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择时针法对冠心病患者血脂的影响 被引量:5
作者 邓玫 张琳 《中医药通报》 2005年第4期28-30,共3页
目的:探讨择时针法对冠心病患者血脂的影响,为子午流注针法的临床应用提供实验依据。方法:将60例冠心病患者随机分为择时针法组(治疗组)与非择时针法组(对照组),取相同穴位针刺治疗1个疗程后,对总胆固醇(TC)、甘油三脂(TG)、载脂蛋白AI(... 目的:探讨择时针法对冠心病患者血脂的影响,为子午流注针法的临床应用提供实验依据。方法:将60例冠心病患者随机分为择时针法组(治疗组)与非择时针法组(对照组),取相同穴位针刺治疗1个疗程后,对总胆固醇(TC)、甘油三脂(TG)、载脂蛋白AI(apoAI)、载脂蛋白B100(apoB100)进行治疗前后比较和组间比较。结果:治疗组TC治疗后明显降低(P<0.01),而各组其他指标治疗后无明显变化(P>0.05);但治疗组治疗后TC、TG、apoB100均明显低于对照组(P<0.01),治疗组治疗后apoAⅠ与对照组无明显差异(P>0.05)。结论:择时针法对降低冠心病患者TC、TG、apoB100有一定作用。 展开更多
关键词 时针法 冠心病 血脂 总胆固醇 甘油三脂 载脂蛋白AI 针刺疗 中医治疗
择时针法治疗冠心病患者ECG的研究 被引量:1
作者 迪亚拉(DIARRA马里籍) 《现代中医》 1998年第1期23-25,共3页
本文系统比较择时针法与非择时法,在治疗冠心病方面的不同作用,并阐述其作用机制,本研究将37例冠心病患者分为择时组、内关组及非择时组。观察比较3种方法对心电图的影响及其机制。结果表明,3组对心电图匀有一定的作用。3组之间相... 本文系统比较择时针法与非择时法,在治疗冠心病方面的不同作用,并阐述其作用机制,本研究将37例冠心病患者分为择时组、内关组及非择时组。观察比较3种方法对心电图的影响及其机制。结果表明,3组对心电图匀有一定的作用。3组之间相比,前2组之间无明显差异,P>0.05;但是与非择时组相比,差异有显著性意义,P<0.05。 展开更多
关键词 时针法 冠心病 心电图 子午流注纳子
作者 赵淑梅 赵怀舟 《天津大学学报(社会科学版)》 2006年第2期115-118,共4页
在前人关于汉字笔画排序实践的基础上,提出了“杂合型汉字逆时针排序法”。该方法在一定程度上可化解当前杂合型汉字在排序上的混乱。而基于上述汉字排序法之上的词语排序法,在局部细节上贯彻字的排序原则的同时,在宏观整体上强调了“... 在前人关于汉字笔画排序实践的基础上,提出了“杂合型汉字逆时针排序法”。该方法在一定程度上可化解当前杂合型汉字在排序上的混乱。而基于上述汉字排序法之上的词语排序法,在局部细节上贯彻字的排序原则的同时,在宏观整体上强调了“词长优先于次字笔画”的原则,在此基础上可以完整描述汉语字、词笔画排序的基本过程。 展开更多
关键词 汉字 笔画顺序 杂合型汉字逆时针排序
顺时针吸吮法治疗产后乳汁淤积的疗效观察 被引量:2
作者 张娜 《当代护士(下旬刊)》 2019年第1期93-95,共3页
目的探讨婴儿顺时针吸吮法治疗产后乳汁淤积的疗效。方法选取2017年1月—2017年12月在本院产科分娩后发生乳汁淤积的产妇180例,采用随机数字表法将其分为观察组和对照组,各90例。观察组按顺时针吸吮法护理,对照组采用普通湿热敷加按摩... 目的探讨婴儿顺时针吸吮法治疗产后乳汁淤积的疗效。方法选取2017年1月—2017年12月在本院产科分娩后发生乳汁淤积的产妇180例,采用随机数字表法将其分为观察组和对照组,各90例。观察组按顺时针吸吮法护理,对照组采用普通湿热敷加按摩与挤奶的护理方法。治疗24小时后,比较两组乳房肿块体积、疼痛评分及乳汁排出量。6个月后,随访母乳喂养及乳腺炎情况。结果观察组乳房肿块缓解总有效率(92.22%vs72.22%)优于对照组,差异有统计学意义(χ~2=10.892,P<0.05);乳房疼痛评分(1.82±0.45vs 2.33±0.35)低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(t=2.891,P<0.05);乳汁排出量(91.11%vs 74.44%)优于对照组,差异有统计学意义(χ~2=12.115,P<0.05);母乳喂养率(90.0%vs 72.2%)高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(χ~2=6.392,P<0.05);乳腺炎发生率(6.7%vs 16.7%)低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(χ~2=9.412,P<0.05)。结论婴儿顺时针吸吮法能缓解产后乳房肿块、提高乳汁排出量、减少产后乳汁淤积、降低乳腺炎发生率,从而有效提高母乳喂养率。 展开更多
关键词 乳汁淤积 时针吸吮 婴儿体位
作者 高国平 《体育师友》 2004年第2期6-7,共2页
关键词 体育教学 体育比赛 奇数单循环 时针轮转 时针轮转 中间轮空逆时针轮转 比较研究
奇数队单循环赛编排中的矛盾—比赛程序中的机会不均等性及其解决办法 被引量:2
作者 陆宜山 《合肥工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 1985年第2期138-144,共7页
前言 在体育竞赛编排工作中,一定要坚持机会均等的原则,平等地对待每一个队、每一个运动员,尽量使他们得到相等的竞赛条件和竞赛强度,要避免出现明显的不均等情况。而在我国现行的体育院校通用球类教科书中,在主要的球类竞赛裁判法中,... 前言 在体育竞赛编排工作中,一定要坚持机会均等的原则,平等地对待每一个队、每一个运动员,尽量使他们得到相等的竞赛条件和竞赛强度,要避免出现明显的不均等情况。而在我国现行的体育院校通用球类教科书中,在主要的球类竞赛裁判法中,都唯一或重点介绍了一种固定1号位,按逆时针方向轮转的奇数队单循环编排方法。实践证明,这种编排方法存在着不少弊病。那么,按编排原则,有没有更好的方法,更科学、更合理地解决奇数队单循环赛编排中机会不均等的矛盾呢?本文主要是为解决这一课题而作的。 展开更多
关键词 单循环 编排 体育竞赛 机会均等 裁判 编排方 时针轮转 球类运动 时针方向 实践证明
作者 王希升 《沈阳体育学院学报》 1985年第2期48-52,共5页
竞赛是体育运动的重要内容之一,是检验教学、训练效果的重要手段,是发现人才、培养人才的有力措施,是信息反馈的主要途径。循环赛是体育竞赛,尤其是球类竞赛所经常采用的基本方法之一。这种方法不仅具备使参赛各队有更多的机会彼此比赛... 竞赛是体育运动的重要内容之一,是检验教学、训练效果的重要手段,是发现人才、培养人才的有力措施,是信息反馈的主要途径。循环赛是体育竞赛,尤其是球类竞赛所经常采用的基本方法之一。这种方法不仅具备使参赛各队有更多的机会彼此比赛、相互学习,而且有比赛成绩比较真实、比赛名次比较准确等优点。但是。 展开更多
