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改进的零差时间间隔法振动幅相特性校准技术 被引量:1
作者 孙桥 于梅 马明德 《计量学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2007年第2期141-145,共5页
详细描述了一种改进的基于虚拟仪器技术的时间间隔法。按照该方法建立的振动幅相特性校准系统,使用普通迈克耳孙激光干涉仪和双通道同步数据采集卡,能够在800 Hz频率范围内实现加速度传感器复灵敏度的精确校准,满足相关国际标准的不确... 详细描述了一种改进的基于虚拟仪器技术的时间间隔法。按照该方法建立的振动幅相特性校准系统,使用普通迈克耳孙激光干涉仪和双通道同步数据采集卡,能够在800 Hz频率范围内实现加速度传感器复灵敏度的精确校准,满足相关国际标准的不确定度指标要求,幅值不确定度0.5%,相移不确定度1°(k=2)。利用加速度仿真试验和振动标准套组比对试验,验证了该改进方法的正确性,并对其相关特性进行了较深入的分析。改进的时间间隔法具有软件算法简单高效、硬件平台通用经济的优势,尤其适于在发展中国家的计量院和国内的激光绝对法振动校准实验室推广应用。 展开更多
关键词 计量学 绝对振动校准 零差激光干涉 时间间隔法 复灵敏度
时间间隔分析法在放射性测量中的应用 被引量:1
作者 张勇 马雄楠 +2 位作者 李园 路小军 张艾明 《核电子学与探测技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第6期739-743,共5页
关键词 时间间隔分析 放射性测量
作者 颜拥军 朱皓 +1 位作者 曹真伟 付德顺 《核电子学与探测技术》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第9期849-852,共4页
介绍了时间间隔分析法测量低水平活度^(220)Rn的装置的设计,该装置基于STM32,由FD-125闪烁室探测器、主放大器电路、信号整形电路及系统软件结构组成。仪器设计根据^(220)Rn级联衰变特性,采用时间间隔分析法对采集到的核脉冲时间序列进... 介绍了时间间隔分析法测量低水平活度^(220)Rn的装置的设计,该装置基于STM32,由FD-125闪烁室探测器、主放大器电路、信号整形电路及系统软件结构组成。仪器设计根据^(220)Rn级联衰变特性,采用时间间隔分析法对采集到的核脉冲时间序列进行时间间隔分析。开展了对标准^(220)Rn源单独及混合场的测量实验研究,其结果相对偏差分别在5%、9%以内。 展开更多
关键词 STM32 FD-125 时间间隔分析 低活度220Rn
作者 黄倩 《中州煤炭》 2016年第7期102-105,共4页
分析了激光测距、电缆故障定位、超声波测距等仪器仪表中用直接时间间隔测量时测量精度与计时时间精度的关系,提出了计时精度提高与硬件电路设计、硬件成本控制之间的矛盾;对比了直接时间测量采用直接计数法、时间间隔扩展法、时间—幅... 分析了激光测距、电缆故障定位、超声波测距等仪器仪表中用直接时间间隔测量时测量精度与计时时间精度的关系,提出了计时精度提高与硬件电路设计、硬件成本控制之间的矛盾;对比了直接时间测量采用直接计数法、时间间隔扩展法、时间—幅度转换法、延迟线内插法、游标卡尺计时法的优缺点,从中优选出游标卡尺计时法;结合现场可编程逻辑阵列(FPGA)用主频100 MHz的硬件电路实现了计时精度高达60 ps的实用方案;最后把它应用于电缆故障定位,将定位精度从0.5 m提高到0.008 9 m。 展开更多
关键词 直接时间间隔测量 时间间隔扩展 延迟线内插 游标卡尺计时 FPGA
极端降雨事件对南方红壤区径流和输沙的影响——基于赣江支流濂江上游流域的长序列分析(1984-2020年) 被引量:1
作者 赵利祥 郭忠录 +2 位作者 聂小飞 廖凯涛 郑海金 《湖泊科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第6期2133-2143,共11页
为探究极端降雨对南方红壤区流域水沙的影响,本文基于江西省鄱阳湖水系赣江上游濂江流域1984—2020年逐日降雨量、径流量和输沙量数据,使用95百分位法计算极端降雨,并采用最小事件间隔时间法分割降雨事件,综合应用Pettitt检验和线性回... 为探究极端降雨对南方红壤区流域水沙的影响,本文基于江西省鄱阳湖水系赣江上游濂江流域1984—2020年逐日降雨量、径流量和输沙量数据,使用95百分位法计算极端降雨,并采用最小事件间隔时间法分割降雨事件,综合应用Pettitt检验和线性回归方法对水沙突变、影响因子进行定量分析。结果表明:(1)发生极端降雨事件的时期是流域泥沙输出的关键时期,极端降雨对输沙量的贡献率达85.58%~87.79%,而对径流量的贡献为38.33%~43.42%。(2)在极端降雨情景下,年径流量从1984—1995年的209.21×10^(6)m^(3)下降到1996—2020年的165.23×10^(6)m^(3),而年输沙量从1984—1995年的3.65×10^(4)t增加到1996—2020年的12.8×10^(4)t,相比于1984—1995年,1996—2020年的极端降雨所产生的径流量和输沙量占比有缩小趋势,分别表现为从43.42%到38.33%和从87.79%到85.58%。(3)极端降雨情景下影响流域水沙变化的主要因子是降雨量,其标准化回归系数为0.39~0.57,而普通降雨情景下水沙变化主要受前期降雨量的影响,其标准化回归系数为0.10~0.29。(4)仅对极端降雨而言,相比于1984—1995年,1996—2020年前期降雨量对径流量和输沙量的标准化回归系数均有所上升,分别从0.33提高到0.36、从0.12提高到0.17,即前期降雨量的作用在“径流减少,输沙增多”时期对水沙变化的影响更明显。因此,在制定流域管理策略时应重视极端降雨对水沙变化的影响,以确保措施切实可行。 展开更多
关键词 最小事件间隔时间 降雨特征参数 径流量 输沙量 赣江 濂江流域
