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产时补钙防治宫缩乏力性产后出血的临床对比分析 被引量:1
作者 周明 《现代诊断与治疗》 CAS 2015年第17期3929-3930,共2页
选取2013年2月~2015年2月100例正常足月妊娠头位产妇,按照分娩日期偶数、奇数分为对照组与观察组各50例,对照组采取常规干预,观察组于宫口全开时补充葡萄糖酸钙,对比两组临床疗效。结果观察组第二产程时间、第三产程时间明显短于... 选取2013年2月~2015年2月100例正常足月妊娠头位产妇,按照分娩日期偶数、奇数分为对照组与观察组各50例,对照组采取常规干预,观察组于宫口全开时补充葡萄糖酸钙,对比两组临床疗效。结果观察组第二产程时间、第三产程时间明显短于对照组(P〈0.05)。观察组产后出血发生率为6.00%,对照组为20.00%,观察组明显低于对照组(P〈0.05)。观察组产后30min、2h出血量明显低于对照组(P〈0.05)。观察组24hHb水平为1.02±0.42g/L,对照组24hHb水平为2.76±0.65g/L,观察组明显低于对照组(P〈0.05)。给予葡萄糖酸钙静脉点滴,产期未出现不适症状,产时宫缩乏力性产后出血明显减少,经济、简单、方便,具有临床应用价值。 展开更多
关键词 时补 宫缩乏力性产后出血 葡萄糖酸钙
产时补钙防治宫缩乏力性产后出血的临床对比探讨 被引量:5
作者 赵霞 《中国实用医药》 2013年第27期145-145,共1页
目的分析产时补钙对于防治宫缩乏力性产后出血的效果。方法选择产妇213例,A组107例在宫口全开时补充葡萄糖酸钙,B组106例行常规干预。结果 A组出血量明显少于B组,P<0.05;A组产后出血发生率明显低于B组,P<0.05。结论在产时,为阴道... 目的分析产时补钙对于防治宫缩乏力性产后出血的效果。方法选择产妇213例,A组107例在宫口全开时补充葡萄糖酸钙,B组106例行常规干预。结果 A组出血量明显少于B组,P<0.05;A组产后出血发生率明显低于B组,P<0.05。结论在产时,为阴道分娩产妇补钙,可有效减少产妇出血量,预防宫缩乏力性产后出血的发生,促进产妇产后康复。 展开更多
关键词 宫缩乏力 产后出血 时补 防治效果
产时补钙防治宫缩乏力性产后出血的临床观察 被引量:5
作者 赵雪松 《中国社区医师(医学专业)》 2012年第11期168-168,共1页
产后出血是造成孕产妇死亡的主要原因之一。为防治子宫收缩乏力所致的产后出血,2004年1~10月应用10%葡萄糖酸钙产时静滴,防止产后出血收效显著,现报告如下。资料与方法2004年1~10月收治分娩正常头位初产妇89例为观察组。2003年1~11... 产后出血是造成孕产妇死亡的主要原因之一。为防治子宫收缩乏力所致的产后出血,2004年1~10月应用10%葡萄糖酸钙产时静滴,防止产后出血收效显著,现报告如下。资料与方法2004年1~10月收治分娩正常头位初产妇89例为观察组。2003年1~11月收治正常头位初产妇89例为对照组。 展开更多
关键词 时补 产后出血
作者 洪远香 蔡惠春 《福建医药杂志》 CAS 2006年第3期61-61,共1页
目的观察产时补钙与产后出血的关系。方法宫口开全后,观察组即用5%葡萄糖100 ml加10%葡萄糖酸钙10 ml,静脉点滴,两组均在胎肩娩出后静脉加用20单位催产素点滴,记录产后出血量、产程时间及24小时血红蛋白下降值。结果观察组第二产程、... 目的观察产时补钙与产后出血的关系。方法宫口开全后,观察组即用5%葡萄糖100 ml加10%葡萄糖酸钙10 ml,静脉点滴,两组均在胎肩娩出后静脉加用20单位催产素点滴,记录产后出血量、产程时间及24小时血红蛋白下降值。结果观察组第二产程、第三产程时间明显缩短,产后出血量明显减少。结论产时补钙可防治宫缩乏力引起的产后出血。 展开更多
关键词 宫缩乏力 产后出血 时补
作者 黄健 《中国中医药咨讯》 2012年第4期495-495,共1页
目的对应用产时补钙的方法对宫缩乏力导致的产后出血症状进行防治的临床效果进行研究分析。方法抽取104例产妇病例,将其分为A、B两组,平均每组52例。A组产妇在生产过程中进行常规出现;B组产妇在产时进行补钙。结果B组产妇的在产后半... 目的对应用产时补钙的方法对宫缩乏力导致的产后出血症状进行防治的临床效果进行研究分析。方法抽取104例产妇病例,将其分为A、B两组,平均每组52例。A组产妇在生产过程中进行常规出现;B组产妇在产时进行补钙。结果B组产妇的在产后半小时和两小时的出血量明显少于A组产妇;该组产妇的第二和第三产生时间明显短于A组产妇;该组产妇在产后24小时内的Hb下降水平明显大于A组产妇。结论应用产时补钙的方法对宫缩乏力导致的产后出血症状进行防治的临床效果非常明显。 展开更多
关键词 时补 宫缩乏力 产后出血 防治
作者 卢雪梅 孙淑文 《实用医技杂志》 2007年第13期1757-1758,共2页
关键词 时补 产后出血 防治
作者 陈美芬 《中国社区医师(医学专业)》 2014年第4期126-127,共2页
目的:观察孕期补钙与产时补钙防治宫缩乏力性产后出血的临床护理。方法:收治经阴道分娩产妇106例,随机分为两组,孕期补钙组及产时补钙组,孕期补钙组16周开始每日口服钙剂至分娩,对照组孕期未口服钙剂,仅在进入第二产程后予5%葡萄糖100ml... 目的:观察孕期补钙与产时补钙防治宫缩乏力性产后出血的临床护理。方法:收治经阴道分娩产妇106例,随机分为两组,孕期补钙组及产时补钙组,孕期补钙组16周开始每日口服钙剂至分娩,对照组孕期未口服钙剂,仅在进入第二产程后予5%葡萄糖100ml加10%葡萄糖酸钙15ml静滴。结果:孕36周及产前血钙水平比较,孕期补钙组高于产时补钙组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。与产时补钙组相比,孕期补钙组开始有效子宫收缩时间较短,子宫出血量较少,差异有统计学意义。产时补钙组观察到2例>15分钟子宫不收缩和1例产后24小时反复阴道大量出血的病例,孕期补钙组未观察到上述情况。结论:在孕期按推荐剂量补钙并监测血钙水平对防治产后出血的效果优于产时补钙,在临床护理中对规律产检的孕产妇进行补钙情况的跟踪和监督对预防产后出血有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 孕期补钙 时补 产后出血
作者 薄其玲 曲玉芝 《黑龙江医学》 2007年第7期525-526,共2页
目的观察产时补钙与产后出血的关系。方法宫口开全后,观察组即用5%葡萄糖100mL加10%葡萄糖酸钙10mL,静脉点滴,两组均在胎肩娩出后静脉加用20u催产素点滴,记录产后出血量、产程时间及24h血红蛋白下降值。结果观察组第二产程、第三产程时... 目的观察产时补钙与产后出血的关系。方法宫口开全后,观察组即用5%葡萄糖100mL加10%葡萄糖酸钙10mL,静脉点滴,两组均在胎肩娩出后静脉加用20u催产素点滴,记录产后出血量、产程时间及24h血红蛋白下降值。结果观察组第二产程、第三产程时间明显缩短,产后出血量明显减少。结论产时补钙可防治宫缩乏力引起的产后出血。 展开更多
关键词 宫缩乏力 产后出血 时补
四象脾土四时六气和五脏的理论渊源及其在中医治未病实践中的意义 被引量:21
作者 谢胜 刘园园 《中华中医药学刊》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第11期2785-2790,共6页
基于易经河洛象数理论及内经对脾土的"中央"之用、四时主事时间(四季之末各旺一十八日)、"四时生四脏"的认识,在李东垣《脾胃论·脏气法时升降浮沉补泻之图》所构架的"以脾胃为枢的天-地-人"诊治模... 基于易经河洛象数理论及内经对脾土的"中央"之用、四时主事时间(四季之末各旺一十八日)、"四时生四脏"的认识,在李东垣《脾胃论·脏气法时升降浮沉补泻之图》所构架的"以脾胃为枢的天-地-人"诊治模式启发下,构建了四象脾土模型并提出"四象脾土六气调神论",认为借天地枢机之力以调人体之枢机,即"以枢调枢"能使脏腑气机通调,由此疾病虽成于枢机也可止于枢机。同时,基于中医"藏象"、"时补"理论提出四象脾土"以象补藏"及时补防治观(包括:一年四季月末一十八日脾主令之时"以枢调枢"、一日之丑辰未戌时脾土的欲解及欲剧时的"以时调衡"),对"四象脾土四时六气以枢调枢和五脏"这一观点在中医治未病实践中的意义进行阐释。 展开更多
关键词 四象脾土六气调神 以枢调枢 以象补藏 时补防治 中医治未病