关键词 比赛中 循环赛 时针轮转 秩序 确定方 小循环 重要手段 重要内容 检验教学 成绩比较
“逆时针切除法”在完全腹腔镜胰十二指肠切除术中应用的初步体会(附8例报道) 被引量:2
作者 徐进 许维雪 +2 位作者 邢戬 张伟明 王海南 《中国普外基础与临床杂志》 CAS 2017年第9期1090-1094,共5页
目的探讨"逆时针切除法"在完全腹腔镜胰十二指肠切除术中的应用并总结其体会。方法回顾性分析2016年7月至2017年1月期间中国医科大学附属盛京医院胰腺中心收治的8例行完全腹腔镜胰十二指肠切除术患者的临床资料。结果 8例患... 目的探讨"逆时针切除法"在完全腹腔镜胰十二指肠切除术中的应用并总结其体会。方法回顾性分析2016年7月至2017年1月期间中国医科大学附属盛京医院胰腺中心收治的8例行完全腹腔镜胰十二指肠切除术患者的临床资料。结果 8例患者中男3例,女5例;年龄(64.13±15.01)岁。十二指肠癌1例,胆管中下段癌2例,胰头癌4例,胰头巨大实性假乳头状瘤1例。本组8例患者均顺利完成手术,手术时间为(527.50±69.44)min,术中出血量为(368.75±162.43)m L,标本切除时间为(241.25±38.71)min,术后住院时间为(18.67±4.00)d。根据国际胰腺外科研究小组标准,术后发生A级胰瘘3例,B级胰瘘1例;所有患者无围手术期死亡、无术后出血及无胃排空障碍发生,仅有1例患者出现腹腔感染,胰瘘和腹腔感染患者均经保守治疗治愈。所有患者处于正常随访中,现无任何异常情况。结论从本组有限的病例资料初步来看,"逆时针切除法"可能是在完全腹腔镜下一种简便、安全、有效且比较容易掌握的切除法,但这还需要更多的临床实践来验证。 展开更多
关键词 胰十二指肠切除术 腹腔镜 时针切除
三相变压器组别判别教学研讨 被引量:3
作者 王晗 施佺 +1 位作者 吕先洋 张新忪 《电气电子教学学报》 2017年第6期87-90,共4页
三相变压器的组别判断是《交通供配电与照明技术》教材中的重点内容。如何快速、准确地画出变压器两次侧的电压矢量图,是利用"时钟法"进行变压器组别判断的关键所在。为了使非电力专业本科生快速、准确地掌握知识点,本文总结... 三相变压器的组别判断是《交通供配电与照明技术》教材中的重点内容。如何快速、准确地画出变压器两次侧的电压矢量图,是利用"时钟法"进行变压器组别判断的关键所在。为了使非电力专业本科生快速、准确地掌握知识点,本文总结出了一种简单、快速的三相变压器组别判断"5步判别法则"的画法要领。降低了知识点的难度,收到了很好的教学效果。 展开更多
关键词 变压器组别判断 时针法 电压矢量图
赛程编排的数学模型 被引量:1
作者 林李 《广西商业高等专科学校学报》 2003年第4期88-92,共5页
本文对 2 0 0 2年全国大学生数学建模竞赛D题———赛程安排问题进行了分析 ,构建了“逆时针轮转法”的数学模型 ,提供了如何编制赛程的方法。利用“逆时针轮转法”所编制的赛程的间隔场次数上、下限及其相应的评价指标分别就球队数为... 本文对 2 0 0 2年全国大学生数学建模竞赛D题———赛程安排问题进行了分析 ,构建了“逆时针轮转法”的数学模型 ,提供了如何编制赛程的方法。利用“逆时针轮转法”所编制的赛程的间隔场次数上、下限及其相应的评价指标分别就球队数为偶数和奇数的情况进行了讨论 :当球队数N(N 6)为偶数时 ,得到间隔场次数上限为 N2 ,下限为 N2 - 2 ;当球队数 (N 7)为奇数时 ,间隔场次数上限为N - 1 ,下限为N - 52 。最后证明了当球队数N(N 6)为偶数时 ,由“逆时针轮转法”所编制的赛程是最优的。 展开更多
关键词 数学模型 赛程安排问题 时针轮转 间隔场次数 上限 下限
赛程安排 被引量:6
作者 崔凯 杨飞 +1 位作者 张艳 张福利 《工程数学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2003年第5期117-123,共7页
本文通过建立数学模型研究了赛程安排问题。首先,我们运用了"排除-假设法"给出了5支球队参赛的赛程安排, 并使各队每两场比赛中间都至少相隔一场。然后,在公平性的前提下,给出了各队每两场比赛中间间隔的场次数的上限,我们按... 本文通过建立数学模型研究了赛程安排问题。首先,我们运用了"排除-假设法"给出了5支球队参赛的赛程安排, 并使各队每两场比赛中间都至少相隔一场。然后,在公平性的前提下,给出了各队每两场比赛中间间隔的场次数的上限,我们按参赛队的队数N分两种情况讨论:①当N是偶数时,运用"最大号固定右上角逆时针轮转法";②当N是奇数时,运用"最小号固定双向轮转法"。得出的上限公式均为:上限=[(n-3)/2]。最后,考虑到体现公正性指标的不唯一性,我们又在模型优化中给出了其他指标,并用这些指标衡量了我们排出的赛程的优劣。 展开更多
关键词 赛程安排 单循环 数学模型 最大号固定右上角逆时针轮转 最小号固定双向轮转 同余理论
作者 卓伟 许世敏 陈向月 《广西大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 2003年第z2期80-85,共6页
对 2 0 0 2年全国大学生数学建模竞赛 D题——赛程安排问题进行了分析 ,构建了“逆时针轮转法”的数学模型 ,提供了如何编制赛程的方法 .利用“逆时针轮转法”所编制的赛程的间隔场次数上限及其相应的评价指标分别就球队数为偶数和奇数... 对 2 0 0 2年全国大学生数学建模竞赛 D题——赛程安排问题进行了分析 ,构建了“逆时针轮转法”的数学模型 ,提供了如何编制赛程的方法 .利用“逆时针轮转法”所编制的赛程的间隔场次数上限及其相应的评价指标分别就球队数为偶数和奇数的情况进行了讨论 :当球队数 N(N≥ 6)为偶数时 ,得到间隔场次数上限为N2 ;当球队数 N(N≥ 7)为奇数时 ,间隔场次数上限为 N +12 . 展开更多
关键词 数学模型 时针轮转 间隔场次数上限 极端性原则 时针轮转
作者 包飞 梁中 王凤琴 《World Journal of Acupuncture-Moxibustion》 2003年第2期50-54,共5页
