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作者 何东星 赵金月 +1 位作者 张振杰 钟晨帆 《机械研究与应用》 2024年第3期8-11,共4页
铝合金零件通常采用铣削加工,铣削参数对产品质量存在重要影响,为分析刀具时变性对铝合金铣削加工的影响,建立了刀具转速时变性模型,并采用MATLAB编程构建了时变刀具转速,然后将所构建的时变转速引入三维铝合金铣削有限元模型中,得到了... 铝合金零件通常采用铣削加工,铣削参数对产品质量存在重要影响,为分析刀具时变性对铝合金铣削加工的影响,建立了刀具转速时变性模型,并采用MATLAB编程构建了时变刀具转速,然后将所构建的时变转速引入三维铝合金铣削有限元模型中,得到了考虑刀具时变性的铝合金铣削三维模型,分析了刀具转速时变性对铝合金铣削的影响。结果发现:刀具转速时变性会导致刀具所受阻力矩和工件产生的最大铣削应力产生较大的动态变化,因此在实际加工过程中应当尽量保证刀具转速的稳定性。 展开更多
关键词 铝合金 铣削 转速变性 有限元
作者 蔡永福 《汽车维修技师》 2024年第19期43-48,共6页
车型:2020年捷豹XE,配置2L AJ20 P4M发动机。VIN:L2CBB3B28LG××××××。行驶里程:34697km。故障现象:客户反映在等红绿灯时,发现发动机转速会忽高忽低,有时在起步后加一脚油门后松开,车辆还会继续自动加速... 车型:2020年捷豹XE,配置2L AJ20 P4M发动机。VIN:L2CBB3B28LG××××××。行驶里程:34697km。故障现象:客户反映在等红绿灯时,发现发动机转速会忽高忽低,有时在起步后加一脚油门后松开,车辆还会继续自动加速。故障诊断:同客户一起试车确认,车辆正常行驶时无任何异常,在等红绿灯时确认发动机转速会忽高忽低,转速在900~960r/min波动,严重时转速会超过1200r/min,确认故障真实存在。将挡位挂在P挡或N挡时,发动机转速立马平稳。 展开更多
关键词 红绿灯 捷豹 发动机转速 行驶里程 VIN 故障诊断 挡位 时转速
作者 戴玲玲 《山东农机化》 1995年第7期20-20,共1页
1.调速齿轮衬套损坏 一台s195型柴油机,大、中、小油门都出现“游车”现象。调运手柄固定在中高速位置时,调速臂在水平方向往复摆动,柴油机发出“啪啦、啪啦”的响声,“
关键词 柴油机转速 小油门 供油量 气门摇臂 气门间隙 气门杆 游车 推力轴承 自动熄火 时转速
Instantaneous rotation speed measurement and error analysis for variable speed hydraulic system 被引量:1
作者 杨彬 谷立臣 +1 位作者 刘永 王平 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS CSCD 2015年第4期315-321,共7页
In order to monitor the working state of piston motor and measure its instantaneous rotation speed accurately, the measuring principle and method of instantaneous rotation speed based on industrial personal computer a... In order to monitor the working state of piston motor and measure its instantaneous rotation speed accurately, the measuring principle and method of instantaneous rotation speed based on industrial personal computer and data acquisition card are introduced, and the major error source, influence mechanism and processing method of data quantization error are dis- cussed. By means of hybrid programming approach of LabVIEW and MATLAB, the instantaneous rotation speed measurement system for the piston motor in variable speed hydraulic system is designed. The simulation and experimental results show that the designed instantaneous speed measurement system is feasible. Furthermore, the sampling frequency has an important influ- ence on the instantaneous rotation speed measurement of piston motor and higher sampling frequency can lower quantization er- ror and improve measurement accuracy. 展开更多
关键词 variable speed hydraulic system instantaneous rotation speed measurement error analysis hybrid programming
High-SpeedReal-TimeDataAcquisitionSystem Realized by Interleaving/Multiplexing Technique 被引量:1
作者 吕洁 莫毅群 罗伟雄 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 2000年第2期183-188,共6页
The interleaving/multiplexing technique was used to realize a 200?MHz real time data acquisition system. Two 100?MHz ADC modules worked parallelly and every ADC plays out data in ping pang fashion. The design improv... The interleaving/multiplexing technique was used to realize a 200?MHz real time data acquisition system. Two 100?MHz ADC modules worked parallelly and every ADC plays out data in ping pang fashion. The design improved the system conversion rata to 200?MHz and reduced the speed of data transporting and storing to 50?MHz. The high speed HDPLD and ECL logic parts were used to