2~50kHz高频振动幅值和相位基准的研究 被引量:6
作者 于梅 左爱斌 +3 位作者 孙桥 杨丽峰 刘爱东 马明德 《计量学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第3期216-221,共6页
在外差激光干涉原理的基础上,提出了改进的外差正弦逼近法和基于波峰波谷的外差时间间隔法,研制了Mach-Zehnder外差式激光干涉仪和信号调理仪,构建了PXI虚拟仪器测量系统,在压电高频(2~50 kHz)振动台上,实现了1~500 nm振幅范围内的... 在外差激光干涉原理的基础上,提出了改进的外差正弦逼近法和基于波峰波谷的外差时间间隔法,研制了Mach-Zehnder外差式激光干涉仪和信号调理仪,构建了PXI虚拟仪器测量系统,在压电高频(2~50 kHz)振动台上,实现了1~500 nm振幅范围内的纳米级振动传感器灵敏度幅值和相移的测量,建立了国家高频振动幅值和相位基准,并在2~10 kHz频率范围内完成中国计量科学研究院(NIM)与德国物理技术研究院(PTB)的国际比对。 展开更多
关键词 计量学 高频振动幅值和相位基准 外差激光干涉 改进的正弦逼近 基于波峰波谷的时间间隔法 压电高频振动台
电子计数器检定电秒表的分析 被引量:1
作者 蒋素清 韩锡林 《宇航计测技术》 CSCD 北大核心 1989年第1期44-47,共4页
关键词 电子计数器 电子毫秒表 时间间隔法
一种采用GPS技术的频率标准源的研制 被引量:4
作者 朱立锋 赵宇 李宇锋 《电气电子教学学报》 2003年第3期40-43,共4页
简要介绍了 GPS系统的组成及各部分的主要功能 ,详述了一种采用 GPS技术研制的频率标准源的系统构成及各组成部分的工作原理。分析了 GPS系统定位误差的因素 ,重点阐述了采取 GPS技术引起频率误差的主要因素 ,并推算出测量不确定度。给... 简要介绍了 GPS系统的组成及各部分的主要功能 ,详述了一种采用 GPS技术研制的频率标准源的系统构成及各组成部分的工作原理。分析了 GPS系统定位误差的因素 ,重点阐述了采取 GPS技术引起频率误差的主要因素 ,并推算出测量不确定度。给出用比相法和时间间隔法对频率标准源进行比对测试的方法和所用的测试设备 ,对测试结果进行了合理的评价。 展开更多
关键词 GPS 频率标准源 比相 时间间隔法 测量不确定度 定位误差 频率误差
一种采用TIM测量原理的智能探头在环境γ辐射监测中的测量和报警统计特性 被引量:3
作者 吴德强 郑平子 《辐射防护》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第1期40-49,共10页
芬兰RADOS公司研制的RD-02型智能探头,是一种用GM计数管作传感器、用脉冲时间间隔法(TIM)监测γ、X辐射剂量率的探头。本文着重对这种智能探头在环境γ、X辐射剂量率监测中的测量和报警统计特性作了分析计算,并指出了该探头用于环境γ... 芬兰RADOS公司研制的RD-02型智能探头,是一种用GM计数管作传感器、用脉冲时间间隔法(TIM)监测γ、X辐射剂量率的探头。本文着重对这种智能探头在环境γ、X辐射剂量率监测中的测量和报警统计特性作了分析计算,并指出了该探头用于环境γ辐射剂量率监测时应当注意的几个问题。本文还建议在核辐射测量及其应用方面对采用时间间隔法予以关注和研究。 展开更多
关键词 环境Γ辐射 监测 时间间隔法(TIM) 智能探头 统计特性
FPGA-based High-precision Measurement Algorithm for the Ultrasonic Echo Time of Flight 被引量:3
作者 王伯雄 张金 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS 2010年第2期103-107,共5页
Based on the evaluation of advantages and disadvantages of high-precision digital time interval measuring algorithms, and combined with the principle of the typical time-difference ultrasonic flow measurement, the req... Based on the evaluation of advantages and disadvantages of high-precision digital time interval measuring algorithms, and combined with the principle of the typical time-difference ultrasonic flow measurement, the requirements for the measurement of echo time of flight put forward by the ultrasonic flow measurement are analyzed. A new high-precision time interval measurement algorithm is presented, which combines the pulse counting method with the phase delay interpolation. The pulse counting method is used to ensure a large dynamic measuring range, and a double-edge triggering counter is designed to improve the accuracy and reduce the counting quantization error. The phase delay interpolation is used to reduce the quantization error of pulse counting for further improving the time measurement resolution. Test data show that the systexn for the measurement of the ultrasonic echo time of flight based on this algorithm and implemented on an Field Programmable Gate Army(FleA) needs a relatively short time for measurement, and has a measurement error of less than 105 ps. 展开更多