Purpose:Observe the effect of different duration of needle-retention on acupuncture treatment of stubborn hiccup. Methods: 85 cases of stubborn hiccup patients are randomly divided into control group (n=40) and treatm... Purpose:Observe the effect of different duration of needle-retention on acupuncture treatment of stubborn hiccup. Methods: 85 cases of stubborn hiccup patients are randomly divided into control group (n=40) and treatment group(n=45) according to their visiting time. For patients of control group, acupuncture needles (in both scalp points and body acupoints) are retained for 30 min, while for patients of treatment group, the needles inserted in the body acupoints are retained for 1 hr, and that inserted in scalp-point is retained for more than 6 hrs. The treatment is conducted once daily, continuously for 5 times. Results: The cure rate of treatment group is 88.9% (that for deficiency syndrome is 85.3%), and that of control group is 65% (that for deficiency syndrome is 53.3%).There is a significant difference between two groups in the cure rate (P<0.05). The cure rates for excess syndrome of two groups both are 100%.Conclusion: Longer retention of acupuncture needle has a better therapeutic effect for deficiency-syndrome type hiccup. 展开更多
关键词 Obstinate hiccup Acupuncture therapy Different duration of needle retention
A Precise Localization Method for a High Speed Mobile Robot Using iGS and Dual Compass
作者 Seo-young HWANG Yo-sub HWANG Jang-myung LEE 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS 2011年第3期276-282,共7页
This paper proposes a precise localization algorithm for a quickly moving mobile robot.In order to localize a mobile robot with active beacon sensors,a relatively long time is needed,since the distance to the beacon i... This paper proposes a precise localization algorithm for a quickly moving mobile robot.In order to localize a mobile robot with active beacon sensors,a relatively long time is needed,since the distance to the beacon is measured by transmitting time of the ultrasonic signal.The measurement time does not cause a high error rate when the mobile robot moves slowly.However,with an increase of the mobile robot’s speed,the localization error becomes too high to use for accurate mobile robot navigation.Therefore,in this research into high speed mobile robot operations,instead of using two active beacons for localization,an active beacon and dual compass are utilized to localize the mobile robot.This new approach resolves the high localization error caused by the speed of the mobile robot.The performance of the precise localization algorithm is verified by comparing it to the conventional method through real-world experiments. 展开更多
关键词 IGS dual compass mobile robot LOCALIZATION
作者 汪鲁沙 刘又香 涂乾 《World Journal of Acupuncture-Moxibustion》 2003年第1期24-29,共6页