control system timing and the memory address. The multi layer print board and the shield were used to decrease interference produced by the high speed circuit. The system timing was designed carefully. The interleaving/multiplexing technique could improve the system conversion rata greatly while reducing the speed of external digital interfaces greatly. The design resolved the difficulties in high speed system effectively. The experiment proved the data acquisition system is stable and accurate. 展开更多
关键词 real-time data acquisition interleaving/multiplexing high-speed AD converter
作者 尹健生 周正濂 《采矿技术》 1989年第25期19-20,共2页
地下矿山使用柴油设备已有50多年了。目前美国地下煤矿有1000多台柴油设备,地下金属矿和非金属矿则有数千台。选择最合适的柴油机是做到低污染高效率的第一步。地下矿用的MWM Diesel、Deutz Airdiesel和CAT 3300PC等机型的柴油机都有预... 地下矿山使用柴油设备已有50多年了。目前美国地下煤矿有1000多台柴油设备,地下金属矿和非金属矿则有数千台。选择最合适的柴油机是做到低污染高效率的第一步。地下矿用的MWM Diesel、Deutz Airdiesel和CAT 3300PC等机型的柴油机都有预燃烧室。这类柴油机要求的通风量为3.07~4.8米~3/分/千瓦。 展开更多
关键词 DIESEL 地下矿 直喷式 通风量 微粒排放 非金属矿 冷却系统 DIESEL 时转速 水套
作者 随风飞行 《车世界》 2005年第7期152-152,共1页
选车年后家里决定买车。我查询了一下具体资料,最后我们将飞度、帕萨特和雅阁作为选择对象。我做了比较,帕萨特外形经典、结实耐用,但1.8T价钱高,2.0的配置又太少;雅阁当时要加价2万,在4S店不加价却要等半年;飞度省油,内部空间不小而且... 选车年后家里决定买车。我查询了一下具体资料,最后我们将飞度、帕萨特和雅阁作为选择对象。我做了比较,帕萨特外形经典、结实耐用,但1.8T价钱高,2.0的配置又太少;雅阁当时要加价2万,在4S店不加价却要等半年;飞度省油,内部空间不小而且变化多、可装超长超高的物品、配置多,品牌及做工也可以。于是,我们挑选了性价比较高的飞度作为我们家的新成员。 展开更多
关键词 飞度 威驰 发动机声音 时转速 倒车雷达 自动变速器 加速力 转弯半径 普桑 一咸
作者 王银川 《佛山陶瓷》 2017年第10期48-48,共1页
1电机不能启动 可能原因:(1)电源未接通;(2)熔丝烧断;(3)过电流继电器调得太小;(4)负载过大;(5)控制设备接线错误。处理方法:(1)检查开关、熔丝,各触点及电动机引出线头,将故障查出修理;(2)查出烧断原因,排除故障,然... 1电机不能启动 可能原因:(1)电源未接通;(2)熔丝烧断;(3)过电流继电器调得太小;(4)负载过大;(5)控制设备接线错误。处理方法:(1)检查开关、熔丝,各触点及电动机引出线头,将故障查出修理;(2)查出烧断原因,排除故障,然后按规格配上熔丝;(3)适当调高继电器电流;(4)加浆;(5)纠正。 展开更多
关键词 过电流继电器 熔丝 处理方法 球磨机 绕线式 电动机 烧断 转子 引出线 时转速
作者 曾宪立 《福建农机》 1994年第1期25-25,共1页
两则柴油机故障1.出油阀偶件磨损有一台S195柴油机熄火后,必须松开高压油管近喷油器端的接头螺母,并摇动柴油机供油,直到油管接头处有油喷出时,再拧紧高压油管,方能起动,后更换出油阀偶件故障排除。原因是当柴油机熄火后,... 两则柴油机故障1.出油阀偶件磨损有一台S195柴油机熄火后,必须松开高压油管近喷油器端的接头螺母,并摇动柴油机供油,直到油管接头处有油喷出时,再拧紧高压油管,方能起动,后更换出油阀偶件故障排除。原因是当柴油机熄火后,由于出油阀关闭不严,使高压油管处柴... 展开更多
关键词 柴油机故障 出油阀偶件 高压油管 针阀偶件 敲缸 油管接头 回油管 自动熄火 故障排除 时转速
作者 李大森 刘树兴 《电力机车与城轨车辆》 1990年第4期50-50,共1页
T6216A落地镗床进给调速故障多,运行不可靠,87年曾进行了一次线路改进,将原电子控制信号改为阻容移相控制,采用了运算放大器,但通过一、二年使用后,还存在调速范围小,电机低速运转时转速不稳定,经常烧坏运算放大器及三相可控硅的导通角... T6216A落地镗床进给调速故障多,运行不可靠,87年曾进行了一次线路改进,将原电子控制信号改为阻容移相控制,采用了运算放大器,但通过一、二年使用后,还存在调速范围小,电机低速运转时转速不稳定,经常烧坏运算放大器及三相可控硅的导通角不一致等问题。经对线路进行分析,找出了五处存在的问题,又作了以下改进。 1.在输入端增加衰减电路,使输入信号经过衰减,分压后达到正常值,符合使用者在刻度盘上能自由调节的要求。 2.运算放大器反馈电路中。 展开更多
关键词 落地镗床 运算放大器 T6216A 反馈电路 移相控制 导通角 控制信号 原电子 输入信号 时转速
《汽车与配件》 1981年第1期73-,共1页
关键词 主要配件 汽车发动机 技术资料 五十铃 最大扭矩 最大功率 转/分 时转速 丽丽 石道
作者 王光洲 华德建 《四川水泥》 2013年第4期138-138,共1页
我公司5000t/d熟料生产线干法预分解窑由直流电动机拖动,电动机型号:ZSN4-450-092,功率:710kW,电压:660V,电流:1140A,转速:1000r/min;控制系统采用ABB公司的DCS800直流调速装置,属典型的速度、电流双闭环模拟控制系统。2011年在公司生... 我公司5000t/d熟料生产线干法预分解窑由直流电动机拖动,电动机型号:ZSN4-450-092,功率:710kW,电压:660V,电流:1140A,转速:1000r/min;控制系统采用ABB公司的DCS800直流调速装置,属典型的速度、电流双闭环模拟控制系统。2011年在公司生产线竣工投产初期,窑主电机电流曾经出现较大波动,当时回转窑正常转速是4.1r/min左右。 展开更多
关键词 直流调速 预分解窑 正常转速 模拟控制系统 直流电动机拖动 电动机型号 电流双闭环 电机电流 时转速
作者 张超 徐威 董永平 《工程机械与维修》 2015年第7期99-99,共1页
1.故障现象为使柴油机能够输出额定功率,需将燃油的进油阻力控制在一定范围内。在对1台大型挖掘机样机进行调试时,调试人员发现该柴油机无载荷、空转时转速正常,挖掘机作业或重载荷时转速下降,挖掘机动作缓慢、无力。2.故障排查根据经验... 1.故障现象为使柴油机能够输出额定功率,需将燃油的进油阻力控制在一定范围内。在对1台大型挖掘机样机进行调试时,调试人员发现该柴油机无载荷、空转时转速正常,挖掘机作业或重载荷时转速下降,挖掘机动作缓慢、无力。2.故障排查根据经验,挖掘机作业或重载荷时柴油机重负荷时掉速且不持续排放黑烟,多是燃油供给不足所致。因此我们将排查重点放在了该挖掘机燃油系统上。 展开更多