关键词 ultrasonic flow measurement time of flight phase delay interpolation
Novel Control Vector Parameterization Method with Differential Evolution Algorithm and Its Application in Dynamic Optimization of Chemical Processes 被引量:2
作者 孙帆 钟伟民 +1 位作者 程辉 钱锋 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第1期64-71,共8页
Two general approaches are adopted in solving dynamic optimization problems in chemical processes, namely, the analytical and numerical methods. The numerical method, which is based on heuristic algorithms, has been w... Two general approaches are adopted in solving dynamic optimization problems in chemical processes, namely, the analytical and numerical methods. The numerical method, which is based on heuristic algorithms, has been widely used. An approach that combines differential evolution (DE) algorithm and control vector parameteri- zation (CVP) is proposed in this paper. In the proposed CVP, control variables are approximated with polynomials based on state variables and time in the entire time interval. Region reduction strategy is used in DE to reduce the width of the search region, which improves the computing efficiency. The results of the case studies demonstrate the feasibility and efficiency of the oroposed methods. 展开更多
关键词 control vector pararneterization differential evolution algorithm dynamic optimization chemical processes
作者 罗强 陈军华 《电气技术》 2019年第S01期24-30,共7页
能力计算与利用是铁路运输研究的核心,重载铁路因其大运量、长运距、多制式等特点,其能力计算问题备受关注。现行的扣除系数法等传统能力计算方法在实际操作过程中表现出很大的不适应性,如扣除标准难以确定、实绩图平图特征不强,进而影... 能力计算与利用是铁路运输研究的核心,重载铁路因其大运量、长运距、多制式等特点,其能力计算问题备受关注。现行的扣除系数法等传统能力计算方法在实际操作过程中表现出很大的不适应性,如扣除标准难以确定、实绩图平图特征不强,进而影响了计算结果的精度。本文借鉴平均最小列车间隔时间法,结合大数据应用,提出了一套适用于重载铁路区间通过能力测算的方法。以典型重载铁路包神南线为例,应用该套测算方法对各区间通过能力进行了测算,结果较为可靠,并得到现场认可。 展开更多
关键词 能力计算 重载铁路 数据分析处理 平均最小列车间隔时间
Estimation of the Gauging and the Calibration Time Interval for the Modern Total Stations
作者 Evangelia Lambrou Antonios Antonakakis 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2015年第10期1210-1216,共7页