Objective: To observe the therapeutic effect of electroacupuncture (EA) of "Zusanli"(ST 36) and "Weishu"(BL 21)on the experimental gastric ulcer in Xu period of a day for analyzing the best opportu... Objective: To observe the therapeutic effect of electroacupuncture (EA) of "Zusanli"(ST 36) and "Weishu"(BL 21)on the experimental gastric ulcer in Xu period of a day for analyzing the best opportunity of acupuncture treatment of gastric ulcer. Methods:49 Wistar rats were randomly divided into ① control group, ② ST 36 Xu group, ③ BL 21 Xu group, ④ ST 36 Chen group, ⑤ BL 21 Chen group, ⑥ ST 36 IT group, and ⑦ BL 21 IT group, with 7 rats in each group. Rat gastric ulcer model was established using intra gastric administration of glacial acetic acid. Gastric mucosal thickness,mucosal muscular defect width,superficial mucosal mucus index (MI),intramucosal MI ,Total MI,plasma 6 keto PGF1α ,serum NO and gastric tissue CGRP concentrations were used as the indexes. The EA treatment was conducted once daily at Xu period (7-9 o’clock in the evening), Chen period (8-10 o’clock in the morning) and irregular time (IT) with 6 days being a therapeutic course, two courses altogether. Results:After EA treatment,①the regenerated mucosal thickness values of the aforementioned 6 EA groups, particularly ST 36 Xu group and BL 21 Xu group, were all apparently higher than that of control group (P<0.05-0.01), while the mucosal muscle layer defect width values of different EA groups, particularly ST 36 Xu group and BL 21 Xu group, were strikingly lower than that of control group (P<0.05-0.01); ②the 3 MI of the 6 EA groups, particularly those of ST 36 Xu group were all significantly higher than those of control group (P<0.05-0.01); ③plasma 6 keto PGF1α contents of the 6 EA groups, particularly those of ST 36 Xu and BL 21 Xu groups, were all significantly higher than that of control group (P<0.05-0.01); ④serum NO and gastric tissue CGRP concentrations of the 6 EA groups, particularly those of ST 36 Xu and BL 21 Xu groups and CGRP concentration of ST 36 Chen group, were all significantly higher than those of control group (P<0.05-0.01);and ⑤there were positive correlation between superficial MI or total MI and NO level (r=0.858, 0.987, P<0.05,and 0.01),and between the superficial mucus index and CGRP concentration (r=0.9051, t=4.68, P<0.01), suggesting that the increase of the secretion function of the regenerated mucosal mucus is related to acupuncture induced increase of release of both NO and CGRP.Conclusion:The therapeutic effect of EA of ST 36 and BL 21 in Xu period is better in the treatment of gastric ulcer,and that of EA of ST 36 is the best. 展开更多
关键词 Gastric ulcer EA at different two hour period in a day Plasma 6 keto PGF1α Serum NO Gastric tissue CGRP
Peripheral facial paralysis treated with acupuncture-moxibustion by stages: a multi-central large-sample randomized controlled trial 被引量:3
作者 李瑛 李妍 +7 位作者 刘立安 赵凌 胡卡明 吴曦 陈晓琴 李桂平 邙玲玲 戚其华 《World Journal of Acupuncture-Moxibustion》 2011年第4期1-7,共7页