坤土建中三伏治疗的理论构建与探讨 被引量:4
作者 谢胜 刘园园 《中国中医基础医学杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第5期626-627,633,共3页
基于多年的临床实践,我们认为三伏治疗之关键在于健中焦、复其"转枢"之用,救庚金、复其"从革"之用。据此提出"坤土建中三伏治疗"并进行了理论探讨,赋予三伏治疗更加科学的内涵,在中医治未病实践中将有积... 基于多年的临床实践,我们认为三伏治疗之关键在于健中焦、复其"转枢"之用,救庚金、复其"从革"之用。据此提出"坤土建中三伏治疗"并进行了理论探讨,赋予三伏治疗更加科学的内涵,在中医治未病实践中将有积极意义。 展开更多
关键词 坤土建中三伏治疗 时补 脾胃 五行藏象 天人合一
乾土建中三九治疗在治未病干预中的理论构建及其应用探讨 被引量:1
作者 刘园园 谢胜 《陕西中医》 2019年第3期378-380,共3页
三九治疗作为传统特色的治疗项目,由于缺乏规范和科学的内涵,且治疗手段单一,很大程度上影响疗效并造成一定程度的社会负面作用。我们在治未病实践中基于对"九"之象数理、"四象脾土"、"枢机"等认识基础上... 三九治疗作为传统特色的治疗项目,由于缺乏规范和科学的内涵,且治疗手段单一,很大程度上影响疗效并造成一定程度的社会负面作用。我们在治未病实践中基于对"九"之象数理、"四象脾土"、"枢机"等认识基础上,提出"乾土建中三九治疗",并对其应用进行了探讨。这一理论方法的构建是基于《黄帝内经》五运六气、天人合一等中医科学思维的指导,依据"脏气法时,应时而调"的原则,重视后天脾胃枢机和四时调五脏,赋予三九治疗更加科学的内涵,在中医治未病实践中具有积极意义。 展开更多
关键词 乾土建中三九治疗 治未病 四象脾土 时补 五行藏象疗法 藏象学说
Fuzzy variable structure delay control algorithms and their applications to AQM 被引量:1
作者 王明政 李建华 +1 位作者 张文军 诸鸿文 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2004年第3期289-296,共8页
This paper analyzes the fuzzy variable structure control algorithms for delay systems and describes the compensation mechanism of the integral factor to the effect of the delay. Based on the linearized model of the co... This paper analyzes the fuzzy variable structure control algorithms for delay systems and describes the compensation mechanism of the integral factor to the effect of the delay. Based on the linearized model of the congestion-avoidance flow-control mode of transmission control protocol (TCP), we present delay control algorithms for active queue management (AQM) and discuss the parameter tuning of the algorithms. The NS (network simulator) simulation results show that the proposed control scheme for the nonlinear TCP/AQM model has good performance and robustness with respect to the uncertainties of the round-trip time (RTT) and the number of active TCP sessions. Compared to other similar schemes, our algorithms perform better in terms of packet loss ratio, throughput and butter fluctuation. 展开更多
关键词 time delay compensation fuzzy variable structure control active queue management ROBUSTNESS
High angle prestack depth migration with absorption compensation 被引量:1
作者 周辉 林鹤 +1 位作者 盛善波 王颖 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第3期293-300,360,361,共10页
The absorption effect of actual subsurface media can weaken wavefield energy, decrease the dominating frequency, and further lead to reduced resolution. In migration, some actions can be taken to compensate for the ab... The absorption effect of actual subsurface media can weaken wavefield energy, decrease the dominating frequency, and further lead to reduced resolution. In migration, some actions can be taken to compensate for the absorption effect and enhance the resolution. In this paper, we derive a one-way wave equation with an attenuation term based on the time- space domain high angle one-way wave equation. A complicated geological model is then designed and synthetic shot gathers are simulated with acoustic wave equations without and with an absorbing term. The derived one-way wave equation is applied to the migration of the synthetic gathers without and with attenuation compensation for the simulated shot gathers. Three migration profiles are obtained. The first and second profiles are from the shot gathers without and with attenuation using the migration method without compensation, the third one is from the shot gathers with attenuation using the migration method with compensation. The first and third profiles are almost the same, and the second profile is different from the others below the absorptive layers. The amplitudes of the interfaces below the absorptive layers are weak because of their absorption. This method is also applied to field data. It is concluded from the migration examples that the migration method discussed in this paper is feasible. 展开更多