The modern TSs (total stations) have reached a very high level in the provided reading and reliability (accuracy and precision) of their measurements. The evolution of the digital technology has helped in this dir... The modern TSs (total stations) have reached a very high level in the provided reading and reliability (accuracy and precision) of their measurements. The evolution of the digital technology has helped in this direction. Thus, the TSs can support all requirements for the stake out and monitoring of modern survey engineering and constructions projects. Their complicated manufacturing process and the sensitivity of their components require gauging, adjusting and calibration at certain time intervals. This appears to be the only way in order to assure the precision of measurements provided by the manufacturer and the reliability of the works they are used for. The goal of this paper is to propose a method for the estimation of the gauging time interval for modern YSs. which could be used by any user. More specifically, the indispensable need for the TSs gauging is elevated and documented. All the parameters that influence their operation are registered. A model expressed by a scale of grades is defined, leading thus to an equation for the calculation of the time interval for the next needed gauging and calibration. 展开更多
关键词 Total station metrological check gauging CALIBRATION time interval.
Design of Intersample Response in a Hard Disk Control System
作者 Takao Sato Yoshiki Hattori Nozomu Araki Yasuo Konishi 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2012年第7期405-410,共6页
The present paper discusses a design method for the head position in a Hard Disk Drive (HDD) control system. In the HDD control system, the sampling interval of the head position is constrained because of the hardwa... The present paper discusses a design method for the head position in a Hard Disk Drive (HDD) control system. In the HDD control system, the sampling interval of the head position is constrained because of the hardware specifications, but the hold interval of the control input is not constrained. In the present study, a multirate control system is designed, in which the sampling and the hold intervals are not equal. A multirate control law, which stabilizes a closed-loop system, is extended using newly introduced parameters such that the sample response of the plant output is maintained. Furthermore, intersample ripples in the steady state are eliminated using the new design parameters, which can be selected independently of the sample response. As a result, the intersample response can be improved independently of the sample response. The proposed method is applied to a benchmark problem of an HDD system, and its effectiveness is demonstrated. 展开更多
关键词 Multirate control system single-rate control system hard disk drive state-space representation intersample response sample response pole assignment.