Objective To explore the best intervention time of peripheral facial paralysis (Bell' s palsy) treated with acupuncture-moxibustion and the clinical superiority of acupuncture-moxibustion by stages. Methods Multi- ... Objective To explore the best intervention time of peripheral facial paralysis (Bell' s palsy) treated with acupuncture-moxibustion and the clinical superiority of acupuncture-moxibustion by stages. Methods Multi- central large-sample randomized controlled trial was carried out. Nine hundred cases of Bell' s palsy were randomly divided into 5 treatment groups, named as acupuncture by stages group, acupuncture by stages with moxibustion group, acupuncture by stages with electroacupuncture group, acupuncture by stages with line-puncture on muscle region of meridian group and acupuncture without stages group. Four sessions of treatment were required in each group. The clinical curative effects of groups were assessed by House-Brackmann Scale, Facial Disability Index Scale and Degree of Facial Nerve Paralysis Scale during the enrollment, after 4 sessions of treatment, and during 1 and 3 months of follow-up after treatment. The systematic analysis of curative effects was provided in view of the intervention time and nerve localization of disease separately. Results The cure rates of intervention treatment were 50.1% (223/445) in acute stage and 52.1% (162/311) in resting stage, superior to that of 25.9% (35/135) in recovery stage (both P〈0.001). There was no statistically significant differences in comparison of curative effect in 5 solutions at the same stage (all P〉0.05). The effect of treatment intervened at acute stage was superior to that at recovery stage in acupuncture by stages group and acupuncture without stages group (both P〈0.01). There were statistically significant differences in curative effect of the localization above and below chorda tympani nerve in acupuncture by stages with line-puncture on muscle region of meridian group (P〈0.01). The curative effect of the localization below chorda tympani nerve was superior to that above the nerve. Conclusion The best intervention time for Bell' s palsy is at acute stage and resting stage, meaning 1 to 3 weeks after occurrence. All 5 solutions are clinical superiorities to Bell's palsy. Under the condition of limited medical sources, the simple filiform needle puncture is recommended at acute stage. For the patients with the disorder above chorda tympani nerve, line-puncture on muscle region of meridian is not recommended. 展开更多
关键词 Peripheral Facial Paralysis Acupuneture-Moxibustion Therapy Treatment Time Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT)
Analysis of evidence-based clinical practices on timing factor in acupuncture for facial paralysis 被引量:1
作者 张冲 万军 《World Journal of Acupuncture-Moxibustion》 2011年第2期54-59,共6页