关键词 柴油机燃油 故障排查 时转速 重载荷 重负荷 燃油供给 柴油机工 进油 油水分离器 燃油滤清器
作者 胡中建 《工程机械与维修》 2015年第8期103-104,共2页
1.故障现象 1台日立ZAXIS470型挖掘机在使用过程中其柴油机出现动力不足故障,导致无法正常工作。故障表现为以下3个方面:一是日立故障自动检测仪(ET)显示柴油机故障码为1239-1;二是柴油机转速低且运转不稳定(快速空转时转速为1200r... 1.故障现象 1台日立ZAXIS470型挖掘机在使用过程中其柴油机出现动力不足故障,导致无法正常工作。故障表现为以下3个方面:一是日立故障自动检测仪(ET)显示柴油机故障码为1239-1;二是柴油机转速低且运转不稳定(快速空转时转速为1200r/min,低于标准转速1650±50r/min);三是柴油机高速运转时伴有"嗵、嗵"异响,且冒白烟。如图1所示。 展开更多
关键词 柴油机动力 柴油机故障 高压共轨 供油系统 共轨压力 时转速 故障自动检测 燃油喷射 柴油机转速 闭环控制
A new method for high precsion instantaneous speedmeasurement of hydraulic system 被引量:1
作者 LIU Jia-min GU Li-chen SUN Yu 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS CSCD 2019年第4期307-314,共8页
The instantaneous speed of a hydraulic system contains a wealth of operational information,and its accurate extraction is the basis for condition monitoring and fault diagnosis.In order to solve the problem of high ha... The instantaneous speed of a hydraulic system contains a wealth of operational information,and its accurate extraction is the basis for condition monitoring and fault diagnosis.In order to solve the problem of high hardware requirement for instantaneous speed measurement based on data acquisition card,a new method of high precision measurement is proposed.In this method,the time-displacement information of each tooth is obtained from the pulsed square wave signal of the gear disk collected by magnetoelectric sensors.The time-displacement curve is interpolated by the cubic spline interpolation method,and then the instantaneous speed is calculated by the five-point digital differential formula.The experimental results show that the method improves the speed measurement resolution and reduces the quantization error.The high precision instantaneous speed signal can also be acquired by hardware devices with less teeth and low sampling frequency.The related research results provide a theoretical basis and a method for improving the accuracy of instantaneous speed measurement. 展开更多
关键词 instantaneous speed measurement variable speed hydraulic system cubic spline interpolation five-point digital differentiation
Modeling a magneto-rheological soft starter for use with belt conveyors 被引量:2
作者 Tian Zuzhi Hou Youfu 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI 2012年第3期385-389,共5页
The theory of magnetic circuit design, the constitutive equations of a magneto-theological fluid, and the load properties of belt conveyors were used to design a magneto-rheological soft starter test-bed. The magnetic... The theory of magnetic circuit design, the constitutive equations of a magneto-theological fluid, and the load properties of belt conveyors were used to design a magneto-rheological soft starter test-bed. The magnetic field distribution in the working gap was analyzed and the current-speed relationship was investigated. A mathematical model for the time response was deduced. The results show that a linear relationship between current and magnetic field is seen when the magnetic materials are not saturated and the magnetic field is uniform in the working section. The rotation speed of the driven shaft changes linearly with increasing time. The response is rapid and can be as short as milliseconds. This meets the starting requirements of belt conveyors. 展开更多