关键词 one-way wave equation prestack depth migration absorption compensation time-space domain
作者 高辉 徐龙祥 朱益利 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2011年第2期183-191,共9页
Aiming at the stability and others properties of active magnetic bearing (AMB) system influenced by the periodic unbalance stimulation synchronous with rotor rotational speed, a new real-time adaptive feed-forward u... Aiming at the stability and others properties of active magnetic bearing (AMB) system influenced by the periodic unbalance stimulation synchronous with rotor rotational speed, a new real-time adaptive feed-forward unbalance force compensation scheme is proposed based on variable step-size least mean square(LMS) algorithm as the feed-forward compensation controller. The controller can provide some suitable sinusoidal signals to com- pensate the feedback unbalance response signals synchronous with the rotary frequency, then reduce the fluctua- tion of the control currents and weaken the active control of AMB system. The variable step-size proportional to the rotational frequency is deduced by analyzing the principle of normal LMS algorithm and its deficiency in the application of real-time filtering of AMB system. Experimental results show that the new method can implement real-time unbalance force compensation in a wide frequency band, reduce the effect of unbalance stimulant force on the housing of AMB system, and provide convenience to improve rotational speed. 展开更多
关键词 active magnetic bearing variable step-size LMS algorithm bandwidth~ real-time unbalance forcecompensation~ adaptive filter
A Novel Clock Feedthrough Frequency Compensation for Fast-Settling of Folded-Cascode OTA
作者 宁宁 于奇 +3 位作者 王向展 戴广豪 刘源 杨谟华 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第10期1737-1741,共5页
Based on the minimum settling time (MST) theory and step-response analysis of the second order system in active switched capacitor (SC) networks, a novel clock feedthrough frequency compensation (CFFC) method fo... Based on the minimum settling time (MST) theory and step-response analysis of the second order system in active switched capacitor (SC) networks, a novel clock feedthrough frequency compensation (CFFC) method for a folded-cascode OTA is proposed. The damping factor r/is adjusted by using MOS capacitors to introduce clock feedthrough so that the OTA can obtain the MST state and thus achieve fast settling. Research results indicate that the settling time of the compensated OTA is reduced by 22.7% ;as the capacitor load varies from 0.5 to 2.5pF,the improved settling time increases approximately linearly from 3.62 to 4.46ns: for VGA application, fast settling can also be achieved by modifying the MOS capacitor value accordingly when the closed loop gain of the compensated OTA varies. 展开更多
关键词 clock feedthrough frequency compensation fast settling folded-cascode OTA minimum settling time VGA
New Method for Solving GPS Deformation Monitoring Information at Single Epoch 被引量:8
作者 余学祥 徐绍铨 吕传才 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 2003年第2期159-165,共7页