Objective By using the evidence-based medicine approach to analyze the optimum timing in acupuncture treatment for facial paralysis, to provide the scientific evidence for acupuncture clinical practices. Methods Compu... Objective By using the evidence-based medicine approach to analyze the optimum timing in acupuncture treatment for facial paralysis, to provide the scientific evidence for acupuncture clinical practices. Methods Computer searches were conducted in the CNKI literature database from January 1994 to August 2009, using the keywords "facial paralysis acupuncture" and "treating opportunity/acupuncture opportunity". According to the standard of Cochrane, the literatures were retrieved and conducted with evidence-based analysis. The SPSS 13.0 software was used for the statistical analysis. Results Among the 133 retrieved literatures which met the inclusion criteria of the study, there were 11 literatures on the effect of acupuncture or electroacupuncture treatment in acute stage observation group and conventional medical treatment group. Using Mann-Whitney U test, the difference of treatment effect is statistically significant (P〈0.001). Conclusion Early intervention in acupuncture treatment for facial paralysis in acute stage can improve the efficacy and promote neurological recovery. In the acute stage, animal experiments and clinical observations provide evidence to support the application of electric needle and traditional acupuncture treatments. 展开更多
关键词 Facial Paralysis Acupuncture Therapy Treatment Opportunity
Clinical Study on Time-effect Relation of Acupuncture for Pain due to Dysmenorrhea 被引量:12
作者 陈少宗 侯文静 +1 位作者 丛茜 韩丑萍 《Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science》 2011年第5期291-294,共4页
Objective: To observe the time-effect relationship of needling a single point or multiple points for pain relief in patients with severe primary dysmenorrhea. Methods: A total of 20 cases with severe primary dysmeno... Objective: To observe the time-effect relationship of needling a single point or multiple points for pain relief in patients with severe primary dysmenorrhea. Methods: A total of 20 cases with severe primary dysmenorrhea were randomly allocated into a group of single point. In each treatment, the needles retained for 30 min and 15 person times were observed in each group. The VAS (Visual Analogue Scale) values were recorded immediately before needling, 5 min, 20 min and 30 min upon insertion, and 30 min, 60 min and 120 min upon withdrawal for statistical analysis. Results: Immediate pain relief occurred following acupuncture and the pain-alleviating effect was incremented within the 30 min of needle retaining. At 20 min upon needle insertion, the pain relief from needling multiple points appeared substantially stronger than needling a single point (P〈0.05) and this effect remained until 2 h after withdraw of the needles. Conclusion: Needling a single point or multiple points can both produce remarkably immediate pain relief for patients with severe primary dysmenorrhea and share similar time-effect relationship. However, needling multiple points showed substantially better effects than needling a single point in a number of time points. 展开更多
