collocation of these QTLs, the present data are not sufficient to distinguish between a pleiotropic gene and a cluster of different loci controlling several traits. These results can be a first step for molecular breeding on Robusta coffee mainly in order to improve potential suitable characteristics such as number of flowers and number of normal flowers as well as to reduce adverse characteristics such as number of star flowers. 展开更多
关键词 Coffea canephora QTLS flowering time number of flower quality of flower star flower type.
Effects of Different Ceilings in a Burning Compartment on Smoke Hazard with Single Heat Action Analysis Added
作者 Fang Tingyong Mao Jun +1 位作者 Lu Ping Li Yun 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2008年第1期90-96,共7页
One quarter scale experiment device of a typical L-shape architecture structure including a burning room and an adjacent hallway is established to carry out the research.The smoke characteristics at the sampling point... One quarter scale experiment device of a typical L-shape architecture structure including a burning room and an adjacent hallway is established to carry out the research.The smoke characteristics at the sampling points below the ceiling of the burning compartment and the roof of the hallway are studied systematically to find out the effects of different ceilings on the local fire origin compartment and the smoke transportation to a remote area.A series of tests is reported and the smoke residence time,the concentration peak and the concentration build up rate are investigated as functions of the type of the ceiling.The smoke residence time,the most important factor concerning smoke toxicity,is described by a novel concept,wavelength,in this study.Furthermore,it is worth emphasizing that the PVC ceiling exhibits a phenomenon of frequent collapse during the fire developing period.The single heat action is conducted to judge the smoke and the heat effect on the fire risk. 展开更多
关键词 different ceilings CO smoke hazard heat analysis
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