The Interval Graph Completion Problem for the Complete Multipartite Graphs
作者 ZHANG Zhen-kun HOU Ya-lin 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 2009年第2期290-297,共8页
The interval graph completion problem of a graph G includes two class problems: the profile problem and the pathwidth problem, denoted as P(G) and PW(G) respectively, where the profile problem is to find an inter... The interval graph completion problem of a graph G includes two class problems: the profile problem and the pathwidth problem, denoted as P(G) and PW(G) respectively, where the profile problem is to find an interval supergraph with the smallest possible number of edges; the pathwidth problem is to find an interval supergraph with the smallest possible cliquesize. These two class problems have important applications to numerical algebra, VLSI- layout and algorithm graph theory respectively; And they are known to be NP-complete for general graphs. Some classes of special graphs have been investigated in the literatures. In this paper the exact solutions of the profile and the pathwidth of the complete multipartite graph Kn1,n2,...nr (r≥ 2) are determined. 展开更多
关键词 the interval graph PROFILE PATHWIDTH the complete multipartite graph
Records Method for the Natural Disasters Application to the Storm Events
作者 Z. Khraibani H.M. Badran H. Khraibani 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2011年第5期643-651,共9页
Let {Tn } be a renewal process in R+ representing the successive arrival times of some natural events. We studied this process by using a record process approach under the assumption that the interarrival times T,, =... Let {Tn } be a renewal process in R+ representing the successive arrival times of some natural events. We studied this process by using a record process approach under the assumption that the interarrival times T,, = Tn, - Ta-1, n = 1, 2...are exponentially i.i.d (independent and identically distributed). The goal is to test that the first observed events are sporadic events. For testing the hypothesis "sporadic" we used the non-parametric test based on the probability distribution of the statistic of the number of records N, among{Xx }k-1= where Xk = (ΔTk)-1. We showed that it is independent of the cumulative distribution of the observations and that it is exactly calculated for each n. We illustrated this statistic on a simulated trajectory and we compared it with descriptive smoothing methods. We studied an application to a data set as storms in France and US. 展开更多
关键词 Statistical inference number of records smoothing methods SPORADIC storm.
Suppression to the cross-channel interference based on the short time Fourier transform
作者 何密 Nian Yongjian +1 位作者 Li Yongzhen Xiao Shunping 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2013年第3期309-314,共6页
A new cross-channel interference suppression method is proposed to decrease the cross-channel interference in beat signals based on the short time Fourier transform (STY3") and the inverse short time Fourier transf... A new cross-channel interference suppression method is proposed to decrease the cross-channel interference in beat signals based on the short time Fourier transform (STY3") and the inverse short time Fourier transform (ISTFT) when the dual-orthogonal polarimetric frequency-modulated continu- ous wave (FMCW) radar adopts the opposite-slope linear frequency modulation signal pair in the simultaneous measurement mode. The STFT is applied only on the signals in the cross-interference intervals in the four polarimetric channels to decrease the computation complexity. A mask matrix for suppressing the interference is constructed using the constant false alarm ratio (CFAR) detection on the spectrograms by the STFY. The simulative results show that the cross-channel interference is effi- ciently suppressed by the proposed method. The comparison between the proposed method and the rejection method verifies the improved performance of the proposed method. 展开更多
关键词 simultaneous measurement cross-channel interference suppression the short timeFourier transform (STFT) the inverse short time Fourier transform (ISTFT)
Formal verification with projection temporal logic
作者 TIAN Cong DUAN ZhenHua 《Science Foundation in China》 CAS 2014年第2期37-54,共18页
Projection temporal logic(PTL) is an extension of interval temporal logic(ITL) with a new projection operator prj and infinite intervals which has been well investigated in the past ten years.In this paper,we review t... Projection temporal logic(PTL) is an extension of interval temporal logic(ITL) with a new projection operator prj and infinite intervals which has been well investigated in the past ten years.In this paper,we review the work on PTL in four aspects:(1) decidability,complexity and expressiveness of propositional PTL(PPTL);(2) modeling,simulation and verification language(MSVL);(3) formal verification approaches with MSVL and PPTL;and(4) supporting toolkit MSV. 展开更多
关键词 Projection temporal logic MODELING VERIFICATION SEMANTICS Model checking
作者 A. GOMEZ-CORRAL M. LOPEZ GARCLA 《International Journal of Biomathematics》 2013年第2期19-46,共28页
We are concerned with the problem of characterizing the distribution of the maximum number of individuals alive during a fixed time interval in host-parasitoid models, which is shown to have a matrix exponential form.... We are concerned with the problem of characterizing the distribution of the maximum number of individuals alive during a fixed time interval in host-parasitoid models, which is shown to have a matrix exponential form. We present simple conditions on the rates of change of population sizes for the matrix exponential solution to be explicit or algo- rithmically tractable. A particularly appealing feature of our solution based on splitting methods is that it allows us to obtain global error control. 展开更多
关键词 Eigenvalues/eigenvectors host parasitoid model Markov chain maximumsize.
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