关键词 Dysmenorrheal Acupuncture Therapy Time Factor Acupuncture Time-effect Relationship Acupuncture Frequency
Magnetism and Acupuncture 被引量:2
作者 Axel SLOPEK 杨玲 徐瑶 《Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science》 2010年第2期123-129,共7页
Qi as well as its ability to cure ailments can be released without needling by the application of magnetism. Qi-effects are based upon the magnetic force released by magnetic platelets fastened onto acupoints. This pr... Qi as well as its ability to cure ailments can be released without needling by the application of magnetism. Qi-effects are based upon the magnetic force released by magnetic platelets fastened onto acupoints. This property supports and proves one of the definitions of qi which says, that "qi is bio-electrical magnetism" or "qi is defined as any type of energy which is able to demonstrate power and strength. This energy can be electricity, magnetism, heat, or light". Furthermore, it is suggested to use magnet acupuncture parallel to needle acupuncture according to traditional Chinese body acupuncture rules scientifically controlled in order to carry out research on qi and qi-effects. Here it might even be possible to find a quality and even a parameter to measure the intensity of qi-effects, such as by simply measuring the possible change of the heart beat frequency (pulse frequency) before and after application of the needle or magnetic platelet. It is also possible that there is another parameter in existence which will be changed by the impact of qi and acupuncture which still needs to be detected. 展开更多
关键词 Acupuncture Therapy CHRONOTHERAPY QI Body Rhythm
Promotion of Tissue Regeneration with Acupuncture 被引量:3
作者 SLOPEK, Axel 马海涛 《Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science》 2007年第6期377-382,共6页
Acupuncture can promote the regeneration of tissues. That acupuncture therapy can be called “Regenerative Acupuncture”, which is based upon the idea that by the unlimited and universal power of qi the process of cre... Acupuncture can promote the regeneration of tissues. That acupuncture therapy can be called “Regenerative Acupuncture”, which is based upon the idea that by the unlimited and universal power of qi the process of creation can be triggered again, disabled or destroyed physiological functions of organs and tissues can be restored, and even the reconstruction and renewal of a physically disabled or destroyed organ or tissue might be possible. Regenerative Acupuncture, its point selection and its rationale are based on the ancient and modem Chinese acupuncture literature and clinical experiences of the authors. Now this acupuncture method was introduced by one case report. 展开更多
关键词 Acupuncture Therapy Body Rhythm CHRONOTHERAPEUTICS
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