Based on the analyses for the characteristics of high precise GPS defor-mation monitor,according to the spatial relationship among the satellite, base point and monitoring point a new model and its corresponding algor... Based on the analyses for the characteristics of high precise GPS defor-mation monitor,according to the spatial relationship among the satellite, base point and monitoring point a new model and its corresponding algorithm were presented to solve the monitoring point deformation directly at single epoch. In this method the carrier phases is used as the basic observations, and the initial condition is precise baseline vectors obtained in the first period observations between the base point and monitoring point. This model is called the similar single difference model (SSDM). The main error sources effecting the accuracy of deformations were analyzed briefly, the single epoch algorithm of the receiver clock offset was advanced. The numerical results of test data show that the SSDM and the single epoch algorithm of receiver clock offset advanced are reliable and correct. 展开更多
关键词 GPS single epoch deformation information similar single-difference model receiver clock offset algorithm
Filling of the Three Gorges Reservoir to the 135-m Level: Instant Effects on the Yangtze Discharge and Suspended Sediment Concentration Entering the Estuary 被引量:2
作者 CHU Zhongxin ZHAI Shikui ZHANG Jing DING Dong 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2009年第3期291-295,共5页
Via the valuable opportunity of the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR) 135-m filling in June 2003, the Yangtze discharge and suspended sediment concentration (SSC) entering the estuary during the period from 15 May to 15 Ju... Via the valuable opportunity of the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR) 135-m filling in June 2003, the Yangtze discharge and suspended sediment concentration (SSC) entering the estuary during the period from 15 May to 15 July 2003 were analyzed to examine the instant effects of the filling on them. The Yangtze discharge and SSC entering the estuary in the periods before, during and after the filling clearly indicated three phases: 1) the pre-storage phase characterized by natural conditions, in which the SSC increased with increasing water discharge; 2) the storage phase, during which the SSC decreased dramatically with decreasing water discharge; and 3) the post-storage phase, during which both the SSC and water discharge remained at relatively low levels first until the end of June, then the SSC increased gradually with increasing water discharge. It seems that the times for the instant effects of the decreasing discharge downstream from the upper Yangtze on the Yangtze discharge and SSC entering the estuary due to the TGR 135-m filling to take place were about 5 d and 1 d respectively, while both were about 18 d for those of the increasing discharge. This probably reflects the buffering and resultantly hysteresis of the 1800-km stretch from the upper Yangtze to the estuary. The results are helpful for scientific and hydrological investigation of the Yangtze mainstream downstream from the TGR Dam and of the estuarine and adjacent coastal waters. 展开更多
关键词 Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR) 135-m filling Yangtze River ESTUARY water discharge suspended sediment concentration
Golay Sequence Based Time-Domain Compensation of Frequency-Dependent I/Q Imbalance 被引量:1
作者 CHEN Lei LUO Zhigang +1 位作者 CHENG Xiantao LI Shaoqian 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第6期1-11,共11页