关键词 Magneto-theological softer starterBelt conveyorsControl modelTime response
Dechlorination of pentachlorophenol by grinding at low rotation speed in short time 被引量:2
作者 许芝 张晓宇 费庆志 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第3期578-582,共5页
In order to apply grinding method for degradation of pentachlorophenol(PCP) to an industrial scale,the proportion of different materials[CaO,SiO_2 and CO(NH_2)_2]and the size of grinding balls were examined.For saving... In order to apply grinding method for degradation of pentachlorophenol(PCP) to an industrial scale,the proportion of different materials[CaO,SiO_2 and CO(NH_2)_2]and the size of grinding balls were examined.For saving energy and increasing dechlorination efficiency,the rotation speed and grinding time were maintained at relatively low values.At a mass ratio of grinding balls to materials(40:1),PCP was added into a big steel jar(300 ml) with other materials to grind at 300 r ·min^(-1)for 5 h.The results indicated that when PCP was mixed with CaO and SiO_2in a molar ratio of 1:60:60,the best dechlorination of 58.4%was achieved.CO(NH_2)_2 could not be used as hydrogen donor in the dehalogenation by mechanochemical reaction,since it restrained the dechlorination process.The size of grinding balls has significant effect on the reaction.The experiment with 5 mm steel balls indicates that the weight is too light to provide appropriate energy for the reaction,while steel balls of 10 and 15 mm could give better dechlorination reaction.It indicates that dechlorination depends on the mass of balls and fill rate. 展开更多
关键词 Dechlorination Pentachlorophenol Rotation speed Grinding time
Prestack migration velocity analysis based on simplified two-parameter moveout equation 被引量:1
作者 陈海峰 李向阳 +2 位作者 钱忠平 宋建军 赵桂玲 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第1期135-144,220,221,共12页
Stacking velocity V_(C2),vertical velocity ratio γ_0,effective velocity ratio γ_(eff),and anisotropic parameter x_(eff) are correlated in the PS-converted-wave(PS-wave) anisotropic prestack Kirchhoff time mi... Stacking velocity V_(C2),vertical velocity ratio γ_0,effective velocity ratio γ_(eff),and anisotropic parameter x_(eff) are correlated in the PS-converted-wave(PS-wave) anisotropic prestack Kirchhoff time migration(PKTM) velocity model and are thus difficult to independently determine.We extended the simplified two-parameter(stacking velocity V_(C2) and anisotropic parameter k_(eff)) moveout equation from stacking velocity analysis to PKTM velocity model updating and formed a new four-parameter(stacking velocity V_(C2),vertical velocity ratio γ_0,effective velocity ratio γ_(eff),and anisotropic parameter k_(eff)) PS-wave anisotropic PKTM velocity model updating and process flow based on the simplified twoparameter moveout equation.In the proposed method,first,the PS-wave two-parameter stacking velocity is analyzed to obtain the anisotropic PKTM initial velocity and anisotropic parameters;then,the velocity and anisotropic parameters are corrected by analyzing the residual moveout on common imaging point gathers after prestack time migration.The vertical velocity ratio γ_0 of the prestack time migration velocity model is obtained with an appropriate method utilizing the P- and PS-wave stacked sections after level calibration.The initial effective velocity ratio γ_(eff) is calculated using the Thomsen(1999) equation in combination with the P-wave velocity analysis;ultimately,the final velocity model of the effective velocity ratio γ_(eff) is obtained by percentage scanning migration.This method simplifies the PS-wave parameter estimation in high-quality imaging,reduces the uncertainty of multiparameter estimations,and obtains good imaging results in practice. 展开更多