A time-domain frequencydependent I/Q imbalance compensation scheme based on Golay complementary sequence for receiver is presented. By utilizing property of Golay sequence, the signal and its conjugate interference(im... A time-domain frequencydependent I/Q imbalance compensation scheme based on Golay complementary sequence for receiver is presented. By utilizing property of Golay sequence, the signal and its conjugate interference(image interference)in preamble are separated by correlation and used to estimate I/Q imbalance parameters.After that, a Least Square(LS) estimation of compensation filter is obtained and adopted in the compensation structure. Two applications of the presented algorithm are discussed: we could either estimate the channel along with I/Q imbalance or estimate the imbalance parameter only to maintain a lower cost. Both applications are testified by simulation. The results show that the image interference is significantly suppressed even in poor SNR condition, and the computation cost of the algorithms is low. 展开更多
关键词 wireless communication I/Qimbalance time-domain compensation golaysequence
A Study on Marine Region Carrying Capacity and Eco-compensation 被引量:4
作者 MA Caihua YOU Kui +2 位作者 MA Weiwei XIE Jun LI Fengqi 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2012年第2期253-256,共4页
With the using up of land resources, people are beginning to pay attention to the exploitation of the ocean and the use of marine resources is becoming more and more intense. Whether and how the ocean can be sustainab... With the using up of land resources, people are beginning to pay attention to the exploitation of the ocean and the use of marine resources is becoming more and more intense. Whether and how the ocean can be sustainably exploited as it is being exploited is an academic hot topic. This question is addressed in this paper based on the theories of carrying capacity of a marine region and marine eco-compensation, and the amount of the loss is calculated by the method of Time Value of Capital. This thesis covers the study of eco-compensation between two specific subjects with clear compensation objects, and as a defined approach and standard, the proposed method has good operability and positive practical significance in the good use of the ocean. 展开更多
关键词 carrying capacity of marine region marine eco-compensation time value of capital
作者 Wen Chenglin Ge Quanbo Feng Xiaoliang 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 2009年第5期666-672,共7页
This paper investigates the problem of real-time estimation for one kind of linear time invariant systems which subject to limited communication capacity. The communication limitations include signal transmission dela... This paper investigates the problem of real-time estimation for one kind of linear time invariant systems which subject to limited communication capacity. The communication limitations include signal transmission delay, the out-of-sequence measurements and data packet dropout, which appear typically in a network environment. The kernel of filter design is equally to formularize the traditional Kalman filter as one linear weighted summation which is composed of the initial state estimate and all sequential sampled measurements. For it can adapt aforementioned information limitations, the linear weighted summation is then decomposed into two stages. One is a predict-estimator composed by all reached measurements, another is one compensator constructed by those time-delayed data. In the network environment, there are obvious differences between the new hybrid filter and those existing delayed Kalman filters. For example, the novel filter can be optimal in the sense of linear minimum mean square error as soon as all measurements available and has the lowest running time than these existing delayed filters. One simulation, including two cases, is utilized to illustrate the design procedures proposed in this paper. 展开更多
关键词 Kalman filter Signal transmission delay Measurement summation Predict-estimator COMPENSATOR
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