关键词 PS-converted-wave PKTM velocity updating two-parameter moveout equation migration imaging
Comparative analysis of residence and diffusion times in rotating bed used for biogas upgrading 被引量:1
作者 Liang Zhang Akiber Chufo Wachemo +2 位作者 Hairong Yuan Yunzhi Pang Xiujin Li 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第10期2148-2152,共5页
Rotating bed can be used in desorption operation of biogas upgrading as a new technology. For enough time to desorb, it is important to study the relationship between the residence time of liquid in rotating bed and t... Rotating bed can be used in desorption operation of biogas upgrading as a new technology. For enough time to desorb, it is important to study the relationship between the residence time of liquid in rotating bed and the material diffusion time of liquid droplet in desorption process. By theoretical deduction, the exponential relation between residence time and liquid flow rate and rotational speed and kinematic viscosity is obtained. By analyzing the solution of nonlinear partial differential equation, the time law of material diffusion in the droplet is obtained. Moreover, by comparing the residence and diffusion times, the diffusion time can be within or out of residence time range, which has a direct relationship to rotational speed and liquid flow. By experiment, the comparison between residence and diffusion times is more realistic when the rotational speed is higher. 展开更多
关键词 Rotating bed Biogas upgrading DESORPTION RESIDENCE Diffusion Mass transfer
Development of a simple RPM measurement system 被引量:2
作者 Akash Kumar Anindya Debnath +4 位作者 Antar Banik Kabirul Islam Mondal Partha Pratim Biswas Rik Bhattacharyya T K Maiti 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS CSCD 2020年第2期193-196,共4页
The design and development of a timer based revolution per minute(RPM)measurement system were described in this paper.The rotating shaft of a dc motor was used to measure the RPM and timer integrated circuit(IC)555 wa... The design and development of a timer based revolution per minute(RPM)measurement system were described in this paper.The rotating shaft of a dc motor was used to measure the RPM and timer integrated circuit(IC)555 was used in astable mode.The frequency of timer output waveform measured by a digital storage oscilloscope(DSO)is almost linearly proportional to the RPM of rotating shaft,and the RPM also linearly varies with the change of the external input voltage level.Hence the linear relationship between the frequency of timer output waveform and the RPM can be obtained.The main advantages of this developed system are linear input-output relationship,small size,easy to carry and cost effective. 展开更多
关键词 IC 555 astable multivibrator RPM measurement
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